changeset 26:acdbc67b204a draft

Deleted selected files
author pavlo-lutsik
date Wed, 03 Jul 2013 04:36:00 -0400 (2013-07-03)
parents 6f4321495d9d
children 8e9707e719a3
files RnBeadsGalaxy.R galaxy_faq.docx install.rnbeads.R rnbeads.xml rnbeads_repos.txt.sample tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample tool_dependencies.xml
diffstat 8 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 761 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/RnBeadsGalaxy.R	Wed Jul 03 04:35:40 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-#msg.file<-file("RnBeads.messages.out", open="w")
-#all.opts<-paste("--", all.opts, sep="")
-#all.opts<-gsub("\\.([a-z])", "\\U\\1", all.opts, perl=TRUE)
-all.opts<-gsub("\\.","-", all.opts)
-#opt.class<-sapply(rnb.options(), class)
-		Long=all.opts, 
-		Short=as.character(1:length(all.opts)), 
-		Mask=c(1,2)[as.integer((opt.class=="logical"))+1], 
-		Type=opt.class)
-### automated xml file preparation
-#xml.strings<-apply(rnb.opt.spec,1, function(row){
-#			opt.lab<-gsub("-", ".", row[1])
-#			opt.def.val<-rnb.getOption(opt.lab)
-#<-gsub("-([0-9a-z])", "\\U\\1", row[1], perl=TRUE)
-#			tf.opt<-"\t\t\t<option value=\"True\">True</option>\n\t\t\t<option value=\"False\">False</option>"
-#			opt.lab<-paste(opt.lab, gsub("\\."," ", row[4]), sep=", ")
-#			if(row[4]=="logical"){
-#				opt.type<-'select'
-#				if(!is.null(opt.def.val) && opt.def.val)
-#					opt.def.val<-"1" else
-#					opt.def.val<-"0"
-#				string<-sprintf("\t\t<param name=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" label=\"%s\" value=\"%s\">\n%s\n\t\t</param>\n",, opt.type, opt.lab, opt.def.val, tf.opt)
-#			}else{
-#				opt.type<-'text'
-#				if(!is.null(opt.def.val) && opt.def.val!="")
-#					opt.def.val<-paste(opt.def.val, collapse=",") else
-#					opt.def.val<-""
-#				string<-sprintf("\t\t<param name=\"%s\" type=\"%s\"  label=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n",, opt.type, opt.lab, opt.def.val)
-#			}
-#			string
-#		})
-#cat(xml.strings, sep="", file="automated.settings.xml.txt")
-#opt.def.strings<-apply(rnb.opt.spec,1, function(row){
-#<-gsub("-([0-9a-z])", "\\U\\1", row[1], perl=TRUE)
-#			opt.long<-row[1]
-#			opt.short<-row[2]
-#			if(row[4]=="logical"){
-#				def.string<-sprintf("#if str( $options.%s ) == \"True\"\n\t--%s\n#end if\n",, opt.long)		
-#			}else{
-#				def.string<-sprintf("#if str( $options.%s ) != \"\"\n\t--%s=\"$options.%s\" \n#end if\n",, opt.long,
-#			}
-#			def.string
-#		})
-#cat(opt.def.strings, sep="", file="automated.option.assignments.txt")
-rnb.opt.spec$Type<-gsub("\\.vector", "", rnb.opt.spec$Type)
-rnb.opt.spec$Type<-gsub("numeric", "double", rnb.opt.spec$Type)
-				Long=c("data-type", "pheno", "idat-dir","idat-files","bed-files", "gs-report", "geo-series", "betas", "pvals","output-file", "report-dir"),
-				Short=c("d","s","a","i","f","g","e","b","p","r","o"),
-				Mask=c(1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1),
-				Type=c("character","character","character","character","character","character","character","character","character","character", "character")),
-				rnb.opt.spec)
-#opts<-getopt(as.matrix(rnb.opt.spec), opt=list("--data-type=idats","--report-dir=dir", "--idats=file1\tfile2"))
-	data.source<-list()
-	data.type<-"idat.dir"
-	data.source[["idat.dir"]]<-opts[["idat-dir"]]
-	data.source[["sample.sheet"]]<-opts[["pheno"]]
-}else if(opts[["data-type"]]=="idatFiles"){
-	data.type<-"idat.dir"
-	file.string<-gsub(" ","", opts[["idat-files"]])
-	files<-strsplit(file.string, ",")[[1]]
-	files<-files[files!=""]
-	bed.dir<-sprintf("%s_beds",opts[["report-dir"]])
-	dir.create(bed.dir)
-	file.copy(files, bed.dir)
-	for(dat.file in list.files(bed.dir, full.names = TRUE)){
-		file.rename(dat.file, gsub("\\.dat", ".bed", dat.file))
-	}
-	data.source<-list()
-	data.source[["bed.dir"]]<-bed.dir
-	data.source[["sample.sheet"]]<-opts[["pheno"]]
-}else if(opts[["data-type"]]==""){
-	data.type<-""
-	data.source<-opts[["gs-report"]]
-}else if(opts[["data-type"]]=="GEO"){
-	data.type<-"GEO"
-	data.source<-opts[["geo-series"]]
-}else if(opts[["data-type"]]=="data.files"){
-	data.type<-"GEO"
-	data.source<-opts[["geo-series"]]
-}else if(opts[["data-type"]]=="data.files"){
-	data.type<-"data.files"
-	data.source<-c(opts[["pheno"]], opts[["betas"]])
-	if(!is.null(opts[["pvals"]]))
-		data.source<-c(data.source, opts[["pvals"]])
-}else if(opts[["data-type"]]=="bed.dir"){
-	data.type<-"bed.dir"
-	file.string<-gsub(" ","", opts[["bed-files"]])
