diff lib/reporting.R @ 0:1d1b9e1b2e2f draft

author petr-novak
date Thu, 19 Dec 2019 10:24:45 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/reporting.R	Thu Dec 19 10:24:45 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+source("config.R")  # load TANDEM_RANKS
+DT_OPTIONS = list(pageLength = 1000, lengthMenu = c(10, 50, 100, 1000, 5000, 10000))
+HTMLHEADER_TAREAN = gsub("PAGE_TITLE","TAREAN summary", htmlheader)
+HTMLHEADER_INDEX = gsub("PAGE_TITLE","Clustering summary", htmlheader)
+WD = getwd()  # to get script directory when run from Rserve
+reformat_header = function(df){
+    H = colnames(df)
+    H[H=="TR_score"] = "TAREAN k-mer_coverage"
+    H[H=="vcount"] = "|V|"
+    H[H=="ecount"] = "|E|"
+    H[H=="Genome_Proportion[%]"] = "Proportion[%]"
+    H[H=="Proportion_Adjusted[%]"] = "Proportion adjusted[%]"
+    H[H=="supercluster"] = "Super_cluster"
+    H[H=="size_real"] = "Number of reads"
+    H[H=="TR_monomer_length"] = "Consensus_length"
+    H[H=="TR_consensus"] = "Consensus"
+    H[H=="pbs_score"] = "PBS score"
+    H[H=="ltr_detection"] = "LTR detection"
+    H[H=="kmer_analysis"] = "TAREAN k-mer analysis"
+   # H[H=="annotations_summary"] = "Similarity_hits"
+    H[H=="annotations_summary"] = "Similarity_hits_[above 0.1%]"
+    H[H=="annotations_summary_custom"] = "Similarity_hits_to_custom_database"
+    H[H=="loop_index"] = "connected_component_index C"
+    H[H=="pair_completeness"] = "pair_completeness_index_P"
+    H = gsub("_","<br>",H)
+    H=gsub("TR_","",H)
+    H = capitalize(H)
+    colnames(df) = H
+    return(df)
+    for (n in colnames(df)){
+        if (class(df[,n]) == 'character'){
+            df[,n] = gsub("\n","<br>", df[,n])
+        }
+        if (class(df[,n]) == 'numeric'){
+            df[,n] = signif(df[,n],3)
+        }
+    }
+    return(df)
+capitalize = function(s){
+    paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)),
+          substring(s, 2),
+          sep="")
+create_main_reports = function(paths, N_clustering, N_input,N_omit, merge_threshold,
+                               paired, consensus_files, custom_db, tarean_mode,
+                               HTML_LINKS, pipeline_version_info, max_memory,
+                               max_number_reads_for_clustering, mincln){
+    ## this create main html index and also tarean report ##
+    ## index and tarean html reports are created always
+    ## extract all paths and directories
+    HTML_LINKS = nested2named_list(HTML_LINKS)
+    paths = nested2named_list(paths)
+    csvfile = paths[['clusters_info']]
+    clusters_summary_csv = paths[['clusters_summary_csv']]
+    profrep_classification_csv = paths[['profrep_classification_csv']]
+    htmlfile = paths[["tarean_report_html"]]
+    html_report_dt = paths[["cluster_report_html"]]
+    main_report = paths[["main_report_html"]]
+    summarized_annnotation_html = paths[["summarized_annotation_html"]]
+    libdir = paths[['libdir']]
+    clusters_dir = paths[["clusters__relative"]]
+    superclusters_dir = paths[['superclusters__relative']]
+    seqdb = paths[['sequences_db']]
+    hitsortdb = paths[['hitsort_db']]
+    connect_to_databases(seqdb, hitsortdb)
+    dfraw = read.table(csvfile, as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE, sep="\t", na.strings = c('None','NA'))
+    # table must be updated
+    dfraw$supercluster_best_hit = dbGetQuery(HITSORTDB, "SELECT supercluster_best_hit FROM cluster_info")[, 1]
+    ## columns to use
+    selected_cols = c("index", "size_real","size_adjusted", "vcount","ecount",
+                     "loop_index", "pair_completeness",
+                    'satellite_probability','satellite',
+                    'TR_score','pbs_score','ltr_detection', 'TR_monomer_length',
+                    'TR_consensus', "annotations_summary", "supercluster", 'tandem_rank',
+                    'supercluster_best_hit')
+    ## some columns are added (like Graph_layout, clusters,...)
