view @ 0:6bec4fef6b2e draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 73e4cae15f2d7cdc86719e77470eb00af4b6ebb7-dirty"
author perssond
date Fri, 12 Mar 2021 00:17:29 +0000
line wrap: on
line source

import numpy as np
from scipy import misc
import tensorflow as tf
import shutil
import as sio
import os, fnmatch, PIL, glob
import skimage.exposure as sk
import argparse

import sys

sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\ImageScience')
from toolbox.imtools import *
from toolbox.ftools import *
from toolbox.PartitionOfImage import PI2D

def concat3(lst):
	return tf.concat(lst, 3)

class UNet2D:
	hp = None  # hyper-parameters
	nn = None  # network
	tfTraining = None  # if training or not (to handle batch norm)
	tfData = None  # data placeholder
	Session = None
	DatasetMean = 0
	DatasetStDev = 0

	def setupWithHP(hp):

	def setup(imSize, nChannels, nClasses, nOut0, featMapsFact, downSampFact, kernelSize, nExtraConvs, stdDev0,
			  nDownSampLayers, batchSize):
		UNet2D.hp = {'imSize': imSize,
					 'nClasses': nClasses,
					 'nChannels': nChannels,
					 'nExtraConvs': nExtraConvs,
					 'nLayers': nDownSampLayers,
					 'featMapsFact': featMapsFact,
					 'downSampFact': downSampFact,
					 'ks': kernelSize,
					 'nOut0': nOut0,
					 'stdDev0': stdDev0,
					 'batchSize': batchSize}

		nOutX = [UNet2D.hp['nChannels'], UNet2D.hp['nOut0']]
		dsfX = []
		for i in range(UNet2D.hp['nLayers']):
			nOutX.append(nOutX[-1] * UNet2D.hp['featMapsFact'])

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# downsampling layer
		# --------------------------------------------------

		with tf.name_scope('placeholders'):
			UNet2D.tfTraining = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='training')
			UNet2D.tfData = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, UNet2D.hp['imSize'], UNet2D.hp['imSize'],
														   UNet2D.hp['nChannels']], name='data')

		def down_samp_layer(data, index):
			with tf.name_scope('ld%d' % index):
				ldXWeights1 = tf.Variable(
					tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index], nOutX[index + 1]],
										stddev=stdDev0), name='kernel1')
				ldXWeightsExtra = []
				for i in range(nExtraConvs):
						tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index + 1], nOutX[index + 1]],
											stddev=stdDev0), name='kernelExtra%d' % i))

				c00 = tf.nn.conv2d(data, ldXWeights1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
				for i in range(nExtraConvs):
					c00 = tf.nn.conv2d(tf.nn.relu(c00), ldXWeightsExtra[i], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')

				ldXWeightsShortcut = tf.Variable(
					tf.truncated_normal([1, 1, nOutX[index], nOutX[index + 1]], stddev=stdDev0), name='shortcutWeights')
				shortcut = tf.nn.conv2d(data, ldXWeightsShortcut, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')

				bn = tf.layers.batch_normalization(tf.nn.relu(c00 + shortcut), training=UNet2D.tfTraining)

				return tf.nn.max_pool(bn, ksize=[1, dsfX[index], dsfX[index], 1],
									  strides=[1, dsfX[index], dsfX[index], 1], padding='SAME', name='maxpool')

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# bottom layer
		# --------------------------------------------------

		with tf.name_scope('lb'):
			lbWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(
				[UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']], nOutX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers'] + 1]],
				stddev=stdDev0), name='kernel1')

			def lb(hidden):
				return tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(hidden, lbWeights1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'), name='conv')

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# downsampling
		# --------------------------------------------------

		with tf.name_scope('downsampling'):
			dsX = []

			for i in range(UNet2D.hp['nLayers']):
				dsX.append(down_samp_layer(dsX[i], i))

			b = lb(dsX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']])

