changeset 6:4ca4e9200808 draft default tip

Deleted selected files
author rouan
date Fri, 27 Dec 2013 05:28:46 -0500
parents a1f084714800
files edgeR.xml htseq.xml
diffstat 4 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 817 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Thu Dec 26 05:36:07 2013 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
-$| = 1;
-# Grab and set all options
-my %OPTIONS = (a => "glm", d => "tag", f => "BH", r => 5, u => "movingave");
-getopts('a:d:e:f:h:lmn:o:r:tu:', \%OPTIONS);
-die qq(
-Usage: [OPTIONS] factor::factor1::levels [factor::factor2::levels ...] cp::cont_pred1::values [cp::cont_pred2::values ...] cnt::contrast1 [cnt::contrast2] matrix
-OPTIONS:	-a	STR	Type Of Analysis [glm, pw, limma] (default: $OPTIONS{a})
-			-d	STR	The dispersion estimate to use for GLM analysis [tag, trend, common] (default: $OPTIONS{d})
-			-e	STR	Path to place additional output files
-			-f	STR	False discovery rate adjustment method [BH, holm, hochberg, hommel, BY, none] (default: $OPTIONS{f})
-			-h	STR	Name of html file for additional files
-			-l		Output the normalised digital gene expression matrix in log2 format (only applicable when using limma and -n is also specified)
-			-m		Perform all pairwise comparisons
-			-n	STR	File name to output the normalised digital gene expression matrix (only applicable when usinf glm or limma model)
-			-o	STR	File name to output csv file with results
-			-r	INT	Common Dispersion Rowsum Filter, ony applicable when 1 factor analysis selected (default: $OPTIONS{r})
-			-t		Estimate Tagwise Disp when performing 1 factor analysis
-			-u	STR	Method for allowing the prior distribution for the dispersion to be abundance- dependent ["movingave", "tricube", "none"] (default: $OPTIONS{u})
-) if(!@ARGV);
-my $matrix = pop @ARGV;
-open(Rcmd,">$OPTIONS{e}/r_script.R") or die "Cannot open $OPTIONS{e}/r_script.R\n\n";
-print Rcmd "
-zz <- file(\"$OPTIONS{e}/r_script.err\", open=\"wt\")
-sink(zz, type=\"message\")
-# read in matrix and groups
-toc <- read.table(\"$matrix\", sep=\"\\t\", comment=\"\",
-groups <- sapply(toc[1, -1], strsplit, \":\")
-for(i in 1:length(groups)) { g <- make.names(groups[[i]][2]); names(groups)[i] <- g; groups[[i]] <- groups[[i]][-2] }
-colnames(toc) <- make.names(toc[2,])
-toc[,1] <- gsub(\",\", \".\", toc[,1])
-tagnames <- toc[-(1:2), 1]
-rownames(toc) <- toc[,1]
-toc <- toc[-(1:2), -1]
-for(i in colnames(toc)) toc[, i] <- as.numeric(toc[,i])
-norm_factors <- calcNormFactors(as.matrix(toc))
-pw_tests <- list()
-uniq_groups <- unique(names(groups))
-for(i in 1:(length(uniq_groups)-1)) for(j in (i+1):length(uniq_groups)) pw_tests[[length(pw_tests)+1]] <- c(uniq_groups[i], uniq_groups[j])
-DGE <- DGEList(toc, lib.size=norm_factors*colSums(toc), group=names(groups))
-pdf(\"$OPTIONS{e}/MA_plots_normalisation.pdf\", width=14)
-for(i in 1:length(pw_tests)) {
-	j <- c(which(names(groups) == pw_tests[[i]][1])[1], which(names(groups) == pw_tests[[i]][2])[1])
-	par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
-	maPlot(toc[, j[1]], toc[, j[2]], normalize = TRUE, pch = 19, cex = 0.2, ylim = c(-10, 10), main=paste(\"MA Plot\", colnames(toc)[j[1]], \"vs\", colnames(toc)[j[2]]))
-	grid(col = \"blue\")
-	abline(h = log2(norm_factors[j[2]]), col = \"red\", lwd = 4)
-	maPlot(DGE\$counts[, j[1]]/DGE\$samples\$lib.size[j[1]], DGE\$counts[, j[2]]/DGE\$samples\$lib.size[j[2]], normalize = FALSE, pch = 19, cex = 0.2, ylim = c(-8, 8), main=paste(\"MA Plot\", colnames(toc)[j[1]], \"vs\", colnames(toc)[j[2]], \"Normalised\"))
-	grid(col = \"blue\")
-plotMDS(DGE, main=\"MDS Plot\", col=as.numeric(factor(names(groups)))+1, xlim=c(-3,3))
-tested <- list()
-my $all_cont;
-my @add_cont;
-my @fact;
-my @fact_names;
-my @cp;
-my @cp_names;
-if(@ARGV) {
-	foreach my $input (@ARGV) {
-		my @tmp = split "::", $input;
-		if($tmp[0] eq "factor") {
-			$tmp[1] =~ s/[ \?\(\)\[\]\/\\=+<>:;\"\',\*\^\|\&-]/./g;
