view tools/predictnls/ @ 1:f35b2f3ca139 draft

Uploaded v0.0.6, new README file, citation information
author peterjc
date Fri, 11 Oct 2013 04:35:15 -0400
children ae44396108f5
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line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

#Copyright 2011-2013 by Peter Cock, James Hutton Institute (formerly SCRI), UK
#Licenced under the GPL (GNU General Public Licence) version 3.
#Based on Perl script predictNLS v1.3, copyright 2001-2005 and the later
#versions up to predictnls v1.0.20 (copright 2012), by Rajesh Nair
#( and Burkhard Rost (, Rost Lab,
#Columbia University

"""Batch mode predictNLS, for finding nuclear localization signals

This is a Python script re-implementing the predictNLS method, originally
written in Perl, described here:

Murat Cokol, Rajesh Nair, and Burkhard Rost.
Finding nuclear localization signals.
EMBO reports 1(5), 411-415, 2000

The original Perl script was designed to work on a single sequence at a time,
but offers quite detailed output, including HTML (webpage).

This Python version is designed to work on a single FASTA file containing
multiple sequences, and produces a single tabular output file, with one line
per NLS found (i.e. zero or more rows per query sequence).

It takes either two or three command line arguments:

predictNLS_batch input_file output_file [nls_motif_file]

The input file should be protein sequences in FASTA format, the output file
is tab separated plain text, and the NLS motif file defaults to using the
plain text My_NLS_list file located next to the script file, or in a data

For convience if using this outside Galaxy, the input filename can be '-'
to mean stdin, and likewise the output filename can be '-' to mean stdout.

Tested with the My_NLS_list file included with predictnls-1.0.7.tar.gz to
predictnls-1.0.20.tar.gz inclusive (the list was extended in v1.0.7 in
August 2010, see the change log included in those tar-balls).

The Rost Lab provide source code tar balls for predictNLS on the FTP site but for Debian or RedHat based Linux they
recommend their package repository instead,

import os
import sys
import re

def stop_err(msg, return_code=1):
    sys.stderr.write(msg.rstrip() + "\n")

if len(sys.argv) == 4:
    fasta_filename, tabular_filename, re_filename = sys.argv[1:]
elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
    fasta_filename, tabular_filename = sys.argv[1:]
    #Use os.path.realpath(...) to handle being called via a symlink
    #Try under subdirectory data:
    re_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])),
                               "data", "My_NLS_list")
    if not os.path.isfile(re_filename):
        #Try in same directory as this script:
        re_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])),
    stop_err("Expect 2 or 3 arguments: input FASTA file, output tabular file, and NLS motif file")

if not os.path.isfile(fasta_filename):
    stop_err("Could not find FASTA input file: %s" % fasta_filename)

if not os.path.isfile(re_filename):
    stop_err("Could not find NLS motif file: %s" % re_filename)

def load_re(filename):
    """Parse the 5+ column tabular NLS motif file."""
    handle = open(filename, "rU")
    for line in handle:
        line = line.rstrip("\n")
        if not line:
        parts = line.split("\t")
        assert 5 <= len(parts), parts
        regex, evidence, p_count, percent_nuc, precent_non_nuc = parts[0:5]
            regex = re.compile(regex)
            p_count = int(p_count)
        except ValueError:
            stop_err("Bad data in line: %s" % line)
        if 6 <= len(parts):
            proteins = parts[5]
            assert p_count == len(proteins.split(",")), line
            proteins = ""
            assert p_count == 0
        if 7 <= len(parts):
            domains = parts[6]
            assert int(p_count) == len(domains.split(",")), line
            domains = ""
            assert p_count == 0
        #There can be further columns (DNA binding?), but we don't use them.
        yield regex, evidence, p_count, percent_nuc, proteins, domains

def fasta_iterator(filename):
    """Simple FASTA parser yielding tuples of (name, upper case sequence)."""
    if filename == "-":
        handle = sys.stdin
        handle = open(filename)
    name, seq = "", ""
    for line in handle:
        if line.startswith(">"):
            if name:
                yield name, seq
            #Take the first word only as the name:
            name = line[1:].rstrip().split(None,1)[0]
            seq = ""
        elif name:
            #Simple way would leave in any internal white space,
            #seq += line.strip().upper()
            seq += "".join(line.strip().upper().split())
        elif not line.strip():
            #Ignore blank lines before first record
            raise ValueError("Bad FASTA line %r" % line)
    if filename != "-":
    if name:
        yield name, seq
    raise StopIteration

motifs = list(load_re(re_filename))
print "Looking for %i NLS motifs" % len(motifs)

if tabular_filename == "-":
    out_handle = sys.stdout
    out_handle = open(tabular_filename, "w")
out_handle.write("#ID\tNLS start\tNLS seq\tNLS pattern\tType\tProtCount\t%NucProt\tProtList\tProtLoci\n")
count = 0
nls = 0
for idn, seq in fasta_iterator(fasta_filename):
    for regex, evidence, p_count, percent_nuc_prot, proteins, domains in motifs:
        #Perl predictnls v1.0.17 (and older) take right most hit only, Bug #40
        #This has been fixed (v1.0.18 onwards, June 2011), so we return all the matches
        for match in regex.finditer(seq):
            #Perl predictnls v1.0.17 (and older) return NLS start position with zero
            #but changed to one based counting in v1.0.18 (June 2011) onwards, Bug #38
            #We therefore also use one based couting, hence the start+1 here:
            out_handle.write("%s\t%i\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%i\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" \
                             % (idn, match.start()+1,,
                                regex.pattern, evidence, p_count,
                                percent_nuc_prot, proteins, domains))
            nls += 1
    count += 1
if tabular_filename != "-":
print "Found %i NLS motifs in %i sequences" % (nls, count)