comparison R/ltr_utils.R @ 0:7b0bbe7477c4 draft

"planemo upload commit 92c684dff3b377c8c08654c7f3d46a133385e3e0-dirty"
author petr-novak
date Tue, 08 Mar 2022 13:24:33 +0000
children f131886ea194
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7b0bbe7477c4
1 add_coordinates_of_closest_neighbor <- function(gff) {
2 gff <- gff[order(seqnames(gff), start(gff))]
3 # split to chromosomes:
4 gff_parts <- split(gff, seqnames(gff))
5 upstreams <- c(sapply(gff_parts, function(x) c(1, head(end(x), -1))))
6 downstreams <- c(sapply(gff_parts, function(x) c(start(x)[-1], seqlengths(x)[runValue(seqnames(x[1]))])))
7 gff_updated <- unlist(gff_parts)
8 gff_updated$upstream_domain <- unlist(upstreams)
9 gff_updated$downstream_domain <- unlist(downstreams)
10 names(gff_updated) <- NULL
11 return(gff_updated)
12 }
14 get_domain_clusters <- function(gff) {
15 # get consecutive domains from same linage
16 # must be sorted!
17 gag_plus <- as.numeric(cumsum(gff$Name == "GAG" & strand(gff) == '+'))
18 gag_minus <- rev(as.numeric(cumsum(rev(gff$Name == "GAG" & strand(gff) == '-'))))
19 # split based on classification - must be same and consecutive
20 x <- rle(gff$Final_Classification)
21 # split on strand change
22 s <- rep(seq_along(runLength(strand(gff))), runLength(strand(gff)))
23 domain_cluster <- paste0(rep(seq_along(x$lengths), x$lengths), "_", seqnames(gff),
24 "_", gag_plus, "_", gag_minus, "_", s)
25 gff_clusters <- split(, factor(domain_cluster, levels = unique(domain_cluster)))
26 gff_clusters
27 }
29 clean_domain_clusters <- function(gcl) {
30 ## remove clusters wich does not have enough domains or domains
31 ## are on different strand
32 N_domains <- sapply(gcl, nrow)
33 N_unique_domains <- sapply(gcl, function(x)length(unique(x$Name)))
34 S <- sapply(gcl, function(x)paste(sort(unique(x$strand)), collapse = " "))
35 S_OK <- S %in% c("+", "-")
36 min_domains <- 5
37 maxlength <- 15000 # max span between domains
38 span <- sapply(gcl, function(x)max(x$end) - min(x$start))
39 cond1 <- S_OK &
40 N_unique_domains == N_domains &
41 N_domains >= min_domains &
42 span <= maxlength
43 return(gcl[cond1])
44 }
46 check_ranges <- function(gx, s, offset = OFFSET) {
47 # check is range is not out of sequence length
48 START <- sapply(gx, function(x)min(x$start)) - offset
49 END <- sapply(gx, function(x)max(x$end)) + offset
50 MAX <- seqlengths(s)[sapply(gx, function(x)as.character(x$seqnames[1]))]
51 good_ranges <- (START > 0) & (END <= MAX)
52 return(good_ranges)
53 }
55 get_ranges <- function(gx, offset = OFFSET) {
56 S <- sapply(gx, function(x)min(x$start))
57 E <- sapply(gx, function(x)max(x$end))
58 gr <- GRanges(seqnames = sapply(gx, function(x)x$seqnames[1]), IRanges(start = S - offset, end = E + offset))
59 }
61 get_ranges_left <- function(gx, offset = OFFSET, offset2 = 300) {
62 S <- sapply(gx, function(x)min(x$start))
