diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/planemo/tool_builder.py @ 0:26e78fe6e8c4 draft

"planemo upload commit c699937486c35866861690329de38ec1a5d9f783"
author shellac
date Sat, 02 May 2020 07:14:21 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/planemo/tool_builder.py	Sat May 02 07:14:21 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+"""This module contains :func:`build` to build tool descriptions.
+This class is used by the `tool_init` command and can be used to build
+Galaxy and CWL tool descriptions.
+import os
+import re
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from collections import namedtuple
+from planemo import io
+from planemo import templates
+REUSING_MACROS_MESSAGE = ("Macros file macros.xml already exists, assuming "
+                          " it has relevant planemo-generated definitions.")
+TOOL_TEMPLATE = """<tool id="{{id}}" name="{{name}}" version="{{version}}" python_template_version="3.5">
+{%- if description %}
+    <description>{{ description }}</description>
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if macros %}
+    <macros>
+        <import>macros.xml</import>
+    </macros>
+    <expand macro="requirements" />
+{%- if version_command %}
+    <expand macro="version_command" />
+{%- endif %}
+{%- else %}
+    <requirements>
+{%- for requirement in requirements %}
+        {{ requirement }}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- for container in containers %}
+        {{ container }}
+{%- endfor %}
+    </requirements>
+{%- if version_command %}
+    <version_command>{{ version_command }}</version_command>
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
+{%- if command %}
+        {{ command }}
+{%- else %}
+        TODO: Fill in command template.
+{%- endif %}
+    ]]></command>
+    <inputs>
+{%- for input in inputs %}
+        {{ input }}
+{%- endfor %}
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+{%- for output in outputs %}
+        {{ output }}
+{%- endfor %}
+    </outputs>
+{%- if tests %}
+    <tests>
+{%- for test in tests %}
+        <test>
+{%- for param in test.params %}
+            <param name="{{ param[0]}}" value="{{ param[1] }}"/>
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- for output in test.outputs %}
+            <output name="{{ output[0] }}" file="{{ output[1] }}"/>
+{%- endfor %}
+        </test>
+{%- endfor %}
+    </tests>
+{%- endif %}
+    <help><![CDATA[
+{%- if help %}
+        {{ help }}
+{%- else %}
+        TODO: Fill in help.
+{%- endif %}
+    ]]></help>
+{%- if macros %}
+    <expand macro="citations" />
+{%- else %}
+{%- if doi or bibtex_citations %}
+    <citations>
+{%- for single_doi in doi %}
+        <citation type="doi">{{ single_doi }}</citation>
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- for bibtex_citation in bibtex_citations %}
+        <citation type="bibtex">{{ bibtex_citation }}</citation>
+{%- endfor %}
+    </citations>
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+MACROS_TEMPLATE = """<macros>
+    <xml name="requirements">
+        <requirements>
+{%- for requirement in requirements %}
+        {{ requirement }}
+{%- endfor %}
+            <yield/>
+{%- for container in containers %}
+        {{ container }}
+{%- endfor %}
+        </requirements>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="citations">
+        <citations>
+{%- for single_doi in doi %}
+            <citation type="doi">{{ single_doi }}</citation>
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- for bibtex_citation in bibtex_citations %}
+            <citation type="bibtex">{{ bibtex_citation }}</citation>
+{%- endfor %}
+            <yield />
+        </citations>
+    </xml>
+{%- if version_command %}
+    <xml name="version_command">
+        <version_command>{{ version_command }}</version_command>
+    </xml>
+{%- endif %}
+CWL_TEMPLATE = """#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
+cwlVersion: '{{cwl_version}}'
+class: CommandLineTool
+id: "{{id}}"
+label: "{{label}}"
+{%- if containers or requirements %}
+{%- for container in containers %}
+  DockerRequirement:
+    dockerPull: {{ container.image_id }}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- if requirements %}
+  SoftwareRequirement:
+    packages:
+{%- for requirement in requirements %}
+    - package: {{ requirement.name }}
+{%- if requirement.version %}
+      version:
+      - "{{ requirement.version }}"
+{%- else %}
+      version: []
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if inputs or outputs %}