-	files<-strsplit(file.string, ",")[[1]]
-	files<-files[files!=""]
-	bed.dir<-sprintf("%s_beds",opts[["report-dir"]])
-	dir.create(bed.dir)
-	file.copy(files, bed.dir)
-	for(dat.file in list.files(bed.dir, full.names = TRUE)){
-		file.rename(dat.file, gsub("\\.dat", ".bed", dat.file))
-	}
-	data.source<-list()
-	data.source[["bed.dir"]]<-bed.dir
-	logger.start(fname="NA")
-	sample.sheet<[["pheno"]])
-	logger.close()
-	if(length(files) < nrow(sample.sheet))
-		stop("Not all bed files are present")
-	cn<-colnames(sample.sheet)
-	dat.files<-sapply(strsplit(files, "\\/"), function(el) el[length(el)])
-	sample.sheet<-cbind(sample.sheet, gsub("\\.dat", ".bed", dat.files))
-	colnames(sample.sheet)<-c(cn, "BED_files")
-	data.source[["sample.sheet"]]<-sample.sheet
-if("logging" %in% names(opts)){ # TODO create a cleaner way of checking whether the full options set was supplied
-	dump<-sapply(names(opt.class), function(on){
-		getoptname<-gsub("-", "\\.","-",on)
-		if(getoptname %in% names(opts)){
-			if(opt.class[on]=="logical"){
-				ov<-TRUE
-			}else if(opt.class %in% c("character","character.vector")){
-				ov<-opts[[getoptname]]
-				ov<-gsub("\"", "", ov)
-				if(opt.class=="character.vector"){
-					ov<-as.character(strsplit(ov,","))
-				}
-			}else if(opt.class %in% c("integer","numeric","integer.vector","numeric.vector")){
-				ov<-opts[[getoptname]]
-				ov<-gsub("\"", "", ov)
-				if(opt.class %in% c("integer.vector","numeric.vector")){
-					ov<-as.character(strsplit(ov,","))
-				}
-			}
-			eval(parse(text=sprintf("rnb.options(%s=ov)",on)))
-		}
-	})
-	logical.opts<-names(opt.class[opt.class=="logical"])
-	logical.opts.false<-logical.opts[!logical.opts %in% gsub("-",".",names(opts))]
-	dump<-sapply(logical.opts.false, function(on){
-				eval(parse(text=sprintf("rnb.options(%s=FALSE)",on)))	
-			})
-#report.out.dir<-sprintf("%s_rnbReport", tempdir())
-print("Starting RnBeads with the following inputs:")
-print(data.type),, data.type=data.type)
\ No newline at end of file
Binary file galaxy_faq.docx has changed
--- a/install.rnbeads.R	Wed Jul 03 04:35:40 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/rnbeads.xml	Wed Jul 03 04:35:40 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="0.9"?>
-<tool id="rnbeads" name="RnBeads" version="0.9">
-  <description>Performs RnBeads analysis for the selected set of </description>
-  <requirements>
-    <requirement type="set_environment" version="0.9">R_SCRIPTS_PATH</requirement>
-    <requirement type="package" version="3.0.0">R</requirement>
-  </requirements>
-  <command interpreter="bash">
-  		--report-dir="$html_file.extra_files_path"
-      	--output-file="$html_file"
-      #if str( $inputDataSelector.dataType ) == "idats"  
-      	--pheno="$inputDataSelector.sampleAnnotations"
-      #end if
-      #if str( $inputDataSelector.dataType ) != "idats"
-      	#pass
-      #else if str( $inputDataSelector.idatSelector.idatSource ) == "history"
-      	--data-type="idatFiles"
-      	#set $idatList=""
-      	#for $input_file in $inputDataSelector.idatSelector.idatSeries:
-    		#set $idatList+=str( $input_file.idatFile )
-    		#set $idatList+=","				
-    	#end for
-    	--idat-files="$idatList"
-      #else:
-      		--data-type="idatDir"
-      		--idat-dir="$inputDataSelector.idatSelector.idatRepo.fields.path"
-      #end if
-      #if str( $inputDataSelector.dataType ) == "gsreport"
-      	--data-type=""
-      	--gs-report="$inputDataSelector.gsReportFile"
-      #end if
-      #if str( $inputDataSelector.dataType ) == "geo"
-      	--data-type="GEO"
-      	--geo-series=$inputDataSelector.geoSeries
-      #end if
-      #if str( $inputDataSelector.dataType ) == "tables"
-        --data-type="data.files"
-        --pheno="$inputDataSelector.sampleAnnotations"
-      #end if
-      #if str( $inputDataSelector.dataType ) == "tables"
-      	--data-type="data.files"
-      	--pheno="$inputDataSelector.sampleAnnotations"
-      	--betas="$inputDataSelector.betaTable"
-      	--pvals="$inputDataSelector.pvalTable"
-      #end if
-      #if str( $inputDataSelector.dataType ) == "bed"
-        --data-type="bed.dir"
-      	--pheno="$inputDataSelector.sampleAnnotations"
-        #set $bedList=""
-      	#for $input_file in $inputDataSelector.bedSeries:
-    		#set $bedList+=str( $input_file.bedFile )
-    		#set $bedList+=","				
-    	#end for
-    	--bed-files="$bedList"
-      #end if
-      #if str( $options.optionSet ) == "full"