-			push @fact_names, $tmp[1];
-			$tmp[2] =~ s/:/\", \"/g;
-			$tmp[2] = "\"".$tmp[2]."\"";
-			push @fact, $tmp[2];
-		} elsif($tmp[0] eq "cp") {
-			$tmp[1] =~ s/[ \?\(\)\[\]\/\\=+<>:;\"\',\*\^\|\&-]/./g;
-			push @cp_names, $tmp[1];
-			$tmp[2] =~ s/:/, /g;
-			push @cp, $tmp[2];
-		} elsif($tmp[0] eq "cnt") {
-			push @add_cont, $tmp[1];
-		} else {
-			die("Unknown Input: $input\n");
-		}
-	}
-if($OPTIONS{a} eq "pw") {
-	print Rcmd "
-disp <- estimateCommonDisp(DGE, rowsum.filter=$OPTIONS{r})
-	if(defined $OPTIONS{t}) {
-		print Rcmd "
-disp <- estimateTagwiseDisp(disp, trend=\"$OPTIONS{u}\")
-plotBCV(disp, cex=0.4)
-abline(h=disp\$common.dispersion, col=\"firebrick\", lwd=3)
-	}
-	print Rcmd "
-for(i in 1:length(pw_tests)) {
-	tested[[i]] <- exactTest(disp, pair=pw_tests[[i]])
-	names(tested)[i] <- paste(pw_tests[[i]][2], \"-\", pw_tests[[i]][1], sep=\"\")
-for(i in 1:length(pw_tests)) {
-	dt <- decideTestsDGE(tested[[i]], p.value=0.05, adjust.method=\"$OPTIONS{f}\")
-	if(sum(dt) > 0) {
-		de_tags <- rownames(disp)[which(dt != 0)]
-		ttl <- \"Diff. Exp. Genes With adj. Pvalue < 0.05\"
-	} else {
-		de_tags <- rownames(topTags(tested[[i]], n=100)\$table)
-		ttl <- \"Top 100 tags\"
-	}
-	if(length(dt) < 5000) {
-		pointcex = 0.5
-	} else {
-		pointcex = 0.2
-	}
-	plotSmear(disp, pair=pw_tests[[i]], de.tags = de_tags, main = paste(\"Smear Plot\", names(tested)[i]), cex=0.5)
-	abline(h = c(-1, 1), col = \"blue\")
-	legend(\"topright\", c(\"2 Fold Change\", ttl) , lty=c(1, NA), pch=c(NA, 19), pt.cex=0.5, col=c(\"blue\", \"red\"), bty=\"n\")
-} elsif($OPTIONS{a} eq "glm") {
-	for(my $fct = 0; $fct <= $#fact_names; $fct++) {
-		print Rcmd "
-$fact_names[$fct] <- c($fact[$fct])
-	}
-	for(my $fct = 0; $fct <= $#cp_names; $fct++) {
-		print Rcmd "
-$cp_names[$fct] <- c($cp[$fct])
-	}
-	my $all_fact = "";
-	if(@fact_names) {
-		foreach (@fact_names) {
-			$all_fact .= " + factor($_)";
-		}
-    	}
-	my $all_cp = "";
-	if(@cp_names) {
-		$all_cp = " + ".join(" + ", @cp_names);
-	}
-	print Rcmd "
-group_fact <- factor(names(groups))
-design <- model.matrix(~ -1 + group_fact${all_fact}${all_cp})
-colnames(design) <- sub(\"group_fact\", \"\", colnames(design))
-	foreach my $fct (@fact_names) {
-		print Rcmd "
-colnames(design) <- make.names(sub(\"factor.$fct.\", \"\", colnames(design)))
-	}
-	print Rcmd "
-disp <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(DGE, design)
-	if($OPTIONS{d} eq "tag" || $OPTIONS{d} eq "trend") {
-		print Rcmd "
-disp <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(disp, design)
-	}
-	if($OPTIONS{d} eq "tag") {
-		print Rcmd "
-disp <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(disp, design)
-fit <- glmFit(disp, design)
-plotBCV(disp, cex=0.4)
-	}
-	if(@add_cont) {
-		$all_cont = "\"".join("\", \"", @add_cont)."\"";
-		print Rcmd "
-cont <- c(${all_cont})
-for(i in uniq_groups)  cont <- gsub(paste(groups[[i]], \"([^0-9])\", sep=\"\"), paste(i, \"\\\\1\", sep=\"\"), cont)
-for(i in uniq_groups)  cont <- gsub(paste(groups[[i]], \"\$\", sep=\"\"), i, cont)
-	} else {
-		print Rcmd "
-cont <- NULL
-	}
-	if(defined $OPTIONS{m}) {
-		print Rcmd "
-for(i in 1:length(pw_tests)) cont <- c(cont, paste(pw_tests[[i]][2], \"-\", pw_tests[[i]][1], sep=\"\"))
-	}
-	if(!defined $OPTIONS{m} && !@add_cont){
-		die("No Contrasts have been specified, you must at least either select multiple pairwise comparisons or specify a custom contrast\n");
-	}
-	print Rcmd "
-fit <- glmFit(disp, design)
-cont <- makeContrasts(contrasts=cont, levels=design)
-for(i in colnames(cont)) tested[[i]] <- glmLRT(fit, contrast=cont[,i])
-for(i in colnames(cont)) {
-	dt <- decideTestsDGE(tested[[i]], p.value=0.05, adjust.method=\"$OPTIONS{f}\")
-	if(sum(dt) > 0) {
-		de_tags <- rownames(disp)[which(dt != 0)]
-		ttl <- \"Diff. Exp. Genes With adj. Pvalue < 0.05\"
-	} else {
-		de_tags <- rownames(topTags(tested[[i]], n=100)\$table)
-		ttl <- \"Top 100 tags\"
