diff src/breadcrumbs/src/circlader/circlader_lib.py @ 0:0de566f21448 draft default tip

author sagun98
date Thu, 03 Jun 2021 18:13:32 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/circlader/circlader_lib.py	Thu Jun 03 18:13:32 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+# NAME: circlader_lib.py
+# DESCRIPTION:  Circlader (CIRcular CLADogram buidER) is a python script for
+#               creating images of circular cladogram starting from any guide
+#               tree in tabular or Newick format
+# Author: Nicola Segata
+# email: nsegata@hsph.harvard.edu
+# Copyright: (c) 2011
+# Licence: <your licence>
+import sys,os,math,matplotlib
+from matplotlib import collections
+from Bio import Phylo
+import numpy as np
+from pylab import *
+import operator
+import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
+class Tree:
+    max_rad_dist = math.pi*0.15
+# Class specifying clade with strutural characteristics and 
+# associated information
+    class Clade:
+        def __init__(   self,taxa_id=0, name='',
+                        br_len=-1.0, root_br_dist=-1.0,
+                        highlighted=False,
+                        ext_seg = False,
+                        ext_seg_vec = None):
+            self.id = taxa_id
+            self.name = name
+            self.label = name
+            self.label_cat = ''
+            self.col = 'w'
+            self.br_len = br_len
+            self.tot_br_len = 0.0 
+            self.root_br_dist = root_br_dist
+            self.is_leaf = True
+            self.is_highlighted = highlighted
+            self.__children = {}
+            self.pos = Tree.VisPos()
+            self.nleaves = 0
+            self.size = 0
+            self.ext_seg = ext_seg
+            self.ext_seg_vec = ext_seg_vec
+        def add_child(self,cl):
+            self.__children[cl.id] = cl
+            self.tot_br_len += (cl.br_len + 
+                    (0 if cl.is_leaf else cl.tot_br_len))
+            self.is_leaf = False
+        def get_children(self):
+            return self.__children.values()
+#   Class decribing graphical information associated with clades
+    class VisPos:
+        def __init__(   self, r=0.0, rad=0.0, rmin=0.0, 
+                        rmax=0.0, lab_lev = 0.0):
+            self.rad = rad
+            self.r = r
+            self.rad_min = rmin
+            self.rad_max = rmax
+            self.lab_lev = lab_lev
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__all_taxa = set([])
+        self.__noname_gen = self.__unique_none_id()
+        self.__max_br_depth = 0.0
+        self.__min_br_depth = float(sys.maxint) 
+        self.__leaves = []
+        self.min_high = float(sys.maxint)
+        self.max_high = -1.0
+        self.added_label_cats = []
+        self.vis_cats = []
+        self.wing_ext_max = 1.0
+        self.cseg = None 
+    def __unique_none_id(self):
+        for i in xrange(2**31-1):
+            yield "_"+str(i)
+    def add_clade(self,cl,fn,br_depth):
+        cl.size = self.sizes[cl.id] if hasattr(self, 'sizes') and cl.id in self.sizes else self.opt['default_taxa_size']
+        if cl.is_highlighted:
+            cl.pos.lab_lev = br_depth+1.0
+            if self.min_high > cl.pos.lab_lev:
+                self.min_high = cl.pos.lab_lev
+            if self.max_high < min( cl.pos.lab_lev,
+                    float(self.opt['highlighting_bar_stop_level'])*1.001):
+                self.max_high = cl.pos.lab_lev
+            cl.label = self.labels[fn]
+            cl.col = self.label_color[fn]
+            cl.label_cat = self.label_cat[fn]
+            cl.size *= self.opt['highlight_taxa_size_magnifier']
+    def load_lefse(self,inp_f):
+        with open(inp_f, 'r') as inp:
+            rows = ["root."+l.rstrip().split("\t")[0] for l in inp.readlines()]
+        rows.append("root")
+        self.opt['ignore_branch_len'] = 1
+        def rec_add(clade_name,rows,br_depth=0.0, first = False):
+            self.__all_taxa.add(clade_name)
+            fn = clade_name if not clade_name.startswith("root.") \
+                            else clade_name.split("root.")[1]
+            highlighted = (fn in self.labels)
+            ext_seg = (self.cseg and fn in self.cseg)
+            ext_seg_v = self.cseg[fn] if ext_seg else None
+            cl = Tree.Clade(    clade_name, clade_name.split(".")[-1],1.0,
+                                br_depth+1.0, highlighted = highlighted, ext_seg = ext_seg, ext_seg_vec = ext_seg_v )
+            self.add_clade(cl,fn,br_depth)
+            rows.remove(clade_name)
+            np = clade_name.count(".")
