diff 2.4/script/blat_parse.pl @ 13:e3609c8714fb draft

author plus91-technologies-pvt-ltd
date Fri, 30 May 2014 03:37:55 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2.4/script/blat_parse.pl	Fri May 30 03:37:55 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+#Purpose: To parse blat psl file
+#Date: 07-30-2013
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd;
+#reading input arguments
+'b|BLAT_OUT=s'=> \$blat_out,
+$blat_out =~ s/\s|\t|\r|\n//g;
+$dirtemp =~ s/\s|\t|\r|\n//g;
+$infast =~ s/\s|\t|\r|\n//g;
+$samtools=`which samtools`;
+$samtools =~ s/\s|\t|\r|\n//g;
+if($blat_out eq "" || $infast eq "" )
+	die "Try: perl blat_parse.pl -b <PSL FILE> -f <Contigs.fa> 
+	-temp	temporary file directory
+	\n";
+if (!(-e $samtools))
+	die "samtools must be in your path\n";
+if (!(-e $infast))
+	die "input fasta file doesn't exit\n";
+unless(-d $dirtemp)
+    #system("mkdir -p $dirtemp");
+    $dirtemp= getcwd;
+#opening the blat output file
+open(BUFF,$blat_out) or die "no file found $blat_out\n";
+open(WRBUFF,">$dirtemp/Temp_out.txt") or  die "not able to write the file \n";
+#parsing throught he file
+	if($_ =~ m/^\d/)
+	{
+		print WRBUFF $_;	
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		print "ignoring headers $.\n";
+	}
+system("sort -k10,10 -k18,18n $dirtemp/Temp_out.txt > $dirtemp/Temp_out1.txt");
+system("mv  $dirtemp/Temp_out1.txt $dirtemp/Temp_out.txt");
+open(BUFF,"$dirtemp/Temp_out.txt") or die "no file found Temp_out.txt\n";
+open(WRBUFF,">$dirtemp/File1_out.txt") or  die "not able to write the file \n";
+my @temp;
+#parsing throught he file
+		chomp($_);
+		split "\t";
+		if($_[9] ne $prev_contig_name)
+		{
+			if($prev_contig_name ne "")
+			{
+				#print @temp."\n";
+				#print @temp."\n";
+				&processing(@temp);
+			}
+			undef(@temp);
+			push(@temp,$_);		
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			push(@temp,$_);
+		}	
+		$prev_contig_name=$_[9];	
+#processing last record
+#print @temp."\n";
+#actual processing of each record in the temp array(same query name objects)
+sub processing {
+	open(WRBUFF,">>$dirtemp/File1_out.txt") or  die "not able to write the file \n";
+        open(BAD_CONTIG,">>$dirtemp/bad_contig.out.txt") or  die "not able to write the file \n";
+	@temp = @_;
+	#if number of hits for a contig is one
+	if(@temp == 1)
+	{
+			$i=0;
+			#define blocksizes array
+			@row=split("\t",$temp[$i]);
+			$row[18] =~ s/,$//g;
+			@blockSizes=split(',',$row[18]);
+			#defining var
+			$qSize=$row[10];
+			$qStart=$row[11];
+			$qStop=$row[12];
+			$tstart=$row[15];
+			$tstop=$row[16];
+			$Strand=$row[8];
+			$coverage = $row[9];
+			$coverage =~ s/\w+_//g;
+			#calculate match val
+			if(($qSize-($qStop-$qStart)) ==0)
+			{ 	
+				$flag=1;
+				#these ara non informative
+				if (@blockSizes ==1)
+				{
+					print "ignoring one of the event $row[9] $i as the event is non informative \n";
+					print BAD_CONTIG "$row[9]\n";
+				}
+				#Ignoring when number of blocks are more than two
+				if(@blockSizes > 2)
+				{
+					print "ignoring event $row[9] $. AS BLOCK SIZE is greater than 2\n";	
+				}
+				#if number of blocks is equal to 2
+				if(@blockSizes == 2)
+				{
+					$temp1=$tstart+$blockSizes[0]+1;
+					$temp2=$tstop-$blockSizes[1]-1;
+					print  WRBUFF "$row[9]\t$row[13]\t$temp1\t$Strand\t$row[13]\t$temp2\t$Strand\t$coverage\n";
+				}
+				$i=@temp;
+			}
+			#later part missing
+			elsif($qStart ==0)
+			{	
+				$temp1=$tstart+$blockSizes[0]+1;
+				$infast_chr=$infast;
+				$infast_chr=~ s/\.fa//g;
+				$infast_chr_start=$qStop+1;
+				$infast_chr_stop=$qSize;
