changeset 5:41f122255d14

small update
date Thu, 19 Mar 2015 12:13:13 +0100 (2015-03-19)
parents 0d1557b3d540
children 4393f982d18f
files Rscripts/filter-RIDB.R Rscripts/ridb-regression.R static_resources/README.txt test/ test/ test/ test/ test/ test/ test/ test/ test/
diffstat 13 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1208 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Rscripts/filter-RIDB.R	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Removes duplicates from a RI-database
-# Usage:
-#       Rscript filter-RIDB.R /path/to/retention_db.txt output_RIDB_file.txt
-# Commandline arguments
-args  <- commandArgs(TRUE)
-ridb <- args[1]
-out_file <- args[2]
-# Function to check duplicates
-duplicates <- function(dat) { 
-     s <-"order", 
-     non.dup <- !duplicated(dat[s, ]) 
-     orig.ind <- s[non.dup] 
-     first.occ <- orig.ind[cumsum(non.dup)] 
-     first.occ[non.dup] <- NA 
-     first.occ[order(s)]
-# Load CSV file
-ridb <- read.csv(ridb,header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-## Filters on: CAS FORMULA Column type Column phase type Column name
-filter_cols <- c(1, 3, 5, 6, 7)
-cat("RIDB dimensions: ")
-deleted <- NULL
-cat("Checking for duplicates...")
-dups <- duplicates(ridb[,filter_cols])
-cat("\t[DONE]\nRemoving duplicates...")
-newridb <- ridb
-newridb["min"] <- NA
-newridb["max"] <- NA
-newridb["orig.columns"] <- NA
-for (i in unique(dups)) {
-    if (! {
-        rows <- which(dups == i)
-        duprows <- ridb[c(i, rows),]
-        # Replace duplicate rows with one row containing the median value
-        new_RI <- median(duprows$RI)
-        newridb$RI[i] <- median(duprows$RI)
-        newridb$min[i] <- min(duprows$RI)
-        newridb$max[i] <- max(duprows$RI)
-        newridb$orig.columns[i] <- paste(rows, collapse=",")
-        deleted <- c(deleted, rows)
-    }
-cat("\t\t[DONE]\nCreating new dataset...")
-out_ridb <- newridb[-deleted,]
-cat("\t\t[DONE]\nWriting new dataset...")
-write.table(out_ridb, na='', file=out_file, quote=T, sep="\t", row.names=F)
--- a/Rscripts/ridb-regression.R	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# Performs regression analysis using either 3rd degree polynomial- or linear-method
-# Commandline arguments
-args  <- commandArgs(TRUE)
-if (length(args) < 7)
-	stop(cat("Missing arguments, usage:\n\tRscript ridb-regression.R RI-database ",
-             "ouput_file logfile min_residuals range_mod pvalue rsquared method ",
-			 "plot(yes/no) plot_archive"))
-ridb <- args[1]
-out_file <- args[2]
-logfile <- args[3]
-min_residuals <- as.integer(args[4])
-range_mod <- as.integer(args[5])
-pvalue <- as.double(args[6])
-rsquared <- as.double(args[7])
-method <- args[8]
-plot <- tolower(args[9])
-if (plot == 'true')
-	plot_archive = args[10]
-# Do not show warnings etc.
-progress <- c()
-logger <- function(logdata) {
-	## Logs progress, adds a timestamp for each event
-	#cat(paste(Sys.time(), "\t", logdata, "\n", sep="")) ## DEBUG
-	progress <<- c(progress, paste(Sys.time(), "\t", logdata, sep=""))
-logger("Reading Retention Index Database..")
-# Read Retention Index Database
-ridb <- read.csv(ridb, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-logger(paste("\t", nrow(ridb), "records read.."))
-# Get a unique list 
-gc_columns <- unique(as.vector(as.matrix(ridb[''])[,1]))
-cas_numbers <- unique(as.vector(as.matrix(ridb['CAS'])[,1]))
-add_poly_fit <- function(fit, gc1_index, gc2_index, range) {
-	pval = anova.lm(fit)$Pr
-	r.squared = summary(fit)$r.squared
-	data = rep(NA, 11)
-	# Append results to matrix
-	data[1] = gc_columns[gc1_index] # Column 1
-	data[2] = gc_columns[gc2_index] # Column 2
-	data[3] = coefficients(fit)[1]  # The 4 coefficients
-	data[4] = coefficients(fit)[2]
-	data[5] = coefficients(fit)[3]
-	data[6] = coefficients(fit)[4]
-	data[7] = range[1]              # Left limit
-	data[8] = range[2]              # Right limit
-	data[9] = length(fit$residuals) # Number of datapoints analysed
-	data[10] = pval[1]              # p-value for resulting fitting
-	data[11] = r.squared            # R-squared
-	return(data)
-add_linear_fit <- function(fit, gc1_index, gc2_index, range) {
-	pval = anova.lm(fit)$Pr
-	r.squared = summary(fit)$r.squared
-	data = rep(NA, 7)
-	# Append results to matrix
-	data[1] = gc_columns[gc1_index] # Column 1
-	data[2] = gc_columns[gc2_index] # Column 2
-	data[3] = coefficients(fit)[1]  # The 4 coefficients
-	data[4] = coefficients(fit)[2]
-	data[7] = length(fit$residuals) # Number of datapoints analysed
-	data[8] = pval[1]               # p-value for resulting fitting
-	data[9] = r.squared             # R-squared
-	return(data)
-add_fit <- function(fit, gc1_index, gc2_index, range, method) {
-	if (method == 'poly')
-		return(add_poly_fit(fit, gc1_index, gc2_index, range))
-	else
-		return(add_linear_fit(fit, gc1_index, gc2_index, range))
-plot_fit <- function(ri1, ri2, gc1_index, gc2_index, coeff, range, method) {
-    if (method == 'poly')
-        pol <- function(x) coeff[4]*x^3 + coeff[3]*x^2 + coeff[2]*x + coeff[1]
-    else
-        pol <- function(x) coeff[2]*x + coeff[1]
-    pdf(paste('regression_model_',