+            children = [r for r in rows if r.count(".") == np+1 and \
+                        r.count(".") > 0  and \
+                        ".".join(r.split(".")[:-1]) == clade_name]
+            if not children:
+                self.__leaves.append(cl)
+                if cl.root_br_dist > self.__max_br_depth:
+                    self.__max_br_depth = cl.root_br_dist
+                if cl.root_br_dist > self.__max_br_depth:
+                    self.__max_br_depth = cl.root_br_dist
+                cl.nleaves = 1
+            nleav = len(self.__leaves)
+            for c in children:
+                cl.add_child(rec_add(c,rows,br_depth+1.0 if not first else 0.0))
+            sep = 'sep_clades' in self.opt and self.opt['sep_clades']
+            if sep and children and all([c.is_leaf for c in cl.get_children()]):
+                self.__leaves.insert(nleav,None)
+                self.__leaves.append(None)
+            cl.nleaves = sum([c.nleaves for c in cl.get_children()])
+            return cl
+        self.root = rec_add(rows[-1],rows, first = True)    
+    def load_newick(self,inp_f):
+        if os.path.splitext(inp_f)[-1] == '.nwk':
+            bio_tree = Phylo.read(inp_f, "newick")
+        elif os.path.splitext(inp_f)[-1] == '.xml':
+            bio_tree = Phylo.read(inp_f, "phyloxml")
+        else:
+            sys.stderr.write( "Unrecognized tree extensions: "+os.path.splitext(inp_f)[-1]+"\n" )
+            sys.exit(0)
+        def rec_add(clade,br_depth=-0.0):
+            nam = clade.name if clade.name else "noname"+self.__noname_gen.next()
+            if nam in self.__all_taxa:
+                oldn = nam
+                nam = nam+self.__noname_gen.next()
+                print "Warning: "+oldn+" non unique, renamed to "+nam
+            self.__all_taxa.add(nam)
+            if self.opt['ignore_branch_len']: clade.branch_length = 1.0
+            fn = nam if not nam.startswith("root.") else nam.split("root.")[1]
+            highlighted = (fn in self.labels)
+            ext_seg = (self.cseg and fn in self.cseg)
+            ext_seg_v = self.cseg[fn] if ext_seg else None
+            cl = Tree.Clade(    nam,
+                                nam,
+                                clade.branch_length,
+                                br_depth+clade.branch_length,
+                                highlighted=highlighted,
+                                ext_seg = ext_seg, ext_seg_vec = ext_seg_v)
+            self.add_clade(cl,fn,br_depth)
+            if not clade.clades: 
+                cl.nleaves = 1
+                return cl 
+            if br_depth+cl.br_len < self.opt['max_branch_depth']:
+                nleav = len(clade.clades) 
+                for c in clade.clades:
+                    cl.add_child(rec_add(c,br_depth+cl.br_len))
+            cl.nleaves = sum([c.nleaves for c in cl.get_children()])
+            return cl
+        def rec_leaves( cl ):
+            children = cl.get_children()
+            if 'size_sorted' in self.opt and self.opt['size_sorted']:
+                children = sorted(children, key=lambda x: x.nleaves,reverse= True)
+            for c in children:
+                rec_leaves( c ) 
+            if not children:
+                self.__leaves.append(cl)
+                if cl.root_br_dist > self.__max_br_depth:
+                    self.__max_br_depth = cl.root_br_dist
+                if cl.root_br_dist < self.__min_br_depth:
+                    self.__min_br_depth = cl.root_br_dist
+                cl.nleaves = 1
+                return
+            nleav = len(self.__leaves)
+            sep = 'sep_clades' in self.opt and self.opt['sep_clades'] 
+            if sep and all([c.is_leaf for c in children]):
+                self.__leaves.insert(nleav,None)
+                self.__leaves.append(None)
+        self.root = rec_add(bio_tree.root,-1.0)
+        rec_leaves( self.root )
+    def pos_rad_leaves(self):
+        nl = len(self.__leaves)
+        cir_width = float(self.opt['total_rotation'])/360.0 
+        self.cir_offset = np.pi*0.5+(1.0-cir_width)*np.pi
+        dist = math.pi*cir_width*2.0/nl
+        if dist > self.__class__.max_rad_dist:
+            dist = self.__class__.max_rad_dist
+        prev = self.cir_offset-dist
+        ln = False
+        for i,c in enumerate(self.__leaves):
+            if not c:
+                ln = True
+                continue
+            c.pos.rad = dist*(i if ln else i)+self.cir_offset
+            c.pos.rad_min = (c.pos.rad + prev)*0.5 
+            next_none = self.__leaves[(i+1)%len(self.__leaves)]
