diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/dynamodb/layer1.py @ 0:26e78fe6e8c4 draft

"planemo upload commit c699937486c35866861690329de38ec1a5d9f783"
author shellac
date Sat, 02 May 2020 07:14:21 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/dynamodb/layer1.py	Sat May 02 07:14:21 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
+# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
+# lowing conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import time
+from binascii import crc32
+import boto
+from boto.connection import AWSAuthConnection
+from boto.exception import DynamoDBResponseError
+from boto.provider import Provider
+from boto.dynamodb import exceptions as dynamodb_exceptions
+from boto.compat import json
+class Layer1(AWSAuthConnection):
+    """
+    This is the lowest-level interface to DynamoDB.  Methods at this
+    layer map directly to API requests and parameters to the methods
+    are either simple, scalar values or they are the Python equivalent
+    of the JSON input as defined in the DynamoDB Developer's Guide.
+    All responses are direct decoding of the JSON response bodies to
+    Python data structures via the json or simplejson modules.
+    :ivar throughput_exceeded_events: An integer variable that
+        keeps a running total of the number of ThroughputExceeded
+        responses this connection has received from Amazon DynamoDB.
+    """
+    DefaultRegionName = 'us-east-1'
+    """The default region name for DynamoDB API."""
+    ServiceName = 'DynamoDB'
+    """The name of the Service"""
+    Version = '20111205'
+    """DynamoDB API version."""
+    ThruputError = "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException"
+    """The error response returned when provisioned throughput is exceeded"""
+    SessionExpiredError = 'com.amazon.coral.service#ExpiredTokenException'
+    """The error response returned when session token has expired"""
+    ConditionalCheckFailedError = 'ConditionalCheckFailedException'
+    """The error response returned when a conditional check fails"""
+    ValidationError = 'ValidationException'
+    """The error response returned when an item is invalid in some way"""
+    ResponseError = DynamoDBResponseError
+    NumberRetries = 10
+    """The number of times an error is retried."""
+    def __init__(self, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None,
+                 is_secure=True, port=None, proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
+                 debug=0, security_token=None, region=None,
+                 validate_certs=True, validate_checksums=True, profile_name=None):
+        if not region:
+            region_name = boto.config.get('DynamoDB', 'region',
+                                          self.DefaultRegionName)
+            for reg in boto.dynamodb.regions():
+                if reg.name == region_name:
+                    region = reg
+                    break
+        self.region = region
+        super(Layer1, self).__init__(self.region.endpoint,
+                                   aws_access_key_id,
+                                   aws_secret_access_key,
+                                   is_secure, port, proxy, proxy_port,
+                                   debug=debug, security_token=security_token,
+                                   validate_certs=validate_certs,
+                                   profile_name=profile_name)
+        self.throughput_exceeded_events = 0
+        self._validate_checksums = boto.config.getbool(
+            'DynamoDB', 'validate_checksums', validate_checksums)
+    def _get_session_token(self):
+        self.provider = Provider(self._provider_type)
+        self._auth_handler.update_provider(self.provider)
+    def _required_auth_capability(self):
+        return ['hmac-v4']
+    def make_request(self, action, body='', object_hook=None):
+        """
+        :raises: ``DynamoDBExpiredTokenError`` if the security token expires.
+        """
+        headers = {'X-Amz-Target': '%s_%s.%s' % (self.ServiceName,
+                                                 self.Version, action),
+                   'Host': self.region.endpoint,
+                   'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0',
+                   'Content-Length': str(len(body))}
+        http_request = self.build_base_http_request('POST', '/', '/',
+                                                    {}, headers, body, None)
+        start = time.time()
+        response = self._mexe(http_request, sender=None,
+                              override_num_retries=self.NumberRetries,
+                              retry_handler=self._retry_handler)
+        elapsed = (time.time() - start) * 1000
+        request_id = response.getheader('x-amzn-RequestId')
+        boto.log.debug('RequestId: %s' % request_id)
+        boto.perflog.debug('%s: id=%s time=%sms',
+                           headers['X-Amz-Target'], request_id, int(elapsed))
+        response_body = response.read().decode('utf-8')
+        boto.log.debug(response_body)
+        return json.loads(response_body, object_hook=object_hook)
+    def _retry_handler(self, response, i, next_sleep):
+        status = None
+        if response.status == 400:
+            response_body = response.read().decode('utf-8')
+            boto.log.debug(response_body)
+            data = json.loads(response_body)
+            if self.ThruputError in data.get('__type'):
+                self.throughput_exceeded_events += 1
+                msg = "%s, retry attempt %s" % (self.ThruputError, i)
+                next_sleep = self._exponential_time(i)
+                i += 1
+                status = (msg, i, next_sleep)
+                if i == self.NumberRetries:
+                    # If this was our last retry attempt, raise
+                    # a specific error saying that the throughput
+                    # was exceeded.
