Mercurial > repos > peterjc > blast_rbh
view tools/blast_rbh/ @ 1:ff0b814c1320 draft
Uploaded v0.1.5, NCBI BLAST+ 2.2.30 etc
author | peterjc |
date | Fri, 21 Nov 2014 06:57:14 -0500 |
parents | b828ca44a313 |
children | 14b2e159b310 |
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#!/usr/bin/env python """BLAST Reciprocal Best Hit (RBH) from two FASTA input files. Run " -h" to see the help text, or read the associated README.rst file which is also available on GitHub at: This requires Python and the NCBI BLAST+ tools to be installed and on the $PATH. You can also run this tool via Galaxy using the "blast_rbh.xml" definition file. This is available as a package on the Galaxy Tool Shed: """ # TODO - Output more columns, e.g. pident, qcovs, descriptions? import os import sys import tempfile import shutil from optparse import OptionParser def stop_err( msg ): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) sys.exit(1) def run(cmd): return_code = os.system(cmd) if return_code: stop_err("Error %i from: %s" % (return_code, cmd)) if "--version" in sys.argv[1:]: #TODO - Capture version of BLAST+ binaries too? print "BLAST RBH v0.1.5" sys.exit(0) #Parse Command Line usage = """Use as follows: $ python [options] A.fasta B.fasta """ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-a", "--alphabet", dest="dbtype", default=None, help="Alphabet type (nucl or prot)") parser.add_option("-t", "--task", dest="task", default=None, help="BLAST task (e.g. blastp, blastn, megablast)") parser.add_option("-i","--identity", dest="min_identity", default="70", help="Minimum percentage identity (optional, default 70)") parser.add_option("-c", "--coverage", dest="min_coverage", default="50", help="Minimum HSP coverage (optional, default 50)") parser.add_option("--nr", dest="nr", default=False, action="store_true", help="Preprocess FASTA files to collapse identifical " "entries (make sequences non-redundant)") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", default=None, metavar="FILE", help="Output filename") options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: stop_err("Expects two input FASTA filenames") fasta_a, fasta_b = args if not os.path.isfile(fasta_a): stop_err("Missing input file for species A: %r" % fasta_a) if not os.path.isfile(fasta_b): stop_err("Missing input file for species B: %r" % fasta_b) if os.path.abspath(fasta_a) == os.path.abspath(fasta_b): self_comparison = True print("Doing self comparison; ignoring self matches.") else: self_comparison = False if not options.output: stop_err("Output filename required, e.g. -o") out_file = options.output try: min_identity = float(options.min_identity) except ValueError: stop_err("Expected number between 0 and 100 for minimum identity, not %r" % min_identity) if not (0 <= min_identity <= 100): stop_err("Expected minimum identity between 0 and 100, not %0.2f" % min_identity) try: min_coverage = float(options.min_coverage) except ValueError: stop_err("Expected number between 0 and 100 for minimum coverage, not %r" % min_coverage) if not (0 <= min_coverage <= 100): stop_err("Expected minimum coverage between 0 and 100, not %0.2f" % min_coverage) if not options.task: stop_err("Missing BLAST task, e.g. -t blastp") blast_type = options.task if not options.dbtype: stop_err("Missing database type, -a nucl, or -a prot") dbtype = options.dbtype if dbtype == "nucl": if blast_type in ["megablast", "blastn", "blastn-short", "dc-megablast"]: blast_cmd = "blastn -task %s" % blast_type elif blast_type == "tblastx": blast_cmd = "tblastx" else: stop_err("Invalid BLAST type for BLASTN: %r" % blast_type) elif dbtype == "prot": if blast_type not in ["blastp", "blastp-short"]: stop_err("Invalid BLAST type for BLASTP: %r" % blast_type) blast_cmd = "blastp -task %s" % blast_type else: stop_err("Expected 'nucl' or 'prot' for BLAST database type, not %r" % blast_type) try: threads = int(os.environ.get("GALAXY_SLOTS", "1")) except: threads = 1 assert 1 <= threads, threads makeblastdb_exe = "makeblastdb" base_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmp_a = os.path.join(base_path, "SpeciesA.fasta") db_a = os.path.join(base_path, "SpeciesA") a_vs_b = os.path.join(base_path, "A_vs_B.tabular") if self_comparison: tmp_b = tmp_a db_b = db_a b_vs_a = a_vs_b else: tmp_b = os.path.join(base_path, "SpeciesB.fasta") db_b = os.path.join(base_path, "SpeciesB") b_vs_a = os.path.join(base_path, "B_vs_A.tabular") log = os.path.join(base_path, "blast.log") cols = "qseqid sseqid bitscore pident qcovhsp qlen length" #Or qcovs? c_query = 0 c_match = 1 c_score = 2 c_identity = 3 c_coverage = 4 c_qlen = 5 c_length = 6 tie_warning = 0 def best_hits(blast_tabular, ignore_self=False): """Iterate over BLAST tabular output, returns best hits as 2-tuples. Each return value is (query name, tuple of value for the best hit). Tied best hits to different sequences are NOT returned. One hit is returned for tied best hits to the same sequence (e.g. repeated domains). """ global tie_warning current = None best_score = None best = None with open(blast_tabular) as h: for line in h: if line.startswith("#"): continue parts = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t") if float(parts[c_identity]) < min_identity or