diff tools/seq_filter_by_mapping/seq_filter_by_mapping.py @ 0:1d773da0ccf0 draft

Uploaded v0.0.2, fixed some error messages
author peterjc
date Tue, 27 Jan 2015 08:31:13 -0500
children 8ff0ac66f1a3
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/seq_filter_by_mapping/seq_filter_by_mapping.py	Tue Jan 27 08:31:13 2015 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Filter a FASTA, FASTQ or SSF file with SAM/BAM mapping information.
+When filtering an SFF file, any Roche XML manifest in the input file is
+preserved in both output files.
+This tool is a short Python script which requires Biopython 1.54 or later
+for SFF file support. If you use this tool in scientific work leading to a
+publication, please cite the Biopython application note:
+Cock et al 2009. Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational
+molecular biology and bioinformatics. Bioinformatics 25(11) 1422-3.
+http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp163 pmid:19304878.
+This script is copyright 2014 by Peter Cock, The James Hutton Institute
+(formerly the Scottish Crop Research Institute, SCRI), UK. All rights reserved.
+See accompanying text file for licence details (MIT license).
+Use -v or --version to get the version, -h or --help for help.
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import subprocess
+from optparse import OptionParser
+def sys_exit(msg, err=1):
+    sys.stderr.write(msg.rstrip() + "\n")
+    sys.exit(err)
+#Parse Command Line
+usage = """Use as follows:
+$ python seq_filter_by_mapping.py [options] mapping.sam/bam [more mappings]
+e.g. Positive matches using column one from a single BAM file:
+$ seq_filter_by_mapping.py -i my_seqs.fastq -f fastq -p matches.fastq mapping.bam
+Multiple SAM/BAM mapping files may be given.
+parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+parser.add_option('-i', '--input', dest='input',
+                  default=None, help='Input sequences filename',
+                  metavar="FILE")
+parser.add_option('-f', '--format', dest='format',
+                  default=None,
+                  help='Input sequence format (e.g. fasta, fastq, sff)')
+parser.add_option('-p', '--positive', dest='output_positive',
+                  default=None,
+                  help='Output filename for mapping reads',
+                  metavar="FILE")
+parser.add_option('-n', '--negative', dest='output_negative',
+                  default=None,
+                  help='Output filename for non-mapping reads',
+                  metavar="FILE")
+parser.add_option("-m", "--pair-mode", dest="pair_mode",
+                  default="lax",
+                  help="How to treat paired reads (lax or strict, default lax)")
+parser.add_option("-v", "--version", dest="version",
+                  default=False, action="store_true",
+                  help="Show version and quit")
+options, args = parser.parse_args()
+if options.version:
+    print "v0.0.2"
+    sys.exit(0)
+in_file = options.input
+seq_format = options.format
+out_positive_file = options.output_positive
+out_negative_file = options.output_negative
+pair_mode = options.pair_mode
+if in_file is None or not os.path.isfile(in_file):
+    sys_exit("Missing input file: %r" % in_file)
+if out_positive_file is None and out_negative_file is None:
+    sys_exit("Neither output file requested")
+if seq_format is None:
+    sys_exit("Missing sequence format")
+if pair_mode not in ["lax", "strict"]:
+    sys_exit("Pair mode argument should be 'lax' or 'strict', not %r" % pair_mode)
+for mapping in args:
+    if not os.path.isfile(mapping):
+        sys_exit("Mapping file %r not found" % mapping)
+if not args:
+    sys_exit("At least one SAM/BAM mapping file is required")
+#Cope with three widely used suffix naming convensions,
+#Illumina: /1 or /2
+#Forward/revered: .f or .r
+#Sanger, e.g. .p1k and .q1k
+#See http://staden.sourceforge.net/manual/pregap4_unix_50.html
+#re_f = re.compile(r"(/1|\.f|\.[sfp]\d\w*)$")
+#re_r = re.compile(r"(/2|\.r|\.[rq]\d\w*)$")
+re_suffix = re.compile(r"(/1|\.f|\.[sfp]\d\w*|/2|\.r|\.[rq]\d\w*)$")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo.f")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo.s1")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo.f1k")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo.p1")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo.p1k")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo.p1lk")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo/2")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo.r")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo.q1")
+assert re_suffix.search("demo.q1lk")
+def clean_name(name):
+    """Remove suffix."""