+                    raise dynamodb_exceptions.DynamoDBThroughputExceededError(
+                        response.status, response.reason, data)
+            elif self.SessionExpiredError in data.get('__type'):
+                msg = 'Renewing Session Token'
+                self._get_session_token()
+                status = (msg, i + self.num_retries - 1, 0)
+            elif self.ConditionalCheckFailedError in data.get('__type'):
+                raise dynamodb_exceptions.DynamoDBConditionalCheckFailedError(
+                    response.status, response.reason, data)
+            elif self.ValidationError in data.get('__type'):
+                raise dynamodb_exceptions.DynamoDBValidationError(
+                    response.status, response.reason, data)
+            else:
+                raise self.ResponseError(response.status, response.reason,
+                                         data)
+        expected_crc32 = response.getheader('x-amz-crc32')
+        if self._validate_checksums and expected_crc32 is not None:
+            boto.log.debug('Validating crc32 checksum for body: %s',
+                           response.read().decode('utf-8'))
+            actual_crc32 = crc32(response.read()) & 0xffffffff
+            expected_crc32 = int(expected_crc32)
+            if actual_crc32 != expected_crc32:
+                msg = ("The calculated checksum %s did not match the expected "
+                       "checksum %s" % (actual_crc32, expected_crc32))
+                status = (msg, i + 1, self._exponential_time(i))
+        return status
+    def _exponential_time(self, i):
+        if i == 0:
+            next_sleep = 0
+        else:
+            next_sleep = min(0.05 * (2 ** i),
+                             boto.config.get('Boto', 'max_retry_delay', 60))
+        return next_sleep
+    def list_tables(self, limit=None, start_table=None):
+        """
+        Returns a dictionary of results.  The dictionary contains
+        a **TableNames** key whose value is a list of the table names.
+        The dictionary could also contain a **LastEvaluatedTableName**
+        key whose value would be the last table name returned if
+        the complete list of table names was not returned.  This
+        value would then be passed as the ``start_table`` parameter on
+        a subsequent call to this method.
+        :type limit: int
+        :param limit: The maximum number of tables to return.
+        :type start_table: str
+        :param start_table: The name of the table that starts the
+            list.  If you ran a previous list_tables and not
+            all results were returned, the response dict would
+            include a LastEvaluatedTableName attribute.  Use
+            that value here to continue the listing.
+        """
+        data = {}
+        if limit:
+            data['Limit'] = limit
+        if start_table:
+            data['ExclusiveStartTableName'] = start_table
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('ListTables', json_input)
+    def describe_table(self, table_name):
+        """
+        Returns information about the table including current
+        state of the table, primary key schema and when the
+        table was created.
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table to describe.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name}
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('DescribeTable', json_input)
+    def create_table(self, table_name, schema, provisioned_throughput):
+        """
+        Add a new table to your account.  The table name must be unique
+        among those associated with the account issuing the request.
+        This request triggers an asynchronous workflow to begin creating
+        the table.  When the workflow is complete, the state of the
+        table will be ACTIVE.
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table to create.
+        :type schema: dict
+        :param schema: A Python version of the KeySchema data structure
+            as defined by DynamoDB
+        :type provisioned_throughput: dict
+        :param provisioned_throughput: A Python version of the
+            ProvisionedThroughput data structure defined by
+            DynamoDB.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name,
+                'KeySchema': schema,
+                'ProvisionedThroughput': provisioned_throughput}
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        response_dict = self.make_request('CreateTable', json_input)
+        return response_dict
+    def update_table(self, table_name, provisioned_throughput):
+        """
+        Updates the provisioned throughput for a given table.
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table to update.
+        :type provisioned_throughput: dict
+        :param provisioned_throughput: A Python version of the
+            ProvisionedThroughput data structure defined by
+            DynamoDB.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name,
+                'ProvisionedThroughput': provisioned_throughput}
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('UpdateTable', json_input)
+    def delete_table(self, table_name):
+        """
+        Deletes the table and all of it's data.  After this request
+        the table will be in the DELETING state until DynamoDB
+        completes the delete operation.