+            c.pos.rad_max = (c.pos.rad + dist*(i+1 if next_none else i+3) +self.cir_offset)*0.5  
+            prev = c.pos.rad
+            ln = False
+    def set_pos(self):
+        cl = self.root
+        def rec_set_pos(clade):
+            children = clade.get_children()
+            #children = sorted(children, lambda x,y: cmp(x.nleaves,y.nleaves),reverse= True)
+            clade.pos.r = clade.root_br_dist / self.__max_br_depth
+            if children:
+                rad_mm = [rec_set_pos(c) for c in children]
+                rads = [lcl.pos.rad for lcl in children]
+                clade.pos.rad = (min(rads)+max(rads))*0.5
+                clade.pos.rad_min,clade.pos.rad_max = min([r[0] for r in rad_mm]), max([r[1] for r in rad_mm]) 
+                return clade.pos.rad_min,clade.pos.rad_max
+            return clade.pos.rad_min,clade.pos.rad_max
+        rec_set_pos(cl)
+    def draw(self,out_img_file,outformat=None,dpi=300):
+        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7))
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(   111, 
+                                polar=True, 
+                                frame_on=False )
+        plt.subplots_adjust(    right=1.0-self.opt['right_space'],
+                                left=self.opt['left_space'],
+                                top=1.0-self.opt['top_space'],
+                                bottom=self.opt['bottom_space'] )
+        xticks([])
+        yticks([])
+        circle_taxa_draw = []
+        ign_bl = self.opt['ignore_branch_len']
+        ext_unit = self.opt['annotation_wing_sep'] 
+        high_start = float(self.opt['highlighting_bar_start_level'])/self.__max_br_depth
+        high_stop = float(self.opt['highlighting_bar_stop_level']+1)/self.__max_br_depth*1.001
+        taxa_circle, taxa_circle_h = {}, {}
+        taxa_circle_attr = [ 'rad', 'r', 'shape', 'col', 'size', 'linew' ]
+        for a in taxa_circle_attr:
+            taxa_circle[a], taxa_circle_h[a] = [], []
+        branch_line_1, branch_line_2, branch_line_3 = {}, {}, {}
+        branch_line_attr = [ 'frto', 'col' ]
+        for a in branch_line_attr:
+            branch_line_1[a], branch_line_2[a], branch_line_3[a]  = [], [], []
+        def draw_branch(clade,children,fcol):
+            rads = [lcl.pos.rad for lcl in children]
+            min_rads,max_rads = min(rads),max(rads) 
+            sbl = self.opt['sub_branches_opening_point'] if ign_bl else 1.0
+            sb,rsb = sbl,1-sbl 
+            redf = 1.0-self.opt['sub_branches_angle_reduction'] 
+            red,nred = (redf,1-redf) if abs(max_rads - min_rads) < math.pi else (1.0,0.0)
+            mid = ( max_rads + min_rads ) * 0.5 
+            rads_l = list(arange( min_rads*red+mid*nred, max_rads*red+mid*nred,0.05)) \
+                        + [max_rads*red+mid*nred]
+            if self.opt['highligh_branch_color']:
+                col = fcol 
+                if clade.is_highlighted:
+                    col = clade.col
+            else: col = self.opt['branch_color']
+            if clade != self.root:
+                branch_line_1['frto'].append(   
+                        np.array( 
+                            [np.array(
+                                [c, sb*clade.pos.r+rsb*children[0].pos.r] ) 
+                                for c in rads_l]   )   )
+                branch_line_1['col'].append(col)
+            branch_line_2['frto'].append(   
+                    np.array( 
+                        [np.array( [clade.pos.rad*red+mid*nred, sb*clade.pos.r+rsb*children[0].pos.r]),
+                        np.array( [clade.pos.rad, clade.pos.r])] ) )  
+            branch_line_2['col'].append(col)
+            """
+            if clade == self.root:
+                for c in children:
+                    branch_line_3['col'].append(col)
+                    print [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r]
+                    branch_line_3['frto'].append( np.array( [   np.array( [c.pos.rad*red+mid*nred, sb*clade.pos.r+rsb*c.pos.r] ),
+                                                  np.array( [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r] ) ] ) ) 
+#branch_line_3['frto'].append( np.array( [   np.array( [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r] ), # it should be [0.0,0.0] but with that the branches disappear
+#                                                                np.array( [c.pos.rad, 0.0] ) ] ) )
+            """  
+            if clade == self.root:
+                for c in children:
+                    branch_line_3['col'].append(col)