+    ## columns for html report
+    selected_cols_tarean = c(
+        "Cluster",
+        "Proportion[%]",
+        "Proportion_Adjusted[%]",
+        "size_real",
+        'satellite_probability',
+        'TR_monomer_length',
+        'TR_consensus',
+        'Graph_layout',
+        'kmer_analysis',
+        "loop_index",
+        "pair_completeness",
+        'TR_score',
+        "vcount",
+        "ecount",
+        'pbs_score',
+        "annotations_summary"
+    )
+    selected_cols_main = c(
+        "Cluster",
+        "supercluster",
+        "Proportion[%]",
+        "Proportion_Adjusted[%]",
+        "size_real",
+        'Graph_layout',
+        "annotations_summary",
+        'ltr_detection',
+        'satellite_probability',
+        'TAREAN_annotation',
+        'TR_monomer_length',
+        'TR_consensus',
+        'kmer_analysis',
+        "loop_index",
+        "pair_completeness",
+        'TR_score',
+        "ecount",
+        "vcount"
+    )
+    if (custom_db){
+        selected_cols_main = c(selected_cols_main, "annotations_summary_custom")
+        selected_cols_tarean = c(selected_cols_tarean, "annotations_summary_custom")
+        selected_cols = c(selected_cols, "annotations_summary_custom")
+    }
+    if (is_comparative()){
+        prefix_codes = dbGetQuery(SEQDB, "SELECT * FROM prefix_codes")
+        species_counts = dbGetQuery(HITSORTDB, "SELECT * FROM comparative_counts")
+        superclusters = dbGetQuery(HITSORTDB,paste(
+                                                 "SELECT supercluster, cluster FROM superclusters WHERE cluster <=",
+                                                 nrow(species_counts))
+                                   )
+        species_counts = merge(superclusters, species_counts, by.x = "cluster", by.y = "clusterindex")
+        ## include commented header with total counts:
+        cat("# Total counts:\t\t", paste(prefix_codes$N, collapse="\t"),"\n#\n",
+            sep="",
+            file = paths[['comparative_analysis_counts_csv']])
+        write.table(species_counts, file = paths[['comparative_analysis_counts_csv']],
+                    sep = "\t", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, append=TRUE)
+        species_counts_formated = apply(
+            species_counts[, prefix_codes$prefix, drop = FALSE],
+            1, function(x) paste(prefix_codes$prefix, ":", x, "\n",sep='', collapse=""))
+        dfraw$species_counts = species_counts_formated[1:nrow(dfraw)]
+        selected_cols = c(selected_cols, "species_counts")
+        selected_cols_main = c(selected_cols_main, "species_counts")
+    }
+    df_report = dfraw[,selected_cols]
+    ## describe tandem ranks:
+    df_report$TAREAN_annotation = RANKS_TANDEM[as.character(df_report$tandem_rank)]
+    ## remove Cluster_similarity_hits
+    df_report_csv = reformat_df_report(df_report) 
+    df_report_csv = df_report_csv[,!colnames(df_report_csv) %in% "Cluster_similarity_hits"]
+    df_report_csv$Final_annotation=""
+    ## make table for profrep classification
+    write.table(
+        reformat_df_to_profrep_classification(df_report), file = profrep_classification_csv,
+        sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
+    df_report$"kmer_analysis" = ifelse(dfraw$putative_tandem, hwrite("report", link = dfraw$html_tarean), "N/A")
+    df_report$"Graph_layout" = hwriteImage(dfraw$image_file_tmb, link = dfraw$image_file, table = FALSE)
+    df_report$Cluster = paste0("CL", df_report$index)
+    df_report$"Proportion[%]" = signif (100 * df_report$size_real / N_clustering, 2)
+    df_report$"Proportion_Adjusted[%]" = signif (100 * df_report$size_adjusted / N_clustering, 2)
+    if (!tarean_mode){
+        df_report$Cluster=sapply(
+            df_report$index,
+            function(x) hwrite(x, link = sprintf("%s/dir_CL%04d/index.html", clusters_dir, x)))
+        df_report$supercluster = sapply(
+            df_report$supercluster,
+            function(x) hwrite(x, link = sprintf("%s/dir_SC%04d/index.html", superclusters_dir, x)))
+    }
+    ## TAREAN report
+    ## copy tarean output data help to place nad make link to it
+    file.copy(paste0(WD,"/style1.css"), dirname(htmlfile))
+    file.copy(paste0(WD,"/documentation.html"), dirname(htmlfile))
+    tarean_html = start_html(htmlfile, HTMLHEADER_TAREAN)
+    tarean_html("Tandem Repeat Analyzer", HTML.title, HR=1)
+    tarean_html = start_html(htmlfile, HTMLHEADER_TAREAN)
+    tarean_html('Run statistics:', HTML.title, HR=2)
+    tarean_html(paste("Number of input reads:", N_input ))
+    tarean_html(paste("Number of analyzed reads:", N_clustering))