-      #if str( $options.analysisName ) != ""
-					--analysis-name="$options.analysisName" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.logging ) == "True"
-					--logging
-				#end if
-				#if str( $ ) != ""
-					--email="$" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.assembly ) != ""
-					--assembly="$options.assembly" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.analyzeSites ) == "True"
-					--analyze-sites
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.regionTypes ) != ""
-					--region-types="$options.regionTypes" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.identifiersColumn ) != ""
-					--identifiers-column="$options.identifiersColumn" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.pointsCategory ) != ""
-					--points-category="$options.pointsCategory" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.colorsCategory ) != ""
-					--colors-category="$options.colorsCategory" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.colorsGradient ) != ""
-					--colors-gradient="$options.colorsGradient" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.minGroupSize ) != ""
-					--min-group-size="$options.minGroupSize" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.maxGroupCount ) != ""
-					--max-group-count="$options.maxGroupCount" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.gzLargeFiles ) == "True"
-					--gz-large-files
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.strandSpecific ) == "True"
-					--strand-specific
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.replicateIdColumn ) != ""
-					--replicate-id-column="$options.replicateIdColumn" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.loadingNormalization ) == "True"
-					--loading-normalization
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.loadingDefaultDataType ) != ""
-					--loading-default-data-type="$options.loadingDefaultDataType" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.loadingTableSeparator ) != ""
-					--loading-table-separator="$options.loadingTableSeparator" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.loadingBedStyle ) != ""
-					--loading-bed-style="$options.loadingBedStyle" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.loadingBedColumns ) != ""
-					--loading-bed-columns="$options.loadingBedColumns" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.loadingBedFrameShift ) != ""
-					--loading-bed-frame-shift="$options.loadingBedFrameShift" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.normalizationMethod ) != ""
-					--normalization-method="$options.normalizationMethod" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.normalizationSubtractBackground ) == "True"
-					--normalization-subtract-background
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.qc ) == "True"
-					--qc
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.qcBoxplots ) == "True"
-					--qc-boxplots
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.qcBarplots ) == "True"
-					--qc-barplots
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.qcNegativeBoxplot ) == "True"
-					--qc-negative-boxplot
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.qcSnpHeatmap ) == "True"
-					--qc-snp-heatmap
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.qcSnpBoxplot ) == "True"
-					--qc-snp-boxplot
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.qcSnpBarplot ) == "True"
-					--qc-snp-barplot
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.qcSampleBatchSize ) != ""
-					--qc-sample-batch-size="$options.qcSampleBatchSize" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringContextRemoval ) != ""
-					--filtering-context-removal="$options.filteringContextRemoval" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringSnp ) == "True"
-					--filtering-snp
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringSnpFrequency ) != ""
-					--filtering-snp-frequency="$options.filteringSnpFrequency" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringSnpAccepted ) != ""
-					--filtering-snp-accepted="$options.filteringSnpAccepted" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringSexChromosomesRemoval ) == "True"
-					--filtering-sex-chromosomes-removal
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringMissingValueQuantile ) != ""
-					--filtering-missing-value-quantile="$options.filteringMissingValueQuantile" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringCoverageThreshold ) != ""
