# HG changeset patch
# User ppericard
# Date 1603448156 0
# Node ID c8533e9298e5fa8220b444c9c79751a4962ea02e
# Parent e93350dc99f1f0644767575f1ff65b96f76928da
"planemo upload for repository https://gitlab.com/bilille/galaxy-viscorvar commit 8cb5630238352459037b3647eebfabb5554566f6-dirty"
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 README.md
--- a/README.md Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ b/README.md Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -1,70 +1,33 @@
-# galaxy-mixomics-blocksplsda
-Galaxy wrappers for the block.splsda, plotIndiv and plotVar functions from the mixOmics R package
+# galaxy-viscorvar
+Galaxy wrappers for the visCorVar R package and selected functions from the mixOmics R package (block.splsda, plotIndiv and plotVar).
-# Install for developers
+## Install from Toolshed
+Install `viscorvar` repository from Galaxy ToolShed (owner: `ppericard`)
+## Install for developers
Clone repository
-$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.com/bilille/galaxy-mixomics-blocksplsda.git
+$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.com/bilille/galaxy-viscorvar.git
-Add `galaxy-mixomics-blocksplsda` repository to `$GALAXYDIR/tools` directory.
+Add `galaxy-viscorvar` repository to `$GALAXYDIR/tools` directory.
Edit `$GALAXYDIR/config/tool_conf.xml` and add:
-# Preparing Galaxy conda manual environment for visCorVar
-Activate Galaxy self-installed conda (for your shell; bash here) and reload terminal
-$ . $GALAXYDIR/database/dependencies/_conda/bin/conda init bash
-Create and activate conda environment for visCorVar package
-$ conda create --name __viscorvar@0.1 && conda activate __viscorvar@0.1
-Install dependencies
-$ conda install bioconductor-mixomics r-rdpack r-igraph
-Manually install visCorVar package from repository
-$ R
-> install.packages("https://gitlab.com/bilille/mixomics-blocksplsda-integration/-/raw/master/visCorVar_0.1.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
-> library(visCorVar)
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 additional_functions_block_splsda.R
--- a/additional_functions_block_splsda.R Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#' @title Determination of selected variables for all components
-#' @description The function unionSelectBlockVariables determines, for each block, the selected block variables
-#' for all components.
-#' @param res_block_splsda type : sgccda. This parameter is the output of block.splsda function
-#' mixOmics.
-#' @details For each block, the function unionSelectBlockVariables returns 1 if the block variable is selected for
-#' at least one component. Otherwise, this function returns 0.
-#' @return type : list of matrix. For each block, if the block variable is selected, the value 1 is associated with
-#' this block variable. Otherwise the value 0 is associated with this block variable.
-#' @examples
-#' data(res_data_integration)
-#' list_union_selected_block_variables = unionSelectBlockVariables(res_data_integration)
-#' @export
-unionSelectBlockVariables <-function(res_block_splsda)
- ncomp = res_block_splsda$ncomp[1]
- names_blocks = names(res_block_splsda$loadings)
- index_Y = which(names_blocks == "Y")
- names_blocks = names_blocks[ - index_Y]
- list_select_block_variables = list()
- for(i in 1:length(names_blocks))
- {
- mat_loadings_i = res_block_splsda$loadings[[i]]
- index_i = c()
- for(j in 1:ncomp)
- {
- loadings_i_j = mat_loadings_i[, j]
- index_i_j = which(loadings_i_j != 0)
- index_i = c(index_i, index_i_j)
- } # End for(j 1:ncomp).
- index_i = unique(index_i)
- mat_select_block_variables = matrix(0,
- nrow = dim(mat_loadings_i)[1],
- ncol = 1)
- mat_select_block_variables[index_i, 1] = rep(1, length(index_i))
- rownames(mat_select_block_variables) = rownames(mat_loadings_i)
- list_select_block_variables[[i]] = mat_select_block_variables
- } # End for(i in 1:length(names_blocks)).
- names(list_select_block_variables) = names_blocks
- return(list_select_block_variables)
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 circleCor.xml
--- a/circleCor.xml Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- plots a correlation circle for the datasets whose correlation circles can be superimposed. This correlation circle contains the selected variables of these datasets which are included in a rectangle and the response variables.
- r-viscorvar
- r-argparse
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 circleCor_wrapper.R
--- a/circleCor_wrapper.R Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
-options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
-loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
-## Get parameters ##
-parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the circleCor function')
-parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
-parser$add_argument('--blocks_vec', dest='blocks_vec', required=TRUE, help="Blocks vector")
-parser$add_argument('--responses_var', dest='responses_var', required=TRUE, help="Responses variables")
-parser$add_argument('--x_min', dest='x_min', type='double', required=TRUE, help="X min")
-parser$add_argument('--x_max', dest='x_max', type='double', required=TRUE, help="X max")
-parser$add_argument('--y_min', dest='y_min', type='double', required=TRUE, help="Y min")
-parser$add_argument('--y_max', dest='y_max', type='double', required=TRUE, help="Y max")
-parser$add_argument('--output_var', dest='output_var', required=TRUE, help="Output variables file")
-parser$add_argument('--output_pdf', dest='output_pdf', required=TRUE, help="Output PDF file")
-args <- parser$parse_args()
-## Print parameters
-print("Input RData:")
-print("Blocks vector:")
-print("Response variables:")
-print("X min:")
-print("X max:")
-print("Y min:")
-print("Y max:")
-print("Output variables file:")
-print("Output PDF file:")
-names_blocks = strsplit(args$blocks_vec, ",")[[1]]
-names_response_variables = strsplit(args$responses_var, ",")[[1]]
-## Loading libraries
-# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(ellipse))
-# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(grDevices))
-# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(RColorBrewer))
-# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(mixOmics))
-## Loading local functions
-# source_local("mixomics-blocksplsda-integration/integration_block_splsda_func.R")
-install.packages("https://gitlab.com/bilille/mixomics-blocksplsda-integration/-/raw/master/visCorVar_0.5.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
-print("visCorVar has been loaded")
-# R script call
-source_local <- function(fname)
- argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
- base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
- source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
-# Loading input Rdata file
-# loads res_matCorAddVar object
-mat_cor_comp1 = res_matCorAddVar$mat_cor_comp1
-mat_cor_comp2 = res_matCorAddVar$mat_cor_comp2
-cutoff_comp = res_matCorAddVar$cutoff_comp
-comp = res_matCorAddVar$comp
-list_vec_index_block_select = res_matCorAddVar$list_vec_index_block_select
-list_vec_names_blocks = res_matCorAddVar$list_vec_names_blocks
-list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var = res_matCorAddVar$list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var
-res_compute_cor_var_interest = res_matCorAddVar$res_compute_cor_var_interest
-res_block_splsda = res_matCorAddVar$res_block_splsda
-# Open output pdf file
-pdf(args$output_pdf, width=8, height=7)
-mar = c(5, 5, 2, 8)
-par(mar = mar)
-selected_variables = circleCor(list_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var,
- list_vec_index_block_select = list_vec_index_block_select,
- mat_cor_comp1 = mat_cor_comp1,
- mat_cor_comp2 = mat_cor_comp2,
- names_blocks = names_blocks,
- names_response_variables = names_response_variables,
- comp = comp,
- cutoff = 0.80,
- min.X = args$x_min,
- max.X = args$x_max,
- min.Y = args$y_min,
- max.Y = args$y_max,
- # vec_col = vec_col,
- rad.in = 0.5,
- cex = 0.7,
- cex_legend = 0.8,
- pos = c(1.2, 0),
- pch = 20)
-write(selected_variables, file=args$output_var, ncolumns=1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 computeMatSimilarity.xml
--- a/computeMatSimilarity.xml Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- performs the computation of the similarities. The similarity between two variables is an approximation of the correlation between these two variables.