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# upsampling layer
		# --------------------------------------------------

		def up_samp_layer(data, index):
			with tf.name_scope('lu%d' % index):
				luXWeights1 = tf.Variable(
					tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index + 1], nOutX[index + 2]],
										stddev=stdDev0), name='kernel1')
				luXWeights2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(
					[UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index] + nOutX[index + 1], nOutX[index + 1]],
					stddev=stdDev0), name='kernel2')
				luXWeightsExtra = []
				for i in range(nExtraConvs):
						tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index + 1], nOutX[index + 1]],
											stddev=stdDev0), name='kernel2Extra%d' % i))

				outSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
				for i in range(index):
					outSize /= dsfX[i]
				outSize = int(outSize)

				outputShape = [UNet2D.hp['batchSize'], outSize, outSize, nOutX[index + 1]]
				us = tf.nn.relu(
					tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(data, luXWeights1, outputShape, strides=[1, dsfX[index], dsfX[index], 1],
										   padding='SAME'), name='conv1')
				cc = concat3([dsX[index], us])
				cv = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(cc, luXWeights2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'), name='conv2')
				for i in range(nExtraConvs):
					cv = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(cv, luXWeightsExtra[i], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'),
									name='conv2Extra%d' % i)
				return cv

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# final (top) layer
		# --------------------------------------------------

		with tf.name_scope('lt'):
			ltWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([1, 1, nOutX[1], nClasses], stddev=stdDev0), name='kernel')

			def lt(hidden):
				return tf.nn.conv2d(hidden, ltWeights1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME', name='conv')

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# upsampling
		# --------------------------------------------------

		with tf.name_scope('upsampling'):
			usX = []

			for i in range(UNet2D.hp['nLayers']):
				usX.append(up_samp_layer(usX[i], UNet2D.hp['nLayers'] - 1 - i))

			t = lt(usX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']])

		sm = tf.nn.softmax(t, -1)
		UNet2D.nn = sm

	def train(imPath, logPath, modelPath, pmPath, nTrain, nValid, nTest, restoreVariables, nSteps, gpuIndex,
		os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '%d' % gpuIndex

		outLogPath = logPath
		trainWriterPath = pathjoin(logPath, 'Train')
		validWriterPath = pathjoin(logPath, 'Valid')
		outModelPath = pathjoin(modelPath, 'model.ckpt')
		outPMPath = pmPath

		batchSize = UNet2D.hp['batchSize']
		imSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
		nChannels = UNet2D.hp['nChannels']
		nClasses = UNet2D.hp['nClasses']

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# data
		# --------------------------------------------------

		Train = np.zeros((nTrain, imSize, imSize, nChannels))
		Valid = np.zeros((nValid, imSize, imSize, nChannels))
		Test = np.zeros((nTest, imSize, imSize, nChannels))
		LTrain = np.zeros((nTrain, imSize, imSize, nClasses))
		LValid = np.zeros((nValid, imSize, imSize, nClasses))
		LTest = np.zeros((nTest, imSize, imSize, nClasses))

		print('loading data, computing mean / st dev')
		if not os.path.exists(modelPath):
		if restoreVariables:
			datasetMean = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath, ''))
			datasetStDev = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath, ''))
			datasetMean = 0
			datasetStDev = 0
			for iSample in range(nTrain + nValid + nTest):
				I = im2double(tifread('%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath, iSample)))
				datasetMean += np.mean(I)
				datasetStDev += np.std(I)
			datasetMean /= (nTrain + nValid + nTest)
			datasetStDev /= (nTrain + nValid + nTest)
			saveData(datasetMean, pathjoin(modelPath, ''))
			saveData(datasetStDev, pathjoin(modelPath, ''))

		perm = np.arange(nTrain + nValid + nTest)

		for iSample in range(0, nTrain):
			path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath, perm[iSample])
			im = im2double(tifread(path))
			Train[iSample, :, :, 0] = (im - datasetMean) / datasetStDev
			path = '%s/I%05d_Ant.tif' % (imPath, perm[iSample])
			im = tifread(path)
			for i in range(nClasses):
				LTrain[iSample, :, :, i] = (im == i + 1)

