Mercurial > repos > petr-novak > profrep
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author | petr-novak |
date | Wed, 26 Jun 2019 09:07:16 -0400 |
parents | a5f1638b73be |
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#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import csv import time import sys import matplotlib # matplotlib.use("PDF") matplotlib.use("pdf") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors import as cmx import multiprocessing import argparse import os from functools import partial from multiprocessing import Pool from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from operator import itemgetter from itertools import groupby import gff import configuration import visualization import distutils from distutils import dir_util import tempfile import re from Bio import SeqIO import sys import pickle import shutil import warnings import random import numpy as np import dante_gff_output_filtering as domains_filtering import dante as protein_domains t_profrep = time.time() np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module="matplotlib") class Range(): ''' This class is used to check float range in argparse ''' def __init__(self, start, end): self.start = start self.end = end def __eq__(self, other): return self.start <= other <= self.end def __str__(self): return "float range {}..{}".format(self.start, self.end) def __repr__(self): return "float range {}..{}".format(self.start, self.end) def get_version(path): branch = subprocess.check_output("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", shell=True, cwd=path).decode('ascii').strip() shorthash = subprocess.check_output("git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1 ", shell=True, cwd=path).decode('ascii').strip() revcount = len(subprocess.check_output("git log --oneline", shell=True, cwd=path).decode('ascii').split()) version_string = ("-------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------\n" "PIPELINE VERSION : " "{branch}-rv-{revcount}({shorthash})\n" "-------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------\n").format( branch=branch, shorthash=shorthash, revcount=revcount, ) return (version_string) def str2bool(v): if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'): return True elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected') def check_fasta_id(QUERY): forbidden_ids = [] headers = [] for record in SeqIO.parse(QUERY, "fasta"): if any(x in for x in configuration.FORBIDDEN_CHARS): forbidden_ids.append( headers.append( if len(headers) > len(set([header.split(" ")[0] for header in headers])): raise NameError( '''Sequences in multifasta format are not named correctly: seq IDs(before the first space) are the same''') return forbidden_ids, headers def multifasta(QUERY): ''' Create single fasta temporary files to be processed sequentially ''' PATTERN = ">" fasta_list = [] with open(QUERY, "r") as fasta: reader = splitter = reader.split(PATTERN)[1:] for fasta_num, part in enumerate(splitter): ntf = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) ntf.write("{}{}".format(PATTERN, part).encode("utf-8")) fasta_list.append( ntf.close() return fasta_list def fasta_read(subfasta): ''' Read fasta, gain header and sequence without gaps ''' sequence_lines = [] with open(subfasta, "r") as fasta: header = fasta.readline().strip().split(" ")[0][1:] for line in fasta: clean_line = line.strip() if clean_line: sequence_lines.append(clean_line) sequence = "".join(sequence_lines) return header, sequence def cluster_annotation(CL_ANNOTATION_TBL): ''' Create dictionary of known annotations classes and related clusters ''' cl_annotations = {} annot_table = np.genfromtxt(CL_ANNOTATION_TBL, dtype=str) for line in annot_table: if line[1] in cl_annotations: cl_annotations[line[1]].append(line[0]) else: cl_annotations[line[1]] = [line[0]] return list(cl_annotations.items()), list(cl_annotations.keys()) def read_annotation(CLS, cl_annotations_items): ''' Dictionary of known repeat classes and related reads ''' reads_annotations = {} with open(CLS, "r") as cls_file: count = 0 for line in cls_file: line = line.rstrip() count += 1 if count % 2 == 0: reads = re.split("\s+", line) for element in reads: for key, value in cl_annotations_items: if clust in value: reads_annotations[element] = key else: clust = re.split("\s+", line)[0].split(">CL")[1] return reads_annotations def annot_profile(annotation_keys, part): ''' Predefine dictionary of known annotations and partial sequence repetitive profiles defined by parallel process ''' subprofile = {} for key in annotation_keys: subprofile[key] = [np.zeros(part, dtype=int), np.zeros(part, dtype=int)] subprofile["ALL"] = [np.zeros(part, dtype=int), np.zeros(part, dtype=int)] return subprofile def