diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/prov/serializers/provrdf.py @ 0:26e78fe6e8c4 draft

"planemo upload commit c699937486c35866861690329de38ec1a5d9f783"
author shellac
date Sat, 02 May 2020 07:14:21 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/prov/serializers/provrdf.py	Sat May 02 07:14:21 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+"""PROV-RDF serializers for ProvDocument
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
+                        unicode_literals)
+import base64
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import datetime
+import io
+import dateutil.parser
+import six
+from rdflib.term import URIRef, BNode
+from rdflib.term import Literal as RDFLiteral
+from rdflib.graph import ConjunctiveGraph
+from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS, XSD
+import prov.model as pm
+from prov.constants import (
+from prov.serializers import Serializer, Error
+__author__ = 'Satrajit S. Ghosh'
+__email__ = 'satra@mit.edu'
+class ProvRDFException(Error):
+    pass
+class AnonymousIDGenerator:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._cache = {}
+        self._count = 0
+    def get_anon_id(self, obj, local_prefix="id"):
+        if obj not in self._cache:
+            self._count += 1
+            self._cache[obj] = pm.Identifier(
+                '_:%s%d' % (local_prefix, self._count)
+            ).uri
+        return self._cache[obj]
+# Reverse map for prov.model.XSD_DATATYPE_PARSERS
+    float: XSD['double'],
+    int: XSD['int'],
+    six.text_type: XSD['string'],
+    # boolean, string values are supported natively by PROV-RDF
+    # datetime values are converted separately
+# Add long on Python 2
+if six.integer_types[-1] not in LITERAL_XSDTYPE_MAP:
+    LITERAL_XSDTYPE_MAP[six.integer_types[-1]] = XSD['long']
+def attr2rdf(attr):
+    return URIRef(PROV[PROV_ID_ATTRIBUTES_MAP[attr].split('prov:')[1]].uri)
+def valid_qualified_name(bundle, value, xsd_qname=False):
+    if value is None:
+        return None
+    qualified_name = bundle.valid_qualified_name(value)
+    return qualified_name if not xsd_qname else XSD_QNAME(qualified_name)
+class ProvRDFSerializer(Serializer):
+    """
+    PROV-O serializer for :class:`~prov.model.ProvDocument`
+    """
+    def serialize(self, stream=None, rdf_format='trig', **kwargs):
+        """
+        Serializes a :class:`~prov.model.ProvDocument` instance to
+        `PROV-O <https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/>`_.
+        :param stream: Where to save the output.
+        :param rdf_format: The RDF format of the output, default to TRiG.
+        """
+        container = self.encode_document(self.document)
+        newargs = kwargs.copy()
+        newargs['format'] = rdf_format
+        if six.PY2:
+            buf = io.BytesIO()
+            try:
+                container.serialize(buf, **newargs)
+                buf.seek(0, 0)
+                # Right now this is a bytestream. If the object to stream to is
+                # a text object is must be decoded. We assume utf-8 here which
+                # should be fine for almost every case.
+                if isinstance(stream, io.TextIOBase):
+                    stream.write(buf.read().decode('utf-8'))
+                else:
+                    stream.write(buf.read())
+            finally:
+                buf.close()
+        else:
+            buf = io.BytesIO()
+            try:
+                container.serialize(buf, **newargs)
+                buf.seek(0, 0)
+                # Right now this is a bytestream. If the object to stream to is
+                # a text object is must be decoded. We assume utf-8 here which
+                # should be fine for almost every case.
+                if isinstance(stream, io.TextIOBase):
+                    stream.write(buf.read().decode('utf-8'))
+                else:
+                    stream.write(buf.read())
+            finally:
+                buf.close()
+    def deserialize(self, stream, rdf_format='trig', **kwargs):
+        """
+        Deserialize from the `PROV-O <https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/>`_
+        representation to a :class:`~prov.model.ProvDocument` instance.
+        :param stream: Input data.
+        :param rdf_format: The RDF format of the input data, default: TRiG.
