view README @ 8:a6a0c9a8ad51 draft

author sarahinraauzeville
date Thu, 21 Dec 2017 09:03:32 -0500 (2017-12-21)
parents 7c4e86de7d19
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line source
		How ton install Tax4Fun wrapper ?

1 - Add Tax4Fun files (xml, perl and R) in tools directory
Create a sm_Tax4Fun/ directory in tools/
Get Tax4Fun files in this new directory

2 - Add Tax4Fun wrapper in your Tool Menu

Add TAX4FUN wrapper in your tool_conf.xml file :
geany ../../my_config/my_tool_conf.xml &
in your FROGS section:
<tool file="my_tools/sm_Tax4Fun/sm_Tax4Fun.xml" />

3 - Create a symbolique link for the R script
ln -s /path/to/tools/sm_Tax4Fun/sm_Tax4Fun.R /path/to/bin/scripts_R/.
and add the path in your galaxy.ini file :
4 - Change pah to SILVA123 in sm_Tax4Fun.xml file

 <param name="reference" type="select" label="Folder location of the unzipped reference data">
    <option value="/Path/to/sm_Tax4Fun/SILVA123/">SILVA123</option>
    <option value="No">OTHER TODO</option>