float(parts[c_coverage]) < min_coverage: continue a = parts[c_query] b = parts[c_match] if ignore_self and a == b: continue score = float(parts[c_score]) qlen = int(parts[c_qlen]) length = int(parts[c_length]) #print("Considering hit for %s to %s with score %s..." % (a, b, score)) if current is None: #First hit assert best is None assert best_score is None best = dict() #Now append this hit... elif a != current: #New hit if len(best) == 1: #Unambiguous (no tied matches) yield current, list(best.values())[0] else: #print("%s has %i equally good hits: %s" % (a, len(best), ", ".join(best))) tie_warning += 1 best = dict() #Now append this hit... elif score < best_score: #print("No improvement for %s, %s < %s" % (a, score, best_score)) continue elif score > best_score: #This is better, discard old best best = dict() #Now append this hit... else: #print("Tied best hits for %s" % a) assert best_score == score #Now append this hit... current = a best_score = score #This will collapse two equally good hits to the same target (e.g. duplicated domain) best[b] = (b, score, parts[c_score], parts[c_identity], parts[c_coverage], qlen, length) #Best hit for final query, if unambiguous: if current is not None: if len(best)==1: yield current, list(best.values())[0] else: #print("%s has %i equally good hits: %s" % (a, len(best), ", ".join(best))) tie_warning += 1 def check_duplicate_ids(filename): # Copied from tools/ncbi_blast_plus/ # TODO - just use Biopython's FASTA parser? if not os.path.isfile(filename): stop_err("Missing FASTA file %r" % filename, 2) identifiers = set() handle = open(filename) for line in handle: if line.startswith(">"): # The split will also take care of the new line character, # e.g. ">test\n" and ">test description here\n" both give "test" seq_id = line[1:].split(None, 1)[0] if seq_id in identifiers: handle.close() stop_err("Repeated identifiers, e.g. %r" % seq_id, 3) identifiers.add(seq_id) handle.close() def make_nr(input_fasta, output_fasta, sep=";"): #TODO - seq-hash based to avoid loading everything into RAM? by_seq = dict() try: from Bio import SeqIO except KeyError: stop_err("Missing Biopython") for record in SeqIO.parse(input_fasta, "fasta"): s = str(record.seq).upper() try: by_seq[s].append( except KeyError: by_seq[s] = [] unique = 0 representatives = dict() duplicates = set() for cluster in by_seq.values(): if len(cluster) > 1: representatives[cluster[0]] = cluster duplicates.update(cluster[1:]) else: unique += 1 del by_seq if duplicates: #TODO - refactor as a generator with single SeqIO.write(...) call with open(output_fasta, "w") as handle: for record in SeqIO.parse(input_fasta, "fasta"): if in representatives: cluster = representatives[] = sep.join(cluster) record.description = "representing %i records" % len(cluster) elif in duplicates: continue SeqIO.write(record, handle, "fasta") print("%i unique entries; removed %i duplicates leaving %i representative records" % (unique, len(duplicates), len(representatives))) else: os.symlink(os.path.abspath(input_fasta), output_fasta) print("No perfect duplicates in file, %i unique entries" % unique) #print("Starting...") check_duplicate_ids(fasta_a) if not self_comparison: check_duplicate_ids(fasta_b) if make_nr(fasta_a, tmp_a) if not self_comparison: make_nr(fasta_b, tmp_b) fasta_a = tmp_a fasta_b = tmp_b #TODO - Report log in case of error? run('%s -dbtype %s -in "%s" -out "%s" -logfile "%s"' % (makeblastdb_exe, dbtype, fasta_a, db_a, log)) if not self_comparison: run('%s -dbtype %s -in "%s" -out "%s" -logfile "%s"' % (makeblastdb_exe, dbtype, fasta_b, db_b, log)) #print("BLAST databases prepared.") run('%s -query "%s" -db "%s" -out "%s" -outfmt "6 %s" -num_threads %i' % (blast_cmd, fasta_a, db_b, a_vs_b, cols, threads)) #print("BLAST species A vs species B done.") if not self_comparison: run('%s -query "%s" -db "%s" -out "%s" -outfmt "6 %s" -num_threads %i' % (blast_cmd, fasta_b, db_a, b_vs_a, cols, threads)) #print("BLAST species B vs species A done.") best_b_vs_a = dict(best_hits(b_vs_a, self_comparison)) count = 0 outfile = open(out_file, 'w') outfile.write("#A_id\tB_id\tA_length\tB_length\tA_qcovhsp\tB_qcovhsp\tlength\tpident\tbitscore\n") for a, (b, a_score_float, a_score_str, a_identity_str, a_coverage_str, a_qlen, a_length) in best_hits(a_vs_b, self_comparison): if b not in best_b_vs_a: #Match b has no best hit continue a2, b_score_float, b_score_str, b_identity_str, b_coverage_str, b_qlen, b_length = best_b_vs_a[b] if a != a2: #Not an RBH continue #Start with IDs, lengths, coverage values = [a, b, a_qlen, b_qlen, a_coverage_str, b_coverage_str] #Alignment length was an integer so don't care about original string values.append(min(a_length, b_length)) #Output the original string versions of the scores if float(a_identity_str) < float(b_identity_str): values.append(a_identity_str) else: values.append(b_identity_str) if a_score_float < b_score_float: values.append(a_score_str) else: values.append(b_score_str) outfile.write("%s\t%s\t%i\t%i\t%s\t%s\t%i\t%s\t%s\n" % tuple(values)) count += 1 outfile.close() print "Done, %i RBH found" % count if tie_warning: sys.stderr.write("Warning: Sequencies with tied best hits found, you may have duplicates/clusters\n") #Remove temp files... shutil.rmtree(base_path)