-	}
-	if(length(dt) < 5000) {
-		pointcex = 0.5
-	} else {
-		pointcex = 0.2
-	}
-	plotSmear(disp, de.tags = de_tags, main = paste(\"Smear Plot\", i), cex=pointcex)
-	abline(h = c(-1, 1), col = \"blue\")
-	legend(\"topright\", c(\"2 Fold Change\", ttl) , lty=c(1, NA), pch=c(NA, 19), pt.cex=0.5, col=c(\"blue\", \"red\"), bty=\"n\")
-	if(defined $OPTIONS{n}) {
-		print Rcmd "
-tab <- data.frame(ID=rownames(fit\$fitted.values), fit\$fitted.values, stringsAsFactors=F)
-write.table(tab, \"$OPTIONS{n}\", quote=F, sep=\"\\t\", row.names=F)
-	}
-} elsif($OPTIONS{a} eq "limma") {
-	for(my $fct = 0; $fct <= $#fact_names; $fct++) {
-		print Rcmd "
-$fact_names[$fct] <- c($fact[$fct])
-	}
-	for(my $fct = 0; $fct <= $#cp_names; $fct++) {
-		print Rcmd "
-$cp_names[$fct] <- c($cp[$fct])
-	}
-	my $all_fact = "";
-	if(@fact_names) {
-		foreach (@fact_names) {
-			$all_fact .= " + factor($_)";
-		}
-	}
-	my $all_cp = "";
-	if(@cp_names) {
-		$all_cp = " + ".join(" + ", @cp_names);
-	}
-	print Rcmd "
-group_fact <- factor(names(groups))
-design <- model.matrix(~ -1 + group_fact${all_fact}${all_cp})
-colnames(design) <- sub(\"group_fact\", \"\", colnames(design))
-	foreach my $fct (@fact_names) {
-		print Rcmd "
-colnames(design) <- make.names(sub(\"factor.$fct.\", \"\", colnames(design)))
-	}
-	print Rcmd "
-isexpr <- rowSums(cpm(toc)>1) >= 2
-toc <- toc[isexpr, ]
-y <- voom(toc, design, plot=TRUE, lib.size=colSums(toc)*norm_factors)
-plotMDS(y, labels=colnames(toc), col=as.numeric(factor(names(groups)))+1, gene.selection=\"common\")
-fit <- lmFit(y, design)
-	if(defined $OPTIONS{n}) {
-		if(defined $OPTIONS{l}) {
-			print Rcmd "
-tab <- data.frame(ID=rownames(y\$E), y\$E, stringsAsFactors=F)
-		} else {
-			print Rcmd "
-tab <- data.frame(ID=rownames(y\$E), 2^y\$E, stringsAsFactors=F)
-		}
-		print Rcmd "
-write.table(tab, \"$OPTIONS{n}\", quote=F, sep=\"\\t\", row.names=F)
-	}
-	if(@add_cont) {
-		$all_cont = "\"".join("\", \"", @add_cont)."\"";
-		print Rcmd "
-cont <- c(${all_cont})
-for(i in uniq_groups)  cont <- gsub(paste(groups[[i]], \"([^0-9])\", sep=\"\"), paste(i, \"\\\\1\", sep=\"\"), cont)
-for(i in uniq_groups)  cont <- gsub(paste(groups[[i]], \"\$\", sep=\"\"), i, cont)
-	} else {
-		print Rcmd "
-cont <- NULL
-	}
-	if(defined $OPTIONS{m}) {
-		print Rcmd "
-for(i in 1:length(pw_tests)) cont <- c(cont, paste(pw_tests[[i]][2], \"-\", pw_tests[[i]][1], sep=\"\"))
-	}
-	if(!defined $OPTIONS{m} && !@add_cont){
-		die("No Contrasts have been specified, you must at least either select multiple pairwise comparisons or specify a custom contrast\n");
-	}
-	print Rcmd "
-cont <- makeContrasts(contrasts=cont, levels=design)
-fit2 <-, cont)
-fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
-} else {
-	die("Anaysis type $OPTIONS{a} not found\n");
-if($OPTIONS{a} ne "limma") {
-	print Rcmd "
-options(digits = 6)
-tab <- NULL
-for(i in names(tested)) {
-	tab_tmp <- topTags(tested[[i]], n=Inf, adjust.method=\"$OPTIONS{f}\")[[1]]
-	colnames(tab_tmp) <- paste(i, colnames(tab_tmp), sep=\":\")
-	tab_tmp <- tab_tmp[tagnames,]
-	if(is.null(tab)) {
-		tab <- tab_tmp
-	} else tab <- cbind(tab, tab_tmp)
-tab <- cbind(Feature=rownames(tab), tab)
-} else {
-	print Rcmd "
-tab <- NULL
-options(digits = 6)
-for(i in colnames(fit2)) {
-	tab_tmp <- topTable(fit2, coef=i, n=Inf,\"none\", adjust.method=\"$OPTIONS{f}\")
-	colnames(tab_tmp)[-1] <- paste(i, colnames(tab_tmp)[-1], sep=\":\")
-	if(is.null(tab)) {
-		tab <- tab_tmp
-	} else tab <- cbind(tab, tab_tmp[,-1])
-print Rcmd "
-write.table(tab, \"$OPTIONS{o}\", quote=F, sep=\"\\t\", row.names=F)
-system("R --no-restore --no-save --no-readline < $OPTIONS{e}/r_script.R > $OPTIONS{e}/r_script.out");
-open(HTML, ">$OPTIONS{h}");
-print HTML "<html><head><title>EdgeR: Empirical analysis of digital gene expression data</title></head><body><h3>EdgeR Additional Files:</h3><p><ul>\n";
-print HTML "<li><a href=MA_plots_normalisation.pdf>MA_plots_normalisation.pdf</a></li>\n";