parallel_process(WINDOW, OVERLAP, seq_length, annotation_keys, reads_annotations, subfasta, BLAST_DB, E_VALUE, WORD_SIZE, BLAST_TASK, MAX_ALIGNMENTS, BITSCORE, DUST_FILTER, last_index, subsets_num, subset_index): ''' Run parallel function to process the input sequence in windows Run blast for subsequence defined by the input index and window size Create and increment subprofile vector based on reads aligned within window ''' loc_start = subset_index + 1 loc_end = subset_index + WINDOW if loc_end >= seq_length: loc_end = seq_length subprofile = annot_profile(annotation_keys, seq_length - loc_start + 1) else: subprofile = annot_profile(annotation_keys, WINDOW + 1) # Find HSP records for every window defined by query location and parse the tabular stdout: # 1. query, 2. database read, 3. alignment start, 4. alignment end, 5. bitscore p = subprocess.Popen( "blastn -query {} -query_loc {}-{} -db {} -evalue {} -word_size {} -dust {} -task {} -num_alignments {} -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid qstart qend bitscore pident'".format( subfasta, loc_start, loc_end, BLAST_DB, E_VALUE, WORD_SIZE, DUST_FILTER, BLAST_TASK, MAX_ALIGNMENTS), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) count_hits = 0 for line in p.stdout: column = line.decode("utf-8").rstrip().split("\t") if float(column[4]) >= BITSCORE: count_hits += 1 read = column[1] # ID of individual aligned read if "reduce" in read: reads_representation = int(read.split("reduce")[-1]) else: reads_representation = 1 qstart = int(column[2]) # starting position of alignment qend = int(column[3]) # ending position of alignemnt if read in reads_annotations: annotation = reads_annotations[read] else: annotation = "ALL" subprofile[annotation][0][ qstart - subset_index - 1:qend - subset_index] = subprofile[ annotation][0][qstart - subset_index - 1:qend - subset_index] + reads_representation subprofile[annotation][1][qstart - subset_index - 1:qend - subset_index] = subprofile[annotation][ 1][qstart - subset_index - 1:qend - subset_index] + float(column[ 5]) * reads_representation subprofile["ALL"][0] = sum([item[0] for item in subprofile.values()]) subprofile["ALL"][1] = sum([item[1] for item in subprofile.values()]) for repeat in subprofile.keys(): subprofile[repeat][1] = [int(round(quality / hits_num)) if hits_num != 0 else quality for hits_num, quality in zip(subprofile[ repeat][0], subprofile[repeat][1])] if subset_index == 0: if subsets_num == 1: subprf_name = subprofile_single(subprofile, subset_index) else: subprf_name = subprofile_first(subprofile, subset_index, WINDOW, OVERLAP) elif subset_index == last_index: subprf_name = subprofile_last(subprofile, subset_index, OVERLAP) else: subprf_name = subprofiles_middle(subprofile, subset_index, WINDOW, OVERLAP) return subprf_name def subprofile_single(subprofile, subset_index): subprofile['idx'] = list(range(1, len(subprofile["ALL"][0]) + 1)) subprf_dict = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='{}_.pickle'.format(subset_index), delete=False) with open(, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(subprofile, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) subprf_dict.close() return def subprofile_first(subprofile, subset_index, WINDOW, OVERLAP): for key in subprofile.keys(): subprofile[key][0] = subprofile[key][0][0:-OVERLAP // 2 - 1] subprofile[key][1] = subprofile[key][1][0:-OVERLAP // 2 - 1] subprofile['idx'] = list(range(subset_index + 1, subset_index + WINDOW - OVERLAP // 2 + 1)) subprf_dict = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='{}_.pickle'.format(subset_index), delete=False) with open(, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(subprofile, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) subprf_dict.close() return def subprofiles_middle(subprofile, subset_index, WINDOW, OVERLAP): for key in subprofile.keys(): subprofile[key][0] = subprofile[key][0][OVERLAP // 2:-OVERLAP // 2 - 1] subprofile[key][1] = subprofile[key][1][OVERLAP // 2:-OVERLAP // 2 - 1] subprofile['idx'] = list(range(subset_index + OVERLAP // 2 + 1, subset_index + WINDOW - OVERLAP // 2 + 1)) subprf_dict = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='{}_.pickle'.format(subset_index), delete=False) with open(, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(subprofile, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) subprf_dict.close() return def subprofile_last(subprofile, subset_index, OVERLAP): len_subprofile = len(subprofile['ALL'][0]) for key in subprofile.keys(): subprofile[key][0] = subprofile[key][0][OVERLAP // 2:] subprofile[key][1] = subprofile[key][1][OVERLAP // 2:] subprofile['idx'] = list(range(subset_index + OVERLAP // 2 + 1, subset_index + len_subprofile + 1)) subprf_dict = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='{}_.pickle'.format(subset_index), delete=False) with open(, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(subprofile, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) subprf_dict.close() return