diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/routes/util.py @ 0:26e78fe6e8c4 draft

"planemo upload commit c699937486c35866861690329de38ec1a5d9f783"
author shellac
date Sat, 02 May 2020 07:14:21 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/routes/util.py	Sat May 02 07:14:21 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+"""Utility functions for use in templates / controllers
+*PLEASE NOTE*: Many of these functions expect an initialized RequestConfig
+object. This is expected to have been initialized for EACH REQUEST by the web
+import os
+import re
+import six
+from six.moves import urllib
+from routes import request_config
+class RoutesException(Exception):
+    """Tossed during Route exceptions"""
+class MatchException(RoutesException):
+    """Tossed during URL matching exceptions"""
+class GenerationException(RoutesException):
+    """Tossed during URL generation exceptions"""
+def _screenargs(kargs, mapper, environ, force_explicit=False):
+    """
+    Private function that takes a dict, and screens it against the current
+    request dict to determine what the dict should look like that is used.
+    This is responsible for the requests "memory" of the current.
+    """
+    # Coerce any unicode args with the encoding
+    encoding = mapper.encoding
+    for key, val in six.iteritems(kargs):
+        if isinstance(val, six.text_type):
+            kargs[key] = val.encode(encoding)
+    if mapper.explicit and mapper.sub_domains and not force_explicit:
+        return _subdomain_check(kargs, mapper, environ)
+    elif mapper.explicit and not force_explicit:
+        return kargs
+    controller_name = as_unicode(kargs.get('controller'), encoding)
+    if controller_name and controller_name.startswith('/'):
+        # If the controller name starts with '/', ignore route memory
+        kargs['controller'] = kargs['controller'][1:]
+        return kargs
+    elif controller_name and 'action' not in kargs:
+        # Fill in an action if we don't have one, but have a controller
+        kargs['action'] = 'index'
+    route_args = environ.get('wsgiorg.routing_args')
+    if route_args:
+        memory_kargs = route_args[1].copy()
+    else:
+        memory_kargs = {}
+    # Remove keys from memory and kargs if kargs has them as None
+    empty_keys = [key for key, value in six.iteritems(kargs) if value is None]
+    for key in empty_keys:
+        del kargs[key]
+        memory_kargs.pop(key, None)
+    # Merge the new args on top of the memory args
+    memory_kargs.update(kargs)
+    # Setup a sub-domain if applicable
+    if mapper.sub_domains:
+        memory_kargs = _subdomain_check(memory_kargs, mapper, environ)
+    return memory_kargs
+def _subdomain_check(kargs, mapper, environ):
+    """Screen the kargs for a subdomain and alter it appropriately depending
+    on the current subdomain or lack therof."""
+    if mapper.sub_domains:
+        subdomain = kargs.pop('sub_domain', None)
+        if isinstance(subdomain, six.text_type):
+            subdomain = str(subdomain)
+        fullhost = environ.get('HTTP_HOST') or environ.get('SERVER_NAME')
+        # In case environ defaulted to {}
+        if not fullhost:
+            return kargs
+        hostmatch = fullhost.split(':')
+        host = hostmatch[0]
+        port = ''
+        if len(hostmatch) > 1:
+            port += ':' + hostmatch[1]
+        match = re.match('^(.+?)\.(%s)$' % mapper.domain_match, host)
+        host_subdomain, domain = match.groups() if match else (None, host)
+        subdomain = as_unicode(subdomain, mapper.encoding)
+        if subdomain and host_subdomain != subdomain and \
+            subdomain not in mapper.sub_domains_ignore:
+            kargs['_host'] = subdomain + '.' + domain + port
+        elif (subdomain in mapper.sub_domains_ignore or \
+            subdomain is None) and domain != host:
+            kargs['_host'] = domain + port
+        return kargs
+    else:
+        return kargs
+def _url_quote(string, encoding):
+    """A Unicode handling version of urllib.quote."""
