+ − 1 <tool name="MsClust" id="msclust2" version="2.0.2">
+ − 2 <description>Extracts fragmentation spectra from aligned data</description>
+ − 3 <!--
+ − 4 For remote debugging start you listener on port 8000 and use the following as command interpreter:
+ − 5 java -jar -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=D0100564.wurnet.nl:8000
+ − 6 //////////////////////////
+ − 7
+ − 8 TODO in command below: add conditionals according to options of using or NOT the tolerances/thresholds from previous steps
+ − 9 -->
+ − 10 <command interpreter="java -jar ">
+ − 11 MsClust.jar
+ − 12 -peaksFileName $inputPeaks
+ − 13 -dataType $dataType
+ − 14 -imputationMethod $imputationMethod.type
+ − 15 #if $imputationMethod.type == "valueRange"
+ − 16 -rangeUpperLimit $imputationMethod.rangeUpperLimit
+ − 17 #end if
+ − 18 -plInputFormat "metalign"
+ − 19 -potDensFuncType $potDensFuncType.type
+ − 20 -centerSelectionType $centerSelectionType.type
+ − 21 -clusteringType $clusteringType.type
+ − 22 -neighborhoodWindowSize $potDensFuncType.pdf_neighborhoodWindowSize
+ − 23 -clusterSearchStopCriterium $centerSelectionType.cs_stop_criterion
+ − 24 -pearsonDistTreshold $potDensFuncType.pdf_pears_treshold
+ − 25 -pearsonTresholdConfidence $potDensFuncType.pdf_pears_conf
+ − 26 -pearsonPDReductionThreshold $centerSelectionType.cs_pears_pd_reductionTreshold
+ − 27 -pearsonPDReductionSlope $centerSelectionType.cs_pears_pd_reductionSlope
+ − 28 -scanDistTol $potDensFuncType.pdf_scan_toler
+ − 29 -scanDistanceConfidence $potDensFuncType.pdf_scan_conf
+ − 30 -centrotypesOut $centrotypesOut
+ − 31 -simOut $simOut
+ − 32 -micOut $micOut
+ − 33 -mspOut $mspOut
+ − 34 -classOut $classOut
+ − 35 -outReport $htmlReportFile
+ − 36 -outReportPicturesPath $htmlReportFile.files_path
+ − 37 #if $clusteringType.type == "fuzzyCMeans"
+ − 38 -fcmMembershipWeightingExponent $clusteringType.fcmMembershipWeightingExponent
+ − 39 -fcmStopCriterion $clusteringType.fcmStopCriterion
+ − 40 -fcmCorrelationWeight $clusteringType.fcmCorrelationWeight
+ − 41 -fcmFinalAssemblyType $clusteringType.finalClusterAssembly.type
+ − 42 #if $clusteringType.finalClusterAssembly.type == "membershipBased"
+ − 43 -fcmMembershipCutoff $clusteringType.finalClusterAssembly.fcmMembershipCutoff
+ − 44 #end if
+ − 45 #end if
+ − 46 -verbose "false"
+ − 47 #if $advancedSettings.settings == True
+ − 48 -advancedSettings YES
+ − 49 -saturationLimit $advancedSettings.saturationLimit
+ − 50 -sampleSelectionSortType $advancedSettings.sampleSelectionSortType
+ − 51 -simSelectionAlgorithm $advancedSettings.simSelectionAlgorithm
+ − 52 -simMassFilter "$advancedSettings.simMassFilter"
+ − 53 -simMembershipThreshold $advancedSettings.simMembershipThreshold
+ − 54 -simSaturationThreshold $advancedSettings.simSaturationThreshold
+ − 55 -simAbsenseThreshold $advancedSettings.simAbsenseThreshold
+ − 56 -micMembershipThreshold $advancedSettings.micMembershipThreshold
+ − 57 -peakIntensityCorrectionAlgorithm $advancedSettings.peakIntensityCorrectionAlgorithm
+ − 58 #else
+ − 59 -advancedSettings YES
+ − 60 -sampleSelectionSortType SIM_INTENSITY
+ − 61 -peakIntensityCorrectionAlgorithm CORRELATION_BASED
+ − 62 #end if
+ − 63
+ − 64 </command>
+ − 65 <inputs>
+ − 66 <!-- <param name="rankingWeightConfig" type="text" area="true" size="11x70" label="NB - TEST VERSION"
+ − 68 -->
+ − 69 <param name="inputPeaks" type="data" format="txt" label="Ion-wise aligned data (e.g. MetAlign output data)" />
+ − 70 <param name="dataType" type="select" size="30" label="Data type">
+ − 71 <option value="gcms" selected="true">GC-MS</option>
+ − 72 <option value="lcms">LC-MS</option>
+ − 73 </param>
+ − 74 <conditional name="imputationMethod">