-print HTML "<li><a href=MDSplot.pdf>MDSplot.pdf</a></li>\n";
-if($OPTIONS{a} eq "pw") {
-	if(defined $OPTIONS{t}) {
-		print HTML "<li><a href=Tagwise_Dispersion_vs_Abundance.pdf>Tagwise_Dispersion_vs_Abundance.pdf</a></li>\n";
-	}
-	print HTML "<li><a href=Smear_Plots.pdf>Smear_Plots.pdf</a></li>\n";
-} elsif($OPTIONS{a} eq "glm" && $OPTIONS{d} eq "tag") {
-	print HTML "<li><a href=Tagwise_Dispersion_vs_Abundance.pdf>Tagwise_Dispersion_vs_Abundance.pdf</a></li>\n";
-	print HTML "<li><a href=Smear_Plots.pdf>Smear_Plots.pdf</a></li>\n";
-} elsif($OPTIONS{a} eq "glm" && ($OPTIONS{d} eq "trend" || $OPTIONS{d} eq "common")) {
-	print HTML "<li><a href=Smear_Plots.pdf>Smear_Plots.pdf</a></li>\n";
-} elsif($OPTIONS{a} eq "limma") {
-	print HTML "<li><a href=LIMMA_MDS_plot.pdf>LIMMA_MDS_plot.pdf</a></li>\n";
-	print HTML "<li><a href=LIMMA_voom.pdf>LIMMA_voom.pdf</a></li>\n";
-print HTML "<li><a href=r_script.R>r_script.R</a></li>\n";
-print HTML "<li><a href=r_script.out>r_script.out</a></li>\n";
-print HTML "<li><a href=r_script.err>r_script.err</a></li>\n";
-print HTML "</ul></p>\n";
--- a/edgeR.xml	Thu Dec 26 05:36:07 2013 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="edgeR" name="edgeR" version="0.0.2">
-  <description> - Estimates differential gene expression for short read sequence count using methods appropriate for count data</description>
-  <requirements>
-        <requirement type="R-module">edgeR</requirement>
-        <requirement type="R-module">limma</requirement>
-  </requirements>
-  <command interpreter="perl">
- -a $analysis_type.analysis -e $html_file.files_path -f $fdr -h $html_file -o $output
-  	## Pairwise comparisons
-  	#if $analysis_type.analysis == "pw":
-   		-r $analysis_type.rowsumfilter
-  		#if $analysis_type.tagwise_disp.twd == "TRUE":
-   			-u $analysis_type.tagwise_disp.twd_trend
-  			-t
- 		#end if
- 	## GLM
-  	#else if $analysis_type.analysis == "glm":
-		#if $analysis_type.exp.export_norm == "true":
-			-n $norm_exp
-		#end if
- 		-d $analysis_type.disp
-		$analysis_type.cont_pw
- 		#for $fct in $analysis_type.factors:
-  			factor::${$fct.fact_name}::${$fct.fact}
-  		#end for
-  		#for $c in $analysis_type.cont_pred:
-			cp::${c.cp_name}::${c.cp}
-		#end for
-		#for $cnt in $analysis_type.contrasts:
-			"cnt::${cnt.add_cont}"
-		#end for
-	## LIMMA
-	#else
-		#if $analysis_type.exp.export_norm == "true":
-			-n $norm_exp $analysis_type.exp.log
-		#end if
-		$analysis_type.cont_pw
-  		#for $fct in $analysis_type.factors:
-  			factor::${$fct.fact_name}::${$fct.fact}
-  		#end for
-  		#for $c in $analysis_type.cont_pred:
-			cp::${c.cp_name}::${c.cp}
-		#end for
-		#for $cnt in $analysis_type.contrasts:
-			"cnt::${cnt.add_cont}"
-		#end for
-	#end if
-	$matrix
-  </command>
-  <inputs>
-  	<param name="matrix" type="data" format="tabular" label="Digital Expression Matrix"/>
-  	<conditional name="analysis_type">
-		<param name="analysis" type="select" label="Type Of Analysis">
-			<option value="pw">Pairwise comparisons (1 Factor Analysis)</option>
-			<option value="glm" selected="true">Generalized Linear Models (Multiple Factor Analysis using GLM)</option>
-			<option value="limma">Linear Models for RNA-Seq (Multiple Factor Analysis using LIMMA)</option>
-		</param>
-		<when value="pw">
-			<param name="rowsumfilter" type="integer" value="5" label="Common Dispersion Rowsum Filter" help="Numeric scalar giving a value for the filtering out of low abundance tags in the estimation of the common dispersion. Only tags with total sum of counts above this value are used in the estimation of the common dispersion. Low abundance tags can adversely affect the estimation of the common dispersion, so this argument allows the user to select an appropriate filter threshold for the tag abundance."/>
-			<conditional name="tagwise_disp">