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table to delete.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name}
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('DeleteTable', json_input)
+    def get_item(self, table_name, key, attributes_to_get=None,
+                 consistent_read=False, object_hook=None):
+        """
+        Return a set of attributes for an item that matches
+        the supplied key.
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table containing the item.
+        :type key: dict
+        :param key: A Python version of the Key data structure
+            defined by DynamoDB.
+        :type attributes_to_get: list
+        :param attributes_to_get: A list of attribute names.
+            If supplied, only the specified attribute names will
+            be returned.  Otherwise, all attributes will be returned.
+        :type consistent_read: bool
+        :param consistent_read: If True, a consistent read
+            request is issued.  Otherwise, an eventually consistent
+            request is issued.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name,
+                'Key': key}
+        if attributes_to_get:
+            data['AttributesToGet'] = attributes_to_get
+        if consistent_read:
+            data['ConsistentRead'] = True
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        response = self.make_request('GetItem', json_input,
+                                     object_hook=object_hook)
+        if 'Item' not in response:
+            raise dynamodb_exceptions.DynamoDBKeyNotFoundError(
+                "Key does not exist."
+            )
+        return response
+    def batch_get_item(self, request_items, object_hook=None):
+        """
+        Return a set of attributes for a multiple items in
+        multiple tables using their primary keys.
+        :type request_items: dict
+        :param request_items: A Python version of the RequestItems
+            data structure defined by DynamoDB.
+        """
+        # If the list is empty, return empty response
+        if not request_items:
+            return {}
+        data = {'RequestItems': request_items}
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('BatchGetItem', json_input,
+                                 object_hook=object_hook)
+    def batch_write_item(self, request_items, object_hook=None):
+        """
+        This operation enables you to put or delete several items
+        across multiple tables in a single API call.
+        :type request_items: dict
+        :param request_items: A Python version of the RequestItems
+            data structure defined by DynamoDB.
+        """
+        data = {'RequestItems': request_items}
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('BatchWriteItem', json_input,
+                                 object_hook=object_hook)
+    def put_item(self, table_name, item,
+                 expected=None, return_values=None,
+                 object_hook=None):
+        """
+        Create a new item or replace an old item with a new
+        item (including all attributes).  If an item already
+        exists in the specified table with the same primary
+        key, the new item will completely replace the old item.
+        You can perform a conditional put by specifying an
+        expected rule.
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table in which to put the item.
+        :type item: dict
+        :param item: A Python version of the Item data structure
+            defined by DynamoDB.
+        :type expected: dict
+        :param expected: A Python version of the Expected
+            data structure defined by DynamoDB.
+        :type return_values: str
+        :param return_values: Controls the return of attribute
+            name-value pairs before then were changed.  Possible
+            values are: None or 'ALL_OLD'. If 'ALL_OLD' is
+            specified and the item is overwritten, the content
+            of the old item is returned.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name,
+                'Item': item}
+        if expected:
+            data['Expected'] = expected
+        if return_values:
+            data['ReturnValues'] = return_values
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('PutItem', json_input,
+                                 object_hook=object_hook)
+    def update_item(self, table_name, key, attribute_updates,
+                    expected=None, return_values=None,
+                    object_hook=None):
+        """
+        Edits an existing item's attributes. You can perform a conditional
+        update (insert a new attribute name-value pair if it doesn't exist,
+        or replace an existing name-value pair if it has certain expected
+        attribute values).
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table.
+        :type key: dict
+        :param key: A Python version of the Key data structure
+            defined by DynamoDB which identifies the item to be updated.
+        :type attribute_updates: dict
+        :param attribute_updates: A Python version of the AttributeUpdates
+            data structure defined by DynamoDB.
+        :type expected: dict
+        :param expected: A Python version of the Expected
+            data structure defined by DynamoDB.
+        :type return_values: str
+        :param return_values: Controls the return of attribute
+            name-value pairs before then were changed.  Possible
+            values are: None or 'ALL_OLD'. If 'ALL_OLD' is
+            specified and the item is overwritten, the content
+            of the old item is returned.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name,
+                'Key': key,
+                'AttributeUpdates': attribute_updates}
+        if expected:
+            data['Expected'] = expected
+        if return_values:
+            data['ReturnValues'] = return_values
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('UpdateItem', json_input,
+                                 object_hook=object_hook)
+    def delete_item(self, table_name, key,
+                    expected=None, return_values=None,
+                    object_hook=None):
+        """
+        Delete an item and all of it's attributes by primary key.
+        You can perform a conditional delete by specifying an
+        expected rule.
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table containing the item.