+    match = re_suffix.search(name)
+    if match:
+        # Use the fact this is a suffix, and regular expression will be
+        # anchored to the end of the name:
+        return name[:match.start()]
+    else:
+        # Nothing to do
+        return name
+assert clean_name("foo/1") == "foo"
+assert clean_name("foo/2") == "foo"
+assert clean_name("bar.f") == "bar"
+assert clean_name("bar.r") == "bar"
+assert clean_name("baz.p1") == "baz"
+assert clean_name("baz.q2") == "baz"
+mapped_chars = { '>' :'__gt__',
+                 '<' :'__lt__',
+                 "'" :'__sq__',
+                 '"' :'__dq__',
+                 '[' :'__ob__',
+                 ']' :'__cb__',
+                 '{' :'__oc__',
+                 '}' :'__cc__',
+                 '@' : '__at__',
+                 '\n' : '__cn__',
+                 '\r' : '__cr__',
+                 '\t' : '__tc__',
+                 '#' : '__pd__'
+                 }
+def load_mapping_ids(filename, pair_mode, ids):
+    """Parse SAM/BAM file, updating given set of ids.
+    Parses BAM files via call out to samtools view command.
+    """
+    handle = open(filename, "rb")
+    magic = handle.read(4)
+    if magic == b"\x1f\x8b\x08\x04":
+        # Presumably a BAM file then...
+        handle.close()
+        # Call samtools view, don't need header so no -h added:
+        child = subprocess.Popen(["samtools", "view", filename],
+                                 stdin=None,
+                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        handle = child.stdout
+    else:
+        # Presumably a SAM file...
+        child = None
+        handle.seek(0)
+    # Handle should now contain SAM records
+    for line in handle:
+        # Ignore header lines
+        if line[0] != "@":
+            qname, flag, rest = line.split("\t", 2)
+            flag = int(flag)
+            if pair_mode == "lax":
+                # If either read or its partner is mapped, take it!
+                # Being lazy, since we will look at both reads
+                # can just check if (either) has 0x4 clear.
+                if not (flag & 0x4):
+                    ids.add(qname)
+            elif pair_mode == "strict":
+                # For paired reads, require BOTH be mapped.
+                if (flag & 0x4):
+                    # This is unmapped, ignore it
+                    pass
+                elif not (flag & 0x1):
+                    # Unpaired (& mapped) - take it
+                    ids.add(qname)
+                elif not (flag & 0x8):
+                    # Paired and partner also mapped, good
+                    ids.add(qname)
+    if child:
+        # Check terminated normally.
+        stdout, stderr = child.communicate()
+        assert child.returncode is not None
+        if child.returncode:
+            msg = "Error %i from 'samtools view %s'\n%s" % (child.returncode,
+                                                            filename, stderr)
+            sys_exit(msg.strip(), child.returncode)
+    else:
+        handle.close()
+# Read mapping file(s) and record all mapped identifiers
+ids = set()
+for filename in args:
+    load_mapping_ids(filename, pair_mode, ids)
+# TODO - If want to support naive paired mode, have to record
+# more than just qname (need /1 or /2 indicator)
+print("Loaded %i mapped IDs" % (len(ids)))
+if len(ids) < 10:
+    print("Looking for %s" % ", ".join(sorted(ids)))
+def crude_fasta_iterator(handle):
+    """Yields tuples, record ID and the full record as a string."""
+    while True:
+        line = handle.readline()
+        if line == "":
+            return # Premature end of file, or just empty?
+        if line[0] == ">":
+            break
+    no_id_warned = False
+    while True:
+        if line[0] != ">":
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Records in Fasta files should start with '>' character")
+        try:
+            id = line[1:].split(None, 1)[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            if not no_id_warned:
+                sys.stderr.write("WARNING - Malformed FASTA entry with no identifier\n")
+                no_id_warned = True
+            id = None
+        lines = [line]
+        line = handle.readline()
+        while True:
+            if not line:
+                break
+            if line[0] == ">":
+                break
+            lines.append(line)
+            line = handle.readline()
+        yield id, "".join(lines)
+        if not line:
+            return # StopIteration
+def fasta_filter(in_file, pos_file, neg_file, wanted):
+    """FASTA filter producing 60 character line wrapped outout."""
+    pos_count = neg_count = 0
+    #Galaxy now requires Python 2.5+ so can use with statements,
+    with open(in_file) as in_handle:
+        #Doing the if statement outside the loop for speed
+        #(with the downside of three very similar loops).
+        if pos_file is not None and neg_file is not None:
+            print "Generating two FASTA files"
+            with open(pos_file, "w") as pos_handle:
+                with open(neg_file, "w") as neg_handle:
+                    for identifier, record in crude_fasta_iterator(in_handle):
+                        if clean_name(identifier) in wanted:
+                            pos_handle.write(record)
+                            pos_count += 1
+                        else:
+                            neg_handle.write(record)
+                            neg_count += 1
+        elif pos_file is not None:
+            print "Generating matching FASTA file"
+            with open(pos_file, "w") as pos_handle:
+                for identifier, record in crude_fasta_iterator(in_handle):
+                    if clean_name(identifier) in wanted:
+                        pos_handle.write(record)
+                        pos_count += 1
+                    else:
+                        neg_count += 1
+        else:
+            print "Generating non-matching FASTA file"
+            assert neg_file is not None
+            with open(neg_file, "w") as neg_handle:
+                for identifier, record in crude_fasta_iterator(in_handle):
+                    if clean_name(identifier) in wanted:
+                        pos_count += 1
+                    else:
+                        neg_handle.write(record)
+                        neg_count += 1
+    return pos_count, neg_count
+def fastq_filter(in_file, pos_file, neg_file, wanted):
+    """FASTQ filter."""
