diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/prov/tests/test_rdf.py @ 0:26e78fe6e8c4 draft

"planemo upload commit c699937486c35866861690329de38ec1a5d9f783"
author shellac
date Sat, 02 May 2020 07:14:21 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/prov/tests/test_rdf.py	Sat May 02 07:14:21 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
+                        unicode_literals)
+import unittest
+from prov.model import ProvDocument
+from prov.tests.utility import RoundTripTestCase
+from prov.tests.test_model import (TestStatementsBase,
+                                   TestAttributesBase, TestQualifiedNamesBase)
+import os
+from glob import glob
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from prov.tests import examples
+import prov.model as pm
+import rdflib as rl
+from rdflib.compare import graph_diff
+from io import BytesIO, StringIO
+def find_diff(g_rdf, g0_rdf):
+    graphs_equal = True
+    in_both, in_first, in_second = graph_diff(g_rdf, g0_rdf)
+    g1 = sorted(in_first.serialize(format='nt').splitlines())[1:]
+    g2 = sorted(in_second.serialize(format='nt').splitlines())[1:]
+    # Compare literals
+    if len(g1) != len(g2):
+        graphs_equal = False
+    matching_indices = [[], []]
+    for idx in range(len(g1)):
+        g1_stmt = list(rl.ConjunctiveGraph().parse(BytesIO(g1[idx]),
+                                                   format='nt'))[0]
+        match_found = False
+        for idx2 in range(len(g2)):
+            if idx2 in matching_indices[1]:
+                continue
+            g2_stmt = list(rl.ConjunctiveGraph().parse(BytesIO(g2[idx2]),
+                                                       format='nt'))[0]
+            try:
+                all_match = all([g1_stmt[i].eq(g2_stmt[i]) for i in range(3)])
+            except TypeError as e:
+                #logger.info(e, g1_stmt, g2_stmt)
+                all_match = False
+            if all_match:
+                matching_indices[0].append(idx)
+                matching_indices[1].append(idx2)
+                match_found = True
+                break
+        if not match_found:
+            graphs_equal = False
+    in_first2 = rl.ConjunctiveGraph()
+    for idx in range(len(g1)):
+        if idx in matching_indices[0]:
+            in_both.parse(BytesIO(g1[idx]), format='nt')
+        else:
+            in_first2.parse(BytesIO(g1[idx]), format='nt')
+    in_second2 = rl.ConjunctiveGraph()
+    for idx in range(len(g2)):
+        if not idx in matching_indices[1]:
+            in_second2.parse(BytesIO(g2[idx]), format='nt')
+    #logger.info(in_first2)
+    #logger.info(in_second2)
+    return graphs_equal, in_both, in_first2, in_second2
+class TestExamplesBase(object):
+    """This is the base class for testing support for all the examples provided
+    in prov.tests.examples.
+    It is not runnable and needs to be included in a subclass of
+    RoundTripTestCase.
+    """
+    def test_all_examples(self):
+        counter = 0
+        for name, graph in examples.tests:
+            if name in ['datatypes']:
+                logger.info('%d. Skipping the %s example', counter, name)
+                continue
+            counter += 1
+            logger.info('%d. Testing the %s example', counter, name)
+            g = graph()
+            self.do_tests(g)
+class TestJSONExamplesBase(object):
+    """This is the base class for testing support for all the examples provided
+    in prov.tests.examples.
+    It is not runnable and needs to be included in a subclass of
+    RoundTripTestCase.