		for iSample in range(0, nValid):
			path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath, perm[nTrain + iSample])
			im = im2double(tifread(path))
			Valid[iSample, :, :, 0] = (im - datasetMean) / datasetStDev
			path = '%s/I%05d_Ant.tif' % (imPath, perm[nTrain + iSample])
			im = tifread(path)
			for i in range(nClasses):
				LValid[iSample, :, :, i] = (im == i + 1)

		for iSample in range(0, nTest):
			path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath, perm[nTrain + nValid + iSample])
			im = im2double(tifread(path))
			Test[iSample, :, :, 0] = (im - datasetMean) / datasetStDev
			path = '%s/I%05d_Ant.tif' % (imPath, perm[nTrain + nValid + iSample])
			im = tifread(path)
			for i in range(nClasses):
				LTest[iSample, :, :, i] = (im == i + 1)

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# optimization
		# --------------------------------------------------

		tfLabels = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, imSize, imSize, nClasses], name='labels')

		globalStep = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
		learningRate0 = 0.01
		decaySteps = 1000
		decayRate = 0.95
		learningRate = tf.train.exponential_decay(learningRate0, globalStep, decaySteps, decayRate, staircase=True)

		with tf.name_scope('optim'):
			loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tfLabels, tf.log(UNet2D.nn)), 3))
			updateOps = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
			# optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(1e-3,0.9)
			optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learningRate, 0.9)
			# optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learningRate)
			with tf.control_dependencies(updateOps):
				optOp = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=globalStep)

		with tf.name_scope('eval'):
			error = []
			for iClass in range(nClasses):
				labels0 = tf.reshape(tf.to_int32(tf.slice(tfLabels, [0, 0, 0, iClass], [-1, -1, -1, 1])),
									 [batchSize, imSize, imSize])
				predict0 = tf.reshape(tf.to_int32(tf.equal(tf.argmax(UNet2D.nn, 3), iClass)),
									  [batchSize, imSize, imSize])
				correct = tf.multiply(labels0, predict0)
				nCorrect0 = tf.reduce_sum(correct)
				nLabels0 = tf.reduce_sum(labels0)
				error.append(1 - tf.to_float(nCorrect0) / tf.to_float(nLabels0))
			errors = tf.tuple(error)

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# inspection
		# --------------------------------------------------

		with tf.name_scope('scalars'):
			tf.summary.scalar('avg_cross_entropy', loss)
			for iClass in range(nClasses):
				tf.summary.scalar('avg_pixel_error_%d' % iClass, error[iClass])
			tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learningRate)
		with tf.name_scope('images'):
			split0 = tf.slice(UNet2D.nn, [0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1, 1])
			split1 = tf.slice(UNet2D.nn, [0, 0, 0, 1], [-1, -1, -1, 1])
			if nClasses > 2:
				split2 = tf.slice(UNet2D.nn, [0, 0, 0, 2], [-1, -1, -1, 1])
			tf.summary.image('pm0', split0)
			tf.summary.image('pm1', split1)
			if nClasses > 2:
				tf.summary.image('pm2', split2)
		merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# session
		# --------------------------------------------------

		saver = tf.train.Saver()
		sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
			allow_soft_placement=True))  # config parameter needed to save variables when using GPU

		if os.path.exists(outLogPath):
		trainWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(trainWriterPath, sess.graph)
		validWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(validWriterPath, sess.graph)

		if restoreVariables:
			saver.restore(sess, outModelPath)
			print("Model restored.")

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# train
		# --------------------------------------------------

		batchData = np.zeros((batchSize, imSize, imSize, nChannels))
		batchLabels = np.zeros((batchSize, imSize, imSize, nClasses))
		for i in range(nSteps):
			# train

			perm = np.arange(nTrain)

			for j in range(batchSize):
				batchData[j, :, :, :] = Train[perm[j], :, :, :]
				batchLabels[j, :, :, :] = LTrain[perm[j], :, :, :]

			summary, _ =[merged, optOp],
								  feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, tfLabels: batchLabels, UNet2D.tfTraining: 1})
			trainWriter.add_summary(summary, i)