+    tarean_html(paste("Cluster merging:",ifelse(merge_threshold == 0,"No", "Yes")))
+    ## export links to consensus sequecnes in fasta files
+    tarean_html("Consensus files - fasta format:", HTML.title, HR=2)
+    for (i in TANDEM_RANKS[TANDEM_RANKS != 0]){ ## no consensus for rank 0
+        if (!is.null (consensus_files[[i]])){
+            N = sum(dfraw$tandem_rank == TANDEM_RANKS[i])
+            name_string = paste(names(TANDEM_RANKS)[i]," - total ", N, "found" )
+            tarean_html(paste("<p>",
+                  hwrite(name_string, download = name_string,
+                         link = basename(consensus_files[[i]][[1]])),
+                  "<br>\n"))
+        }
+    }
+    ## print link to documentation ##
+    tarean_html("Documentation", HTML.title, HR=2)
+    tarean_html(paste('<p> For the explanation of TAREAN output see',
+        ' <a href="documentation.html#tra" > the help section </a> <p>'))
+    ## HOW TO CITE section)
+    for (n in names(TANDEM_RANKS)){
+      tarean_html(n, HTML.title, HR=2)
+      inc <- dfraw$tandem_rank == TANDEM_RANKS[n]
+      if (sum(inc > 0)){
+          tarean_html(reformat4html(
+              reformat_header(
+                  df_report[inc, selected_cols_tarean ,drop=FALSE]
+              )
+          ),
+          align = "left", digits = 3)
+      }else{
+        tarean_html("not found")
+      }
+    }
+    ## export table with all cluster 
+    cat("",file = html_report_dt)
+    DT_instance =  df_report[,selected_cols_main, drop = FALSE] %>%
+        reformat_header %>% reformat4html %>% datatable(escape = FALSE, options = DT_OPTIONS) %>%
+        formatStyle(columns = seq_along(selected_cols), "font-size" = "12px") %>%
+        formatStyle(columns = "Similarity<br>hits<br>[above 0.1%]", "min-width" = "500px")
+    saveWidget(DT_instance, file = normalizePath(html_report_dt),
+               libdir=normalizePath(libdir) , selfcontained = FALSE)
+    add_preamble(normalizePath(html_report_dt),
+                 preamble='<h2>Cluster annotation</h2> <p><a href="documentation.html#clust"> For table legend see documentation. <a> </p>')
+    ## Main page - Clustering info - global information about clustering
+    top_clusters_prop = sum(df_report$size_real)/N_clustering
+    clustering_info = summary_histogram(fn = paths[["summary_histogram"]], N_clustering, N_omit, df_report$size_adjusted,
+                    top_clusters_prop)
+    index_html = start_html(main_report, HTMLHEADER_INDEX)
+    index_html("Clustering Summary", HTML.title, HR = 1)
+    index_html(paste0('<a href="',
+                      paths[['summary_histogram__relative']],
+                      '"> <img src="', paths[['summary_histogram__relative']],
+                      '" width="700" border="1" >',
+                      ' </a>'), cat)
+  index_html('<p> <b> Graphical summary of the clustering results. </b> Bars represent superclusters, with their heights and widths corresponding to the numbers of reads in the superclusters (y-axis) and to their proportions in all analyzed reads (x-axis), respectively. Rectangles inside the supercluster bars represent individual clusters. If the filtering of abundant satellites was performed, the affected clusters are shown in green, and their sizes correspond to the adjusted values. Blue and pink background panels show proportions of reads that were clustered and remained single, respectively. Top clusters are on the left of the dotted line. </p><hr><br><br>',cat)
+    index_html('Run information:', HTML.title, HR = 2)
+    index_html(paste("Number of input reads:", N_input ))
+    index_html(paste("Number of analyzed reads:", N_clustering))
+    if (N_omit != 0){
+      index_html(paste("Number of reads removed by automatic filtering of abundant putative satellites:", N_omit))
+      index_html(paste("Number of remaining reads after filtering of abundant satellites:", N_clustering - N_omit ))
+    }
+    index_html(
+        paste(
+            "Proportion of reads in top clusters :",
+            signif(100 * sum(df_report$size_real)/N_clustering,2),
+            "%"
+        ))
+    index_html(paste("Cluster merging:",ifelse(merge_threshold == 0,"No", "Yes")))
+    index_html(paste("Paired-end reads:",ifelse(paired, "Yes", "No")))
+    index_html("Available analyses:", HTML.title, HR=2)
+    index_html(paste("<p>",hwrite("Tandem repeat analysis", link = HTML_LINKS$INDEX_TO_TAREAN),"</p>"),cat)
+    if (!tarean_mode){
+        index_html(paste("<p>", hwrite("Cluster annotation", link = HTML_LINKS$INDEX_TO_CLUSTER_REPORT),"</p>"),cat)