63 max_offset <- S - sapply(gx, function(x)min(x$upstream_domain))
64 offset_adjusted <- ifelse(max_offset < offset, max_offset, offset)
65 gr <- GRanges(seqnames = sapply(gx, function(x)x$seqnames[1]), IRanges(start = S - offset_adjusted, end = S + offset2))
66 return(gr)
67 }
69 get_ranges_right <- function(gx, offset = OFFSET, offset2 = 300) {
70 E <- sapply(gx, function(x)max(x$end))
71 max_offset <- sapply(gx, function(x)max(x$downstream_domain)) - E
72 offset_adjusted <- ifelse(max_offset < offset, max_offset, offset)
73 gr <- GRanges(seqnames = sapply(gx, function(x)x$seqnames[1]), IRanges(start = E - offset2, end = E + offset_adjusted))
74 return(gr)
75 }
77 firstTG <- function(ss) {
78 x <- matchPattern("TG", ss)
79 if (length(x) == 0) {
80 return(0)
81 }else {
82 return(min(start(x)))
83 }
84 }
86 lastCA <- function(ss) {
87 x <- matchPattern("CA", ss)
88 if (length(x) == 0) {
89 return(0)
90 }else {
91 return(max(start(x)))
92 }
93 }
95 trim2TGAC <- function(bl) {
96 for (i in 1:nrow(bl)) {
97 tg_L <- firstTG(bl$qseq[i])
98 tg_R <- firstTG(bl$sseq[i])
99 ca_L <- lastCA(bl$qseq[i])
100 ca_R <- lastCA(bl$sseq[i])
101 e_dist <- bl$length[i] - ca_R
102 no_match <- any(tg_L == 0, tg_R == 0, ca_L == 0, ca_R == 0)
103 if (!no_match &
104 tg_L == tg_R &
105 ca_L == ca_R &
106 tg_L < 8 &
107 e_dist < 8) {
108 ## trim alignment
109 bl[i,] <- trim_blast_table(bl[i,], tg_L, e_dist - 1)
110 }
111 }
112 return(bl)
113 }
115 trim_blast_table <- function(b, T1, T2) {
116 b$qstart <- b$qstart + T1
117 b$sstart <- b$sstart + T1
118 b$qend <- b$qend - T2
119 b$send <- b$send - T2
120 b$sseq <- substring(b$sseq, T1, b$length - T2)
121 b$qseq <- substring(b$qseq, T1, b$length - T2)
122 b$length <- nchar(b$sseq)
123 return(b)
124 }
126 blast_all2all <- function(seqs, db=NULL, ncpus=1, word_size=20, perc_identity=90, max_target_seq = 5000, task = "megablast", additional_params= ""){
127 if (ncpus == 1){
128 query <- list(seqs)
129 }else{
130 query <-split(seqs, round(seq(1,ncpus,length.out = length(seqs))))
131 }
132 if(is.null(db)){
133 # search against itself
134 db <- seqs
135 }
136 qf <-tempfile(fileext=paste0("_",1:ncpus,".fasta"))
137 outf <-tempfile(fileext=paste0("_",1:ncpus,".csv"))
138 dbf <- tempfile()
139 script <- tempfile()
140 writeXStringSet(db, dbf)
141 mapply(query, qf, FUN = writeXStringSet)
142 cols <- "qaccver saccver pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qlen slen"
143 cmd_db <- paste("makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in ", dbf)
144 cmd_blast <- paste("blastn -task ", task, " -word_size", word_size,
145 "-outfmt \"6 ", cols, "\" ",
146 "-perc_identity", perc_identity, " -min_raw_gapped_score 500",
147 "-max_target_seqs", max_target_seq, additional_params,
148 "-query", qf, "-db", dbf, "-out", outf,
149 "&"
150 )
152 # TODO - inspect only forward strand??