+        :type key: dict
+        :param key: A Python version of the Key data structure
+            defined by DynamoDB.
+        :type expected: dict
+        :param expected: A Python version of the Expected
+            data structure defined by DynamoDB.
+        :type return_values: str
+        :param return_values: Controls the return of attribute
+            name-value pairs before then were changed.  Possible
+            values are: None or 'ALL_OLD'. If 'ALL_OLD' is
+            specified and the item is overwritten, the content
+            of the old item is returned.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name,
+                'Key': key}
+        if expected:
+            data['Expected'] = expected
+        if return_values:
+            data['ReturnValues'] = return_values
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('DeleteItem', json_input,
+                                 object_hook=object_hook)
+    def query(self, table_name, hash_key_value, range_key_conditions=None,
+              attributes_to_get=None, limit=None, consistent_read=False,
+              scan_index_forward=True, exclusive_start_key=None,
+              object_hook=None, count=False):
+        """
+        Perform a query of DynamoDB.  This version is currently punting
+        and expecting you to provide a full and correct JSON body
+        which is passed as is to DynamoDB.
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table to query.
+        :type hash_key_value: dict
+        :param key: A DynamoDB-style HashKeyValue.
+        :type range_key_conditions: dict
+        :param range_key_conditions: A Python version of the
+            RangeKeyConditions data structure.
+        :type attributes_to_get: list
+        :param attributes_to_get: A list of attribute names.
+            If supplied, only the specified attribute names will
+            be returned.  Otherwise, all attributes will be returned.
+        :type limit: int
+        :param limit: The maximum number of items to return.
+        :type count: bool
+        :param count: If True, Amazon DynamoDB returns a total
+            number of items for the Query operation, even if the
+            operation has no matching items for the assigned filter.
+        :type consistent_read: bool
+        :param consistent_read: If True, a consistent read
+            request is issued.  Otherwise, an eventually consistent
+            request is issued.
+        :type scan_index_forward: bool
+        :param scan_index_forward: Specified forward or backward
+            traversal of the index.  Default is forward (True).
+        :type exclusive_start_key: list or tuple
+        :param exclusive_start_key: Primary key of the item from
+            which to continue an earlier query.  This would be
+            provided as the LastEvaluatedKey in that query.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name,
+                'HashKeyValue': hash_key_value}
+        if range_key_conditions:
+            data['RangeKeyCondition'] = range_key_conditions
+        if attributes_to_get:
+            data['AttributesToGet'] = attributes_to_get
+        if limit:
+            data['Limit'] = limit
+        if count:
+            data['Count'] = True
+        if consistent_read:
+            data['ConsistentRead'] = True
+        if scan_index_forward:
+            data['ScanIndexForward'] = True
+        else:
+            data['ScanIndexForward'] = False
+        if exclusive_start_key:
+            data['ExclusiveStartKey'] = exclusive_start_key
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('Query', json_input,
+                                 object_hook=object_hook)
+    def scan(self, table_name, scan_filter=None,
+             attributes_to_get=None, limit=None,
+             exclusive_start_key=None, object_hook=None, count=False):
+        """
+        Perform a scan of DynamoDB.  This version is currently punting
+        and expecting you to provide a full and correct JSON body
+        which is passed as is to DynamoDB.
+        :type table_name: str
+        :param table_name: The name of the table to scan.
+        :type scan_filter: dict
+        :param scan_filter: A Python version of the
+            ScanFilter data structure.
+        :type attributes_to_get: list
+        :param attributes_to_get: A list of attribute names.
+            If supplied, only the specified attribute names will
+            be returned.  Otherwise, all attributes will be returned.
+        :type limit: int
+        :param limit: The maximum number of items to evaluate.
+        :type count: bool
+        :param count: If True, Amazon DynamoDB returns a total
+            number of items for the Scan operation, even if the
+            operation has no matching items for the assigned filter.
+        :type exclusive_start_key: list or tuple
+        :param exclusive_start_key: Primary key of the item from
+            which to continue an earlier query.  This would be
+            provided as the LastEvaluatedKey in that query.
+        """
+        data = {'TableName': table_name}
+        if scan_filter:
+            data['ScanFilter'] = scan_filter
+        if attributes_to_get:
+            data['AttributesToGet'] = attributes_to_get
+        if limit:
+            data['Limit'] = limit
+        if count:
+            data['Count'] = True
+        if exclusive_start_key:
+            data['ExclusiveStartKey'] = exclusive_start_key
+        json_input = json.dumps(data)
+        return self.make_request('Scan', json_input, object_hook=object_hook)