+ − 1 #ID Name READS CLS ANNOTATION Coverage Reference Ref_link
+ − 2 PST_C Pisum sativum Cameor (2017) PST_C_reads_all PST_C_hitsort.cls PST_C_annotation 0.1038 None None
+ − 3 PST_C_reduced Pisum sativum Cameor - REDUCED (2017) PST_C_reads_all_reduced PST_C_hitsort_reduced.cls PST_C_annotation 0.1038 None None
+ − 4 PST Pisum sativum Terno (Macas et al. 2015) PST_reads_all PST_hitsort.cls PST_annotation 0.1038 Macas J., Novak P., Pellicer J., Cizkova J., Koblizkova A., Neumann P., Fukova I., Dolezel J., Kelly L., Leitch I. (2015) - In Depth Characterization of Repetitive DNA in 23 Plant Genomes Reveals Sources of Genome Size Variation in the Legume Tribe Fabeae PLoS ONE 10 (11): e0143424. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0143424
+ − 5 CEUR Cuscuta europea (2018) CEUR_reads_all CEUR_hitsort.cls CEUR_annotation 0.1837 None None
+ − 6 CEUR_reduced Cuscuta europea - REDUCED (2018) CEUR_reads_all_reduced CEUR_hitsort_reduced.cls CEUR_annotation 0.1837 None None
+ − 7 GEPY Genlisea nigrocaulis (Vu et al. 2015) GEPY_reads_all GEPY_hitsort_PID90_LCOV55.cls GEPY_annotation 1 Vu, G.T.H., Schmutzer, T., Bull, F., Cao, H.X., Fuchs, J., Tran, T.D., Jovtchev, G., Pistrick, K., Stein, K., Pecinka, A., Neumann, P., Novak, P., Macas, J., Dear, P.H., Blattner, F.R., Scholz, U., Schubert, I. (2015) - Comparative genome analysis reveals divergent genome size evolution in a carnivorous plant genus. Plant Genome 8(3). https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/tpg/abstracts/8/3/plantgenome2015.04.0021
+ − 8 RHP Rhynchospora pubera (Marques at al. 2015) RHP_reads_all RHP_hitsort_PID90_LCOV55.cls RHP_annotation 0.5467 Marques, A., Ribeiro, T., Neumann, P., Macas, J., Novak, P., Schubert, V., Pellino, M., Fuchs, J., Ma, W., Kuhlmann, M., Brandt, R., Vanzela, A.L.L., Beseda, T., Simkova, H., Pedrosa-Harand, A., Houben, A. (2015) - Holocentromeres in Rhynchospora are associated with genome-wide centromere-specific repeat arrays interspersed amongst euchromatin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112: 13633-13638. http://w3lamc.umbr.cas.cz/lamc/publ/Marques_PNAS_2015.pdf
+ − 9 BVL Beta vulgaris (Kowar et al. 2016) BVL_reads_all BVL_hitsort_PID90_LCOV55.cls BVL_annotation 0.1817 Kowar, T., Zakrzewski, F., Macas, J., Koblizkova, A., Viehoever, P., Weisshaar, B., Schmidt, T. (2016) - Repeat composition of CenH3-chromatin and H3K9me2-marked heterochromatin in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). BMC Plant Biol. 16: 120. http://bmcplantbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12870-016-0805-5
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