- r-viscorvar
- r-argparse
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 computeMatSimilarity_wrapper.R
--- a/computeMatSimilarity_wrapper.R Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
-options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
-loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
-## Get parameters ##
-parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the computeMatSimilarity function')
-parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
-parser$add_argument('--output_rdata', dest='output_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Output RData file")
-args <- parser$parse_args()
-## Print parameters
-print("Input RData:")
-print("Output RData:")
-## Loading libraries
-# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(mixOmics))
-# R script call
-source_local <- function(fname)
- argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
- base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
- source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
-## Loading local functions
-# source_local("mixomics-blocksplsda-integration/integration_block_splsda_func.R")
-install.packages("https://gitlab.com/bilille/mixomics-blocksplsda-integration/-/raw/master/visCorVar_0.5.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
-print("visCorVar has been loaded")
-# Loading input Rdata file
-# loads res_matCorAddVar object
-# Run main function
-res_compute_mat_similarity = computeMatSimilarity(res_matCorAddVar = res_matCorAddVar)
-liste_mat_similarity_group = res_compute_mat_similarity$liste_mat_similarity_group
-res_matCorAddVar = res_compute_mat_similarity$res_matCorAddVar
- file = args$output_rdata)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 macros.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/macros.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ LC_ALL=C Rscript $__tool_directory__/
+ ;
+ return=\$?;
+ cat 'log.txt';
+ sh -c "exit \$return"
+.. class:: infomark
+**Galaxy integration** bilille platform - UMS 2014 / US 41 - Université de Lille, CNRS, Inserm, Institut Pasteur de Lille, CHU Lille
+ | Contact bilille@univ-lille.fr for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 macros_mixomics.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/macros_mixomics.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ 6.12
+ bioconductor-mixomics
+ r-argparse
+.. class:: infomark
+**Authors** Kim-Anh Le Cao, Florian Rohart, Ignacio Gonzalez, Sebastien Dejean, and others. http://mixomics.org/contact-us/
+For details and explanations concerning all the parameters and workflow of mixOmics_ package, see its vignette_ and its manual_
+.. _mixOmics: http://mixomics.org/
+.. _vignette: https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/mixOmics/inst/doc/vignette.html
+.. _manual: https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/manuals/mixOmics/man/mixOmics.pdf
+ 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005752
+ 10.18129/B9.bioc.mixOmics
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 macros_viscorvar.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/macros_viscorvar.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ 0.6
+ r-viscorvar
+ r-argparse
+.. class:: infomark
+**Authors** Maxime Brunin (maxime.brunin@univ-lille.fr), Pierre Pericard (pierre.pericard@univ-lille.fr)
+For details and explanations concerning all the parameters and workflow of visCorVar_ package, see its vignette_
+.. _visCorVar: https://gitlab.com/bilille/viscorvar
+.. _vignette: https://gitlab.com/bilille/viscorvar/-/blob/master/vignettes/visCorVar.pdf
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 matCorAddVar.xml
--- a/matCorAddVar.xml Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- determine the correlation circles that can be overlaid and compute the correlations
- r-viscorvar
- r-argparse
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 matCorAddVar_wrapper.R
--- a/matCorAddVar_wrapper.R Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
-options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
-loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
-## Get parameters ##
-parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Compute the matCorEtBlockSelect and addVariablesReponses functions')
-parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
-parser$add_argument('--cutoff_comp', dest='cutoff_comp', type='double', required=TRUE, help="")
-parser$add_argument('--interest_var_file', dest='interest_var_file', required=FALSE, help="Variables of interest file")
-parser$add_argument('--block_Y_file', dest='block_Y_file', required=TRUE, help="Block Y filepath")
-parser$add_argument('--output_rdata', dest='output_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Output RData file")
-parser$add_argument('--output_response_var', dest='output_response_var', required=TRUE, help="Output response variables file")
-parser$add_argument('--output_blocks_comb', dest='output_blocks_comb', required=TRUE, help="Output blocks combinations file")
-args <- parser$parse_args()
-## Print parameters
-print("Input RData:")
-print("Cutoff comp:")
-print("Variables of interest:")
-print("Block Y file:")
-print("Output RData:")
-print("Output Response variables:")
-print("Output Blocks combinations:")
-## Loading libraries
-# source_local("mixomics-blocksplsda-integration/integration_block_splsda_func.R")
-install.packages("https://gitlab.com/bilille/mixomics-blocksplsda-integration/-/raw/master/visCorVar_0.5.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
-print("visCorVar has been loaded")
-# R script call
-source_local <- function(fname)
- argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
- base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
- source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
-# Loading input Rdata file
-ncomp = mixomics_result$ncomp
-# Reading Block Y matrix
-print("Reading Block Y")
-mat_block_Y = read.table(args$block_Y_file, header=TRUE, row.names=1)