+    if encoding:
+        if isinstance(string, six.text_type):
+            s = string.encode(encoding)
+        elif isinstance(string, six.text_type):
+            # assume the encoding is already correct
+            s = string
+        else:
+            s = six.text_type(string).encode(encoding)
+    else:
+        s = str(string)
+    return urllib.parse.quote(s, '/')
+def _str_encode(string, encoding):
+    if encoding:
+        if isinstance(string, six.text_type):
+            s = string.encode(encoding)
+        elif isinstance(string, six.text_type):
+            # assume the encoding is already correct
+            s = string
+        else:
+            s = six.text_type(string).encode(encoding)
+    return s
+def url_for(*args, **kargs):
+    """Generates a URL
+    All keys given to url_for are sent to the Routes Mapper instance for
+    generation except for::
+        anchor          specified the anchor name to be appened to the path
+        host            overrides the default (current) host if provided
+        protocol        overrides the default (current) protocol if provided
+        qualified       creates the URL with the host/port information as
+                        needed
+    The URL is generated based on the rest of the keys. When generating a new
+    URL, values will be used from the current request's parameters (if
+    present). The following rules are used to determine when and how to keep
+    the current requests parameters:
+    * If the controller is present and begins with '/', no defaults are used
+    * If the controller is changed, action is set to 'index' unless otherwise
+      specified
+    For example, if the current request yielded a dict of
+    {'controller': 'blog', 'action': 'view', 'id': 2}, with the standard
+    ':controller/:action/:id' route, you'd get the following results::
+        url_for(id=4)                    =>  '/blog/view/4',
+        url_for(controller='/admin')     =>  '/admin',
+        url_for(controller='admin')      =>  '/admin/view/2'
+        url_for(action='edit')           =>  '/blog/edit/2',
+        url_for(action='list', id=None)  =>  '/blog/list'
+    **Static and Named Routes**
+    If there is a string present as the first argument, a lookup is done
+    against the named routes table to see if there's any matching routes. The
+    keyword defaults used with static routes will be sent in as GET query
+    arg's if a route matches.
+    If no route by that name is found, the string is assumed to be a raw URL.
+    Should the raw URL begin with ``/`` then appropriate SCRIPT_NAME data will
+    be added if present, otherwise the string will be used as the url with
+    keyword args becoming GET query args.
+    """
+    anchor = kargs.get('anchor')
+    host = kargs.get('host')
+    protocol = kargs.pop('protocol', None)
+    qualified = kargs.pop('qualified', None)
+    # Remove special words from kargs, convert placeholders
+    for key in ['anchor', 'host']:
+        if kargs.get(key):
+            del kargs[key]
+        if key+'_' in kargs:
+            kargs[key] = kargs.pop(key+'_')
+    if 'protocol_' in kargs:
+        kargs['protocol_'] = protocol
+    config = request_config()
+    route = None
+    static = False
+    encoding = config.mapper.encoding
+    url = ''
+    if len(args) > 0:
+        route = config.mapper._routenames.get(args[0])
+        # No named route found, assume the argument is a relative path
+        if not route:
+            static = True
+            url = args[0]
+        if url.startswith('/') and hasattr(config, 'environ') \
+                and config.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME'):
+            url = config.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') + url
+        if static:
+            if kargs:
+                url += '?'