-					--filtering-coverage-threshold="$options.filteringCoverageThreshold" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringLowCoverageMasking ) == "True"
-					--filtering-low-coverage-masking
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringHighCoverageOutliers ) == "True"
-					--filtering-high-coverage-outliers
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringGreedycut ) == "True"
-					--filtering-greedycut
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringGreedycutPvalueThreshold ) != ""
-					--filtering-greedycut-pvalue-threshold="$options.filteringGreedycutPvalueThreshold" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringGreedycutRcTies ) != ""
-					--filtering-greedycut-rc-ties="$options.filteringGreedycutRcTies" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.filteringDeviationThreshold ) != ""
-					--filtering-deviation-threshold="$options.filteringDeviationThreshold" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.batch ) == "True"
-					--batch
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.batchDreductionColumns ) != ""
-					--batch-dreduction-columns="$options.batchDreductionColumns" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.batchPrincipalComponents ) != ""
-					--batch-principal-components="$options.batchPrincipalComponents" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.batchCorrelationColumns ) != ""
-					--batch-correlation-columns="$options.batchCorrelationColumns" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.batchCorrelationPvalueThreshold ) != ""
-					--batch-correlation-pvalue-threshold="$options.batchCorrelationPvalueThreshold" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.batchCorrelationPermutations ) != ""
-					--batch-correlation-permutations="$options.batchCorrelationPermutations" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.batchCorrelationQc ) == "True"
-					--batch-correlation-qc
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.profiles ) == "True"
-					--profiles
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.profilesBetaDistribution ) == "True"
-					--profiles-beta-distribution
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.profilesIntersample ) == "True"
-					--profiles-intersample
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.profilesDeviationPlots ) == "True"
-					--profiles-deviation-plots
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.profilesColumns ) != ""
-					--profiles-columns="$options.profilesColumns" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.profilesClustering ) == "True"
-					--profiles-clustering
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.profilesClusteringTopProbes ) != ""
-					--profiles-clustering-top-probes="$options.profilesClusteringTopProbes" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.regionProfilesTypes ) != ""
-					--region-profiles-types="$options.regionProfilesTypes" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.differential ) == "True"
-					--differential
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.differentialPermutations ) != ""
-					--differential-permutations="$options.differentialPermutations" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.differentialComparisonColumns ) != ""
-					--differential-comparison-columns="$options.differentialComparisonColumns" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.differentialEnrichment ) == "True"
-					--differential-enrichment
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.exportToUcsc ) != ""
-					--export-to-ucsc="$options.exportToUcsc" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.exportToBed ) == "True"
-					--export-to-bed
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.exportToCsv ) == "True"
-					--export-to-csv
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.exportTypes ) != ""
-					--export-types="$options.exportTypes" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.colors3Gradient ) != ""
-					--colors-3-gradient="$options.colors3Gradient" 
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.loggingMemory ) == "True"
-					--logging-memory
-				#end if
-				#if str( $options.usePstoimg ) == "True"
-					--use-pstoimg
-				#end if
-      #end if
-  </command>
-  <inputs>
-    <conditional name="inputDataSelector">
-    	<param name="dataType" type="select" label="Data Type">
-    		<option value="tables">Tabular data</option>
