diff rbpfeatures.py @ 0:8918de535391 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/bgruening/galaxytools/tree/rna_commander/tools/rna_tools/rna_commender commit 2fc7f3c08f30e2d81dc4ad19759dfe7ba9b0a3a1
author rnateam
date Tue, 31 May 2016 05:41:03 -0400
children a609d6dc8047
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rbpfeatures.py	Tue May 31 05:41:03 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+"""Compute the RBP features."""
+import re
+import subprocess as sp
+import uuid
+from os import mkdir
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isfile, join
+from os import devnull
+from shutil import rmtree
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import fasta_utils
+import pfam_utils
+__author__ = "Gianluca Corrado"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Gianluca Corrado"
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Gianluca Corrado"
+__email__ = "gianluca.corrado@unitn.it"
+__status__ = "Production"
+class RBPVectorizer():
+    """Compute the RBP features."""
+    def __init__(self, fasta):
+        """
+        Constructor.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        fasta : str
+            Fasta file containing the RBP sequences to predict.
+        """
+        self.fasta = fasta
+        self._mod_fold = "AURA_Human_data/RBP_features/mod"
+        self._reference_fisher_scores = \
+            "AURA_Human_data/RBP_features/fisher_scores_ref"
+        self._train_rbps_file = \
+            "AURA_Human_data/RBP_features/rbps_in_train.txt"
+        self._temp_fold = "temp_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
+        self.pfam_scan = "%s/pfam_scan.txt" % self._temp_fold
+        self._dom_fold = "%s/domains" % self._temp_fold
+        self._seeds_fold = "%s/seeds" % self._temp_fold
+        self._fisher_fold = "%s/fisher_scores" % self._temp_fold
+    def _pfam_scan(self):
+        """Scan the sequences against the Pfam database."""
+        nf = open(self.pfam_scan, "w")
+        nf.write(pfam_utils.search_header())
+        fasta = fasta_utils.import_fasta(self.fasta)
+        for rbp in sorted(fasta.keys()):
+            seq = fasta[rbp]
+            text = pfam_utils.sequence_search(rbp, seq)
+            nf.write(text)
+        nf.close()
+    def _overlapping_domains(self):
+        """Compute the set of domains contributing to the similarity."""
+        reference_domains = set([dom.replace(".mod", "") for dom in
+                                 listdir(self._mod_fold) if
+                                 isfile(join(self._mod_fold, dom))])
+        data = pfam_utils.read_pfam_output(self.pfam_scan)
+        if data is None:
+            return []
+        prot_domains = set([a.split('.')[0] for a in data["hmm_acc"]])
+        dom_list = sorted(list(reference_domains & prot_domains))
+        return dom_list
+    def _prepare_domains(self, dom_list):
+        """Select domain subsequences from the entire protein sequences."""
+        def prepare_domains(fasta_dic, dom_list, pfam_scan, out_folder):
+            out_file_dic = {}
+            for acc in dom_list:
+                out_file_dic[acc] = open("%s/%s.fa" % (out_folder, acc), "w")
+            f = open(pfam_scan)
+            f.readline()
+            for line in f:
+                split = line.split()
+                rbp = split[0]
+                start = int(split[3])
+                stop = int(split[4])
+                acc = split[5].split('.')[0]
+                if acc in out_file_dic.keys():
+                    out_file_dic[acc].write(
+                        ">%s:%i-%i\n%s\n" % (rbp, start, stop,
+                                             fasta_dic[rbp][start:stop]))
+            f.close()
+            for acc in dom_list:
+                out_file_dic[acc].close()
+        mkdir(self._dom_fold)
+        fasta = fasta_utils.import_fasta(self.fasta)
+        prepare_domains(fasta, dom_list, self.pfam_scan,
+                        self._dom_fold)
+    def _compute_fisher_scores(self, dom_list):
+        """Wrapper for SAM 3.5 get_fisher_scores."""
+        def get_fisher_scores(dom_list, mod_fold, dom_fold, fisher_fold):
+            for acc in dom_list:
+                _FNULL = open(devnull, 'w')
+                cmd = "get_fisher_scores run -i %s/%s.mod -db %s/%s.fa" % (
+                    mod_fold, acc, dom_fold, acc)
+                fisher = sp.check_output(
+                    cmd, shell=True, stderr=_FNULL)
+                nf = open("%s/%s.txt" % (fisher_fold, acc), "w")
+                nf.write(fisher)
+                nf.close()
+        mkdir(self._fisher_fold)
+        get_fisher_scores(dom_list, self._mod_fold, self._dom_fold,
+                          self._fisher_fold)
+    def _ekm(self, dom_list):
+        """Compute the empirical kernel map from the Fisher scores."""
+        def process_seg(e):
+            """Process segment of a SAM 3.5 get_fisher_scores output file."""
+            seg = e.split()
+            c = seg[0].split(':')[0]
+            m = map(float, seg[3:])
+            return c, m
+        def read_sam_file(samfile):
+            """Read a SAM 3.5 get_fisher_scores output file."""
+            f = open(samfile)
+            data = f.read()
+            f.close()
+            columns = []
+            m = []
+            split = re.split(">A ", data)[1:]
+            for e in split:
+                c, m_ = process_seg(e)
+                columns.append(c)
+                m.append(m_)
+            m = np.matrix(m)
+            df = pd.DataFrame(data=m.T, columns=columns)
+            return df
+        def dom_features(fisher_fold, dom_list, names=None):
+            """Compute the features with respect to a domain type."""
+            dfs = []
+            for acc in dom_list:
+                df = read_sam_file("%s/%s.txt" % (fisher_fold, acc))
+                df = df.groupby(df.columns, axis=1).mean()
+                dfs.append(df)
+            con = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
+            if names is not None:
+                add = sorted(list(set(names) - set(con.columns)))
+                fil = sorted(list(set(names) - set(add)))
+                con = con[fil]
+                for c in add:
+                    con[c] = np.zeros(len(con.index), dtype='float64')
+                con = con[names]
+            con = con.fillna(0.0)
+            return con
+        f = open(self._train_rbps_file)
+        train_rbps = f.read().strip().split('\n')
+        f.close()
+        ref = dom_features(self._reference_fisher_scores, dom_list,
+                           names=train_rbps)
+        ekm_ref = ref.T.dot(ref)
+        ekm_ref.index = ekm_ref.columns
+        sel = dom_features(self._fisher_fold, dom_list)
+        ekm_sel = sel.T.dot(sel)
+        ekm_sel.index = ekm_sel.columns
+        ekm = ref.T.dot(sel)
+        for rs in ekm.columns:
+            for rr in ekm.index:
+                if ekm_ref[rr][rr] > 0 and ekm_sel[rs][rs] > 0:
+                    ekm[rs][rr] /= np.sqrt(ekm_ref[rr][rr] * ekm_sel[rs][rs])
+        return ekm
+    def vectorize(self):
+        """Produce the RBP features."""
+        # create a temporary folder
+        mkdir(self._temp_fold)
+        # scan the RBP sequences against Pfam
+        self._pfam_scan()
+        # determine the accession numbers of the pfam domains needed for
+        # computing the features
+        dom_list = self._overlapping_domains()
+        if len(dom_list) == 0:
+            rmtree(self._temp_fold)
+            return None
+        # prepare fasta file with the sequence of the domains
+        self._prepare_domains(dom_list)
+        # compute fisher scores using SAM 3.5
+        self._compute_fisher_scores(dom_list)
+        # compute the empirical kernel map
+        ekm = self._ekm(dom_list)
+        # remove the temporary folder
+        rmtree(self._temp_fold)
+        return ekm