+{%- for input in inputs %}
+  {{ input.id }}:
+    type: {{ input.type }}
+    doc: |
+      TODO
+    inputBinding:
+      position: {{ input.position }}
+{%- if input.prefix %}
+      prefix: "{{input.prefix.prefix}}"
+{%- if not input.prefix.separated %}
+      separate: false
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- for output in outputs %}
+{%- if output.require_filename %}
+  {{ output.id }}:
+    type: string
+    doc: |
+      Filename for output {{ output.id }}
+    inputBinding:
+      position: {{ output.position }}
+{%- if output.prefix %}
+      prefix: "{{output.prefix.prefix}}"
+{%- if not output.prefix.separated %}
+      separate: false
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- else %}
+inputs: [] # TODO
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if outputs %}
+{%- for output in outputs %}
+  {{ output.id }}:
+    type: File
+    outputBinding:
+      glob: {{ output.glob }}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- else %}
+outputs: [] # TODO
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if base_command %}
+{%- for base_command_part in base_command %}
+  - "{{ base_command_part}}"
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- else %}
+baseCommand: []
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if arguments %}
+{%- for argument in arguments %}
+  - valueFrom: "{{ argument.value }}"
+    position: {{ argument.position }}
+{%- if argument.prefix %}
+      prefix: "{{argument.prefix.prefix}}"
+{%- if not argument.prefix.separated %}
+      separate: false
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- else %}
+arguments: []
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if stdout %}
+stdout: {{ stdout }}
+{%- endif %}
+doc: |
+{%- if help %}
+  {{ help|indent(2) }}
+{%- else %}
+   TODO: Fill in description.
+{%- endif %}
+- doc: test generated from example command
+  job: {{ job_filename }}
+{%- if outputs %}
+  outputs:
+{%- for output in outputs %}
+    {{ output.id }}:
+      path: test-data/{{ output.example_value }}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- else %}
+  outputs: TODO
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if inputs %}
+{%- for input in inputs %}
+{%- if input.type == "File" %}
+{{ input.id }}:
+  class: File
+  path: test-data/{{ input.example_value }}
+{%- else %}
+  {{ input.id }}: {{ input.example_value }}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- else %}
+# TODO: Specify job input.
+{%- endif %}
+def build(**kwds):
+    """Build up a :func:`ToolDescription` from supplid arguments."""
+    if kwds.get("cwl"):
+        builder = _build_cwl
+    else:
+        builder = _build_galaxy
+    return builder(**kwds)
+def _build_cwl(**kwds):
+    _handle_help(kwds)
+    _handle_requirements(kwds)
+    assert len(kwds["containers"]) <= 1, kwds
+    command_io = CommandIO(**kwds)
+    render_kwds = {
+        "cwl_version": DEFAULT_CWL_VERSION,
+        "help": kwds.get("help", ""),
+        "containers": kwds.get("containers", []),
+        "requirements": kwds.get("requirements", []),
+        "id": kwds.get("id"),
+        "label": kwds.get("name"),
+    }
+    render_kwds.update(command_io.cwl_properties())
+    contents = _render(render_kwds, template_str=CWL_TEMPLATE)
+    tool_files = []
+    test_files = []
+    if kwds["test_case"]:
+        sep = "-" if "-" in kwds.get("id") else "_"
+        tests_path = "%s%stests.yml" % (kwds.get("id"), sep)
+        job_path = "%s%sjob.yml" % (kwds.get("id"), sep)
+        render_kwds["job_filename"] = job_path
+        test_contents = _render(render_kwds, template_str=CWL_TEST_TEMPLATE)
+        job_contents = _render(render_kwds, template_str=CWL_JOB_TEMPLATE)
+        tool_files.append(ToolFile(tests_path, test_contents, "test"))
+        tool_files.append(ToolFile(job_path, job_contents, "job"))
+        for cwl_input in render_kwds["inputs"] or []:
+            if cwl_input.type == "File" and cwl_input.example_value:
+                test_files.append(cwl_input.example_value)
+        for cwl_output in render_kwds["outputs"] or []:
+            if cwl_output.example_value:
+                test_files.append(cwl_output.example_value)
+    return ToolDescription(
+        contents,
+        tool_files=tool_files,
+        test_files=test_files
+    )
+def _build_galaxy(**kwds):
+    # Test case to build up from supplied inputs and outputs, ultimately
+    # ignored unless kwds["test_case"] is truthy.