+    """
+    def test_all_examples(self):
+        counter = 0
+        for name, graph in examples.tests:
+            if name in ['datatypes']:
+                logger.info('%d. Skipping the %s example', counter, name)
+                continue
+            counter += 1
+            logger.info('%d. Testing the %s example', counter, name)
+            g = graph()
+            self.do_tests(g)
+class TestStatementsBase2(TestStatementsBase):
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_end_1(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_end_1()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_end_2(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_end_2()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_end_3(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_end_3()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_end_4(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_end_4()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_generation_1(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_generation_1()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_generation_2(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_generation_2()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_invalidation_1(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_invalidation_1()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_invalidation_2(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_invalidation_2()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_start_1(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_start_1()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_start_2(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_start_2()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_start_3(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_start_3()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_start_4(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_start_4()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_usage_1(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_usage_1()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_scruffy_usage_2(self):
+        TestStatementsBase.test_scruffy_usage_2()
+class TestAttributesBase2(TestAttributesBase):
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_entity_with_multiple_attribute(self):
+        TestAttributesBase.test_entity_with_multiple_attribute()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_entity_with_multiple_value_attribute(self):
+        TestAttributesBase.test_entity_with_multiple_value_attribute()
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_entity_with_one_type_attribute_8(self):
+        TestAttributesBase.test_entity_with_one_type_attribute_8()
+class AllTestsBase(TestExamplesBase,
+                   TestStatementsBase2,
+                   TestQualifiedNamesBase,
+                   TestAttributesBase2
+                   ):
+    """This is a test to include all available tests.
+    """
+    pass
+class TestRDFSerializer(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_decoding_unicode_value(self):
+        unicode_char = u'\u2019'
+        rdf_content = u'''
+@prefix ex: <http://www.example.org/> .
+@prefix prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#> .
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+@prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+    ex:unicode_char a prov:Entity ;
+        rdfs:label "%s"^^xsd:string .
+''' % unicode_char
+        prov_doc = ProvDocument.deserialize(content=rdf_content,
+                                            format='rdf', rdf_format='turtle')
+        e1 = prov_doc.get_record('ex:unicode_char')[0]
+        self.assertIn(unicode_char, e1.get_attribute('prov:label'))
+    def test_json_to_ttl_match(self):
+        json_files = sorted(
+            glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'json', '*.json')))
+        # invalid round trip files
+        skip = list(range(352, 380))
+        # invalid literal set representation e.g., set((1, True))
+        skip_match = [5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 27, 28, 29, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 260,
+                      261, 262, 263, 264,
+                      306, 313, 315, 317, 322, 323, 324, 325, 330, 332, 344,
+                      346, 382, 389, 395, 397,
+                      ]
+        errors = []
+        for idx, fname in enumerate(json_files):
+            _, ttl_file = os.path.split(fname)
+            ttl_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'rdf',
+                                    ttl_file.replace('json', 'ttl'))
+            try:
+                g = pm.ProvDocument.deserialize(fname)
+                if len(g.bundles) == 0:
+                    format = 'turtle'
+                else:
+                    format = 'trig'
+                if format == 'trig':
+                    ttl_file = ttl_file.replace('ttl', 'trig')
+                with open(ttl_file, 'rb') as fp:
+                    g_rdf = rl.ConjunctiveGraph().parse(fp, format=format)
+                g0_rdf = rl.ConjunctiveGraph().parse(
+                    StringIO(g.serialize(format='rdf', rdf_format=format)),
+                    format=format)
+                if idx not in skip_match:
+                    match, _, in_first, in_second = find_diff(g_rdf, g0_rdf)
+                    self.assertTrue(match)
+                else:
+                    logger.info('Skipping match: %s' % fname)
+                if idx in skip:
+                    logger.info('Skipping deserialization: %s' % fname)
+                    continue
+                g1 = pm.ProvDocument.deserialize(
+                    content=g.serialize(format='rdf', rdf_format=format),
+                    format='rdf', rdf_format=format)
+            except Exception as e:
+                #logger.info(e)
+                errors.append((e, idx, fname, in_first, in_second))
+        self.assertFalse(errors)
+class RoundTripRDFTests(RoundTripTestCase, AllTestsBase):
+    FORMAT = 'rdf'
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    for method in dir(TestRDFSerializer):
+       if method.startswith("test"):
+          suite.addTest(TestRDFSerializer(method))
+    unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
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