Mercurial > repos > sblanck > smagexp
comparison MetaMA.R @ 0:1024245abc70 draft
planemo upload for repository commit 5974f806f344dbcc384b931492d7f023bfbbe03b
author | sblanck |
date | Thu, 22 Feb 2018 08:38:22 -0500 |
parents | |
children | f18413a94742 |
-1:000000000000 | 0:1024245abc70 |
1 #!/usr/bin/env Rscript | |
2 # setup R error handling to go to stderr | |
3 options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } ) | |
4 | |
5 # we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings. | |
6 loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8") | |
7 | |
8 library("optparse") | |
9 | |
10 ##### Read options | |
11 option_list=list( | |
12 make_option("--input",type="character",default="NULL",help="List of rdata objects containing eset objects"), | |
13 make_option("--species",type="character",default="NULL",help="Species for annotations"), | |
14 make_option("--htmloutput",type="character",default=NULL,help="Output html report"), | |
15 make_option("--htmloutputpath",type="character",default="NULL",help="Path of output html report"), | |
16 make_option("--htmltemplate",type="character",default=NULL,help="html template)") | |
17 ); | |
18 | |
19 opt_parser = OptionParser(option_list=option_list); | |
20 opt = parse_args(opt_parser); | |
21 | |
22 if(is.null(opt$input)){ | |
23 print_help(opt_parser) | |
24 stop("input required.", call.=FALSE) | |
25 } | |
26 if(is.null(opt$species)){ | |
27 print_help(opt_parser) | |
28 stop("input required.", call.=FALSE) | |
29 } | |
30 | |
31 #loading libraries | |
32 | |
33 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(metaMA)) | |
34 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(affy)) | |
35 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(annaffy)) | |
36 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(VennDiagram)) | |
37 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(GEOquery)) | |
38 | |
39 listInput <- trimws( unlist( strsplit(trimws(opt$input), ",") ) ) | |
40 species=opt$species | |
41 | |
42 rdataList=list() | |
43 condition1List=list() | |
44 condition2List=list() | |
45 for (input in listInput) | |
46 { | |
47 load(input) | |
48 | |
49 rdataList=c(rdataList,(eset)) | |
50 condition1List=c(condition1List,saveConditions[1]) | |
51 condition2List=c(condition2List,saveConditions[2]) | |
52 | |
53 } | |
54 | |
55 result.html<-opt$htmloutput | |
56 result.path<-opt$htmloutputpath | |
57 result.template<-opt$htmltemplate | |
58 | |
59 showVenn<-function(res,file) | |
60 { | |
61 venn.plot<-venn.diagram(x = c(res[c(1:(length(res)-3))],meta=list(res$Meta)), | |
62 filename = NULL, col = "black", | |
63 fill = c(1:(length(res)-2)), | |
64 margin=0.05, alpha = 0.6) | |
65 jpeg(file) | |
66 grid.draw(venn.plot) | |
67 | |
68 } | |
69 | |
70 if(!species %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"]) { | |
71 source("") | |
72 biocLite(species) | |
73 } | |
74 | |
75 #library("") | |
76 x <- org.Hs.egUNIGENE | |
77 mapped_genes <- mappedkeys(x) | |
78 link <- as.list(x[mapped_genes]) | |
79 | |
80 probe2unigene<-function(expset){ | |
81 #construction of the map probe->unigene | |
82 probes=rownames(exprs(expset)) | |
83 gene_id=fData(expset)[probes,"ENTREZ_GENE_ID"] | |
84 unigene=link[gene_id] | |
85 names(unigene)<-probes | |
86 probe_unigene=unigene | |
87 } | |
88 | |
89 unigene2probe<-function(map) | |
90 { | |
91 suppressWarnings(x <- cbind(unlist(map), names(map))) | |
92 unigene_probe=split(x[,2], x[,1]) | |
93 } | |
94 | |
95 convert2metaMA<-function(listStudies,mergemeth=mean) | |
96 { | |
97 if (!(class(listStudies) %in% c("list"))) { | |
98 stop("listStudies must be a list") | |
99 } | |
100 conv_unigene=lapply(listStudies, | |
101 FUN=function(x) unigene2probe(probe2unigene(x))) | |
102 | |
103 id=lapply(conv_unigene,names) | |
104 inter=Reduce(intersect,id) | |
105 if(length(inter)<=0){stop("no common genes")} | |
106 print(paste(length(inter),"genes in common")) | |
107 esets=lapply(1:length(listStudies),FUN=function(i){ | |
108 l=lapply(conv_unigene[[i]][inter], | |
109 FUN=function(x) exprs(listStudies[[i]])[x,,drop=TRUE]) | |
110 esetsgr=t(sapply(l,FUN=function(ll) if(is.null(dim(ll))){ll} | |
111 else{apply(ll,2,mergemeth)})) | |
112 esetsgr | |
113 }) | |
114 return(list(esets=esets,conv.unigene=conv_unigene)) | |
115 } | |
116 | |
117 normalization<-function(data){ | |
118 ex <- exprs(data) | |
119 qx <- as.numeric(quantile(ex, c(0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99, 1.0), na.rm=T)) | |
120 LogC <- (qx[5] > 100) || | |
