# HG changeset patch
# User ppericard
# Date 1572001859 14400
# Node ID 0a3c83f2197a624f915c4f4d2e515cf3046edf1e
# Parent 655d1fbcd3e6ad8d5c93f4bc7f3e8de83872832e
planemo upload for repository https://github.com/bilille/galaxy-mixomics-blocksplsda commit 24b8259494ac7ab10cbd1f9ee991f455a7507590-dirty
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a Integration_block_splsda_fonc.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Integration_block_splsda_fonc.R Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3640 @@
+# La fonction meanSpotRepl remplace les valeurs des spots répliqués par la
+# moyenne de leurs intensités.
+meanSpotRepl <-function(mat)
+ ProbeName = colnames(mat)
+ isDup = duplicated(ProbeName)
+ dupNames = ProbeName[isDup]
+ for (dups in unique(dupNames))
+ {
+ mat[dups,] = apply(mat[which(colnames(mat) == dups), ], 2, mean)
+ }
+ res = mat[, -which(isDup)] # On retire de la matrice mat toutes les spots qui sont répliqués.
+ return(res)
+# La fonction supprimerVaConst supprime de la matrice mat les variables constantes.
+supprimerVaConst <-function(mat)
+ name_mat = deparse(substitute(mat))
+ cat(paste0("Pour ", name_mat, ", avant suppression des variables constantes, il y a ", dim(mat)[2], " variables."), "\n")
+ indiceVaConst = sapply(1:dim(mat)[2], FUN = function(i){
+ col_mat_i = mat[, i]
+ res = all(col_mat_i == col_mat_i[1])
+ return(res)
+ })
+ if(length(which(indiceVaConst == FALSE)) != 0)
+ {
+ res = mat[, which(indiceVaConst == FALSE)]
+ }else{
+ res = mat
+ }
+ cat(paste0("Pour ", name_mat, ", après suppression des variables constantes, il reste ", dim(res)[2], " variables."), "\n")
+ return(res)
+# La fonction supprimerVaNaInd supprime les variables contenant des NA
+# (si on garde les NA dans ces variables, les composantes du bloc ne
+# sont plus orthogonales).
+supprimerVaNaInd <-function(mat)
+ indiceVaNaInd = sapply(1:dim(mat)[2], FUN = function(i){
+ col_mat_i = mat[, i]
+ indNA = length(which(is.na(col_mat_i) == TRUE))
+ if(indNA >= 1)
+ {
+ res = FALSE
+ }else{
+ res = TRUE
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ mat2 = mat[, which(indiceVaNaInd == TRUE)]
+ name_mat = deparse(substitute(mat))
+ cat(paste0("Pour ", name_mat, ", après suppression des variables contenant des NA, il reste ", dim(mat2)[2], " variables."), "\n")
+ return(mat2)
+# La fonction varAnnotation permet de fournir des informations sur les variables
+# sélectionnées pour un design.
+varAnnotation <-function(variablesSelect,
+ data_transcripto_col,
+ annot_metageno_caecum)
+ res_variablesSelect = variablesSelect
+ noms_blocks = sapply(1:length(variablesSelect), FUN = function(i){
+ ch = strsplit(names(variablesSelect)[i], split = "_")[[1]]
+ if(ch[1] == "resBio")
+ {
+ res = "resBio"
+ }else{
+ res = paste(ch[1:2], collapse = "_")
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ ind_transcripto_col = which(noms_blocks == "transcripto_col")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]]) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_colTemp = variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]]
+ varSelect_transcripto_col = sapply(1:length(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ ch = strsplit(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp[i], split = "_")[[1]]
+ res = paste(ch[2:length(ch)], collapse = "_")
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col = data.frame(ProbeName = varSelect_transcripto_col)
+ dataframe_annot_transcripto_col = data.frame(ProbeName = data_transcripto_col$genes$ProbeName,
+ GeneName = data_transcripto_col$genes$GeneName,
+ Description = data_transcripto_col$genes$Description,
+ SystematicName = data_transcripto_col$genes$SystematicName)
+ tab_transcripto_col = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col, y = dataframe_annot_transcripto_col,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "ProbeName")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]] = tab_transcripto_col
+ }
+ ind_metageno_caecum = which(noms_blocks == "metageno_caecum")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]]) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1 = variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]]
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2 = sapply(1:length(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1), FUN = function(i){
+ ch = strsplit(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i], split = "")[[1]]
+ if(ch[1] == "X")
+ {
+ res = paste(ch[2:length(ch)], collapse = "")
+ }else{
+ res = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i]
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum = data.frame(taxon = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2)
+ dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum = data.frame(annot_metageno_caecum)
+ colnames(dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum)[1] = "taxon"
+ tab_metageno_caecum = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum, y = dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "taxon")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]] = tab_metageno_caecum
+ }
+ ind_metabo_S1 = which(noms_blocks == "metabo_S1")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_metabo_S1]]) != 0)
+ {
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metabo_S1]] = data.frame(variable = variablesSelect[[ind_metabo_S1]])
+ }
+ ind_resBio = which(noms_blocks == "resBio")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]]) != 0)
+ {
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]] = data.frame(variable = variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]])
+ }
+ return(res_variablesSelect)
+# La fonction varAnnotation_gene_6blocks permet de fournir des informations sur les variables
+# sélectionnées pour un design.
+varAnnotation_gene_6blocks <-function(variablesSelect,
+ data_transcripto_col,
+ data_transcripto_tae,
+ annot_metageno_caecum,
+ metavar_metaboLC_S1,
+ metavar_resBio,
+ metavar_cyto)
+ res_variablesSelect = variablesSelect
+ noms_blocks = names(variablesSelect)
+ ind_transcripto_col = which(noms_blocks == "transcripto_col")
+ if(length(ind_transcripto_col) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_colTemp = variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]]
+ if(length(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_col = sapply(1:length(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ variable_i = varSelect_transcripto_colTemp[i]
+ res = gsub("Colon_", "", variable_i, fixed = TRUE)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col = data.frame(GeneName = varSelect_transcripto_col)
+ dataframe_annot_transcripto_col = data.frame(ProbeName = data_transcripto_col$genes$ProbeName,
+ GeneName = data_transcripto_col$genes$GeneName,
+ Description = data_transcripto_col$genes$Description,
+ SystematicName = data_transcripto_col$genes$SystematicName)
+ tab_transcripto_col = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col, y = dataframe_annot_transcripto_col,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "GeneName")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]] = tab_transcripto_col
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_transcripto_tae = which(noms_blocks == "transcripto_tae")
+ if(length(ind_transcripto_tae) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp = variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]]
+ if(length(varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_tae = sapply(1:length(varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ variable_i = varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp[i]
+ res = gsub("TAE_", "", variable_i, fixed = TRUE)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_tae = data.frame(GeneName = varSelect_transcripto_tae)
+ dataframe_annot_transcripto_tae = data.frame(ProbeName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$ProbeName,
+ GeneName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$GeneName,
+ Description = data_transcripto_tae$genes$Description,
+ SystematicName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$SystematicName)
+ tab_transcripto_tae = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_tae, y = dataframe_annot_transcripto_tae,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "GeneName")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]] = tab_transcripto_tae
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_metageno_caecum = which(noms_blocks == "metageno_caecum")
+ if(length(ind_metageno_caecum) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1 = variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]]
+ if(length(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2 = sapply(1:length(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1), FUN = function(i){
+ ch = strsplit(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i], split = "")[[1]]
+ if(ch[1] == "X")
+ {
+ res = paste(ch[2:length(ch)], collapse = "")
+ }else{
+ res = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i]
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum = data.frame(taxon = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2)
+ dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum = data.frame(annot_metageno_caecum)
+ colnames(dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum)[1] = "taxon"
+ tab_metageno_caecum = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum, y = dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "taxon")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]] = tab_metageno_caecum
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_metaboLC_S1 = which(noms_blocks == "metaboLC_S1")
+ if(length(ind_metaboLC_S1) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]]) != 0)
+ {
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]] = data.frame(variable = variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]])
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_resBio = which(noms_blocks == "resBio")
+ if(length(ind_resBio) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]]) != 0)
+ {
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]] = data.frame(variable = variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]])
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_cyto = which(noms_blocks == "cyto")
+ if(length(ind_cyto) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]]) != 0)
+ {
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]] = data.frame(variable = variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]])
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ return(res_variablesSelect)
+# La fonction varAnnotation_gene_6blocks permet de fournir des informations sur les variables
+# sélectionnées pour un design.
+varAnnotation_gene_6blocks <-function(variablesSelect,
+ data_transcripto_col,
+ data_transcripto_tae,
+ annot_metageno_caecum,
+ metavar_metaboLC_S1,
+ metavar_resBio,
+ metavar_cyto)
+ res_variablesSelect = variablesSelect
+ noms_blocks = names(variablesSelect)
+ ind_transcripto_col = which(noms_blocks == "transcripto_col")
+ if(length(ind_transcripto_col) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_colTemp = variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]]
+ if(length(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_col = sapply(1:length(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ variable_i = varSelect_transcripto_colTemp[i]
+ res = gsub("Colon_", "", variable_i, fixed = TRUE)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col = data.frame(GeneName = varSelect_transcripto_col)
+ dataframe_annot_transcripto_col = data.frame(ProbeName = data_transcripto_col$genes$ProbeName,
+ GeneName = data_transcripto_col$genes$GeneName,
+ Description = data_transcripto_col$genes$Description,
+ SystematicName = data_transcripto_col$genes$SystematicName)
+ tab_transcripto_col = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col, y = dataframe_annot_transcripto_col,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "GeneName")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]] = tab_transcripto_col
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_transcripto_tae = which(noms_blocks == "transcripto_tae")
+ if(length(ind_transcripto_tae) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp = variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]]
+ if(length(varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_tae = sapply(1:length(varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ variable_i = varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp[i]
+ res = gsub("TAE_", "", variable_i, fixed = TRUE)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_tae = data.frame(GeneName = varSelect_transcripto_tae)
+ dataframe_annot_transcripto_tae = data.frame(ProbeName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$ProbeName,
+ GeneName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$GeneName,
+ Description = data_transcripto_tae$genes$Description,
+ SystematicName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$SystematicName)
+ tab_transcripto_tae = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_tae, y = dataframe_annot_transcripto_tae,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "GeneName")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]] = tab_transcripto_tae
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_metageno_caecum = which(noms_blocks == "metageno_caecum")
+ if(length(ind_metageno_caecum) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1 = variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]]
+ if(length(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2 = sapply(1:length(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1), FUN = function(i){
+ ch = strsplit(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i], split = "")[[1]]
+ if(ch[1] == "X")
+ {
+ res = paste(ch[2:length(ch)], collapse = "")
+ }else{
+ res = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i]
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum = data.frame(taxon = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2)
+ dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum = data.frame(annot_metageno_caecum)
+ colnames(dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum)[1] = "taxon"
+ tab_metageno_caecum = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum, y = dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "taxon")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]] = tab_metageno_caecum
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_metaboLC_S1 = which(noms_blocks == "metaboLC_S1")
+ if(length(ind_metaboLC_S1) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]]) != 0)
+ {
+ dataframe_varSelect_metaboLC_S1 = data.frame(Variable = variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]])
+ dataframe_metavar_metaboLC_S1 = data.frame(metavar_metaboLC_S1)
+ dataframe_metavar_varSelect_metaboLC_S1 = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_metaboLC_S1, y = dataframe_metavar_metaboLC_S1,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "Variable")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]] = dataframe_metavar_varSelect_metaboLC_S1
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_resBio = which(noms_blocks == "resBio")
+ if(length(ind_resBio) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]]) != 0)
+ {
+ dataframe_varSelect_resBio = data.frame(Variable = variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]])
+ dataframe_metavar_resBio = data.frame(metavar_resBio)
+ dataframe_metavar_varSelect_resBio = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_resBio, y = dataframe_metavar_resBio,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "Variable")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]] = dataframe_metavar_varSelect_resBio
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_cyto = which(noms_blocks == "cyto")
+ if(length(ind_cyto) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]]) != 0)
+ {
+ dataframe_varSelect_cyto = data.frame(Variable = variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]])
+ dataframe_metavar_cyto = data.frame(metavar_cyto)
+ dataframe_metavar_varSelect_cyto = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_cyto, y = dataframe_metavar_cyto,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "Variable")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]] = dataframe_metavar_varSelect_cyto
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ return(res_variablesSelect)
+# La fonction varAnnotation_gene_7blocks permet de fournir des informations sur les variables
+# sélectionnées pour un design.