+        """
+        newargs = kwargs.copy()
+        newargs['format'] = rdf_format
+        container = ConjunctiveGraph()
+        container.parse(stream, **newargs)
+        document = pm.ProvDocument()
+        self.document = document
+        self.decode_document(container, document)
+        return document
+    def valid_identifier(self, value):
+        return self.document.valid_qualified_name(value)
+    def encode_rdf_representation(self, value):
+        if isinstance(value, URIRef):
+            return value
+        elif isinstance(value, pm.Literal):
+            return literal_rdf_representation(value)
+        elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
+            return RDFLiteral(value.isoformat(), datatype=XSD['dateTime'])
+        elif isinstance(value, pm.QualifiedName):
+            return URIRef(value.uri)
+        elif isinstance(value, pm.Identifier):
+            return RDFLiteral(value.uri, datatype=XSD['anyURI'])
+        elif type(value) in LITERAL_XSDTYPE_MAP:
+            return RDFLiteral(value, datatype=LITERAL_XSDTYPE_MAP[type(value)])
+        else:
+            return RDFLiteral(value)
+    def decode_rdf_representation(self, literal, graph):
+        if isinstance(literal, RDFLiteral):
+            value = literal.value if literal.value is not None else literal
+            datatype = literal.datatype if hasattr(literal, 'datatype') else None
+            langtag = literal.language if hasattr(literal, 'language') else None
+            if datatype and 'XMLLiteral' in datatype:
+                value = literal
+            if datatype and 'base64Binary' in datatype:
+                value = base64.standard_b64encode(value)
+            if datatype == XSD['QName']:
+                return pm.Literal(literal, datatype=XSD_QNAME)
+            if datatype == XSD['dateTime']:
+                return dateutil.parser.parse(literal)
+            if datatype == XSD['gYear']:
+                return pm.Literal(dateutil.parser.parse(literal).year,
+                                  datatype=self.valid_identifier(datatype))
+            if datatype == XSD['gYearMonth']:
+                parsed_info = dateutil.parser.parse(literal)
+                return pm.Literal('{0}-{1:02d}'.format(parsed_info.year, parsed_info.month),
+                                  datatype=self.valid_identifier(datatype))
+            else:
+                # The literal of standard Python types is not converted here
+                # It will be automatically converted when added to a record by
+                # _auto_literal_conversion()
+                return pm.Literal(value, self.valid_identifier(datatype), langtag)
+        elif isinstance(literal, URIRef):
+            rval = self.valid_identifier(literal)
+            if rval is None:
+                prefix, iri, _ = graph.namespace_manager.compute_qname(literal)
+                ns = self.document.add_namespace(prefix, iri)
+                rval = pm.QualifiedName(ns, literal.replace(ns.uri, ''))
+            return rval
+        else:
+            # simple type, just return it
+            return literal
+    def encode_document(self, document):
+        container = self.encode_container(document)
+        for item in document.bundles:
+            #  encoding the sub-bundle
+            bundle = self.encode_container(item, identifier=item.identifier.uri)
+            container.addN(bundle.quads())
+        return container
+    def encode_container(self, bundle, container=None, identifier=None):
+        if container is None:
+            container = ConjunctiveGraph(identifier=identifier)
+            nm = container.namespace_manager
+            nm.bind('prov', PROV.uri)
+        for namespace in bundle.namespaces:
+            container.bind(namespace.prefix, namespace.uri)
+        id_generator = AnonymousIDGenerator()
+        real_or_anon_id = lambda record: record._identifier.uri if \
+            record._identifier else id_generator.get_anon_id(record)
+        for record in bundle._records:
+            rec_type = record.get_type()
+            if hasattr(record, 'identifier') and record.identifier:
+                identifier = URIRef(six.text_type(real_or_anon_id(record)))
+                container.add((identifier, RDF.type, URIRef(rec_type.uri)))
+            else:
+                identifier = None
+            if record.attributes:
+                bnode = None
+                formal_objects = []
+                used_objects = []
+                all_attributes = list(record.formal_attributes) + list(record.attributes)
+                formal_qualifiers = False
+                for attrid, (attr, value) in enumerate(list(record.formal_attributes)):
+                    if (identifier is not None and value is not None) or \
+                            (identifier is None and value is not None and attrid > 1):
+                        formal_qualifiers = True
+                has_qualifiers = len(record.extra_attributes) > 0 or formal_qualifiers
+                for idx, (attr, value) in enumerate(all_attributes):
+                    if record.is_relation():
+                        pred = URIRef(PROV[PROV_N_MAP[rec_type]].uri)
+                        # create bnode relation
+                        if bnode is None:
+                            valid_formal_indices = set()
+                            for idx, (key, val) in enumerate(record.formal_attributes):
+                                formal_objects.append(key)
+                                if val:
+                                    valid_formal_indices.add(idx)
+                            used_objects = [record.formal_attributes[0][0]]
+                            subj = None
+                            if record.formal_attributes[0][1]:
+                                subj = URIRef(record.formal_attributes[0][1].uri)
+                            if identifier is None and subj is not None:
+                                try:
+                                    obj_val = record.formal_attributes[1][1]
+                                    obj_attr = URIRef(record.formal_attributes[1][0].uri)
+                                    # TODO: Why is obj_attr above not used anywhere?