+ − 75 <param name="type" type="select" size="30" label="Select the approach used for imputing missing values (optional)" help="select how you generated the values to fill in the data gaps">
+ − 76 <option value="none" >none</option>
+ − 77 <option value="metot" selected="true">MeTot</option>
+ − 78 <option value="valueRange">Values range</option>
+ − 79 </param>
+ − 80 <when value="valueRange">
+ − 81 <param name="rangeUpperLimit" type="integer" size="10" value="0" label="Range upper limit" help="values up to this limit will be considered 'generated' values" />
+ − 82 </when>
+ − 83 </conditional>
+ − 84 <conditional name="potDensFuncType">
+ − 85 <param name="type" type="select" size="30" label="Select PD function type =====================================================">
+ − 86 <option value="original" selected="true">Original</option>
+ − 87 </param>
+ − 88 <when value="original">
+ − 89 <param name="pdf_neighborhoodWindowSize" type="integer" size="10" value="200" label="Effective Peaks" />
+ − 90 <param name="pdf_scan_toler" type="float" size="10" value="10" label="Peak Width, in scans" />
+ − 91 <param name="pdf_scan_conf" type="float" size="10" value="80" label="Peak Width confidence (0.0 to 99.99)" help="example: 0[no confidence]...50[good guess]...99.9[quite certain])" />
+ − 92 <param name="pdf_pears_treshold" type="float" size="10" value="0.8" label="Correlation threshold (0.0 - 1.0)" />
+ − 93 <param name="pdf_pears_conf" type="float" size="10" value="98.0" label="Correlation threshold confidence (0.0 to 99.99)" help="example: 0[no confidence]...50[good guess]...99.9[quite certain])" />
+ − 94 </when>
+ − 95 </conditional>
+ − 96 <conditional name="centerSelectionType">
+ − 97 <param name="type" type="select" label="Initial Centers selection type ==================================================" >
+ − 98 <option value="original" selected="true">Original - Subtractive potential reductions with stop criterion and REUSE tolerances (from PD function)</option>
+ − 99 </param>
+ − 100 <when value="original">
+ − 101 <param name="cs_pears_pd_reductionTreshold" type="float" size="10" value="0.8" label="Potential Density reduction (0.0 - 1.0)" />
+ − 102 <param name="cs_pears_pd_reductionSlope" type="float" size="10" value="0.01" label="Potential Density reduction softness " />
+ − 103 <param name="cs_stop_criterion" type="float" size="10" value="2" label="Stop Criterion " />
+ − 104 </when>
+ − 105 </conditional>
+ − 106 <conditional name="clusteringType">
+ − 107 <param name="type" type="select" label="Classify using ===========================================================">
+ − 108 <option value="original" selected="true">Original - Fuzzy clustering, keep original centers and REUSE (scan distance) tolerances</option>
+ − 109 <option value="fuzzyCMeans">(experimental) Fuzzy C-Means - Fuzzy clustering, optimize centers</option>
+ − 110 </param>
+ − 111 <when value="original">
+ − 112 <!-- nothing -->
+ − 113 </when>
+ − 114 <when value="originalNewTol">
+ − 115 <param name="clust_scan_toler" type="float" size="10" value="10" label="Peak Width, in scans" />
+ − 116 <param name="clust_scan_slope" type="float" size="10" value="2" label="Peak Width margin softness" />
+ − 117 </when>
+ − 118 <when value="fuzzyCMeans">
+ − 119 <param name="fcmMembershipWeightingExponent" type="float" size="10" value="2.0" label="Membership Weighting Exponent" help="Influences cluster center repositioning in the iterations 1.1 (exploratory) to around 3.0 (conservative)" />
+ − 120 <param name="fcmStopCriterion" type="float" size="10" value="0.05" label="Stop Criterion" help="When convergence is 'reached' (e.g. 0.05 means memberships only changed with 5% in last iteration)" />