153 system(cmd_db)
154 cmd_all <- paste(paste(cmd_blast,collapse="\n"),"\nwait")
155 cat(cmd_all, file = script)
156 system(paste("sh ", script))
158 bl_list <- lapply(outf, read.table, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, col.names = unlist(strsplit(cols, " ")), sep="\t", comment.char = "")
159 bl_table <-, bl_list)
160 unlink(qf)
161 #unlink(outf)
162 print(outf)
163 unlink(dbf)
164 unlink(script)
165 return(bl_table)
166 }
168 identify_conflicts <- function (bl){
169 QL <- gsub(".+[|]", "", bl$qaccver)
170 SL <- gsub(".+[|]", "", bl$saccver)
171 id_with_conflict <- unique(c(bl$qaccver[QL != SL],bl$saccver[QL != SL]))
172 id_ok <- setdiff(unique(c(bl$qaccver,bl$saccver)), id_with_conflict)
173 single_hit <- sapply(
174 sapply(
175 split(bl$qaccver, bl$saccver), unique
176 ), length) == 1
177 id_with_no_hits <- names(single_hit)[single_hit] # except hit to itself
178 return(list(
179 ok = id_ok,
180 conflict = id_with_conflict,
181 no_hit = id_with_no_hits)
182 )
183 }
186 analyze_TE <- function(seqs, ncpus = 10, word_size = 20){
187 blt <- blast_all2all(seqs, ncpus = ncpus, word_size = word_size)
188 te_conflict_info <- identify_conflicts(blt)
189 blt_te_ok <- blast_table_subset(blt, te_conflict_info$ok)
190 te_ok_lineages <- split(blt_te_ok,
191 gsub(
192 ".+[|]",
193 "",
194 blt_te_ok$qaccver))
195 gr_representative <- GRangesList(mclapply(te_ok_lineages,
196 FUN = get_representative_ranges,
197 mc.cores = ncpus
198 ))
199 seqs_representative <- getSeq(seqs, Reduce(c, gr_representative))
200 names(seqs_representative) <- seqnames(Reduce(c, gr_representative))
201 # TODO - add swithin group verification here, ! exclude self hits!!
203 return(
204 list(
205 seqs_representative = seqs_representative,
206 te_conflict_info = te_conflict_info,
207 gr_representative = gr_representative,
208 blast = blt
209 )
210 )
211 }
213 query_coverage <- function(blt){
214 blt <- blt[blt$qaccver != blt$saccver,]
215 Q_lengths <- blt$qlen[!duplicated(blt$qaccver)]
216 names(Q_lengths) <- blt$qaccver[!duplicated(blt$qaccver)]
217 gr <- GRanges(seqnames = blt$qaccver, seqlengths = Q_lengths,
218 IRanges(start = blt$qstart, end = blt$qend))
219 return(coverage(gr))
220 }
222 multiplicity_of_te <- function(blt){
223 # exclude self to self hits and calculate coverage + mean_multiplicity of TE
224 # assuption is that TE which are 'identical' to other TE from the same lineage are
225 # likely correct
226 blt_no_self <- blt[blt$qaccver != blt$saccver,]
227 cvr <- query_coverage(blt_no_self)
228 L <- sapply(cvr, function(x) sum(width(x)))
229 C1 <- sapply(cvr, function(x) sum(as.numeric(runValue(x) >= 1) * runLength(x)))
230 multiplicity <- sapply(cvr, function(x) sum(as.numeric(runValue(x)) * runLength(x)))/L
231 data.frame(L = L, C1 = C1, multiplicity = multiplicity )
232 }
234 verify_based_on_multiplicity <- function(TE_info, min_coverage=0.99, min_multiplicity=3){
235 blt <- TE_info$blast[TE_info$blast$qaccver %in% TE_info$te_conflict_info$ok,]