+varAnnotation_gene_7blocks <-function(variablesSelect,
+ data_transcripto_col,
+ data_transcripto_tae,
+ annot_metageno_caecum,
+ metavar_metaboLC_S1,
+ metavar_resBio,
+ metavar_cyto)
+ res_variablesSelect = variablesSelect
+ noms_blocks = names(variablesSelect)
+ ind_transcripto_col = which(noms_blocks == "transcripto_col")
+ if(length(ind_transcripto_col) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_colTemp = variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]]
+ if(length(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_col = sapply(1:length(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ variable_i = varSelect_transcripto_colTemp[i]
+ res = gsub("Colon_", "", variable_i, fixed = TRUE)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col = data.frame(GeneName = varSelect_transcripto_col)
+ dataframe_annot_transcripto_col = data.frame(ProbeName = data_transcripto_col$genes$ProbeName,
+ GeneName = data_transcripto_col$genes$GeneName,
+ Description = data_transcripto_col$genes$Description,
+ SystematicName = data_transcripto_col$genes$SystematicName)
+ tab_transcripto_col = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col, y = dataframe_annot_transcripto_col,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "GeneName")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]] = tab_transcripto_col
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_transcripto_tae = which(noms_blocks == "transcripto_tae")
+ if(length(ind_transcripto_tae) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp = variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]]
+ if(length(varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_tae = sapply(1:length(varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ variable_i = varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp[i]
+ res = gsub("TAE_", "", variable_i, fixed = TRUE)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_tae = data.frame(GeneName = varSelect_transcripto_tae)
+ dataframe_annot_transcripto_tae = data.frame(ProbeName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$ProbeName,
+ GeneName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$GeneName,
+ Description = data_transcripto_tae$genes$Description,
+ SystematicName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$SystematicName)
+ tab_transcripto_tae = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_tae, y = dataframe_annot_transcripto_tae,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "GeneName")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]] = tab_transcripto_tae
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_metageno_caecum = which(noms_blocks == "metageno_caecum")
+ if(length(ind_metageno_caecum) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1 = variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]]
+ if(length(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2 = sapply(1:length(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1), FUN = function(i){
+ ch = strsplit(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i], split = "")[[1]]
+ if(ch[1] == "X")
+ {
+ res = paste(ch[2:length(ch)], collapse = "")
+ }else{
+ res = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i]
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum = data.frame(taxon = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2)
+ dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum = data.frame(annot_metageno_caecum)
+ colnames(dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum)[1] = "taxon"
+ tab_metageno_caecum = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum, y = dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "taxon")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]] = tab_metageno_caecum
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_metaboLC_S1 = which(noms_blocks == "metaboLC_S1")
+ if(length(ind_metaboLC_S1) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]]) != 0)
+ {
+ dataframe_varSelect_metaboLC_S1 = data.frame(Variable = variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]])
+ dataframe_metavar_metaboLC_S1 = data.frame(metavar_metaboLC_S1)
+ dataframe_metavar_varSelect_metaboLC_S1 = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_metaboLC_S1, y = dataframe_metavar_metaboLC_S1,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "Variable")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]] = dataframe_metavar_varSelect_metaboLC_S1
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_metaboGC_S1 = which(noms_blocks == "metaboGC_S1")
+ if(length(ind_metaboGC_S1) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_metaboGC_S1]]) != 0)
+ {
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metaboGC_S1]] = data.frame(Variable = variablesSelect[[ind_metaboGC_S1]])
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metaboGC_S1]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_resBio = which(noms_blocks == "resBio")
+ if(length(ind_resBio) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]]) != 0)
+ {
+ dataframe_varSelect_resBio = data.frame(Variable = variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]])
+ dataframe_metavar_resBio = data.frame(metavar_resBio)
+ dataframe_metavar_varSelect_resBio = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_resBio, y = dataframe_metavar_resBio,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "Variable")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]] = dataframe_metavar_varSelect_resBio
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ ind_cyto = which(noms_blocks == "cyto")
+ if(length(ind_cyto) != 0)
+ {
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]]) != 0)
+ {
+ dataframe_varSelect_cyto = data.frame(Variable = variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]])
+ dataframe_metavar_cyto = data.frame(metavar_cyto)
+ dataframe_metavar_varSelect_cyto = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_cyto, y = dataframe_metavar_cyto,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "Variable")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]] = dataframe_metavar_varSelect_cyto
+ }else{
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ return(res_variablesSelect)
+# Integration 6 blocs norm sonde ------------------------------------------
+# La fonction plotVarZoom permet de zoomer sur le cercle de corrélation et de récupérer les variables
+# contenues dans ce rectangle.
+plotVarZoom <-function(res_block_splsda,
+ comp = 1:2,
+ blocks,
+ block_Y = NULL,
+ vec_col,
+ cutoff,
+ rad.in = 0.5,
+ min.X = -1,
+ max.X = 1,
+ min.Y = -1,
+ max.Y = 1,
+ cex = 0.7,
+ cex_legend = 0.8,
+ pos = c(1.2, 0),
+ pch = 20,
+ inset = c(-0.25, 0))
+ if(class(res_block_splsda)[1] == "block.splsda")
+ {
+ circle = list()
+ circle[[1]] = ellipse(0, levels = 1, t = 1)
+ circle[[2]] = ellipse(0, levels = 1, t = rad.in)
+ circle = data.frame(do.call("rbind", circle), "Circle" = c(rep("Main circle", 100), rep("Inner circle", 100)))
+ MainCircle = circle[grep("Main circle", circle[, 3]), ]
+ InnerCircle = circle[grep("Inner circle", circle[, 3]), ]
+ if(length(blocks) > 1)
+ {
+ noms_bloc = names(res_block_splsda$variates)
+ mat_comp1 = sapply(blocks, FUN = function(i){
+ res = res_block_splsda$variates[[i]][, 1]
+ return(res)
+ })
+ colnames(mat_comp1) = noms_bloc[blocks]
+ mat_cor_comp1 = cor(mat_comp1)
+ mat_comp2 = sapply(blocks, FUN = function(i){
+ res = res_block_splsda$variates[[i]][, 2]
+ return(res)
+ })
+ colnames(mat_comp2) = noms_bloc[blocks]
+ mat_cor_comp2 = cor(mat_comp2)
+ } # Fin if(length(blocks) > 1).
+ # Pour chaque bloc, calcul des corrélations entre la première
+ # composante et les variables sélectionnées et les corrélations entre
+ # la deuxième composante et les variables sélectionnées. Pour la réponse,
+ # calcul de la corrélation entre les variables de la réponse et la première composante
+ # du premier bloc sélectionné et de la corrélation entre les variables de
+ # la réponse et la deuxième composante du premier bloc sélectionné.
+ liste_matCor_comp_var = list()
+ varSelect_comp1 = selectVar(res_block_splsda,
+ comp = comp[1])
+ varSelect_comp2 = selectVar(res_block_splsda,
+ comp = comp[2])
+ vec_nom_blockEtReponse = c()
+ blocksEtReponse = c(blocks, which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == "Y"))
+ for(i in 1:length(blocksEtReponse))
+ {
+ indice_block_i = blocksEtReponse[i]
+ nom_blockEtReponse_i = res_block_splsda$names$blocks[indice_block_i]
+ if(nom_blockEtReponse_i == "Y")
+ {
+ if(!is.null(block_Y))
+ {
+ block_i = block_Y
+ comp1 = res_block_splsda$variates[[blocks[1]]][, comp[1]]
+ comp2 = res_block_splsda$variates[[blocks[1]]][, comp[2]]
+ vecCor_comp1_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ cor(comp1, block_i[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ })
+ vecCor_comp2_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ cor(comp2, block_i[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ })
+ }else{
+ cat("La réponse n'est pas saisie comme paramètre d'entrée", "\n")
+ }
+ }else{
+ comp1 = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_block_i]][, comp[1]]
+ comp2 = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_block_i]][, comp[2]]
+ varSelect_comp1_i = varSelect_comp1[[indice_block_i]][[1]]
+ varSelect_comp2_i = varSelect_comp2[[indice_block_i]][[1]]
+ varSelect_i = unique(c(varSelect_comp1_i, varSelect_comp2_i))
+ block_i = res_block_splsda$X[[indice_block_i]][, varSelect_i]
+ if(i == 1)
+ {
+ vecCor_comp1_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ cor(comp1, block_i[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ })
+ vecCor_comp2_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ cor(comp2, block_i[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ })
+ }else{
+ signeCor_comp1 = sign(mat_cor_comp1[1, indice_block_i])
+ vecCor_comp1_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ res = signeCor_comp1*cor(comp1, block_i[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ return(res)
+ })
+ signeCor_comp2 = sign(mat_cor_comp2[1, indice_block_i])
+ vecCor_comp2_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ res = signeCor_comp2*cor(comp2, block_i[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ return(res)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ matCor_comp_var = rbind(vecCor_comp1_var,
+ vecCor_comp2_var)
+ colnames(matCor_comp_var) = colnames(block_i)
+ liste_matCor_comp_var[[i]] = matCor_comp_var
+ vec_nom_blockEtReponse_i = rep(nom_blockEtReponse_i, dim(block_i)[2])
+ vec_nom_blockEtReponse = c(vec_nom_blockEtReponse, vec_nom_blockEtReponse_i)
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(blocks)).
+ matCor_Allcomp_Allvar = t(Reduce(cbind, liste_matCor_comp_var))
+ # indice permet de récupérer les variables de chaque bloc fortement corrélées avec soit
+ # la première composante ou la deuxième composante dans une partie du cercle de corrélation
+ # et de récupérer la variable réponse dans une partie du cercle de corrélation.
+ indice = sapply(1:dim(matCor_Allcomp_Allvar)[1], FUN = function(k){
+ cor1 = matCor_Allcomp_Allvar[k, 1]
+ cor2 = matCor_Allcomp_Allvar[k, 2]
+ blockEtReponse_k = vec_nom_blockEtReponse[k]
+ if(blockEtReponse_k == "Y")
+ {
+ cond2 = cor1 > min.X & cor1 < max.X & cor2 > min.Y & cor2 < max.Y
+ }else{
+ cond1 = abs(cor1) > cutoff | abs(cor2) > cutoff
+ cond2 = cor1 > min.X & cor1 < max.X & cor2 > min.Y & cor2 < max.Y & cond1
+ }
+ return(cond2)
+ })
+ matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect = matCor_Allcomp_Allvar[indice, , drop = FALSE]
+ varSelect = rownames(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect)
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar = data.frame(cbind(rownames(matCor_Allcomp_Allvar),
+ vec_nom_blockEtReponse,
+ matCor_Allcomp_Allvar))
+ colnames(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar) = c("variable",
+ "bloc",
+ "cor_comp1_var",
+ "cor_comp2_var")
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar[, 1:2] = apply(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar[, 1:2], 2, as.character)
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar[indice, ]
+ # Tracé de la superposition des cerles de corrélation.
+ plot(MainCircle[, 1], MainCircle[, 2],
+ type = "l",
+ xlab = paste0("composante ", comp[1]),
+ ylab = paste0("composante ", comp[2]))
+ points(InnerCircle[, 1], InnerCircle[, 2],
+ type = "l")
+ if(dim(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect)[1] != 0)
+ {
+ nom_blockEtReponseSelect = unique(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 2])
+ indice_blockEtReponseSelect = sapply(1:length(nom_blockEtReponseSelect), FUN = function(i){
+ ind = which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == nom_blockEtReponseSelect[i])
+ if(length(ind) != 0)
+ {
+ res = ind
+ }else{
+ res = which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == "Y")
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ vec_colSelect = vec_col[indice_blockEtReponseSelect]
+ if(length(blocksEtReponse) == 1)
+ {
+ points(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 2],
+ col = NULL)
+ text(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 2],
+ labels = rownames(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect),
+ cex = cex,
+ col = vec_colSelect[1])
+ }else{
+ nbVarSelect_bloc = cumsum(sapply(1:length(nom_blockEtReponseSelect), FUN = function(j){
+ res = length(which(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 2] == nom_blockEtReponseSelect[j]))
+ return(res)
+ }))
+ for(i in 1:length(nbVarSelect_bloc))
+ {
+ if(i == 1)
+ {
+ indice1 = 1:nbVarSelect_bloc[1]
+ if(length(indice1) != 0)
+ {
+ matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2 = matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[indice1, , drop = FALSE]
+ points(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 2],
+ col = NULL)
+ text(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 2],
+ labels = rownames(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2),
+ cex = cex,
+ col = rep(vec_colSelect[i], dim(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2)[1]))
+ }else{
+ cat(paste0("Il n'y a de variables dans cette zone du cercle de corrélation pour le bloc ", nom_blockEtReponseSelect[i]), "\n")
+ }
+ }else{
+ indice2 = (nbVarSelect_bloc[i - 1] + 1):nbVarSelect_bloc[i]
+ if(length(indice2) != 0)
+ {
+ matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2 = matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[indice2, , drop = FALSE]
+ points(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 2],
+ col = NULL)
+ text(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 2],
+ labels = rownames(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2),
+ cex = cex,
+ col = rep(vec_colSelect[i], dim(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2)[1]))
+ }else{
+ cat(paste0("Il n'y a de variables dans cette zone du cercle de corrélation pour le bloc ", nom_blockEtReponseSelect[i]), "\n")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ par(xpd = TRUE)
+ legend(x = pos[1], y = pos[2],
+ legend = nom_blockEtReponseSelect,
+ pch = pch,
+ col = vec_colSelect,
+ cex = cex_legend,
+ inset = inset)
+ }else{
+ cat("Il n'y a de variables dans cette zone du cercle de corrélation", "\n")
+ }
+ # Suppression de dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar, dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect et varSelect de la variable
+ # réponse.
+ if(!is.null(block_Y))
+ {
+ for(i in 1:dim(block_Y)[2])
+ {
+ variableReponse = colnames(block_Y)[i]
+ # dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar
+ if(dim(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar)[1] != 0)
+ {
+ ind_Allvar = which(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar$variable == variableReponse)
+ if(length(ind_Allvar) != 0)
+ {
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar[- ind_Allvar, ]
+ }
+ }
+ # dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect
+ if(dim(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect)[1] != 0)
+ {
+ ind_AllvarSelect = which(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect$variable == variableReponse)
+ if(length(ind_AllvarSelect) != 0)
+ {
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[- ind_AllvarSelect, ]
+ }
+ }
+ # varSelect
+ if(length(varSelect) != 0)
+ {
+ ind_varSelect = which(varSelect == variableReponse)
+ if(length(ind_varSelect) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect = varSelect[- ind_varSelect]
+ }
+ }
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:dim(block_Y)[2]).