+ − 121 <param name="fcmCorrelationWeight" type="float" size="10" value="2" label="Correlation weight factor" help="Increase this if you think the correlation is reliable (e.g. you have a high number of samples)" />
+ − 122 <conditional name="finalClusterAssembly">
+ − 123 <param name="type" type="select" label="Final cluster assembly" >
+ − 124 <option value="original" selected="true">Original - distance based</option>
+ − 125 <option value="membershipBased">Membership based</option>
+ − 126 </param>
+ − 127 <when value="membershipBased">
+ − 128 <param name="fcmMembershipCutoff" type="select" label="Maximum allowed peak overlap" >
+ − 129 <option value="0.05" >~7 clusters</option>
+ − 130 <option value="0.10" >~5 clusters</option>
+ − 131 <option value="0.20" >~3 clusters</option>
+ − 132 </param>
+ − 133 </when>
+ − 134 <when value="original">
+ − 135 <!-- nothing -->
+ − 136 </when>
+ − 137 </conditional>
+ − 138 </when>
+ − 139 </conditional>
+ − 140
+ − 141 <param name="summaryReport" type="boolean" checked="true" label="Generate summary report" help="NB: this will increase the processing time (in some cases up to a few extra minutes)"/>
+ − 142
+ − 143 <conditional name="advancedSettings">
+ − 144 <param name="settings" type="boolean" truevalue="Yes" falsevalue="No" checked="false" label="Advanced settings ========================================================"/>
+ − 145 <when value="Yes">
+ − 146 <param name="saturationLimit" optional="true" type="integer" size="10" label="Saturation limit (optional)" help="fill in if you have saturation problems in your data" />
+ − 147 <param name="sampleSelectionSortType" type="select" label="Sample selection scheme for spectrum peak intensity correction algorithm (optional/experimental)" help="The intensity values to use to select the samples for each cluster/metabolite in which it is most intense/abundant. These samples are used in the peak intensity correction (see parameter below). Use this option to try to avoid samples that have insufficient signal or saturation." >
+ − 148 <option value="None">None</option>
+ − 149 <!-- in order of best FORWARD scoring when tested on /test/data/report_test_sets/(P2) Relative peak heights in spectra/Input (Test set 1) -->
+ − 150 <option value="SIM_INTENSITY" selected="true">SIM intensities</option>
+ − 151 <option value="MAX_INTENSITY">Maximum intensities</option>
+ − 152 <option value="CENTROTYPE_INTENSITY">Centrotype peak intensities</option>
+ − 153 <option value="MIC_INTENSITY">MIC intensities</option>
+ − 154 </param>
+ − 155 <param name="peakIntensityCorrectionAlgorithm" type="select" label="Spectrum peak intensity correction algorithm (optional/experimental)" help="Whether spectrum peak heights should be adjusted according to their membership to the cluster or to their correlation to the cluster's centrotype ion" >
+ − 156 <option value="MEMBERSHIP_BASED">Membership based (msclust 1.0 mode)</option>
+ − 157 <option value="CORRELATION_BASED" selected="true">Correlation based</option>
+ − 158 </param>
+ − 159 <param name="simSelectionAlgorithm" type="select" label="SIM selection algorithm (experimental)" help="Set this if you want to deviate from the standard which is: allow shared SIM peaks for GC-MS data, and force unique SIM peaks for LC-MS data">
+ − 160 <option value="" selected="true"></option>
+ − 161 <option value="uniqueSIM">Unique SIM peak</option>
+ − 162 <option value="sharedSIM">Shared SIM peak</option>
+ − 163 </param>
+ − 164 <param name="simMassFilter" type="text" optional="true" size="30" label="SIM mass exclusion list" help="Comma-separated list of masses NOT to use as SIM peaks. E.g. '73,147,...' " />