			# validation

			perm = np.arange(nValid)

			for j in range(batchSize):
				batchData[j, :, :, :] = Valid[perm[j], :, :, :]
				batchLabels[j, :, :, :] = LValid[perm[j], :, :, :]

			summary, es =[merged, errors],
								   feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, tfLabels: batchLabels, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
			validWriter.add_summary(summary, i)

			e = np.mean(es)
			print('step %05d, e: %f' % (i, e))

			if i == 0:
				if restoreVariables:
					lowestError = e
					lowestError = np.inf

			if np.mod(i, 100) == 0 and e < lowestError:
				lowestError = e
				print("Model saved in file: %s" %, outModelPath))

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# test
		# --------------------------------------------------

		if not os.path.exists(outPMPath):

		for i in range(nTest):
			j = np.mod(i, batchSize)

			batchData[j, :, :, :] = Test[i, :, :, :]
			batchLabels[j, :, :, :] = LTest[i, :, :, :]

			if j == batchSize - 1 or i == nTest - 1:

				output =,
								  feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, tfLabels: batchLabels, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})

				for k in range(j + 1):
					pm = output[k, :, :, testPMIndex]
					gt = batchLabels[k, :, :, testPMIndex]
					im = np.sqrt(normalize(batchData[k, :, :, 0]))
					imwrite(np.uint8(255 * np.concatenate((im, np.concatenate((pm, gt), axis=1)), axis=1)),
							'%s/I%05d.png' % (outPMPath, i - j + k + 1))

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# save hyper-parameters, clean-up
		# --------------------------------------------------

		saveData(UNet2D.hp, pathjoin(modelPath, ''))


	def deploy(imPath, nImages, modelPath, pmPath, gpuIndex, pmIndex):
		os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '%d' % gpuIndex

		variablesPath = pathjoin(modelPath, 'model.ckpt')
		outPMPath = pmPath

		hp = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath, ''))

		batchSize = UNet2D.hp['batchSize']
		imSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
		nChannels = UNet2D.hp['nChannels']
		nClasses = UNet2D.hp['nClasses']

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# data
		# --------------------------------------------------

		Data = np.zeros((nImages, imSize, imSize, nChannels))

		datasetMean = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath, ''))
		datasetStDev = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath, ''))

		for iSample in range(0, nImages):
			path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath, iSample)
			im = im2double(tifread(path))
			Data[iSample, :, :, 0] = (im - datasetMean) / datasetStDev

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# session
		# --------------------------------------------------

		saver = tf.train.Saver()
		sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
			allow_soft_placement=True))  # config parameter needed to save variables when using GPU

		saver.restore(sess, variablesPath)
		print("Model restored.")

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# deploy
		# --------------------------------------------------

		batchData = np.zeros((batchSize, imSize, imSize, nChannels))

		if not os.path.exists(outPMPath):

		for i in range(nImages):
			print(i, nImages)

			j = np.mod(i, batchSize)

			batchData[j, :, :, :] = Data[i, :, :, :]

			if j == batchSize - 1 or i == nImages - 1:

				output =, feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})

				for k in range(j + 1):
					pm = output[k, :, :, pmIndex]
					im = np.sqrt(normalize(batchData[k, :, :, 0]))
					# imwrite(np.uint8(255*np.concatenate((im,pm),axis=1)),'%s/I%05d.png' % (outPMPath,i-j+k+1))
					imwrite(np.uint8(255 * im), '%s/I%05d_Im.png' % (outPMPath, i - j + k + 1))
					imwrite(np.uint8(255 * pm), '%s/I%05d_PM.png' % (outPMPath, i - j + k + 1))

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# clean-up
		# --------------------------------------------------


	def singleImageInferenceSetup(modelPath, gpuIndex):
		os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '%d' % gpuIndex

		variablesPath = pathjoin(modelPath, 'model.ckpt')

		hp = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath, ''))

		UNet2D.DatasetMean = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath, ''))
		UNet2D.DatasetStDev = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath, ''))