-              make.names(gc_columns[gc1_index]), '_vs_', 
-              make.names(gc_columns[gc2_index]), '.pdf', sep=''))
-    curve(pol, 250:3750, col="red", lwd=2.5, main='Regression Model', xlab=gc_columns[gc1_index],
-          ylab=gc_columns[gc2_index], xlim=c(250, 3750), ylim=c(250, 3750))
-    points(ri1, ri2, lwd=0.4)
-    # Add vertical lines showing left- and right limits when using poly method
-    if (method == 'poly')
-        abline(v=range, col="grey", lwd=1.5)
-# Initialize output dataframe
-if (method == 'poly') {
-    m <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 11, nrow = 10))
-} else {
-    m <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 9, nrow = 10))
-get_fit <- function(gc1, gc2, method) {
-	if (method == 'poly')
-		return(lm(gc1 ~ poly(gc2, 3, raw=TRUE)))
-	else
-		return(lm(gc1 ~ gc2))
-# Permutate
-k <- 1
-logger(paste("Permutating (with ", length(gc_columns), " GC-columns)..", sep=""))
-for (i in 1:(length(gc_columns)-1)) {
-	logger(paste("\tCalculating model for ", gc_columns[i], "..", sep=""))
-	breaks <- 0
-	for (j in (i+1):length(gc_columns)) {
-		col1 = ridb[which(ridb[''][,1] == gc_columns[i]),]
-		col2 = ridb[which(ridb[''][,1] == gc_columns[j]),]
-		# Find CAS numbers for which both columns have data (intersect)
-		cas_intersect = intersect(col1[['CAS']], col2[['CAS']])
-		# Skip if number of shared CAS entries is < cutoff
-		if (length(cas_intersect) < min_residuals) {
-			breaks = breaks + 1
-			next
-		}
-		# Gather Retention Indices
-		col1_data = col1[['RI']][match(cas_intersect, col1[['CAS']])]
-		col2_data = col2[['RI']][match(cas_intersect, col2[['CAS']])]
-		# Calculate the range within which regression is possible (and move if 'range_mod' != 0)
-		range = c(min(c(min(col1_data), min(col2_data))), max(c(max(col1_data), max(col2_data))))
-		if (range_mod != 0) {
-			# Calculate percentage and add/subtract from range
-			perc = diff(range) / 100
-			perc_cutoff = range_mod * perc
-			range = as.integer(range + c(perc_cutoff, -perc_cutoff))
-		}
-		# Calculate model for column1 vs column2 and plot if requested
-		fit = get_fit(col1_data, col2_data, method)
-		m[k,] = add_fit(fit, i, j, range, method)
-		if (plot == 'true')
-			plot_fit(col1_data, col2_data, i, j, coefficients(fit), range, method)
-		# Calculate model for column2 vs column1 and plot if requested
-		fit = get_fit(col2_data, col1_data, method)
-		m[k + 1,] = add_fit(fit, j, i, range, method)
-		if (plot == 'true')
-			plot_fit(col2_data, col1_data, j, i, coefficients(fit), range, method)
-		k = k + 2
-	}
-	logger(paste("\t\t", breaks, " comparisons have been skipped due to nr. of datapoints < cutoff", sep=""))
-# Filter on pvalue and R-squared
-logger("Filtering on pvalue and R-squared..")
-if (method == 'poly') {
-    pval_index <- which(m[,10] < pvalue)
-    rsquared_index <- which(m[,11] > rsquared)
-} else {
-    pval_index <- which(m[,8] < pvalue)
-    rsquared_index <- which(m[,9] > rsquared)
-logger(paste(nrow(m) - length(pval_index), " models discarded due to pvalue > ", pvalue, sep=""))
-logger(paste(nrow(m) - length(rsquared_index), " models discarded due to R-squared < ", rsquared, sep=""))
-# Remaining rows
-index = unique(c(pval_index, rsquared_index))
-# Reduce dataset
-m = m[index,]
-# Place plots in the history as a ZIP file
-if (plot == 'true') {
-    logger("Creating archive with model graphics..")
-    system(paste("zip -9 -r *.pdf > /dev/null", sep=""))
-    system(paste("cp ", plot_archive, sep=""))
-# Save dataframe as tab separated file
-logger("All done, saving data..")
-header = c("Column1", "Column2", "Coefficient1", "Coefficient2", "Coefficient3", "Coefficient4", 
-           "LeftLimit", "RightLimit", "Residuals", "pvalue", "Rsquared")
-if (method != 'poly')
-	header = header[c(1:4, 7:11)]
-write(progress, logfile)
-write.table(m, file=out_file, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, col.names=header, row.names=FALSE)
--- a/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Mar 19 12:13:13 2015 +0100
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Module containing Galaxy tools for the LC or GC/MS pipeline
-Created on Mar , 2014
-@author: pieter lukasse
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/static_resources/README.txt	Thu Mar 19 12:13:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This folder and respective files should be deployed together with the following tools:
+ - ../
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/test/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-''' unit tests '''
--- a/test/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-'''Integration tests for the GCMS project'''
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename  # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611
-from GCMS import library_lookup, combine_output
-from GCMS.rankfilter_GCMS import rankfilter
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-import re
-class IntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_library_lookup(self):
-        '''
-        Run main for data/NIST_tabular and compare produced files with references determined earlier.