236 mp <- multiplicity_of_te(blt)
237 id_ok_mp_verified <- rownames(mp)[mp$C1/mp$L > min_coverage & mp$multiplicity >= min_multiplicity]
238 return(list(multiplicity = mp,
239 id_ok_mp_verified = id_ok_mp_verified))
241 }
243 compare_TE_datasets <- function(Q, S, word_size = 20, min_coverage = 0.95, ncpus=10){
244 blt <- blast_all2all(seqs = Q, db = S, ncpus = ncpus, word_size = word_size)
245 QL <- gsub(".+[|]", "", blt$qaccver)
246 SL <- gsub(".+[|]", "", blt$saccver)
247 id_with_conflict <- unique(c(blt$qaccver[QL != SL]))
248 id_ok <- setdiff(unique(blt$qaccver), id_with_conflict)
249 # check coverage hits
250 blt_ok <- blt[blt$qaccver %in% id_ok,]
251 Q_lengths <- blt_ok$qlen[!duplicated(blt_ok$qaccver)]
252 names(Q_lengths) <- blt_ok$qaccver[!duplicated(blt_ok$qaccver)]
253 gr <- GRanges(seqnames = blt_ok$qaccver, seqlengths = Q_lengths,
254 IRanges(start = blt_ok$qstart, end = blt_ok$qend))
255 cvr <- coverage(gr)
256 L <- sapply(cvr, function(x) sum(width(x)))
257 C1 <- sapply(cvr, function(x) sum(as.numeric(runValue(x) >= 1) * runLength(x)))
258 Max_uncovered <- sapply(cvr, function(x){
259 if(any(runValue(x)==0)){
260 return(max(runLength(x)[runValue(x) == 0]))
261 }else{
262 return(0)
263 }
264 })
266 # verified based on hit to reference - S
267 C1_prop <- C1/L
268 pass <- (C1_prop >= min_coverage & Max_uncovered < 500)
269 if (any(pass)){
270 id_ok_verified <- names(C1_prop)
271 }else {
272 id_ok_verified <- NULL
273 }
274 return(list(id_with_conflict = id_with_conflict,
275 id_ok = id_ok,
276 id_ok_verified = id_ok_verified
277 ))
278 }
282 blast_table_subset <- function(bl,id){
283 return(bl[bl$qaccver %in% id & bl$saccver %in% id,, drop = FALSE])
284 }
286 get_representative_ranges <- function(bl, min_length = 60){
287 score <- sort(unlist(by(bl$bitscore, bl$qaccver, sum, simplify = FALSE)),
288 decreasing = TRUE)
289 L <- bl$qlen[!duplicated(bl$qaccver)]
290 names(L) <- bl$qaccver[!duplicated(bl$qaccver)]
291 gr <- GRanges(seqnames = bl$qaccver,
292 IRanges(start = bl$qstart, end = bl$qend),
293 seqlengths = L,
294 subject = bl$saccver,
295 sstart = ifelse(bl$send < bl$sstart, bl$send, bl$sstart),
296 send = ifelse(bl$send > bl$sstart, bl$send, bl$sstart))
297 SN <- levels(seqnames(gr))
298 inc <- rep(TRUE, length(gr))
299 MSK <- GRangesList()
300 for (i in names(score)){
301 inc[gr$subject %in% i] <- FALSE
302 gr_part <- gr[seqnames(gr) %in% i & inc]
303 MSK[[i]] <- GRanges(seqnames = factor(gr_part$subject, levels = SN),
304 IRanges(start = gr_part$sstart, end = gr_part$send),
305 seqlengths = L
306 )
307 }
308 gout <- unlist(MSK)
310 full_gr <- GRanges(seqnames = factor(SN, levels = SN),
311 IRanges(start = rep(1,length(L)),
312 end = L)
313 )
314 unmasked_gr <- GenomicRanges::setdiff(full_gr, gout)
315 return(unmasked_gr[width(unmasked_gr) >= min_length])
316 }
318 expected_diversity <- function(seqs, niter=100, km = 6){
319 L <- nchar(seqs)
320 R <- matrix(ncol = niter, nrow = length(seqs))
321 for (i in 1:niter){
322 print(i)
