diff assign_clades.py @ 0:a971083404a4 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/Public-Health-Bioinformatics/flu_classification_suite commit b96b6e06f6eaa6ae8ef4c24630dbb72a4aed7dbe
author public-health-bioinformatics
date Thu, 04 Jul 2019 19:34:32 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/assign_clades.py	Thu Jul 04 19:34:32 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+'''Accepts fasta files containing amino acid sequence, reading them in as
+amino acid sequence objects.  Reads influenza clade defintions (i.e. amino 
+acids at certain positions) from .csv file into dictionary structure. Searches
+each of the amino acid sequence objects for a list of matching clades, assigns
+the most 'evolved' (i.e. child as opposed to parent clade) to the sequence. Appends
+"_cladename" to the Sequence name and generates a fasta file of original sequences with 
+modified names.'''
+'''Author: Diane Eisler, Molecular Microbiology & Genomics, BCCDC Public Health Laboratory, Oct 2017'''
+import sys,string,os, time, Bio
+from Bio import Seq, SeqIO, SeqUtils, Alphabet, SeqRecord
+from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
+from Bio.Seq import Seq
+localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) #date and time of analysis
+inFileHandle1 = sys.argv[1] #batch fasta file with sequences to be parsed
+inFileHandle2 = sys.argv[2] # .csv file containing clade definitions and "depth"
+outFileHandle = sys.argv[3] #user-specified name for output file of aa seq's with clade suffixes
+outFile= open(outFileHandle,'w') #open a writable, appendable output file
+seqList = [] #list of aa sequence objects to parse for clade definitions
+cladeList = [] #empty list to hold clade tuples i.e. ("3C.3a", 1 ,{"3":"I", "9":"V"..})
+'''Searches record for required amino acids at defined positions. If found, assigns
+clade name to sequence name by appending underscore and clade name to record id.'''
+def call_clade(record):
+    print("---------------------------------------------------------------------")
+    print("Parsing %s for matching flu clade definitions..." % (record.id))
+    matchList = [] #empty list to hold clades that match 100%
+    #iterate over each tuple in the clade list
+    for clade in cladeList:
+        cladeName = clade[0] #temp variable for name
+        depth = clade[1] #temp variable for depth
+        sites = clade[2] #temp variable for aa def dictionary
+        shouldFind = len(sites) #number of sites that should match
+        found = 0 #a counter to hold matches to antigenic sites
+        #iterate over each position in sites dictionary
+        for pos, aa in sites.items():
+            #translate pos to corresponding index in target sequence
+            index = int(pos) - 1
+            #if record at index has same amino acid as 'aa', increment 'found'
+            if record[index] == aa:
+                found += 1
+        if (found == shouldFind):
+            #add the matching clade tuple to the list of matches
+            matchList.append(clade)
+    return matchList
+'''Compares depth level of clades in a list and returns the most granular one'''
+def decide_clade_by_depth(matchList):
+    #empty variable for maximum depth encountered
+    max_depth = 0
+    best_match_name = '' #variable to hold most granular clade
+    #for each matching clade, check depth of the corresponding tuple
+    for clade in matchList:
+        #if the current clade is 'deeper' than the one before it
+        if clade[1] > max_depth:
+            #store this depth
+            max_depth = clade[1]
+            #store name of the clade
+            best_match_name = clade[0]
+    return best_match_name
+'''opens the .csv file of clade definitions and clade "depth" '''
+with open (inFileHandle2, 'r') as clade_file:
+    #remove whitespace from the end of each line and split elements at commas
+    for line in clade_file:
+        #print "Current Line in File:" + line
+        sites={} #initialize a dictionary for clade
+        elementList = line.rstrip().split(',')
+        new_list = [] #start a new list to put non-empty strings into
+        #remove empty stings in list
+        for item in elementList:
+            if item != '':
+                new_list.append(item)
+        name = new_list.pop(0) #move 1st element to name field
+        depth = int(new_list.pop(0)) #move 2nd element to depth field
+        #read remaining pairs of non-null elements into clade def dictionary
+        for i in range(0, len(new_list), 2):
+            #move next 2 items from the list into the dict
+            pos = new_list[i]
+            aa = new_list[i + 1]
+            sites[pos] = aa
+        #add the clade info as a tuple to the cladeList[]
+        oneClade =(name, depth, sites)
+        cladeList.append(oneClade)
+    print("The List of Clades:")
+    for clade in cladeList:
+        print("Clade Name: %s Depth: %i Antigenic Sites: %i" % (clade[0], clade[1], len(clade[2])))
+        for pos, aa in clade[2].items():
+            print("Pos: %s\tAA: %s" % (pos,aa))
+'''opens readable input file of sequences to parse using filename from cmd line,
+    instantiates as AA Sequence objects, with ppercase sequences'''
+with open(inFileHandle1,'r') as inFile:
+    #read in Sequences from fasta file, uppercase and add to seqList
+    for record in SeqIO.parse(inFile, "fasta", alphabet=IUPAC.protein):
+        record = record.upper()
+        seqList.append(record) #add Seq to list of Sequences
+    print("\n%i flu HA sequences will be compared to current clade definitions..." % len(seqList))
+    #parse each target sequence object
+    for record in seqList:
+        clade_call = '' #empty variale for final clade call on sequence
+        matchingCladeList = call_clade(record) #holds matching clade tuples
+        #if there is more than one clade match
+        if len(matchingCladeList) > 1:
+            #choose the most granular clade based on depth
+            clade_call = decide_clade_by_depth(matchingCladeList)
+        #if there is only one clade call
+        elif len(matchingCladeList) > 0:
+            clade = matchingCladeList[0] #take the first tuple in the list
+            clade_call = clade[0] #clade name is the first item in the tuple
+        #empty list return, no matches
+        else:
+            clade_call = "No_Match"
+        print(clade_call)
+        seq_name = record.id
+        mod_name = seq_name + "_" + clade_call
+        print("New Sequence Name: " + mod_name)
+        record.id = mod_name
+#output fasta file with clade calls appended to sequence names
+#print("\n%i Sequences Extracted to Output file: %s"  % ((len(extractedSeqList),outFileHandle)))