diff README.md @ 0:77d9f2ecb28a draft

author petr-novak
date Wed, 03 Jul 2019 02:45:00 -0400
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.md	Wed Jul 03 02:45:00 2019 -0400
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+# Domain based annotation of transposable elements  - DANTE #
+### Authors 
+ Nina Hostakova, Petr Novak, Pavel Neumann, Jiri Macas
+ Biology Centre CAS, Czech Republic
+### Introduction
+* Protein Domains Finder [dante.py]
+	* Script performs scanning of given DNA sequence(s) in (multi)fasta format in order to discover protein domains using our protein domains database.
+	* Domains searching is accomplished engaging LASTAL alignment tool.
+	* Domains are subsequently annotated and classified - in case certain domain has multiple annotations assigned, classifation is derived from the common classification level of all of them. 	
+* Proteins Domains Filter [dante_gff_output_filtering.py]
+	* filters GFF3 output from previous step to obtain certain kind of domain and/or allows to adjust quality filtering  
+* python3.4 or higher with packages:	
+	* numpy
+	* biopython
+* [lastal](http://last.cbrc.jp/doc/last.html) 744 or higher
+* ProfRep/DANTE modules:
+	* configuration.py 
+### Protein Domains Finder ###
+This tool provides **preliminary** output of all domains types which are not filtered for quality.
+#### INPUTS ####
+* DNA sequence [multiFasta]
+#### OUTPUTS ####
+* **All protein domains GFF3** - individual domains are reported per line as regions (start-end) on the original DNA sequence including the seq ID and strand orientation. The last "Attributes" column contains several comma-separated information related to the domain annotation, alignment and its quality. This file can undergo further filtering using Protein Domain Filter tool.		
+#### USAGE ####
+		usage: dante.py [-h] -q QUERY -pdb PROTEIN_DATABASE -cs
+								  CLASSIFICATION [-oug DOMAIN_GFF] [-nld NEW_LDB]
+								  [-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [-thsc THRESHOLD_SCORE]
+								  [-wd WIN_DOM] [-od OVERLAP_DOM]
+		optional arguments:
+		  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+		  -oug DOMAIN_GFF, --domain_gff DOMAIN_GFF
+								output domains gff format (default: None)
+		  -nld NEW_LDB, --new_ldb NEW_LDB
+								create indexed database files for lastal in case of
+								working with new protein db (default: False)
+		  -dir OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
+								specify if you want to change the output directory
+								(default: None)
+		  -thsc THRESHOLD_SCORE, --threshold_score THRESHOLD_SCORE
+								percentage of the best score in the cluster to be
+								tolerated when assigning annotations per base
+								(default: 80)
+		  -wd WIN_DOM, --win_dom WIN_DOM
+								window to process large input sequences sequentially
+								(default: 10000000)
+		  -od OVERLAP_DOM, --overlap_dom OVERLAP_DOM
+								overlap of sequences in two consecutive windows
+								(default: 10000)
+		required named arguments:
+		  -q QUERY, --query QUERY
+								input DNA sequence to search for protein domains in a
+								fasta format. Multifasta format allowed. (default:
+								None)
+		  -pdb PROTEIN_DATABASE, --protein_database PROTEIN_DATABASE
+								protein domains database file (default: None)
+		  -cs CLASSIFICATION, --classification CLASSIFICATION
+								protein domains classification file (default: None)
+	 When running for the first time with a new database use -nld option allowing lastal to create indexed database files:
+         -nld True
+	use other arguments if you wish to rename your outputs or they will be created automatically with standard names 
+### Protein Domains Filter ###
+The script performs Protein Domains Finder output filtering for quality and/or extracting specific type of protein domain or mobile elements of origin. For the filtered domains it reports their translated protein sequence of original DNA.
