diff TrackHub.py @ 1:fb5e60d4d18a draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/goeckslab/hub-archive-creator commit 64cfc08088d11f6818c1b4e5514ef9e67969eaff-dirty
author rmarenco
date Wed, 13 Jul 2016 13:36:37 -0400
children a030b8023882
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TrackHub.py	Wed Jul 13 13:36:37 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+import os
+import zipfile
+from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
+class TrackHub(object):
+    """docstring for TrackHub"""
+    def __init__(self, inputFastaFile, outputFile, extra_files_path, tool_directory):
+        super(TrackHub, self).__init__()
+        self.rootAssemblyHub = None
+        self.mySpecieFolderPath = None
+        self.tool_directory = tool_directory
+        # TODO: Modify according to the files passed in parameter
+        mylookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[os.path.join(tool_directory, 'templates/trackDb')],
+                                  output_encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='replace')
+        self.trackDbTemplate = mylookup.get_template("layout.txt")
+        self.extra_files_path = extra_files_path
+        self.outputFile = outputFile
+        inputFastaFile = open(inputFastaFile, 'r')
+        self.outputZip = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(extra_files_path, 'myHub.zip'), 'w')
+        # Create the structure of the Assembly Hub
+        # TODO: Merge the following processing into a function as it is also used in twoBitCreator
+        baseNameFasta = os.path.basename(inputFastaFile.name)
+        suffixTwoBit, extensionTwoBit = os.path.splitext(baseNameFasta)
+        self.twoBitName = suffixTwoBit + '.2bit'
+        self.rootAssemblyHub = self.__createAssemblyHub__(toolDirectory=tool_directory,
+                                                          extra_files_path=extra_files_path)
+    def createZip(self):
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.rootAssemblyHub):
+            # Get all files and construct the dir at the same time
+            for file in files:
+                self.outputZip.write(os.path.join(root, file))
+        self.outputZip.close()
+    def addTrack(self, trackDbObject=None):
+        # Create the trackDb.txt file in the specie folder, if not exists
+        # Else append the new track
+        trackDbTxtFilePath = os.path.join(self.mySpecieFolderPath, 'trackDb.txt')
+        # Append to trackDbTxtFilePath the trackDbTemplate populate with the newTrack object
+        with open(trackDbTxtFilePath, 'a+') as trackDbFile:
+            trackDbs = [trackDbObject]
+            htmlMakoRendered = self.trackDbTemplate.render(
+                trackDbs=trackDbs
+            )
+            trackDbFile.write(htmlMakoRendered)
+    def terminate(self):
+        # Just a test to output a simple HTML
+        with open(self.outputFile, 'w') as htmlOutput:
+            htmlOutput.write('<html>')
+            htmlOutput.write('<body>')
+            htmlOutput.write('<p>')
+            htmlOutput.write('The following generated by Hub Archive Creator:')
+            htmlOutput.write('</p>')
+            htmlOutput.write('<ul>')
+            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.extra_files_path):
+                for file in files:
+                    relDir = os.path.relpath(root, self.extra_files_path)
+                    htmlOutput.write(str.format('<li><a href="{0}">{1}</a></li>', os.path.join(relDir, file),
+                                                os.path.join(relDir, file)))
+            htmlOutput.write('<ul>')
+            htmlOutput.write('</body>')
+            htmlOutput.write('</html>')
+    def __createAssemblyHub__(self, toolDirectory, extra_files_path):
+        # TODO: Manage to put every fill Function in a file dedicated for reading reasons
+        # Create the root directory
+        myHubPath = os.path.join(extra_files_path, "myHub")
+        if not os.path.exists(myHubPath):
+            os.makedirs(myHubPath)
+        # Add the genomes.txt file
+        genomesTxtFilePath = os.path.join(myHubPath, 'genomes.txt')
+        self.__fillGenomesTxt__(genomesTxtFilePath, toolDirectory)
+        # Add the hub.txt file
+        hubTxtFilePath = os.path.join(myHubPath, 'hub.txt')
+        self.__fillHubTxt__(hubTxtFilePath, toolDirectory)
+        # Add the hub.html file
+        # TODO: Change the name and get it depending on the specie
+        hubHtmlFilePath = os.path.join(myHubPath, 'dbia.html')
+        self.__fillHubHtmlFile__(hubHtmlFilePath, toolDirectory)
+        # Create the specie folder
+        # TODO: Generate the name depending on the specie
+        mySpecieFolderPath = os.path.join(myHubPath, "dbia3")
+        if not os.path.exists(mySpecieFolderPath):
+            os.makedirs(mySpecieFolderPath)
+        self.mySpecieFolderPath = mySpecieFolderPath
+        # Create the description html file in the specie folder
+        descriptionHtmlFilePath = os.path.join(mySpecieFolderPath, 'description.html')
+        self.__fillDescriptionHtmlFile__(descriptionHtmlFilePath, toolDirectory)
+        # Create the file groups.txt
+        # TODO: If not inputs for this, do no create the file
+        groupsTxtFilePath = os.path.join(mySpecieFolderPath, 'groups.txt')
+        self.__fillGroupsTxtFile__(groupsTxtFilePath, toolDirectory)
+        # Create the folder tracks into the specie folder
+        tracksFolderPath = os.path.join(mySpecieFolderPath, "tracks")
+        if not os.path.exists(tracksFolderPath):