+ }
+ res = list(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar,
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect,
+ varSelect = varSelect)
+ return(res)
+ }else{
+ cat("Erreur : il ne s'agit pas de la sortie de la fonction block.splsda", "\n")
+ }
+# La fonction networkVarSelect permet de tracer un réseau pour les variables de
+# certains blocs.
+networkVarSelect <-function(object,
+ mat_Y,
+ comp = 1:2,
+ listeVar,
+ blocks,
+ cutoff = 0
+ if(class(object)[1] == "block.splsda")
+ {
+ nomBlocs = names(listeVar)
+ liste_XSelect = lapply(1:length(listeVar), FUN = function(i){
+ nomBloc_i = names(listeVar)[i]
+ ind1 = which(object$names$blocks == nomBloc_i)
+ ind2 = colnames(object$X[[ind1]])%in%listeVar[[i]]
+ res = object$X[[ind1]][, ind2, drop = FALSE]
+ return(res)
+ })
+ names(liste_XSelect) = nomBlocs
+ liste_matSelect = liste_XSelect
+ if(!is.null(mat_Y))
+ {
+ liste_matSelect = c(liste_matSelect, list(mat_Y))
+ names(liste_matSelect)[length(liste_matSelect)] = "Y"
+ }
+ # compute the similarity between var1 of block1 and var2 of block2.
+ coord = list()
+ for(k in 1:length(blocks))
+ {
+ nomBloc_k = names(liste_matSelect)[k]
+ mat_k = liste_matSelect[[k]][, ,drop = FALSE]
+ if(nomBloc_k == "Y")
+ {
+ coord[[k]] = cor(mat_k, object$variates[[blocks[1]]][, comp])
+ }else{
+ coord[[k]] = cor(mat_k, object$variates[[blocks[k]]][, comp])
+ }
+ if(dim(mat_k)[2] == 1)
+ {
+ coord[[k]] = as.matrix(coord[[k]],
+ nrow = 1)
+ rownames(coord[[k]]) = colnames(mat_k)
+ }
+ } # Fin for(k in 1:length(blocks)).
+ l = 1
+ M_block = list()
+ node.X1 = node.X2 = w = NULL
+ for(j in 1:(length(blocks) - 1))
+ {
+ for(k in (j + 1):length(blocks))
+ {
+ M_block[[l]] = coord[[j]][, comp, drop = FALSE] %*% t(coord[[k]][, comp, drop = FALSE])
+ X1 = rownames(coord[[j]])
+ X2 = rownames(coord[[k]])
+ rep.X1 = rep(X1, each = length(X2))
+ rep.X2 = rep(X2, length(X1))
+ node.X1= c(node.X1, rep.X1)
+ node.X2 = c(node.X2, rep.X2)
+ w = c(w, as.vector(t(M_block[[l]])))
+ l = l + 1
+ } # Fin for(k in (j + 1):length(blocks)).
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:(length(blocks) - 1)).
+ # nodes
+ group = NULL
+ temp = lapply(liste_matSelect, function(x) colnames(x))
+ for (i in 1:length(temp))
+ {
+ group = c(group, rep(names(temp)[i], length(temp[[i]])))
+ } # Fin for (i in 1:length(temp)).
+ # nodes
+ nodes = data.frame(name = unlist(temp),
+ group = group)
+ # gR
+ relations = data.frame(from = node.X1,
+ to = node.X2,
+ weight = w)
+ idx = (abs(w) >= cutoff)
+ relations = relations[idx, , drop = FALSE]
+ gR = graph.data.frame(relations,
+ directed = FALSE,
+ vertices = nodes)
+ block.var.names = sapply(1:length(liste_matSelect), FUN = function(i){
+ res = colnames(liste_matSelect[[i]])
+ return(res)
+ })
+ V(gR)$label = unlist(block.var.names)
+ gR = delete.vertices(gR, which(degree(gR) == 0))
+ res = list(gR = gR)
+ l = 1
+ for (i in 1:(length(blocks)-1))
+ {
+ for (j in (i + 1):length(blocks))
+ {
+ res[paste("M", names(liste_matSelect)[i], names(liste_matSelect)[j], sep="_")] = list(M_block[[l]])
+ l = l + 1
+ } # Fin for (j in (i + 1):length(blocks)).
+ } # Fin for (i in 1:(length(blocks)-1).
+ res$cutoff = cutoff
+ return(res)
+ } # Fin if(class(object)[1] == "block.splsda").
+# La fonction varAnnotation_6blocks permet de fournir des informations sur les variables
+# sélectionnées pour un design.
+varAnnotation_6blocks <-function(variablesSelect,
+ data_transcripto_col,
+ data_transcripto_tae,
+ annot_metageno_caecum)
+ res_variablesSelect = variablesSelect
+ noms_blocks = names(variablesSelect)
+ ind_transcripto_col = which(noms_blocks == "transcripto_col")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]]) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_colTemp = variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]]
+ varSelect_transcripto_col = sapply(1:length(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ ch = strsplit(varSelect_transcripto_colTemp[i], split = "_")[[1]]
+ res = paste(ch[2:length(ch)], collapse = "_")
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col = data.frame(ProbeName = varSelect_transcripto_col)
+ dataframe_annot_transcripto_col = data.frame(ProbeName = data_transcripto_col$genes$ProbeName,
+ GeneName = data_transcripto_col$genes$GeneName,
+ Description = data_transcripto_col$genes$Description,
+ SystematicName = data_transcripto_col$genes$SystematicName)
+ tab_transcripto_col = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_col, y = dataframe_annot_transcripto_col,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "ProbeName")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_col]] = tab_transcripto_col
+ }
+ ind_transcripto_tae = which(noms_blocks == "transcripto_tae")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]]) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp = variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]]
+ varSelect_transcripto_tae = sapply(1:length(varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ ch = strsplit(varSelect_transcripto_taeTemp[i], split = "_")[[1]]
+ res = paste(ch[2:length(ch)], collapse = "_")
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_tae = data.frame(ProbeName = varSelect_transcripto_tae)
+ dataframe_annot_transcripto_tae = data.frame(ProbeName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$ProbeName,
+ GeneName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$GeneName,
+ Description = data_transcripto_tae$genes$Description,
+ SystematicName = data_transcripto_tae$genes$SystematicName)
+ tab_transcripto_tae = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_transcripto_tae, y = dataframe_annot_transcripto_tae,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "ProbeName")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_transcripto_tae]] = tab_transcripto_tae
+ }
+ ind_metageno_caecum = which(noms_blocks == "metageno_caecum")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]]) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1 = variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]]
+ varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2 = sapply(1:length(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1), FUN = function(i){
+ ch = strsplit(varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i], split = "")[[1]]
+ if(ch[1] == "X")
+ {
+ res = paste(ch[2:length(ch)], collapse = "")
+ }else{
+ res = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp1[i]
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum = data.frame(taxon = varSelect_metageno_caecum_Temp2)
+ dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum = data.frame(annot_metageno_caecum)
+ colnames(dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum)[1] = "taxon"
+ tab_metageno_caecum = join(x = dataframe_varSelect_metageno_caecum, y = dataframe_annot_metageno_caecum,
+ type = "inner",
+ by = "taxon")
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metageno_caecum]] = tab_metageno_caecum
+ }
+ ind_metaboLC_S1 = which(noms_blocks == "metaboLC_S1")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]]) != 0)
+ {
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]] = data.frame(variable = variablesSelect[[ind_metaboLC_S1]])
+ }
+ ind_resBio = which(noms_blocks == "resBio")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]]) != 0)
+ {
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]] = data.frame(variable = variablesSelect[[ind_resBio]])
+ }
+ ind_cyto = which(noms_blocks == "cyto")
+ if(length(variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]]) != 0)
+ {
+ res_variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]] = data.frame(variable = variablesSelect[[ind_cyto]])
+ }
+ return(res_variablesSelect)
+# Integration 6 blocs norm gene -------------------------------------------
+# La fonction matriceCorrelation_comp calcule la matrice de corrélation entre les comp[1]
+# composantes de chaque bloc et la matrice de corrélation entre les comp[2] composantes de
+# chaque bloc.
+matriceCorrelation_comp <-function(res_block_splsda,
+ comp = 1:2)
+ vec_blocksTemp = res_block_splsda$names$blocks
+ ind_Y = which(vec_blocksTemp == "Y")
+ vec_blocks = vec_blocksTemp[- ind_Y]
+ vec_indice_blocks = sapply(1:length(vec_blocks), FUN = function(i){
+ res = which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == vec_blocks[i])
+ return(res)
+ })
+ # Calcul de la matrice de corrélations entre les comp[1] composantes de chaque bloc
+ # et de la matrice de corrélation entre les comp[2] composantes de chaque bloc.
+ mat_comp1 = sapply(1:length(vec_indice_blocks), FUN = function(i){
+ res = res_block_splsda$variates[[vec_indice_blocks[i]]][, comp[1]]
+ return(res)
+ })
+ colnames(mat_comp1) = vec_blocks
+ mat_cor_comp1 = cor(mat_comp1)
+ mat_comp2 = sapply(1:length(vec_indice_blocks), FUN = function(i){
+ res = res_block_splsda$variates[[vec_indice_blocks[i]]][, comp[2]]
+ return(res)
+ })
+ colnames(mat_comp2) = vec_blocks
+ mat_cor_comp2 = cor(mat_comp2)
+ return(list(mat_cor_comp1 = mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2 = mat_cor_comp2))
+# La fonction matCor détermine toutes les combinaisons possibles des blocs
+# dont nous pouvons superposer les cercles de corrélation. Cette fonction calcule,
+# pour chaque variable (variable d'un bloc ou une variable réponse), la corrélation de
+# cette variable avec la première composante et la corrélation de cette variable avec la
+# deuxième composante.
+matCor <-function(res_block_splsda,
+ mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2,
+ block_Y,
+ comp = 1:2,
+ cutoff_comp)
+ noms_blocTemp = res_block_splsda$names$blocks
+ ind_Y = which(noms_blocTemp == "Y")
+ noms_bloc = noms_blocTemp[- ind_Y]
+ # Détermination de toutes les combinaisons possibles de blocs dont nous pouvons superposer
+ # les cercles de corrélation.
+ blockSelect = unique(lapply(1:dim(mat_cor_comp1)[1], FUN = function(i){
+ col_mat_cor_comp1_i = mat_cor_comp1[, i]
+ col_mat_cor_comp2_i = mat_cor_comp2[, i]
+ resultat = c()
+ for(j in 1:length(col_mat_cor_comp1_i))
+ {
+ cond = abs(col_mat_cor_comp1_i[j]) > cutoff_comp & abs(col_mat_cor_comp2_i[j]) > cutoff_comp
+ if(cond)
+ {
+ resultat = c(resultat, j)
+ }
+ }
+ return(resultat)
+ }))
+ liste_noms_blocks = list()
+ for(i in 1:length(blockSelect))
+ {
+ blockSelect_i = blockSelect[[i]]
+ for(k in 1:length(blockSelect_i))
+ {
+ matComb = combn(blockSelect_i, m = k)
+ res = lapply(1:dim(matComb)[2], FUN = function(i){
+ comb_i = matComb[, i]
+ resultat = noms_bloc[comb_i]
+ return(resultat)
+ })
+ for(j in 1:length(res))
+ {
+ liste_noms_blocks = c(liste_noms_blocks, list(res[[j]]))
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:length(liste_noms_blocks)).
+ } # Fin for(k in 1:length(blockSelect_i)).
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(blockSelect)).
+ liste_noms_blocks = unique(liste_noms_blocks)
+ # Pour chaque bloc, calcul des corrélations entre la première
+ # composante et les variables sélectionnées et les corrélations entre
+ # la deuxième composante et les variables sélectionnées. Pour la réponse,
+ # calcul de la corrélation entre les variables de la réponse et la première composante
+ # du premier bloc sélectionné et de la corrélation entre les variables de
+ # la réponse et la deuxième composante du premier bloc sélectionné.
+ liste_matCor_comp_var_all = list()
+ varSelect_comp1 = selectVar(res_block_splsda,
+ comp = comp[1])
+ varSelect_comp2 = selectVar(res_block_splsda,
+ comp = comp[2])
+ blockSelectEtReponse = list()
+ for(i in 1:length(blockSelect))
+ {
+ blockSelectEtReponse[[i]] = c(blockSelect[[i]], which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == "Y"))
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(blockSelect)).