+    _handle_help(kwds)
+    # process raw cite urls
+    cite_urls = kwds.get("cite_url", [])
+    del kwds["cite_url"]
+    citations = list(map(UrlCitation, cite_urls))
+    kwds["bibtex_citations"] = citations
+    # handle requirements and containers
+    _handle_requirements(kwds)
+    command_io = CommandIO(**kwds)
+    kwds["inputs"] = command_io.inputs
+    kwds["outputs"] = command_io.outputs
+    kwds["command"] = command_io.cheetah_template
+    test_case = command_io.test_case()
+    # finally wrap up tests
+    tests, test_files = _handle_tests(kwds, test_case)
+    kwds["tests"] = tests
+    # Render tool content from template.
+    contents = _render(kwds)
+    tool_files = []
+    append_macro_file(tool_files, kwds)
+    return ToolDescription(
+        contents,
+        tool_files=tool_files,
+        test_files=test_files
+    )
+def append_macro_file(tool_files, kwds):
+    macro_contents = None
+    if kwds["macros"]:
+        macro_contents = _render(kwds, MACROS_TEMPLATE)
+        macros_file = "macros.xml"
+        if not os.path.exists(macros_file):
+            tool_files.append(ToolFile(macros_file, macro_contents, "macros"))
+        io.info(REUSING_MACROS_MESSAGE)
+class CommandIO(object):
+    def __init__(self, **kwds):
+        command = _find_command(kwds)
+        cheetah_template = command
+        # process raw inputs
+        inputs = kwds.pop("input", [])
+        inputs = list(map(Input, inputs or []))
+        # alternatively process example inputs
+        example_inputs = kwds.pop("example_input", [])
+        for i, input_file in enumerate(example_inputs or []):
+            name = "input%d" % (i + 1)
+            inputs.append(Input(input_file, name=name, example=True))
+            cheetah_template = _replace_file_in_command(cheetah_template, input_file, name)
+        # handle raw outputs (from_work_dir ones) as well as named_outputs
+        outputs = kwds.pop("output", [])
+        outputs = list(map(Output, outputs or []))
+        named_outputs = kwds.pop("named_output", [])
+        for named_output in (named_outputs or []):
+            outputs.append(Output(name=named_output, example=False))
+        # handle example outputs
+        example_outputs = kwds.pop("example_output", [])
+        for i, output_file in enumerate(example_outputs or []):
+            name = "output%d" % (i + 1)
+            from_path = output_file
+            use_from_path = True
+            if output_file in cheetah_template:
+                # Actually found the file in the command, assume it can
+                # be specified directly and skip from_work_dir.