-response_var = colnames(mat_block_Y)
-# Write response variables to output file
-invisible(lapply(response_var, write, file=args$output_response_var, append=TRUE, ncolumns=1))
-# Reading var of intereset file
-interest_var_vec = NULL
-if (args$interest_var_file != 'None') {
- interest_var_vec = as.character(read.table(args$interest_var_file, header=FALSE)[[1]])
-comp = 1:2
-# Running main function
-res_matCorAddVar = matCorAddVar(res_block_splsda = mixomics_result,
- block_Y = mat_block_Y,
- cutoff_comp = args$cutoff_comp,
- var_interest = interest_var_vec,
- comp = comp)
-mat_cor_comp1 = res_matCorAddVar$mat_cor_comp1
-mat_cor_comp2 = res_matCorAddVar$mat_cor_comp2
-list_vec_index_block_select = res_matCorAddVar$list_vec_index_block_select
-list_vec_names_blocks = res_matCorAddVar$list_vec_names_blocks
-list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var = res_matCorAddVar$list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var
-res_compute_cor_var_interest = res_matCorAddVar$res_compute_cor_var_interest
-# Write all possible blocks combinations to output file
-invisible(lapply(list_vec_names_blocks, write, file=args$output_blocks_comb, append=TRUE, ncolumns=100, sep=","))
-# Save all objects in Rdata output file
- file = args$output_rdata)
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_blocksplsda.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mixomics_blocksplsda.R Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the mixOmics block.splsda function')
+parser$add_argument('--block', dest='blocks_list', nargs=4, action="append", required=TRUE,
+ help="Block name + nb variables to select + data matrix file + variables metadata file")
+parser$add_argument('--sample_metadata_in', dest='sample_metadata_in', required=TRUE,
+ help="Samples metadata file")
+parser$add_argument('--sample_description_col', dest='sample_description_col', type='integer',
+ default=0, help="Sample description column number")
+parser$add_argument('--ncomp', dest='ncomp', type='integer', default=2,
+ help="Number of components to include in the model")
+parser$add_argument('--correlation', dest='correlation', action="store_true",
+ help="Add correlation between all blocks")
+parser$add_argument('--scheme', dest='scheme', default="horst", help="Scheme")
+parser$add_argument('--mode', dest='mode', default="regression", help="Mode")
+parser$add_argument('--maxiter', dest='maxiter', type='integer', default=100,
+ help="Maximum number of iterations")
+parser$add_argument('--scale', dest='scale', action="store_true",
+ help="Each block is standardized to zero means and unit variances")
+parser$add_argument('--check_missing_values', dest='check_missing_values', action="store_true",
+ help="Check for missing values and raise an error")
+parser$add_argument('--init', dest='init', default="svd",
+ help="Init (svd or svd.single)")
+parser$add_argument('--tol', dest='tol', type='double', default=1e-06,
+ help="Convergence stopping value")
+parser$add_argument('--nearzerovar', dest='nearzerovar', action="store_true",
+ help="Should be set in particular for data with many zero values")
+parser$add_argument('--rdata_out', dest='rdata_out', required=TRUE, help="Output Rdata file")
+# parser$add_argument('--sample_metadata_out', dest='sample_metadata_out', required=TRUE, help="Output sample metadata file")
+parser$add_argument('--variable_metadata_outdir', dest='variable_metadata_outdir', required=TRUE, help="Output variable metadata directory")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("Sample metadata file:")
+print("Sample description column number:")
+print("Number of components:")
+print("Compute correlation between all blocks:")
+print("Max nb of iterations:")
+print("Check for missing values:")
+print("Output Rdata file:")
+# print("Output sample metadata file:")
+# print(args$sample_metadata_out)
+print("Output variable metadata directory:")
+## Loading libraries
+## Read sample metadata file and set description factor matrix
+sample_metadata <- read.table(args$sample_metadata_in, sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=1)
+sample_metadata_names <- row.names(sample_metadata)
+# print(sample_metadata_names)
+# print("Sample metadata matrix:")
+# print(head(sample_metadata))
+description_column <- ncol(sample_metadata)
+if(args$sample_description_col > 0)
+ description_column <- args$sample_description_col
+Y <- factor(sample_metadata[[description_column]])
+print("Y factor matrix:")
+## Read and prepare block datasets
+list_X <- c()
+keepX <- c()
+for(i in 1:nrow(args$blocks_list))
+ # Read block input parameters
+ block_name <- args$blocks_list[i,1]
+ block_keep <- strtoi(args$blocks_list[i,2])
+ block_data_matrix_filename <- args$blocks_list[i,3]
+ # block_meta_var <- args$blocks_list[i,4]
+ print(sprintf("Processing block %s", block_name))
+ # Store block data matrices
+ block_data_matrix <- t(read.table(block_data_matrix_filename, sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=1)) # transpose the matrix so that the samples become rows and the variables become columns
+ block_data_matrix_names <- row.names(block_data_matrix)
+ # print(block_data_matrix_names)
+ if(!identical(sample_metadata_names, block_data_matrix_names))
+ {
+ stop("Sample names must be the same and in the same order in the sample metadata matrix and the block data matrix")
+ }
+ if(any(is.na(block_data_matrix)))
+ {
+ stop(sprintf("Block %s contains missing values. We recommend not to perform data integration with missing values. If you want to force run, change the advanced parameter 'Check for missing values' to 'No'.", block_name))
+ }
+ list_X[[block_name]] <- block_data_matrix
+ # Set the nb of variables to keep
+ nb_variables = ncol(list_X[[block_name]])
+ if(block_keep > 0)
+ {
+ keepX[[block_name]] <- rep(block_keep, args$ncomp)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ keepX[[block_name]] <- rep(nb_variables, args$ncomp)
+ }