-        '''
-        # Create out folder
-        outdir = "output/" #tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='test_library_lookup')
-        if not os.path.exists(outdir):
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-        outfile_base = os.path.join(outdir, 'produced_library_lookup')
-        outfile_txt = outfile_base + '.txt'
-        #Build up arguments and run
-        input_txt = resource_filename(__name__, "data/NIST_tabular.txt")
-        library = resource_filename(__name__, "data/RIDB_subset.txt")
-        regress_model = resource_filename(__name__, "data/ridb_poly_regression.txt")
-        sys.argv = ['test',
-                    library,
-                    input_txt,
-                    'Capillary',
-                    'Semi-standard non-polar',
-                    outfile_txt,
-                    'HP-5',
-                    regress_model]
-        # Execute main function with arguments provided through sys.argv
-        library_lookup.main()
-        #Compare with reference files
-        reference_txt = resource_filename(__name__, 'reference/produced_library_lookup.txt')
-        #read both the reference file  and actual output files
-        expected = _read_file(reference_txt)
-        actual = _read_file(outfile_txt)
-        #convert the read in files to lists we can compare
-        expected = expected.split()
-        actual = actual.split()
-        for exp, act in zip(expected, actual):
-            if re.match('\\d+\\.\\d+', exp):
-                exp = float(exp)
-                act = float(act)
-                self.assertAlmostEqual(exp, act, places=5)
-            else:
-                # compare values
-                self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual)
-    def test_combine_output_simple(self):
-        '''
-        Run main for data/NIST_tabular and compare produced files with references determined earlier.
-        '''
-        # Create out folder
-        outdir = "output/" #tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='test_library_lookup')
-        if not os.path.exists(outdir):
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-        outfile_base = os.path.join(outdir, 'produced_combine_output')
-        outfile_single_txt = outfile_base + '_single.txt'
-        outfile_multi_txt = outfile_base + '_multi.txt'
-        #Build up arguments and run
-        input_rankfilter = resource_filename(__name__, "data/Rankfilter.txt")
-        input_caslookup = resource_filename(__name__, "data/Caslookup.txt")
-        sys.argv = ['test',
-                    input_rankfilter,
-                    input_caslookup,
-                    outfile_single_txt,
-                    outfile_multi_txt]
-        # Execute main function with arguments provided through sys.argv
-        combine_output.main()
-        #Compare with reference files
-        # reference_single_txt = resource_filename(__name__, 'reference/produced_combine_output_single.txt')
-        # reference_multi_txt = resource_filename(__name__, 'reference/produced_combine_output_multi.txt')
-        # self.failUnlessEqual(_read_file(reference_single_txt), _read_file(outfile_single_txt))
-        # self.failUnlessEqual(_read_file(reference_multi_txt), _read_file(outfile_multi_txt))
-        #Clean up
-        #shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
-    def def_test_rank_filter_advanced(self):
-        '''
-        Run main of RankFilter
-        '''
-        # Create out folder
-        outdir = "output/integration/"
-        if not os.path.exists(outdir):
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-        #Build up arguments and run
-        input_txt = resource_filename(__name__, "data/integration/RankFilterInput_conf.txt")
-        sys.argv = ['test', 
-                    input_txt]
-        # Execute main function with arguments provided through sys.argv
-        rankfilter.main()
-        #Compare with reference files
-    def def_test_library_lookup_advanced(self):
-        '''
-        Run main for data/NIST_tabular and compare produced files with references determined earlier.
-        '''
-        # Create out folder
-        outdir = "output/integration/" 
-        if not os.path.exists(outdir):
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-        outfile_base = os.path.join(outdir, 'produced_library_lookup_ADVANCED')
-        outfile_txt = outfile_base + '.txt'
-        #Build up arguments and run
-        input_txt = resource_filename(__name__, "data/integration/NIST_identification_results_tabular.txt")
-        library = resource_filename(__name__, "../repositories/PRIMS-metabolomics/RI_DB_libraries/Library_RI_DB_capillary_columns-noDuplicates.txt")
-        regress_model = resource_filename(__name__, "data/integration/regression_MODEL_for_columns.txt")
-        sys.argv = ['test',
-                    library,
-                    input_txt,
-                    'Capillary',
-                    'Semi-standard non-polar',
-                    outfile_txt,
-                    'DB-5',
-                    regress_model]
-        # Execute main function with arguments provided through sys.argv
-        library_lookup.main()
-    def test_combine_output_advanced(self):
-        '''
-        Variant on test case above, but a bit more complex as some of the centrotypes have
-        different NIST hits which should give them different RI values. This test also
-        runs not only the combine output, but the other two preceding steps as well, 
-        so it ensures the integration also works on the current code of all three tools. 