323 seqs_rnd <- DNAStringSet(sapply(L, function(n) paste(sample(c("A", "C", "T", "G"), n, replace=TRUE), collapse="")))
324 R[,i] <- seq_diversity(seqs_rnd, km = km)$richness
325 }
326 R
328 }
330 seq_diversity <- function (seqs, km=6){
331 K <- oligonucleotideFrequency(seqs, width=km)>0
332 P <- t(K)/rowSums(K)
333 # shannon index
334 SI <- apply(P, 2, function(x) {x1 <- x[x>0]; -sum(x1*log(x1))})
335 # richness
336 R <- rowSums(K)
337 list(richness=R, shannon_index=SI)
338 }
342 blast <- function(s1, s2) {
343 tmp1 <- tempfile()
344 tmp2 <- tempfile()
345 tmp_out <- tempfile()
346 writeXStringSet(DNAStringSet(s1), tmp1)
347 writeXStringSet(DNAStringSet(s2), tmp2)
348 # alternative blast:
349 cmd <- paste("blastn -task blastn -word_size 7 -dust no -gapextend 1 -gapopen 2 -reward 1 -penalty -1",
350 " -query ", tmp1, ' -subject ', tmp2, ' -strand plus ',
351 '-outfmt "6 qaccver saccver pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qseq sseq"',
352 ' -out', tmp_out)
354 system(cmd)
355 out_raw <- read.table(tmp_out, = TRUE, sep = "\t",
356 col.names = strsplit("qaccver saccver pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qseq sseq", split = ' ')[[1]])
358 if (nrow(out_raw) == 0) {
359 return(out_raw)
360 }
361 out <- trim2TGAC(out_raw)
362 # remove alingment shorted that
363 out <- out[out$length > 100,]
364 if (nrow(out) == 0) {
365 return(out)
366 }
367 ## filter for TGCA
368 TG_L <- substring(out$qseq, 1, 2) == "TG"
369 TG_R <- substring(out$sseq, 1, 2) == "TG"
370 CA_L <- substring(out$qseq, out$length - 1, out$length) == "CA"
371 CA_R <- substring(out$sseq, out$length - 1, out$length) == "CA"
372 cond <- TG_L & TG_R & CA_L & CA_R
373 out <- out[cond, , drop = FALSE]
374 unlink(tmp1)
375 unlink(tmp2)
376 unlink(tmp_out)
377 # TODO - detele all temp files!
378 # unlink(tmp1, tmp2, tmp_out)
379 return(out)
380 }
382 get_correct_coordinates <- function(b) {
383, strsplit(b$qaccver, split = "_"))
384 }
386 evaluate_ltr <- function(GR, GRL, GRR, blast_line, Lseq, Rseq) {
387 LTR_L <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(data.frame(seqnames = seqnames(GR),
388 start = start(GRL) + blast_line$qstart - 2,
389 end = start(GRL) + blast_line$qend - 1))
390 LTR_R <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(data.frame(seqnames = seqnames(GR),
391 start = start(GRR) + blast_line$sstart - 2,
392 end = start(GRR) + blast_line$send - 1))
394 TSD_L <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(data.frame(seqnames = seqnames(GR),
395 start = start(GRL) + blast_line$qstart - 3:10,
396 end = start(GRL) + blast_line$qstart - 3))
397 TSD_R <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(data.frame(seqnames = seqnames(GR),
398 start = start(GRR) + blast_line$send,
399 end = start(GRR) + blast_line$send + 0:7))
401 TSD_L_seq <- DNAStringSet(substring(Lseq, blast_line$qstart - 2:9, blast_line$qstart - 2))
402 TSD_R_seq <- DNAStringSet(substring(Rseq, blast_line$send + 1, blast_line$send + 1:8))