+ print(sprintf("Block %s contains %d variables and %d will be selected", block_name, nb_variables, block_keep))
+# print(list_X)
+## Generate design matrix
+block_nb <- nrow(args$blocks_list)
+design <- matrix(0, nrow = block_nb, ncol = block_nb)
+ design <- matrix(1, nrow = block_nb, ncol = block_nb)
+ diag(design) <- 0
+# print("Design matrix:")
+# print(design)
+## Main function ##
+mixomics_result <- block.splsda(X = list_X,
+ Y = Y,
+ ncomp = args$ncomp,
+ keepX = keepX,
+ design = design,
+ scheme = args$scheme,
+ mode = args$mode,
+ scale = args$scale,
+ init = args$init,
+ tol = args$tol,
+ max.iter = args$maxiter,
+ near.zero.var = args$nearzerovar,
+ all.outputs = TRUE)
+print("Block.splsda object:")
+## Save output Rdata file
+save(mixomics_result, file=args$rdata_out)
+# R script call
+source_local <- function(fname)
+ argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+ base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+ source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+# Load library
+list_union_selected_block_variables = unionSelectBlockVariables(mixomics_result)
+## Save output sample metadata file
+# print("Block.splsda variates:")
+# print(mixomics_result$variates)
+# for(block_name in names(mixomics_result$variates))
+# {
+# # print(block_name)
+# # print(mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]])
+# # Format the column names to add the block name and replace spaces
+# colnames(mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]]) <- paste("block.splsda_variates", block_name, gsub(" ", "_", colnames(mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]])), sep = "_")
+# # print(mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]])
+# # Append the new columns to the sample metadata matrix
+# sample_metadata <- cbind2(sample_metadata, mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]])
+# }
+# print(sample_metadata)
+# write.table(sample_metadata, file = args$sample_metadata_out, quote = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
+## Save output variable metadata files in output directory
+# print("Block.splsda loadings:")
+# print(mixomics_result$loadings)
+for(i in 1:nrow(args$blocks_list))
+ # Read again block input parameters
+ block_name <- args$blocks_list[i,1]
+ # block_keep <- strtoi(args$blocks_list[i,2])
+ # block_data_matrix_filename <- args$blocks_list[i,3]
+ block_meta_var <- args$blocks_list[i,4]
+ print(sprintf("Saving block %s output metavar", block_name))
+ meta_variable <- list_union_selected_block_variables[[i]]
+ colnames(meta_variable) <- "block.splsda_var_select"
+ # meta_variable <- mixomics_result$loadings[[block_name]]
+ # print(head(meta_variable))
+ # Format the column names to add the block name and replace spaces
+ # colnames(meta_variable) <- paste("block.splsda_loadings", gsub(" ", "_", colnames(meta_variable)), sep = "_")
+ # Read input block variable metadata files if provided (optional)
+ if(block_meta_var != "None")
+ {
+ input_meta_variable <- read.table(block_meta_var, sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=1)
+ # print(head(input_meta_variable))
+ # Append the new columns to the variable metadata matrix
+ meta_variable <- cbind2(input_meta_variable, meta_variable)
+ }
+ # print(head(meta_variable))
+ block_meta_var_output_filename <- paste("mixomics_blocksplsda_block_", block_name, "_variable_metadata.tsv", sep="")
+ write.table(meta_variable, file = paste(args$variable_metadata_outdir,block_meta_var_output_filename, sep='/'), quote = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_blocksplsda.xml
--- a/mixomics_blocksplsda.xml Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ b/mixomics_blocksplsda.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
performs N-integration and feature selection with Projection to Latent Structures models (PLS) with sparse Discriminant Analysis
- bioconductor-mixomics
- r-argparse
+ macros.xml
+ macros_mixomics.xml
+ ]]>
@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@
@@ -127,26 +131,13 @@
+ ]]>
- 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005752
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_blocksplsda_additional_funct.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mixomics_blocksplsda_additional_funct.R Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#' @title Determination of selected variables for all components
+#' @description The function unionSelectBlockVariables determines, for each block, the selected block variables
+#' for all components.
+#' @param res_block_splsda type : sgccda. This parameter is the output of block.splsda function
+#' mixOmics.
+#' @details For each block, the function unionSelectBlockVariables returns 1 if the block variable is selected for
+#' at least one component. Otherwise, this function returns 0.
+#' @return type : list of matrix. For each block, if the block variable is selected, the value 1 is associated with
+#' this block variable. Otherwise the value 0 is associated with this block variable.
+#' @examples
+#' data(res_data_integration)
+#' list_union_selected_block_variables = unionSelectBlockVariables(res_data_integration)
+#' @export
+unionSelectBlockVariables <-function(res_block_splsda)
+ ncomp = res_block_splsda$ncomp[1]
+ names_blocks = names(res_block_splsda$loadings)
+ index_Y = which(names_blocks == "Y")
+ names_blocks = names_blocks[ - index_Y]
+ list_select_block_variables = list()
+ for(i in 1:length(names_blocks))
+ {
+ mat_loadings_i = res_block_splsda$loadings[[i]]
+ index_i = c()
+ for(j in 1:ncomp)
+ {
+ loadings_i_j = mat_loadings_i[, j]
+ index_i_j = which(loadings_i_j != 0)
+ index_i = c(index_i, index_i_j)
+ } # End for(j 1:ncomp).
+ index_i = unique(index_i)
+ mat_select_block_variables = matrix(0,
+ nrow = dim(mat_loadings_i)[1],
+ ncol = 1)
+ mat_select_block_variables[index_i, 1] = rep(1, length(index_i))
+ rownames(mat_select_block_variables) = rownames(mat_loadings_i)
+ list_select_block_variables[[i]] = mat_select_block_variables
+ } # End for(i in 1:length(names_blocks)).