-        '''
-        # Run RankFilter 
-        self.def_test_rank_filter_advanced()
-        # Run library CAS RI lookup
-        self.def_test_library_lookup_advanced()
-        outdir = "output/integration/"    
-        outfile_base = os.path.join(outdir, 'produced_combine_output')
-        outfile_single_txt = outfile_base + '_single.txt'
-        outfile_multi_txt = outfile_base + '_multi.txt'
-        #Build up arguments and run
-        input_rankfilter = resource_filename(__name__, "output/integration/produced_rank_filter_out.txt")
-        input_caslookup = resource_filename(__name__, "output/integration/produced_library_lookup_ADVANCED.txt")
-        sys.argv = ['test',
-                    input_rankfilter,
-                    input_caslookup,
-                    outfile_single_txt,
-                    outfile_multi_txt]
-        # Execute main function with arguments provided through sys.argv
-        combine_output.main()
-        #Compare with reference files
-#        reference_single_txt = resource_filename(__name__, 'reference/produced_combine_output_single.txt')
-#        reference_multi_txt = resource_filename(__name__, 'reference/produced_combine_output_multi.txt')
-#        self.failUnlessEqual(_read_file(reference_single_txt), _read_file(outfile_single_txt))
-#        self.failUnlessEqual(_read_file(reference_multi_txt), _read_file(outfile_multi_txt))
-        # Check 1: output single should have one record per centrotype:
-        # Check 2: output single has more records than output single:
-        combine_result_single_items =  combine_output._process_data(outfile_single_txt)
-        combine_result_multi_items =  combine_output._process_data(outfile_multi_txt)
-        self.assertGreater(len(combine_result_single_items['Centrotype']), 
-                           len(combine_result_multi_items['Centrotype']))
-        # Check 3: library_lookup RI column, centrotype column, ri_svr column are correct:
-        caslookup_items = combine_output._process_data(input_caslookup)
-        rankfilter_items = combine_output._process_data(input_rankfilter)
-        # check that the caslookup RI column is correctly maintained in its original order in
-        # the combined file:
-        ri_caslookup = caslookup_items['RI']
-        ri_combine_single = combine_result_single_items['RI']
-        self.assertListEqual(ri_caslookup, ri_combine_single) 
-        # check the centrotype column's integrity:
-        centrotype_caslookup = caslookup_items['Centrotype']
-        centrotype_combine_single = combine_result_single_items['Centrotype']
-        centrotype_rankfilter = _get_centrotype_rankfilter(rankfilter_items['ID'])
-        self.assertListEqual(centrotype_caslookup, centrotype_combine_single)
-        self.assertListEqual(centrotype_caslookup, centrotype_rankfilter)
-        # integration and integrity checks:
-        file_NIST = resource_filename(__name__, "data/integration/NIST_identification_results_tabular.txt")
-        file_NIST_items = combine_output._process_data(file_NIST)
-        # check that rank filter output has exactly the same ID items as the original NIST input file:
-        self.assertListEqual(file_NIST_items['ID'], rankfilter_items['ID']) 
-        # check the same for the CAS column:
-        self.assertListEqual(_get_strippedcas(file_NIST_items['CAS']), rankfilter_items['CAS'])
-        # now check the NIST CAS column against the cas lookup results:  
-        cas_NIST = _get_processedcas(file_NIST_items['CAS'])
-        self.assertListEqual(cas_NIST, caslookup_items['CAS'])
-        # now check the CAS of the combined result. If all checks are OK, it means the CAS column's order
-        # and values remained stable throughout all steps: 
-        self.assertListEqual(rankfilter_items['CAS'], combine_result_single_items['CAS']) 
-        # check that the rankfilter RIsvr column is correctly maintained in its original order in
-        # the combined file:
-        risvr_rankfilter = rankfilter_items['RIsvr']
-        risvr_combine_single = combine_result_single_items['RIsvr']
-        self.assertListEqual(risvr_rankfilter, risvr_combine_single) 
-def _get_centrotype_rankfilter(id_list):
-    '''
-    returns the list of centrotype ids given a list of ID in the
-    form e.g. 74-1.0-564-1905200-7, where the numbers before the 
-    first "-" are the centrotype id
-    '''
-    result = []
-    for compound_id_idx in xrange(len(id_list)):
-        compound_id = id_list[compound_id_idx]
-        centrotype = compound_id.split('-')[0]
-        result.append(centrotype) 
-    return result
-def _get_processedcas(cas_list):
-    '''
-    returns the list cas numbers in the form C64175 instead of 64-17-5
-    '''
-    result = []
-    for cas_id_idx in xrange(len(cas_list)):
-        cas = cas_list[cas_id_idx]
-        processed_cas = 'C' + str(cas.replace('-', '').strip())
-        result.append(processed_cas) 
-    return result
-def _get_strippedcas(cas_list):
-    '''
-    removes the leading white space from e.g. " 64-17-5"
-    '''
-    result = []
-    for cas_id_idx in xrange(len(cas_list)):
-        cas = cas_list[cas_id_idx]
-        processed_cas = cas.strip()
-        result.append(processed_cas) 
-    return result
-def _read_file(filename):
-    '''
-    Helper method to quickly read a file
-    @param filename:
-    '''
-    with open(filename) as handle:
-        return
--- a/test/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-Created on Mar 27, 2012
-@author: marcelk
-from GCMS import combine_output
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename  # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-class Test(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Tests for the 'combine_output' Galaxy tool
-    '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.rf_output = resource_filename(__name__, "data/RankFilter.txt")
-        self.cl_output = resource_filename(__name__, "data/CasLookup.txt")
-    def test_process_data(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the processing of the RankFilter and CasLookup files into dictionaries
-        '''
-        rfdata = combine_output._process_data(self.rf_output)
-        cldata = combine_output._process_data(self.cl_output)
-        self.assertEqual(set([' 18457-04-0', ' 55133-95-4', ' 58-08-2', ' 112-34-5']), set(rfdata['CAS']))
-        self.assertEqual(set(['C58082', 'C18457040', 'C55133954', 'C112345']), set(cldata['CAS']))
-    def test_add_hit(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the combination of two records from both the RankFilter- and CasLookup-tools