+                    branch_line_3['frto'].append( np.array( [   np.array( [c.pos.rad*red+mid*nred, 0.0] ),
+                                                                np.array( [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r] ) ] ) )
+            else:
+                for c in children:
+                    branch_line_3['col'].append(col)
+                    branch_line_3['frto'].append( np.array( [   np.array( [c.pos.rad*red+mid*nred, sb*clade.pos.r+rsb*c.pos.r] ),
+                                                            np.array( [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r] ) ] ) )
+            return col
+        def draw_taxa_circle(clade):
+            if clade.is_leaf and not self.opt['draw_leaf_taxa']:
+                return
+            if not clade.is_leaf and not self.opt['draw_internal_taxa']:
+                return
+            tc = taxa_circle_h if clade.is_highlighted else taxa_circle
+            tc['rad'].append( clade.pos.rad )
+            tc['r'].append( clade.pos.r )
+            tc['shape'].append( 'o' )
+            tc['col'].append( clade.col )
+            tc['size'].append( clade.size  )
+            tc['linew'].append( self.opt['taxa_circle_edge_width'] )
+        def draw_extended_leaves(clade):
+            ax.plot(    [clade.pos.rad,clade.pos.rad],
+                        [clade.pos.r,1.0],"-",color=[0.7,0.7,0.7])
+        def draw_wing(clade):
+            ext = self.opt['fixed_wing_stop'] if 'fixed_wing_stop' in self.opt and self.opt['fixed_wing_stop'] >= 0 else self.max_high-clade.pos.lab_lev+1
+            ext_max = ext*ext_unit
+            if not clade.label_cat in [v['label'] for v in self.vis_cats] and clade.label_cat:
+                self.vis_cats.append(   {   'color':clade.col,
+                                            'alpha':self.opt['bar_alpha'],
+                                            'label':clade.label_cat}    )
+            if not clade.label and 'no_wind_if_no_label' in self.opt and self.opt['no_wind_if_no_label']:
+                return
+            if high_start < clade.pos.r <= high_stop:
+                wlab = clade.label.split("_r_")[-1] if not clade.label.count(":") else clade.label.split(":")[0].split("_r_")[-1]
+                ax.bar(     clade.pos.rad_min, 
+                            1-clade.pos.r+ext_max+ext_unit*0.25,
+                            width = abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max),
+                            bottom = clade.pos.r,
+                            alpha = self.opt['bar_alpha'],
+                            color=clade.col, 
+                            edgecolor=clade.col )
+                if 1.0+ext_max+ext_unit*0.25 > self.wing_ext_max:
+                    self.wing_ext_max = 1.0+ext_max+ext_unit*0.25
+                des = float(180.0*(clade.pos.rad_min+clade.pos.rad_max)/np.pi)*0.5 # -(0 if clade.label.count("_r_") else 90)
+                if not clade.label.count("_r_"):
+                    des += (90 if 180 < des < 360 else -90)
+                lro = 0.5 if 'radial_label_wing_offset' not in self.opt else self.opt['radial_label_wing_offset']
+                ax.text(    ((clade.pos.rad_min+clade.pos.rad_max)*0.5), 
+                            1+ext_max-ext_unit*lro+ext_unit*0.25,
+                            wlab,
+                            rotation=des,
+                            ha="center",
+                            va="center",
+                            fontsize=self.opt['label_font_size'], 
+                            fontstretch=0   )
+                if clade.label.count(":"):
+                    ax.bar( 0.0, 
+                            0.0, 
+                            width = 0.0, 
+                            bottom = 0.0, 
+                            alpha = 1.0, 
+                            color=clade.col, 
+                            label=clade.label.split("_r_")[-1]   )
+        def draw_sectors(clade):
+            for i,v in enumerate(clade.ext_seg_vec):
+                if v[1] <= 0.0: continue
+                height = self.opt['seg_radial_depth'] * ( v[3] if v[3] else 1.0)
+                width = abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max)*self.opt['seg_width']
+                startx = clade.pos.rad_min+abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max)*((1.0-self.opt['seg_width'])*0.5)
+                starty = self.wing_ext_max+self.opt['dist_from_tree']+self.opt['seg_radial_depth']*i
+                art2 = None
+                lw = v[4] if v[4] else self.opt['seg_line_width']
+                if not v[2] or v[2] == 'R':