-    		<option value="idats">IDAT files</option>
-    		<option value="gsreport">GenomeStudio report</option>
-    		<option value="geo">Gene Expression Omnibus series</option>		
-    		<option value="bed">BED files</option>
-    	</param>
-    	<when value="tables">
-    		<param name="sampleAnnotations" type="data" format="tabular" label="Sample Annotation File"/>
-    		<param name="betaTable" type="data" format="tabular" label="Table with beta-values"/> 	
-    		<param name="pvalTable" type="data" format="tabular" label="Table with detection p\-values"/>
-    	</when>
-    	<when value="idats">
-    		<param name="sampleAnnotations" type="data" format="tabular" label="Sample Annotation File"/>
-    		<conditional name="idatSelector">
-    			<param name="idatSource" type="select" label="IDAT source">
-    				<option value="history">Select from history</option>
-    				<option value="repo">Repository on the server</option>
-    			</param>
-    			<when value="repo">
-    				<param name="idatRepo" type="select" label="Select an IDAT repository">
-    					<options from_data_table="rnbeads_repos">
-            				<filter type="sort_by" column="2" />
-            				<validator type="no_options" message="No repositories are available" />
-          				</options>
-          			</param>
-    			</when>
-    			<when value="history">
-    				<repeat min="1" name="idatSeries" title="Input IDAT file">
-    					<param name="idatFile" type="data" format="idat" label="IDAT file"/>
-    				</repeat>
-    			</when>
-    		</conditional>
-    	</when>
-    	<when value="gsreport">
-    		<param name="gsReportFile" type="data" format="tabular" label="GenomeStudio report" />
-    	</when>
-    	<when value="geo">
-    		<param name="geoSeries" type="text" label="GEO series" />
-    	</when>
-    	<when value="bed">
-    		<param name="sampleAnnotations" type="data" format="tabular" label="Sample Annotation File" />
-   			<repeat min="1" name="bedSeries" title="Input BED file">
-    			<param name="bedFile" type="data" format="bed" label="BED file"/>
-    		</repeat>
-        </when>
-    </conditional>
-    <conditional name="options">
-    	<param name="optionSet" type="select" label="Options Set">
-    		<option value="default">Default options</option>
-    		<option value="full">Full option set</option>
-    	</param>
-    	<when value="default" />
-    	<when value="full">
- 				<param name="analysisName" type="text"  label=", character" value=""/>
-				<param name="logging" type="select" label="logging, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="email" type="text"  label="email, character" value=""/>
-				<param name="assembly" type="text"  label="assembly, character" value="hg19"/>
-				<param name="analyzeSites" type="select" label="analyze.sites, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="regionTypes" type="text"  label="region.types, character vector" value="tiling,genes,promoters,cpgislands"/>
-				<param name="identifiersColumn" type="text"  label="identifiers.column, character" value=""/>
-				<param name="pointsCategory" type="text"  label="points.category, integer vector" value="16,17,3,15,4,7,8"/>
-				<param name="colorsCategory" type="text"  label="colors.category, character vector" value="#1B9E77,#D95F02,#7570B3,#E7298A,#66A61E,#E6AB02,#A6761D,#666666"/>
-				<param name="colorsGradient" type="text"  label="colors.gradient, character vector" value="#132B43,#56B1F7"/>
-				<param name="minGroupSize" type="text"  label=", integer" value="2"/>
-				<param name="maxGroupCount" type="text"  label=", integer" value="8"/>
-				<param name="gzLargeFiles" type="select" label="gz.large.files, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="strandSpecific" type="select" label="strand.specific, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="replicateIdColumn" type="text"  label=", character" value=""/>
-				<param name="loadingNormalization" type="select" label="loading.normalization, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="loadingDefaultDataType" type="text"  label=", character" value="idat.dir"/>
-				<param name="loadingTableSeparator" type="text"  label="loading.table.separator, character" value=","/>
-				<param name="loadingBedStyle" type="text"  label=", character" value="BisSNP"/>
-				<param name="loadingBedColumns" type="text"  label="loading.bed.columns, integer vector" value="1,2,3,6,4,5"/>