+ for(i in 1:length(blockSelectEtReponse))
+ {
+ blockSelectEtReponse_i = blockSelectEtReponse[[i]]
+ vec_nom_blockEtReponse = c()
+ liste_matCor_comp_var = list()
+ for(j in 1:length(blockSelectEtReponse_i))
+ {
+ indice_block_i_j = blockSelectEtReponse_i[j]
+ nom_blockEtReponse_i_j = res_block_splsda$names$blocks[indice_block_i_j]
+ if(nom_blockEtReponse_i_j == "Y")
+ {
+ if(!is.null(block_Y))
+ {
+ block_i_j = block_Y
+ comp1 = res_block_splsda$variates[[blockSelectEtReponse_i[1]]][, comp[1]]
+ comp2 = res_block_splsda$variates[[blockSelectEtReponse_i[1]]][, comp[2]]
+ vecCor_comp1_var = sapply(1:dim(block_Y)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ cor(comp1, block_Y[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ })
+ vecCor_comp2_var = sapply(1:dim(block_Y)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ cor(comp2, block_Y[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ })
+ }else{
+ cat("La réponse n'est pas saisie comme paramètre d'entrée", "\n")
+ }
+ }else{
+ comp1 = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_block_i_j]][, comp[1]]
+ comp2 = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_block_i_j]][, comp[2]]
+ varSelect_comp1_i_j = varSelect_comp1[[indice_block_i_j]][[1]]
+ varSelect_comp2_i_j = varSelect_comp2[[indice_block_i_j]][[1]]
+ varSelect_i_j = unique(c(varSelect_comp1_i_j, varSelect_comp2_i_j))
+ block_i_j = res_block_splsda$X[[indice_block_i_j]][, varSelect_i_j]
+ if(i == 1)
+ {
+ vecCor_comp1_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i_j)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ cor(comp1, block_i_j[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ })
+ vecCor_comp2_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i_j)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ cor(comp2, block_i_j[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ })
+ }else{
+ signeCor_comp1 = sign(mat_cor_comp1[1, indice_block_i_j])
+ vecCor_comp1_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i_j)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ res = signeCor_comp1*cor(comp1, block_i_j[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ return(res)
+ })
+ signeCor_comp2 = sign(mat_cor_comp2[1, indice_block_i_j])
+ vecCor_comp2_var = sapply(1:dim(block_i_j)[2], FUN = function(j){
+ res = signeCor_comp2*cor(comp2, block_i_j[, j], use = "complete.obs")
+ return(res)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ matCor_comp_var = rbind(vecCor_comp1_var,
+ vecCor_comp2_var)
+ colnames(matCor_comp_var) = colnames(block_i_j)
+ liste_matCor_comp_var[[j]] = matCor_comp_var
+ vec_nom_blockEtReponse_i_j = rep(nom_blockEtReponse_i_j, dim(block_i_j)[2])
+ vec_nom_blockEtReponse = c(vec_nom_blockEtReponse, vec_nom_blockEtReponse_i_j)
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:length(blockSelectEtReponse_i)).
+ matCor_Allcomp_Allvar = t(Reduce(cbind, liste_matCor_comp_var))
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar = data.frame(cbind(rownames(matCor_Allcomp_Allvar),
+ vec_nom_blockEtReponse,
+ matCor_Allcomp_Allvar))
+ colnames(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar) = c("variable",
+ "bloc",
+ "cor_comp1_var",
+ "cor_comp2_var")
+ liste_matCor_comp_var_all[[i]] = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(blocks)).
+ names(liste_matCor_comp_var_all) = sapply(1:length(blockSelectEtReponse), FUN = function(i){
+ blockSelectEtReponse_i = blockSelectEtReponse[[i]]
+ blocks_i = blockSelectEtReponse_i[blockSelectEtReponse_i != ind_Y]
+ nomsBlocks = paste(res_block_splsda$names$blocks[blocks_i], collapse = "_")
+ return(nomsBlocks)
+ })
+ return(list(liste_matCor_comp_var_all = liste_matCor_comp_var_all,
+ liste_noms_blocks = liste_noms_blocks))
+# La fonction circleCorZoom permet superposer des cercles de corrélations et de zoomer un rectangle du cercle de corrélations.
+# Cette fonction permet de récupérer les variables contenues dans ce rectangle.
+circleCorZoom <-function(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar,
+ mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2,
+ nomsBlock,
+ comp = 1:2,
+ cutoff = 0.85,
+ cutoff_comp = 0.8,
+ min.X = -1,
+ max.X = 1,
+ min.Y = -1,
+ max.Y = 1,
+ vec_col = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Spectral"))(length(unique(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar$bloc))),
+ rad.in = 0.5,
+ cex = 0.7,
+ cex_legend = 0.8,
+ pos = c(1.2, 0),
+ pch = 20,
+ inset = c(-0.25, 0))
+ # Nous vérifions que nous pouvons superposer les cercles de corrélation.
+ blockSelect = unique(lapply(1:dim(mat_cor_comp1)[1], FUN = function(i){
+ col_mat_cor_comp1_i = mat_cor_comp1[, i]
+ col_mat_cor_comp2_i = mat_cor_comp2[, i]
+ resultat = c()
+ for(j in 1:length(col_mat_cor_comp1_i))
+ {
+ cond = abs(col_mat_cor_comp1_i[j]) > cutoff_comp & abs(col_mat_cor_comp2_i[j]) > cutoff_comp
+ if(cond)
+ {
+ resultat = c(resultat, j)
+ }
+ }
+ return(resultat)
+ }))
+ indice_block_nomsBlock = sapply(1:length(nomsBlock), FUN = function(i){
+ res = which(colnames(mat_cor_comp1) == nomsBlock[i])
+ return(res)
+ })
+ boolean = FALSE
+ i = 1
+ while(i <=length(blockSelect) & !boolean)
+ {
+ blockSelect_i = blockSelect[[i]]
+ cond = length(which(blockSelect_i%in%indice_block_nomsBlock == TRUE)) == length(nomsBlock)
+ if(cond)
+ {
+ boolean = TRUE
+ }
+ i = i + 1
+ } # Fin while(i <=length(blockSelect) & !boolean).
+ varSelect = NULL
+ if(!boolean)
+ {
+ cat(paste0("Erreur : les blocs : ", paste(nomsBlock, collapse = ", "), " ne peuvent pas être superposés.", "\n"))
+ }else{
+ nomsBlockEtReponse = c(nomsBlock, "Y")
+ indice1 = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar$bloc%in%nomsBlockEtReponse
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2 = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar[indice1, ]
+ matCor_Allcomp_Allvar = apply(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2[, 3:4], 2, as.numeric)
+ rownames(matCor_Allcomp_Allvar) = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2$variable
+ # indice permet de récupérer les variables de chaque bloc fortement corrélées avec soit
+ # la première composante ou la deuxième composante dans une partie du cercle de corrélation
+ # et de récupérer la variable réponse.
+ indice = sapply(1:dim(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2)[1], FUN = function(k){
+ cor1 = matCor_Allcomp_Allvar[k, 1]
+ cor2 = matCor_Allcomp_Allvar[k, 2]
+ blockEtReponse_k = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2[k, 2]
+ if(blockEtReponse_k == "Y")
+ {
+ cond2 = TRUE
+ }else{
+ cond1 = abs(cor1) > cutoff | abs(cor2) > cutoff
+ cond2 = cor1 > min.X & cor1 < max.X & cor2 > min.Y & cor2 < max.Y & cond1
+ }
+ return(cond2)
+ })
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2[, 1:2] = apply(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2[, 1:2], 2, as.character)
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2Select = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2[indice, ]
+ varSelectTemp = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2Select$variable
+ ind_Y = which(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2Select$bloc == "Y")
+ if(length(ind_Y) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect = varSelectTemp[- ind_Y]
+ }else{
+ varSelect = varSelectTemp
+ }
+ matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect = matCor_Allcomp_Allvar[indice, , drop = FALSE]
+ # Tracé de la superposition des cerles de corrélation.
+ circle = list()
+ circle[[1]] = ellipse(0, levels = 1, t = 1)
+ circle[[2]] = ellipse(0, levels = 1, t = rad.in)
+ circle = data.frame(do.call("rbind", circle), "Circle" = c(rep("Main circle", 100), rep("Inner circle", 100)))
+ MainCircle = circle[grep("Main circle", circle[, 3]), ]
+ InnerCircle = circle[grep("Inner circle", circle[, 3]), ]
+ plot(MainCircle[, 1], MainCircle[, 2],
+ type = "l",
+ xlab = paste0("composante ", comp[1]),
+ ylab = paste0("composante ", comp[2]))
+ points(InnerCircle[, 1], InnerCircle[, 2],
+ type = "l")
+ if(dim(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect)[1] != 0)
+ {
+ nom_blockEtReponseSelect = unique(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2Select$bloc)
+ indice_blockEtReponseSelect = sapply(1:length(nom_blockEtReponseSelect), FUN = function(i){
+ ind = which(colnames(mat_cor_comp1) == nom_blockEtReponseSelect[i])
+ if(length(ind) != 0)
+ {
+ res = ind
+ }else{
+ res = dim(mat_cor_comp1)[1] + 1
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ vec_colSelect = vec_col[indice_blockEtReponseSelect]
+ if(length(nom_blockEtReponseSelect) == 1)
+ {
+ points(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 2],
+ col = NULL)
+ text(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[, 2],
+ labels = rownames(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect),
+ cex = cex,
+ col = vec_colSelect[1])
+ }else{
+ nbVarSelect_bloc = cumsum(sapply(1:length(nom_blockEtReponseSelect), FUN = function(j){
+ res = length(which(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar2Select$bloc == nom_blockEtReponseSelect[j]))
+ return(res)
+ }))
+ for(i in 1:length(nbVarSelect_bloc))
+ {
+ if(i == 1)
+ {
+ indice1 = 1:nbVarSelect_bloc[1]
+ if(length(indice1) != 0)
+ {
+ matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2 = matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[indice1, , drop = FALSE]
+ points(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 2],
+ col = NULL)
+ text(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 2],
+ labels = rownames(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2),
+ cex = cex,
+ col = rep(vec_colSelect[i], dim(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2)[1]))
+ }else{
+ cat(paste0("Il n'y a de variables dans cette zone du cercle de corrélation pour le bloc ", nom_blockEtReponseSelect[i]), "\n")
+ }
+ }else{
+ indice2 = (nbVarSelect_bloc[i - 1] + 1):nbVarSelect_bloc[i]
+ if(length(indice2) != 0)
+ {
+ matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2 = matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[indice2, , drop = FALSE]
+ points(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 2],
+ col = NULL)
+ text(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 1], matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2[, 2],
+ labels = rownames(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2),
+ cex = cex,
+ col = rep(vec_colSelect[i], dim(matCor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect2)[1]))
+ }else{
+ cat(paste0("Il n'y a de variables dans cette zone du cercle de corrélation pour le bloc ", nom_blockEtReponseSelect[i]), "\n")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ par(xpd = TRUE)
+ legend(x = pos[1], y = pos[2],
+ legend = nom_blockEtReponseSelect,
+ pch = pch,
+ col = vec_colSelect,
+ cex = cex_legend,
+ inset = inset)
+ }else{
+ cat("Il n'y a de variables dans cette zone du cercle de corrélation", "\n")
+ }
+ }
+ return(varSelect)
+# La fonction networkVariable permet de tracer un réseau pour les variables de
+# certains blocs et une variable réponse.
+networkVariable <-function(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar,
+ vec_Var,
+ nomVar_block_Y,
+ comp = 1:2,
+ cutoff = 0
+ # Pour chaque variable de vec_Var et la variable réponse, nous récupérons les noms des blocs,
+ # les corrélations entre la variable et chaque composante.
+ ind = which(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar$variable%in%vec_Var == TRUE)
+ ind_Var_block_Y = which(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar$variable == nomVar_block_Y)
+ dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar[c(ind, ind_Var_block_Y), ]
+ nomBlocs = unique(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect$bloc)
+ if((length(ind) == length(vec_Var)) & length(ind_Var_block_Y) == 1)
+ {
+ if(length(nomBlocs) == 1)
+ {
+ cat("Erreur : il n'y a des variables d'un seul bloc dans listeVar", "\n")
+ }else{
+ liste_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar_bloc = lapply(1:length(nomBlocs), FUN = function(i){
+ nomBloc_i = nomBlocs[i]
+ indice = which(dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect$bloc == nomBloc_i)
+ resTemp = dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_AllvarSelect[indice, ]
+ if(length(indice) == 1)
+ {
+ res = resTemp
+ }else{
+ res = resTemp
+ }
+ rownames(res) = resTemp$variable
+ return(res)
+ })
+ names(liste_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar_bloc) = nomBlocs
+ coord = lapply(1:length(liste_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar_bloc), FUN = function(i){
+ resTemp = liste_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar_bloc[[i]]
+ res = apply(resTemp[, comp + 2, drop = FALSE], 2, as.numeric)
+ if(dim(resTemp)[1] == 1)
+ {
+ res = matrix(res, nrow = 1)
+ }
+ rownames(res) = resTemp$variable
+ return(res)
+ })
+ l = 1
+ M_block = list()
+ node.X1 = node.X2 = w = NULL
+ # Calcul de la similarité.
+ for(j in 1:(length(nomBlocs) - 1))
+ {
+ for(k in (j + 1):length(nomBlocs))
+ {
+ M_block[[l]] = coord[[j]][, drop = FALSE] %*% t(coord[[k]][, drop = FALSE])
+ X1 = rownames(coord[[j]])
+ X2 = rownames(coord[[k]])
+ rep.X1 = rep(X1, each = length(X2))
+ rep.X2 = rep(X2, length(X1))
+ node.X1= c(node.X1, rep.X1)
+ node.X2 = c(node.X2, rep.X2)
+ w = c(w, as.vector(t(M_block[[l]])))
+ l = l + 1
+ } # Fin for(k in (j + 1):length(blocks)).
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:(length(blocks) - 1)).
