diff lib/assembly_tools.py @ 0:1d1b9e1b2e2f draft

author petr-novak
date Thu, 19 Dec 2019 10:24:45 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/assembly_tools.py	Thu Dec 19 10:24:45 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+import logging
+import subprocess
+import os
+import tempfile
+import config
+import shutil
+import itertools
+import pickle
+import shlex
+from lib.parallel.parallel import parallel2 as parallel
+from lib.parallel.parallel import get_max_proc
+if sys.version_info < REQUIRED_VERSION:
+    raise Exception("\n\npython 3.4 or higher is required!\n")
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def assembly(sequences, hitsort, clusters_info, assembly_dir,
+             contigs_file, min_size_of_cluster_for_assembly = 0):
+    '''
+    Runs assembly on sequences (SequenceSet). Assembly is
+    performed on each cluster separatelly, clusters are taken
+    from hitsort(Graph)
+    Cluster_listing - list of Clusters
+    if cluster.tandem_rank is 1 or 2 - no assembly is performed!!
+    '''
+    # iterate over large clusters, assembly is performed on sequences stored in
+    # cluster_little[index].fasta_file_full - for annotated clusters
+    # sequences of small clusters are retrieved from database
+    fasta_seqs = [
+        i.fasta_file_full
+        for i in clusters_info
+        if not i.tandem_rank in config.SKIP_CAP3_ASSEMBLY_TANDEM_RANKS
+    ]
+    prefixes = ["CL{}".format(i.index)
+                for i in clusters_info
+                if not i.tandem_rank in config.SKIP_CAP3_ASSEMBLY_TANDEM_RANKS]
+    LOGGER.info("Number of clusters for assembly: {}".format(hitsort.number_of_clusters))
+    LOGGER.info("Assembling large clusters")
+    assembly_files = parallel(cap3worker, fasta_seqs, prefixes)
+    LOGGER.info("Large clusters assembled")
+    # some clusters - tanem rank 1 assembled
+    j = 0
+    for cl in clusters_info:
+        if cl.tandem_rank in config.SKIP_CAP3_ASSEMBLY_TANDEM_RANKS:
+            cl.assembly_files = {i: None for i in config.CAP3_FILES_MAPPING}
+            consensus_file = cl.dir + "/tarean_contigs.fasta"
+            cl.assembly_files["{}.{}.contigs"] = consensus_file
+            with open(cl.dir_tarean + "/tarean_contigs.fasta",
+                      'r') as fin, open(consensus_file, 'w') as fout:
+                for line in fin:
+                    if line[0] == ">":
+                        line = ">CL{}Contig{}".format(cl.index, line[1:])
+                    fout.write(line)
+        else:
+            cl.assembly_files = assembly_files[j]
+            j += 1
+    # assembly of small clusters:
+    # connection to files were results will be concatenated
+    LOGGER.info("Assembly of small cluster - making tmp files")
+    tmp_dir_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    tmp_subdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_dir_root)
+    nproc = get_max_proc()
+    prefixes = [[] for i in range(nproc)]
+    tmp_seq_files = [[] for i in range(nproc)]
+    LOGGER.info("Assembly of small clusters - saving small cluster to tmp files")
+    seq_dictionary = sequences.toDict()
+    fasta_count = 0
+    chunk_counter = itertools.cycle(range(nproc))
+    for index in range(len(clusters_info) + 1, hitsort.number_of_clusters):
+        chunk = next(chunk_counter)
+        ids = hitsort.get_cluster_reads(index)
+        if len(ids) < min_size_of_cluster_for_assembly:
+            break
+        prefixes[chunk].append("CL{}".format(index))
+        fasta_count += 1
+        if fasta_count > MAX_FASTA_IN_DIRECTORY:
+            # create new subdir to keep number of files in directory low
+            fasta_count = 1
+            tmp_subdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_dir_root)
+        fasta_file_name = "{}/{}".format(tmp_subdir, index)
+        write_seqDict_to_fasta(file_name=fasta_file_name, sequences=seq_dictionary, subset=ids)
+        tmp_seq_files[chunk].append(fasta_file_name)
+    del seq_dictionary
+    LOGGER.info("Assembly of small clusters running")
+    pickled_fparts_small_contigs = parallel(cap3worker_multiple, tmp_seq_files, prefixes)
+    LOGGER.info("Assembly of small clusters done")
+    # append to all results
+    LOGGER.info("Assembly of small clusters - appending results")
+    all_con = {}
+    for fkey in config.CAP3_FILES_MAPPING:
+        if config.CAP3_FILES_MAPPING[fkey]:
+            all_con[fkey] = open("{}/{}".format(
+                assembly_dir, config.CAP3_FILES_MAPPING[fkey]), 'w')
+        else:
+            all_con[fkey] = None
+    for pickled_fparts_multiple in pickled_fparts_small_contigs:
+        with open(pickled_fparts_multiple, 'rb') as fp:
+            fparts_multiple = pickle.load(fp)
+        os.unlink(pickled_fparts_multiple)
+        for fparts in fparts_multiple:
+            for fkey in fparts:
+                if all_con[fkey]:
+                    with open(fparts[fkey]) as f:
+                        all_con[fkey].write(f.read())
+                    os.unlink(fparts[fkey])
+                else:
+                    os.unlink(fparts[fkey])
+    for fkey in all_con:
+        if all_con[fkey]:
+            all_con[fkey].close()
+    LOGGER.info("Assembling - copying files to final location")
+    # copy all contigs to one location: - contigs_file
+    with open(contigs_file, 'w') as fout:
+        for cl in clusters_info:
+            # append contig from large clusters
+            with open(cl.assembly_files["{}.{}.contigs"], 'r') as fin:
+                for i in fin:
+                    fout.write(i)
+        # append contigs from small clusters
+        small_aln_file = "{}/{}".format(
+            assembly_dir, config.CAP3_FILES_MAPPING['{}.{}.aln'])
+        # calculate profile on aln file of small clusters
+        file_base_name = small_aln_file[:-4]
+        os.system("align_parsing.pl -i {fn} -o {out}.info.fasta -p {out}.profile 2>&1".format(fn=small_aln_file, out=file_base_name))
+        os.system("select_and_sort_contigs.pl {fn}.info.fasta 5 2>&1".format(fn=file_base_name))
+        small_contig_file = file_base_name + ".info.fasta"
+        with open(small_contig_file, 'r') as fin:
+            for i in fin:
+                fout.write(i)
+    shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir_root)
+def write_seqDict_to_fasta(file_name, sequences, subset):
+    with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
+        for i in subset:
+            f.write(">{}\n{}\n".format(i, sequences[i]))
+def cap3worker(seqfile, prefix="cap", cap3args=" -p 80 -o 40 "):
+    prefix2 = "cap"
+    cmd = "cap3 " + seqfile + cap3args + " -x " + prefix2
+    with open(seqfile + "." + prefix2 + ".aln", "w") as aln:
+        subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(cmd), shell=False, stdout=aln)
+    # this generate three files
+    files_dict = {}
+    for fkey in config.CAP3_FILENAMES:
+        fn = fkey.format(seqfile, prefix2)
+        fn_tmp = "{}.tmp".format(fn)
+        files_dict[fkey] = fn
+        if config.CAP3_PATTERNS_REPLACE[fkey]:
+            pattern, replacement = config.CAP3_PATTERNS_REPLACE[fkey]
+            with open(fn, "r") as con_in, open(fn_tmp, 'w') as con_out:
+                for line in con_in:
+                    con_out.write(line.replace(pattern, replacement.format(
+                        prefix)))
+            os.rename(fn_tmp, fn)
+    # make new meaningful names here
+    for fkey in config.CAP3_FILES_GOODNAMES:
+        config.CAP3_FILES_GOODNAMES[fkey]
+        fn_goodname = os.path.dirname(files_dict[fkey]) + "/" + config.CAP3_FILES_GOODNAMES[fkey]
+        os.rename(files_dict[fkey], fn_goodname)
+        files_dict[fkey] = fn_goodname
+    aln_file = files_dict["{}.{}.aln"]
+    file_base_name = aln_file[:-4]
+    os.system("align_parsing.pl -i {fn} -o {out}.info.fasta -p {out}.profile 2>&1".format(fn=aln_file, out=file_base_name))
+    os.system("select_and_sort_contigs.pl {fn}.info.fasta 5".format(fn=file_base_name))
+    # TODO -add new file to files_dict
+    # replace simple fasta with info.fasta
+    files_dict["{}.{}.contigs"] = file_base_name + ".info.fasta"
+    return files_dict
+def cap3worker_multiple(many_seqfile, many_prefixes, cap3args=" -p 80 -o 40 "):
+    '''
+    purpose of this script is to run multiple assemblies within single process
+    avoiding running high number of short parallel subprocesses
+    As starting subprocess for each cap3 assembly was very ineffective,
+    all ap3 commands are written to single file and run using single subprocess
+    command -
+    '''
+    cmd_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w",delete=False).name
+    with open(cmd_file,'w') as cmdf:
+        for seqfile, prefix in zip(many_seqfile, many_prefixes):
+            cmd = "cap3 " + seqfile + cap3args + " -x " + prefix + " > " + seqfile + "." + prefix + ".aln\n"
+            cmdf.write(cmd)
+    os.system("sh "+ cmd_file)
+    # collect results:
+    files_dict_many = []
+    for seqfile, prefix in zip(many_seqfile, many_prefixes):
+        files_dict = {}
+        for fkey in config.CAP3_FILENAMES:
+            fn = fkey.format(seqfile, prefix)
+            fn_tmp = "{}.tmp".format(fn)
+            files_dict[fkey] = fn
+            if config.CAP3_PATTERNS_REPLACE[fkey]:
+                pattern, replacement = config.CAP3_PATTERNS_REPLACE[fkey]
+                with open(fn, "r") as con_in, open(fn_tmp, 'w') as con_out:
+                    for line in con_in:
+                        con_out.write(line.replace(pattern, replacement.format(
+                            prefix)))
+                os.rename(fn_tmp, fn)
+        files_dict_many.append(files_dict)
+    # this is too large to be return directly - use picking
+    f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+    os.unlink(cmd_file)
+    pickle.dump(files_dict_many,file=f)
+    return f.name