view tidecluster_annotation.xml @ 0:c701eddc9fec draft

planemo upload for repository commit 181f00441ba635991889a85b90fa9741a8c8e978-dirty
author petr-novak
date Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:26:39 +0000 (19 months ago)
children 9e77d3afefdd
line wrap: on
line source
<tool id="tidecluster_annotation" name="TideCluster Annotation" version="@TOOL_VERSION@">
    <description>Annotate tandem repeats identified by TideCluster using custom library of tandem repeats</description>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
        #set $prefix = 'tidecluster'
        mkdir extracted &&
        unzip '$input_archive' -d extracted && cd extracted && annotation
        -pr '$prefix'
        -l '$library'
        -c \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}
        cp '${prefix}_annotation.gff3' '$gff3_annotation'
        cp '${prefix}_annotation.tsv' '$tsv_annotation'
        <param type="data" name="input_archive" format="zip" label="Output archive from previous TideCluster run" help="The zip archive containing the output from a previous TideCluster run."/>
        <param type="data" name="library" format="fasta" label="Library of tandem repeats" help="Path to library of tandem repeats."/>
        <data name="gff3_annotation" format="gff3" label="${} on ${on_string}: GFF3 TideCluster Annotated Output"/>
        <data name="tsv_annotation" format="tsv" label="${} on ${on_string}: TSV TideCluster Annotated Output"/>
    **TideCluster Annotation Step**

    This step of TideCluster is responsible for annotating the tandem repeats using a library of tandem repeats. The consensus sequences from TideHunter for each cluster are examined by RepeatMasker against a library of tandem repeats. The resulting annotation for each tandem repeat is used to update the information in the GFF3 file.


    - Output archive from previous TideCluster run: The zip archive containing the output from a previous TideCluster run.
    - Library of tandem repeats: FASTA library with tandem repeats, Library must be in RepeatMasker format


    - GFF3 TideCluster Annotated Output: GFF3 file with tandem repeats annotated by RepeatMasker. Attribute Annotation is added to GFF3 file.
    - TSV TideCluster Annotated Output: Summarized annotation for each TRC cluster in a tab-delimited format.
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