+                use_from_path = False
+            output = Output(name=name, from_path=from_path,
+                            use_from_path=use_from_path, example=True)
+            outputs.append(output)
+            cheetah_template = _replace_file_in_command(cheetah_template, output_file, output.name)
+        self.inputs = inputs
+        self.outputs = outputs
+        self.command = command
+        self.cheetah_template = cheetah_template
+    def example_input_names(self):
+        for input in self.inputs:
+            if input.example:
+                yield input.input_description
+    def example_output_names(self):
+        for output in self.outputs:
+            if output.example:
+                yield output.example_path
+    def cwl_lex_list(self):
+        if not self.command:
+            return []
+        command_parts = shlex.split(self.command)
+        parse_list = []
+        input_count = 0
+        output_count = 0
+        index = 0
+        prefixed_parts = []
+        while index < len(command_parts):
+            value = command_parts[index]
+            eq_split = value.split("=")
+            prefix = None
+            if not _looks_like_start_of_prefix(index, command_parts):
+                index += 1
+            elif len(eq_split) == 2:
+                prefix = Prefix(eq_split[0] + "=", False)
+                value = eq_split[1]
+                index += 1
+            else:
+                prefix = Prefix(value, True)
+                value = command_parts[index + 1]
+                index += 2
+            prefixed_parts.append((prefix, value))
+        for position, (prefix, value) in enumerate(prefixed_parts):
+            if value in self.example_input_names():
+                input_count += 1
+                input = CwlInput(
+                    "input%d" % input_count,
+                    position,
+                    prefix,
+                    value,
+                )
+                parse_list.append(input)
+            elif value in self.example_output_names():
+                output_count += 1
+                output = CwlOutput(
+                    "output%d" % output_count,
+                    position,
+                    prefix,
+                    value,
+                )
+                parse_list.append(output)
+            elif prefix:
+                param_id = prefix.prefix.lower().rstrip("=")
+                type_ = param_type(value)
+                input = CwlInput(
+                    param_id,
+                    position,
+                    prefix,
+                    value,
+                    type_=type_,
+                )
+                parse_list.append(input)
+            else:
+                part = CwlCommandPart(value, position, prefix)
+                parse_list.append(part)
+        return parse_list
+    def cwl_properties(self):
+        base_command = []
+        arguments = []
+        inputs = []
+        outputs = []
+        lex_list = self.cwl_lex_list()
+        index = 0
+        while index < len(lex_list):
+            token = lex_list[index]
+            if isinstance(token, CwlCommandPart):
+                base_command.append(token.value)
+            else:
+                break
+            index += 1
+        while index < len(lex_list):
+            token = lex_list[index]
+            if token.is_token(">"):
+                break
+            token.position = index - len(base_command) + 1
+            if isinstance(token, CwlCommandPart):
+                arguments.append(token)
+            elif isinstance(token, CwlInput):
+                inputs.append(token)
+            elif isinstance(token, CwlOutput):
+                token.glob = "$(inputs.%s)" % token.id
+                outputs.append(token)
+            index += 1
+        stdout = None
+        if index < len(lex_list):
+            token = lex_list[index]
+            if token.is_token(">") and (index + 1) < len(lex_list):
+                output_token = lex_list[index + 1]
+                if not isinstance(output_token, CwlOutput):
+                    output_token = CwlOutput("std_out", None)
+                output_token.glob = "out"
+                output_token.require_filename = False
+                outputs.append(output_token)
+                stdout = "out"
+                index += 2
+            else:
+                io.warn("Example command too complex, you will need to build it up manually.")
+        return {
+            "inputs": inputs,
+            "outputs": outputs,
+            "arguments": arguments,
+            "base_command": base_command,
+            "stdout": stdout,
+        }
+    def test_case(self):
+        test_case = TestCase()
+        for input in self.inputs:
+            if input.example:
+                test_case.params.append((input.name, input.input_description))
+        for output in self.outputs:
+            if output.example:
+                test_case.outputs.append((output.name, output.example_path))
+        return test_case
+def _looks_like_start_of_prefix(index, parts):
+    value = parts[index]
+    if len(value.split("=")) == 2:
+        return True
+    if index + 1 == len(parts):
+        return False
+    next_value = parts[index + 1]
+    next_value_is_not_start = (len(value.split("=")) != 2) and next_value[0] not in ["-", ">", "<", "|"]
+    return value.startswith("-") and next_value_is_not_start
+Prefix = namedtuple("Prefix", ["prefix", "separated"])
+class CwlCommandPart(object):
+    def __init__(self, value, position, prefix):
+        self.value = value
+        self.position = position
+        self.prefix = prefix
+    def is_token(self, value):
+        return self.value == value
+class CwlInput(object):
+    def __init__(self, id, position, prefix, example_value, type_="File"):
+        self.id = id
+        self.position = position
+        self.prefix = prefix
+        self.example_value = example_value
+        self.type = type_
+    def is_token(self, value):
+        return False
+class CwlOutput(object):
+    def __init__(self, id, position, prefix, example_value):
+        self.id = id
+        self.position = position
+        self.prefix = prefix
+        self.glob = None
+        self.example_value = example_value
+        self.require_filename = True
+    def is_token(self, value):
+        return False
+def _render(kwds, template_str=TOOL_TEMPLATE):
+    """ Apply supplied template variables to TOOL_TEMPLATE to generate
+    the final tool.