+				$sys="$samtools faidx $infast $infast_chr:$infast_chr_start-$infast_chr_stop";
+				$sys = `$sys`;
+				chomp($sys);
+				@sys=split("\n",$sys);
+				$INSERTION="";
+				for($i=1;$i<@sys;$i++)
+				{
+					$INSERTION=$INSERTION.$sys[$i];
+				}
+				$temp1=$tstart+$blockSizes[0]+1;
+				print  WRBUFF "$row[9]\t$row[13]\t$temp1\t$Strand\tUNKNOWN\tUNKNOWN\t$Strand\t$coverage\t$INSERTION\t$INSERTION_LENGTH\n";
+			}
+			#intial part missing
+			elsif($qStop == $qSize)
+			{
+				$temp1=$tstart;
+				$infast_chr=$infast;
+				$infast_chr=~ s/\.fa//g;
+				$infast_chr_start=0;
+				$infast_chr_stop=$qStart;
+				$sys ="$samtools faidx $infast $infast_chr:$infast_chr_start-$infast_chr_stop";
+				#die "$sys\n";
+				$sys = `$sys`;
+				#die "$sys\n";
+				chomp($sys);
+				@sys=split("\n",$sys);
+				$INSERTION="";
+				for( $i=1;$i<@sys;$i++)
+				{
+						$INSERTION=$INSERTION.$sys[$i];
+				}
+				$temp1=$tstart+1;
+				print  WRBUFF "$row[9]\tUNKNOWN\tUNKNOWN\t$Strand\t$row[13]\t$temp1\t$Strand\t$coverage\n";
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				print "ignoring one of the event $row[9] $i as the event is non informative \n";
+			}
+	}
+	#if number of hits for a contig is greater than one
+	else
+	{
+		#this flag is used to see if perfect hit not found (match val =0)
+		$flag1 = 0;
+		for(my $i=0;$i<@temp;$i++)
+		{
+			#define blocksizes array
+			@row=split("\t",$temp[$i]);
+			$row[18] =~ s/,$//g;
+			@blockSizes=split(',',$row[18]);
+			#defining var
+			$qSize=$row[10];
+			$qStart=$row[11];
+			$qStop=$row[12];
+			$tstart=$row[15];
+			$tstop=$row[16];
+			$Strand=$row[8];
+			$coverage = $row[9];
+			$coverage =~ s/\w+_//g;
+			#calculate match val
+			if(($qSize-($qStop-$qStart)) ==0)
+			{ 	
+				$flag1=1;
+				#these ara non informative
+				if (@blockSizes ==1)
+				{
+					print "ignoring one of the event $row[9] $i as the event is non informative \n";
+					print BAD_CONTIG "$row[9]\n";
+				}
+				#Ignoring when number of blocks are more than two
+				if(@blockSizes > 2)
+				{
+					print "ignoring event $row[9] $. AS BLOCK SIZE is greater than 2\n";	
+				}
+				if(@blockSizes == 2)
+				{
+					$temp1=$tstart+$blockSizes[0]+1;
+					$temp2=$tstop-$blockSizes[1]-1;
+					print  WRBUFF "$row[9]\t$row[13]\t$temp1\t$Strand\t$row[13]\t$temp2\t$Strand\t$coverage\n";
+				}
+				$i=@temp;
+			}
+		}
+		#as flag value not changed proceed to see next step
+		if($flag1 == 0)
+		{
+			undef(@initial);
+			my @initial;
+			for(my $i=0;$i<@temp;$i++)
+			{
+				@row=split("\t",$temp[$i]);
+				#print "@row\n";
+				unshift(@initial,[@row]);
+			}
+			#sortin the hits according to qstart & qend
+			@initial = sort {$a->[11] <=> $b->[11] || $b->[12] <=> $a->[12]} @initial;
+			#print "$row[9]\t@initial\n";
+			#if($row[9]  eq "NODE_5_length_149_cov_12.395973")
+			#{
+			#	for($i=0;$i<@initial;$i++)
+			#	{
+			#		print "@{$initial[$i]}\n";
+			#	}
+			#}
+			$start = "";
+			$stop = "";
+			$start_len=0;
+			$stop_len=0;
+			#this super flag is used to skip processing of remaining uncessary hits
+			$super_flag = 0;
+			for($i=0;$i<@initial && $super_flag == 0;$i++)
+			{
+				$flag = 0;
+				#print "@{$initial[$i]}\n";
+				$initial[$i][18] =~ s/,$//g;
+				@blockSizes1=split(',',$initial[$i][18]);
+				#defining var
+				$qSize1=$initial[$i][10];
+				$qStart1=$initial[$i][11];
+				$qStop1=$initial[$i][12];
+				$tstart1=$initial[$i][15];
+				$tstop1=$initial[$i][16];
+				$Strand1=$initial[$i][8];
+				$Chr1 = $initial[$i][13];
+				$coverage1 = $initial[$i][9];
+				$coverage1 =~ s/\w+_//g;
+				#die "$qSize1\t$qStart1\t$qStop1\t$tstart1\t$tstop1\t$Strand1\t$Chr1\t$coverage1\n";