-        '''
-        rfdata = combine_output._process_data(self.rf_output)
-        cldata = combine_output._process_data(self.cl_output)
-        index = 0
-        rf_record = dict(zip(rfdata.keys(), [rfdata[key][index] for key in rfdata.keys()]))
-        cl_record = dict(zip(cldata.keys(), [cldata[key][index] for key in cldata.keys()]))
-        hit = combine_output._add_hit(rf_record, cl_record)
-        self.assertEqual(len(hit), 27)
-        # Pass empty record, should fail combination
-        self.assertRaises(KeyError, combine_output._add_hit, rf_record, {})
-    def test_merge_data(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the merging of the RankFilter and CasLookup data
-        '''
-        rfdata = combine_output._process_data(self.rf_output)
-        cldata = combine_output._process_data(self.cl_output)
-        merged, _ = combine_output._merge_data(rfdata, cldata)
-        centrotypes = _get_centrotypes(merged)
-        self.failUnless(all(centrotype in centrotypes for centrotype in ('2716','12723', '3403', '12710')))
-def _get_centrotypes(merged):
-    '''
-    returns centrotype codes found in merged set
-    '''
-    result = []
-    for item_idx in xrange(len(merged)):
-        item = merged[item_idx]
-        centrotype = item[0][0]
-        result.append(centrotype) 
-    return result 
-    def test_remove_formula(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the removal of the Formula from the 'Name' field (RankFilter output)
-        '''
-        name = "Caffeine C8H10N4O2"
-        compound_name, compound_formula = combine_output._remove_formula(name)
-        self.assertEqual(compound_name, 'Caffeine')
-        self.assertEqual(compound_formula, 'C8H10N4O2')
-        name = "Ethanol C2H6O"
-        compound_name, compound_formula = combine_output._remove_formula(name)
-        self.assertEqual(compound_name, 'Ethanol')
-        self.assertEqual(compound_formula, 'C2H6O')
-        # No formula to remove
-        name = "Butanoic acid, 4-[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]-, trimethylsilyl ester"
-        compound_name, compound_formula = combine_output._remove_formula(name)
-        self.assertEqual(compound_name, name)
-        self.assertEqual(compound_formula, False)
-    def test_save_data(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the creation of the output tabular files (no content testing)
-        '''
-        temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gcms_combine_output_')
-        saved_single_data = '{0}/{1}'.format(temp_folder, 'output_single.tsv')
-        saved_multi_data = '{0}/{1}'.format(temp_folder, 'output_multi.tsv')
-        rfdata = combine_output._process_data(self.rf_output)
-        cldata = combine_output._process_data(self.cl_output)
-        merged, nhits = combine_output._merge_data(rfdata, cldata)
-        combine_output._save_data(merged, nhits, saved_single_data, saved_multi_data)
-        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(saved_single_data))
-        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(saved_multi_data))
-        shutil.rmtree(temp_folder)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    #import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testName']
-    unittest.main()
--- a/test/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-'''Integration tests for the GCMS project'''
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename  # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611
-from GCMS import export_to_metexp_tabular
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-class IntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_MM_calculations(self):
-        '''
-        test the implemented method for MM calculations for 
-        given chemical formulas
-        '''
-        export_to_metexp_tabular.init_elements_and_masses_map()
-        formula = "C8H18O3"
-        # should be = 12.01*8 + 1.01*18 + 16*3 = 162.26
-        result = export_to_metexp_tabular.get_molecular_mass(formula)
-        self.assertEqual(162.26, result)
-        formula = "CH2O3Fe2Ni"
-        # should be = 12.01*1 + 1.01*2 + 16*3 + 55.85*2 + 58.71 = 232.44
-        result = export_to_metexp_tabular.get_molecular_mass(formula)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(232.44, result, 2)
-    def test_combine_output_simple(self):
-        '''
-        comment me
-        '''
-        # Create out folder
-        outdir = "output/metexp/"
-        if not os.path.exists(outdir):
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-        #Build up arguments and run
-        rankfilter_and_caslookup_combined_file = resource_filename(__name__, "data/dummy1_produced_combine_output_single.txt")
-        msclust_quantification_and_spectra_file = resource_filename(__name__, "data/dummy1_sim.txt")
-        output_csv = resource_filename(__name__, outdir + "metexp_tabular.txt")
-        sys.argv = ['test',
-                    rankfilter_and_caslookup_combined_file,
-                    msclust_quantification_and_spectra_file,
-                    output_csv, 
-                    'tomato',
-                    'leafs',
-                    'test experiment',
-                    'pieter',
-                    'DB5 column']
-        # Execute main function with arguments provided through sys.argv
-        export_to_metexp_tabular.main()
-        '''
-        # Asserts are based on reading in with process_data and comparing values of 
-        # certain columns
-        # Check 3: library_lookup RI column, centrotype column, ri_svr column are correct:
-        caslookup_items = combine_output._process_data(input_caslookup)
-        rankfilter_items = combine_output._process_data(input_rankfilter)
-        # check that the caslookup RI column is correctly maintained in its original order in
-        # the combined file:
-        ri_caslookup = caslookup_items['RI']
-        ri_combine_single = combine_result_single_items['RI']
-        self.assertListEqual(ri_caslookup, ri_combine_single) 
-        # check the centrotype column's integrity:
-        centrotype_caslookup = caslookup_items['Centrotype']
-        centrotype_combine_single = combine_result_single_items['Centrotype']
-        centrotype_rankfilter = _get_centrotype_rankfilter(rankfilter_items['ID'])
-        self.assertListEqual(centrotype_caslookup, centrotype_combine_single)
-        self.assertListEqual(centrotype_caslookup, centrotype_rankfilter)
