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planemo upload for repository commit 402ebee914f2286aa9d98223f501f06c1e4b9c22-dirty
author | yhoogstrate |
date | Fri, 20 Nov 2015 03:50:36 -0500 (2015-11-20) |
parents | 3a2e0f376f26 |
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #Converts a cgatools testvariant output to a multi-sample VCF file (VCF spec 4.1) #Requires cgatools to access reference genome encoded in .crr format (hg18.crr or hg19.crr) #make sure cgatools is in the $PATH # #Example testvariant file: #variantId chromosome begin end varType reference alleleSeq xRef GS19238 GS19239 GS19240 #6874944 chr5 20584031 20584032 snp C T dbsnp.119:rs10037487 00 01 11 #6874945 chr5 20584031 20584032 sub C TA 01 01 00 #6874946 chr5 20584031 20584032 sub C TG 00 01 00 #After converting to VCF: #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT GS19238 GS19239 GS19240 #chr5 20584031 6874944;6874945;6874946 AC AT,ATA,ATG . PASS NS=51;RSID=dbsnp.119:rs10037487,.,.;AF=0.57,0.02,0.00;DB GT 0/2 ./. 1/1 # #Variants that share the same location (chr,begin,end) will be merged into one locus and their flags (0,1,N) will be converted into genotype calls #Samples that are positive for more than two alleles within the same locus will be flagged and their genotype calls set to unknown (./.) #Look at the sample GS19239 as such an example # #For non-SNP locus, VCF requires an extra reference base immediately upstream of the variant locus be included in the REF and ALT columns # die "Usage: $0 testvarOutput.txt hg19.crr > vcf.txt 2> runlog.txt\n\t" . "testvarOutput.txt = output file from cgatools testvariants\n\t" . "hg19.crr = reference genome in .crr format (must be the same as used in testvariants)\n\t" . "vcf.txt = converted file in vcf format\n\t" . "runlog.txt = log file\n" unless ($#ARGV == 1); die "Fail to find input file " . $ARGV[0] . "\n" unless (-e $ARGV[0]); die "Fail to find .crr file " . $ARGV[1] . "\n" unless (-e $ARGV[1]); die "Fail to execute cgatools: $!\n" if (system ('cgatools > /dev/null 2>&1') != 0); my (undef, undef, undef, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime; my($timestamp)=sprintf ('%s%02d%02d', $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday); print <<EOF; ##fileformat=VCFv4.1 ##fileDate=$timestamp ##source=CGA Tools v1.7.1 listvariants/testvariants ##reference=$ARGV[1] ##INFO=<ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of Samples with Fully Called Data"> ##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency"> ##INFO=<ID=DB,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="dbSNP Membership"> ##INFO=<ID=RSID,Number=A,Type=String,Description="dbSNP rs ids"> ##FILTER=<ID=s50,Description="Less than 50% of samples are fully called"> ##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Genotype"> EOF &testvar2VCF (@ARGV); sub testvar2VCF { #variantId=0 chromosome=1 begin=2 end=3 varType=4 reference=5 alleleSeq=6 xRef=7 GS12885-1100-37-ASM=8 my ($inFile, $crrFile) = @_; my (@samples, %seen); open (IN, "$inFile") or die "Fail to open input file $inFile\n"; while (<IN>) { chomp; my (@fs) = split (/\t/); if (/^variantId/) { @samples = @fs[8..$#fs]; print join ("\t", ('#CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO', 'FORMAT', @samples)), "\n"; next; } next unless (/^\d/); my ($key) = $fs[1] . '-' . $fs[2] . '-' . $fs[3]; if (!%seen || exists $seen{$key}) { push (@{$seen{$key}}, [@fs]); next; } #has a new locus, need to process saved locus &doSavedLocus (\%seen, \@samples, $crrFile); #reinitialize with the new locus %seen = (); push (@{$seen{$key}}, [@fs]); } close IN; &doSavedLocus (\%seen, \@samples, $crrFile); #do the last locus } sub doSavedLocus { my ($seen, $samples, $crrFile) = @_; my ($lines) = values %$seen; #get all the lines that belong to the same locus my ($chr, $begin, $end) = ($lines->[0]->[1], $lines->[0]->[2], $lines->[0]->[3]); my ($info_NS) = scalar @$samples; #num. of samples fully called die "no_samples,$chr-$begin-$end\n" unless ($info_NS > 0); my ($info_DB) = ''; #dbSNP memebership my (@info_RSid) = (); #dbSNP rs ids my (%ref, @alt, @id, %alleleCalls); my ($format) = 'GT'; #GT (genotype) is the only value currently populated for each sample my ($qual, $filter, $i) = ('.', 'PASS', 0); #no quality scores provided in the testvar output my (@info_AF); #initialize every allele count to 0 for ($i=0; $i<=scalar @$lines; $i++) {$info_AF[$i] = 0;} my ($pos) = $begin; #check the vartypes my (%varTypes) = map {$_->[4] => 1} @$lines; #column 4 in the testvar output is varType my (@varTypeKeys) = keys %varTypes; #check if this locus is SNP only my ($snpOnly) = 0; $snpOnly = 1 if ($#varTypeKeys == 0 && $varTypeKeys[0] eq 'snp'); foreach my $line (@$lines) { my ($refBase) = $line->[5]; my ($altBase) = $line->[6]; if (!