+                                except IndexError:
+                                    obj_val = None
+                                if obj_val and (rec_type not in {PROV_END,
+                                                                PROV_START,
+                                                                PROV_USAGE,
+                                                                PROV_GENERATION,
+                                                                PROV_DERIVATION,
+                                                                PROV_INVALIDATION} or
+                                                (valid_formal_indices == {0, 1} and
+                                                 len(record.extra_attributes) == 0)):
+                                    used_objects.append(record.formal_attributes[1][0])
+                                    obj_val = self.encode_rdf_representation(obj_val)
+                                    if rec_type == PROV_ALTERNATE:
+                                        subj, obj_val = obj_val, subj
+                                    container.add((subj, pred, obj_val))
+                                    if rec_type == PROV_MENTION:
+                                        if record.formal_attributes[2][1]:
+                                            used_objects.append(record.formal_attributes[2][0])
+                                            obj_val = self.encode_rdf_representation(record.formal_attributes[2][1])
+                                            container.add((subj, URIRef(PROV['asInBundle'].uri), obj_val))
+                                        has_qualifiers = False
+                            if rec_type in [PROV_ALTERNATE]:
+                                continue
+                            if subj and (has_qualifiers or identifier):
+                                qualifier = rec_type._localpart
+                                rec_uri = rec_type.uri
+                                for attr_name, val in record.extra_attributes:
+                                    if attr_name == PROV['type']:
+                                        if PROV['Revision'] == val or \
+                                              PROV['Quotation'] == val or \
+                                                PROV['PrimarySource'] == val:
+                                            qualifier = val._localpart
+                                            rec_uri = val.uri
+                                            if identifier is not None:
+                                                container.remove((identifier,
+                                                                  RDF.type,
+                                                                  URIRef(rec_type.uri)))
+                                QRole = URIRef(PROV['qualified' + qualifier].uri)
+                                if identifier is not None:
+                                    container.add((subj, QRole, identifier))
+                                else:
+                                    bnode = identifier = BNode()
+                                    container.add((subj, QRole, identifier))
+                                    container.add(
+                                        (identifier, RDF.type, URIRef(rec_uri))
+                                    )  # reset identifier to BNode
+                        if value is not None and attr not in used_objects:
+                            if attr in formal_objects:
+                                pred = attr2rdf(attr)
+                            elif attr == PROV['role']:
+                                pred = URIRef(PROV['hadRole'].uri)
+                            elif attr == PROV['plan']:
+                                pred = URIRef(PROV['hadPlan'].uri)
+                            elif attr == PROV['type']:
+                                pred = RDF.type
+                            elif attr == PROV['label']:
+                                pred = RDFS.label
+                            elif isinstance(attr, pm.QualifiedName):
+                                pred = URIRef(attr.uri)
+                            else:
+                                pred = self.encode_rdf_representation(attr)
+                            if PROV['plan'].uri in pred:
+                                pred = URIRef(PROV['hadPlan'].uri)
+                            if PROV['informant'].uri in pred:
+                                pred = URIRef(PROV['activity'].uri)
+                            if PROV['responsible'].uri in pred:
+                                pred = URIRef(PROV['agent'].uri)
+                            if rec_type == PROV_DELEGATION and PROV['activity'].uri in pred:
+                                pred = URIRef(PROV['hadActivity'].uri)
+                            if (rec_type in [PROV_END, PROV_START] and PROV['trigger'].uri in pred) or\
