diff DataTables-1.9.4/extras/FixedColumns/docs/FixedColumns.defaults.html @ 0:ac5f9272033b draft

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author saskia-hiltemann
date Tue, 01 Jul 2014 11:42:23 -0400 (2014-07-01)
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DataTables-1.9.4/extras/FixedColumns/docs/FixedColumns.defaults.html	Tue Jul 01 11:42:23 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
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+					<h1 class="page-title">Namespace: defaults</h1>
+					<h2 class="ancestors">Ancestry: <span class="ancestors"><a href="FixedColumns.html">FixedColumns</a>.</span> ยป defaults</h2>
+					<div class="page-info">
+						FixedColumns v2.0.3 documentation
+					</div>
+				</div>
+				<div class="fw_nav">
+					<h2>Navigation</h2>
+					<ul>
+					<li><a href="#top">Overview</a></li>
+					<li><a href="#summary">Summary</a><div><table cellpadding="5" border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>Classes (0)</td><td>Namespaces (0)</td></tr><tr><td>Properties (0)</td><td><a href="#summary_properties_static">Static properties (8)</a></td></tr><tr><td>Methods (0)</td><td>Static methods (0)</td></tr><tr><td>Events (0)</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></div></li><li><a href="#details">Details</a><div><table cellpadding="5" border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>Properties (0)</td><td><a href="#summary_properties_static">Static properties (8)</a></td></tr><tr><td>Methods (0)</td><td>Static methods (0)</td></tr><tr><td>Events (0)</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></div></li></ul>
+					<div style="margin-top: 10px;">
+						<input type="hidden" name="show_private" value="0">
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+				<div class="fw_content">
+					<a name="overview"></a>
+					<div class="doc_overview">
+						<div class="nav_blocker"></div>
+						<p>FixedColumns default settings for initialisation</p><dl class="details">
+					</div>
+					<div class="doc_summary">
+						<a name="summary"></a>
+						<h2>Summary</h2>
+						<div class="doc_group"><a name="summary_properties_static"></a><h3 class="subsection-title">Properties - static</h3>
+    <dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#fnDrawCallback">fnDrawCallback</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :function(object, object):void</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Draw callback function which is called when FixedColumns has redrawn the fixed assets</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#iLeftColumns">iLeftColumns</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :int</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Number of left hand columns to fix in position</p></dd><dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#iLeftWidth">iLeftWidth</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :int</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Width to set for the width of the left fixed column(s) - note that the behaviour of this
+property is directly effected by the sLeftWidth property. If not defined then this property
+is calculated automatically from what has been assigned by DataTables.</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#iRightColumns">iRightColumns</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :int</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Number of right hand columns to fix in position</p></dd><dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#iRightWidth">iRightWidth</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :int</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Width to set for the width of the right fixed column(s) - note that the behaviour of this
+property is directly effected by the sRightWidth property. If not defined then this property
+is calculated automatically from what has been assigned by DataTables.</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sHeightMatch">sHeightMatch</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Height matching algorthim to use. This can be "none" which will result in no height
+matching being applied by FixedColumns (height matching could be forced by CSS in this
+case), "semiauto" whereby the height calculation will be performed once, and the result
+cached to be used again (fnRecalculateHeight can be used to force recalculation), or
+"auto" when height matching is performed on every draw (slowest but must accurate)</p></dd><dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sLeftWidth">sLeftWidth</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Type of left column size calculation. Can take the values of "fixed", whereby the iLeftWidth
+value will be treated as a pixel value, or "relative" for which case iLeftWidth will be
+treated as a percentage value.</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sRightWidth">sRightWidth</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Type of right column size calculation. Can take the values of "fixed", whereby the 
+iRightWidth value will be treated as a pixel value, or "relative" for which case 
+iRightWidth will be treated as a percentage value.</p></dd>
+					</div>
+					<div class="doc_details">
+						<a name="details"></a>
+						<h2>Details</h2>
+						<div class="doc_group"><a name="details_properties"></a><h3 class="subsection-title">Properties - static</h3>
+    <dt class="  even"><a name="fnDrawCallback"></a><a name="fnDrawCallback_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#fnDrawCallback">fnDrawCallback</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :function(object, object):void</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Draw callback function which is called when FixedColumns has redrawn the fixed assets</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
+    <div class="example-code">