+ # nodes
+ group = NULL
+ temp = lapply(1:length(liste_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar_bloc), function(i){
+ res = liste_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar_bloc[[i]]$variable
+ return(res)
+ })
+ names(temp) = names(liste_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar_bloc)
+ for (i in 1:length(temp))
+ {
+ group = c(group, rep(names(temp)[i], length(temp[[i]])))
+ } # Fin for (i in 1:length(temp)).
+ nodes = data.frame(name = unlist(temp),
+ group = group)
+ # gR
+ relations = data.frame(from = node.X1,
+ to = node.X2,
+ weight = w)
+ idx = (abs(w) >= cutoff)
+ relations = relations[idx, , drop = FALSE]
+ gR = graph.data.frame(relations,
+ directed = FALSE,
+ vertices = nodes)
+ gR = delete.vertices(gR, which(degree(gR) == 0))
+ res = list(gR = gR)
+ l = 1
+ for (i in 1:(length(nomBlocs)-1))
+ {
+ for (j in (i + 1):length(nomBlocs))
+ {
+ res[paste("M", names(liste_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar_bloc)[i], names(liste_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar_bloc)[j], sep="_")] = list(M_block[[l]])
+ l = l + 1
+ } # Fin for (j in (i + 1):length(blocks)).
+ } # Fin for (i in 1:(length(blocks)-1).
+ res$cutoff = cutoff
+ return(res)
+ }
+ # Fin if((length(which(ind))= length(listeVar)) & length(ind_Var_block_Y) == 1).
+ }else{
+ if(length(ind) != length(vec_Var))
+ {
+ cat("Erreur : les variables de vec_Var ne sont pas contenues dans dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar$variable.", "\n")
+ }
+ if(length(ind_Var_block_Y) == 1)
+ {
+ cat(paste0("Erreur : la variable réponse ", nomVar_block_Y," n'est pas contenue dans dataframe_Cor_Allcomp_Allvar$variable."), "\n")
+ }
+ }
+# Integration 7 blocs norm gene -------------------------------------------
+# La fonction compute_cor_comp_var calcule, pour chaque variable d'un bloc, les corrélations
+# entre la variable et les composantes sélectionnées par comp.
+compute_cor_comp_var <-function(res_block_splsda,
+ comp = c(1:2))
+ vec_blocksTemp = res_block_splsda$names$blocks
+ ind_Y = which(vec_blocksTemp == "Y")
+ vec_blocks1 = vec_blocksTemp[- ind_Y]
+ vec_indice_blocks = sapply(1:length(vec_blocks1), FUN = function(i){
+ res = which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == vec_blocks1[i])
+ return(res)
+ })
+ # Calcul, pour chaque variable d'un bloc, des corrélations de cette variable avec
+ # les composantes dont les indices sont indiqués dans le vecteur comp.
+ vec_blocks2 = c()
+ liste_cor_comp_var_global = list()
+ for(i in 1:length(vec_indice_blocks))
+ {
+ indice_blocks_i = vec_indice_blocks[i]
+ block_i = res_block_splsda$names$blocks[indice_blocks_i]
+ vec_varSelect_i = c()
+ liste_comp_i = list()
+ for(j in 1:length(comp))
+ {
+ indice_comp_j = comp[j]
+ liste_comp_i[[j]] = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_blocks_i]][, indice_comp_j]
+ vec_varSelect_comp_j = selectVar(res_block_splsda,
+ comp = indice_comp_j)[[indice_blocks_i]][[1]]
+ vec_varSelect_i = c(vec_varSelect_i, vec_varSelect_comp_j)
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:length(comp)).
+ vec_varSelect_i = unique(vec_varSelect_i)
+ mat_block_i = res_block_splsda$X[[indice_blocks_i]][, vec_varSelect_i]
+ liste_cor_comp_var = list()
+ for(j in 1:length(liste_comp_i))
+ {
+ liste_cor_comp_var[[j]] = sapply(1:dim(mat_block_i)[2], FUN = function(k){
+ cor(liste_comp_i[[j]], mat_block_i[, k])
+ })
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:length(liste_comp_i)).
+ mat_cor_Allcomp_Allvar = Reduce(cbind, liste_cor_comp_var)
+ rownames(mat_cor_Allcomp_Allvar) = colnames(mat_block_i)
+ vec_blocks_i = rep(block_i, dim(mat_block_i)[2])
+ vec_blocks2 = c(vec_blocks2, vec_blocks_i)
+ liste_cor_comp_var_global[[i]] = mat_cor_Allcomp_Allvar
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(blocks)).
+ mat_cor_comp_var_global = Reduce(rbind, liste_cor_comp_var_global)
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = data.frame(cbind(rownames(mat_cor_comp_var_global),
+ vec_blocks2,
+ mat_cor_comp_var_global))
+ colnames(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global) = c("variable",
+ "bloc",
+ paste0("cor_var_comp", comp))
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[, 1:2] = apply(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[, 1:2], 2, as.character)
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[, 3:dim(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)[2]] = apply(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[, 3:dim(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)[2]], 2, as.numeric)
+ return(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)
+# La fonction composanteColin renvoie une liste. Le ième élément de cette liste
+# contient les indices des blocs tels que, pour chaque paire de ces blocs, la
+# première composante du bloc 1 est fortement corrélée à la première composante
+# du bloc2 en valeur absolue et la deuxième composante du bloc 1 est fortement
+# corrélée à la deuxième composante du bloc2 en valeur absolue.
+composanteColin <-function(mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2,
+ cutoff_comp)
+ res = list()
+ index = 1:dim(mat_cor_comp1)[1]
+ i = 1
+ compt = 1
+ while(length(index) != 0 & compt <= dim(mat_cor_comp1)[1])
+ {
+ index_i = index[i]
+ res[[compt]] = c(index_i)
+ index2 = index[-i]
+ if(length(index2) != 1)
+ {
+ for(j in index2)
+ {
+ if(length(res[[compt]]) == 1)
+ {
+ if(abs(mat_cor_comp1[j, index_i]) > cutoff_comp & abs(mat_cor_comp2[j, index_i]) > cutoff_comp)
+ {
+ res[[compt]] = c(res[[compt]], j)
+ index = index[- c(which(index == j))]
+ }
+ }else{
+ indice = sapply(1:length(res[[compt]]), FUN = function(k){
+ index_k = res[[compt]][k]
+ cond = abs(mat_cor_comp1[index_k, j]) > cutoff_comp & abs(mat_cor_comp2[index_k, j]) > cutoff_comp
+ return(cond)
+ })
+ if(all(indice))
+ {
+ res[[compt]] = c(res[[compt]], j)
+ index = index[- c(which(index == j))]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ res[[compt]] = index_i
+ }
+ index = index[- c(which(index == index_i))]
+ compt = compt + 1
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:dim(mat_cor_comp1)[2]).
+ if(length(index) != 0)
+ {
+ for(i in 1:length(index))
+ {
+ res = c(res, list(index[i]))
+ }
+ }
+ return(res)
+# La fonction compute_blockSelect permet de déterminer toutes les combinaisons
+# possibles des blocs qui peuvent être superposés dans le cercle de corrélations
+# et dont les variables peuvent être présentes dans le réseau.
+compute_blockSelect <-function(mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2,
+ cutoff_comp)
+ liste_vec_indice_blockSelect = composanteColin(mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2,
+ cutoff_comp)
+ vec_blocks = colnames(mat_cor_comp1)
+ liste_vec_blocks = list()
+ # liste_blocks est une liste contenant toutes les combinaisons possibles de blocs dont
+ # on peut superposer les cercles de corrélations et dont les variables peuvent être
+ # présentes dans le réseau.
+ for(i in 1:length(liste_vec_indice_blockSelect))
+ {
+ vec_indice_blockSelect_i = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect[[i]]
+ for(k in 1:length(vec_indice_blockSelect_i))
+ {
+ matComb = combn(vec_indice_blockSelect_i, m = k)
+ liste_vec_blocks_i = lapply(1:dim(matComb)[2], FUN = function(i){
+ comb_i = matComb[, i]
+ resultat = vec_blocks[comb_i]
+ return(resultat)
+ })
+ for(j in 1:length(liste_vec_blocks_i))
+ {
+ liste_vec_blocks = c(liste_vec_blocks, list(liste_vec_blocks_i[[j]]))
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:length(liste_noms_blocks)).
+ } # Fin for(k in 1:length(blockSelect_i)).
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(blockSelect)).
+ liste_vec_blocks = unique(liste_vec_blocks)
+ return(list(liste_vec_indice_blockSelect = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect,
+ liste_vec_blocks = liste_vec_blocks))
+# La fonction matCorEtBlockSelect permet de calculer la matrice de
+# corrélation entre les comp[1] composantes de chaque bloc et la
+# matrice de corrélation entre les comp[2] composantes de chaque
+# bloc. Elle permet aussi de calculer, pour chaque variable d'un bloc,
+# les corrélations entre les composantes comp[1] et comp[2] et cette variable
+# et de calculer toutes les combinaisons possibles des blocs pour lesquels nous
+# pouvons superposer les cercles de corrélations.
+matCorEtBlockSelect <-function(res_block_splsda,
+ cutoff_comp,
+ comp)
+ liste_mat_cor_comp = matriceCorrelation_comp(res_block_splsda = res_block_splsda,
+ comp = comp)
+ mat_cor_comp1 = liste_mat_cor_comp$mat_cor_comp1
+ mat_cor_comp2 = liste_mat_cor_comp$mat_cor_comp2
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = compute_cor_comp_var(res_block_splsda = res_block_splsda,
+ comp = comp)
+ liste_blockSelect = compute_blockSelect(mat_cor_comp1 = mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2 = mat_cor_comp2,
+ cutoff_comp = cutoff_comp)
+ liste_vec_indice_blockSelect = liste_blockSelect$liste_vec_indice_blockSelect
+ liste_vec_blocks = liste_blockSelect$liste_vec_blocks
+ return(list(mat_cor_comp1 = mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2 = mat_cor_comp2,
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global,
+ liste_vec_indice_blockSelect = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect,
+ liste_vec_blocks = liste_vec_blocks))
+# La fonction addVariablesReponses permet de calculer, pour chaque
+# variable réponse, la corrélation entre cette variable et la
+# comp[1] composante et la corrélation entre cette variable et la comp[2]
+# composante pour chaque groupe de blocs.
+addVariablesReponses <-function(res_block_splsda,
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global,
+ liste_vec_indice_blockSelect,
+ mat_block_Y)
+ # On récupère les indices des composantes utilisées pour calculer les
+ # corrélations entre les variables des blocs et les composantes.
+ comp = as.numeric(sapply(3:4, FUN = function(i){
+ col_i = colnames(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)[i]
+ ch = strsplit(col_i, split = "_")[[1]]
+ resTemp = ch[length(ch)]
+ res = substring(resTemp, nchar(resTemp), nchar(resTemp))
+ return(res)
+ }))
+ # On calcule, pour chaque variable réponse, pour chaque composante du premier
+ # bloc du groupe de blocs, la corrélation entre cette variable réponse et la composante.
+ liste_dataframe_cor_allcomp_varReponses = list()
+ vec_groupe_blocks = c()
+ for(i in 1:length(liste_vec_indice_blockSelect))
+ {
+ vec_indice_blockSelect_i = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect[[i]]
+ indice_first_block_i = vec_indice_blockSelect_i[1]
+ liste_comp_i = list()
+ liste_cor_comp_var = list()
+ for(j in 1:length(comp))
+ {
+ indice_comp_j = comp[j]
+ comp_j = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_first_block_i]][, indice_comp_j]
+ liste_cor_comp_var[[j]] = sapply(1:dim(mat_block_Y)[2], FUN = function(k){
+ cor(comp_j, mat_block_Y[, k])
+ })
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:length(liste_comp_i)).
+ mat_cor_allcomp_varReponses = Reduce(cbind, liste_cor_comp_var)
+ rownames(mat_cor_allcomp_varReponses) = colnames(mat_block_Y)
+ dataframe_allcomp_varReponses = data.frame(colnames(mat_block_Y),
+ rep("Y", dim(mat_block_Y)[2]),
+ mat_cor_allcomp_varReponses)
+ colnames(dataframe_allcomp_varReponses) = c("variable",
+ "bloc",
+ paste0("cor_var_comp", comp))
+ liste_dataframe_cor_allcomp_varReponses[[i]] = dataframe_allcomp_varReponses
+ groupe_blocks_i = res_block_splsda$names$blocks[vec_indice_blockSelect_i]
+ vec_groupe_blocks = c(vec_groupe_blocks, paste(groupe_blocks_i, collapse = "-"))
+ } # Fin for(in in 1:length(blockSelect)).
+ names(liste_dataframe_cor_allcomp_varReponses) = vec_groupe_blocks
+ liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = list()
+ for(i in 1:length(liste_vec_indice_blockSelect))
+ {
+ vec_indice_blockSelect_i = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect[[i]]
+ groupe_blocks_i = res_block_splsda$names$blocks[vec_indice_blockSelect_i]
+ indice_i = which(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global$bloc%in%groupe_blocks_i == TRUE)
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_indice_i = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[indice_i, ]
+ dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global = rbind(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_indice_i,
+ liste_dataframe_cor_allcomp_varReponses[[i]])
+ dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global[, 1:2] = apply(dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global[, 1:2], 2, as.character)
+ dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global[, 3:dim(dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global)[2]] = apply(dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global[, 3:dim(dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global)[2]], 2, as.numeric)
+ liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[[i]] = dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(indice_blockSelect)).
