comparison tools/effectiveT3/ @ 3:b0b927299aee draft

Uploaded v0.0.11 with automatic dependency installation. The Python wrapper also gives specific errors for partial installation issues.
author peterjc
date Thu, 16 May 2013 04:45:41 -0400 (2013-05-16)
children 1ea715da1879
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:5a8e09f115f8 3:b0b927299aee
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 """Wrapper for EffectiveT3 v1.0.1 for use in Galaxy.
4 This script takes exactly five command line arguments:
5 * model name (e.g. TTSS_STD-1.0.1.jar)
6 * threshold (selective or sensitive)
7 * an input protein FASTA filename
8 * output tabular filename
10 It then calls the standalone Effective T3 v1.0.1 program (not the
11 webservice), and reformats the semi-colon separated output into
12 tab separated output for use in Galaxy.
13 """
14 import sys
15 import os
16 import subprocess
18 #The Galaxy auto-install via tool_dependencies.xml will set this environment variable
19 effectiveT3_dir = os.environ.get("EFFECTIVET3", "/opt/EffectiveT3/")
20 effectiveT3_jar = os.path.join(effectiveT3_dir, "TTSS_GUI-1.0.1.jar")
22 if "-v" in sys.argv or "--version" in sys.argv:
23 #TODO - Get version of the JAR file dynamically?
24 print "Wrapper v0.0.11, TTSS_GUI-1.0.1.jar"
25 sys.exit(0)
27 def stop_err(msg, error_level=1):
28 """Print error message to stdout and quit with given error level."""
29 sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)
30 sys.exit(error_level)
32 if len(sys.argv) != 5:
33 stop_err("Require four arguments: model, threshold, input protein FASTA file & output tabular file")
35 model, threshold, fasta_file, tabular_file = sys.argv[1:]
37 if not os.path.isfile(fasta_file):
38 stop_err("Input FASTA file not found: %s" % fasta_file)
40 if threshold not in ["selective", "sensitive"] \
41 and not threshold.startswith("cutoff="):
42 stop_err("Threshold should be selective, sensitive, or cutoff=..., not %r" % threshold)
44 def clean_tabular(raw_handle, out_handle):
45 """Clean up Effective T3 output to make it tabular."""
46 count = 0
47 positive = 0
48 errors = 0
49 for line in raw_handle:
50 if not line or line.startswith("#") \
51 or line.startswith("Id; Description; Score;"):
52 continue
53 assert line.count(";") >= 3, repr(line)
54 #Normally there will just be three semi-colons, however the
55 #original FASTA file's ID or description might have had
56 #semi-colons in it as well, hence the following hackery:
57 try:
58 id_descr, score, effective = line.rstrip("\r\n").rsplit(";",2)
59 #Cope when there was no FASTA description
60 if "; " not in id_descr and id_descr.endswith(";"):
61 id = id_descr[:-1]
62 descr = ""
63 else:
64 id, descr = id_descr.split("; ",1)
65 except ValueError:
66 stop_err("Problem parsing line:\n%s\n" % line)
67 parts = [s.strip() for s in [id, descr, score, effective]]
68 out_handle.write("\t".join(parts) + "\n")
69 count += 1
70 if float(score) < 0:
71 errors += 1
72 if effective.lower() == "true":
73 positive += 1
74 return count, positive, errors
76 def run(cmd):
77 #Avoid using shell=True when we call subprocess to ensure if the Python
78 #script is killed, so too is the child process.
79 try:
80 child = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
81 except Exception, err:
82 stop_err("Error invoking command:\n%s\n\n%s\n" % (" ".join(cmd), err))
83 #Use .communicate as can get deadlocks with .wait(),
84 stdout, stderr = child.communicate()
85 return_code = child.returncode
86 if return_code:
87 if stderr and stdout:
88 stop_err("Return code %i from command:\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s" % (return_code, err, stdout, stderr))
89 else:
90 stop_err("Return code %i from command:\n%s\n%s" % (return_code, err, stderr))
92 if not os.path.isdir(effectiveT3_dir):
93 stop_err("Effective T3 folder not found: %r" % effectiveT3_dir)
95 if not os.path.isfile(effectiveT3_jar):
96 stop_err("Effective T3 JAR file not found: %r" % effectiveT3_jar)
98 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(effectiveT3_dir, "module")):
99 stop_err("Effective T3 module folder not found: %r" % os.path.join(effectiveT3_dir, "module"))
101 effectiveT3_model = os.path.join(effectiveT3_dir, "module", model)
102 if not os.path.isfile(effectiveT3_model):
103 sys.stderr.write("Contents of %r is %s\n"
104 % (os.path.join(effectiveT3_dir, "module"),
105 ", ".join(repr(p) for p in os.listdir(os.path.join(effectiveT3_dir, "module")))))
106 sys.stderr.write("Main JAR was found: %r\n" % effectiveT3_jar)
107 stop_err("Effective T3 model JAR file not found: %r" % effectiveT3_model)
109 #We will have write access whereever the output should be,
110 temp_file = os.path.abspath(tabular_file + ".tmp")
112 #Use absolute paths since will change current directory...
113 tabular_file = os.path.abspath(tabular_file)
114 fasta_file = os.path.abspath(fasta_file)
116 cmd = ["java", "-jar", effectiveT3_jar,
117 "-f", fasta_file,
118 "-m", model,
119 "-t", threshold,
120 "-o", temp_file,
121 "-q"]
123 try:
124 #Must run from directory above the module subfolder:
125 os.chdir(effectiveT3_dir)
126 except:
127 stop_err("Could not change to Effective T3 folder: %s" % effectiveT3_dir)
129 run(cmd)
131 if not os.path.isfile(temp_file):
132 stop_err("ERROR - No output file from Effective T3")
134 out_handle = open(tabular_file, "w")
135 out_handle.write("#ID\tDescription\tScore\tEffective\n")
136 data_handle = open(temp_file)
137 count, positive, errors = clean_tabular(data_handle, out_handle)
138 data_handle.close()
139 out_handle.close()
141 os.remove(temp_file)
143 if errors:
144 print "%i sequences, %i positive, %i errors" \
145 % (count, positive, errors)
146 else:
147 print "%i/%i sequences positive" % (positive, count)
149 if count and count==errors:
150 #Galaxy will still allow them to see the output file
151 stop_err("All your sequences gave an error code")