$snpOnly) { #not a SNP only locus my ($decodecrrCmd) = join ('', ("cgatools decodecrr --reference $crrFile --range $chr:", $begin - 1 , "-$begin 2> /dev/null")); my ($re) = `$decodecrrCmd`; die "cgatools decodecrr failed $decodecrrCmd ", join ("\t", @$line), "\n" unless (defined $re); chomp ($re); $refBase = $re . $refBase; $altBase = $re . $altBase; $pos = $begin; } $ref{$refBase} = 1; push (@alt, $altBase); push (@id, $line->[0]); if ($line->[7] =~ /dbsnp/) { $info_DB = 'DB'; $line->[7] =~ s/;/-/g; #testvar use ; as delimiter which is reserved by the INFO column push (@info_RSid, $line->[7]); } else { push (@info_RSid, '.'); } #collect testvar's allele flags (00, 01, 11, 0N, NN, ...), which starts at column 8. for ($i=0; $i<scalar @$samples; $i++) { push (@{$alleleCalls{$samples->[$i]}}, $line->[$i+8]); } } $pos = $begin + 1 if ($snpOnly); my (@refBases) = keys %ref; die "mismatched_ref_base, " . join (",", (@id, @refBases)) . "\n" if ($#refBases != 0); my ($idstr) = join (";", @id); my ($altstr) = join (",", @alt); print join ("\t", ($chr, $pos, $idstr, $refBases[0], $altstr,$qual)), "\t"; my (@allGTcalls) = (); #convert allele flags to genotype calls foreach my $sample (@$samples) { my ($sampleAlleleCalls) = $alleleCalls{$sample}; my ($sampleGTcall); if ($sampleAlleleCalls->[0] =~ /\S\S/) { #diploid site $sampleGTcall = &mkDiploidGTcall ($sampleAlleleCalls); } else { $sampleGTcall = &mkHaploidGTcall ($sampleAlleleCalls); } if ($sampleGTcall =~ /warning/) { print STDERR "$sampleGTcall,$chr-$begin-$end,$idstr,$altstr,$sample,", join ("-", @$sampleAlleleCalls), "\n"; $sampleGTcall = '.'; $sampleGTcall = './.' if ($sampleAlleleCalls->[0] =~ /\S\S/); } $info_NS-- if ($sampleGTcall =~ /\./); push (@allGTcalls, $sampleGTcall); $info_AF[$1]++ if ($sampleGTcall =~ /^(\d+)/); $info_AF[$1]++ if ($sampleGTcall =~ /^\d+\/(\d+)$/); } $filter = 's50' if ($info_NS/scalar @$samples < 0.5); print "$filter\t"; my ($numAlleles) = 0; foreach (@info_AF) {$numAlleles += $_;} $numAlleles = 1 if ($numAlleles == 0); #In some loci, all samples are no-called my (@alleleFreq) = map (sprintf ('%.2f', $_/$numAlleles), @info_AF); shift @alleleFreq; #don't need to print the reference allele frequency print "NS=$info_NS;RSID=", join (",", @info_RSid), ";AF=", join (",", @alleleFreq), ";$info_DB\t$format\t", join ("\t", @allGTcalls), "\n"; } #Convert a list of allele calls to diploid VCF genotype calls #[11] becomes 1/1 #[01] becomes 0/1 #[00] becomes 0/0 #[11, 00] becomes 1/1 #[01, 01] becomes 1/2 #[00, 01, 1N] becomes 2/3 #[01, 01, 01] becomes ./. (unknown) #[1N, 00, 00, 00] becomes 1/. sub mkDiploidGTcall { my ($sampleAlleleCalls) = @_; #[11, 00, NN, 00], [1N, NN, 01, 00], [1N, NN, 1N, 00], [01, NN, 01, 00], [1N, 00, 00, 00] my ($numOfOnes) = 0; my ($sampleGTcall) = './.'; #diploid no-call in VCF my (%merged); for (my $i=0; $i<scalar @$sampleAlleleCalls; $i++) { push (@{$merged{$sampleAlleleCalls->[$i]}}, $i+1); my ($ones) = $sampleAlleleCalls->[$i] =~ tr/1/1/; $numOfOnes += $ones; } return 'warning-more_than_two_1s' if ($numOfOnes > 2); return $merged{'11'}->[0] . '/' . $merged{'11'}->[0] if (exists $merged{'11'}); if (exists $merged{'01'}) { return $merged{'01'}->[0] . '/' . $merged{'01'}->[1] if (defined $merged{'01'}->[1]); return $merged{'01'}->[0] . '/' . $merged{'1N'}->[0] if (exists $merged{'1N'}); return '0/' . $merged{'01'}->[0] if (!exists $merged{'NN'} && !exists $merged{'0N'}); return $merged{'01'}->[0] . '/.'; } if (exists $merged{'1N'}) { return $merged{'1N'}->[0] . '/' . $merged{'1N'}->[1] if (defined $merged{'1N'}->[1]); return $merged{'1N'}->[0] . '/.'; } return '0/0' if (!exists $merged{'NN'} && !exists $merged{'0N'}); return '0/.' if (exists $merged{'0N'} && scalar @{$merged{'0N'}} == 1); return $sampleGTcall; } #Convert a list of allele calls to haploid VCF genotype calls #[1] becomes 1 #[N] becomes . #[0] becomes 0 #[1, 0] becomes 1 #[0, 1, N] becomes 2 #[1, 1] becomes . sub mkHaploidGTcall { my ($sampleAlleleCalls) = @_; my ($sampleGTcall) = '.'; #haploid no-call in VCF my (%merged); for (my $i=0; $i<scalar @$sampleAlleleCalls; $i++) { push (@{$merged{$sampleAlleleCalls->[$i]}}, $i+1); } if (exists $merged{'1'}) { return "warning-more_than_one_1_haploid" if (defined $merged{'1'}->[1]); return $merged{'1'}->[0]; } return '0' if (!exists $merged{'N'}); return $sampleGTcall; }