+				#if a hit qstart = 0 then set flag =1 
+				if($qStart1 == 0)
+				{
+					$flag =1;
+				}
+				#if a hit qstop = 0 then set flag =2 
+				if($qStop1 == $qSize1)
+				{
+					$flag =2;
+				}
+				#if($row[9]  eq "NODE_5_length_149_cov_12.395973")
+				#{
+				#	print "$flag \n";
+				#}
+				if(@blockSizes1 == 1)
+				{
+					if($flag == 1 )
+					{
+						for($j=0;$j<@initial;$j++)
+						{
+							#both hits should not be the same 
+							if($i != $j)
+							{
+								#print "@{$initial[$i]}\n";
+								$initial[$j][18] =~ s/,$//g;
+								@blockSizes2=split(',',$initial[$j][18]);
+								#defining var
+								$qSize2=$initial[$j][10];
+								$qStart2=$initial[$j][11];
+								$qStop2=$initial[$j][12];
+								$tstart2=$initial[$j][15];
+								$tstop2=$initial[$j][16];
+								$Strand2=$initial[$j][8];
+								$coverage2 = $initial[$j][9];
+								$Chr2 = $initial[$j][13];
+								$coverage2 =~ s/\w+_//g;
+								#making sure both hits are not over lapping
+								if($qStart2 > $qStart1)
+								{	#allowing +-2 bases as the this hit is immediate next continous hit
+									if($qStop1 >= $qStart2 -2  &&  $qStop1 <= $qStart2 +2  )
+									{
+										#perfect match
+										if($qStop2 == $qSize2)
+										{
+											if($Strand1 eq "+")
+											{
+												$tmp1 = $tstart1+$blockSizes1[0]+1;
+												$tmp2 = $tstart2+$blockSizes2[0];
+												print WRBUFF "$initial[$i][9]\t$Chr1\t$tmp1\t$Strand1\t$Chr2\t$tmp2\t$Strand2\t$coverage1\n";
+											}
+											else
+											{
+												$tmp1 = $tstart1+1;
+												$tmp2 = $tstart2+1;
+												print WRBUFF "$initial[$i][9]\t$Chr1\t$tmp1\t$Strand1\t$Chr2\t$tmp2\t$Strand2\t$coverage1\n";
+											}
+											$super_flag = 1;
+											$j = @initial+1;	
+										}
+										#some part is missing after the second hit
+										else
+										{
+											$tmp1 = $tstart1+$blockSizes1[0];
+											$tmp2 = $tstart2+$blockSizes2[0];
+											$INSERTION="";
+											$infast_chr=$infast;
+											$infast_chr=~ s/\.fa//g;
+											$infast_chr_start=$qStop1+1;
+											$infast_chr_stop=$qStart2-1;
+											$sys ="$samtools faidx $infast $infast_chr:$infast_chr_start-$infast_chr_stop";
+											#die "$sys\n";
+											$sys = `$sys`;
+											#die "$sys\n";
+											chomp($sys);
+											@sys=split("\n",$sys);
+											for( $i=1;$i<@sys;$i++)
+											{
+												$INSERTION=$INSERTION.$sys[$i];
+											}
+											$INSERTION_LENGTH=length($INSERTION);
+											print WRBUFF "$initial[$i][9]\t$Chr1\t$tmp1\t$Strand1\t$Chr2\t$tmp2\t$Strand2\t$coverage1\n";
+											$super_flag = 1;
+											$j = @initial+1;	 
+										}
+									}
+									#if there are some insertion between two hits
+									elsif($qStop2 == $qSize2)
+									{
+										$tmp1 = $tstart1+$blockSizes1[0];
+										$tmp2 = $tstart2+$blockSizes2[0];
+										$INSERTION="";
+										$infast_chr=$infast;
+										$infast_chr=~ s/\.fa//g;
+										$infast_chr_start=$qStop2+1;
+										$infast_chr_stop=$qSize;
+										$sys ="$samtools faidx $infast $infast_chr:$infast_chr_start-$infast_chr_stop";
+										#die "$sys\n";
+										$sys = `$sys`;
+										#die "$sys\n";
+										chomp($sys);
+										@sys=split("\n",$sys);
+										for( $i=1;$i<@sys;$i++)
+										{
+											$INSERTION=$INSERTION.$sys[$i];
+										}
+										$INSERTION_LENGTH=length($INSERTION);
+										print WRBUFF "$initial[$i][9]\t$Chr1\t$tmp1\t$Strand1\t$Chr2\t$tmp2\t$Strand2\t$coverage1\n";
+										$super_flag = 1;