		# --------------------------------------------------
		# session
		# --------------------------------------------------

		saver = tf.train.Saver()
		UNet2D.Session = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
			allow_soft_placement=True))  # config parameter needed to save variables when using GPU

		saver.restore(UNet2D.Session, variablesPath)
		print("Model restored.")

	def singleImageInferenceCleanup():

	def singleImageInference(image, mode, pmIndex):

		batchSize = UNet2D.hp['batchSize']
		imSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
		nChannels = UNet2D.hp['nChannels']

		PI2D.setup(image, imSize, int(imSize / 8), mode)

		batchData = np.zeros((batchSize, imSize, imSize, nChannels))
		for i in range(PI2D.NumPatches):
			j = np.mod(i, batchSize)
			batchData[j, :, :, 0] = (PI2D.getPatch(i) - UNet2D.DatasetMean) / UNet2D.DatasetStDev
			if j == batchSize - 1 or i == PI2D.NumPatches - 1:
				output =, feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
				for k in range(j + 1):
					pm = output[k, :, :, pmIndex]
					PI2D.patchOutput(i - j + k, pm)
			# PI2D.patchOutput(i-j+k,normalize(imgradmag(PI2D.getPatch(i-j+k),1)))

		return PI2D.getValidOutput()

if __name__ == '__main__':
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
	parser.add_argument("imagePath", help="path to the .tif file")
	parser.add_argument("--channel", help="channel to perform inference on", type=int, default=0)
	parser.add_argument("--TMA", help="specify if TMA", action="store_true")
	parser.add_argument("--scalingFactor", help="factor by which to increase/decrease image size by", type=float,
	args = parser.parse_args()

	logPath = ''
	modelPath = 'D:\\LSP\\UNet\\tonsil20x1bin1chan\\TFModel - 3class 16 kernels 5ks 2 layers'
	pmPath = ''

	UNet2D.singleImageInferenceSetup(modelPath, 1)
	imagePath = args.imagePath
	sampleList = glob.glob(imagePath + '/exemplar*')
	dapiChannel =
	dsFactor = args.scalingFactor
	for iSample in sampleList:
		if args.TMA:
			fileList = [x for x in glob.glob(iSample + '\\dearray\\*.tif') if x != (iSample + '\\dearray\\TMA_MAP.tif')]
			fileList = glob.glob(iSample + '//registration//*ome.tif')
		for iFile in fileList:
			fileName = os.path.basename(iFile)
			fileNamePrefix = fileName.split(os.extsep, 1)
			I = tifffile.imread(iFile, key=dapiChannel)
			rawI = I
			hsize = int((float(I.shape[0]) * float(dsFactor)))
			vsize = int((float(I.shape[1]) * float(dsFactor)))
			I = resize(I, (hsize, vsize))
			I = im2double(sk.rescale_intensity(I, in_range=(np.min(I), np.max(I)), out_range=(0, 0.983)))
			rawI = im2double(rawI) / np.max(im2double(rawI))
			outputPath = iSample + '//prob_maps'
			if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
			K = np.zeros((2, rawI.shape[0], rawI.shape[1]))
			contours = UNet2D.singleImageInference(I, 'accumulate', 1)
			hsize = int((float(I.shape[0]) * float(1 / dsFactor)))
			vsize = int((float(I.shape[1]) * float(1 / dsFactor)))
			contours = resize(contours, (rawI.shape[0], rawI.shape[1]))
			K[1, :, :] = rawI
			K[0, :, :] = contours
			tifwrite(np.uint8(255 * K),
					 outputPath + '//' + fileNamePrefix[0] + '_ContoursPM_' + str(dapiChannel + 1) + '.tif')
			del K
			K = np.zeros((1, rawI.shape[0], rawI.shape[1]))
			nuclei = UNet2D.singleImageInference(I, 'accumulate', 2)
			nuclei = resize(nuclei, (rawI.shape[0], rawI.shape[1]))
			K[0, :, :] = nuclei
			tifwrite(np.uint8(255 * K),
					 outputPath + '//' + fileNamePrefix[0] + '_NucleiPM_' + str(dapiChannel + 1) + '.tif')
			del K