comparison @ 0:06cb587a5e87 draft

Uploaded initial version 2.1.0-4.
author pjbriggs
date Tue, 30 Jun 2015 08:16:18 -0400
children 00d73c812399
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:06cb587a5e87
1 #!/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Galaxy wrapper to run MACS 2.1
4 #
5 # Completely rewritten from the original macs2 wrapped by Ziru Zhou
6 # taken from
8 import sys
9 import os
10 import subprocess
11 import tempfile
12 import shutil
14 def move_file(working_dir,name,destination):
15 """Move a file 'name' from 'working_dir' to 'destination'
17 """
18 if destination is None:
19 # Nothing to do
20 return
21 source = os.path.join(working_dir,name)
22 if os.path.exists(source):
23 shutil.move(source,destination)
25 def convert_xls_to_interval(xls_file,interval_file,header=None):
26 """Convert MACS XLS file to interval
28 From the MACS readme: "Coordinates in XLS is 1-based which is different with
29 BED format."
31 However this function no longer performs any coordinate conversions, it
32 simply ensures that any blank or non-data lines are commented out
34 """
35 fp = open(interval_file,'wb')
36 if header:
37 fp.write('#%s\n' % header)
38 for line in open(xls_file):
39 # Keep all existing comment lines
40 if line.startswith('#'):
41 fp.write(line)
42 else:
43 # Split line into fields and test to see if
44 # the 'start' field is actually an integer
45 fields = line.split('\t')
46 if len(fields) > 1:
47 try:
48 int(fields[1])
49 except ValueError:
50 # Integer conversion failed so comment out
51 # "bad" line instead
52 fields[0] = "#%s" % fields[0]
53 fp.write( '\t'.join( fields ) )
54 fp.close()
56 def make_bigwig_from_bedgraph(bedgraph_file,bigwig_file,
57 chrom_sizes,working_dir=None):
58 """Make bigWig file from a bedGraph
60 The protocol is:
62 $ mm9 > mm9.chrom.sizes
63 $ bedClip treat.bedgraph mm9.chrom.sizes treat.clipped
64 $ bedGraphToBigWig treat.clipped mm9.chrom.sizes
66 Get the binaries from
69 We skip the fetchChromSizes step if the 'chrom_sizes'
70 argument supplied a valid file with the chromosome sizes
71 for the genome build in question.
73 """
74 print "Generating bigWig from bedGraph..."
75 # Check for chromosome sizes
76 if not os.path.exists(chrom_sizes):
77 # Determine genome build
78 chrom_sizes = os.path.basename(chrom_sizes)
79 genome_build = chrom_sizes.split('.')[0]
80 if genome_build == '?':
81 # No genome build set
82 sys.stderr.write("ERROR genome build not set, cannot get sizes for '?'\n")
83 sys.stderr.write("Assign a genome build to your input dataset and rerun\n")
84 sys.exit(1)
85 print "Missing chrom sizes file, attempting to fetch for '%s'" % genome_build
86 # Run fetchChromSizes
87 chrom_sizes = os.path.join(working_dir,chrom_sizes)
88 stderr_file = os.path.join(working_dir,"fetchChromSizes.stderr")
89 cmd = "fetchChromSizes %s" % genome_build
90 print "Running %s" % cmd
91 proc = subprocess.Popen(args=cmd,shell=True,cwd=working_dir,
92 stdout=open(chrom_sizes,'wb'),
93 stderr=open(stderr_file,'wb'))
94 proc.wait()
95 # Copy stderr from fetchChromSizes for information only
96 for line in open(stderr_file,'r'):
97 print line.strip()
98 os.remove(stderr_file)
99 # Check that the sizes file was downloaded
100 if not os.path.exists(chrom_sizes):
101 sys.stderr.write("Failed to download chrom sizes for '%s'\n" % genome_build)
102 sys.exit(1)
103 # Run bedClip
104 treat_clipped = "%s.clipped" % os.path.basename(bedgraph_file)
105 cmd = "bedClip %s %s %s" % (bedgraph_file,chrom_sizes,treat_clipped)
106 print "Running %s" % cmd
107 proc = subprocess.Popen(args=cmd,shell=True,cwd=working_dir)
108 proc.wait()
109 # Check that clipped file exists
110 treat_clipped = os.path.join(working_dir,treat_clipped)
111 if not os.path.exists(treat_clipped):
112 sys.stderr.write("Failed to create clipped bed file\n")
113 sys.exit(1)
114 # Run bedGraphToBigWig
115 cmd = "bedGraphToBigWig %s %s %s" % (treat_clipped,chrom_sizes,
116 bigwig_file)
117 print "Running %s" % cmd
118 proc = subprocess.Popen(args=cmd,shell=True,cwd=working_dir)
119 proc.wait()
120 # Clean up temporary chrom length file
121 if os.path.dirname(chrom_sizes) == working_dir:
122 print "Removing temporary chrom sizes file"
123 os.remove(chrom_sizes)
125 if __name__ == "__main__":
127 # Echo the command line
128 print ' '.join(sys.argv)
130 # Initialise output files - values are set by reading from
131 # the command line supplied by the Galaxy wrapper
132 output_extra_html = None
133 output_extra_path = None
134 output_broadpeaks = None
135 output_gappedpeaks = None
136 output_narrowpeaks = None
137 output_treat_pileup = None
138 output_lambda_bedgraph = None
139 output_bigwig = None
140 output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file = None
141 output_peaks = None
142 output_bdgcmp = None
144 # Other initialisations
145 chrom_sizes_file = None
147 # Build the MACS 2.1 command line
148 # Initial arguments are always the same: command & input ChIP-seq file name