+#### INPUTS ####
+* GFF3 file produced by protein_domains.py OR already filtered GFF3
+#### Filtering options ####
+	- Min relative length of alignemnt to the protein domain from DB (without gaps)
+	- Identity 
+	- Similarity (scoring matrix: BLOSUM80)
+	- Interruption in the reading frame (frameshifts + stop codons) per every starting 100 AA
+	- Max alignment proportion to the original length of database domain sequence
+* DOMAIN TYPE: 'Name' attribute in GFF - see choices bellow
+Records for ambiguous domain type (e.g. INT/RH) are filtered out automatically
+arbitrary substring of the element classification ('Final_Classification' attribute in GFF)
+#### OUTPUTS ####
+* filtered GFF3 file
+* fasta file of translated protein sequences for the aligned domains that match the filtering criteria 
+	! as it is taken from the best hit alignment reported by LAST, it does not neccessary cover the whole region reported as domain in GFF
+#### USAGE ####		
+		usage: dante_gff_output_filtering.py [-h] -dg DOM_GFF [-ouf DOMAINS_FILTERED]
+                            [-dps DOMAINS_PROT_SEQ]
+                            [-thl {float range 0.0..1.0}]
+                            [-thi {float range 0.0..1.0}]
+                            [-ths {float range 0.0..1.0}] [-ir INTERRUPTIONS]
+                            [-mlen MAX_LEN_PROPORTION]
+                            [-sd {All,GAG,INT,PROT,RH,RT,aRH,CHDCR,CHDII,TPase,YR,HEL1,HEL2,ENDO}]
+                            [-el ELEMENT_TYPE] [-dir OUTPUT_DIR]
+		optional arguments:
+		  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+		  -ouf DOMAINS_FILTERED, --domains_filtered DOMAINS_FILTERED
+								output filtered domains gff file (default: None)
+		  -dps DOMAINS_PROT_SEQ, --domains_prot_seq DOMAINS_PROT_SEQ
+								output file containg domains protein sequences
+								(default: None)
+		  -thl {float range 0.0..1.0}, --th_length {float range 0.0..1.0}
+								proportion of alignment length threshold (default:
+								0.8)
+		  -thi {float range 0.0..1.0}, --th_identity {float range 0.0..1.0}
+								proportion of alignment identity threshold (default:
+								0.35)
+		  -ths {float range 0.0..1.0}, --th_similarity {float range 0.0..1.0}
+								threshold for alignment proportional similarity
+								(default: 0.45)
+		  -ir INTERRUPTIONS, --interruptions INTERRUPTIONS
+								interruptions (frameshifts + stop codons) tolerance
+								threshold per 100 AA (default: 3)
+		  -mlen MAX_LEN_PROPORTION, --max_len_proportion MAX_LEN_PROPORTION
+								maximal proportion of alignment length to the original
+								length of protein domain from database (default: 1.2)
+								filter output domains based on the domain type
+								(default: All)
+		  -el ELEMENT_TYPE, --element_type ELEMENT_TYPE
+								filter output domains by typing substring from
+								classification (default: )
+		  -dir OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
+								specify if you want to change the output directory
+								(default: None)
+		required named arguments:
+		  -dg DOM_GFF, --dom_gff DOM_GFF
+								basic unfiltered gff file of all domains (default:
+								None)
+e.g. getting quality filtered integrase(INT) domains of all gypsy transposable elements:
+	./domains_filtering.py -dom_gff PATH_TO_INPUT_GFF -pdb PATH_TO_PROTEIN_DB -cs PATH_TO_CLASSIFICATION_FILE --selected_dom INT --element_type Ty3/gypsy 
+### Extract Domains Nucleotide Sequences ###
+This tool extracts nucleotide sequences of protein domains from reference DNA based on DANTE's output. It can be used e.g. for deriving phylogenetic relations of individual mobile elements classes within a species. 
+#### INPUTS ####
+* original DNA sequence in multifasta format to extract the domains from 
+* GFF3 file of protein domains (**DANTE's output** - preferably filtered for quality and specific domain type)
+* Domains database classification table (to check the classification level)
+#### OUTPUTS ####
+* fasta files of domains nucleotide sequences for individual transposons lineages
+* txt file of domains counts extracted for individual lineages
+**- For GALAXY usage all concatenated in a single fasta file**
+#### USAGE ####	
+		usage: dante_gff_to_dna.py [-h] -i INPUT_DNA -d DOMAINS_GFF -cs
+		optional arguments:
+		  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+		  -i INPUT_DNA, --input_dna INPUT_DNA
+								path to input DNA sequence
+		  -d DOMAINS_GFF, --domains_gff DOMAINS_GFF
+								GFF file of protein domains
+		  -cs CLASSIFICATION, --classification CLASSIFICATION
+								protein domains classification file
+		  -out OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
+								output directory
+		  -ex EXTENDED, --extended EXTENDED
+								extend the domains edges if not the whole datatabase
+								sequence was aligned
+	./extract_domains_seqs.py --domains_gff PATH_PROTEIN_DOMAINS_GFF --input_dna PATH_TO_INPUT_DNA  --classification PROTEIN_DOMAINS_DB_CLASS_TBL --extended True