def concatenate_prof(subprofiles_all, files_dict, seq_id, HTML_DATA, wig_files): for subprofile in subprofiles_all: with open(subprofile, 'rb') as handle: individual_dict = pickle.load(handle) exclude = set(["idx"]) for key in set(individual_dict.keys()).difference(exclude): if any(individual_dict[key][0]): indices = handle_zero_lines(individual_dict[key][0]) if key not in files_dict.keys(): prf_name = "{}/{}.wig".format(HTML_DATA, re.sub( '[\/\|]', '_', key)) prf_qual_name = "{}/{}_qual.wig".format( HTML_DATA, re.sub('[\/\|]', '_', key)) prf_file = open(prf_name, "w") prf_q_file = open(prf_qual_name, "w") prf_file.write("{}{}\n".format( configuration.HEADER_WIG, seq_id)) prf_q_file.write("{}{}\n".format( configuration.HEADER_WIG, seq_id)) for i in indices: prf_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format(individual_dict[ 'idx'][i], individual_dict[key][0][i])) prf_q_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format(individual_dict[ 'idx'][i], int(individual_dict[key][1][i]))) files_dict[key] = [prf_name, [seq_id], prf_qual_name] wig_files.append(prf_file) wig_files.append(prf_q_file) prf_file.close() prf_q_file.close() else: prf_name = files_dict[key][0] prf_qual_name = files_dict[key][2] with open(prf_name, "a") as prf_file, open( prf_qual_name, "a") as prf_q_file: if seq_id not in files_dict[key][1]: prf_file.write("{}{}\n".format( configuration.HEADER_WIG, seq_id)) prf_q_file.write("{}{}\n".format( configuration.HEADER_WIG, seq_id)) files_dict[key][1].append(seq_id) for i in indices: prf_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format( individual_dict['idx'][i], individual_dict[ key][0][i])) prf_q_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format( individual_dict['idx'][i], int( individual_dict[key][1][i]))) return files_dict, wig_files def concatenate_prof_CN(CV, subprofiles_all, files_dict, seq_id, HTML_DATA, wig_files): for subprofile in subprofiles_all: with open(subprofile, 'rb') as handle: individual_dict = pickle.load(handle) exclude = set(["idx"]) for key in set(individual_dict.keys()).difference(exclude): if any(individual_dict[key][0]): indices = handle_zero_lines(individual_dict[key][0]) if key not in files_dict.keys(): prf_name = "{}/{}.wig".format(HTML_DATA, re.sub( '[\/\|]', '_', key)) prf_qual_name = "{}/{}_qual.wig".format( HTML_DATA, re.sub('[\/\|]', '_', key)) prf_file = open(prf_name, "w") prf_q_file = open(prf_qual_name, "w") prf_file.write("{}{}\n".format( configuration.HEADER_WIG, seq_id)) prf_q_file.write("{}{}\n".format( configuration.HEADER_WIG, seq_id)) for i in indices: prf_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format(individual_dict[ 'idx'][i], int(individual_dict[key][0][i] / CV))) prf_q_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format(individual_dict[ 'idx'][i], int(individual_dict[key][1][i]))) files_dict[key] = [prf_name, [seq_id], prf_qual_name] wig_files.append(prf_file) wig_files.append(prf_q_file) prf_file.close() prf_q_file.close() else: prf_name = files_dict[key][0] prf_qual_name = files_dict[key][2] with open(prf_name, "a") as prf_file, open( prf_qual_name, "a") as prf_q_file: if seq_id not in files_dict[key][1]: prf_file.write("{}{}\n".format( configuration.HEADER_WIG, seq_id)) prf_q_file.write("{}{}\n".format( configuration.HEADER_WIG, seq_id)) files_dict[key][1].append(seq_id) for i in indices: prf_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format( individual_dict['idx'][i], int( individual_dict[key][0][i] / CV))) prf_q_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format( individual_dict['idx'][i], int( individual_dict[key][1][i]))) return files_dict, wig_files def handle_zero_lines(repeat_subhits): ''' Clean lines which contains only zeros, i.e. positons which do not contain any hit. However border zero positions need to be preserved due to correct graphs plotting ''' zero_idx = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(repeat_subhits) if val == 0] indices = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(repeat_subhits) if val != 0] zero_breakpoints = [] for key, group in groupby( enumerate(zero_idx), lambda index_item: index_item[0] - index_item[1]): group = list(map(itemgetter(1), group)) zero_breakpoints.append(group[0]) zero_breakpoints.append(group[-1]) if indices: indices.extend(zero_breakpoints) indices = sorted(set(indices), key=int) else: indices = [] return indices def repeats_process_dom(OUTPUT_GFF, THRESHOLD, THRESHOLD_SEGMENT, HTML_DATA, xminimal, xmaximal, domains, seq_ids_dom, CN, seq_ids_all, seq_lengths_all, files_dict): ''' Process the hits table separately for each fasta, create gff file and profile picture ''' if files_dict: gff.create_gff(THRESHOLD, THRESHOLD_SEGMENT, OUTPUT_GFF, files_dict, seq_ids_all) else: with open(OUTPUT_GFF, "w") as gff_file: gff_file.write("{}\n".format(configuration.HEADER_GFF)) # TODO