149 cmdline = ["macs2 %s -t %s" % (sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2])]
151 # Process remaining args
152 for arg in sys.argv[3:]:
153 if arg.startswith('--format='):
154 # Convert format to uppercase
155 format_ = arg.split('=')[1].upper()
156 cmdline.append("--format=%s" % format_)
157 elif arg.startswith('--name='):
158 # Replace whitespace in name with underscores
159 experiment_name = '_'.join(arg.split('=')[1].split())
160 cmdline.append("--name=%s" % experiment_name)
161 elif arg.startswith('--length='):
162 # Extract chromosome size file
163 chrom_sizes_file = arg.split('=')[1]
164 elif arg.startswith('--output-'):
165 # Handle destinations for output files
166 arg0,filen = arg.split('=')
167 if arg0 == '--output-summits':
168 output_summits = filen
169 elif arg0 == '--output-extra-files':
170 output_extra_html = filen
171 elif arg0 == '--output-extra-files-path':
172 output_extra_path = filen
173 elif arg0 == '--output-broadpeaks':
174 output_broadpeaks = filen
175 elif arg0 == '--output-gappedpeaks':
176 output_gappedpeaks = filen
177 elif arg0 == '--output-narrowpeaks':
178 output_narrowpeaks = filen
179 elif arg0 == '--output-pileup':
180 output_treat_pileup = filen
181 elif arg0 == '--output-lambda-bedgraph':
182 output_lambda_bedgraph = filen
183 elif arg0 == '--output-bigwig':
184 output_bigwig = filen
185 elif arg0 == '--output-xls-to-interval':
186 output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file = filen
187 elif arg0 == '--output-peaks':
188 output_peaks = filen
189 else:
190 # Pass remaining args directly to MACS
191 # command line
192 cmdline.append(arg)
194 cmdline = ' '.join(cmdline)
195 print "Generated command line:\n%s" % cmdline
197 # Execute MACS2
198 #
199 # Make a working directory
200 working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
201 #
202 # Collect stderr in a file for reporting later
203 stderr_filen = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
204 #
205 # Run MACS2
206 proc = subprocess.Popen(args=cmdline,shell=True,cwd=working_dir,
207 stderr=open(stderr_filen,'wb'))
208 proc.wait()
210 # Run R script to create PDF from model script
211 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(working_dir,"%s_model.r" % experiment_name)):
212 cmdline = 'R --vanilla --slave < "%s_model.r" > "%s_model.r.log"' % \
213 (experiment_name, experiment_name)
214 proc = subprocess.Popen(args=cmdline,shell=True,cwd=working_dir)
215 proc.wait()
217 # Convert XLS to interval, if requested
218 if output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file is not None:
219 peaks_xls_file = os.path.join(working_dir,'%s_peaks.xls' % experiment_name )
220 if os.path.exists(peaks_xls_file):
221 convert_xls_to_interval(peaks_xls_file,output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file,
222 header='peaks file')
224 # Create bigWig from bedGraph, if requested
225 if output_bigwig is not None:
226 treat_bedgraph_file = os.path.join(working_dir,'%s_treat_pileup.bdg' % experiment_name)
227 if os.path.exists(treat_bedgraph_file):
228 make_bigwig_from_bedgraph(treat_bedgraph_file,output_bigwig,
229 chrom_sizes_file,working_dir)
231 # Move MACS2 output files from working dir to their final destinations
232 move_file(working_dir,"%s_summits.bed" % experiment_name,output_summits)
233 move_file(working_dir,"%s_peaks.xls" % experiment_name,output_peaks)
234 move_file(working_dir,"%s_peaks.narrowPeak" % experiment_name,output_narrowpeaks)
235 move_file(working_dir,"%s_peaks.broadPeak" % experiment_name,output_broadpeaks)
236 move_file(working_dir,"%s_peaks.gappedPeak" % experiment_name,output_gappedpeaks)
237 move_file(working_dir,"%s_treat_pileup.bdg" % experiment_name,output_treat_pileup)
238 move_file(working_dir,"%s_control_lambda.bdg" % experiment_name,output_lambda_bedgraph)
239 move_file(working_dir,"bdgcmp_out.bdg",output_bdgcmp)
241 # Move remaining file to the 'extra files' path and link from the HTML
242 # file to allow user to access them from within Galaxy
243 html_file = open(output_extra_html,'wb')
244 html_file.write('<html><head><title>Additional output created by MACS (%s)</title></head><body><h3>Additional Files:</h3><p><ul>\n' % experiment_name)
245 # Make the 'extra files' directory
246 os.mkdir(output_extra_path)
247 # Move the files
248 for filen in sorted(os.listdir(working_dir)):
249 shutil.move(os.path.join(working_dir,filen),
250 os.path.join(output_extra_path,filen))
251 html_file.write( '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' % (filen,filen))
252 # All files moved, close out HTML
253 html_file.write( '</ul></p>\n' )
254 # Append any stderr output
255 html_file.write('<h3>Messages from MACS:</h3>\n<p><pre>%s</pre></p>\n' %
256 open(stderr_filen,'rb').read())
257 html_file.write('</body></html>\n')
258 html_file.close()
260 # Clean up the working directory and files
261 os.unlink(stderr_filen)
262 os.rmdir(working_dir)