Mercurial > repos > rdaveau > gfap
view gfapts/ @ 0:f753b30013e6 draft
author | rdaveau |
date | Fri, 29 Jun 2012 10:20:55 -0400 |
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children |
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#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw[ numeric uninitialized ]; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; sub sepind{ $_=shift @_ foreach my($str, $sep); my($pos, @pos); $pos=0; while(1){ $pos=index($str, $sep, $pos); last if($pos<0); push @pos, $pos++; } return \@pos; } my($varfile, $buildver, $refseq_dir, $cosmic_dir, $refseq_release, $cosmic_release, $annovar_release, $outdir, $noncoding, $coding, $cos, $ogs, $mid, $pid, $cno, $pno); my(@buffer, @header, @ogs, @mid, @cno, @pno, @sep, %buffer, %mid, %ogs, %opts); GetOptions(\%opts, "varfile=s", "buildver=s", "refseq_dir=s", "refseq_release=s", "cosmic_dir=s", "cosmic_release=s", "annovar_release=s", "outdir=s", "noncoding=s", "coding=s"); $varfile = $opts{varfile}; $buildver = $opts{buildver}; $refseq_dir = $opts{refseq_dir}; $refseq_release = $opts{refseq_release}; $cosmic_dir = $opts{cosmic_dir}; $cosmic_release = $opts{cosmic_release}; $annovar_release = $opts{annovar_release}; $outdir = $opts{outdir}; $noncoding = $opts{noncoding}; $coding = $opts{coding}; my %legend=( 'unk' => 'undefined column', 'chr' => 'chromosome identifier', 'start' => "${buildver} 1-based start position", 'end' => "${buildver} 1-based end position", 'ref' => 'reference allele', 'alt' => 'alternate allele', 'annot' => 'ig:intergenic; pp:1kb-upstream; 5|3u:UTR; in:intronic; ss:splice; nc:ncRNA', 'ogs' => 'official gene symbol(s)', 'cos' => "gene listed in cosmic ${cosmic_release} release", 'mid' => "RefSeq mRNA identifier(s) from human.protein.gpff ${refseq_release} release", 'pid' => "RefSeq protein identifier(s) from human.protein.gpff ${refseq_release} release", 'c.x' => 'ATG-based variant descriptor in mRNA', 'p.x' => 'ATG-based variant descriptor in protein' ); my $annovar_src_dir = 'inc/annovar'; my $annovar_db_dir = "db/annovar/${annovar_release}"; my $fname = readlink($varfile) || $varfile; $fname = basename($fname); `${annovar_src_dir}/ -buildver $buildver ${outdir}/${fname} $annovar_db_dir 2> /dev/null` and die $!; open IN, "<${refseq_dir}/mid2pid_${refseq_release}.txt" or die $!; while(<IN>){ next if /^#/; /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; $mid{$1}=$2; } close IN; open IN, "<${cosmic_dir}/${buildver}_cosmic_ogs_${cosmic_release}.txt" or die $!; chomp and $ogs{$_}++ while(<IN>); close IN; open IN, "<${outdir}/${fname}" or die $!; while(<IN>){ last if $_!~/^#/; last if $_!~/=/; chomp; /^#(\S+)\s{1}=\s{1}(.+)/; push @header, $1; $legend{$1}=$2; } if(!scalar(@header)){ @header=('chr', 'start', 'end', 'ref', 'alt'); $_=readline(IN); @_=split /\t/, $_; $_=$#_-4; push @header, ('unk')x$_ if($_!=0); } close IN; push @header, ('annot', 'ogs', 'cos'); open OUT, ">${outdir}/${fname}.nc" or die $!; print OUT "#", join(' = ', $_, $legend{$_}), "\n" foreach @header; print OUT "#", join("\t", @header), "\n"; open IN, "<${outdir}/${fname}.variant_function" or die $!; while(<IN>){ next if /exonic/; s/^downstream/ig/; s/;downstream//; s/,/:/g; s/(UTR(3|5))|(upstream)|(intronic)|(splicing)|(ncRNA)|(intergenic)/$1?"${2}u":$3?'pp':$4?'in':$5?'ss':$6?'nc':'ig'/eg; chomp; @buffer=split /\t/, $_; $buffer[1]='na' if $buffer[0] eq 'ig'; $buffer[1]=~s/([^;]+);(?:\S+)$/$1/ if $buffer[0]!~/;/; print OUT join("\t", @buffer[2..$#buffer, 0..1], ($buffer[1] eq 'na')?'na':(exists $ogs{$buffer[1]})?'TRUE':'FALSE'), "\n"; } close IN; close OUT; $legend{annot}='fd:frameshift deletion; fi:frameshift insertion; nd:nonframeshift deletion; ni:nonframeshift insertion; bs:block substitution; ss:synonymous SNV; ns:nonsynonymous SNV; sg:stopgain; sl:stoploss; na:unknown'; push @header, ('mid', 'pid', 'c.x', 'p.x'); open IN, "${outdir}/${fname}.exonic_variant_function" or die $!; open OUT, ">${outdir}/${fname}.cds" or die $!; print OUT "#", join(' = ', $_, $legend{$_}), "\n" foreach @header; print OUT "#", join("\t", @header), "\n"; while(<IN>){ next if /unknown/; s/^\S+\s+//; chomp; %buffer=(); @{$_}=() foreach (\@ogs, \@mid, \@cno, \@pno, \@sep); @buffer=split /\t/, $_; $buffer[0]=~s/(nonf\w+\s{1}(d|i|s)\w+)|(\w+\s{1}(d|i)\w+)|(stop(\w){1}.+)|(^(n|s).+)|(.+)/$1?(($2 eq 's')?'b':'n').$2:$3?"f$4":$5?"s$6":$7?"${8}s":'na'/eg; foreach (split /,/, $buffer[1]){ @_=split /:/, $_; splice(@_, 2, 1); $_=shift(@_) || 'na' foreach ($ogs, $mid, $cno, $pno); $buffer{ogs}->{$ogs}->{$cno}->{$mid}++; $buffer{ono}->{$cno}=$pno; } $cos=0; foreach $ogs (@ogs=keys %{$buffer{ogs}}){ push @cno, join('|', (@_=keys %{$buffer{ogs}->{$ogs}})); unshift @pno, $buffer{ono}->{$_} foreach reverse @_; $pno=join('|', @pno[0..$#_]); splice(@pno, 0, $#_+1); push @pno, $pno; foreach $cno (@_){ push @mid, join(':', keys %{$buffer{ogs}->{$ogs}->{$cno}}); } $cos++ if exists $ogs{$ogs}; } $mid=join('|', @mid); $cno=join(';', @cno); if($#ogs!=0){ (my $sep=$cno)=~s/[^;\|:]+//g; @_=@{sepind($mid, '|')}[@{sepind($sep, ';')}]; substr($mid, $_, 1)=';' foreach @_; } ($pid=$mid)=~s/([^;\|:]+)/$mid{$1} || 'na'/eg; push @buffer, shift @buffer, join(';', @ogs), ($cos!=0)?'TRUE':'FALSE', $mid, $pid, $cno, join(';', @pno); shift @buffer; print OUT join("\t", @buffer), "\n"; } close IN; close OUT; system "rm $noncoding $coding ${outdir}/${fname}*variant_function ${outdir}/${fname}*invalid*; ln -s ${outdir}/${fname}.nc $noncoding; ln -s ${outdir}/${fname}.cds $coding" and die $!;