remove plotting, keep only basic report return None seqs_all_part = seq_ids_all[0:configuration.MAX_PIC_NUM] graphs_dict = {} seqs_long = [] if files_dict: [graphs_dict, seqs_long] = visualization.vis_profrep( seq_ids_all, files_dict, seq_lengths_all, CN, HTML_DATA, seqs_all_part) count_seq = 0 for seq in seqs_all_part: if seq in graphs_dict.keys(): fig = graphs_dict[seq][0] ax = graphs_dict[seq][1] art = [] lgd = ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), loc=9, ncol=3) art.append(lgd) if seq in seq_ids_dom: dom_idx = seq_ids_dom.index(seq) [fig, ax] = visualization.vis_domains( fig, ax, seq, xminimal[dom_idx], xmaximal[dom_idx], domains[dom_idx]) elif seq in seqs_long: [fig, ax] = visualization.plot_figure( seq, seq_lengths_all[count_seq], CN) ax.text( 0.3, 0.5, "Graphs are only displayed if sequence is not longer than {} bp".format( configuration.SEQ_LEN_VIZ), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='center', color='blue') else: [fig, ax] = visualization.plot_figure( seq, seq_lengths_all[count_seq], CN) ax.hlines(0, 0, seq_lengths_all[count_seq], color="red", lw=4) if seq in seq_ids_dom: dom_idx = seq_ids_dom.index(seq) [fig, ax] = visualization.vis_domains( fig, ax, seq, xminimal[dom_idx], xmaximal[dom_idx], domains[dom_idx]) output_pic_png = "{}/{}.png".format(HTML_DATA, count_seq) fig.savefig(output_pic_png, bbox_inches="tight", format="png", dpi=configuration.IMAGE_RES) count_seq += 1 return None def repeats_process(OUTPUT_GFF, THRESHOLD, THRESHOLD_SEGMENT, HTML_DATA, CN, seq_ids_all, seq_lengths_all, files_dict): ''' Process the hits table separately for each fasta, create gff file and profile picture ''' if files_dict: gff.create_gff(THRESHOLD, THRESHOLD_SEGMENT, OUTPUT_GFF, files_dict, seq_ids_all) else: with open(OUTPUT_GFF, "w") as gff_file: gff_file.write("{}\n".format(configuration.HEADER_GFF)) # TODO remove plotting, keep only basic report return None seqs_all_part = seq_ids_all[0:configuration.MAX_PIC_NUM] graphs_dict = {} seqs_long = [] if files_dict: [graphs_dict, seqs_long] = visualization.vis_profrep( seq_ids_all, files_dict, seq_lengths_all, CN, HTML_DATA, seqs_all_part) count_seq = 0 for seq in seqs_all_part: if seq in graphs_dict.keys(): fig = graphs_dict[seq][0] ax = graphs_dict[seq][1] art = [] lgd = ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), loc=9, ncol=3) art.append(lgd) elif seq in seqs_long: [fig, ax] = visualization.plot_figure( seq, seq_lengths_all[count_seq], CN) ax.text( 0.3, 0.5, "Graphs are only displayed if sequence is not longer than {} bp".format( configuration.SEQ_LEN_VIZ), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='center', color='blue') else: [fig, ax] = visualization.plot_figure( seq, seq_lengths_all[count_seq], CN) ax.hlines(0, 0, seq_lengths_all[count_seq], color="red", lw=4) output_pic_png = "{}/{}.png".format(HTML_DATA, count_seq) fig.savefig(output_pic_png, bbox_inches="tight", format="png", dpi=configuration.IMAGE_RES) plt.close() count_seq += 1 return None def html_output(total_length, seq_lengths_all, seq_names, HTML, DB_NAME, REF, REF_LINK): ''' Define html output with limited number of output pictures and link to JBrowse ''' info = "\t\t".join(['<pre> {} [{} bp]</pre>'.format(seq_name, seq_length) for seq_name, seq_length in zip(seq_names, seq_lengths_all)]) if REF: ref_part_1 = REF.split("-")[0] ref_part_2 = "-".join(REF.split("-")[1:]).split(". ")[0] ref_part_3 = ". ".join("-".join(REF.split("-")[1:]).split(". ")[1:]) ref_string = '''<h6> {} - <a href="{}" target="_blank" >{}</a>. {}'''.format( ref_part_1, REF_LINK, ref_part_2, ref_part_3) else: ref_string = "Custom Data" pictures = "\n\t\t".join(['<img src="{}.png" width=1800>'.format( pic) for pic in range(len(seq_names))[:configuration.MAX_PIC_NUM]]) html_str = configuration.HTML_STR.format(info, total_length, DB_NAME, pictures, ref_string) with open(HTML, "w") as html_file: html_file.write(html_str) def adjust_tracklist(jbrowse_data_path): starting_lines = [] ending_lines = [] end = False with open( os.path.join(jbrowse_data_path, "trackList.json"), "r") as track_list: for line in track_list: if "]" not in line and not end: starting_lines.append(line) else: end = True ending_lines.append(line) with open( os.path.join(jbrowse_data_path, "trackList.json"), "w") as track_list: for line in starting_lines: track_list.write(line) return ending_lines def jbrowse_prep_dom(HTML_DATA, QUERY, OUT_DOMAIN_GFF, OUTPUT_GFF, N_GFF, total_length, JBROWSE_BIN, files_dict): ''' Set up the paths, link and convert output data to be displayed as tracks in Jbrowse ''' jbrowse_data_path = os.path.join(HTML_DATA, configuration.jbrowse_data_dir) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirpath:["{}/".format(JBROWSE_BIN), "--fasta", QUERY, "--out", jbrowse_data_path])["{}/".format( JBROWSE_BIN), "--gff", OUT_DOMAIN_GFF, "--trackLabel", "GFF_domains", "--out", jbrowse_data_path])["{}/".format( JBROWSE_BIN), "--gff", OUTPUT_GFF, "--trackLabel", "GFF_repeats", "--config", configuration.JSON_CONF_R, "--out", jbrowse_data_path])["{}/".format( JBROWSE_BIN), "--gff", N_GFF, "--trackLabel", "N_regions", "--config", configuration.JSON_CONF_N, "--out", jbrowse_data_path]) count = 0 # Control the total length processed, if above threshold, dont create wig image tracks if files_dict: exclude = set(['ALL']) sorted_keys = sorted(set(files_dict.keys()).difference(exclude)) sorted_keys.insert(0, "ALL") ending_lines = adjust_tracklist(jbrowse_data_path) track_list = open( os.path.join(jbrowse_data_path, "trackList.json"), "a") color_avail = len(configuration.COLORS_HEX) for repeat_id in sorted_keys: if count <= color_avail - 1: color = configuration.COLORS_HEX[count] else: r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255) color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(), r(), r()) count += 1 bw_name = "{}.bw".format(re.sub('[\/\|]', '_', repeat_id))["wigToBigWig", files_dict[repeat_id][ 0], os.path.join(HTML_DATA, configuration.CHROM_SIZES_FILE), os.path.join(jbrowse_data_path, bw_name)]) track_list.write(configuration.TRACK_LIST.format( "{", bw_name, repeat_id, repeat_id, "{", color, "}", "}")) for line in ending_lines: track_list.write(line) distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(dirpath, jbrowse_data_path) return None def jbrowse_prep(HTML_DATA, QUERY, OUTPUT_GFF, N_GFF, total_length, JBROWSE_BIN, files_dict): ''' Set up the paths, link and convert output data to be displayed as tracks in Jbrowse ''' jbrowse_data_path = os.path.join(HTML_DATA, configuration.jbrowse_data_dir) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirpath:["{}/".format(JBROWSE_BIN), "--fasta", QUERY, "--out", jbrowse_data_path])["{}/".format( JBROWSE_BIN), "--gff", OUTPUT_GFF, "--trackLabel", "GFF_repeats", "--config", configuration.JSON_CONF_R, "--out", jbrowse_data_path])["{}/".format( JBROWSE_BIN), "--gff", N_GFF, "--trackLabel", "N_regions", "--config", configuration.JSON_CONF_N, "--out", jbrowse_data_path]) count = 0 ## Control the total length processed, if above threshold, dont create wig image tracks if files_dict: exclude = set(['ALL']) sorted_keys = sorted(set(files_dict.keys()).difference(exclude)) sorted_keys.insert(0, "ALL") ending_lines = adjust_tracklist(jbrowse_data_path) track_list = open( os.path.join(jbrowse_data_path, "trackList.json"), "a") color_avail = len(configuration.COLORS_HEX) for repeat_id in sorted_keys: if count <= color_avail - 1: color = configuration.COLORS_HEX[count] else: r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255) color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(), r(), r()) count += 1 bw_name = "{}.bw".format(re.sub('[\/\|]', '_', repeat_id))["wigToBigWig", files_dict[repeat_id][ 0], os.path.join(HTML_DATA, configuration.CHROM_SIZES_FILE), os.path.join(jbrowse_data_path, bw_name)]) track_list.write(configuration.TRACK_LIST.format( "{", bw_name, repeat_id, repeat_id, "{", color, "}", "}")) for line in ending_lines: track_list.write(line) track_list.close() distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(dirpath, jbrowse_data_path) return None def genome2coverage(GS, BLAST_DB): ''' Convert genome size to coverage ''' num_of_reads = 0 with open(BLAST_DB, "r") as reads_all: first_line = reads_all.readline() if first_line.startswith(">"): num_of_reads += 1 first_seq = reads_all.readline().rstrip() for line in reads_all: if line.startswith(">"): num_of_reads += 1 len_of_read = len(first_seq) CV = (num_of_reads * len_of_read) / (GS * 1000000) # GS in Mb return CV def prepared_data(DB_ID): ''' Get prepared rep. annotation data from the table based on the selected species ID ''' tbl = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), configuration.PROFREP_DATA, configuration.PROFREP_TBL) with open(tbl, "r") as datasets: for line in datasets: if line.split("\t")[0] == DB_ID: DB_NAME = line.split("\t")[1] CV = float(line.split("\t")[5]) REF = line.split("\t")[6] REF_LINK = line.split("\t")[7] return DB_NAME, CV, REF, REF_LINK def seq_sizes_file(seq_ids, seq_lengths_all, HTML_DATA): chrom_sizes = os.path.join(HTML_DATA, configuration.CHROM_SIZES_FILE) with open(chrom_sizes, "w") as chroms: for seq_id, seq_length in zip(seq_ids, seq_lengths_all): chroms.write("{}\t{}\n".format(seq_id, seq_length)) def main(args): ## Command line arguments QUERY = args.query BLAST_DB = args.reads CL_ANNOTATION_TBL = args.ann_tbl CLS = args.cls BITSCORE = args.bit_score E_VALUE = args.e_value WORD_SIZE = args.word_size WINDOW = args.window OVERLAP = args.overlap BLAST_TASK = args.task MAX_ALIGNMENTS = args.max_alignments NEW_DB = args.new_db THRESHOLD = args.threshold_repeat THRESHOLD_SEGMENT = args.threshold_segment TH_IDENTITY = args.th_identity TH_LENGTH = args.th_length TH_INTERRUPT = args.interruptions TH_SIMILARITY = args.th_similarity TH_LEN_RATIO = args.max_len_proportion OUTPUT_GFF = args.output_gff DOMAINS = args.protein_domains LAST_DB = args.protein_database CLASSIFICATION = args.classification OUT_DOMAIN_GFF = args.domain_gff HTML = args.html_file HTML_DATA = args.html_path N_GFF = args.n_gff CN = args.copy_numbers GS = args.genome_size DB_ID = args.db_id THRESHOLD_SCORE = args.threshold_score WIN_DOM = args.win_dom OVERLAP_DOM = args.overlap_dom JBROWSE_BIN = args.jbrowse_bin DUST_FILTER = args.dust_filter LOG_FILE = args.log_file #JBROWSE_BIN = os.environ['JBROWSE_SOURCE_DIR']+"/bin" #if not JBROWSE_BIN: # try: # JBROWSE_BIN = os.environ['JBROWSE_BIN'] # except KeyError: # raise ValueError('There was no path to JBrowse bin found - set the enviroment variable JBROWSE_BIN or pass the argument explicitly') if CN and not DB_ID and not GS: raise ValueError("Genome size missing - if you want to convert hits to copy numbers please enter --genome_size parameter") ## Check if there are forbidden characters in fasta IDs [forbidden_ids, headers] = check_fasta_id(QUERY) if forbidden_ids: ##################### USER ERROR ############################### raise UserWarning( "The following IDs contain forbidden characters ('/' or '\\') - PLEASE REPLACE OR DELETE THEM:\n{}".format( "\n".join(forbidden_ids))) if len(headers) > len(set([header.split(" ")[0] for header in headers])): raise NameError( '''Sequences in multifasta format are not named correctly: seq IDs(before the first space) are the same''') ## Create new blast database of reads if NEW_DB:"makeblastdb -in {} -dbtype nucl".format(BLAST_DB), shell=True) ## Parse prepared annotation data table if DB_ID: [DB_NAME, CV, REF, REF_LINK] = prepared_data(DB_ID) else: REF = None REF_LINK = None DB_NAME = "CUSTOM" ## Create dir to store outputs for html and JBROWSE if not os.path.exists(HTML_DATA): os.makedirs(HTML_DATA) if not os.path.isabs(HTML): HTML = os.path.join(HTML_DATA, HTML) if not os.path.isabs(OUT_DOMAIN_GFF): OUT_DOMAIN_GFF = os.path.join(HTML_DATA, OUT_DOMAIN_GFF) if not os.path.isabs(LOG_FILE): LOG_FILE = os.path.join(HTML_DATA, LOG_FILE) if not os.path.isabs(N_GFF): N_GFF = os.path.join(HTML_DATA, N_GFF) if not os.path.isabs(OUTPUT_GFF): OUTPUT_GFF = os.path.join(HTML_DATA, OUTPUT_GFF) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) version_string = get_version(path) log =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) os.write(log, version_string.encode("utf-8")) ## Define parameters for parallel process STEP = WINDOW - OVERLAP NUM_CORES = multiprocessing.cpu_count() os.write(log, "NUM_OF_CORES = {}\n".format(NUM_CORES).encode("utf-8")) ## Convert genome size to coverage if CN and GS: CV = genome2coverage(GS, BLAST_DB) os.write(log, "COVERAGE = {}\n".format(CV).encode("utf-8")) parallel_pool = Pool(NUM_CORES) ## Assign clusters to repetitive classes [cl_annotations_items, annotation_keys ] = cluster_annotation(CL_ANNOTATION_TBL) ## Assign reads to repetitive classes reads_annotations = read_annotation(CLS, cl_annotations_items) ## Detect all fasta sequences from input fasta_list = multifasta(QUERY) headers = [] files_dict = {} wig_files = [] seq_count = 1 start = 1 total_length = 0 seq_lengths_all = [] Ngff = open(N_GFF, "w") Ngff.write("{}\n".format(configuration.HEADER_GFF)) ## Find hits for each fasta sequence separetely t_blast = time.time() for subfasta in fasta_list: [header, sequence] = fasta_read(subfasta) os.write(log, "Sequence {} is being processed...\n".format( header).encode("utf-8")) os.fsync(log) indices_N = [indices + 1 for indices, n in enumerate(sequence) if n == "n" or n == "N"] if indices_N: gff.idx_ranges_N(indices_N, configuration.N_segment, header, Ngff, configuration.N_NAME, configuration.N_FEATURE) seq_length = len(sequence) headers.append(header) ## Create parallel process subset_index = list(range(0, seq_length, STEP)) ## Situation when penultimal window is not complete but it is following by another one if len(subset_index) > 1 and subset_index[-2] + WINDOW >= seq_length: subset_index = subset_index[:-1] last_index = subset_index[-1] index_range = range(len(subset_index)) for chunk_index in index_range[0::configuration.MAX_FILES_SUBPROFILES]: multiple_param = partial( parallel_process, WINDOW, OVERLAP, seq_length, annotation_keys, reads_annotations, subfasta, BLAST_DB, E_VALUE, WORD_SIZE, BLAST_TASK, MAX_ALIGNMENTS, BITSCORE, DUST_FILTER, last_index, len(subset_index)) subprofiles_all =, subset_index[ chunk_index:chunk_index + configuration.MAX_FILES_SUBPROFILES]) ## Join partial profiles to the final profile of the sequence if CN: [files_dict, wig_files ] = concatenate_prof_CN(CV, subprofiles_all, files_dict, header, HTML_DATA, wig_files) else: [files_dict, wig_files] = concatenate_prof( subprofiles_all, files_dict, header, HTML_DATA, wig_files) for subprofile in subprofiles_all: os.unlink(subprofile) total_length += seq_length seq_lengths_all.append(seq_length) os.write(log, "ELAPSED_TIME_BLAST = {} s\n".format(time.time( ) - t_blast).encode("utf-8")) os.write( log, "TOTAL_LENGHT_ANALYZED = {} bp\n".format(total_length).encode("utf-8")) ## Close opened files for opened_file in wig_files: opened_file.close() Ngff.close() ## Create file containing size of sequences to convert wig to bigwig seq_sizes_file(headers, seq_lengths_all, HTML_DATA) ## Protein domains module t_domains = time.time() if DOMAINS: os.write(log, "Domains module has started...