-				<param name="loadingBedFrameShift" type="text"  label="loading.bed.frame.shift, integer" value="1"/>
-				<param name="normalizationMethod" type="text"  label="normalization.method, character" value="illumina"/>
-				<param name="normalizationSubtractBackground" type="select" label="normalization.subtract.background, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="qc" type="select" label="qc, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="qcBoxplots" type="select" label="qc.boxplots, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="qcBarplots" type="select" label="qc.barplots, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="qcNegativeBoxplot" type="select" label="qc.negative.boxplot, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="qcSnpHeatmap" type="select" label="qc.snp.heatmap, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="qcSnpBoxplot" type="select" label="qc.snp.boxplot, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="qcSnpBarplot" type="select" label="qc.snp.barplot, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="qcSampleBatchSize" type="text"  label="qc.sample.batch.size, integer" value="50"/>
-				<param name="filteringContextRemoval" type="text"  label="filtering.context.removal, character vector" value="CC,CAG,CAH,CTG,CTH,Other"/>
-				<param name="filteringSnp" type="select" label="filtering.snp, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="filteringSnpFrequency" type="text"  label="filtering.snp.frequency, double" value="0.01"/>
-				<param name="filteringSnpAccepted" type="text"  label="filtering.snp.accepted, integer" value="2"/>
-				<param name="filteringSexChromosomesRemoval" type="select" label=", logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="filteringMissingValueQuantile" type="text"  label="filtering.missing.value.quantile, double" value="1"/>
-				<param name="filteringCoverageThreshold" type="text"  label="filtering.coverage.threshold, integer" value="5"/>
-				<param name="filteringLowCoverageMasking" type="select" label="filtering.low.coverage.masking, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="filteringHighCoverageOutliers" type="select" label="filtering.high.coverage.outliers, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="filteringGreedycut" type="select" label="filtering.greedycut, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="filteringGreedycutPvalueThreshold" type="text"  label="filtering.greedycut.pvalue.threshold, double" value="0.05"/>
-				<param name="filteringGreedycutRcTies" type="text"  label="filtering.greedycut.rc.ties, character" value="row"/>
-				<param name="filteringDeviationThreshold" type="text"  label="filtering.deviation.threshold, double" value="0"/>
-				<param name="batch" type="select" label="batch, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="batchDreductionColumns" type="text"  label="batch.dreduction.columns, integer vector" value=""/>
-				<param name="batchPrincipalComponents" type="text"  label="batch.principal.components, integer" value="8"/>
-				<param name="batchCorrelationColumns" type="text"  label="batch.correlation.columns, integer vector" value=""/>
-				<param name="batchCorrelationPvalueThreshold" type="text"  label="batch.correlation.pvalue.threshold, double" value="0.01"/>
-				<param name="batchCorrelationPermutations" type="text"  label="batch.correlation.permutations, integer" value="10000"/>
-				<param name="batchCorrelationQc" type="select" label="batch.correlation.qc, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="profiles" type="select" label="profiles, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="profilesBetaDistribution" type="select" label="profiles.beta.distribution, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="profilesIntersample" type="select" label="profiles.intersample, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="profilesDeviationPlots" type="select" label="profiles.deviation.plots, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="profilesColumns" type="text"  label="profiles.columns, integer vector" value=""/>
-				<param name="profilesClustering" type="select" label="profiles.clustering, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="profilesClusteringTopProbes" type="text"  label=", integer vector" value="1000"/>
-				<param name="regionProfilesTypes" type="text"  label="region.profiles.types, character vector" value="genes,promoters,cpgislands"/>