+    """
+    return templates.render(template_str, **kwds)
+def _replace_file_in_command(command, specified_file, name):
+    """ Replace example file with cheetah variable name in supplied command
+    or command template. Be sure to single quote the name.
+    """
+    # TODO: check if the supplied variant was single quoted already.
+    if '"%s"' % specified_file in command:
+        # Sample command already wrapped filename in double quotes
+        command = command.replace('"%s"' % specified_file, "'$%s'" % name)
+    elif (" %s " % specified_file) in (" " + command + " "):
+        # In case of spaces, best to wrap filename in double quotes
+        command = command.replace(specified_file, "'$%s'" % name)
+    else:
+        command = command.replace(specified_file, '$%s' % name)
+    return command
+def _handle_help(kwds):
+    """ Convert supplied help parameters into a help variable for template.
+    If help_text is supplied, use as is. If help is specified from a command,
+    run the command and use that help text.
+    """
+    help_text = kwds.get("help_text")
+    if not help_text:
+        help_from_command = kwds.get("help_from_command")
+        if help_from_command:
+            p = subprocess.Popen(
+                help_from_command,
+                shell=True,
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+                universal_newlines=True
+            )
+            help_text = p.communicate()[0]
+    del kwds["help_text"]
+    del kwds["help_from_command"]
+    kwds["help"] = help_text
+def _handle_tests(kwds, test_case):
+    """ Given state built up from handling rest of arguments (test_case) and
+    supplied kwds - build tests for template and corresponding test files.
+    """
+    test_files = []
+    if kwds["test_case"]:
+        tests = [test_case]
+        test_files.extend(map(lambda x: x[1], test_case.params))
+        test_files.extend(map(lambda x: x[1], test_case.outputs))
+    else:
+        tests = []
+    return tests, test_files
+def _handle_requirements(kwds):
+    """ Convert requirements and containers specified from the command-line
+    into abstract format for consumption by the template.
+    """
+    requirements = kwds["requirement"]
+    del kwds["requirement"]
+    requirements = list(map(Requirement, requirements or []))
+    container = kwds["container"]
+    del kwds["container"]
+    containers = list(map(Container, container or []))
+    kwds["requirements"] = requirements
+    kwds["containers"] = containers
+def _find_command(kwds):
+    """Find base command from supplied arguments or just return None.
+    If no such command was supplied (template will just replace this
+    with a TODO item).
+    """
+    command = kwds.get("command")
+    if not command:
+        command = kwds.get("example_command", None)
+        if command:
+            del kwds["example_command"]
+    return command
+class UrlCitation(object):
+    def __init__(self, url):
+        self.url = url
+    def __str__(self):
+        if "github.com" in self.url:
+            return self._github_str()
+        else:
+            return self._url_str()
+    def _github_str(self):
+        url = self.url
+        title = url.split("/")[-1]
+        return '''
+  author = {LastTODO, FirstTODO},
+  year = {TODO},
+  title = {%s},
+  publisher = {GitHub},
+  journal = {GitHub repository},
+  url = {%s},
+}''' % (title, title, url)
+    def _url_str(self):
+        url = self.url
+        return '''
+  author = {LastTODO, FirstTODO},
+  year = {TODO},
+  title = {TODO},
+  url = {%s},
+}''' % (url)
+class ToolDescription(object):
+    """An description of the tool and related files to create."""
+    def __init__(self, contents, tool_files=None, test_files=[]):
+        self.contents = contents
+        self.tool_files = tool_files or []
+        self.test_files = test_files
+class ToolFile(object):
+    def __init__(self, filename, contents, description):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.contents = contents
+        self.description = description
+class Input(object):
+    def __init__(self, input_description, name=None, example=False):
+        parts = input_description.split(".")