\n".encode("utf-8")) os.fsync(log) domains_primary = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) protein_domains.domain_search(QUERY, LAST_DB, CLASSIFICATION,, THRESHOLD_SCORE, WIN_DOM, OVERLAP_DOM) domains_primary.close() [xminimal, xmaximal, domains, seq_ids_dom ] = domains_filtering.filter_qual_dom(, OUT_DOMAIN_GFF, TH_IDENTITY, TH_SIMILARITY, TH_LENGTH, TH_INTERRUPT, TH_LEN_RATIO, 'All', "") os.unlink( os.write(log, "ELAPSED_TIME_DOMAINS = {} s\n".format(time.time( ) - t_domains).encode("utf-8")) # Process individual sequences from the input file sequentially t_gff_vis = time.time() repeats_process_dom(OUTPUT_GFF, THRESHOLD, THRESHOLD_SEGMENT, HTML_DATA, xminimal, xmaximal, domains, seq_ids_dom, CN, headers, seq_lengths_all, files_dict) os.write(log, "ELAPSED_TIME_GFF_VIS = {} s\n".format(time.time( ) - t_gff_vis).encode("utf-8")) os.fsync(log) # Prepare data for html output t_jbrowse = time.time() os.write(log, "JBrowse tracks are being prepared...\n".encode("utf-8")) os.fsync(log) jbrowse_prep_dom(HTML_DATA, QUERY, OUT_DOMAIN_GFF, OUTPUT_GFF, N_GFF, total_length, JBROWSE_BIN, files_dict) os.write(log, "ELAPSED_TIME_JBROWSE_PREP = {} s\n".format(time.time( ) - t_jbrowse).encode("utf-8")) else: # Process individual sequences from the input file sequentially t_gff_vis = time.time() repeats_process(OUTPUT_GFF, THRESHOLD, THRESHOLD_SEGMENT, HTML_DATA, CN, headers, seq_lengths_all, files_dict) os.write(log, "ELAPSED_TIME_GFF_VIS = {} s\n".format(time.time( ) - t_gff_vis).encode("utf-8")) # Prepare data for html output t_jbrowse = time.time() jbrowse_prep(HTML_DATA, QUERY, OUTPUT_GFF, N_GFF, total_length, JBROWSE_BIN, files_dict) os.write(log, "ELAPSED_TIME_JBROWSE_PREP = {} s\n".format(time.time( ) - t_jbrowse).encode("utf-8")) # Create HTML output t_html = time.time() os.write( log, "HTML output and JBrowse data structure are being prepared...\n".encode( "utf-8")) os.fsync(log) html_output(total_length, seq_lengths_all, headers, HTML, DB_NAME, REF, REF_LINK) os.write(log, "ELAPSED_TIME_HTML = {} s\n".format(time.time() - t_html).encode("utf-8")) os.write(log, "ELAPSED_TIME_PROFREP = {} s\n".format(time.time( ) - t_profrep).encode("utf-8")) os.close(log) ## Clean up the temporary fasta files for subfasta in fasta_list: os.unlink(subfasta) if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter class CustomFormatter(argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter): pass # Default paths (command line usage) HTML = configuration.HTML DOMAINS_GFF = configuration.DOMAINS_GFF REPEATS_GFF = configuration.REPEATS_GFF N_GFF = configuration.N_GFF LOG_FILE = configuration.LOG_FILE PROFREP_OUTPUT_DIR = configuration.PROFREP_OUTPUT_DIR # Command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=''' DEPENDENCIES: - python 3.4 or higher with packages: - numpy - matplotlib - biopython - BLAST 2.2.28+ or higher - LAST 744 or higher - wigToBigWig - cd-hit - JBrowse - ! Only bin needed, does not have to be installed under a web server * ProfRep Modules: - - - - - EXAMPLE OF USAGE: ./ --query PATH_TO_DNA_SEQ --reads PATH_TO_READS --ann_tbl PATH_TO_CLUSTERS_CLASSIFICATION --cls PATH_TO_hitsort.cls [--new_db True] ''', epilog="""take a look at README for more detailed information""", formatter_class=CustomFormatter) Required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') altRequired = parser.add_argument_group( 'alternative required arguments - prepared datasets') blastOpt = parser.add_argument_group('optional arguments - BLAST Search') parallelOpt = parser.add_argument_group( 'optional arguments - Parallel Processing') protOpt = parser.add_argument_group('optional arguments - Protein Domains') outOpt = parser.add_argument_group('optional arguments - Output Paths') cnOpt = parser.add_argument_group( 'optional arguments - Copy Numbers/Hits ') galaxyOpt = parser.add_argument_group( 'optional arguments - Enviroment Variables') ################ INPUTS ############################################ Required.add_argument('-q', '--query', type=str, required=True, help='input DNA sequence in (multi)fasta format') Required.add_argument('-rdb', '--reads', type=str, required=True, help='blast database of all sequencing reads') Required.add_argument( '-a', '--ann_tbl', type=str, required=True, help= 