diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests_toolbelt/utils/dump.py @ 0:26e78fe6e8c4 draft

"planemo upload commit c699937486c35866861690329de38ec1a5d9f783"
author shellac
date Sat, 02 May 2020 07:14:21 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests_toolbelt/utils/dump.py	Sat May 02 07:14:21 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+"""This module provides functions for dumping information about responses."""
+import collections
+from requests import compat
+__all__ = ('dump_response', 'dump_all')
+    9: b'0.9',
+    10: b'1.0',
+    11: b'1.1',
+_PrefixSettings = collections.namedtuple('PrefixSettings',
+                                         ['request', 'response'])
+class PrefixSettings(_PrefixSettings):
+    def __new__(cls, request, response):
+        request = _coerce_to_bytes(request)
+        response = _coerce_to_bytes(response)
+        return super(PrefixSettings, cls).__new__(cls, request, response)
+def _get_proxy_information(response):
+    if getattr(response.connection, 'proxy_manager', False):
+        proxy_info = {}
+        request_url = response.request.url
+        if request_url.startswith('https://'):
+            proxy_info['method'] = 'CONNECT'
+        proxy_info['request_path'] = request_url
+        return proxy_info
+    return None
+def _format_header(name, value):
+    return (_coerce_to_bytes(name) + b': ' + _coerce_to_bytes(value) +
+            b'\r\n')
+def _build_request_path(url, proxy_info):
+    uri = compat.urlparse(url)
+    proxy_url = proxy_info.get('request_path')
+    if proxy_url is not None:
+        request_path = _coerce_to_bytes(proxy_url)
+        return request_path, uri
+    request_path = _coerce_to_bytes(uri.path)
+    if uri.query:
+        request_path += b'?' + _coerce_to_bytes(uri.query)
+    return request_path, uri
+def _dump_request_data(request, prefixes, bytearr, proxy_info=None):
+    if proxy_info is None:
+        proxy_info = {}
+    prefix = prefixes.request
+    method = _coerce_to_bytes(proxy_info.pop('method', request.method))
+    request_path, uri = _build_request_path(request.url, proxy_info)
+    # <prefix><METHOD> <request-path> HTTP/1.1
+    bytearr.extend(prefix + method + b' ' + request_path + b' HTTP/1.1\r\n')
+    # <prefix>Host: <request-host> OR host header specified by user
+    headers = request.headers.copy()
+    host_header = _coerce_to_bytes(headers.pop('Host', uri.netloc))
+    bytearr.extend(prefix + b'Host: ' + host_header + b'\r\n')
+    for name, value in headers.items():
+        bytearr.extend(prefix + _format_header(name, value))
+    bytearr.extend(prefix + b'\r\n')
+    if request.body:
+        if isinstance(request.body, compat.basestring):
+            bytearr.extend(prefix + _coerce_to_bytes(request.body))
+        else:
+            # In the event that the body is a file-like object, let's not try
+            # to read everything into memory.
+            bytearr.extend(b'<< Request body is not a string-like type >>')
+    bytearr.extend(b'\r\n')
+def _dump_response_data(response, prefixes, bytearr):
+    prefix = prefixes.response
+    # Let's interact almost entirely with urllib3's response
+    raw = response.raw
+    # Let's convert the version int from httplib to bytes
+    version_str = HTTP_VERSIONS.get(raw.version, b'?')
+    # <prefix>HTTP/<version_str> <status_code> <reason>
+    bytearr.extend(prefix + b'HTTP/' + version_str + b' ' +
+                   str(raw.status).encode('ascii') + b' ' +
+                   _coerce_to_bytes(response.reason) + b'\r\n')
+    headers = raw.headers
+    for name in headers.keys():
+        for value in headers.getlist(name):
+            bytearr.extend(prefix + _format_header(name, value))
+    bytearr.extend(prefix + b'\r\n')
+    bytearr.extend(response.content)
+def _coerce_to_bytes(data):
+    if not isinstance(data, bytes) and hasattr(data, 'encode'):
+        data = data.encode('utf-8')
+    # Don't bail out with an exception if data is None
+    return data if data is not None else b''
+def dump_response(response, request_prefix=b'< ', response_prefix=b'> ',
+                  data_array=None):
+    """Dump a single request-response cycle's information.
+    This will take a response object and dump only the data that requests can
+    see for that single request-response cycle.
+    Example::
+        import requests
+        from requests_toolbelt.utils import dump
+        resp = requests.get('https://api.github.com/users/sigmavirus24')
+        data = dump.dump_response(resp)
+        print(data.decode('utf-8'))
+    :param response:
+        The response to format
+    :type response: :class:`requests.Response`
+    :param request_prefix: (*optional*)
+        Bytes to prefix each line of the request data
+    :type request_prefix: :class:`bytes`
+    :param response_prefix: (*optional*)
+        Bytes to prefix each line of the response data
+    :type response_prefix: :class:`bytes`
+    :param data_array: (*optional*)
+        Bytearray to which we append the request-response cycle data
+    :type data_array: :class:`bytearray`
+    :returns: Formatted bytes of request and response information.
+    :rtype: :class:`bytearray`
+    """
+    data = data_array if data_array is not None else bytearray()
+    prefixes = PrefixSettings(request_prefix, response_prefix)
+    if not hasattr(response, 'request'):
+        raise ValueError('Response has no associated request')
+    proxy_info = _get_proxy_information(response)
+    _dump_request_data(response.request, prefixes, data,
+                       proxy_info=proxy_info)
+    _dump_response_data(response, prefixes, data)
+    return data
+def dump_all(response, request_prefix=b'< ', response_prefix=b'> '):
+    """Dump all requests and responses including redirects.
+    This takes the response returned by requests and will dump all
+    request-response pairs in the redirect history in order followed by the
+    final request-response.
+    Example::
+        import requests
+        from requests_toolbelt.utils import dump
+        resp = requests.get('https://httpbin.org/redirect/5')
+        data = dump.dump_all(resp)
+        print(data.decode('utf-8'))
+    :param response:
+        The response to format
+    :type response: :class:`requests.Response`
+    :param request_prefix: (*optional*)
+        Bytes to prefix each line of the request data
+    :type request_prefix: :class:`bytes`
+    :param response_prefix: (*optional*)
+        Bytes to prefix each line of the response data
+    :type response_prefix: :class:`bytes`
+    :returns: Formatted bytes of request and response information.
+    :rtype: :class:`bytearray`
+    """
+    data = bytearray()
+    history = list(response.history[:])
+    history.append(response)
+    for response in history:
+        dump_response(response, request_prefix, response_prefix, data)
+    return data