+        name = name or parts[0]
+        if len(parts) > 0:
+            datatype = ".".join(parts[1:])
+        else:
+            datatype = "data"
+        self.input_description = input_description
+        self.example = example
+        self.name = name
+        self.datatype = datatype
+    def __str__(self):
+        template = '<param type="data" name="{0}" format="{1}" />'
+        self.datatype = self.datatype.split(".")[-1]
+        return template.format(self.name, self.datatype)
+class Output(object):
+    def __init__(self, from_path=None, name=None, use_from_path=False, example=False):
+        if from_path:
+            parts = from_path.split(".")
+            name = name or parts[0]
+            if len(parts) > 1:
+                datatype = ".".join(parts[1:])
+            else:
+                datatype = "data"
+        else:
+            name = name
+            datatype = "data"
+        self.name = name
+        self.datatype = datatype
+        if use_from_path:
+            self.from_path = from_path
+        else:
+            self.from_path = None
+        self.example = example
+        if example:
+            self.example_path = from_path
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.from_path:
+            return self._from_path_str()
+        else:
+            return self._named_str()
+    def _from_path_str(self):
+        template = '<data name="{0}" format="{1}" from_work_dir="{2}" />'
+        return template.format(self.name, self.datatype, self.from_path)
+    def _named_str(self):
+        template = '<data name="{0}" format="{1}" />'
+        return template.format(self.name, self.datatype)
+class Requirement(object):
+    def __init__(self, requirement):
+        parts = requirement.split("@", 1)
+        if len(parts) > 1:
+            name = parts[0]
+            version = "@".join(parts[1:])
+        else:
+            name = parts[0]
+            version = None
+        self.name = name
+        self.version = version
+    def __str__(self):
+        base = '<requirement type="package"{0}>{1}</requirement>'
+        if self.version is not None:
+            attrs = ' version="{0}"'.format(self.version)
+        else:
+            attrs = ''
+        return base.format(attrs, self.name)
+def param_type(value):
+    if re.match(r"^\d+$", value):
+        return "int"
+    elif re.match(r"^\d+?\.\d+?$", value):
+        return "float"
+    else:
+        return "string"
+class Container(object):
+    def __init__(self, image_id):
+        self.type = "docker"
+        self.image_id = image_id
+    def __str__(self):
+        template = '<container type="{0}">{1}</container>'
+        return template.format(self.type, self.image_id)
+class TestCase(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.params = []
+        self.outputs = []
+def write_tool_description(ctx, tool_description, **kwds):
+    """Write a tool description to the file system guided by supplied CLI kwds."""
+    tool_id = kwds.get("id")
+    output = kwds.get("tool")
+    if not output:
+        extension = "cwl" if kwds.get("cwl") else "xml"
+        output = "%s.%s" % (tool_id, extension)
+    if not io.can_write_to_path(output, **kwds):
+        ctx.exit(1)
+    io.write_file(output, tool_description.contents)
+    io.info("Tool written to %s" % output)
+    for tool_file in tool_description.tool_files:
+        if tool_file.contents is None:
+            continue
+        path = tool_file.filename
+        if not io.can_write_to_path(path, **kwds):
+            ctx.exit(1)
+        io.write_file(path, tool_file.contents)
+        io.info("Tool %s written to %s" % (tool_file.description, path))
+    macros = kwds["macros"]
+    macros_file = "macros.xml"
+    if macros and not os.path.exists(macros_file):
+        io.write_file(macros_file, tool_description.macro_contents)
+    elif macros:
+        io.info(REUSING_MACROS_MESSAGE)
+    if tool_description.test_files:
+        if not os.path.exists("test-data"):
+            io.info("No test-data directory, creating one.")
+            os.makedirs('test-data')
+        for test_file in tool_description.test_files:
+            io.info("Copying test-file %s" % test_file)
+            try:
+                shutil.copy(test_file, 'test-data')
+            except Exception as e:
+                io.info("Copy of %s failed: %s" % (test_file, e))
+__all__ = (
+    "build",
+    "ToolDescription",
+    "write_tool_description",