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author | petr-novak |
date | Thu, 19 Dec 2019 10:24:45 -0500 |
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#!/usr/bin/env Rscript suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(DBI)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(RSQLite)) CONNECTED = FALSE if (FALSE) { ## for testing seqdb = "/mnt/raid/spolecny/petr/RE2/comparative_test/sequences.db" hitsortdb = "/mnt/raid/spolecny/petr/RE2/comparative_test/hitsort.db" class_file = "/mnt/raid/users/petr/workspace/repex_tarean/databases/classification_tree.rds" ## connect to sqlite databases SEQDB = dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), seqdb) HITSORTDB = dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), hitsortdb) CLS_TREE = readRDS(class_file) } connect_to_databases = function(seqdb, hitsortdb,classification_hierarchy_file = NULL){ if (!CONNECTED){ SEQDB <<- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), seqdb) HITSORTDB <<- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), hitsortdb) if (!is.null(classification_hierarchy_file)){ CLS_TREE <<- readRDS(classification_hierarchy_file) } CONNECTED <<- TRUE } } disconnect_database = function(){ if (CONNECTED){ dbDisconnect(SEQDB) dbDisconnect(HITSORTDB) CONNECTED <<- FALSE } } nested2named_list = function(x){ y = as.list(unlist(x[[1]])) names(y) = unlist(x[[2]]) return(y) } is_comparative = function(){ prefix_codes = dbGetQuery(SEQDB,"SELECT * FROM prefix_codes") if (nrow(prefix_codes) == 0){ return(FALSE) }else{ return(TRUE) } } get_comparative_codes = function(){ prefix_codes = dbGetQuery(SEQDB,"SELECT * FROM prefix_codes") return(prefix_codes) } add_preamble = function(html_file, preamble){ html_content=readLines(html_file) modified_html_content = gsub("<body>", paste("<body>\n", preamble,"\n"), html_content) cat(modified_html_content, file = html_file, sep="\n") } df2html = function(df, header = NULL, sort_col = NULL, digits = 3, rounding_function=signif, decreasing = TRUE, scroling = FALSE, width = 300){ if (!is.null(sort_col)){ df = df[order(df[,sort_col], decreasing = decreasing),] } if (!is.null(digits)){ for (i in seq_along(df)){ if(is.numeric(df[,i])){ df[,i] = rounding_function(df[,i], digits) } } } if (is.null(header)){ h = "" }else{ h = paste0(" <th>",header,"</th>\n", collapse="") %>% paste0(" <tr>\n", .," </tr>\n") } x = apply(df,1,function(x)paste0(" <td>",x,"</td>\n", collapse="")) %>% paste0(" <tr>\n", .," </tr>\n", collapse = "") if (scroling){ cols = paste0('<col width="',rep(round(100/ncol(df)),ncol(df)),'%">\n',collapse ="") height = min(200, 22 * nrow(df)) out = paste0( '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="',width,'">\n', ' <tr>\n', ' <td>\n', ' <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="1" width="', width,'" >\n', cols, h, ' </table>\n', ' </td>\n', ' </tr>\n', ' <tr>\n', ' <td>\n', ' <div style="width:',width,'px; height:',height,'px; overflow:auto;">\n', ' <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="1" width="',width,'" >\n', cols, x, ' </table>\n', ' </div>\n', ' </td>\n', ' </tr>\n', '</table>\n' ) }else{ out = paste ("<table>\n", h,x, "</table>\n") } return(out) } start_html = function(filename, header){ cat(header, file = filename) html_writer = function(content, fn=HTML, ...){ fn(content, append = TRUE, file = filename, ...) } } preformatted = function(x){ ## make preformatted html text return( paste( "<pre>\n", x, "</pre>" ,sep="") ) } summary_histogram = function(fn, N_clustering, N_omit=0, size_adjusted=NULL, top_clusters_prop){ ## assume connection do databases communities = dbGetQuery( HITSORTDB, "SELECT DISTINCT cluster, size, supercluster, supercluster_size FROM communities ORDER BY supercluster" ) if (N_omit != 0){ ## adjust communities and cluster sizes: cluster_to_adjust = which( communities$size[order(communities$cluster)][1:length(size_adjusted)] != size_adjusted ) ## keep original value: communities$size_original = communities$size superclusters_to_adjust = unique(communities$supercluster[communities$cluster %in% cluster_to_adjust]) for (cl in cluster_to_adjust){ communities[communities$cluster == cl,'size'] = size_adjusted[cl] } for (cl in superclusters_to_adjust){ communities[communities$supercluster == cl,'supercluster_size'] = sum(communities[communities$supercluster == cl,'size']) } }else{ cluster_to_adjust=NULL } singlets = N_clustering - sum(communities$size) supercluster_size = sort(unique(communities[, c('supercluster', 'supercluster_size')])$supercluster_size, decreasing = TRUE) clid2size = sort(communities$size, decreasing = TRUE) cluster_id = split(communities$cluster, communities$supercluster) cluster_id_sort = lapply(cluster_id, function(x)x[order(clid2size[x], decreasing = FALSE)]) cluster_size_unsorted = split(communities$size, communities$supercluster) cluster_size_sort = lapply(cluster_size_unsorted, function(x) (sort(x))) ## reorder by size of superclusters cluster_size_sort_sort = cluster_size_sort[order(sapply(cluster_size_sort, sum), decreasing = TRUE)] cluster_id_sort_sort = cluster_id_sort[order(sapply(cluster_size_sort, sum), decreasing = TRUE)] Nmax = max(sapply(cluster_size_sort_sort, length)) M = cbind( sapply(cluster_size_sort_sort, function(x)y = c(x, rep(0, 1 + Nmax - length(x)))), c(1, rep(0, Nmax)) ) Mid = cbind( sapply(cluster_id_sort_sort, function(x)y = c(x, rep(0, 1 + Nmax - length(x)))), c(1, rep(0, Nmax)) ) recolor = matrix(ifelse(Mid %in% cluster_to_adjust,TRUE,FALSE), ncol=ncol(Mid)) indices = which(recolor, arr.ind = TRUE) png(fn, width = 1200, height = 700, pointsize = 20) barplot(M, width = c(supercluster_size, singlets), space = 0, ylim = c(0, max(supercluster_size) * 1.2), col = c("#CCCCCC"), names.arg = rep("", ncol(M))) plot(0, xlim = c(0, sum(c(supercluster_size, singlets))), ylim = c(0, max(supercluster_size) * 1.2), type = "n", yaxs = 'i', axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "") rect(0, 0, sum(supercluster_size), max(supercluster_size) * 1.2, col = "#0000FF10") rect(sum(supercluster_size), 0, sum(supercluster_size) + singlets, max(supercluster_size) * 1.2, col = "#FFAAFF10") barplot(M, width = c(supercluster_size, singlets), space = 0, ylim = c(0, max(supercluster_size) * 1.2), col = "#AAAAAA", names.arg = rep("", ncol(M)), add = TRUE, xlab = "Proportion of reads [%]", ylab = "Number of reads", main = paste(N_clustering, "reads total")) for (i in seq_along(indices[,1])){ y1 = sum(M[1:indices[i,'row'],indices[i,'col']]) x1 = sum(M[,1:indices[i,'col']]) if(indices[i,'row'] == 1){ y0=0 }else{ y0 = sum(M[1:(indices[i,'row']-1),indices[i,'col']]) } if (indices[i,'col']==1){ x0=0 }else{ x0 = sum(M[,1:(indices[i,'col']-1)]) } rect(x0,y0,x1,y1, col="#88FF88") } abline(v=top_clusters_prop * sum(c(supercluster_size, singlets)), col="#00000088", lwd=3, lty=3) text(sum(supercluster_size) / 2, max(supercluster_size) * 1.05, labels = paste0(sum(supercluster_size), " reads in\n", length(supercluster_size), " supeclusters (", nrow(communities), " clusters)") ) text(sum(supercluster_size) + singlets / 2, max(supercluster_size) * 1.05, labels = paste(singlets, "singlets")) axis(1,at=seq(0,N_clustering,length.out=11),label=seq(0,100,by=10)) clustering_info = list( Number_of_reads_in_clusters = sum(supercluster_size), Number_of_clusters = nrow(communities), Number_of_superclusters = length(supercluster_size), Number_of_singlets = singlets ) return(clustering_info) } rectMap=function(x,'row',col=1,xlab="",ylab="",grid=TRUE,axis_pos=c(1,4),cexx=NULL,cexy=NULL){ if ('row'){ #x=(x)/rowSums(x) x=(x)/apply(x,1,max) } if ('column'){ x=t(t(x)/apply(x,2,max)) } nc=ncol(x) nr=nrow(x) coords=expand.grid(1:nr,1:nc) plot(coords[,1],coords[,2],type='n',axes=F,xlim=range(coords[,1])+c(-.5,.5),ylim=range(coords[,2])+c(-.5,.5),xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab) axis(axis_pos[1],at=1:nr,labels=rownames(x),lty=0,tick=FALSE,line=0,cex.axis=0.5/log10(nr)) axis(axis_pos[2],at=1:nc,labels=colnames(x),lty=0,tick=FALSE,las=2,line=0 ,hadj=0, cex.axis=0.7) axis(2,at=1:nc,labels=colnames(x),lty=0,tick=FALSE,las=2,line=0 ,hadj=1, cex.axis=0.7) mtext(side = 1, "Cluster id", las=1, line = 3, cex = 0.5) line = 1.5 + log10(nr) mtext(side = 2, "Proportions of individual samples", las =0, line = line, cex = 0.5) s=c(x)/2 # to get it proportional w = c(x)/2 rect(coords[,1]-0.5,coords[,2]-s,coords[,1]+0.5,coords[,2]+s,col=col,border=NA) if (grid){ abline(v=0:(nr)+.5,h=0:(nc)+.5,lty=2,col="#60606030") } box(col="#60606030",lty=2) } plot_rect_map = function(read_counts,cluster_annotation, output_file,Xcoef=1,Ycoef=1){ counts = read.table(read_counts,header=TRUE, annot = read.table(cluster_annotation, sep="\t",header=FALSE, N = nrow(annot) colnames(annot) = c("cluster", "Automatic.classification") annot$number.of.reads = rowSums(counts[1 : nrow(annot) ,-1]) unique_repeats = names(sort(table(c(annot$Automatic.classification,rep('nd',N))),decreasing = TRUE)) M = as.matrix(counts[1:N,-(1:2)]) rownames(M) = paste0("CL",rownames(M)) Mn1=(M)/apply(M,1,max) Mn2=M/max(M) Mn2=M/apply(M,1,sum) ord1 = hclust(dist(Mn1),method = "ward.D")$order ord2 = hclust(dist(t(Mn2)))$order wdth = (400 + N*10 ) * Xcoef hgt = (600 + ncol(M)*50) * Ycoef ptsize = round((wdth*hgt)^(1/4)) png(output_file, width=wdth,height=hgt, pointsize = ptsize) # was 50 ploting_area_width = 3 + log10(N)*3 ploting_area_sides = 1 layout(matrix(c(4,2,3,4,1,3),ncol=3,byrow = TRUE), width=c(ploting_area_sides,ploting_area_width,ploting_area_sides), height=c(3,ncol(M)*0.5)) par(xaxs='i', yaxs = 'i') par(las=2,mar=c(4,0,0,0),cex.axis=0.5) rectMap(Mn2[ord1,ord2],'none',col=1, grid=TRUE) par(las=2,mar=c(1,0,1,0), mgp = c(2,0.5,0)) barplot(annot$number.of.reads[ord1], col = 1) mtext(side = 2, "Cluster size", las = 3, line = 2, cex = 0.5) par(mar=c(0,0,10,0)) st = ## calculate coordinated if boxes to create hyperlink X0 = wdth/(ploting_area_sides * 2 + ploting_area_width)* ploting_area_sides X1 = wdth/(ploting_area_sides * 2 + ploting_area_width)*(ploting_area_sides + ploting_area_width) L = round(seq(X0,X1, length.out = N + 1)[1:N]) R = round(seq(X0,X1, length.out = N + 1)[2:(N + 1)]) cn = rownames(Mn2[ord1,ord2]) cluster_links = paste0( "seqclust/clustering/clusters/dir_CL", sprintf("%04d", as.integer(substring(cn,3 ))), "/index.html") coords = paste0(L, ",", 1, ",", R, ",", hgt) clustermap = paste0( '\n<map name="clustermap"> \n', paste0( '<area shape="rect"\n coords="',coords, '"\n', ' href="', cluster_links, '"\n', ' title="', cn, '"/>\n', collapse = ""), "</map>\n") return(clustermap) }