1 #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
2 library(optparse, quiet = TRUE)
3 library(parallel)
4 initial.options <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
5 file.arg.name <- "--file="
6 script.name <- sub(file.arg.name,"",
7 initial.options[grep(file.arg.name, initial.options)]
8 )
9 script.dir <- normalizePath(dirname(script.name))
10 oridir=getwd()
11 options(OGDF = paste0(script.dir,"/OGDF/runOGDFlayout2015.5"))
12 CPU = detectCores()
13 source(paste(script.dir,"/","methods.R", sep=''))
14 source(paste(script.dir,"/","logo_methods.R", sep=''))
15 source(paste(script.dir,"/","htmlheader.R", sep=''))
17 option_list = list(
18 make_option(c('-i', '--input_sequences_list'),
19 action='store',type='character',
20 help='list of fasta sequences file for tarean analysis'
21 ),
22 make_option(c('-o', '--output_dir'),
23 action='store',type='character',
24 help='output directory',
25 default="./kmer_analysis"),
26 make_option(c('-t', '--tRNA_database'),
27 action='store',type='character',
28 help='path to tRNA database',
29 default=NULL),
30 make_option(c('-p', '--parallel'),
31 action='store_true',
32 type='logical',
33 help='run in parallel (faster but can exhaust RAM)',
34 default=FALSE),
35 make_option(c('-N', '--not_paired'),
36 action='store_true',
37 type='logical',
38 help='reads are not paired',
39 default=FALSE)
41 )
43 description = paste (strwrap(" put decription here"), collapse ="\n")
44 epilogue = paste (strwrap(" put epilogue here"), collapse ="\n")
45 parser=OptionParser(
46 option_list=option_list,
47 epilogue=epilogue,
48 description=description,
49 )
51 opt = parse_args(parser, args=commandArgs(TRUE))
52 paired = !opt$not_paired
53 print(opt)
54 dir.create(opt$output_dir)
55 fl = readLines(opt$input_sequences_list)
56 ## reorder to avoid running large top graphs at once
57 ord = sample(seq_along(fl), length(fl))
60 index=0
61 info=list()
62 save.image(paste0(opt$output_dir,"/info.RData")) # for debugin purposes
63 if (opt$parallel){
64 cat("processing in parallel")
65 info=mcmapply(
66 FUN=tarean,
67 input_sequences = fl[ord],
68 output_dir = paste0(opt$output_dir,"/",sprintf("%04d",ord)),
69 min_kmer_length = 11,
70 max_kmer_length = 27,
71 CPU = CPU,
72 sample_size = 30000,
73 reorient_reads = TRUE,
74 tRNA_database_path = opt$tRNA_database,
75 paired = paired,
76 include_layout=FALSE,
77 mc.cores=round(1+detectCores()/9),
78 mc.set.seed = TRUE,
79 mc.preschedule = FALSE,
81 )
82 }else{
83 for (i in fl){
84 index = index + 1
85 dirout=paste0(opt$output_dir,"/",sprintf("%04d",index))
86 try({
87 info[[i]] = tarean(i, dirout, 11, 27, CPU, 30000, TRUE, opt$tRNA_database, include_layout=FALSE)
88 cat("-----------------------------------------------------\n")
89 print(info[[i]])
90 })
91 }
92 }
93 save(info, file = paste0(opt$output_dir,"/info.RData"))
94 save.image("tmp.RData")
95 ## export as csv table
96 ## 'graph_info' is always include:
98 tr_info = data.frame(do.call(rbind, info[sapply(info,length)>1]))
99 if (nrow(tr_info)>0){
100 ## TR detected
101 graph_info = data.frame (do.call(rbind, lapply(info, "[[", "graph_info")))
102 graph_info$source=rownames(graph_info)
103 tr_info$graph_info=NULL
104 tr_info$source = rownames(tr_info)
105 graph_tr_info = merge(graph_info, tr_info, all=TRUE, by='source')
106 if (any(sapply(graph_tr_info,class)=='list')){
107 for (i in colnames(graph_tr_info)){
108 graph_tr_info[,i] = unname(unlist(graph_tr_info[,i]))
109 }
110 }
111 write.table(graph_tr_info, file=paste0(opt$output_dir,"/info.csv"), row.names=FALSE,sep="\t", quote= TRUE)
112 }else{
113 ## TR not detected
114 graph_info = data.frame (do.call(rbind, lapply(info, function(x) unlist(x[['graph_info']]))))
115 graph_info$source=rownames(graph_info)
116 write.table(graph_info, file=paste0(opt$output_dir,"/info.csv"), row.names=FALSE,sep="\t", quote = FALSE)
117 }