404 matching_tsd <- TSD_R_seq == TSD_L_seq
405 matching_tsd[1:3] <- FALSE # remove short tsd
406 p <- which(matching_tsd)
407 if (length(p) > 0) {
408 TSD_Length <- max(p)
409 TSD_sequence <- TSD_L_seq[TSD_Length]
410 TSD_position <- append(TSD_R[TSD_Length], TSD_L[TSD_Length])
411 }else {
412 TSD_Length <- 0
413 TSD_sequence <- ""
414 TSD_position <- NA
415 }
417 TE_Length <- end(LTR_R) - start(LTR_L)
418 LTR_Identity <- blast_line$pident
419 out <- list(TSD_position = TSD_position, TSD_sequence = TSD_sequence, TSD_Length = TSD_Length,
420 LTR_R_position = LTR_R, LTR_L_position = LTR_L, TE_Length = TE_Length, LTR_Identity = LTR_Identity)
421 return(out)
422 }
424 get_best_ltr <- function(x) {
425 tsd_ok <- sapply(x, function(k)k$TSD_Length > 3)
426 te_length_ok <- sapply(x, function(k)k$TE_Length < 30000)
427 ltr_length_ok <- sapply(x, function(k)width(k$LTR_R_position) >= 100 & width(k$LTR_L_position) >= 100)
428 if (sum(tsd_ok & te_length_ok & ltr_length_ok) >= 1) {
429 # return the first one (best bitscore)
430 return(x[tsd_ok & te_length_ok][1])
431 }
432 if (any(te_length_ok & ltr_length_ok)) {
433 return(x[te_length_ok & ltr_length_ok][1])
434 }else {
435 return(NULL)
436 }
437 }
439 get_te_gff3 <- function(g, ID) {
440 D <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(g$domain, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
441 sn <- seqnames(D)[1]
442 S <- strand(D)[1]
443 TE <- GRanges(seqnames = sn,
444 IRanges(start = start(g$ltr_info[[1]]$LTR_L_position),
445 end = end(g$ltr_info[[1]]$LTR_R_position)), strand = S)
446 TE$type <- "transposable_element"
447 TE$ID <- ID
449 if (as.character(S) == "+") {
450 LTR_5 <- g$ltr_info[[1]]$LTR_L
451 LTR_3 <- g$ltr_info[[1]]$LTR_R
452 }else {
453 LTR_3 <- g$ltr_info[[1]]$LTR_L
454 LTR_5 <- g$ltr_info[[1]]$LTR_R
455 }
456 LTR_5$LTR <- '5LTR'
457 LTR_3$LTR <- '3LTR'
458 LTR_5$type <- "long_terminal_repeat"
459 LTR_3$type <- "long_terminal_repeat"
460 strand(LTR_3) <- S
461 strand(LTR_5) <- S
462 LTR_3$Parent <- ID
463 LTR_5$Parent <- ID
464 LTR_3$Final_Classification <- D$Final_Classification[1]
465 LTR_5$Final_Classification <- D$Final_Classification[1]
466 LTR_5$LTR_Identity <- g$ltr_info[[1]]$LTR_Identity
467 LTR_3$LTR_Identity <- g$ltr_info[[1]]$LTR_Identity
469 TE$LTR_Identity <- g$ltr_info[[1]]$LTR_Identity
470 TE$LTR5_length <- width(LTR_5)
471 TE$LTR3_length <- width(LTR_3)
473 if ($ltr_info[[1]]$TSD_position)[1]) {
474 # no TSD found
475 TSD <- NULL
476 TE$TSD <- 'not_found'
477 }else {
478 TSD <- g$ltr_info[[1]]$TSD_position
479 TSD$type <- "target_site_duplication"
480 TSD$Parent <- ID
481 TE$TSD <- as.character(g$ltr_info[[1]]$TSD_sequence)
482 }
484 TE$Final_Classification <- D$Final_Classification[1]
486 D$Parent <- ID
487 out <- c(TE, LTR_3, LTR_5, D, TSD)
488 return(out)
489 }
491 get_TE <- function(Lseq, Rseq, domains_gff, GR, GRL, GRR) {
492 xx <- blast(Lseq, Rseq)
493 if (nrow(xx) == 0) {
494 return(NULL)
495 }else {
496 ltr_tmp <- list()
497 for (j in 1:nrow(xx)) {
