Mercurial > repos > rdaveau > gfap
view gfapts/ @ 1:028f435b6cfb draft default tip
author | rdaveau |
date | Fri, 03 Aug 2012 05:50:41 -0400 |
parents | f753b30013e6 |
children |
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#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; #use lib 'inc/perlmod'; #use ngsutil qw[ :DEFAULT &varscan ]; use warnings FATAL => qw[ numeric uninitialized ]; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # TEMP include sub explode_varcall{ my $N=0; $_=shift @_ foreach my($POS, $REF, $ALT); $_=$POS foreach my($START, $END); my(@length, @range, @idx, @VAR, @POS); @{$_}=() foreach (\@length, \@range, \@idx, \@VAR, \@POS); push @length, length($_) foreach ($REF, $ALT); @range=sort{ $a<=>$b } @length; if($range[0]==1){ if($range[1]!=1){ foreach ($REF, $ALT){ $_=substr($_, 1); $_=~s/^$/-/; } if($length[0]!=1){ $END+=$length[0]-1; $START++; } } push @POS, $START, $END; push @VAR, $REF, $ALT; }else{ my @N=(); undef $_ foreach my ($i, $VAR); $_-=2 foreach (@length, @range); $_++ foreach ($START, $END); $_=substr($_, 1) foreach ($REF, $ALT); my $indel='-' x ($range[1]-$range[0]); $VAR.=($_>$range[0])? ('-'):((substr($REF, $_, 1) ne substr($ALT, $_, 1))? 0:1) for 0 .. $range[1]; $N++ while $VAR =~ /0/g; if($length[0]<$length[1]){ @VAR=($VAR); @N=($N); $N=0; undef($VAR); $VAR.=($_>$range[0])? ('-'):((substr($REF, $length[0]-$_, 1) ne substr($ALT, $length[1]-$_, 1))? 0:1) for reverse 0 .. $range[1]; $N++ while $VAR =~ /0/g; if($N>=$N[0]){ $N=shift(@N); $VAR=shift(@VAR); } else{ $REF=$indel . $REF; } }else{ $ALT.=$indel; } foreach (qw[ 0 \- ]){ push @idx, [ $-[0], $+[0]-$-[0] ] while ($VAR =~ /$_+/g); } @{$_}=() foreach (\@VAR, \@POS); foreach my $k (@idx){ push @VAR, substr($_, ${$k}[0], ${$k}[1]) || '-' foreach ($REF, $ALT); push @POS, ${$k}[0], sum(@{$k})-1; } $_+=$START foreach @POS; $_=~s/\-+/\-/ foreach @VAR; for($i=0; $i<$#POS; $i+=2){ $POS[$i+1]=$POS[$i] if $VAR[$i] eq '-'; } } return(\@POS, \@VAR); } sub varscan{ $_=shift @_ foreach my($kname, $fpath, $href); my($k, @buffer); open IN, "<$fpath" or die $!; while(<IN>){ next if /^#/; chomp; @buffer=split /\s+/, $_; next if !exists $$href{($k=join(':', @buffer[0..2]))}; next if $$href{$k}->{ref} !~ $buffer[3]; next if $$href{$k}->{alt} !~ $buffer[4]; splice(@buffer, 0, 5); $$href{$k}->{$kname}=join(':', @buffer); } close IN; } #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my($varfile, $buildver, $outdir, $dir_1000g, $dir_dbsnp, $dir_cosmic, $release_1000g, $release_dbsnp, $release_cosmic, $outfile, $k, @buffer, @varlist, %opts, %varlist); GetOptions(\%opts, "varfile=s", "buildver=s", "outdir=s", "dir_1000g=s", "dir_dbsnp=s", "dir_cosmic=s", "release_1000g=s", "release_dbsnp=s", "release_cosmic=s", "outfile=s"); $varfile = $opts{varfile}; $buildver = $opts{buildver}; $outdir = $opts{outdir}; $dir_1000g = $opts{dir_1000g}; $dir_dbsnp = $opts{dir_dbsnp}; $dir_cosmic = $opts{dir_cosmic}; $release_1000g = $opts{release_1000g}; $release_dbsnp = $opts{release_dbsnp}; $release_cosmic = $opts{release_cosmic}; $outfile = $opts{outfile}; my $fname = readlink($varfile) || $varfile; $fname = basename($fname); my %k=( '1000g' => { 'dir' => $dir_1000g, 'release' => $release_1000g, 