-				<param name="twd" type="select" label="Maximize the Negative Binomial Weighted Conditional Likelihood" help="Calculate and use an estimate of the dispersion parameter for each tag">
-					<option value="TRUE" selected="true">True</option>
-					<option value="FALSE">False</option>
-				</param>
-				<when value="TRUE">
-					<param name="twd_trend" type="select" label="Method for allowing the prior distribution for the dispersion to be abundance-dependent">
-						<option value="movingave" selected="true">Movingave</option>
-						<option value="tricube">Tricube</option>
-						<option value="none">None</option>
-					</param>
-				</when>
-			</conditional>
-		</when>
-		<when value="glm">
-			<param name="disp" type="select" label="Select The Dispersion Estimate To Use:">
-				<option value="common">Common Dispersion</option>
-				<option value="trend">Trended Dispersion</option>
-				<option value="tag" selected="true">Tagwise Dispersion</option>
-			</param>
-			<repeat name="factors" title="Factor">
-				<param name="fact_name" title="Factor Name" type="text" label="Name Of Factor (no spaces or commas)"/>
-				<param name="fact" title="Factor" type="text" size="100" label="The Level Of Each Sample Seperated By A Colon (no spaces or commas)"/>
-			</repeat>	
-			<repeat name="cont_pred" title="Continuous Predictor">
-				<param name="cp_name" title="Continuous Predictor Name" type="text" label="Name Of Continuous Predictor (no spaces or commas)"/>
-				<param name="cp" title="Continuous Predictor" type="text" size="100" label="The Numerical Value For Each Sample Seperated By A Colon (no spaces or commas)"/>
-			</repeat>
-			<param name="cont_pw" type="boolean" truevalue="-m" falsevalue="" checked="True" label="Perform all pairwise comparisons" help="Include all pairwise comparisons in the contrast matrix."/>
-			<repeat name="contrasts" title="Contrast">
-				<param name="add_cont" title="Contrast" type="text" label="Enter the contrast of interest, e.g. (G1+G2)/2-G3 (no spaces or commas)"/>
-			</repeat>
-			<conditional name="exp">	
-				<param name="export_norm" type="select" label="Save Normalised DGE Matrix">
-					<option value="true">Yes</option>
-					<option value="false">No</option>
-				</param>
-			</conditional>
-		</when>
-		<when value="limma">
-			<repeat name="factors" title="Factor">
-				<param name="fact_name" title="Factor Name" type="text" label="Name Of Factor (no spaces or commas)"/>
-				<param name="fact" title="Factor" type="text" size="100" label="The Level Of Each Sample Seperated By A Colon (no spaces or commas)"/>
-			</repeat>	
-			<repeat name="cont_pred" title="Continuous Predictor">
-				<param name="cp_name" title="Continuous Predictor Name" type="text" label="Name Of Continuous Predictor (no spaces or commas)"/>
-				<param name="cp" title="Continuous Predictor" type="text" size="100" label="The Numerical Value For Each Sample Seperated By A Colon (no spaces or commas)"/>
-			</repeat>
-			<param name="cont_pw" type="boolean" truevalue="-m" falsevalue="" checked="True" label="Perform all pairwise comparisons" help="Include all pairwise comparisons in the contrast matrix."/>
-			<repeat name="contrasts" title="Contrast">
-				<param name="add_cont" title="Contrast" type="text" label="Enter the contrast of interest, e.g. (G1+G2)/2-G3 (no spaces or commas)"/>
-			</repeat>
-			<conditional name="exp">	
-				<param name="export_norm" type="select" label="Save Normalised DGE Matrix">
-					<option value="true">Yes</option>
-					<option value="false">No</option>
-				</param>
-				<when value="true">
-					<param name="log" type="boolean" truevalue="-l" falsevalue="" checked="True" label="Export Normalised DGE Matrix in Log2" help="Selecting this will log base 2 transform the Normalised Digital Gene Expression Matrix."/>
-				</when>
-			</conditional>
-		</when>
-	</conditional>
-	<param name="fdr" type="select" label="False discovery rate adjustment method">