+    from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import FastqGeneralIterator
+    handle = open(in_file, "r")
+    if out_positive_file is not None and out_negative_file is not None:
+        print "Generating two FASTQ files"
+        positive_handle = open(out_positive_file, "w")
+        negative_handle = open(out_negative_file, "w")
+        print in_file
+        for title, seq, qual in FastqGeneralIterator(handle):
+            # print("%s --> %s" % (title, clean_name(title.split(None, 1)[0])))
+            if clean_name(title.split(None, 1)[0]) in ids:
+                positive_handle.write("@%s\n%s\n+\n%s\n" % (title, seq, qual))
+            else:
+                negative_handle.write("@%s\n%s\n+\n%s\n" % (title, seq, qual))
+        positive_handle.close()
+        negative_handle.close()
+    elif out_positive_file is not None:
+        print "Generating matching FASTQ file"
+        positive_handle = open(out_positive_file, "w")
+        for title, seq, qual in FastqGeneralIterator(handle):
+            if clean_name(title.split(None, 1)[0]) in ids:
+                positive_handle.write("@%s\n%s\n+\n%s\n" % (title, seq, qual))
+        positive_handle.close()
+    elif out_negative_file is not None:
+        print "Generating non-matching FASTQ file"
+        negative_handle = open(out_negative_file, "w")
+        for title, seq, qual in FastqGeneralIterator(handle):
+            if clean_name(title.split(None, 1)[0]) not in ids:
+                negative_handle.write("@%s\n%s\n+\n%s\n" % (title, seq, qual))
+        negative_handle.close()
+    handle.close()
+    # This does not currently bother to record record counts (faster)
+def sff_filter(in_file, pos_file, neg_file, wanted):
+    """SFF filter."""
+    try:
+        from Bio.SeqIO.SffIO import SffIterator, SffWriter
+    except ImportError:
+        sys_exit("SFF filtering requires Biopython 1.54 or later")
+    try:
+        from Bio.SeqIO.SffIO import ReadRocheXmlManifest
+    except ImportError:
+        #Prior to Biopython 1.56 this was a private function
+        from Bio.SeqIO.SffIO import _sff_read_roche_index_xml as ReadRocheXmlManifest
+    in_handle = open(in_file, "rb") #must be binary mode!
+    try:
+        manifest = ReadRocheXmlManifest(in_handle)
+    except ValueError:
+        manifest = None
+    #This makes two passes though the SFF file with isn't so efficient,
+    #but this makes the code simple.
+    pos_count = neg_count = 0
+    if out_positive_file is not None:
+        out_handle = open(out_positive_file, "wb")
+        writer = SffWriter(out_handle, xml=manifest)
+        in_handle.seek(0) #start again after getting manifest
+        pos_count = writer.write_file(rec for rec in SffIterator(in_handle) if clean_name(rec.id) in ids)
+        out_handle.close()
+    if out_negative_file is not None:
+        out_handle = open(out_negative_file, "wb")
+        writer = SffWriter(out_handle, xml=manifest)
+        in_handle.seek(0) #start again
+        neg_count = writer.write_file(rec for rec in SffIterator(in_handle) if clean_name(rec.id) not in ids)
+        out_handle.close()
+    #And we're done
+    in_handle.close()
+    return pos_count, neg_count
+if seq_format.lower()=="sff":
+    # Now write filtered SFF file based on IDs wanted
+    pos_count, neg_count = sff_filter(in_file, out_positive_file, out_negative_file, ids)
+    # At the time of writing, Galaxy doesn't show SFF file read counts,
+    # so it is useful to put them in stdout and thus shown in job info.
+    print "%i with and %i without specified IDs" % (pos_count, neg_count)
+elif seq_format.lower()=="fasta":
+    # Write filtered FASTA file based on IDs from tabular file
+    pos_count, neg_count = fasta_filter(in_file, out_positive_file, out_negative_file, ids)
+    print "%i with and %i without specified IDs" % (pos_count, neg_count)
+elif seq_format.lower().startswith("fastq"):
+    #Write filtered FASTQ file based on IDs from mapping file
+    fastq_filter(in_file, out_positive_file, out_negative_file, ids)
+    # This does not currently track the counts
+    sys_exit("Unsupported file type %r" % seq_format)