+ − 165 <param name="simMembershipThreshold" optional="true" type="float" size="10" label="SIM membership threshold" help="Minimum membership a peak should have to qualify as a SIM candidate. E.g. 0.8 " />
+ − 166 <param name="simSaturationThreshold" optional="true" type="float" size="10" label="SIM saturation threshold (%)" help="Maximum % of samples in which a SIM candidate peak may be saturated. If the candidate peak exceeds this threshold, then another peak is chosen. If no peak can be found this criteria, mass 0 is reported" />
+ − 167 <param name="simAbsenseThreshold" optional="true" type="float" size="10" label="SIM absence threshold (%)" help="Maximum % of samples in which a SIM candidate peak may be absent. If the candidate peak exceeds this threshold, then another peak is chosen. If no peak can be found meeting this criteria, mass 0 is reported" />
+ − 168
+ − 169 <param name="micMembershipThreshold" optional="true" type="float" size="10" label="MIC membership threshold" help="Minimum membership a peak should have to be counted in the MIC sum. E.g. 0.8 " />
+ − 170
+ − 171 </when>
+ − 172 </conditional>
+ − 173
+ − 174
+ − 175 </inputs>
+ − 176 <outputs>
+ − 177 <data name="centrotypesOut" format="msclust.csv" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} - centrotypes file"/>
+ − 178 <data name="simOut" format="msclust.csv" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} - SIM file"/>
+ − 179 <data name="micOut" format="msclust.csv" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} - MIC file"/>
+ − 180 <data name="mspOut" format="msp" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} - SPECTRA file"/>
+ − 181 <data name="classOut" format="msclust.csv" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} - Classification file"/>
+ − 182 <data name="htmlReportFile" format="html" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} - HTML report">
+ − 183 <!-- If the expression is false, the file is not created -->
+ − 184 <filter>( summaryReport == True )</filter>
+ − 185 </data>
+ − 186 </outputs>
+ − 187 <tests>
+ − 188 <!-- find out how to use -->
+ − 189 </tests>
+ − 190 <help>
+ − 191
+ − 192 <!-- see also http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#hyperlink-targets -->
+ − 193
+ − 194 .. class:: infomark
+ − 195
+ − 196 This tool extracts spectra from ion-wise aligned MS(/MS) results. It uses expression profiles and
+ − 197 retention times of the putative ions to cluster them. Each cluster is then used to generate
+ − 198 one spectrum containing the clustered ions (peaks).
+ − 199
+ − 200 .. image:: msclust_summary.png
+ − 201
+ − 202
+ − 203 -----
+ − 204
+ − 205 **Output**
+ − 206
+ − 207 This tools returns a number of ouptut files and a small report.
+ − 208
+ − 209 **Parameters index**
+ − 210
+ − 211
+ − 212 *Select the approach used for imputing missing values:* only select this if you have used a specific method to
+ − 213 fill in the data gaps in the input file. One example is replacing zero values by some randomly generated low value.
+ − 214 If MeTot is chosen, then a value is considered generated if: the value contains a dot '.' and some number
+ − 215 other than 0 (zero) after the dot.
+ − 216
+ − 217 *Effective Peaks:* Neighborhood window size to consider when calculating density. Smaller values increase
+ − 218 performance but are less reliable.
+ − 219
+ − 220 *Peak Width, in scans:* Scan window width of scans to consider 'close'. One can see this as the
+ − 221 'tolerated variation in scans' for the apex positions of the fragment peaks composing a cluster.
+ − 222 Note: if MetAlign was used, this is the variation *after* pre-processing by MetAlign.
+ − 223
+ − 224 *Peak Width confidence:* The higher the confidence, the stricter the threshold.