+ names(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global) = vec_groupe_blocks
+ return(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)
+# La fonction addVariablesReponsesModified permet de calculer, pour chaque
+# variable réponse, la corrélation entre cette variable et la
+# comp[1] composante et la corrélation entre cette variable et la comp[2]
+# composante pour chaque groupe de blocs.
+addVariablesReponsesModified <-function(res_block_splsda,
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global,
+ liste_vec_indice_blockSelect,
+ mat_block_Y)
+ # On récupère les indices des composantes utilisées pour calculer les
+ # corrélations entre les variables des blocs et les composantes.
+ comp = as.numeric(sapply(3:4, FUN = function(i){
+ col_i = colnames(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)[i]
+ ch = strsplit(col_i, split = "_")[[1]]
+ resTemp = ch[length(ch)]
+ res = substring(resTemp, nchar(resTemp), nchar(resTemp))
+ return(res)
+ }))
+ # On calcule, pour chaque variable réponse, pour chaque composante du premier
+ # bloc du groupe de blocs, la corrélation entre cette variable réponse et la composante.
+ liste_dataframe_cor_allcomp_varReponses = list()
+ vec_groupe_blocks = c()
+ for(i in 1:length(liste_vec_indice_blockSelect))
+ {
+ vec_indice_blockSelect_i = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect[[i]]
+ indice_first_block_i = vec_indice_blockSelect_i[1]
+ liste_comp_i = list()
+ liste_cor_comp_var = list()
+ for(j in 1:length(comp))
+ {
+ indice_comp_j = comp[j]
+ comp_j = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_first_block_i]][, indice_comp_j]
+ liste_cor_comp_var[[j]] = sapply(1:dim(mat_block_Y)[2], FUN = function(k){
+ resTemp = comp_j%*%mat_block_Y[, k]
+ res = resTemp/(norm(comp_j - mean(comp_j), "2")*norm(mat_block_Y[, k], "2"))
+ })
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:length(liste_comp_i)).
+ mat_cor_allcomp_varReponses = Reduce(cbind, liste_cor_comp_var)
+ rownames(mat_cor_allcomp_varReponses) = colnames(mat_block_Y)
+ dataframe_allcomp_varReponses = data.frame(colnames(mat_block_Y),
+ rep("Y", dim(mat_block_Y)[2]),
+ mat_cor_allcomp_varReponses)
+ colnames(dataframe_allcomp_varReponses) = c("variable",
+ "bloc",
+ paste0("cor_var_comp", comp))
+ liste_dataframe_cor_allcomp_varReponses[[i]] = dataframe_allcomp_varReponses
+ groupe_blocks_i = res_block_splsda$names$blocks[vec_indice_blockSelect_i]
+ vec_groupe_blocks = c(vec_groupe_blocks, paste(groupe_blocks_i, collapse = "-"))
+ } # Fin for(in in 1:length(blockSelect)).
+ names(liste_dataframe_cor_allcomp_varReponses) = vec_groupe_blocks
+ liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = list()
+ for(i in 1:length(liste_vec_indice_blockSelect))
+ {
+ vec_indice_blockSelect_i = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect[[i]]
+ groupe_blocks_i = res_block_splsda$names$blocks[vec_indice_blockSelect_i]
+ indice_i = which(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global$bloc%in%groupe_blocks_i == TRUE)
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_indice_i = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[indice_i, ]
+ dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global = rbind(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_indice_i,
+ liste_dataframe_cor_allcomp_varReponses[[i]])
+ dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global[, 1:2] = apply(dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global[, 1:2], 2, as.character)
+ dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global[, 3:dim(dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global)[2]] = apply(dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global[, 3:dim(dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global)[2]], 2, as.numeric)
+ liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[[i]] = dataframe_cor_comp_varBlockEtVarRep_global
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(indice_blockSelect)).
+ names(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global) = vec_groupe_blocks
+ return(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)
+# La fonction circleCor permet de zoomer sur un rectangle du cercle de corrélations
+# et de récupérer les variables des blocs dans cette partie zoomée du cercle de
+# corrélations.
+circleCor <-function(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global,
+ liste_vec_indice_blockSelect,
+ mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2,
+ vec_blocks,
+ nomsVarReponses,
+ cutoff = 0.85,
+ min.X = -1,
+ max.X = 1,
+ min.Y = -1,
+ max.Y = 1,
+ vec_col = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Spectral"))(dim(mat_cor_comp1)[1] + 1),
+ rad.in = 0.5,
+ cex = 0.7,
+ cex_legend = 0.8,
+ pos = c(1.2, 0),
+ pch = 20,
+ inset = c(-0.25, 0))
+ # On vérifie que nous pouvons superposer les cercles de corrélation.
+ vec_indice_blocks = sapply(1:length(vec_blocks), FUN = function(i){
+ res = which(colnames(mat_cor_comp1) == vec_blocks[i])
+ return(res)
+ })
+ boolean = FALSE
+ i = 1
+ while(i <= length(liste_vec_indice_blockSelect) & !boolean)
+ {
+ vec_indice_blockSelect_i = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect[[i]]
+ cond = length(which(vec_indice_blockSelect_i%in%vec_indice_blocks == TRUE)) == length(vec_blocks)
+ if(cond)
+ {
+ boolean = TRUE
+ }
+ i = i + 1
+ } # Fin while(i <= length(liste_vec_indice_blockSelect) & !boolean).
+ varSelect = NULL
+ if(!boolean)
+ {
+ stop(paste0("The blocks : ", paste(vec_blocks, collapse = ", "), " can not be superimposed."))
+ }else{
+ # On récupère le groupe de blocs auxquels appartient vec_blocks.
+ indice_nomsBlock = sapply(1:length(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global), FUN = function(i){
+ name_iTemp = names(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)[i]
+ name_i = strsplit(name_iTemp, split = "-")[[1]]
+ res = all(vec_blocks%in%name_i)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[[which(indice_nomsBlock == TRUE)]]
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1 = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global
+ indice_nomsVarReponses = all(nomsVarReponses%in%dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1$variable)
+ if(!indice_nomsVarReponses)
+ {
+ stop("All the correlations between the response variables and the first component and the correlations
+ between the responses variables and the second component have not been computed.")
+ }else{
+ comp = as.numeric(sapply(3:4, FUN = function(i){
+ col_i = colnames(dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1)[i]
+ ch = strsplit(col_i, split = "_")[[1]]
+ resTemp = ch[length(ch)]
+ res = substring(resTemp, nchar(resTemp), nchar(resTemp))
+ return(res)
+ }))
+ mat_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1 = t(sapply(1:dim(dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1)[1], FUN = function(i){
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1_i = dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1[i, ]
+ block_i = dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1_i$bloc
+ cor1 = dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1_i[paste0("cor_var_comp", comp[1])]
+ cor2 = dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1_i[paste0("cor_var_comp", comp[2])]
+ if(block_i == "Y")
+ {
+ cor1_sign = cor1
+ cor2_sign = cor2
+ }else{
+ indice_block_comp1_i = which(colnames(mat_cor_comp1) == block_i)
+ indice_block_comp2_i = which(colnames(mat_cor_comp2) == block_i)
+ cor1_sign = sign(mat_cor_comp1[vec_indice_blocks[1], indice_block_comp1_i])*cor1
+ cor2_sign = sign(mat_cor_comp2[vec_indice_blocks[1], indice_block_comp2_i])*cor2
+ }
+ res = c(dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1_i[1:2], cor1_sign, cor2_sign)
+ return(res)
+ }))
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp2 = as.data.frame(mat_cor_comp_var_globalTemp1)
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp2[, 1:2] = apply(dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp2[, 1:2], 2, as.character)
+ colnames(dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp2) = colnames(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)
+ # Pour les variables de vec_blocks et les variables réponses nomsVarReponses, on récupère les corrélations
+ # entre ces variables et les composantes.
+ indice1 = sapply(1:dim(dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp2)[1], FUN = function(i){
+ block_i = dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp2$bloc[i]
+ if(block_i == "Y")
+ {
+ res = dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp2$variable[i]%in%nomsVarReponses
+ }else{
+ res = block_i%in%vec_blocks
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2 = dataframe_cor_comp_var_globalTemp2[indice1, ]
+ mat_cor_comp_var_global2 = apply(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2[ , 3:4], 2, as.numeric)
+ rownames(mat_cor_comp_var_global2) = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2$variable
+ # indice permet de récupérer les variables de chaque bloc fortement corrélées avec soit
+ # la première composante ou la deuxième composante dans un rectangle du cercle de corrélations
+ # et de récupérer les variables réponses.
+ indice2 = sapply(1:dim(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2)[1], FUN = function(k){
+ cor1 = mat_cor_comp_var_global2[k, 1]
+ cor2 = mat_cor_comp_var_global2[k, 2]
+ blockEtReponse_k = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2[k, 2]
+ if(blockEtReponse_k == "Y")
+ {
+ cond2 = TRUE
+ }else{
+ cond1 = abs(cor1) > cutoff | abs(cor2) > cutoff
+ cond2 = cor1 > min.X & cor1 < max.X & cor2 > min.Y & cor2 < max.Y & cond1
+ }
+ return(cond2)
+ })
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2Select = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2[indice2, ]
+ varSelectTemp = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2Select$variable
+ ind_Y = which(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2Select$bloc == "Y")
+ if(length(ind_Y) != 0)
+ {
+ varSelect = varSelectTemp[- ind_Y]
+ }else{
+ varSelect = varSelectTemp
+ }
+ mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select = mat_cor_comp_var_global2[indice2, , drop = FALSE]
+ # Tracé de la superposition des cerles de corrélation.
+ circle = list()
+ circle[[1]] = ellipse(0, levels = 1, t = 1)
+ circle[[2]] = ellipse(0, levels = 1, t = rad.in)
+ circle = data.frame(do.call("rbind", circle), "Circle" = c(rep("Main circle", 100), rep("Inner circle", 100)))
+ MainCircle = circle[grep("Main circle", circle[, 3]), ]
+ InnerCircle = circle[grep("Inner circle", circle[, 3]), ]
+ plot(MainCircle[, 1], MainCircle[, 2],
+ type = "l",
+ xlab = paste0("composante ", comp[1]),
+ ylab = paste0("composante ", comp[2]))
+ points(InnerCircle[, 1], InnerCircle[, 2],
+ type = "l")
+ if(dim(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select)[1] != 0)
+ {
+ vec_blockEtReponseSelect = unique(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2Select$bloc)
+ indice_blockEtReponseSelect = sapply(1:length(vec_blockEtReponseSelect), FUN = function(i){
+ ind = which(colnames(mat_cor_comp1) == vec_blockEtReponseSelect[i])
+ if(length(ind) != 0)
+ {
+ res = ind
+ }else{
+ res = dim(mat_cor_comp1)[1] + 1
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ vec_colSelect = vec_col[indice_blockEtReponseSelect]
+ if(length(vec_blockEtReponseSelect) == 1)
+ {
+ points(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select[, 1], mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select[, 2],
+ col = NULL)
+ text(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select[, 1], mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select[, 2],
+ labels = rownames(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select),
+ cex = cex,
+ col = vec_colSelect[1])
+ }else{
+ nbVarSelect_bloc = cumsum(sapply(1:length(vec_blockEtReponseSelect), FUN = function(j){
+ res = length(which(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global2Select$bloc == vec_blockEtReponseSelect[j]))
+ return(res)
+ }))
+ for(i in 1:length(nbVarSelect_bloc))
+ {
+ if(i == 1)
+ {
+ indice_nbVar1 = 1:nbVarSelect_bloc[1]
+ mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2 = mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select[indice_nbVar1, , drop = FALSE]
+ points(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2[, 1], mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2[, 2],
+ col = NULL)
+ text(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2[, 1], mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2[, 2],
+ labels = rownames(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2),
+ cex = cex,
+ col = rep(vec_colSelect[i], dim(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2)[1]))
+ }else{
+ indice_nbVar2 = (nbVarSelect_bloc[i - 1] + 1):nbVarSelect_bloc[i]
+ mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2 = mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select[indice_nbVar2, , drop = FALSE]
+ points(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2[, 1], mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2[, 2],
+ col = NULL)
+ text(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2[, 1], mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2[, 2],
+ labels = rownames(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2),
+ cex = cex,
+ col = rep(vec_colSelect[i], dim(mat_cor_comp_var_global2Select2)[1]))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ par(xpd = TRUE)
+ legend(x = pos[1], y = pos[2],
+ legend = vec_blockEtReponseSelect,
+ pch = pch,
+ col = vec_colSelect,
+ cex = cex_legend,
+ inset = inset)
+ }else{
+ warning("There is no variables in this rectangle of the correlation circle.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(varSelect)
+tabVarSelect <-function(varSelect)
+# La fonction compute_matSimilarity calcule, pour chaque groupe de blocs, les
+# similarités entre le bloc1 et le bloc2 et entre les blocs et la réponse.
+compute_matSimilarity <-function(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)
+ comp = as.numeric(sapply(3:4, FUN = function(i){
+ col_i = colnames(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[[1]])[i]
+ ch = strsplit(col_i, split = "_")[[1]]
+ resTemp = ch[length(ch)]
+ res = substring(resTemp, nchar(resTemp), nchar(resTemp))
+ return(res)
+ }))
+ liste_matSimilarity_group = list()
+ # On calcule, pour chaque groupe de blocs, les matrices de similarités entre
+ # chaque paire de blocs.