+ names(list_select_block_variables) = names_blocks
+ return(list_select_block_variables)
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_blocksplsda_script.R
--- a/mixomics_blocksplsda_script.R Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
-options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
-loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
-## Get parameters ##
-parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the mixOmics block.splsda function')
-parser$add_argument('--block', dest='blocks_list', nargs=4, action="append", required=TRUE,
- help="Block name + nb variables to select + data matrix file + variables metadata file")
-parser$add_argument('--sample_metadata_in', dest='sample_metadata_in', required=TRUE,
- help="Samples metadata file")
-parser$add_argument('--sample_description_col', dest='sample_description_col', type='integer',
- default=0, help="Sample description column number")
-parser$add_argument('--ncomp', dest='ncomp', type='integer', default=2,
- help="Number of components to include in the model")
-parser$add_argument('--correlation', dest='correlation', action="store_true",
- help="Add correlation between all blocks")
-parser$add_argument('--scheme', dest='scheme', default="horst", help="Scheme")
-parser$add_argument('--mode', dest='mode', default="regression", help="Mode")
-parser$add_argument('--maxiter', dest='maxiter', type='integer', default=100,
- help="Maximum number of iterations")
-parser$add_argument('--scale', dest='scale', action="store_true",
- help="Each block is standardized to zero means and unit variances")
-parser$add_argument('--check_missing_values', dest='check_missing_values', action="store_true",
- help="Check for missing values and raise an error")
-parser$add_argument('--init', dest='init', default="svd",
- help="Init (svd or svd.single)")
-parser$add_argument('--tol', dest='tol', type='double', default=1e-06,
- help="Convergence stopping value")
-parser$add_argument('--nearzerovar', dest='nearzerovar', action="store_true",
- help="Should be set in particular for data with many zero values")
-parser$add_argument('--rdata_out', dest='rdata_out', required=TRUE, help="Output Rdata file")
-# parser$add_argument('--sample_metadata_out', dest='sample_metadata_out', required=TRUE, help="Output sample metadata file")
-parser$add_argument('--variable_metadata_outdir', dest='variable_metadata_outdir', required=TRUE, help="Output variable metadata directory")
-args <- parser$parse_args()
-## Print parameters
-print("Sample metadata file:")
-print("Sample description column number:")
-print("Number of components:")
-print("Compute correlation between all blocks:")
-print("Max nb of iterations:")
-print("Check for missing values:")
-print("Output Rdata file:")
-# print("Output sample metadata file:")
-# print(args$sample_metadata_out)
-print("Output variable metadata directory:")
-## Loading libraries
-## Read sample metadata file and set description factor matrix
-sample_metadata <- read.table(args$sample_metadata_in, sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=1)
-sample_metadata_names <- row.names(sample_metadata)
-# print(sample_metadata_names)
-# print("Sample metadata matrix:")
-# print(head(sample_metadata))
-description_column <- ncol(sample_metadata)
-if(args$sample_description_col > 0)
- description_column <- args$sample_description_col
-Y <- factor(sample_metadata[[description_column]])
-print("Y factor matrix:")
-## Read and prepare block datasets
-list_X <- c()
-keepX <- c()
-for(i in 1:nrow(args$blocks_list))
- # Read block input parameters
- block_name <- args$blocks_list[i,1]
- block_keep <- strtoi(args$blocks_list[i,2])
- block_data_matrix_filename <- args$blocks_list[i,3]
- # block_meta_var <- args$blocks_list[i,4]
- print(sprintf("Processing block %s", block_name))
- # Store block data matrices
- block_data_matrix <- t(read.table(block_data_matrix_filename, sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=1)) # transpose the matrix so that the samples become rows and the variables become columns
- block_data_matrix_names <- row.names(block_data_matrix)
- # print(block_data_matrix_names)
- if(!identical(sample_metadata_names, block_data_matrix_names))
- {
- stop("Sample names must be the same and in the same order in the sample metadata matrix and the block data matrix")
- }
- if(any(is.na(block_data_matrix)))
- {
- stop(sprintf("Block %s contains missing values. We recommend not to perform data integration with missing values. If you want to force run, change the advanced parameter 'Check for missing values' to 'No'.", block_name))
- }
- list_X[[block_name]] <- block_data_matrix
- # Set the nb of variables to keep
- nb_variables = ncol(list_X[[block_name]])
- if(block_keep > 0)
- {
- keepX[[block_name]] <- rep(block_keep, args$ncomp)
- }
- else
- {
- keepX[[block_name]] <- rep(nb_variables, args$ncomp)
- }
- print(sprintf("Block %s contains %d variables and %d will be selected", block_name, nb_variables, block_keep))
-# print(list_X)
-## Generate design matrix
-block_nb <- nrow(args$blocks_list)
-design <- matrix(0, nrow = block_nb, ncol = block_nb)
- design <- matrix(1, nrow = block_nb, ncol = block_nb)
- diag(design) <- 0
-# print("Design matrix:")
-# print(design)
-## Main function ##
-mixomics_result <- block.splsda(X = list_X,
- Y = Y,
- ncomp = args$ncomp,
- keepX = keepX,
- design = design,
- scheme = args$scheme,
- mode = args$mode,
- scale = args$scale,
- init = args$init,
- tol = args$tol,
- max.iter = args$maxiter,
- near.zero.var = args$nearzerovar,
- all.outputs = TRUE)
-print("Block.splsda object:")
-## Save output Rdata file
-save(mixomics_result, file=args$rdata_out)
-# R script call
-source_local <- function(fname)
- argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
- base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
- source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
-# Load library
-list_union_selected_block_variables = unionSelectBlockVariables(mixomics_result)
-## Save output sample metadata file
-# print("Block.splsda variates:")
-# print(mixomics_result$variates)
-# for(block_name in names(mixomics_result$variates))
-# {
-# # print(block_name)
-# # print(mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]])
-# # Format the column names to add the block name and replace spaces
-# colnames(mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]]) <- paste("block.splsda_variates", block_name, gsub(" ", "_", colnames(mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]])), sep = "_")
-# # print(mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]])
-# # Append the new columns to the sample metadata matrix
-# sample_metadata <- cbind2(sample_metadata, mixomics_result$variates[[block_name]])
-# }
-# print(sample_metadata)
-# write.table(sample_metadata, file = args$sample_metadata_out, quote = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
-## Save output variable metadata files in output directory
-# print("Block.splsda loadings:")
-# print(mixomics_result$loadings)
-for(i in 1:nrow(args$blocks_list))
- # Read again block input parameters
- block_name <- args$blocks_list[i,1]
- # block_keep <- strtoi(args$blocks_list[i,2])
- # block_data_matrix_filename <- args$blocks_list[i,3]
- block_meta_var <- args$blocks_list[i,4]