+										$j = @initial+1;	
+									}
+								}
+							}	
+						}
+						#if none worked with other reads then only process that read
+						if($j == @initial)
+						{
+							#die "success\n";
+							$temp1=$tstart1+$blockSizes1[0]+1;
+							#print  WRBUFF "$Chr1\t$temp1\t$Strand1\tUNKNOWN\tUNKNOWN\t$Strand\t$coverage\n";
+							$infast_chr=$infast;
+							$infast_chr=~ s/\.fa//g;
+							$infast_chr_start=$qStop1+1;
+							$infast_chr_stop=$qSize1;
+							$sys ="$samtools faidx $infast $infast_chr:$infast_chr_start-$infast_chr_stop";
+							#die "$sys\n";
+							$sys = `$sys`;
+							#die "$sys\n";
+							chomp($sys);
+							@sys=split("\n",$sys);
+							$INSERTION="";
+							for( $i=1;$i<@sys;$i++)
+							{
+								$INSERTION=$INSERTION.$sys[$i];
+							}
+							print WRBUFF "$initial[$i][9]\t$Chr1\t$temp1\t$Strand1\tUNKNOWN\tUNKNOWN\t$Strand1\t$coverage1\n";
+							$super_flag = 1;
+						}	
+					}
+					#if query end is matched to query size
+					elsif($flag == 2)
+					{
+						#going through other hits
+						for($j=0;$j<@initial;$j++)
+						{
+							#hits should not be same
+							if($i != $j && $qStop2)
+							{
+								#print "@{$initial[$i]}\n";
+								$initial[$j][18] =~ s/,$//g;
+								@blockSizes2=split(',',$initial[$j][18]);
+								#defining var
+								$qSize2=$initial[$j][10];
+								$qStart2=$initial[$j][11];
+								$qStop2=$initial[$j][12];
+								$tstart2=$initial[$j][15];
+								$tstop2=$initial[$j][16];
+								$Strand2=$initial[$j][8];
+								$coverage2 = $initial[$j][9];
+								$Chr2 = $initial[$j][13];
+								$coverage2 =~ s/\w+_//g;
+								#if 
+								if($qStop2 < $qStop1)
+								{
+									if($qStart1 >= $qStop2 -2  &&  $qStart1 <= $qStop2 +2  )
+									{
+										#die "$qStart1 <= $qStop2 \n";
+										$tmp1 = $tstart1+$blockSizes1[0];
+										$tmp2 = $tstart2+$blockSizes2[0];
+										$INSERTION="";
+										$infast_chr=$infast;
+										$infast_chr=~ s/\.fa//g;
+										$infast_chr_start=0;
+										$infast_chr_stop=$qStart1-1;
+										$sys ="$samtools faidx $infast $infast_chr:$infast_chr_start-$infast_chr_stop";
+										#die "test $sys\n";
+										$sys = `$sys`;
+										#die "$sys\n";
+										chomp($sys);
+										@sys=split("\n",$sys);
+										for( $i=1;$i<@sys;$i++)
+										{
+											$INSERTION=$INSERTION.$sys[$i];
+										}
+										$INSERTION_LENGTH=length($INSERTION);
+										print WRBUFF "$initial[$i][9]\t$Chr2\t$tmp2\t$Strand2\t$Chr1\t$tmp1\t$Strand1\t$coverage1\n";
+										$super_flag = 1;
+										$j = @initial+1;
+									}
+								}	
+							}
+						}
+						if($j == @initial)
+						{
+							$infast_chr=$infast;
+							$infast_chr=~ s/\.fa//g;
+							$infast_chr_start=0;
+							$infast_chr_stop=$qStart1;
+							$sys ="$samtools faidx $infast $infast_chr:$infast_chr_start-$infast_chr_stop";
+							#die "test $sys\n";
+							$sys = `$sys`;
+							#die "$sys\n";
+							chomp($sys);
+							@sys=split("\n",$sys);
+							$INSERTION="";
+							for( $i=1;$i<@sys;$i++)
+							{
+								$INSERTION=$INSERTION.$sys[$i];							
+							}
+							$tmp = $tstart1+1;
+							print WRBUFF "$initial[$i][9]\tUNKNOWN\tUNKNOWN\t$Strand1\t$Chr1\t$tmp\t$Strand1\t$coverage1\n";
+							$super_flag = 1;
+						}	
+					}
+				}
+				elsif(@blockSizes == 2)
+				{
+					$temp1=$tstart1+$blockSizes[0]+1;
+					$temp2=$tstop1-$blockSizes[1]-1;
+					print  WRBUFF "$initial[$i][9]\t$Chr1\t$temp1\t$Strand1\t$Chr1\t$temp2\t$Strand1\t$coverage1\n";
+				}		
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	close(WRBUFF);
+	undef(@temp);