+    	<pre class="brush: js"> 	var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
+ 		"sScrollX": "100%"
+ 	} );
+ 	new FixedColumns( oTable, {
+ 		"fnDrawCallback": function () {
+				alert( "FixedColumns redraw" );
+			}
+ 	} );</pre>
+    </div>
+</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="iLeftColumns"></a><a name="iLeftColumns_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#iLeftColumns">iLeftColumns</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :int</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Number of left hand columns to fix in position</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
+    <div class="example-code">
+    	<pre class="brush: js"> 	var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
+ 		"sScrollX": "100%"
+ 	} );
+ 	new FixedColumns( oTable, {
+ 		"iLeftColumns": 2
+ 	} );</pre>
+    </div>
+</div></dd><dt class="  even"><a name="iLeftWidth"></a><a name="iLeftWidth_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#iLeftWidth">iLeftWidth</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :int</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Width to set for the width of the left fixed column(s) - note that the behaviour of this
+property is directly effected by the sLeftWidth property. If not defined then this property
+is calculated automatically from what has been assigned by DataTables.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
+    <div class="example-code">
+    	<pre class="brush: js"> 	var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
+ 		"sScrollX": "100%"
+ 	} );
+ 	new FixedColumns( oTable, {
+ 		"iLeftWidth": 100 // pixels
+ 	} );</pre>
+    </div>
+</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="iRightColumns"></a><a name="iRightColumns_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#iRightColumns">iRightColumns</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :int</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Number of right hand columns to fix in position</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
+    <div class="example-code">
+    	<pre class="brush: js"> 	var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
+ 		"sScrollX": "100%"
+ 	} );
+ 	new FixedColumns( oTable, {
+ 		"iRightColumns": 1
+ 	} );</pre>
+    </div>
+</div></dd><dt class="  even"><a name="iRightWidth"></a><a name="iRightWidth_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#iRightWidth">iRightWidth</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :int</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Width to set for the width of the right fixed column(s) - note that the behaviour of this
+property is directly effected by the sRightWidth property. If not defined then this property
+is calculated automatically from what has been assigned by DataTables.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
+    <div class="example-code">
+    	<pre class="brush: js"> 	var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
+ 		"sScrollX": "100%"
+ 	} );
+ 	new FixedColumns( oTable, {
+ 		"iRightWidth": 200 // pixels
+ 	} );</pre>
+    </div>
+</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="sHeightMatch"></a><a name="sHeightMatch_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sHeightMatch">sHeightMatch</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Height matching algorthim to use. This can be "none" which will result in no height
+matching being applied by FixedColumns (height matching could be forced by CSS in this
+case), "semiauto" whereby the height calculation will be performed once, and the result
+cached to be used again (fnRecalculateHeight can be used to force recalculation), or
+"auto" when height matching is performed on every draw (slowest but must accurate)</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
+    <div class="example-code">
+    	<pre class="brush: js"> 	var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
+ 		"sScrollX": "100%"
+ 	} );
+ 	new FixedColumns( oTable, {
+ 		"sHeightMatch": "auto"
+ 	} );</pre>
+    </div>
+</div></dd><dt class="  even"><a name="sLeftWidth"></a><a name="sLeftWidth_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sLeftWidth">sLeftWidth</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Type of left column size calculation. Can take the values of "fixed", whereby the iLeftWidth
+value will be treated as a pixel value, or "relative" for which case iLeftWidth will be
+treated as a percentage value.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
+    <div class="example-code">
+    	<pre class="brush: js"> 	var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
+ 		"sScrollX": "100%"
+ 	} );
+ 	new FixedColumns( oTable, {
+ 		"sLeftWidth": "relative",
+ 		"iLeftWidth": 10 // percentage
+ 	} );</pre>
+    </div>
+</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="sRightWidth"></a><a name="sRightWidth_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sRightWidth">sRightWidth</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Type of right column size calculation. Can take the values of "fixed", whereby the 
+iRightWidth value will be treated as a pixel value, or "relative" for which case 
+iRightWidth will be treated as a percentage value.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
+    <div class="example-code">
+    	<pre class="brush: js"> 	var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
+ 		"sScrollX": "100%"
+ 	} );
+ 	new FixedColumns( oTable, {
+ 		"sRightWidth": "relative",
+ 		"iRightWidth": 10 // percentage
+ 	} );</pre>
+    </div>
+   					</div>
+		</div>
+		<div class="fw_footer">
+			FixedColumns: Copyright 2010-2011 Allan Jardine, all rights reserved<br>
+			Documentation generated by <a href="https://github.com/micmath/JSDoc">JSDoc 3</a> on
+			23th Sep 2012 - 14:27
+			with the <a href="http://datatables.net/">DataTables</a> template.
+		</div>
+	</body>
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