+ for(i in 1:length(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global))
+ {
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_i = liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global[[i]]
+ blocks_i = unique(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_i$bloc)
+ coord = lapply(1:length(blocks_i), FUN = function(j){
+ ind_j = which(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_i$bloc == blocks_i[j])
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_i_j = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_i[ind_j, paste0("cor_var_comp", comp)]
+ res = as.matrix(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_i_j, drop = FALSE)
+ rownames(res) = rownames(dataframe_cor_comp_var_global_i_j)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ M_block = list()
+ l = 1
+ vec_blocks_i = c()
+ for(j in 1:(length(blocks_i) - 1))
+ {
+ blocks_i_j = blocks_i[j]
+ for(k in (j + 1):length(blocks_i))
+ {
+ blocks_i_k = blocks_i[k]
+ M_block[[l]] = coord[[j]][, drop = FALSE] %*% t(coord[[k]][, drop = FALSE])
+ rownames(M_block[[l]]) = rownames(coord[[j]])
+ colnames(M_block[[l]]) = rownames(coord[[k]])
+ blocks_j_k = paste(c(blocks_i_j, blocks_i_k), collapse = "-")
+ vec_blocks_i = c(vec_blocks_i, blocks_j_k)
+ l = l + 1
+ } # Fin for(k in (j + 1):length(blocks)).
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:(length(blocks) - 1)).
+ names(M_block) = vec_blocks_i
+ liste_matSimilarity_group[[i]] = M_block
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(liste_dataframe_Cor_comp_var_global)).
+ names(liste_matSimilarity_group) = names(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)
+ return(list(liste_matSimilarity_group = liste_matSimilarity_group,
+ comp = comp))
+# La fonction networkVariableSelect permet de tracer un réseau pour les variables de
+# certains blocs et des variables réponses.
+networkVariableSelect <-function(liste_matSimilarity_group,
+ comp,
+ res_block_splsda,
+ cutoff_comp = 0.8,
+ vec_varBlock,
+ vec_varRep,
+ cutoff = 0
+ vec_varBlockEtReponse = c(vec_varBlock, vec_varRep)
+ # Nous vérifions que nous pouvons créer un réseau pour les variables des
+ # blocs vec_Var_blockEtReponse.
+ # Nous recherchons le groupe de blocs associé à vec_varBlock.
+ indice_group_vecVar = sapply(1:length(liste_matSimilarity_group), FUN = function(i){
+ liste_matSimilarity_group_i = liste_matSimilarity_group[[i]]
+ boolean = FALSE
+ j = 1
+ while((j <= length(liste_matSimilarity_group_i))&!boolean)
+ {
+ matSimilarity_group_i_j = liste_matSimilarity_group_i[[j]]
+ vec_var_block1 = rownames(matSimilarity_group_i_j)
+ vec_var_block2 = colnames(matSimilarity_group_i_j)
+ vec_var_block = c(vec_var_block1, vec_var_block2)
+ if(any(vec_var_block%in%vec_varBlock))
+ {
+ boolean = TRUE
+ }
+ j = j + 1
+ } # Fin while((j <= length(liste_matSimilarity_group_i))&!boolean).
+ res = boolean
+ return(res)
+ })
+ res = NULL
+ if(length(which(indice_group_vecVar == TRUE)) >= 2)
+ {
+ cat("Erreur : les variables de vec_varBlock. doivent appartenir à un seul élément de la liste
+ liste_res_matSimilarity_group$liste_matSimilarity_group.", "\n")
+ }else{
+ liste_matSimilarity = liste_matSimilarity_group[[which(indice_group_vecVar == TRUE)]]
+ blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp1 = sapply(1:length(liste_matSimilarity), FUN = function(i){
+ noms_block1_block2_i = names(liste_matSimilarity)[i]
+ ch = strsplit(noms_block1_block2_i, split = "-")[[1]]
+ block1 = ch[1]
+ block2 = ch[2]
+ res = c(block1, block2)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ blocks_liste_matSimilarity = unique(as.vector(blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp1))
+ indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp = sapply(1:length(blocks_liste_matSimilarity), FUN = function(i){
+ res = which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == blocks_liste_matSimilarity[i])
+ return(res)
+ })
+ ind_Y = which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == "Y")
+ indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity = indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp[indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp != ind_Y]
+ boolean_pos_cor = TRUE
+ # Nous vérifions que les ièmes composantes de chaque bloc sont fortement corrélées positivement.
+ if(length(indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity) == 1)
+ {
+ }else{
+ for(i in 1:length(comp))
+ {
+ comp_i = comp[i]
+ for(j in 1:(length(indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity) - 1))
+ {
+ indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_j = indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity[j]
+ comp_indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_j = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_j]][, comp_i]
+ for(k in (j + 1):length(indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity))
+ {
+ indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_k = indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity[k]
+ comp_indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_k = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_k]][, comp_i]
+ cor = cor(comp_indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_j, comp_indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_k)
+ boolean_pos_cor = boolean_pos_cor & all(cor > cutoff_comp)
+ } # Fin for(k in (j + 1):length(indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity)).
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:(length(indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity) - 1)).
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(comp)).
+ }
+ if(!boolean_pos_cor)
+ {
+ cat("Erreur : pour chaque paire de bloc, la ième composante de chaque bloc doivent être corrélées positivement afin de pouvoir créer
+ un réseau.", "\n")
+ }else{
+ # Nous récupérons les matrices de similarités associés aux variables de vec_varBlockEtReponse .
+ liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp = lapply(1:length(liste_matSimilarity), FUN = function(j){
+ matSimilarity_j = liste_matSimilarity[[j]]
+ indice_row_matSimilarity_j = which(rownames(matSimilarity_j)%in%vec_varBlockEtReponse == TRUE)
+ indice_col_matSimilarity_j = which(colnames(matSimilarity_j)%in%vec_varBlockEtReponse == TRUE)
+ if((length(indice_row_matSimilarity_j) != 0) &(length(indice_col_matSimilarity_j) != 0))
+ {
+ res = matSimilarity_j[indice_row_matSimilarity_j, indice_col_matSimilarity_j, drop = FALSE]
+ }else{
+ res = NA
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ names(liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp) = names(liste_matSimilarity)
+ indice_NA_liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp = sapply(1:length(liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp_i = liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp[[i]]
+ if(is.matrix(liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp_i))
+ {
+ res = FALSE
+ }else{
+ if(is.na(liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp_i))
+ {
+ res = TRUE
+ }else{
+ res = FALSE
+ }
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ liste_matSimilaritySelect = liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp[!indice_NA_liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp]
+ # Nous créons le réseau.
+ w = c()
+ node.X1 = c()
+ node.X2 = c()
+ vec_group = c()
+ vec_nomsVar = c()
+ for(i in 1:length(liste_matSimilaritySelect))
+ {
+ noms_bloc1_bloc2 = names(liste_matSimilaritySelect)[i]
+ matSimilaritySelect_i = liste_matSimilaritySelect[[i]]
+ X1 = rownames(matSimilaritySelect_i)
+ X2 = colnames(matSimilaritySelect_i)
+ rep.X1 = rep(X1, each = length(X2))
+ rep.X2 = rep(X2, length(X1))
+ node.X1= c(node.X1, rep.X1)
+ node.X2 = c(node.X2, rep.X2)
+ ch = strsplit(noms_bloc1_bloc2, split = "-")[[1]]
+ nom_bloc1 = ch[1]
+ nom_bloc2 = ch[2]
+ vec_group = c(vec_group, c(rep(nom_bloc1, length(X1)), rep(nom_bloc2, length(X2))))
+ vec_nomsVar = c(vec_nomsVar, c(X1, X2))
+ w = c(w, as.vector(t(matSimilaritySelect_i)))
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(liste_matSimilaritySelect)).
+ dup = duplicated(vec_nomsVar)
+ vec_nomsVar = vec_nomsVar[!dup]
+ vec_group = vec_group[!dup]
+ nodes = data.frame(name = vec_nomsVar,
+ group = vec_group)
+ # gR
+ relations = data.frame(from = node.X1,
+ to = node.X2,
+ weight = w)
+ idx = (abs(w) >= cutoff)
+ relations = relations[idx, , drop = FALSE]
+ gR = graph.data.frame(relations,
+ directed = FALSE,
+ vertices = nodes)
+ # On supprime les noeuds qui n'ont pas d'arêtes.
+ gR = delete.vertices(gR, which(degree(gR) == 0))
+ res = list(gR = gR)
+ res$cutoff = cutoff
+ }
+ }
+ return(res)
+# La fonction networkVar permet de tracer un réseau pour certaines variables des
+# blocs et des variables réponses.
+networkVar <-function(liste_matSimilarity_group = liste_matSimilarity_group,
+ comp = comp,
+ res_block_splsda,
+ cutoff_comp = 0.8,
+ vec_varBlock,
+ vec_varRep,
+ vec_varBlockInteret = NULL,
+ cutoff = 0
+ # Nous vérifions que nous pouvons créer un réseau pour les variables des
+ # blocs vec_VarBlock.
+ # Nous recherchons le groupe de blocs associé à vec_Var.
+ indice_group_vecVar = sapply(1:length(liste_matSimilarity_group), FUN = function(i){
+ liste_matSimilarity_group_i = liste_matSimilarity_group[[i]]
+ boolean = FALSE
+ j = 1
+ while((j <= length(liste_matSimilarity_group_i))&!boolean)
+ {
+ matSimilarity_group_i_j = liste_matSimilarity_group_i[[j]]
+ vec_var_block1 = rownames(matSimilarity_group_i_j)
+ vec_var_block2 = colnames(matSimilarity_group_i_j)
+ vec_var_block1_block2 = c(vec_var_block1, vec_var_block2)
+ if(any(vec_var_block1_block2%in%vec_varBlock))
+ {
+ boolean = TRUE
+ }
+ j = j + 1
+ } # Fin while((j <= length(liste_matSimilarity_group_i))&!boolean).
+ res = boolean
+ return(res)
+ })
+ if(length(which(indice_group_vecVar == TRUE)) >= 2)
+ {
+ stop("The variables of vec_var have to belong to only one element of
+ liste_res_matSimilarity_group$liste_matSimilarity_group.")
+ }else{
+ liste_matSimilarity = liste_matSimilarity_group[[which(indice_group_vecVar == TRUE)]]
+ if(!is.null(vec_varBlockInteret))
+ {
+ AllVariables_vec = sapply(1:length(liste_matSimilarity), FUN = function(i){
+ matSimilarity_i = liste_matSimilarity[[i]]
+ res = c(rownames(matSimilarity_i), colnames(matSimilarity_i))
+ return(res)
+ })
+ AllVariables_vec = unique(unlist(AllVariables_vec))
+ index_variableInterestNotInAllVariables_vec = vec_varBlockInteret%in%AllVariables_vec
+ if(length(which(index_variableInterestNotInAllVariables_vec == FALSE)) != 0)
+ {
+ InterestVariableNotIn = vec_varBlockInteret[which(index_variableInterestNotInAllVariables_vec == FALSE)]
+ warning(paste0("The variables of interest ", paste(InterestVariableNotIn, collapse = ","), " do not belong
+ to the variables of the blocks for which the network can be created. These variables will
+ be not in the network."))
+ }
+ vec_varBlockInteret2 = vec_varBlockInteret[which(index_variableInterestNotInAllVariables_vec == TRUE)]
+ }else{
+ vec_varBlockInteret2 = vec_varBlockInteret
+ }
+ if(!is.null(vec_varBlock) & !is.null(vec_varBlockInteret2))
+ {
+ varCom = intersect(vec_varBlock, vec_varBlockInteret2)
+ if(length(varCom) != 0)
+ {
+ index_varCom = sapply(1:length(varCom), FUN = function(i){
+ res = which(vec_varBlock == varCom[i])
+ return(res)
+ })
+ vec_varBlock2 = vec_varBlock[- index_varCom]
+ }else{
+ vec_varBlock2 = vec_varBlock
+ }
+ vec_varBlock3 = c(vec_varBlock2, vec_varBlockInteret2)
+ }else if(!is.null(vec_varBlock) & is.null(vec_varBlockInteret2))
+ {
+ vec_varBlock3 = vec_varBlock
+ }else if(is.null(vec_varBlock) & !is.null(vec_varBlockInteret2))
+ {
+ vec_varBlock3 = vec_varBlockInteret2
+ }
+ vec_var = c(vec_varBlock3, vec_varRep)
+ blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp1 = sapply(1:length(liste_matSimilarity), FUN = function(i){
+ noms_block1_block2_i = names(liste_matSimilarity)[i]
+ ch = strsplit(noms_block1_block2_i, split = "-")[[1]]
+ block1 = ch[1]
+ block2 = ch[2]
+ res = c(block1, block2)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ blocks_liste_matSimilarity = unique(as.vector(blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp1))
+ indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp = sapply(1:length(blocks_liste_matSimilarity), FUN = function(i){
+ res = which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == blocks_liste_matSimilarity[i])
+ return(res)
+ })
+ ind_Y = which(res_block_splsda$names$blocks == "Y")
+ indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity = indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp[indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarityTemp != ind_Y]
+ boolean_pos_cor = TRUE
+ if(length(indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity) == 1)
+ {
+ }else{
+ for(i in 1:length(comp))
+ {
+ comp_i = comp[i]
+ for(j in 1:(length(indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity) - 1))
+ {
+ indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_j = indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity[j]
+ comp_indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_j = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_j]][, comp_i]
+ for(k in (j + 1):length(indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity))
+ {
+ indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_k = indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity[k]
+ comp_indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_k = res_block_splsda$variates[[indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_k]][, comp_i]
+ cor = cor(comp_indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_j, comp_indice_blocks_liste_matSimilarity_k)
+ boolean_pos_cor = boolean_pos_cor & cor > cutoff_comp
+ } # Fin for(k in (j + 1):length(indice_blocks_vec_VarBlock)).