-        # integration and integrity checks:
-        file_NIST = resource_filename(__name__, "data/integration/NIST_identification_results_tabular.txt")
-        file_NIST_items = combine_output._process_data(file_NIST)
-        # check that rank filter output has exactly the same ID items as the original NIST input file:
-        self.assertListEqual(file_NIST_items['ID'], rankfilter_items['ID']) 
-        # check the same for the CAS column:
-        self.assertListEqual(_get_strippedcas(file_NIST_items['CAS']), rankfilter_items['CAS'])
-        # now check the NIST CAS column against the cas lookup results:  
-        cas_NIST = _get_processedcas(file_NIST_items['CAS'])
-        self.assertListEqual(cas_NIST, caslookup_items['CAS'])
-        # now check the CAS of the combined result. If all checks are OK, it means the CAS column's order
-        # and values remained stable throughout all steps: 
-        self.assertListEqual(rankfilter_items['CAS'], combine_result_single_items['CAS']) 
-        # check that the rankfilter RIsvr column is correctly maintained in its original order in
-        # the combined file:
-        risvr_rankfilter = rankfilter_items['RIsvr']
-        risvr_combine_single = combine_result_single_items['RIsvr']
-        self.assertListEqual(risvr_rankfilter, risvr_combine_single) 
-        '''
-def _read_file(filename):
-    '''
-    Helper method to quickly read a file
-    @param filename:
-    '''
-    with open(filename) as handle:
-        return
--- a/test/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-Created on Mar 6, 2012
-@author: marcelk
-from GCMS import library_lookup, match_library
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename  # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-class Test(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Tests the 'library_lookup' Galaxy tool
-    '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.ri_database = resource_filename(__name__, "data/RIDB_subset.txt")
-        self.nist_output = resource_filename(__name__, "data/NIST_tabular.txt")
-        self.ridb_poly_regress = resource_filename(__name__, "data/ridb_poly_regression.txt")
-        self.ridb_linear_regress = resource_filename(__name__, "data/ridb_linear_regression.txt")
-    def test_create_lookup_table(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the 'create_lookup_table' function
-        '''
-        column_type = 'Capillary'
-        polarity = 'Semi-standard non-polar'
-        lookup_dict = library_lookup.create_lookup_table(self.ri_database, column_type, polarity)
-        self.assertFalse(False in [res[4] == 'Capillary' for res in lookup_dict['4177166']])
-        self.assertEqual(['C51276336', '2,6-Dimethyl-octa-1,7-dien-3,6-diol', 'C10H18O2',
-                          '1277', 'Capillary', 'Semi-standard non-polar', 'DB-5MS', '1',
-                          'C51276336_DB-5MS', '', '', ''], lookup_dict['51276336'][1])
-    def test_read_model(self):
-        '''
-        Tests reading the regression model data containing the parameters required for converting
-        retention indices between GC-columns
-        '''
-        model, _ = library_lookup._read_model(self.ridb_poly_regress)
-        # Order of values: coefficient 1 through 4, left limit, right limit
-        # Polynomial model
-        self.assertEqual([20.6155874639486, 0.945187096379008, 3.96480787567566e-05, -9.04377237159287e-09,
-                          628.0, 2944.0, 405.0, 0, 0.998685262365514], model['HP-5']['SE-54'])
-        self.assertEqual([-92.3963391356951, 1.26116176393346, -0.000191991657547972, 4.15387371263164e-08,
-                          494.0, 2198.0, 407.0, 0, 0.996665023122993], model['Apiezon L']['Squalane'])
-        # Linear model
-        model, _ = library_lookup._read_model(self.ridb_linear_regress)
-        self.assertEqual([2.81208738561543, 0.99482475526584, 628.0, 2944.0, 405.0, 0, 0.998643883946458],
-                         model['HP-5']['SE-54'])
-        self.assertEqual([19.979922768462, 0.993741869298272, 494.0, 2198.0, 407.0, 0, 0.99636062891041],
-                         model['Apiezon L']['Squalane'])
-    def test_apply_regression(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the regression model on some arbitrary retention indices
-        '''
-        poly_model, _ = library_lookup._read_model(self.ridb_poly_regress)
-        linear_model, _ = library_lookup._read_model(self.ridb_linear_regress)
-        retention_indices = [1000, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1050]
-        converted_poly = []
-        converted_linear = []
-        for ri in retention_indices:
-            converted_poly.append(library_lookup._apply_poly_regression('HP-5', 'DB-5', ri, poly_model))
-            converted_linear.append(library_lookup._apply_linear_regression('HP-5', 'DB-5', ri, linear_model))
-        self.assertEqual([1003.0566541860778, 1013.0979459524663, 1023.1358645806529, 1033.170466241159,
-                          1043.2018071045052, 1053.2299433412131], converted_poly)
-        self.assertEqual([1001.8127584915925, 1011.830140783027, 1021.8475230744615, 1031.864905365896,
-                          1041.8822876573306, 1051.899669948765], converted_linear)
-        # Test polynomial limit detection, the following RI falls outside of the possible limits
-        ri = 3400
-        converted_poly = library_lookup._apply_poly_regression('HP-5', 'DB-5', ri, poly_model)
-        self.assertEqual(False, converted_poly)
-    def test_preferred_hit(self):
-        ''' Tests the matching of the hits with the preferred column, including regression '''
-        model, method = library_lookup._read_model(self.ridb_poly_regress)
-        column_type = 'Capillary'
-        polarity = 'Semi-standard non-polar'
-        lookup_dict = library_lookup.create_lookup_table(self.ri_database, column_type, polarity)
-        hits = lookup_dict['150867']
-        # No regression, should however consider order of given preference
-        match = library_lookup._preferred(hits, ['SE-52', 'DB-5', 'HP-5'], column_type, polarity, model, method)
-        expected = (['C150867', '(E)-phytol', 'C20H40O', '2110', 'Capillary',
-                    'Semi-standard non-polar', 'SE-52', '', 'C150867_SE-52', '', '', ''], False)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, match)
-        # Perform regression by looking for 'OV-101' which isn't there. 'SE-52' has the best regression model
-        # of the available columns