121 (qx[6]-qx[1] > 50 && qx[2] > 0) || | |
122 (qx[2] > 0 && qx[2] < 1 && qx[4] > 1 && qx[4] < 2) | |
123 if (LogC) { ex[which(ex <= 0)] <- NaN | |
124 return (log2(ex)) } else { | |
125 return (ex) | |
126 } | |
127 } | |
128 | |
129 | |
130 filterCondition<-function(gset,condition1, condition2){ | |
131 selected=c(which((tolower(as.character(pData(gset)["source_name_ch1"][,1]))==condition1)), | |
132 which(tolower(as.character(pData(gset)["source_name_ch1"][,1]))==condition2)) | |
133 | |
134 return(gset[,selected]) | |
135 } | |
136 | |
137 rdatalist <- lapply(rdataList, FUN=function(datalist) normalization(datalist)) | |
138 | |
139 classes=list() | |
140 filteredRdataList=list() | |
141 for (i in 1:length(rdatalist)) | |
142 { | |
143 currentData=rdataList[[i]] | |
144 currentCondition1=condition1List[[i]] | |
145 currentCondition2=condition2List[[i]] | |
146 #currentData=filterCondition(currentData,currentCondition1,currentCondition2) | |
147 currentClasses=as.numeric(tolower(as.character(pData(currentData)["source_name_ch1"][,1]))==currentCondition1) | |
148 filteredRdataList=c(filteredRdataList,currentData) | |
149 classes=c(classes,list(currentClasses)) | |
150 #write(file="~/galaxy-modal/classes.txt",classes) | |
151 } | |
152 | |
153 #rdataList=filteredRdataList | |
154 conv=convert2metaMA(rdataList) | |
155 esets=conv$esets | |
156 conv_unigene=conv$conv.unigene | |
157 | |
158 #write(file="~/galaxy-modal/esets.txt",length(esets)) | |
159 #write(file="~/galaxy-modal/classes.txt",length(classes)) | |
160 res=pvalcombination(esets=esets,classes=classes,moderated="limma") | |
161 resIDDIRR=IDDIRR(res$Meta,res$AllIndStudies) | |
162 length(res$Meta) | |
163 Hs.Meta=rownames(esets[[1]])[res$Meta] | |
164 origId.Meta=lapply(conv_unigene,FUN=function(vec) as.vector(unlist(vec[Hs.Meta]))) | |
165 | |
166 gpllist <- lapply(rdataList, FUN=function(ann) annotation(ann)) | |
167 platflist <- lapply(gpllist, FUN=function(gpl) getGEO(gpl, AnnotGPL=TRUE)) | |
168 ncbifdlist <- lapply(platflist, FUN=function(data) data.frame(attr(dataTable(data), "table"))) | |
169 ncbifdresult=lapply(1:length(origId.Meta), FUN=function(i) ncbifdlist[[i]][which(ncbifdlist[[i]]$ID %in% origId.Meta[[i]]),]) | |
170,ncbifdresult) | |
171 ncbidfannot <- subset(ncbidfannot, select=c("Platform_SPOTID","ID","Gene.symbol","Gene.title","Gene.ID","Chromosome.annotation","GO.Function.ID")) | |
172 | |
173 library(jsonlite) | |
174 matrixncbidfannot=as.matrix(ncbidfannot) | |
175 datajson=toJSON(matrixncbidfannot,pretty = TRUE) | |
176 summaryjson=toJSON(as.matrix(t(resIDDIRR)),pretty = TRUE) | |
177 | |
178 | |
179 #vennsplit=strsplit(result.venn,split="/")[[1]] | |
180 #venn=paste0("./",vennsplit[length(vennsplit)]) | |
181 | |
182 | |
183 vennFilename="venn.png" | |
184 vennFile=file.path(result.path,vennFilename) | |
185 htmlfile=readChar(result.template,$size) | |
186 htmlfile=gsub(x=htmlfile,pattern = "###DATAJSON###",replacement = datajson, fixed = TRUE) | |
187 htmlfile=gsub(x=htmlfile,pattern = "###SUMMARYJSON###",replacement = summaryjson, fixed = TRUE) | |
188 htmlfile=gsub(x=htmlfile,pattern = "###VENN###",replacement = vennFilename, fixed = TRUE) | |
189 write(htmlfile,result.html) | |
190 | |
191 library(VennDiagram) | |
192 flog.threshold(ERROR) | |
193 | |
194 #venn.plot<-venn.diagram(x = c(res[c(1:(length(res)-3))],meta=list(res$Meta)),filename = v, col = "black", fill = c(1:(length(res)-2)), margin=0.05, alpha = 0.6,imagetype = "png") | |
195 dir.create(result.path, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = FALSE) | |
196 | |
197 showVenn<-function(liste,file) | |
198 { | |
199 venn.plot<-venn.diagram(x = liste, | |
200 filename = vennFilename, col = "black", | |
201 fill = 1:length(liste)+1, | |
202 margin=0.05, alpha = 0.6,imagetype = "png") | |
203 # png(file); | |
204 # grid.draw(venn.plot); | |
205 #; | |
206 | |
207 } | |
208 | |
209 l=list() | |
210 for(i in 1:length(esets)) | |
211 { | |
212 l[[paste("study",i,sep="")]]<-res[[i]] | |
213 } | |
214 l[["Meta"]]=res[[length(res)-1]] | |
215 showVenn(l,vennFile) | |
216 file.copy(vennFilename,result.path) | |
217 #l=list() | |
218 #for(i in 1:length(esets)) | |
219 #{ | |
220 # l[[paste("study",i,sep="")]]<-res[[i]] | |
221 #} | |
222 #l[["Meta"]]=res[[length(res)-1]] | |
223 #showVenn(res,result.venn) | |
224 #writeLines(c("<h2>Venn diagram</h2>"),file.conn) | |
225 #writeLines(c("<img src='venn.png'><br/><br/>"),file.conn) | |
226 #writeLines(c("</body></html>"),file.conn) | |
227 #close(file.conn) |