+                    if lw > 0.0:
+                        art2 = mpatches.Rectangle(      (startx,starty), width = width, height = height,
+                                                        fc = 'none', ec='k', linewidth= lw )
+                    art = mpatches.Rectangle(   (startx,starty),
+                                                 width = width,
+                                                 height = height,
+                                                 alpha=v[1],
+                                                 color=v[0],
+                                                 linewidth= 0.0
+                                                 )
+                elif v[2] == '^':
+                    if lw > 0.0:
+                        art2 = mpatches.Polygon( [   [startx,starty],[startx+width/2, starty+height], [startx+width,starty ] ],
+                                                     fc = 'none', ec='k', linewidth=  lw)
+                    art = mpatches.Polygon( [   [startx,starty],
+                                                [startx+width/2, starty+height],
+                                                [startx+width,starty ] ],
+                                                alpha=v[1], color=v[0],
+                                                linewidth=  0.0)
+                elif v[2] == 'v':
+                    if lw > 0.0:
+                        art2 = mpatches.Polygon( [  [startx,starty + height], [startx+width/2, starty], [startx+width,starty + height ] ],
+                                                    fc = 'none', ec='k', linewidth=  lw)
+                    art = mpatches.Polygon( [   [startx,starty + height],
+                                                [startx+width/2, starty],
+                                                [startx+width,starty + height ] ],
+                                                alpha=v[1], color=v[0],
+                                                linewidth=  0.0)
+                if art2:
+                    ax.add_patch(art2)
+                ax.add_patch(art)
+                #ax.bar(     clade.pos.rad_min+abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max)*((1.0-self.opt['seg_width'])*0.5),
+                #            self.opt['seg_radial_depth'],
+                #            width = abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max)*self.opt['seg_width'],
+                #            bottom =  self.wing_ext_max+self.opt['dist_from_tree']+self.opt['seg_radial_depth']*i,
+                #            alpha=v[1],
+                #            color=v[0],
+                #            linewidth=  self.opt['seg_line_width'])
+        def draw_scale():
+            nticks = self.opt['branch_length_n_ticks']
+            round_prec = 2
+            if self.opt['ignore_branch_len']:
+                nlev = int(self.__max_br_depth)
+                tick_step = 1.0/float(nlev)
+                while not ( nlev <= self.opt['branch_length_n_ticks'] 
+                            and not int(self.__max_br_depth) % nlev):
+                    nlev -= 1
+                    tick_step = 1.0/float(nlev)
+            else:
+                tick_step = (1.0 - self.root.pos.r)/float(nticks)
+            tick_pos = np.arange(self.root.pos.r,1.000001,tick_step)
+            if self.opt['show_branch_length_ticks']: 
+                yticks(tick_pos,[])
+            if self.opt['show_branch_length_labels']:
+                for t in tick_pos:
+                    tv = int(round(t*self.__max_br_depth-1.0,2)) \
+                            if self.opt['ignore_branch_len'] \
+                            else round(t*self.__max_br_depth,round_prec)
+                    if self.tick_labels:
+                        tv = self.tick_labels[tv]
+                    else: tv = str(tv) 
+                    ax.text(    np.pi*0.5,t,
+                                tv,
+                                ha="center",
+                                fontsize = self.opt['branch_length_ticks_font_size'])
+        def draw_legend():
+            ret = []
+            h, lleg = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+            if len(lleg) > 0:
+                hl = sorted(zip(h, lleg),key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+                h2, l2 = zip(*hl)
+                leg = ax.legend(    h2, 
+                                    l2, 
+                                    bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 1),
+                                    frameon=False, 
+                                    prop={'size':self.opt['label_font_size']},