'clusters annotation table, tab-separated number of cluster and its classification') Required.add_argument( '-c', '--cls', type=str, required=True, help='cls file containing reads assigned to clusters (hitsort.cls)') altRequired.add_argument( '-id', '--db_id', type=str, help='annotation dataset ID (first column of datasets table)') ################ BLAST parameters ################################## blastOpt.add_argument('-bs', '--bit_score', type=float, default=50, help='bitscore threshold') blastOpt.add_argument( '-m', '--max_alignments', type=int, default=10000000, help= 'blast filtering option: maximal number of alignments in the output') blastOpt.add_argument('-e', '--e_value', type=str, default=0.1, help='blast setting option: e-value') blastOpt.add_argument( '-df', '--dust_filter', type=str, default="'20 64 1'", help='dust filters low-complexity regions during BLAST search') blastOpt.add_argument( '-ws', '--word_size', type=int, default=11, help='blast search option: initial word size for alignment') blastOpt.add_argument('-t', '--task', type=str, default="blastn", help='type of blast to be triggered') blastOpt.add_argument( '-n', '--new_db', type=str2bool, default=True, help= 'create a new blast database, USE THIS OPTION IF YOU RUN PROFREP WITH NEW DATABASE FOR THE FIRST TIME') ############### PARALLEL PROCESSING ARGUMENTS ###################### parallelOpt.add_argument( '-w', '--window', type=int, default=5000, help='sliding window size for parallel processing') parallelOpt.add_argument( '-o', '--overlap', type=int, default=150, help= 'overlap for parallely processed regions, set greater than a read size') ################ PROTEIN DOMAINS PARAMETERS ######################## protOpt.add_argument('-pd', '--protein_domains', type=str2bool, default=False, help='use module for protein domains') protOpt.add_argument('-pdb', '--protein_database', type=str, help='protein domains database') protOpt.add_argument('-cs', '--classification', type=str, help='protein domains classification file') protOpt.add_argument( '-wd', '--win_dom', type=int, default=10000000, help= 'protein domains module: sliding window to process large input sequences sequentially') protOpt.add_argument( '-od', '--overlap_dom', type=int, default=10000, help= 'protein domains module: overlap of sequences in two consecutive windows') protOpt.add_argument( '-thsc', '--threshold_score', type=int, default=80, help= 'protein domains module: percentage of the best score within the cluster to significant domains') protOpt.add_argument("-thl", "--th_length", type=float, choices=[Range(0.0, 1.0)], default=0.8, help="proportion of alignment length threshold") protOpt.add_argument("-thi", "--th_identity", type=float, choices=[Range(0.0, 1.0)], default=0.35, help="proportion of alignment identity threshold") protOpt.add_argument( "-ths", "--th_similarity", type=float, choices=[Range(0.0, 1.0)], default=0.45, help="threshold for alignment proportional similarity") protOpt.add_argument( "-ir", "--interruptions", type=int, default=3, help= "interruptions (frameshifts + stop codons) tolerance threshold per 100 AA") protOpt.add_argument( "-mlen", "--max_len_proportion", type=float, default=1.2, help= "maximal proportion of alignment length to the original length of protein domain from database") ################ OUTPUTS ########################################### outOpt.add_argument('-lg', '--log_file', type=str, default=LOG_FILE, help='path to log file') outOpt.add_argument('-ouf', '--output_gff', type=str, default=REPEATS_GFF, help='path to output gff of repetitive regions') outOpt.add_argument('-oug', '--domain_gff', type=str, default=DOMAINS_GFF, help='path to output gff of protein domains') outOpt.add_argument('-oun', '--n_gff', type=str, default=N_GFF, help='path to output gff of N regions') outOpt.add_argument('-hf', '--html_file', type=str, default=HTML, help='path to output html file') outOpt.add_argument('-hp', '--html_path', type=str, default=PROFREP_OUTPUT_DIR, help='path to html extra files') ################ HITS/COPY NUMBERS #################################### cnOpt.add_argument('-cn', '--copy_numbers', type=str2bool, default=False, help='convert hits to copy numbers') cnOpt.add_argument( '-gs', '--genome_size', type=float, help= 'genome size is required when converting hits to copy numbers and you use custom data') cnOpt.add_argument( '-thr', '--threshold_repeat', type=int, default=3, help= 'threshold for hits/copy numbers per position to be considered repetitive') cnOpt.add_argument( '-thsg', '--threshold_segment', type=int, default=80, help='threshold for the length of repetitive segment to be reported') ################ JBrowse ########################## galaxyOpt.add_argument('-jb', '--jbrowse_bin', type=str, help='path to JBrowse bin directory') args = parser.parse_args() main(args)