view test-data/CP008719.gbk @ 0:c917ef6807d7 draft default tip

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author public-health-bioinformatics
date Tue, 12 Nov 2019 22:47:36 -0500
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LOCUS       CP008719                2101 bp    DNA     circular BCT 05-JAN-2016
DEFINITION  Escherichia coli strain ST648 plasmid pEC648_5, complete sequence.
VERSION     CP008719.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA248607
            BioSample: SAMN02800875
SOURCE      Escherichia coli
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacterales;
            Enterobacteriaceae; Escherichia.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 2101)
  AUTHORS   Gao,Z.
  TITLE     Complete Genome Sequence of Multiple Antibiotic Resistant
            Escherichia coli Isolated from Pleural Effusion of Patients with
            Empyema Thoracis
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 2101)
  AUTHORS   Gao,Z.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (09-JUN-2014) Department of Respiratory and Critical care
            medicine, Peking University People's hospital, Xizhimen South
            Street, Beijing, Beijing 100101, China
COMMENT     Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation
            Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be
            found here:
            Assembly Method       :: Newbler v. 2.3; Consed
            Genome Coverage       :: 40x; 350x
            Sequencing Technology :: Roche 454 GS FLX; Illumina Hiseq 2000
            Annotation Provider          :: NCBI
            Annotation Date              :: 06/13/2014 09:01:46
            Annotation Pipeline          :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation
            Annotation Method            :: Best-placed reference protein set;
            Annotation Software revision :: 2.6 (rev. 437579)
            Features Annotated           :: Gene; CDS; rRNA; tRNA; ncRNA;
            Genes                        :: 4,807
            CDS                          :: 4,578
            Pseudo Genes                 :: 132
            CRISPR Arrays                :: 2
            rRNAs                        :: 21 (5S, 16S, 23S)
            tRNAs                        :: 72
            ncRNA                        :: 4
            Frameshifted Genes           :: 116
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..2101
                     /organism="Escherichia coli"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     gene            join(1882..2101,1..47)
     CDS             join(1882..2101,1..47)
                     /inference="EXISTENCE: similar to AA
                     /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using
                     gene prediction method: Protein Homology."
                     /product="hypothetical protein"
     gene            913..1878
     CDS             913..1878
                     /inference="EXISTENCE: similar to AA
                     /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using
                     gene prediction method: Protein Homology."
                     /product="Replication protein"
        1 tagatttaaa cggtatcaag tttggatttt taagaacgca ttcttagttc tggaaaagag
       61 ccagcggcag gctgaggtga taggtacgag attgcatgca atctctagtg ctctgtctat
      121 cctgcattat cctcagcatt atcctcagca ttatcctcag ccttgccaac tcgacaccaa
      181 tgcaggatag acaatccgat gtcaaatgtt aacactctgc gagtggtaca ttttccccgg
      241 attatcgtcc tgagcctgcc gctggctctc tttctaccgc ctcgctttgc tcgttgctca
      301 acgcctcaca gacacggatt aaaatccgca tccgttcacc gttttttaaa gtccgttaaa
      361 agcatgatgc catctccgag agttaatctc gtcaaatgct aaatcgtggg ggtccccttt
      421 ggggttccga tttagtgatt gacgacacca ccgattaaaa aacttatgcg gggtggatgg
      481 tttcacgaag tgaggccatc cacctgtaag acagggtttt gtttttattc cctgttttgg
      541 tgatcgggtg tgtggaaaag gttggggtaa gccgttcggg ggtgcttgtt ttggggggtt
      601 aaaattgtgg ttattttttg cgcaattctc gcgcgtgatc cttgtattta tacttaaggg
      661 ataaatggcg gatatgaaat agtggtttag cccagtaatg acgaggcttt gagtgggttt
      721 tgacaggtca aagaaaatgg agcagaattg aggcgttttt aatcggcgtt ggggagtgcg
      781 tcaacactcc ccaacatttc gaatgtgtca cctcagcggc aaactctggt gacatgtact
      841 ggctcgcaat gcacaggtac gtgatgaata taccacatca aatcacagcc tgcccagatc
      901 ggagcaggct taatgtcaga agataaattc ctttcggact acagcccccg tgatgcagtt
      961 tgggataccc agcgcacgct taccgattct gtcgggggta tctaccagac tgctgctgaa
     1021 ttcgagcgct atgcactccg tatggcctcc tgtagcggtt tgttacgttt tggttggtct
     1081 accatcatgg aaaccggaga aacgcgccta cggcttcgta gtgcgcaatt ttgccgtgtc
     1141 cgtcattgcc ctgtctgcca gtggagaaga accctcatgt ggcaagcccg tttttatcag
     1201 gctctaccga aaatcgttgt ggattacccg tcttcccgat ggttgtttct gacgttaact
     1261 gtcaggaact gcgagatagg tgaacttgga acagtcctta cagcaatgaa tgcggcgttt
     1321 aagcgaatgg aaaagcgaaa ggagctatca cctgttcagg ggtggatcag ggctacggag
     1381 gtgacgcgag gtaaggatgg cagcgcacat ccgcattttc actgtctgct gatggtgcaa
     1441 ccttcttggt ttaaagggaa gaactacgtt aagcacgaac gttgggtaga actctggcgc
     1501 gattgcttgc gggtgaacta tgagccgaat atcgatattc gggcagtaaa aactaagaca
     1561 ggtgaggttg tggccaacgt tgccgagcaa ctgcaaagcg cggttgctga aacgctgaaa
     1621 tactccgtta aaccggaaga tatggcaaac gatcctgagt ggtttcttga gctgacgcgg
     1681 cagcttcaca agcgccgttt tatctcgacc ggtggggcgc taaaaaacgt cctccagttg
     1741 gatcgagaaa ccaatgagga tcttgtcatt gccgacgatg taggggatgg cactgatgac
     1801 gggaagcgga cggcgtttgt ctgggattca ggtaaacggc gttacaaacg cgcccctgag
     1861 aaggataaat cggattaacg tatgaatatt aatattgaat acctgaatgg aaataagact
     1921 attggtttat tttttttaag aagtgaagcg gtgattcctg acaggtttaa aaaccttatt
     1981 ttgcttattg atggattaag ttttggcaca tttggttttc atccgcacga aggttttgag
     2041 gatgaattaa ttttatatat tcagaaaaca aacgagaggg taaaaactct ttttgtgaaa
     2101 a