comparison @ 0:b3ccb17adda3

Push to main toolshed
date Wed, 08 Jan 2014 11:44:26 +0100
children 4719f745bf02
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b3ccb17adda3
1 {
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3 "annotation": "",
4 "format-version": "0.1",
5 "name": "PRIMS- (iTRAQ) labeled data",
6 "steps": {
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10 "input_connections": {},
11 "inputs": [
12 {
13 "description": "",
14 "name": "Input Dataset"
15 }
16 ],
17 "name": "Input dataset",
18 "outputs": [],
19 "position": {
20 "left": 200,
21 "top": 200
22 },
23 "tool_errors": null,
24 "tool_id": null,
25 "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Input Dataset\"}",
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29 },
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32 "id": 1,
33 "input_connections": {},
34 "inputs": [
35 {
36 "description": "",
37 "name": "Input Dataset"
38 }
39 ],
40 "name": "Input dataset",
41 "outputs": [],
42 "position": {
43 "left": 200,
44 "top": 320
45 },
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47 "tool_id": null,
48 "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Input Dataset\"}",
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52 },
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55 "id": 2,
56 "input_connections": {
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60 },
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63 "output_name": "output"
64 }
65 },
66 "inputs": [
67 {
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69 "name": "precursor_mass_tolerance_lower"
70 },
71 {
72 "description": "runtime parameter for tool X!Tandem",
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74 },
75 {
76 "description": "runtime parameter for tool X!Tandem",
77 "name": "precursor_error_units"
78 }
79 ],
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82 {
83 "name": "outputFile",
84 "type": "bioml"
85 },
86 {
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88 "type": "html"
89 },
90 {
91 "name": "outTsv",
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93 }
94 ],
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96 "left": 422,
97 "top": 199
98 },
99 "post_job_actions": {},
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101 "tool_id": "",
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114 }
115 },
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119 {
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122 }
123 ],
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127 },
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143 },
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147 }
148 },
149 "inputs": [],
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152 {
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154 "type": "apml"
155 },
156 {
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159 }
160 ],
161 "position": {
162 "left": 860,
163 "top": 200
164 },
165 "post_job_actions": {},
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169 "tool_version": "1.0.2",
170 "type": "tool",
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172 },
173 "5": {
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175 "id": 5,
176 "input_connections": {
177 "annotationSourceFiles_0|identificationsFile": {
178 "id": 3,
179 "output_name": "outputFile"
180 },
181 "annotationSourceFiles_0|spectraFile": {
182 "id": 1,
183 "output_name": "output"
184 },
185 "apmlFile": {
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187 "output_name": "outputFile"
188 }
189 },
190 "inputs": [],
191 "name": "MsFilt",
192 "outputs": [
193 {
194 "name": "outputApml",
195 "type": "apml"
196 },
197 {
198 "name": "outNewIdsApml",
199 "type": "apml"
200 },
201 {
202 "name": "outputCSV",
203 "type": "csv"
204 },
205 {
206 "name": "outRankingTable",
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208 },
209 {
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212 },
213 {
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216 }
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221 },
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224 "tool_id": "",
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226 "tool_version": "1.0.2",
227 "type": "tool",
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229 },
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233 "input_connections": {
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237 },
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241 }
242 },
243 "inputs": [],
244 "name": "Quantifere",
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246 {
247 "name": "outputCSV",
248 "type": "csv"
249 },
250 {
251 "name": "outputInferenceLogCSV",
252 "type": "csv"
253 },
254 {
255 "name": "htmlReportFile",
256 "type": "html"
257 },
258 {
259 "name": "outputSummaryAnnotationCSV",
260 "type": "csv"
261 }
262 ],
263 "position": {
264 "left": 1300,
265 "top": 200
266 },
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271 "tool_version": "1.0.2",
272 "type": "tool",
273 "user_outputs": []
274 },
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282 }
283 },
284 "inputs": [],
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287 {
288 "name": "htmlReportFile",
289 "type": "html"
290 },
291 {
292 "name": "cysOutFile",
293 "type": "cys"
294 },
295 {
296 "name": "logFile",
297 "type": "txt"
298 }
299 ],
300 "position": {
301 "left": 1520,
302 "top": 200
303 },
304 "post_job_actions": {},
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306 "tool_id": "",
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308 "tool_version": "1.0.2",
309 "type": "tool",
310 "user_outputs": []
311 }
312 }
313 }