-				<param name="differential" type="select" label="differential, logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="differentialPermutations" type="text"  label="differential.permutations, integer" value="0"/>
-				<param name="differentialComparisonColumns" type="text"  label="differential.comparison.columns, integer vector" value=""/>
-				<param name="differentialEnrichment" type="select" label="differential.enrichment, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="exportToUcsc" type="text"  label=", character vector" value="bigBed,bigWig"/>
-				<param name="exportToBed" type="select" label=", logical" value="1">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="exportToCsv" type="select" label=", logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="exportTypes" type="text"  label="export.types, character vector" value="sites"/>
-				<param name="colors3Gradient" type="text"  label="colors.3.gradient, character vector" value="#832424,#FFFFFF,#3A3A98"/>
-				<param name="loggingMemory" type="select" label="logging.memory, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="usePstoimg" type="select" label="use.pstoimg, logical" value="0">
-					<option value="True">True</option>
-					<option value="False">False</option>
-				</param>
-     	</when>
-    </conditional>
-  </inputs>
-  <outputs>
-	<data format="html" name="html_file" label="index.html" />
-  </outputs>
-  <!--
-  <tests>
-    <test>
-      <param name="input" value="fa_gc_content_input.fa"/>
-      <output name="out_file1" file="fa_gc_content_output.txt"/>
-    </test>
-  </tests>  -->
-  <help>
-	RnBeads is an R-package for comprehensive analysis of Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip data. It extends previous approaches for this type of data analysis by high throughput capabilities, as well as presenting results in a comprehensive, highly interpretable fashion.
-  </help>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/	Wed Jul 03 04:35:40 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Rscript --no-save $(dirname $(readlink -f $0))/RnBeadsGalaxy.R $* > /tmp/rnbeads.stdout 2>/tmp/rnbeads.stderr 
-#Rscript --no-save \$R_SCRIPTS_PATH/RnBeadsGalaxy.R $*
-outfile=`echo $* | cut -d\  -f2 | sed -e "s/--output-file=//g"`
-echo $outfile
-#outdir=`echo $* | sed -e "s/.*--report-dir=\(.*\)[[:blank:]].*/\1/g"`
-if [ -s /tmp/rnbeads.stderr ]
-	cat /tmp/rnbeads.stdout >&2
-	#cat $outdir/analysis.log >&2
-	cat /tmp/rnbeads.stderr >&2
-	exit 3
-	echo "<html><body>" >> $outfile
-	echo "<a href=\"index.html\">RnBeads report</a>" >> $outfile
-	echo "<br/><br/>Output was generated during the execution:<br/>" >> $outfile
-	echo "<pre>" >> outfile
-	cat /tmp/rnbeads.stdout |sed -e "s/$/<br\/>/g" >> $outfile
-	echo "</pre>" >> outfile
-	echo "</p>" >> $outfile
-	echo "</body></html>" >> $outfile
-	exit 0
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/rnbeads_repos.txt.sample	Wed Jul 03 04:35:40 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-repo1	Repository1	/data/iscan/idats
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample	Wed Jul 03 04:35:40 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-	<table name="rnbeads_repos" comment_char="#">
-       		<columns>id, name, value</columns>
-        	<file path="tool-data/rnbeads_repos.txt" />
-	</table>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/tool_dependencies.xml	Wed Jul 03 04:35:40 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    <set_environment version="0.9">
-        <environment_variable name="R_SCRIPTS_PATH" action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable>
-    </set_environment>
-    <package name="R" version="3.0.0">
-        <install version="0.9">
-            <actions>
-                <action type="download_by_url"></action>
-                <action type="shell_command">./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --with-x=no</action>
-                <action type="shell_command">make</action>
-                <action type="set_environment">
-                    <environment_variable name="PATH" action="prepend_to">$INSTALL_DIR/bin</environment_variable>
-                </action>
-                <action type="shell_command">R --no-save &lt;&lt;&lt; "install.packages("getopt"); source('')"</action>
-            </actions>
-        </install>
-        <readme>
-				You need a FORTRAN compiler or perhaps f2c in addition to a C compiler to build R.
-        </readme>
-    </package>
\ No newline at end of file