1 // File: graph_binary.cpp
2 // -- graph handling source
3 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 // Community detection
5 // Based on the article "Fast unfolding of community hierarchies in large networks"
6 // Copyright (C) 2008 V. Blondel, J.-L. Guillaume, R. Lambiotte, E. Lefebvre
7 //
8 // This program must not be distributed without agreement of the above mentionned authors.
9 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // Author : E. Lefebvre, adapted by J.-L. Guillaume
11 // Email : jean-loup.guillaume@lip6.fr
12 // Location : Paris, France
13 // Time : February 2008
14 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 // see readme.txt for more details
17 #include <sys/mman.h>
18 #include <fstream>
19 #include "graph_binary.h"
20 #include "math.h"
22 Graph::Graph() {
23 nb_nodes = 0;
24 nb_links = 0;
25 total_weight = 0;
26 }
28 Graph::Graph(char *filename, char *filename_w, int type) {
29 ifstream finput;
30 finput.open(filename,fstream::in | fstream::binary);
32 // Read number of nodes on 4 bytes
33 finput.read((char *)&nb_nodes, 4);
34 assert(finput.rdstate() == ios::goodbit);
36 // Read cumulative degree sequence: 8 bytes for each node
37 // cum_degree[0]=degree(0); cum_degree[1]=degree(0)+degree(1), etc.
38 degrees.resize(nb_nodes);
39 finput.read((char *)°rees[0], nb_nodes*8);
41 // Read links: 4 bytes for each link (each link is counted twice)
42 nb_links=degrees[nb_nodes-1];
43 links.resize(nb_links);
44 finput.read((char *)(&links[0]), (long)nb_links*4);
46 // IF WEIGHTED : read weights: 4 bytes for each link (each link is counted twice)
47 weights.resize(0);
48 total_weight=0;
49 if (type==WEIGHTED) {
50 ifstream finput_w;
51 finput_w.open(filename_w,fstream::in | fstream::binary);
52 weights.resize(nb_links);
53 finput_w.read((char *)&weights[0], (long)nb_links*4);
54 }
56 // Compute total weight
57 for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<nb_nodes ; i++) {
58 total_weight += (double)weighted_degree(i);
59 }
60 }
62 Graph::Graph(int n, int m, double t, int *d, int *l, float *w) {
63 /* nb_nodes = n;
64 nb_links = m;
65 total_weight = t;
66 degrees = d;
67 links = l;
68 weights = w;*/
69 }
72 void
73 Graph::display() {
74 /* for (unsigned int node=0 ; node<nb_nodes ; node++) {
75 pair<vector<unsigned int>::iterator, vector<float>::iterator > p = neighbors(node);
76 for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<nb_neighbors(node) ; i++) {
77 if (node<=*(p.first+i)) {
78 if (weights.size()!=0)
79 cout << node << " " << *(p.first+i) << " " << *(p.second+i) << endl;
80 else
81 cout << node << " " << *(p.first+i) << endl;
82 }
83 }
84 }*/
85 for (unsigned int node=0 ; node<nb_nodes ; node++) {
86 pair<vector<unsigned int>::iterator, vector<float>::iterator > p = neighbors(node);
87 cout << node << ":" ;
88 for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<nb_neighbors(node) ; i++) {
89 if (true) {
90 if (weights.size()!=0)
91 cout << " (" << *(p.first+i) << " " << *(p.second+i) << ")";
92 else
93 cout << " " << *(p.first+i);
94 }
95 }
96 cout << endl;
97 }
98 }
100 void
101 Graph::display_reverse() {
102 for (unsigned int node=0 ; node<nb_nodes ; node++) {
103 pair<vector<unsigned int>::iterator, vector<float>::iterator > p = neighbors(node);
104 for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<nb_neighbors(node) ; i++) {
105 if (node>*(p.first+i)) {
106 if (weights.size()!=0)
107 cout << *(p.first+i) << " " << node << " " << *(p.second+i) << endl;
108 else
109 cout << *(p.first+i) << " " << node << endl;
110 }
111 }
112 }
113 }
116 bool
117 Graph::check_symmetry() {
118 int error=0;
119 for (unsigned int node=0 ; node<nb_nodes ; node++) {
120 pair<vector<unsigned int>::iterator, vector<float>::iterator > p = neighbors(node);
121 for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<nb_neighbors(node) ; i++) {
122 unsigned int neigh = *(p.first+i);
123 float weight = *(p.second+i);
125 pair<vector<unsigned int>::iterator, vector<float>::iterator > p_neigh = neighbors(neigh);
126 for (unsigned int j=0 ; j<nb_neighbors(neigh) ; j++) {
127 unsigned int neigh_neigh = *(p_neigh.first+j);
128 float neigh_weight = *(p_neigh.second+j);
130 if (node==neigh_neigh && weight!=neigh_weight) {
131 cout << node << " " << neigh << " " << weight << " " << neigh_weight << endl;
132 if (error++==10)
133 exit(0);
134 }
135 }
136 }
137 }
138 return (error==0);
139 }
142 void
143 Graph::display_binary(char *outfile) {
144 ofstream foutput;
145 foutput.open(outfile ,fstream::out | fstream::binary);
147 foutput.write((char *)(&nb_nodes),4);
148 foutput.write((char *)(°rees[0]),4*nb_nodes);
149 foutput.write((char *)(&links[0]),8*nb_links);
150 }