+                                    labelspacing=self.opt['legend_label_distance'],
+                                    loc=2, 
+                                    ncol=self.opt['legend_n_col'],
+                                    borderaxespad=0.    )
+                ret.append( leg )
+            if self.vis_cats:
+                labs = []
+                for l in self.vis_cats:
+                    ll, = ax.bar(   0.0,
+                                    0.0,
+                                    width=0.0,
+                                    bottom=0.0,
+                                    alpha=l['alpha'],
+                                    color=l['color'],
+                                    edgecolor=l['color'],
+                                    label=l['label'] )
+                    labs.append((ll,l['label']))
+                leg2 = ax.legend(   [lp for (lp,la) in labs],
+                                    [la for (lp,la) in labs],
+                                    bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1),
+                                    prop={'size':self.opt['category_font_size']},
+                                    labelspacing=self.opt['legend_label_distance'],
+                                    #                                    prop={'size':self.opt['label_font_size']},
+                                    frameon=False,
+                                    loc=2,
+                                    borderaxespad=0.    )
+                ret.append( leg2 )
+            if len(lleg) > 0:
+                gca().add_artist(leg)
+            return ret
+        def rec_draw(clade,fcol=self.opt['branch_color']):
+            children = clade.get_children()
+            if children:
+                draw_branch(clade,children,fcol)
+            rec_col = clade.col if clade.is_highlighted else fcol
+            fcls = [rec_draw(c,rec_col) for c in children]
+            if not self.opt['draw_taxa']: return clade
+            for fc in fcls:
+                if fc.is_leaf and self.opt['extend_leaves']:
+                    draw_extended_leaves(fc)
+                highlighted_clade = draw_taxa_circle(fc)
+                if highlighted_clade:
+                    circle_taxa_draw.append(highlighted_clade)
+                if fc.is_highlighted:
+                    draw_wing(fc)
+            return clade
+        rec_draw(self.root)
+        def rec_draw_sectors(clade,fcol=self.opt['branch_color']):
+            children = clade.get_children()
+            fcls = [rec_draw_sectors(c) for c in children]
+            if not self.opt['draw_taxa']: return clade
+            if clade.ext_seg:
+                draw_sectors(clade)
+            return clade
+        rec_draw_sectors(self.root)
+        coll_b1 = collections.LineCollection(  branch_line_1['frto'],
+                                               color = branch_line_1['col'],
+                                               linewidths = self.opt['branch_tickness'])
+        ax.add_collection(coll_b1)
+        coll_b2 = collections.LineCollection(  branch_line_2['frto'],
+                                               color = branch_line_2['col'],
+                                               linewidths = self.opt['branch_tickness'])
+        ax.add_collection(coll_b2)
+        coll_b3 = collections.LineCollection(   branch_line_3['frto'],
+                                                color = branch_line_3['col'],
+                                                linewidths = self.opt['branch_tickness'])
+        ax.add_collection(coll_b3)
+        for tc in [taxa_circle, taxa_circle_h]:
+            if not tc['rad']: continue
+            ax.scatter(     tc['rad'], 
+                            tc['r'],
+                            #taxa_circle_shape
+                            c = tc['col'],
+                            s = tc['size'],
+                            alpha = 1.0,
+                            linewidths = tc['linew'],
+                            zorder=12)
+        if self.opt['show_branch_length_ticks'] or self.opt['show_branch_length_labels']:
+            draw_scale()
+        legs = []
+        if 'legend_on' not in self.opt or self.opt['legend_on']:
+            legs = draw_legend()
+        fc = 'w'   
+        if 'background_color' in self.opt and self.opt['background_color'] == 'k': 
+            def get_col_attr(x):
+                return hasattr(x, 'set_color')  and hasattr(x, 'get_color') # and not hasattr(x, 'set_facecolor')
+            for o in ax.findobj(get_col_attr):