-		<option value="BH">Benjamini and Hochberg (1995)</option>
-		<option value="holm">Holm (1979)</option>
-		<option value="hochberg">Hochberg (1988)</option>
-		<option value="hommel">Hommel (1988)</option>
-		<option value="BY">Benjamini and Yekutieli (2001)</option>
-		<option value="none">None</option>
-	</param>
-  </inputs>
-  <outputs>
-    	<data format="tabular" name="output" label="EdgeR analysis on ${}"/>
-    	<data name="html_file" format="html" label="EdgeR analysis plots for ${}"/>
-    	<data name="norm_exp" format="tabular" label="EdgeR Norm Expr Matrix for ${}">
-    		<filter>analysis_type[ "analysis" ] != "pw" and analysis_type[ "exp" ][ "export_norm" ] == "true"</filter>
-    	</data>
-  </outputs>
-	<help>
-.. class:: infomark
-**What it does**
-Estimates differential gene expression for short read sequence count using methods appropriate for count data.
-If you have paired data you may also want to consider Tophat/Cufflinks. 
-Input must be raw count data for each sequence arranged in a rectangular matrix as a tabular file.
-Note - no scaling - please make sure you have untransformed raw counts of reads for each sequence.
-Performs digital differential gene expression analysis between groups (eg a treatment and control).
-Biological replicates provide information about experimental variability required for reliable inference.
-**What it does not do**
-edgeR_ requires biological replicates. 
-Without replicates you can't account for known important experimental sources of variability that the approach implemented here requires.
-A count matrix containing sequence names as rows and sample specific counts of reads from this sequence as columns.
-The matrix must have 2 header rows, the first indicating the group assignment and the second uniquely identifiying the samples. It must also contain a unique set of (eg Feature) names in the first column. 
-	#	G1:Mut	G1:Mut	G1:Mut	G2:WT	G2:WT	G2:WT
-	#Feature	Spl1	Spl2	Spl3	Spl4	Spl5	Spl6
-	NM_001001130	97	43	61	34	73	26
-	NM_001001144	25	8	9	3	5	5
-	NM_001001152	72	45	29	20	31	13
-	NM_001001160	0	1	1	1	0	0
-	NM_001001177	0	1	0	4	3	3
-	NM_001001178	0	2	1	0	4	0
-	NM_001001179	0	0	0	0	0	2
-	NM_001001180	0	0	0	0	0	2
-	NM_001001181	415	319	462	185	391	155
-	NM_001001182	1293	945	987	297	938	496
-	NM_001001183	5	4	11	7	11	2
-	NM_001001184	135	198	178	110	205	64
-	NM_001001185	186	1	0	1	1	0
-	NM_001001186	75	90	91	34	63	54
-	NM_001001187	267	236	170	165	202	51
-	NM_001001295	5	2	6	1	7	0
-	NM_001001309	1	0	0	1	2	1
-	...
-Please use the "Count reads in features with htseq-count" tool to generate the count matrix.
-A tabular file containing relative expression levels, statistical estimates of differential expression probability, R scripts, log, and some helpful diagnostic plots.
-.. class:: infomark
-This tool wraps the edgeR_ Bioconductor package so all calculations and plots are controlled by that code. See edgeR_ for all documentation and appropriate attribution. 
-Recommended reference is Mark D. Robinson, Davis J. McCarthy, Gordon K. Smyth, PMCID: PMC2796818
-.. class:: infomark
-When applying the LIMMA (Linear models for RNA-Seq) anlysis the tool also makes use of the limma_ Bioconductor package.
-Recommended reference is Smyth, G. K. (2005). Limma: linear models for microarray data. In: 'Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions using R and Bioconductor'. R. Gentleman, V. Carey, S. Dudoit, R. Irizarry, W. Huber (eds), Springer, New York, pages 397--420.
- .. _edgeR:
- .. _limma:
-	</help>
--- a/	Thu Dec 26 05:36:07 2013 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use File::Basename;
-$| = 1;
-# Grab and set all options
-my %OPTIONS = (a => 0, i => "gene_id", m => "intersection-nonempty", s => "no", t => "exon");
-getopts('a:cg:i:m:o:r:s:t:', \%OPTIONS);
-die qq(
-Usage: [OPTIONS] Group1=sample1=<SAM/BAM file> [Group1=sample2=<SAM/BAM file> ... Group2=sampleN=<SAM/BAM file> ...]