498 ltr_tmp[[j]] <- evaluate_ltr(GR, GRL, GRR, xx[j, , drop = FALSE], Lseq, Rseq)
499 }
500 ltr <- get_best_ltr(ltr_tmp)
501 if (length(ltr) == 0) {
502 return(NULL)
503 ## add good ltr
504 }else {
505 return(list(domain = domains_gff, ltr_info = ltr, blast_out = xx))
506 }
507 }
508 }
510 add_pbs <- function(te, s, trna_db) {
511 ltr5 <- te[which(te$LTR == "5LTR")]
512 STRAND <- as.character(strand(te)[1])
513 if (STRAND == "+") {
514 pbs_gr <- GRanges(seqnames(ltr5), IRanges(start = end(ltr5) + 1, end = end(ltr5) + 31))
515 pbs_s <- reverseComplement(getSeq(s, pbs_gr))
516 }else {
517 pbs_gr <- GRanges(seqnames(ltr5), IRanges(end = start(ltr5) - 1, start = start(ltr5) - 30))
518 pbs_s <- getSeq(s, pbs_gr)
519 }
521 names(pbs_s) <- "pbs_region"
522 # find trna match
523 tmp <- tempfile()
524 tmp_out <- tempfile()
525 writeXStringSet(DNAStringSet(pbs_s), tmp)
526 # alternative blast:
527 cmd <- paste("blastn -task blastn -word_size 7 -dust no -perc_identity 100",
528 " -query ", tmp, ' -db ', trna_db, ' -strand plus ',
529 '-outfmt "6 qaccver saccver pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qseq sseq"',
530 ' -out', tmp_out)
532 system(cmd)
533 pbs_exact_gr <- NULL
534 out_raw <- read.table(tmp_out, = TRUE, sep = "\t",
535 col.names = strsplit(
536 "qaccver saccver pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qseq sseq",
537 split = ' ')[[1]])
538 if (nrow(out_raw) > 0) {
539 cca <- grepl("CCA$", out_raw$qseq)
540 to_end <- out_raw$send == 23 # align to end of sequence
541 max_dist <- out_raw$qend > 25 # max 5 bp from ltr
542 min_length <- out_raw$length >= 10
543 out_pass <- out_raw[cca & to_end & max_dist & min_length,]
544 if (nrow(out_pass) > 0) {
545 trna_id <- out_pass$saccver[1]
546 if (STRAND == "+") {
547 S <- end(ltr5) + 32 - out_pass$qend[1]
548 E <- end(ltr5) + 32 - out_pass$qstart[1]
549 }else {
550 S <- start(ltr5) - 31 + out_pass$qstart[1]
551 E <- start(ltr5) - 31 + out_pass$qend[1]
552 }
553 pbs_exact_gr <- GRanges(seqnames(ltr5), IRanges(start = S, end = E))
554 pbs_exact_gr$trna_id <- trna_id
555 pbs_exact_gr$Length <- out_pass$Length
556 strand(pbs_exact_gr) <- STRAND
557 pbs_exact_gr$type <- 'primer_binding_site'
558 pbs_exact_gr$Parent <- te[1]$ID
559 te$trna_id <- c(trna_id, rep(NA, length(te) - 1))
561 }
562 }
563 te <- append(te, pbs_exact_gr)
564 unlink(tmp)
565 unlink(tmp_out)
566 return(te)
567 }
569 get_te_statistics <- function(gr, RT) {
570 DOMAINS_LTR <- gr[gr$type == "transposable_element" &
571 gr$TSD == "not_found" &
573 DOMAINS_LTR_TSD <- gr[gr$type == "transposable_element" &
574 gr$TSD != "not_found" &
576 DOMAINS_LTR_TSD_PBS <- gr[gr$type == "transposable_element" &
577 gr$TSD != "not_found" &
578 !$trna_id)]
579 DOMAINS_LTR_PBS <- gr[gr$type == "transposable_element" &
580 gr$TSD == "not_found" &
581 !$trna_id)]
583 all_class <- names(sort(table(RT$Final_Classification), decreasing = TRUE))
584 RT_domain <- as.integer(table(factor(RT$Final_Classification, levels = all_class)))