- print(sprintf("Saving block %s output metavar", block_name))
- meta_variable <- list_union_selected_block_variables[[i]]
- colnames(meta_variable) <- "block.splsda_var_select"
- # meta_variable <- mixomics_result$loadings[[block_name]]
- # print(head(meta_variable))
- # Format the column names to add the block name and replace spaces
- # colnames(meta_variable) <- paste("block.splsda_loadings", gsub(" ", "_", colnames(meta_variable)), sep = "_")
- # Read input block variable metadata files if provided (optional)
- if(block_meta_var != "None")
- {
- input_meta_variable <- read.table(block_meta_var, sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=1)
- # print(head(input_meta_variable))
- # Append the new columns to the variable metadata matrix
- meta_variable <- cbind2(input_meta_variable, meta_variable)
- }
- # print(head(meta_variable))
- block_meta_var_output_filename <- paste("mixomics_blocksplsda_block_", block_name, "_variable_metadata.tsv", sep="")
- write.table(meta_variable, file = paste(args$variable_metadata_outdir,block_meta_var_output_filename, sep='/'), quote = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_plotindiv.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mixomics_plotindiv.R Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the mixOmics plotIndiv function')
+parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--legend', dest='legend', action="store_true", help="Display the legend")
+parser$add_argument('--ellipse', dest='ellipse', action="store_true", help="Plot ellipse plots")
+parser$add_argument('--output_pdf', dest='output_pdf', required=TRUE, help="Output PDF file")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("Input RData:")
+print("Plot legend:")
+print("Plot ellipse plots:")
+print("Output PDF file:")
+# loading libraries
+pdf(args$output_pdf, width=8, height=7)
+mar = c(5, 5, 2, 8)
+par(mar = mar)
+# plotIndiv(mixomics_result,
+# legend = args$legend,
+# ellipse = args$ellipse)
+for(k in 1:(length(mixomics_result$names[[3]])-1))
+ name_block = mixomics_result$names[[3]][k]
+ try(plotIndiv(mixomics_result,
+ blocks = k,
+ legend = args$legend,
+ ellipse = args$ellipse),
+ silent = FALSE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_plotindiv.xml
--- a/mixomics_plotindiv.xml Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ b/mixomics_plotindiv.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
provides scatter plots for individuals (experimental units) representation in (sparse)(I)PCA,(regularized)CCA, (sparse)PLS(DA) and (sparse)(R)GCCA(DA)
- bioconductor-mixomics
- r-argparse
+ macros.xml
+ macros_mixomics.xml
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
- 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005752
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_plotindiv_script.R
--- a/mixomics_plotindiv_script.R Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
-options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
-loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
-## Get parameters ##
-parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the mixOmics plotIndiv function')
-parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
-parser$add_argument('--legend', dest='legend', action="store_true", help="Display the legend")
-parser$add_argument('--ellipse', dest='ellipse', action="store_true", help="Plot ellipse plots")
-parser$add_argument('--output_pdf', dest='output_pdf', required=TRUE, help="Output PDF file")
-args <- parser$parse_args()
-## Print parameters
-print("Input RData:")
-print("Plot legend:")
-print("Plot ellipse plots:")
-print("Output PDF file:")
-# loading libraries
-pdf(args$output_pdf, width=8, height=7)
-mar = c(5, 5, 2, 8)
-par(mar = mar)
-# plotIndiv(mixomics_result,
-# legend = args$legend,
-# ellipse = args$ellipse)
-for(k in 1:(length(mixomics_result$names[[3]])-1))
- name_block = mixomics_result$names[[3]][k]
- try(plotIndiv(mixomics_result,
- blocks = k,
- legend = args$legend,
- ellipse = args$ellipse),
- silent = FALSE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_plotvar.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mixomics_plotvar.R Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Main Function ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the mixOmics plotVar function')
+parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--legend', dest='legend', action="store_true", help="Display the legend")
+parser$add_argument('--cutoff', dest='cutoff', type='double', required=TRUE, help="Cutoff (0..1)")
+parser$add_argument('--output_pdf', dest='output_pdf', required=TRUE, help="Output PDF file")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+print("Input RData:")
+print("Plot legend:")
+print("Output PDF file:")
+# loading libraries
+pdf(args$output_pdf, width=8, height=7)
+mar = c(5, 5, 2, 8)
+par(mar = mar)
+# plotVar(mixomics_result,
+# legend = args$legend,
+# cutoff = args$cutoff)
+for(k in 1:(length(mixomics_result$names[[3]])-1))
+ name_block = mixomics_result$names[[3]][k]
+ # We're still continuing even if a graph is empty
+ try(plotVar(mixomics_result,
+ blocks = k,
+ legend = args$legend,
+ cutoff = args$cutoff),
+ silent = FALSE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_plotvar.xml
--- a/mixomics_plotvar.xml Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ b/mixomics_plotvar.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
provides variables representation for (regularized) CCA, (sparse) PLS regression, PCA and (sparse) Regularized generalised CCA
- bioconductor-mixomics
- r-argparse
+ macros.xml
+ macros_mixomics.xml
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
- 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005752
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 mixomics_plotvar_script.R
--- a/mixomics_plotvar_script.R Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
-options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
-loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
-## Main Function ##
-parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the mixOmics plotVar function')
-parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
-parser$add_argument('--legend', dest='legend', action="store_true", help="Display the legend")
-parser$add_argument('--cutoff', dest='cutoff', type='double', required=TRUE, help="Cutoff (0..1)")
-parser$add_argument('--output_pdf', dest='output_pdf', required=TRUE, help="Output PDF file")
-args <- parser$parse_args()
-print("Input RData:")
-print("Plot legend:")
-print("Output PDF file:")
-# loading libraries
-pdf(args$output_pdf, width=8, height=7)
-mar = c(5, 5, 2, 8)
-par(mar = mar)
-# plotVar(mixomics_result,
-# legend = args$legend,
-# cutoff = args$cutoff)
-for(k in 1:(length(mixomics_result$names[[3]])-1))
- name_block = mixomics_result$names[[3]][k]
- # We're still continuing even if a graph is empty
- try(plotVar(mixomics_result,
- blocks = k,
- legend = args$legend,
- cutoff = args$cutoff),
- silent = FALSE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 networkVar.xml
--- a/networkVar.xml Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- creates a network between selected variables of datasets and the response variables. In the network, the similarity between two variables is associated with the link between these two variables.