-OPTIONS:	-a	STR	skip all reads with alignment quality lower than the given minimum value (default: $OPTIONS{a})
-			-c		reduce the matrix by removing any feature with no counts
-			-g	STR	the features file in the GFF/GTF format
-			-i	STR	GFF attribute to be used as feature ID (default: $OPTIONS{i})
-			-m	STR	mode to handle reads overlapping more than one feature. Possible values for <mode> are union, intersection-strict and intersection-nonempty (default: $OPTIONS{m})
-			-o	STR	output file name for expression matrix
-			-r	STR	the name of the output report
-			-s	STR	whether the data is from a strand-specific assay (default: $OPTIONS{s})
-			-t	STR	feature type (3rd column in GFF file) to be used, all features of other type are ignored (default, suitable for RNA-Seq and Ensembl GTF files: $OPTIONS{t})
-) if(@ARGV == 0);
-my $sam_out;
-my @counts;
-my @features;
-my %report;
-my @samplenames;
-my $current_group;
-my @groups;
-my @files;
-my $groupcount = 0;
-my %grouphash;
-foreach my $input (@ARGV) {
-	my ($group, $sample, $input) = split "::", $input;
-	if(! defined $grouphash{$group}) {
-		$groupcount++;
-		$grouphash{$group} = "G${groupcount}:$group";
-	}
-	push @groups, $grouphash{$group};
-	push @samplenames, $sample;
-	push @files, $input;
-for(my $index = 0; $index <= $#files; $index++) {
-	my $input_file = $files[$index];
-	my $sample = $samplenames[$index];
-	# run htseq
-	my @htseq;
-	my $COMM;
-	my $file_type = `file $input_file`;
-	if(grep /text$/, $file_type ) {
-		$COMM = "htseq-count -q -m $OPTIONS{m} -s $OPTIONS{s} -a $OPTIONS{a} -t $OPTIONS{t} -i $OPTIONS{i} $input_file $OPTIONS{g}";
-		@htseq = `$COMM`;
-	} else {
-		$COMM = "samtools view $input_file | htseq-count -q -m $OPTIONS{m} -s $OPTIONS{s} -a $OPTIONS{a} -t $OPTIONS{t} -i $OPTIONS{i} - $OPTIONS{g}";
-		@htseq = `$COMM`;
-	}
-	my $row = 0;
-	$report{$sample} = "Command Used: $COMM\n";
-	for(my $row = 0; $row <= $#htseq; $row++) {
-		# store the report is an hash
-		if(grep /^no_feature|^ambiguous|^too_low_aQual|^not_aligned|^alignment_not_unique/, $htseq[$row]) {
-			$report{$sample} .= $htseq[$row];
-		} else {
-			# store the counts in a matrix
-			chomp $htseq[$row];
-			my ($feature, $value) = split "\t", $htseq[$row];
-			$counts[$row][$index] = $value;
-			if($input_file eq $files[0]) {
-				push @features, $feature;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-# print the matrix
-open(MATRIX, ">$OPTIONS{o}") || die "Could Not Create Output File $OPTIONS{o}!\n";
-print MATRIX "#\t".join("\t", @groups)."\n";
-print MATRIX "#Feature\t".join("\t", @samplenames)."\n";
-for(my $row = 0; $row <= $#features; $row++) {
-	if(defined $OPTIONS{c}) {
-		my $rowsum = 0;
-		$rowsum += $_ foreach @{ $counts[$row] };
-		if(!$rowsum) {
-			next;
-		}
-	}
-	print MATRIX "$features[$row]\t".join("\t", @{ $counts[$row] })."\n";
-# print the report
-open(REPORT, ">$OPTIONS{r}") || die "Could Not Create Output File $OPTIONS{r}!\n";
-print REPORT "$groups[$_]:$samplenames[$_]\n$report{$samplenames[$_]}\n" foreach (0..$#samplenames);
--- a/htseq.xml	Thu Dec 26 05:36:07 2013 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="htseq-count" name="Count reads in features with htseq-count" version="1.0.0">
-  <requirements>
-      <requirement type="package" version="0.1.18">samtools</requirement>
-      <requirement type="python library" version="0.5.3p9">htseq</requirement>
-  </requirements>
-  <description> - Create a digital expression matrix by counting reads in features with htseq-count</description>
-  <command interpreter="perl">
- -m $MODE -s $STRANDED -a $MINAQUAL -t $FEATURETYPE -i $IDATTR -g $gff_file -o $output -r $report $REDUCE
-	## Inputs.