+ } # Fin for(j in 1:(length(indice_blocks_vec_VarBlock)) - 1).
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(comp)).
+ }
+ if(!boolean_pos_cor)
+ {
+ stop("For each pair of blocks, the ith component of the first block
+ and the ith component of the second block have to be positively correlated in order
+ to create a network.")
+ }else{
+ liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp = lapply(1:length(liste_matSimilarity), FUN = function(j){
+ matSimilarity_j = liste_matSimilarity[[j]]
+ indice_row_matSimilarity_j = which(rownames(matSimilarity_j)%in%vec_var == TRUE)
+ indice_col_matSimilarity_j = which(colnames(matSimilarity_j)%in%vec_var == TRUE)
+ if((length(indice_row_matSimilarity_j) != 0) &(length(indice_col_matSimilarity_j) != 0))
+ {
+ res = matSimilarity_j[indice_row_matSimilarity_j, indice_col_matSimilarity_j, drop = FALSE]
+ }else{
+ res = NA
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ names(liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp) = names(liste_matSimilarity)
+ indice_NA_liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp = sapply(1:length(liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp), FUN = function(i){
+ liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp_i = liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp[[i]]
+ if(is.matrix(liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp_i))
+ {
+ res = FALSE
+ }else{
+ if(is.na(liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp_i))
+ {
+ res = TRUE
+ }else{
+ res = FALSE
+ }
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ liste_matSimilaritySelect = liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp[!indice_NA_liste_matSimilaritySelectTemp]
+ w = c()
+ node.X1 = c()
+ node.X2 = c()
+ vec_group = c()
+ vec_nomsVar = c()
+ for(i in 1:length(liste_matSimilaritySelect))
+ {
+ noms_block1_block2 = names(liste_matSimilaritySelect)[i]
+ matSimilaritySelect_i = liste_matSimilaritySelect[[i]]
+ X1 = rownames(matSimilaritySelect_i)
+ X2 = colnames(matSimilaritySelect_i)
+ rep.X1 = rep(X1, each = length(X2))
+ rep.X2 = rep(X2, length(X1))
+ node.X1 = c(node.X1, rep.X1)
+ node.X2 = c(node.X2, rep.X2)
+ ch = strsplit(noms_block1_block2, split = "-")[[1]]
+ nom_block1 = ch[1]
+ nom_block2 = ch[2]
+ vec_group = c(vec_group, c(rep(nom_block1, length(X1)), rep(nom_block2, length(X2))))
+ vec_nomsVar = c(vec_nomsVar, c(X1, X2))
+ w = c(w, as.vector(t(matSimilaritySelect_i)))
+ } # Fin for(i in 1:length(liste_matSimilaritySelect)).
+ dup = duplicated(vec_nomsVar)
+ vec_nomsVar = vec_nomsVar[!dup]
+ vec_group = vec_group[!dup]
+ nodes = data.frame(name = vec_nomsVar,
+ group = vec_group)
+ # gR
+ relations = data.frame(from = node.X1,
+ to = node.X2,
+ weight = w)
+ # idx
+ if(!is.null(vec_varBlock) & !is.null(vec_varBlockInteret2) & !is.null(vec_varRep))
+ {
+ idx = sapply(1:dim(relations)[1], FUN = function(i){
+ node.X1_i = relations$from[i]
+ node.X2_i = relations$to[i]
+ if(node.X1_i%in%vec_varBlockInteret2 | node.X2_i%in%vec_varBlockInteret2)
+ {
+ res = TRUE
+ }else if(node.X1_i%in%vec_varRep | node.X2_i%in%vec_varRep){
+ res = TRUE
+ }else{
+ res = abs(w)[i] >= cutoff
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ }else if(!is.null(vec_varBlock) & is.null(vec_varBlockInteret2) & !is.null(vec_varRep))
+ {
+ idx = sapply(1:dim(relations)[1], FUN = function(i){
+ node.X1_i = relations$from[i]
+ node.X2_i = relations$to[i]
+ if(node.X1_i%in%vec_varRep | node.X2_i%in%vec_varRep){
+ res = TRUE
+ }else{
+ res = abs(w)[i] >= cutoff
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ }else if(is.null(vec_varBlockEtReponse) & !is.null(vec_varBlockInteret2) & !is.null(vec_varRep))
+ {
+ idx = rep(TRUE, dim(relations)[1])
+ }
+ relations = relations[idx, , drop = FALSE]
+ gR = graph.data.frame(relations,
+ directed = FALSE,
+ vertices = nodes)
+ # On supprime les noeuds qui n'ont pas d'arêtes.
+ gR = delete.vertices(gR, which(degree(gR) == 0))
+ res = list(gR = gR)
+ res$cutoff = cutoff
+ return(res)
+ }
+ }
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a circleCor.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/circleCor.xml Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ r-base
+ r-ellipse
+ r-argparse
+ r-rcolorbrewer
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a circleCor_wrapper.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/circleCor_wrapper.R Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the circleCor function')
+parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--blocks_vec', dest='blocks_vec', required=TRUE, help="Blocks vector")
+parser$add_argument('--responses_var', dest='responses_var', required=TRUE, help="Responses variables")
+parser$add_argument('--x_min', dest='x_min', type='double', required=TRUE, help="X min")
+parser$add_argument('--x_max', dest='x_max', type='double', required=TRUE, help="X max")
+parser$add_argument('--y_min', dest='y_min', type='double', required=TRUE, help="Y min")
+parser$add_argument('--y_max', dest='y_max', type='double', required=TRUE, help="Y max")
+parser$add_argument('--output_var', dest='output_var', required=TRUE, help="Output variables file")
+parser$add_argument('--output_pdf', dest='output_pdf', required=TRUE, help="Output PDF file")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("Input RData:")
+print("Blocks vector:")
+print("Response variables:")
+print("X min:")
+print("X max:")
+print("Y min:")
+print("Y max:")
+print("Output variables file:")
+print("Output PDF file:")
+## Loading libraries
+# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(mixOmics))
+# R script call
+source_local <- function(fname)
+ argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+ base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+ source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+## Loading local functions
+blocks_vector = strsplit(args$blocks_vec, ",")[[1]]
+response_variables = strsplit(args$responses_var, ",")[[1]]
+print("Mat cor comp1:")
+pdf(args$output_pdf, width=12, height=9)
+varSelect = circleCor(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global,
+ liste_vec_indice_blockSelect = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect,
+ mat_cor_comp1 = mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2 = mat_cor_comp2,
+ vec_blocks = blocks_vector,
+ nomsVarReponses = response_variables,
+ min.X = args$x_min,
+ max.X = args$x_max,
+ min.Y = args$y_min,
+ max.Y = args$y_max,
+ cutoff = 0.85,
+ rad.in = 0.5,
+ cex = 0.7,
+ cex_legend = 0.8,
+ pos = c(1.2, 0),
+ pch = 20,
+ inset = c(-0.25, 0))
+write(varSelect, file=args$output_var, ncolumns=1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a computeMatSimilarity.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/computeMatSimilarity.xml Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ r-argparse
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a computeMatSimilarity_wrapper.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/computeMatSimilarity_wrapper.R Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the computeMatSimilarity function')
+parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--output_rdata', dest='output_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Output RData file")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("Input RData:")
+print("Output RData:")
+## Loading libraries
+# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(mixOmics))
+# R script call
+source_local <- function(fname)
+ argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+ base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+ source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+## Loading local functions
+liste_res_matSimilarity_group = compute_matSimilarity(liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global)
+liste_matSimilarity_group = liste_res_matSimilarity_group$liste_matSimilarity_group
+comp = liste_res_matSimilarity_group$comp
+ comp,
+ file = args$output_rdata)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a matCor_addVar.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/matCor_addVar.xml Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ bioconductor-mixomics
+ r-argparse
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a matCor_addVar_wrapper.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/matCor_addVar_wrapper.R Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Compute the matCorEtBlockSelect and addVariablesReponses functions')
+parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--cutoff_comp', dest='cutoff_comp', type='double', required=TRUE, help="")
+parser$add_argument('--mat_block_Y_file', dest='mat_block_Y_file', required=TRUE, help="Matrix block Y filepath")
+parser$add_argument('--output_rdata', dest='output_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Output RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--output_blocks_comb', dest='output_blocks_comb', required=TRUE, help="Output blocks combinations file")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("Input RData:")
+print("Cutoff comp:")
+print("Mat Block Y file:")
+print("Output RData:")
+print("Output Blocks combinations:")
+## Loading libraries
+# R script call
+source_local <- function(fname)
+ argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+ base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+ source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+## Loading local functions
+liste_matCorEtBlockSelect = matCorEtBlockSelect(res_block_splsda = mixomics_result,
+ cutoff_comp = args$cutoff_comp,
+ comp = 1:2)
+mat_cor_comp1 = liste_matCorEtBlockSelect$mat_cor_comp1
+mat_cor_comp2 = liste_matCorEtBlockSelect$mat_cor_comp2
+dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = liste_matCorEtBlockSelect$dataframe_cor_comp_var_global
+liste_vec_indice_blockSelect = liste_matCorEtBlockSelect$liste_vec_indice_blockSelect
+liste_vec_blocks = liste_matCorEtBlockSelect$liste_vec_blocks
+print("Mat cor comp1:")
+print("Mat cor comp2:")
+lapply(liste_vec_blocks, write, file=args$output_blocks_comb, append=TRUE, ncolumns=100, sep=",")
+print("Reading Mat Block Y")
+mat_block_Y = read.table(args$mat_block_Y_file, header=TRUE, row.names=1)
+liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = addVariablesReponses(res_block_splsda = mixomics_result,
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = dataframe_cor_comp_var_global,
+ liste_vec_indice_blockSelect = liste_vec_indice_blockSelect,
+ mat_block_Y = mat_block_Y)
+ liste_matCorEtBlockSelect,
+ mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2,
+ dataframe_cor_comp_var_global,
+ liste_vec_indice_blockSelect,
+ liste_vec_blocks,
+ liste_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global,
+ file = args$output_rdata)
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a mixomics_blocksplsda_script.R
--- a/mixomics_blocksplsda_script.R Wed Jun 12 11:24:23 2019 -0400
+++ b/mixomics_blocksplsda_script.R Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@
# block_data_matrix_filename <- args$blocks_list[i,3]
block_meta_var <- args$blocks_list[i,4]
+ print(sprintf("Saving block %s output metavar", block_name))
meta_variable <- mixomics_result$loadings[[block_name]]
# print(head(meta_variable))
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a mixomics_plotindiv_script.R
--- a/mixomics_plotindiv_script.R Wed Jun 12 11:24:23 2019 -0400
+++ b/mixomics_plotindiv_script.R Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
-## Main Function ##
+## Get parameters ##
parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the mixOmics plotIndiv function')
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@
args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
print("Input RData:")
print("Plot legend:")
@@ -36,9 +35,9 @@
- legend = args$legend,
- ellipse = args$ellipse)
+# plotIndiv(mixomics_result,
+# legend = args$legend,
+# ellipse = args$ellipse)
for(k in 1:(length(mixomics_result$names[[3]])-1))
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a networkVar.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkVar.xml Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ bioconductor-mixomics
+ r-igraph
+ r-argparse
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 655d1fbcd3e6 -r 0a3c83f2197a networkVar_wrapper.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkVar_wrapper.R Fri Oct 25 07:10:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the networkVar function')
+parser$add_argument('--mat_similarity_rdata', dest='mat_similarity_rdata', required=TRUE, help="matSimilarity RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--block_splsda_rdata', dest='block_splsda_rdata', required=TRUE, help="block.splsda RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--var_list_file', dest='var_list_file', required=TRUE, help="Variables list file")
+parser$add_argument('--interest_var_file', dest='interest_var_file', required=FALSE, help="Variables of interest file")
+parser$add_argument('--responses_var', dest='responses_var', required=TRUE, help="Responses variables")
+parser$add_argument('--output_graph', dest='output_graph', required=TRUE, help="Output graphml")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("matSimilarity RData file:")
+print("block.splsda RData file:")
+print("Variables list file:")
+print("Variables of interest:")
+print("Response variables:")
+print("Output graphml:")
+## Loading libraries
+# R script call
+source_local <- function(fname)
+ argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+ base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+ source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+## Loading local functions
+variables_vector = as.character(read.table(args$var_list_file, header=FALSE)[[1]])
+interest_var_vec = NULL
+if (args$interest_var_file != 'None') {
+ interest_var_vec = as.character(read.table(args$interest_var_file, header=FALSE)[[1]])
+response_variables = strsplit(args$responses_var, ",")[[1]]
+print("Variables vector:")
+network = networkVar(liste_matSimilarity_group = liste_matSimilarity_group,
+ comp = comp,
+ res_block_splsda = mixomics_result,
+ cutoff_comp = 0.8,
+ vec_varBlock = variables_vector,
+ vec_varRep = response_variables,
+ vec_varBlockInteret = interest_var_vec,
+ cutoff = 0)
+write.graph(network$gR, file = args$output_graph, format = "graphml")