- r-viscorvar
- r-argparse
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 networkVar_wrapper.R
--- a/networkVar_wrapper.R Thu Oct 15 12:22:25 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
-options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
-loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
-## Get parameters ##
-parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the networkVar function')
-parser$add_argument('--mat_similarity_rdata', dest='mat_similarity_rdata', required=TRUE, help="matSimilarity RData file")
-parser$add_argument('--var_list_file', dest='var_list_file', required=TRUE, help="Variables list file")
-# parser$add_argument('--interest_var_file', dest='interest_var_file', required=FALSE, help="Variables of interest file")
-parser$add_argument('--response_var', dest='response_var', required=TRUE, help="Response variables")
-parser$add_argument('--output_graph', dest='output_graph', required=TRUE, help="Output graphml")
-args <- parser$parse_args()
-## Print parameters
-print("matSimilarity RData file:")
-print("Variables list file:")
-# print("Variables of interest:")
-# print(args$interest_var_file)
-print("Response variables:")
-print("Output graphml:")
-## Loading libraries
-# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(mixOmics))
-# R script call
-source_local <- function(fname)
- argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
- base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
- source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
-## Loading local functions
-# source_local("mixomics-blocksplsda-integration/integration_block_splsda_func.R")
-install.packages("https://gitlab.com/bilille/mixomics-blocksplsda-integration/-/raw/master/visCorVar_0.5.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
-print("visCorVar has been loaded")
-# Loading input Rdata file
-# loads res_compute_mat_similarity object
-names_block_variables = as.character(read.table(args$var_list_file, header=FALSE)[[1]])
-names_response_variables = strsplit(args$response_var, ",")[[1]]
-# interest_var_vec = NULL
-# if (args$interest_var_file != 'None') {
-# interest_var_vec = as.character(read.table(args$interest_var_file, header=FALSE)[[1]])
-# }
-# print("interest_var_vec:")
-# print(interest_var_vec)
-res_networkVar = networkVar(res_compute_mat_similarity = res_compute_mat_similarity,
- names_block_variables = names_block_variables,
- names_response_variables = names_response_variables,
- cutoff = 0)
-print("networkVar() completed")
-write.graph(res_networkVar$gR, file = args$output_graph, format = "graphml")
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 viscorvar_circlecor.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/viscorvar_circlecor.R Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the circleCor function')
+parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--blocks_vec', dest='blocks_vec', required=TRUE, help="Blocks vector")
+parser$add_argument('--responses_var', dest='responses_var', required=TRUE, help="Responses variables")
+parser$add_argument('--x_min', dest='x_min', type='double', required=TRUE, help="X min")
+parser$add_argument('--x_max', dest='x_max', type='double', required=TRUE, help="X max")
+parser$add_argument('--y_min', dest='y_min', type='double', required=TRUE, help="Y min")
+parser$add_argument('--y_max', dest='y_max', type='double', required=TRUE, help="Y max")
+parser$add_argument('--output_var', dest='output_var', required=TRUE, help="Output variables file")
+parser$add_argument('--output_pdf', dest='output_pdf', required=TRUE, help="Output PDF file")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("Input RData:")
+print("Blocks vector:")
+print("Response variables:")
+print("X min:")
+print("X max:")
+print("Y min:")
+print("Y max:")
+print("Output variables file:")
+print("Output PDF file:")
+names_blocks = strsplit(args$blocks_vec, ",")[[1]]
+names_response_variables = strsplit(args$responses_var, ",")[[1]]
+## Loading libraries
+# R script call
+source_local <- function(fname)
+ argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+ base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+ source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+# Loading input Rdata file
+# loads res_matCorAddVar object
+mat_cor_comp1 = res_matCorAddVar$mat_cor_comp1
+mat_cor_comp2 = res_matCorAddVar$mat_cor_comp2
+cutoff_comp = res_matCorAddVar$cutoff_comp
+comp = res_matCorAddVar$comp
+list_vec_index_block_select = res_matCorAddVar$list_vec_index_block_select
+list_vec_names_blocks = res_matCorAddVar$list_vec_names_blocks
+list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var = res_matCorAddVar$list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var
+res_compute_cor_var_interest = res_matCorAddVar$res_compute_cor_var_interest
+res_block_splsda = res_matCorAddVar$res_block_splsda
+# Open output pdf file
+pdf(args$output_pdf, width=8, height=7)
+mar = c(5, 5, 2, 8)
+par(mar = mar)
+selected_variables = circleCor(list_dataframe_cor_comp_var_global = list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var,
+ list_vec_index_block_select = list_vec_index_block_select,
+ mat_cor_comp1 = mat_cor_comp1,
+ mat_cor_comp2 = mat_cor_comp2,
+ names_blocks = names_blocks,
+ names_response_variables = names_response_variables,
+ comp = comp,
+ cutoff = 0.80,
+ min.X = args$x_min,
+ max.X = args$x_max,
+ min.Y = args$y_min,
+ max.Y = args$y_max,
+ # vec_col = vec_col,
+ rad.in = 0.5,
+ cex = 0.7,
+ cex_legend = 0.8,
+ pos = c(1.2, 0),
+ pch = 20)
+write(selected_variables, file=args$output_var, ncolumns=1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 viscorvar_circlecor.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/viscorvar_circlecor.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ plots a correlation circle for the datasets whose correlation circles can be superimposed. This correlation circle contains the selected variables of these datasets which are included in a rectangle and the response variables.