+                                (rec_type in [PROV_USAGE] and PROV['used'].uri in pred):
+                                pred = URIRef(PROV['entity'].uri)
+                            if rec_type in [PROV_GENERATION, PROV_END,
+                                            PROV_START, PROV_USAGE,
+                                            PROV_INVALIDATION]:
+                                if PROV['time'].uri in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['atTime'].uri)
+                                if PROV['ender'].uri in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['hadActivity'].uri)
+                                if PROV['starter'].uri in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['hadActivity'].uri)
+                                if PROV['location'].uri in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['atLocation'].uri)
+                            if rec_type in [PROV_ACTIVITY]:
+                                if PROV_ATTR_STARTTIME in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['startedAtTime'].uri)
+                                if PROV_ATTR_ENDTIME in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['endedAtTime'].uri)
+                            if rec_type == PROV_DERIVATION:
+                                if PROV['activity'].uri in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['hadActivity'].uri)
+                                if PROV['generation'].uri in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['hadGeneration'].uri)
+                                if PROV['usage'].uri in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['hadUsage'].uri)
+                                if PROV['usedEntity'].uri in pred:
+                                    pred = URIRef(PROV['entity'].uri)
+                            container.add((identifier, pred,
+                                           self.encode_rdf_representation(value)))
+                        continue
+                    if value is None:
+                        continue
+                    if isinstance(value, pm.ProvRecord):
+                        obj = URIRef(six.text_type(real_or_anon_id(value)))
+                    else:
+                        #  Assuming this is a datetime value
+                        obj = self.encode_rdf_representation(value)
+                    if attr == PROV['location']:
+                        pred = URIRef(PROV['atLocation'].uri)
+                        if False and isinstance(value, (URIRef, pm.QualifiedName)):
+                            if isinstance(value, pm.QualifiedName):
+                                value = URIRef(value.uri)
+                            container.add((identifier, pred, value))
+                        else:
+                            container.add((identifier, pred,
+                                           self.encode_rdf_representation(obj)))
+                        continue
+                    if attr == PROV['type']:
+                        pred = RDF.type
+                    elif attr == PROV['label']:
+                        pred = RDFS.label
+                    elif attr == PROV_ATTR_STARTTIME:
+                        pred = URIRef(PROV['startedAtTime'].uri)
+                    elif attr == PROV_ATTR_ENDTIME:
+                        pred = URIRef(PROV['endedAtTime'].uri)
+                    else:
+                        pred = self.encode_rdf_representation(attr)
+                    container.add((identifier, pred, obj))
+        return container
+    def decode_document(self, content, document):
+        for prefix, url in content.namespaces():
+            document.add_namespace(prefix, six.text_type(url))
+        if hasattr(content, 'contexts'):
+            for graph in content.contexts():
+                if isinstance(graph.identifier, BNode):
+                    self.decode_container(graph, document)
+                else:
+                    bundle_id = six.text_type(graph.identifier)
+                    bundle = document.bundle(bundle_id)
+                    self.decode_container(graph, bundle)
+        else:
+            self.decode_container(content, document)
+    def decode_container(self, graph, bundle):
+        ids = {}
+        PROV_CLS_MAP = {}
+        formal_attributes = {}
+        unique_sets = {}
+        for key, val in PROV_BASE_CLS.items():
+            PROV_CLS_MAP[key.uri] = PROV_BASE_CLS[key]
+        relation_mapper = {URIRef(PROV['alternateOf'].uri): 'alternate',
+                           URIRef(PROV['actedOnBehalfOf'].uri): 'delegation',
+                           URIRef(PROV['specializationOf'].uri): 'specialization',
+                           URIRef(PROV['mentionOf'].uri): 'mention',
+                           URIRef(PROV['wasAssociatedWith'].uri): 'association',