+        index_html(paste("<p>", hwrite("Supercluster annotation",
+                                       link = HTML_LINKS$INDEX_TO_SUPERCLUSTER_REPORT),"</p>"),cat)
+        index_html(paste("<p>", hwrite("Repeat annotation summary", link = HTML_LINKS$INDEX_TO_SUMMARIZED_ANNOTATION),"</p>"),cat)
+    }
+  if (is_comparative()) {
+    tryCatch({
+      imagemap = plot_rect_map(
+        read_counts = paths[['comparative_analysis_counts_csv']],
+        cluster_annotation = paths[['profrep_classification_csv']],
+        output_file = paths[['comparative_summary_map']]
+      )},
+      error = function(err){
+        print(paste("error while plotting ", err))
+      }
+    )
+    HTML.title("Comparative analysis - Total number of reads in clustering analysis", file = main_report)
+    index_html(df2html(
+      prefix_codes,
+      header = c("Code", "Total read count"), rounding_function = round),
+      cat
+      )
+    HTML.title("Comparative analysis - Number of reads in individual clusters", file = main_report)
+    index_html(paste0('<img src="', paths[['comparative_summary_map__relative']],
+                      '" usemap ="#clustermap" border="2">'), cat)
+    index_html(
+      "Bar plot on top shows the size of individual clusters. Size of the rectangles in lower panel is proportional to the number of reads in a cluster for each species. Clusters and species were sorted using hierarchical clustering. Bars and rectangles in the plot are hyperlinked to the individual cluster reports.")
+    index_html(imagemap)
+  }
+  how2cite = readLines(paths[["how_to_cite"]])
+  index_html(how2cite, cat, sep="\n")
+  index_html("<br><hr>", cat)
+  index_html('Details:', HTML.title, HR = 3)
+  index_html(pipeline_version_info %>% preformatted, cat)
+  index_html(paste0("Minimal number of reads in cluster to be considered top cluster : ", mincln))
+  index_html(paste0("Reserved Memory : ", round(max_memory/(1024*1024)), "G"))
+  index_html(paste0("Maximum number of processable reads with the reserved memory : ", max_number_reads_for_clustering))
+  ## export to csv
+  clustering_info$Number_of_analyzed_reads = N_clustering
+  write.table(t(as.data.frame(clustering_info)),
+              file = clusters_summary_csv, sep="\t", col.names = FALSE)
+  cat("\n", file = clusters_summary_csv, append = TRUE)
+  write.table(
+    df_report_csv, file = clusters_summary_csv,
+    sep = "\t", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, quote = TRUE, append=TRUE)
+dummy_function = function(){
+    print("dummy function")
+reformat_df_report = function(df_report){
+    # for printing to csv  - this should be consise
+    df_report$TR_consensus = gsub("(<pre>)|(</pre>)","",df_report$TR_consensus)
+    df_report$tandem_rank = NULL
+    ## make suitable order and rename
+    if ("annotations_summary_custom" %in% colnames(df_report)){
+        custom = "annotations_summary_custom"
+    }else{
+        custom=character()
+    }
+    df_out = df_report[,c('index',
+                          'supercluster',
+                          'size_real',
+                          'size_adjusted',
+                          'supercluster_best_hit',
+                          'TAREAN_annotation',
+                          'annotations_summary',
+                          custom)
+                       ]
+    colnames(df_out) = c('Cluster',
+                         'Supercluster',
+                         'Size',
+                         'Size_adjusted',
+                         'Automatic_annotation',
+                         'TAREAN_annotation',
+                         'Cluster_similarity_hits',
+                         custom)
+    return(df_out)
+reformat_df_to_profrep_classification = function(df_report){
+    CL = df_report$index
+    best_hit = df_report$supercluster_best_hit
+    ## format conversion(in order):
+    replacement = list(
+        c("/", "|"),
+        c("Ty1_copia", "Ty1/copia"),
+        c("Ty3_gypsy", "Ty3/gypsy"),
+        c("TatIV_Ogre", "TatIV/Ogre"),
+        c("Ogre_Tat", "Ogre/Tat"),
+        c("EnSpm_CACTA", "EnSpm/CACTA"),
+        c("MuDR_Mutator", "MuDR/Mutator"),
+        c("PIF_Harbinger", "PIF/Harbinger"),
+        c("Tc1/Mariner", "Tc1/Mariner"),
+        c("All|", "")
+    )
+    for (i in replacement){
+        best_hit = gsub(i[1], i[2], best_hit, fixed = TRUE)
+    }
+    best_hit = gsub("^All", "", best_hit, fixed = FALSE)
+    best_hit = ifelse(best_hit == "", paste0("unknown_CL", CL), best_hit)
+    output = data.frame(Cluster = CL, classification = best_hit, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+    return(output)