+ macros.xml
+ macros_viscorvar.xml
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 viscorvar_computematsimilarity.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/viscorvar_computematsimilarity.R Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the computeMatSimilarity function')
+parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--output_rdata', dest='output_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Output RData file")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("Input RData:")
+print("Output RData:")
+## Loading libraries
+# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(mixOmics))
+# R script call
+source_local <- function(fname)
+ argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+ base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+ source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+## Loading local functions
+# Loading input Rdata file
+# loads res_matCorAddVar object
+# Run main function
+res_compute_mat_similarity = computeMatSimilarity(res_matCorAddVar = res_matCorAddVar)
+liste_mat_similarity_group = res_compute_mat_similarity$liste_mat_similarity_group
+res_matCorAddVar = res_compute_mat_similarity$res_matCorAddVar
+ file = args$output_rdata)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 viscorvar_computematsimilarity.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/viscorvar_computematsimilarity.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ performs the computation of the similarities. The similarity between two variables is an approximation of the correlation between these two variables.
+ macros.xml
+ macros_viscorvar.xml
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 viscorvar_matcoraddvar.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/viscorvar_matcoraddvar.R Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Compute the matCorEtBlockSelect and addVariablesReponses functions')
+parser$add_argument('--input_rdata', dest='input_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Input RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--cutoff_comp', dest='cutoff_comp', type='double', required=TRUE, help="")
+parser$add_argument('--interest_var_file', dest='interest_var_file', required=FALSE, help="Variables of interest file")
+parser$add_argument('--block_Y_file', dest='block_Y_file', required=TRUE, help="Block Y filepath")
+parser$add_argument('--output_rdata', dest='output_rdata', required=TRUE, help="Output RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--output_response_var', dest='output_response_var', required=TRUE, help="Output response variables file")
+parser$add_argument('--output_blocks_comb', dest='output_blocks_comb', required=TRUE, help="Output blocks combinations file")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("Input RData:")
+print("Cutoff comp:")
+print("Variables of interest:")
+print("Block Y file:")
+print("Output RData:")
+print("Output Response variables:")
+print("Output Blocks combinations:")
+## Loading libraries
+# R script call
+source_local <- function(fname)
+ argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+ base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+ source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+# Loading input Rdata file
+ncomp = mixomics_result$ncomp
+# Reading Block Y matrix
+print("Reading Block Y")
+mat_block_Y = read.table(args$block_Y_file, header=TRUE, row.names=1)
+response_var = colnames(mat_block_Y)
+# Write response variables to output file
+invisible(lapply(response_var, write, file=args$output_response_var, append=TRUE, ncolumns=1))
+# Reading var of intereset file
+interest_var_vec = NULL
+if (args$interest_var_file != 'None') {
+ interest_var_vec = as.character(read.table(args$interest_var_file, header=FALSE)[[1]])
+comp = 1:2
+# Running main function
+res_matCorAddVar = matCorAddVar(res_block_splsda = mixomics_result,
+ block_Y = mat_block_Y,
+ cutoff_comp = args$cutoff_comp,
+ var_interest = interest_var_vec,
+ comp = comp)
+mat_cor_comp1 = res_matCorAddVar$mat_cor_comp1
+mat_cor_comp2 = res_matCorAddVar$mat_cor_comp2
+list_vec_index_block_select = res_matCorAddVar$list_vec_index_block_select
+list_vec_names_blocks = res_matCorAddVar$list_vec_names_blocks
+list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var = res_matCorAddVar$list_cor_comp_selected_var_resp_var
+res_compute_cor_var_interest = res_matCorAddVar$res_compute_cor_var_interest
+# Write all possible blocks combinations to output file
+invisible(lapply(list_vec_names_blocks, write, file=args$output_blocks_comb, append=TRUE, ncolumns=100, sep=","))
+# Save all objects in Rdata output file
+ file = args$output_rdata)
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 viscorvar_matcoraddvar.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/viscorvar_matcoraddvar.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ determine the correlation circles that can be overlaid and compute the correlations
+ macros.xml
+ macros_viscorvar.xml
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 viscorvar_networkvar.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/viscorvar_networkvar.R Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+# we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+## Get parameters ##
+parser <- ArgumentParser(description='Run the networkVar function')
+parser$add_argument('--mat_similarity_rdata', dest='mat_similarity_rdata', required=TRUE, help="matSimilarity RData file")
+parser$add_argument('--var_list_file', dest='var_list_file', required=TRUE, help="Variables list file")
+# parser$add_argument('--interest_var_file', dest='interest_var_file', required=FALSE, help="Variables of interest file")
+parser$add_argument('--response_var', dest='response_var', required=TRUE, help="Response variables")
+parser$add_argument('--output_graph', dest='output_graph', required=TRUE, help="Output graphml")
+args <- parser$parse_args()
+## Print parameters
+print("matSimilarity RData file:")
+print("Variables list file:")
+# print("Variables of interest:")
+# print(args$interest_var_file)
+print("Response variables:")
+print("Output graphml:")
+## Loading libraries
+# suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(mixOmics))
+# R script call
+source_local <- function(fname)
+ argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+ base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+ source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+## Loading local functions
+# Loading input Rdata file
+# loads res_compute_mat_similarity object
+names_block_variables = as.character(read.table(args$var_list_file, header=FALSE)[[1]])
+names_response_variables = strsplit(args$response_var, ",")[[1]]
+# interest_var_vec = NULL
+# if (args$interest_var_file != 'None') {
+# interest_var_vec = as.character(read.table(args$interest_var_file, header=FALSE)[[1]])
+# }
+# print("interest_var_vec:")
+# print(interest_var_vec)
+res_networkVar = networkVar(res_compute_mat_similarity = res_compute_mat_similarity,
+ names_block_variables = names_block_variables,
+ names_response_variables = names_response_variables,
+ cutoff = 0)
+print("networkVar() completed")
+write.graph(res_networkVar$gR, file = args$output_graph, format = "graphml")
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e93350dc99f1 -r c8533e9298e5 viscorvar_networkvar.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/viscorvar_networkvar.xml Fri Oct 23 10:15:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ creates a network between selected variables of datasets and the response variables. In the network, the similarity between two variables is associated with the link between these two variables.
+ macros.xml
+ macros_viscorvar.xml
\ No newline at end of file