-        match = library_lookup._preferred(hits, ['OV-101'], column_type, polarity, model, method)
-        expected = (['C150867', '(E)-phytol', 'C20H40O', 2158.5769891569125, 'Capillary',
-                     'Semi-standard non-polar', 'SE-52', '', 'C150867_SE-52', '', '', ''], 'SE-52')
-        self.assertEqual(expected, match)
-    def test_format_result(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the 'format_result' function
-        '''
-        column_type = 'Capillary'
-        polarity = 'Semi-standard non-polar'
-        # Look for DB-5
-        pref_column = ['DB-5']
-        model, method = library_lookup._read_model(self.ridb_poly_regress)
-        lookup_dict = library_lookup.create_lookup_table(self.ri_database, column_type, polarity)
-        data = library_lookup.format_result(lookup_dict, self.nist_output, pref_column, column_type,
-                                            polarity, model, method)#False, None)
-        # remove non-hits from set:
-        data = _get_hits_only(data)
-        self.assertEqual(['C544354', 'Ethyl linoleate', 'C20H36O2', '2155', 'Capillary', 'Semi-standard non-polar',
-                           'DB-5', '1', 'C544354_DB-5', '1810', 'None', '', '', '0'], data[20])
-        self.assertEqual(111, len(data))
-        # Look for both DB-5 and HP-5
-        pref_column = ['DB-5', 'HP-5']
-        data = library_lookup.format_result(lookup_dict, self.nist_output, pref_column, column_type,
-                                            polarity, False, None)
-        # remove non-hits from set:
-        data = _get_hits_only(data)
-        self.assertEqual(['C502614', '.beta.-(E)-Farnesene', 'C15H24', '1508', 'Capillary', 'Semi-standard non-polar',
-                          'DB-5', '1', 'C502614_DB-5', '942', 'None', '1482', '1522', '22'], data[50])
-        self.assertEqual(106, len(data))
-    def test_save_data(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the creation of the output tabular file
-        '''
-        temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gcms_combine_output_')
-        saved_data = '{0}/{1}'.format(temp_folder, 'output.tsv')
-        column_type = 'Capillary'
-        polarity = 'Semi-standard non-polar'
-        pref_column = ['DB-5']
-        lookup_dict = library_lookup.create_lookup_table(self.ri_database, column_type, polarity)
-        data = library_lookup.format_result(lookup_dict, self.nist_output, pref_column, column_type, polarity, False, None)
-        library_lookup._save_data(data, saved_data)
-        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(saved_data))
-        shutil.rmtree(temp_folder)
-    def test_match_library_get_lib_files(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the functionality
-        '''
-        riqc_libs_dir = resource_filename(__name__, "../repositories/PRIMS-metabolomics/RI_DB_libraries")
-        get_library_files_output = match_library.get_directory_files(riqc_libs_dir)
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(get_library_files_output))
-        self.assertEqual("Library_RI_DB_capillary_columns-noDuplicates", get_library_files_output[0][0])
-        #TODO change assert below to assert that the result is a file, so the test can run on other dirs as well:
-        #self.assertEqual("E:\\workspace\\PRIMS-metabolomics\\python-tools\\tools\\GCMS\\test\\data\\riqc_libs\\RI DB library (capillary columns) Dec.2012.txt", get_library_files_output[0][1])
-        #self.assertEqual("RI DB library (capillary columns) Jan.2013", get_library_files_output[1][0])  
-        try:
-            get_library_files_output = match_library.get_directory_files("/blah")
-            # should not come here
-            self.assertTrue(False)
-        except:
-            # should come here
-            self.assertTrue(True)
-def _get_hits_only(data):
-    '''
-    removes items that have RI == 0.0 and Name == '' (these are dummy lines just for the output
-    '''
-    result = []
-    for item_idx in xrange(len(data)):
-        item = data[item_idx]
-        if item[1] != '' and item[3] > 0.0 :
-            result.append(item) 
-    return result 
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    #import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testName']
-    unittest.main()
--- a/test/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Created on Mar 6, 2012
-@author: marcelk
-from GCMS import match_library
-import unittest
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename  # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611
-class Test(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Tests the 'match_library' Galaxy tool
-    '''
-    nist_db = resource_filename(__name__, "data/RIDB_subset.txt")
-    def test_get_column_type(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the 'get_column_type' function that returns tuples of unique elements
-        for column types in the RI database
-        '''
-        galaxy_output = match_library.get_column_type(self.nist_db)
-        self.assertEqual([('Capillary(9999)', 'Capillary', False)], galaxy_output)
-    def test_filter_column(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the 'filter_column' function showing the column phase for all 'Capillary' columns
-        '''
-        galaxy_output = match_library.filter_column(self.nist_db, 'Capillary')
-        self.assertEqual([('Semi-standard non-polar(9999)', 'Semi-standard non-polar', False)], galaxy_output)
-    def test_filter_column2(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the 'filter_column' function showing all possibilities for columns having both the
-        'Capillary' and 'Semi-standard non-polar' properties
-        '''
-        galaxy_output = match_library.filter_column2(self.nist_db, 'Capillary', 'Semi-standard non-polar')
-        self.failUnless(('Apiezon M(6)', 'Apiezon M', False) in galaxy_output)
-    def test_count_occurrence(self):
-        '''
-        Tests the 'count_occurrence' function
-        '''
-        test_list = [2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 2, 5, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4, 2, 0, 4]
-        counts = match_library.count_occurrence(test_list)
-        self.assertEqual({0: 3, 1: 1, 2: 5, 3: 5, 4: 6, 5: 5}, counts)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    #import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testName']
-    unittest.main()
--- a/test/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-'''Integration tests for the GCMS project'''
