comparison main.R @ 0:1fb6181c2c64 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 392f57d212a7499bf1d3e421112a32a56635bc67-dirty"
author perssond
date Fri, 12 Mar 2021 00:20:13 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1fb6181c2c64
1 #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
3 suppressMessages( library(tidyverse) )
4 library( optparse )
5 library( naivestates )
7 ## Identify directory of the script
8 wd <- commandArgs( trailingOnly=FALSE ) %>%
9 keep( ~grepl("--file=", .x) ) %>%
10 str_replace( "--file=", "" ) %>% dirname()
11 cat( "Running the script from", wd, "\n" )
13 ## Parse command-line arugments
14 option_list <- list(
15 make_option(c("-i", "--in"), type="character", help="Input file"),
16 make_option(c("-o", "--out"), type="character", default="/data",
17 help="Output directory"),
18 make_option(c("-m", "--markers"), type="character", default="auto",
19 help="Markers to model"),
20 make_option(c("-p", "--plots"), type="character", default="off",
21 help="Generate plots showing the fit"),
22 make_option("--mct", type="character", default="",
23 help="Marker -> cell type map in .csv format"),
24 make_option("--id", type="character", default="CellID",
25 help="Column containing cell IDs"),
26 make_option("--log", type="character", default="auto",
27 help="Whether to apply a log transform <yes|no|auto>"),
28 make_option("--sfx", type="character", default="",
29 help="Common suffix on marker columns (e.g., _cellMask)"),
30 make_option("--umap", action="store_true", default=FALSE,
31 help="Generate UMAP plots")
32 )
33 opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))
35 ## Argument verification
36 if( !("in" %in% names(opt)) )
37 stop( "Please provide an input file name with -i" )
38 if( !(opt$log %in% c("yes","no","auto")) )
39 stop( "--log must be one of <yes|no|auto>" )
40 if( !(opt$plots %in% c("off", "pdf", "png")) )
41 stop( "--plots must be one of <off|pdf|png>" )
43 ## Identify the sample name
44 sn <- basename( opt$`in` ) %>% str_split( "\\." ) %>%
45 pluck( 1, 1 )
46 cat( "Inferred sample name:", sn, "\n" )
48 ## Read the data matrix
49 X <- read_csv( opt$`in`, col_types=cols() )
50 cat( "Read", nrow(X), "entries\n" )
52 ## Fix potential capitalization mismatch of --id
53 if( !(opt$id %in% colnames(X)) )
54 {
55 ## Attempt to find a singular case-insensitive match
56 i <- grep( tolower(opt$id), tolower(colnames(X)) )
57 if( length(i) == 1 )
58 {
59 warning( " No such column ", opt$id,
60 "; using ", colnames(X)[i], " instead" )
61 opt$id <- colnames(X)[i]
62 }
63 else stop( "No such column ", opt$id,
64 "; use --id to specify which column contains cell IDs" )
65 }
67 ## Identify markers in the matrix
68 mrkv <- findMarkers(setdiff(colnames(X), opt$id), opt$markers,
69 opt$sfx, TRUE, TRUE)
71 ## Handle log transformation of the data
72 if( opt$log == "yes" ||
73 (opt$log == "auto" && max(X[mrkv], na.rm=TRUE) > 1000) )
74 {
75 cat( "Applying a log10 transform\n" )
76 X <- X %>% mutate_at( unname(mrkv), ~log10(.x+1) )
77 }
79 ## Fit Gaussian mixture models
80 GMM <- GMMfit(X, opt$id, !!!mrkv)
81 fnMdl <- file.path( opt$out, str_c(sn, "-models.csv") )
82 cat( "Saving models to", fnMdl, "\n" )
83 GMMmodels(GMM) %>% write_csv( fnMdl )
85 ## Reshape the matrix back to cells-by-marker format
86 Y <- GMMreshape(GMM)
88 cat( "------\n" )
90 ## Find the default cell type map
91 if( opt$mct != "" ) {
93 ## Load marker -> cell type associations
94 cat( "Loading cell type map from", opt$mct, "\n" )
95 mct <- read_csv( opt$mct, col_types=cols() ) %>%
96 distinct() %>% filter(Marker %in% colnames(Y))
98 if( nrow(mct) == 0 ) {
99 warning( "No usable marker -> cell type mappings detected" )
100 Y <- findDominant(Y, opt$id)
101 } else {
102 cat( "Using the following marker -> cell type map:\n" )
103 walk2( mct$Marker, mct$State, ~cat(.x, "->", .y, "\n") )
104 Y <- callStates(Y, opt$id, mct)
105 }
106 } else {
107 cat( "No marker -> cell type mapping provided\n" )
108 Y <- findDominant(Y, opt$id)
109 }
111 cat( "------\n" )
113 ## Identify the output location(s)
114 fnOut <- file.path( opt$out, str_c(sn, "-states.csv") )
115 cat( "Saving probabilities and calls to", fnOut, "\n")
116 Y %>% write_csv( fnOut )
118 ## Generates plots as necessary
119 if( opt$plots != "off" )
120 {
121 ## Create a separate directory for plots
122 dirPlot <- file.path( opt$out, "plots", sn )
123 dir.create(dirPlot, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
125 ## Fit overview
126 fn <- file.path( file.path(opt$out, "plots"), str_c(sn, "-allfits.", opt$plots) )
127 ggf <- plotFitOverview(GMM)
128 suppressMessages(ggsave( fn, ggf, width=12, height=8 ))
130 ## Compute a UMAP projection
131 if( opt$umap ) {
132 cat( "Computing a UMAP projection...\n" )
133 U <- umap( Y, c(opt$id, "State", "Dominant") )
135 ## Generate and write a summary plot
136 gg <- plotSummary( U )
137 fn <- file.path( file.path(opt$out, "plots"), str_c(sn, "-summary.", opt$plots) )
138 suppressMessages(ggsave( fn, gg, width=9, height=7 ))
139 cat( "Plotted summary to", fn, "\n" )
141 ## Generate and write faceted probabilities plot
142 gg <- plotProbs( U, c(opt$id, "State", "Dominant") )
143 fn <- file.path( file.path(opt$out, "plots"), str_c(sn, "-probs.", opt$plots) )
144 suppressMessages(ggsave( fn, gg, width=9, height=7 ))
145 cat( "Plotted probabilities to", fn, "\n" )
146 }
148 ## Generate and write out plots for individual marker fits
149 for( i in names(mrkv) )
150 {
151 gg <- plotMarker(GMM, i)
152 fn <- file.path( dirPlot, str_c(i,".",opt$plots) )
153 suppressMessages(ggsave( fn, gg ))
154 cat( "Wrote", fn, "\n" )
155 }
156 }