585 DL <- as.integer(table(factor(DOMAINS_LTR$Final_Classification, levels = all_class)))
586 DLT <- as.integer(table(factor(DOMAINS_LTR_TSD$Final_Classification, levels = all_class)))
587 DLTP <- as.integer(table(factor(DOMAINS_LTR_TSD_PBS$Final_Classification, levels = all_class)))
588 DLP <- as.integer(table(factor(DOMAINS_LTR_PBS$Final_Classification, levels = all_class)))
589 out <- data.frame(RT_domain = RT_domain,
594 row.names = all_class
595 )
596 total <- colSums(out)
597 out <- rbind(out, Total = total)
598 return(out)
599 }
601 getSeqNamed <- function(s, gr) {
602 spart <- getSeq(s, gr)
603 id1 <- paste0(seqnames(gr), '_', start(gr), "_", end(gr))
604 id2 <- gr$Final_Classification
605 names(spart) <- paste0(id1, "#", id2)
606 spart
607 }
609 get_TE_id <- function (gr){
610 gr_te <- gr[gr$type == "transposable_element"]
611 ID <- gr_te$ID
612 A <- paste0(seqnames(gr_te), '_', start(gr_te), "_", end(gr_te))
613 B <- gr_te$Final_Classification
614 names(ID) <- paste0(A, "#", B)
616 }
618 get_te_sequences <- function(gr, s) {
619 # return list of biostrings
620 DOMAINS_LTR <- gr[gr$type == "transposable_element" &
621 gr$TSD == "not_found" &
623 DOMAINS_LTR_TSD <- gr[gr$type == "transposable_element" &
624 gr$TSD != "not_found" &
626 DOMAINS_LTR_TSD_PBS <- gr[gr$type == "transposable_element" &
627 gr$TSD != "not_found" &
628 !$trna_id)]
629 DOMAINS_LTR_PBS <- gr[gr$type == "transposable_element" &
630 gr$TSD == "not_found" &
631 !$trna_id)]
632 s_DL <- getSeqNamed(s, DOMAINS_LTR)
633 s_DLT <- getSeqNamed(s, DOMAINS_LTR_TSD)
634 s_DLP <- getSeqNamed(s, DOMAINS_LTR_PBS)
635 s_DLTP <- getSeqNamed(s, DOMAINS_LTR_TSD_PBS)
636 return(DNAStringSetList(
637 DL = s_DL,
638 DLT = s_DLT,
639 DLP = s_DLP,
640 DLTP = s_DLTP
641 ))
643 }
645 cd_hit_est <- function(seqs, min_identity = 0.9, word_size = 10, ncpu = 2){
646 # runs cd-hi-est and return table with cluster membership, and size and if reads was repesentative
647 # input sequences must be in the same orientation!!!
648 sfile <- tempfile()
649 fasta_out <- tempfile()
650 clstr <- paste0(fasta_out,".clstr")
651 # cdhit is triming names!!
652 ori_names <- names(seqs)
653 names(seqs) <- seq_along(seqs)
654 writeXStringSet(seqs, sfile)
655 cmd <- paste("cd-hit-est",
656 "-i", sfile,
657 "-o", fasta_out,
658 "-c", min_identity,
659 "-n", word_size,
660 "-T", ncpu,
661 "-r", 0)
662 system(cmd)
663 cls_raw <- grep("^>", readLines(clstr), invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
664 unlink(fasta_out)
665 unlink(clstr)
666 index <- gsub("\t.+","",cls_raw)
667 id <- as.numeric(gsub("[.].+","",
668 gsub(".+>", "", cls_raw))
669 )
670 is_representative <- id %in% id[grep("[*]$",cls_raw)]
671 membership <- cumsum(index=="0")
672 cluster_size <- tabulate(membership)[membership]
673 # reorder
674 ord <- order(id)
675 cls_info <- data.frame(
676 seq_id = ori_names,
677 membership = membership[ord],
678 cluster_size = cluster_size[ord],
679 is_representative = is_representative[ord]
680 )
681 return(cls_info)
682 }