-        #for $group in $group_analysis
- 		${}::${group.sample_init}::${group.file_init}
-      		#for $input_files in $group.input_files:
-       			${}::${input_files.sample}::${input_files.file}
-        	#end for
-        #end for
-  </command>
-  <inputs>
-  	<param name="matrix_name" type="text" label="Name Of Matrix" help="Name Of The Matrix" value="My_Matrix" />
-        <repeat name="group_analysis" title="Group">
-		<param name="group" title="Group name" type="text" label="Group name (no spaces or commas)"/>
-		<param name="sample_init" title="Sample name" type="text" label="Sample name (no spaces, commas or colons allowed)"/>
-		<param format="sam,bam" name="file_init" type="data" label="SAM/BAM File" help=""/>
-		<repeat name="input_files" title="Replicate">
-		    <param name="sample" title="Sample name" type="text" label="Sample name (no spaces, commas or colons allowed)"/>
-		    <param format="sam,bam" name="file" type="data" label="Add file" help=""/>
-		</repeat>
-	</repeat>
-  	<param format="gff, gtf" name="gff_file" type="data" label="The features file in the GFF/GTF format"/>
-	<param name="MODE" type="select" label="Mode to handle reads overlapping more than one feature">
-		<option value="union">Union</option>
-		<option value="intersection-strict">Intersection Strict</option>
-		<option value="intersection-nonempty" selected="true">Intersection Nonempty</option>
-	</param>
- 	<param name="STRANDED" type="select" label="Is the data from a strand-specific assay?">
-		<option value="no" selected="true">No</option>
-		<option value="yes">Yes</option>
-		<option value="reverse">Yes but reverse</option>
-	</param>
-	<param name="MINAQUAL" type="integer" value="0" label="Minimum Alignment Quality" help="Skip all reads with alignment quality lower than the given minimum value." />
-	<param name="FEATURETYPE" value="exon" type="text" label="Feature type (3rd column in GFF file) to be used" help="All features of other type are ignored (default, suitable for RNA-Seq and Ensembl GTF files: exon)" size="80" />
-	<param name="IDATTR" value="gene_id" type="text" label="GFF attribute to be used as feature ID" help="Several GFF lines with the same feature ID will be considered as parts of the same feature. The feature ID is used to identity the counts in the output table. The default, suitable for RNA-SEq and Ensembl GTF files, is gene_id." size="80" />
-  	<param name="REDUCE" type="boolean" truevalue="-c" falsevalue="" checked="True" label="Reduce Matrix" help="Remove any rows for which all input Sam/Bam files have 0 counts."/> 
-  </inputs>
-  <outputs>
-    	<data format="tabular" name="output" label="Digital Expression Matrix: $matrix_name"/>
-    	<data format="txt" name="report" label="Matrix Report: $matrix_name"/>
-  </outputs>
-  <help> 
-.. class:: infomark
-**What it does**
-Create a digital expression matrix by counting reads in features with htseq-count
-For each given file with aligned sequencing reads this tool counts how many reads map to each feature. It then constructs a matrix where the rows represent the features and the columns represent the files.
-A feature is here an interval (i.e., a range of positions) on a chromosome or a union of such intervals.
-In the case of RNA-Seq, the features are typically genes, where each gene is considered here as the union of all its exons. One may also consider each exon as a feature, e.g., in order to check for alternative splicing. For comparative ChIP-Seq, the features might be binding region from a pre-determined list.
-Special care must be taken to decide how to deal with reads that overlap more than one feature. The htseq-count script allows to choose between three modes.
-The three overlap resolution modes of htseq-count work as follows. For each position i in the read, a set S(i) is defined as the set of all features overlapping position i. Then, consider the set S, which is (with i running through all position within the read)
-    * the union of all the sets S(i) for mode union.
-    * the intersection of all the sets S(i) for mode intersection-strict.
-    * the intersection of all non-empty sets S(i) for mode intersection-nonempty.
-If S contains precisely one feature, the read is counted for this feature. If it contains more than one feature, the read is counted as ambiguous (and not counted for any features), and if S is empty, the read is counted as no_feature.
-The following figure illustrates the effect of these three modes:
-.. image::
-The strandedness of the assay may also be set. For stranded=no, a read is considered overlapping with a feature regardless of whether it is mapped to the same or the opposite strand as the feature. For stranded=yes and single-end reads, the read has to be mapped to the same strand as the feature. For paired-end reads, the first read has to be on the same strand and the second read on the opposite strand. For stranded=reverse, these rules are reversed.
-.. class:: warningmark 
-**Important:** The default for strandedness is no. If yes or reverse is selected and your RNA-Seq data has not been made with a strand-specific protocol, this will cause half of the reads to be lost. Hence, make sure to set the option --stranded=no unless you have strand-specific data!
-The script outputs a digital expression matrix containing the counts for each feature by each input Sam/Bam file. It will also generate a report containing special counters, which count reads that were not counted for any feature for various reasons, namely:
-    * no_feature: reads which could not be assigned to any feature (set S as described above was empty).
-    * ambiguous: reads which could have been assigned to more than one feature and hence were not counted for any of these (set S had more than one element).
-    * too_low_aQual: reads which were not counted due to the -a option, see below
-    * not_aligned: reads in the Sam/Bam file without alignment
-    * alignment_not_unique: reads with more than one reported alignment. These reads are recognized from the NH optional SAM field tag. (If the aligner does not set this field, multiply aligned reads will be counted multiple times.)
-  </help>  