+                           URIRef(PROV['wasDerivedFrom'].uri): 'derivation',
+                           URIRef(PROV['wasAttributedTo'].uri): 'attribution',
+                           URIRef(PROV['wasInformedBy'].uri): 'communication',
+                           URIRef(PROV['wasGeneratedBy'].uri): 'generation',
+                           URIRef(PROV['wasInfluencedBy'].uri): 'influence',
+                           URIRef(PROV['wasInvalidatedBy'].uri): 'invalidation',
+                           URIRef(PROV['wasEndedBy'].uri): 'end',
+                           URIRef(PROV['wasStartedBy'].uri): 'start',
+                           URIRef(PROV['hadMember'].uri): 'membership',
+                           URIRef(PROV['used'].uri): 'usage',
+                           }
+        predicate_mapper = {RDFS.label: pm.PROV['label'],
+                            URIRef(PROV['atLocation'].uri): PROV_LOCATION,
+                            URIRef(PROV['startedAtTime'].uri): PROV_ATTR_STARTTIME,
+                            URIRef(PROV['endedAtTime'].uri): PROV_ATTR_ENDTIME,
+                            URIRef(PROV['atTime'].uri): PROV_ATTR_TIME,
+                            URIRef(PROV['hadRole'].uri): PROV_ROLE,
+                            URIRef(PROV['hadPlan'].uri): pm.PROV_ATTR_PLAN,
+                            URIRef(PROV['hadUsage'].uri): pm.PROV_ATTR_USAGE,
+                            URIRef(PROV['hadGeneration'].uri): pm.PROV_ATTR_GENERATION,
+                            URIRef(PROV['hadActivity'].uri): pm.PROV_ATTR_ACTIVITY,
+                            }
+        other_attributes = {}
+        for stmt in graph.triples((None, RDF.type, None)):
+            id = six.text_type(stmt[0])
+            obj = six.text_type(stmt[2])
+            if obj in PROV_CLS_MAP:
+                if not isinstance(stmt[0], BNode) and self.valid_identifier(id) is None:
+                    prefix, iri, _ = graph.namespace_manager.compute_qname(id)
+                    self.document.add_namespace(prefix, iri)
+                try:
+                    prov_obj = PROV_CLS_MAP[obj]
+                except AttributeError:
+                    prov_obj = None
+                add_attr = True
+                isderivation = pm.PROV['Revision'].uri in stmt[2] or \
+                               pm.PROV['Quotation'].uri in stmt[2] or \
+                               pm.PROV['PrimarySource'].uri in stmt[2]
+                if id not in ids and prov_obj and (prov_obj.uri == obj or
+                                                    isderivation or
+                                                       isinstance(stmt[0], BNode)):
+                    ids[id] = prov_obj
+                    klass = pm.PROV_REC_CLS[prov_obj]
+                    formal_attributes[id] = OrderedDict([(key, None) for key in klass.FORMAL_ATTRIBUTES])
+                    unique_sets[id] = OrderedDict([(key, []) for key in klass.FORMAL_ATTRIBUTES])
+                    add_attr = False or ((isinstance(stmt[0], BNode) or isderivation) and prov_obj.uri != obj)
+                if add_attr:
+                    if id not in other_attributes:
+                        other_attributes[id] = []
+                    obj_formatted = self.decode_rdf_representation(stmt[2], graph)
+                    other_attributes[id].append((pm.PROV['type'], obj_formatted))
+            else:
+                if id not in other_attributes:
+                    other_attributes[id] = []
+                obj = self.decode_rdf_representation(stmt[2], graph)
+                other_attributes[id].append((pm.PROV['type'], obj))
+        for id, pred, obj in graph:
+            id = six.text_type(id)
+            if id not in other_attributes:
+                other_attributes[id] = []
+            if pred == RDF.type:
+                continue
+            if pred in relation_mapper:
+                if 'alternateOf' in pred:
+                    getattr(bundle, relation_mapper[pred])(obj, id)
+                elif 'mentionOf' in pred:
+                    mentionBundle = None
+                    for stmt in graph.triples((URIRef(id), URIRef(pm.PROV['asInBundle'].uri), None)):
+                        mentionBundle = stmt[2]
+                    getattr(bundle, relation_mapper[pred])(id, six.text_type(obj), mentionBundle)
+                elif 'actedOnBehalfOf' in pred or 'wasAssociatedWith' in pred:
+                    qualifier = 'qualified' + relation_mapper[pred].upper()[0] + relation_mapper[pred][1:]
+                    qualifier_bnode = None
+                    for stmt in graph.triples((URIRef(id), URIRef(pm.PROV[qualifier].uri), None)):
+                        qualifier_bnode = stmt[2]
+                    if qualifier_bnode is None:
+                        getattr(bundle, relation_mapper[pred])(id, six.text_type(obj))
+                    else:
+                        fakeys = list(formal_attributes[six.text_type(qualifier_bnode)].keys())
+                        formal_attributes[six.text_type(qualifier_bnode)][fakeys[0]] = id
+                        formal_attributes[six.text_type(qualifier_bnode)][fakeys[1]] = six.text_type(obj)
+                else:
+                    getattr(bundle, relation_mapper[pred])(id, six.text_type(obj))
+            elif id in ids:
+                obj1 = self.decode_rdf_representation(obj, graph)
+                if obj is not None and obj1 is None:
+                    raise ValueError(('Error transforming', obj))
+                pred_new = pred
+                if pred in predicate_mapper:
+                    pred_new = predicate_mapper[pred]
+                if ids[id] == PROV_COMMUNICATION and 'activity' in six.text_type(pred_new):
+                    pred_new = PROV_ATTR_INFORMANT
+                if ids[id] == PROV_DELEGATION and 'agent' in six.text_type(pred_new):
+                    pred_new = PROV_ATTR_RESPONSIBLE
+                if ids[id] in [PROV_END, PROV_START] and 'entity' in six.text_type(pred_new):
+                    pred_new = PROV_ATTR_TRIGGER
+                if ids[id] in [PROV_END] and 'activity' in six.text_type(pred_new):
+                    pred_new = PROV_ATTR_ENDER
+                if ids[id] in [PROV_START] and 'activity' in six.text_type(pred_new):
+                    pred_new = PROV_ATTR_STARTER
+                if ids[id] == PROV_DERIVATION and 'entity' in six.text_type(pred_new):
+                    pred_new = PROV_ATTR_USED_ENTITY
+                if six.text_type(pred_new) in [val.uri for val in formal_attributes[id]]:
+                    qname_key = self.valid_identifier(pred_new)
+                    formal_attributes[id][qname_key] = obj1
+                    unique_sets[id][qname_key].append(obj1)
+                    if len(unique_sets[id][qname_key]) > 1:
+                        formal_attributes[id][qname_key] = None
+                else:
+                    if 'qualified' not in six.text_type(pred_new) and \
+                                    'asInBundle' not in six.text_type(pred_new):
+                        other_attributes[id].append((six.text_type(pred_new), obj1))
+            local_key = six.text_type(obj)
+            if local_key in ids:
+                if 'qualified' in pred:
+                    formal_attributes[local_key][list(formal_attributes[local_key].keys())[0]] = id
+        for id in ids:
+            attrs = None
+            if id in other_attributes:
+                attrs = other_attributes[id]
+            items_to_walk = []
+            for qname, values in unique_sets[id].items():
+                if values and len(values) > 1:
+                    items_to_walk.append((qname, values))
+            if items_to_walk:
+                for subset in list(walk(items_to_walk)):
+                    for key, value in subset.items():
+                        formal_attributes[id][key] = value
+                    bundle.new_record(ids[id], id, formal_attributes[id], attrs)
+            else:
+                bundle.new_record(ids[id], id, formal_attributes[id], attrs)
+            ids[id] = None
+            if attrs is not None:
+                other_attributes[id] = []
+        for key, val in other_attributes.items():
+            if val:
+                ids[key].add_attributes(val)
+def walk(children, level=0, path=None, usename=True):
+    """Generate all the full paths in a tree, as a dict.
+    :Example:
+    >>> from prov.serializers.provrdf import walk
+    >>> iterables = [('a', lambda: [1, 2]), ('b', lambda: [3, 4])]
+    >>> [val['a'] for val in walk(iterables)]
+    [1, 1, 2, 2]
+    >>> [val['b'] for val in walk(iterables)]
+    [3, 4, 3, 4]
+    """
+    # Entry point
+    if level == 0:
+        path = {}
+    # Exit condition
+    if not children:
+        yield path.copy()
+        return
+    # Tree recursion
+    head, tail = children[0], children[1:]
+    name, func = head
+    for child in func:
+        # We can use the arg name or the tree level as a key
+        if usename:
+            path[name] = child
+        else:
+            path[level] = child
+        # Recurse into the next level
+        for child_paths in walk(tail, level + 1, path, usename):
+            yield child_paths
+def literal_rdf_representation(literal):
+    value = six.text_type(literal.value) if literal.value else literal
+    if literal.langtag:
+        #  a language tag can only go with prov:InternationalizedString
+        return RDFLiteral(value, lang=str(literal.langtag))
+    else:
+        datatype = literal.datatype
+        if 'base64Binary' in datatype.uri:
+            if six.PY2:
+                value = base64.standard_b64encode(value)
+            else:
+                value = literal.value.encode()
+        return RDFLiteral(value, datatype=datatype.uri)