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename  # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611
-from MS import query_mass_repos
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-class IntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_simple(self):
-        '''
-        Simple initial test
-        '''
-        # Create out folder
-        outdir = "output/query_mass_repos/"
-        if not os.path.exists(outdir):
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-        #Build up arguments and run
-        #     input_file = sys.argv[1]
-        #     molecular_mass_col = sys.argv[2]
-        #     repository_file = sys.argv[3]
-        #     mass_tolerance = float(sys.argv[4])
-        #     output_result = sys.argv[5]
-        input_file = resource_filename(__name__, "data/service_query_tabular.txt")
-        molecular_mass_col = "mass (Da)"
-        dblink_file = resource_filename(__name__, "data/MFSearcher ExactMassDB service.txt")
-        output_result = resource_filename(__name__, outdir + "metexp_query_results_added.txt")
-        sys.argv = ['test',
-                    input_file,
-                    molecular_mass_col,
-                    dblink_file, 
-                    '0.001',
-                    'ms',
-                    output_result]
-        # Execute main function with arguments provided through sys.argv
-        query_mass_repos.main()
-def _read_file(filename):
-    '''
-    Helper method to quickly read a file
-    @param filename:
-    '''
-    with open(filename) as handle:
-        return
--- a/test/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-'''Integration tests for the GCMS project'''
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename  # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611
-from GCMS import query_metexp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-class IntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
-#     def test_MM_calculations(self):
-#         '''
-#         test the implemented method for MM calculations for 
-#         given chemical formulas
-#         '''
-#         export_to_metexp_tabular.init_elements_and_masses_map()
-#         formula = "C8H18O3"
-#         # should be = 12.01*8 + 1.01*18 + 16*3 = 162.26
-#         result = export_to_metexp_tabular.get_molecular_mass(formula)
-#         self.assertEqual(162.26, result)
-#         formula = "CH2O3Fe2Ni"
-#         # should be = 12.01*1 + 1.01*2 + 16*3 + 55.85*2 + 58.71 = 232.44
-#         result = export_to_metexp_tabular.get_molecular_mass(formula)
-#         self.assertAlmostEqual(232.44, result, 2)
-    def test_simple(self):
-        '''
-        Simple initial test
-        '''
-        # Create out folder
-        outdir = "output/metexp_query/"
-        if not os.path.exists(outdir):
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-        #Build up arguments and run
-        #         input_file = sys.argv[1]
-        #         molecular_mass_col = sys.argv[2]
-        #         formula_col = sys.argv[3]
-        #         metexp_dblink_file = sys.argv[4]
-        #         output_result = sys.argv[5]
-        input_file = resource_filename(__name__, "data/metexp_query_tabular.txt")
-        casid_col = "CAS"
-        formula_col = "FORMULA"
-        molecular_mass_col = "MM"
-        metexp_dblink_file = resource_filename(__name__, "data/METEXP Test DB.txt")
-        output_result = resource_filename(__name__, outdir + "metexp_query_results_added.txt")
-        sys.argv = ['test',
-                    input_file,
-                    casid_col,
-                    formula_col, 
-                    molecular_mass_col,
-                    metexp_dblink_file,
-                    'GC',
-                    output_result]
-        # Execute main function with arguments provided through sys.argv
-        query_metexp.main()
-def _read_file(filename):
-    '''
-    Helper method to quickly read a file
-    @param filename:
-    '''
-    with open(filename) as handle:
-        return
--- a/test/	Thu Mar 19 12:10:19 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-'''Integration tests for the GCMS project'''
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename  # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611
-from GCMS import query_metexp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-class IntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
-#     def test_MM_calculations(self):
-#         '''
-#         test the implemented method for MM calculations for 
-#         given chemical formulas
-#         '''
-#         export_to_metexp_tabular.init_elements_and_masses_map()
-#         formula = "C8H18O3"
-#         # should be = 12.01*8 + 1.01*18 + 16*3 = 162.26
-#         result = export_to_metexp_tabular.get_molecular_mass(formula)
-#         self.assertEqual(162.26, result)
-#         formula = "CH2O3Fe2Ni"
-#         # should be = 12.01*1 + 1.01*2 + 16*3 + 55.85*2 + 58.71 = 232.44
-#         result = export_to_metexp_tabular.get_molecular_mass(formula)
-#         self.assertAlmostEqual(232.44, result, 2)
-    def test_large(self):
-        '''
-        Simple test, but on larger set, last test executed in 28s
-        '''
-        # Create out folder
-        outdir = "output/metexp_query/"
-        if not os.path.exists(outdir):
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-        #Build up arguments and run
-        #         input_file = sys.argv[1]
-        #         molecular_mass_col = sys.argv[2]
-        #         formula_col = sys.argv[3]
-        #         metexp_dblink_file = sys.argv[4]
-        #         output_result = sys.argv[5]
-        input_file = resource_filename(__name__, "data/metexp_query_tabular_large.txt")
-        casid_col = "CAS"
-        formula_col = "FORMULA"
-        molecular_mass_col = "MM"
-        metexp_dblink_file = resource_filename(__name__, "data/METEXP Test DB.txt")
-        output_result = resource_filename(__name__, outdir + "metexp_query_results_added_LARGE.txt")
-        sys.argv = ['test',
-                    input_file,
-                    casid_col,
-                    formula_col, 
-                    molecular_mass_col,
-                    metexp_dblink_file,
-                    'GC',
-                    output_result]
-        # Execute main function with arguments provided through sys.argv
-        query_metexp.main()
-def _read_file(filename):
-    '''
-    Helper method to quickly read a file
-    @param filename:
-    '''
-    with open(filename) as handle:
-        return