+            os.makedirs(tracksFolderPath)
+        return myHubPath
+    def __fillGenomesTxt__(self, genomesTxtFilePath, toolDirectory):
+        # TODO: Think about the inputs and outputs
+        # TODO: Manage the template of this file
+        # renderer = pystache.Renderer(search_dirs="templates/genomesAssembly")
+        pathTemplate = os.path.join(toolDirectory, 'templates/genomesAssembly')
+        mylookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[pathTemplate], output_encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='replace')
+        mytemplate = mylookup.get_template("layout.txt")
+        with open(genomesTxtFilePath, 'w') as genomesTxtFile:
+            # Write the content of the file genomes.txt
+            twoBitPath = os.path.join('dbia3/', self.twoBitName)
+            htmlMakoRendered = mytemplate.render(
+                genomeName="dbia3",
+                trackDbPath="dbia3/trackDb.txt",
+                groupsPath="dbia3/groups.txt",
+                genomeDescription="March 2013 Drosophilia biarmipes unplaced genomic scaffold",
+                twoBitPath=twoBitPath,
+                organismName="Drosophilia biarmipes",
+                defaultPosition="contig1",
+                orderKey="4500",
+                scientificName="Drosophilia biarmipes",
+                pathAssemblyHtmlDescription="dbia3/description.html"
+            )
+            genomesTxtFile.write(htmlMakoRendered)
+    def __fillHubTxt__(self, hubTxtFilePath, toolDirectory):
+        # TODO: Think about the inputs and outputs
+        # TODO: Manage the template of this file
+        mylookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[os.path.join(toolDirectory, 'templates/hubTxt')],
+                                  output_encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='replace')
+        mytemplate = mylookup.get_template('layout.txt')
+        with open(hubTxtFilePath, 'w') as genomesTxtFile:
+            # Write the content of the file genomes.txt
+            htmlMakoRendered = mytemplate.render(
+                hubName='dbiaOnly',
+                shortLabel='dbia',
+                longLabel='This hub only contains dbia with the gene predictions',
+                genomesFile='genomes.txt',
+                email='rmarenco@gwu.edu',
+                descriptionUrl='dbia.html'
+            )
+            genomesTxtFile.write(htmlMakoRendered)
+    def __fillHubHtmlFile__(self, hubHtmlFilePath, toolDirectory):
+        # TODO: Think about the inputs and outputs
+        # TODO: Manage the template of this file
+        # renderer = pystache.Renderer(search_dirs="templates/hubDescription")
+        # t = Template(templates.hubDescription.layout.html)
+        mylookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[os.path.join(toolDirectory, 'templates/hubDescription')],
+                                  output_encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='replace')
+        mytemplate = mylookup.get_template("layout.txt")
+        with open(hubHtmlFilePath, 'w') as hubHtmlFile:
+            # Write the content of the file genomes.txt
+            # htmlPystached = renderer.render_name(
+            #     "layout",
+            #     {'specie': 'Dbia',
+            #     'toolUsed': 'Augustus',
+            #     'ncbiSpecieUrl': 'http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/3499',
+            #     'genomeID': '3499',
+            #     'SpecieFullName': 'Drosophila biarmipes'})
+            htmlMakoRendered = mytemplate.render(
+                specie='Dbia',
+                toolUsed='Augustus',
+                ncbiSpecieUrl='http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/3499',
+                genomeID='3499',
+                specieFullName='Drosophila biarmipes'
+            )
+            # hubHtmlFile.write(htmlPystached)
+            hubHtmlFile.write(htmlMakoRendered)
+    def __fillDescriptionHtmlFile__(self, descriptionHtmlFilePath, toolDirectory):
+        # TODO: Think about the inputs and outputs
+        # TODO: Manage the template of this file
+        mylookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[os.path.join(toolDirectory, 'templates/specieDescription')],
+                                  output_encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='replace')
+        mytemplate = mylookup.get_template("layout.txt")
+        with open(descriptionHtmlFilePath, 'w') as descriptionHtmlFile:
+            # Write the content of the file genomes.txt
+            htmlMakoRendered = mytemplate.render(
+                specieDescription='This is the description of the dbia',
+            )
+            descriptionHtmlFile.write(htmlMakoRendered)
+    def __fillGroupsTxtFile__(self, groupsTxtFilePath, toolDirectory):
+        # TODO: Reenable this function at some point
+        mylookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[os.path.join(toolDirectory, 'templates/groupsTxt')],
+                                  output_encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='replace')
+        mytemplate = mylookup.get_template("layout.txt")
+        with open(groupsTxtFilePath, 'w') as groupsTxtFile:
+            # Write the content of groups.txt
+            # groupsTxtFile.write('name map')
+            htmlMakoRendered = mytemplate.render(
+                mapName='map',
+                labelMapping='Mapping',
+                prioriy='2',
+                isClosed='0'
+            )
+            # groupsTxtFile.write(htmlMakoRendered)