+ − 225
+ − 226 *Correlation threshold (0.0 - 1.0):* Tolerance center for pearson distance calculation. The higher this value,
+ − 227 the higher the correlation between 2 items has to be for them to be considered 'close'.
+ − 228
+ − 229 *Correlation threshold confidence:* The higher the confidence, the stricter the threshold. `More...`__
+ − 230
+ − 231 *Potential Density reduction (0.0 - 1.0):* Reduction tolerance center for pearson distance calculation.
+ − 232 The higher this value, the less the low correlated items get reduced, getting a chance to form a cluster of their own.
+ − 233
+ − 234 *Potential Density reduction softness:* Reduction curve slope for pearson distance tolerance. Lower
+ − 235 values = stricter separation at the value determined in 'Potential Density reduction' above
+ − 236 (TODO review this comment).
+ − 237
+ − 238 *Stop Criterion:* When to stop reducing and looking for new clusters. Lower values = more iterations
+ − 239
+ − 240 .. __: javascript:window.open('.. image:: confidence_and_slope_params_explain.png'.replace('.. image:: ', ''),'popUpWindow','height=700,width=800,left=10,top=10,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes')
+ − 241
+ − 242
+ − 243 -----
+ − 244
+ − 245 **Output files described below**
+ − 246
+ − 247 -----
+ − 248
+ − 249 *SPECTRA:* this file can be submitted to NIST for identification of the spectra.
+ − 250
+ − 251 `Click here for more details on the Sample selection and Spectrum peak intensity correction algorithm parameters related to SPECTRA generation`_
+ − 252
+ − 253 .. _Click here for more details on the Sample selection and Spectrum peak intensity correction algorithm parameters related to SPECTRA generation: javascript:window.open('.. image:: sample_sel_and_peak_height_correction.png'.replace('.. image:: ', ''),'popUpWindow','height=700,width=800,left=10,top=10,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes')
+ − 254
+ − 255 -----
+ − 256
+ − 257 *MIC:* stands for Measured Ions Count -> it contains, for each cluster, the sum of the ion count
+ − 258 values (corrected by their membership) for all MEASURED cluster ions in the given sample.
+ − 259
+ − 260 The MIC for a **cluster i** in **sample s**, where **cluster i** has **n** members is thus:
+ − 261
+ − 262 sum ( [intensity of member n in **sample s**] x [membership value of member n in **cluster i** ] )
+ − 263
+ − 264 -----
+ − 265
+ − 266 *SIM:* stands for Selective Ion Mode -> it contains, for each cluster, the intensity values of the
+ − 267 most representative member ion peak of this cluster. The most representative member peak is the one with the
+ − 268 highest membership*average_intensity. This definition leads to conflicts as a peak can have a
+ − 269 membership in two or more clusters. The assignment of a SIM peak to a cluster depends on
+ − 270 the configured data type (LC or GC-MS). NB: this can be overruled in the "advanced settings":
+ − 271
+ − 272 (1) LC-MS SIM: select SIM peak only once and for the centrotype in which this specific mass has its
+ − 273 highest membership; for neighboring centrotypes use its "second best SIM", etcetera. In other words,
+ − 274 if the SIM peak has been identified as the SIM in more than 1 cluster, assign as SIM to the cluster
+ − 275 with highest membership. Continue searching for other SIM peaks to assign to the other clusters until
+ − 276 all ambiguities are solved.
+ − 277
+ − 278 (2) GC-MS SIM: the SIM peak can be "shared" by multiple clusters. However, the intensity values are corrected
+ − 279 by the membership value of the peak in the cluster in case the SIM peak is "shared". If the SIM peak is not
+ − 280 "shared" then the "raw" intensity values of the SIM peak are recorded in the SIM file.
+ − 281
+ − 282 `Click here for more details on the SIM output file`_
+ − 283
+ − 284 .. _Click here for more details on the SIM output file: javascript:window.open('.. image:: sample_SIM.png'.replace('.. image:: ', ''),'popUpWindow','height=700,width=800,left=10,top=10,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes')
+ − 285
+ − 286
+ − 287
+ − 288 </help>
+ − 289 </tool>