'value' => join(':', ('0.00000')x5), 'header' => join(':', 'AF_ALL', 'AF_AFR', 'AF_AMR', 'AF_ASN', 'AF_EUR') }, 'dbsnp' => { 'dir' => $dir_dbsnp, 'release' => $release_dbsnp, 'value' => join(':', ('na')x2), 'header' => join(':', 'rs', 'dbsnp') }, 'cosmic_var' => { 'dir' => $dir_cosmic, 'release' => $release_cosmic, 'value' => join(':', '0.00000', 'na'), 'header' => join(':', 'AF_COS', 'cid') } ); my %legend=( 'chr' => 'chromosome identifier', 'start' => "${buildver} 1-based start position", 'end' => "${buildver} 1-based end position", 'ref' => 'reference allele', 'alt' => 'alternate allele', 'QC' => 'Phred-scaled call quality', 'NRF' => '#reads consistent w/ the reference allele on the F-strand', 'NRR' => '#reads consistent w/ the reference allele on the R-strand', 'NAF' => '#reads consistent w/ the alternate allele on the F-strand', 'NAR' => '#reads consistent w/ the alternate allele on the R-strand', 'DP' => 'total #reads in call ie. NRF+NRR+NAF+NAR', 'AD' => 'total #reads consistent w/ the alternate allele ie. NAF+NAR', 'AF' => 'alternate allele ratio ie. AD/DP', 'VCF.FILTER' => 'FILTER field from the input vcf file', 'DPT.FILTER' => 'check for heterogeneous depth in substituted blocks', 'VAR.FILTER' => 'GFAP default FILTER to discriminate between TP and FP variants', 'P.str' => 'NRF+NAF vs. NRR+NAR binomial test P-value ie. total strand bias', 'P.ref' => 'NRF vs. NRR binomial test P-value ie. reference allele strand bias', 'P.alt' => 'NAF vs. NAR binomial test P-value ie. alternate allele strand bias', 'AF_ALL' => "global AF in ${release_1000g} 1000g data", 'AF_AFR' => "AF in AFR ${release_1000g} 1000g data", 'AF_AMR' => "AF in AMR ${release_1000g} 1000g data", 'AF_ASN' => "AF in ASN ${release_1000g} 1000g data", 'AF_EUR' => "AF in EUR ${release_1000g} 1000g data", 'AF_COS' => "AF in ${release_cosmic} cosmic data", 'rs' => "dbsnp rs identifier(s) from ${release_dbsnp} release", 'dbsnp' => "dbsnp build version(s) from ${release_dbsnp} release", 'cid' => "cosmic mutation identifier from ${release_cosmic} release" ); my @header=('chr', 'start', 'end', 'ref', 'alt', 'DPT.FILTER', 'QC', 'NRF', 'NRR', 'NAF', 'NAR', 'VCF.FILTER', 'P.str', 'P.ref', 'P.alt', 'DP', 'AD', 'AF', 'VAR.FILTER'); my @k=qw[ 1000g dbsnp cosmic_var ]; open IN, "<$varfile" or die $!; while(<IN>){ chomp; @buffer=split /\s+/, $_; $buffer[0]=~s/^chr(.+)$/$1/; push @varlist, ($k=join(':', @buffer[0..2])); shift(@buffer) for 0..2; $varlist{$k}->{$_}=shift(@buffer) foreach qw[ ref alt ]; $varlist{$k}->{cov}=join(':', (($buffer[0] eq 'unk')?'SKIP':'PASS'), @buffer[1..$#buffer]); } close IN; foreach $k (@k){ push @header, split(/:/, $k{$k}->{header}); varscan($k, $k{$k}->{file}, \%varlist); } my @idx=(0..4,7..10,15..17,6,12..14,11,5,18..23,26..27,24..25); open OUT, ">${outdir}/${fname}.dbi" or die $!; print OUT '#', join(' = ', $_, $legend{$_}), "\n" foreach @header[@idx]; print OUT '#', join("\t", @header[@idx]), "\n"; foreach $k (@varlist){ @buffer=(split(/:/, 'chr'.$k), $varlist{$k}->{ref}, $varlist{$k}->{alt}); push @buffer, split(/:/, ($varlist{$k}->{$_} || $k{$_}->{value})) foreach ('cov', @k); print OUT join("\t", @buffer[@idx]), "\n"; } close OUT; system "rm $outfile; ln -s ${outdir}/${fname}.dbi $outfile" and die $!;