+                col = o.get_color()
+                if col == 'k':
+                    o.set_color('w')
+            fc = 'k'
+        a,b = ax.get_ylim()
+        ylim((0,b))
+        if out_img_file:
+            plt.savefig(    out_img_file,
+                            dpi=dpi,
+                            facecolor=fc,
+                            #bbox_inches='tight',
+                            #bbox_extra_artists = [l.legendPatch for l in legs],
+                            #pad_inches=0.45
+                            format = outformat,
+                            edgecolor=fc) #,format=self.opt['img_format'])
+            plt.close()
+        else:
+            plt.show()
+    def read_highlights(self,highlights_file):
+        self.labels = {}
+        self.label_color = {}
+        self.label_cat = {}
+        if not highlights_file: 
+            return
+        with open(highlights_file) as inp_f:
+            labels = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                    for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")] 
+        for l in labels:
+            self.labels[l[0]] = l[1] 
+            self.label_cat[l[0]] = l[2]
+            if l[3].startswith("_c_"):
+                self.label_color[l[0]] = [float(v) for v in l[3].split("_c_")[-1].split("[")[-1].split("]")[0].split(",")]
+            else:
+                self.label_color[l[0]] = self.colors[l[3]]
+    def read_circles(self,circles_file):
+        self.cseg = {}
+        if not circles_file: 
+            return
+        with open(circles_file) as inp_f:
+            mat = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                    for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")] 
+        for m in mat:
+            cv = []
+            cs = []
+            for v in m[1:]:
+                v00,bor = v.split("#") if "#" in v else (v,None)
+                v0,dep = v00.split("$") if "$" in v00 else (v00,None)
+                v1,shape = v0.split("!") if "!" in v0 else (v0,None)
+                col,alpha = v1.split(":") if ":" in v1 else [v1,"1.0"]
+                if col.startswith("_c_"):
+                    c = [float(v) for v in col.split("_c_")[-1].split("[")[-1].split("]")[0].split(",")]
+                else:
+                    c = self.colors[col]
+                a = float(alpha)
+                cv.append((c,a,shape,float(dep) if dep else None,float(bor) if bor else None))
+            self.cseg[m[0]] = cv
+    def read_sizes(self,size_file):
+        self.sizes = {}
+        if not size_file: 
+            return
+        with open(size_file) as inp_f:
+            rows = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                    for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")] 
+        for l in rows:
+            self.sizes["root."+l[0]] = float(l[1])
+    def read_tick_labels(self,ticks_file):
+        self.tick_labels = {}
+        if not ticks_file:
+            return
+        with open(ticks_file) as inp_f:
+            labels = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                        for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")] 
+        for l in labels:
+            self.tick_labels[int(l[0])-1] = l[1] 
+    default_colors = 'bgrcmy'
+    def read_colors(self,colors_file):
+        if not colors_file:
+            self.opt = {}
+            for c in self.default_colors:
+                self.opt[c] = c
+            return
+        self.color_list = []
+        self.colors = {}
+        with open(colors_file) as inp_f:
+            col = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                    for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")]
+        for c in col:
+            self.color_list.append(c[0])
+            self.colors[c[0]] = [float(cc)/255.0 for cc in c[1].split(',')]
+    def read_style(self,style_file):
+        with open(style_file) as inp_f:
+            self.opt = dict([(l.rstrip().split()[0],l.split("#")[0].split()[1:]) 
+                                for l in inp_f.readlines() 
+                                    if l.strip() and not l.startswith("#")])
+        for o in self.opt:
+            try:
+                v= int(self.opt[o][0])
+            except ValueError:
+                try:
+                    v= float(self.opt[o][0])
+                except ValueError:
+                    try:
+                        v = str(self.opt[o][0])[0]
+                    except ValueError:
+                        print "not a valid input",self.opt[o][0]
+            self.opt[o] = v