+                query_args = []
+                for key, val in six.iteritems(kargs):
+                    if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
+                        for value in val:
+                            query_args.append("%s=%s" % (
+                                urllib.parse.quote(six.text_type(key).encode(encoding)),
+                                urllib.parse.quote(six.text_type(value).encode(encoding))))
+                    else:
+                        query_args.append("%s=%s" % (
+                            urllib.parse.quote(six.text_type(key).encode(encoding)),
+                            urllib.parse.quote(six.text_type(val).encode(encoding))))
+                url += '&'.join(query_args)
+    environ = getattr(config, 'environ', {})
+    if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' not in environ:
+        environ = environ.copy()
+        mapper_dict = getattr(config, 'mapper_dict', None)
+        if mapper_dict is not None:
+            match_dict = mapper_dict.copy()
+        else:
+            match_dict = {}
+        environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = ((), match_dict)
+    if not static:
+        route_args = []
+        if route:
+            if config.mapper.hardcode_names:
+                route_args.append(route)
+            newargs = route.defaults.copy()
+            newargs.update(kargs)
+            # If this route has a filter, apply it
+            if route.filter:
+                newargs = route.filter(newargs)
+            if not route.static:
+                # Handle sub-domains
+                newargs = _subdomain_check(newargs, config.mapper, environ)
+        else:
+            newargs = _screenargs(kargs, config.mapper, environ)
+        anchor = newargs.pop('_anchor', None) or anchor
+        host = newargs.pop('_host', None) or host
+        protocol = newargs.pop('_protocol', protocol)
+        url = config.mapper.generate(*route_args, **newargs)
+    if anchor is not None:
+        url += '#' + _url_quote(anchor, encoding)
+    if host or (protocol is not None) or qualified:
+        if not host and not qualified:
+            # Ensure we don't use a specific port, as changing the protocol
+            # means that we most likely need a new port
+            host = config.host.split(':')[0]
+        elif not host:
+            host = config.host
+        if protocol is None:
+            protocol = config.protocol
+        if protocol != '':
+            protocol += ':'
+        if url is not None:
+            url = protocol + '//' + host + url
+    if not ascii_characters(url) and url is not None:
+        raise GenerationException("url_for can only return a string, got "
+                        "unicode instead: %s" % url)
+    if url is None:
+        raise GenerationException(
+            "url_for could not generate URL. Called with args: %s %s" % \
+            (args, kargs))
+    return url
+class URLGenerator(object):
+    """The URL Generator generates URL's
+    It is automatically instantiated by the RoutesMiddleware and put
+    into the ``wsgiorg.routing_args`` tuple accessible as::
+        url = environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][0][0]
+    Or via the ``routes.url`` key::
+        url = environ['routes.url']
+    The url object may be instantiated outside of a web context for use
+    in testing, however sub_domain support and fully qualified URL's
+    cannot be generated without supplying a dict that must contain the
+    key ``HTTP_HOST``.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, mapper, environ):
+        """Instantiate the URLGenerator
+        ``mapper``
+            The mapper object to use when generating routes.
+        ``environ``
+            The environment dict used in WSGI, alternately, any dict
+            that contains at least an ``HTTP_HOST`` value.
+        """
+        self.mapper = mapper
+        if 'SCRIPT_NAME' not in environ:
+            environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = ''
+        self.environ = environ
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
+        """Generates a URL
+        All keys given to url_for are sent to the Routes Mapper instance for
+        generation except for::
+            anchor          specified the anchor name to be appened to the path
+            host            overrides the default (current) host if provided
+            protocol        overrides the default (current) protocol if provided
+            qualified       creates the URL with the host/port information as
+                            needed
+        """
+        anchor = kargs.get('anchor')
+        host = kargs.get('host')
+        protocol = kargs.pop('protocol', None)
+        qualified = kargs.pop('qualified', None)
+        # Remove special words from kargs, convert placeholders
+        for key in ['anchor', 'host']:
+            if kargs.get(key):
+                del kargs[key]
+            if key+'_' in kargs:
+                kargs[key] = kargs.pop(key+'_')
+        if 'protocol_' in kargs:
+            kargs['protocol_'] = protocol
+        route = None
+        use_current = '_use_current' in kargs and kargs.pop('_use_current')
+        static = False
+        encoding = self.mapper.encoding
+        url = ''
+        more_args = len(args) > 0
+        if more_args:
+            route = self.mapper._routenames.get(args[0])
+        if not route and more_args:
+            static = True
+            url = args[0]
+            if url.startswith('/') and self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME'):
+                url = self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') + url
+            if static:
+                if kargs:
+                    url += '?'
+                    query_args = []
+                    for key, val in six.iteritems(kargs):
+                        if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
+                            for value in val:
+                                query_args.append("%s=%s" % (
+                                    urllib.parse.quote(six.text_type(key).encode(encoding)),
+                                    urllib.parse.quote(six.text_type(value).encode(encoding))))
+                        else:
+                            query_args.append("%s=%s" % (
+                                urllib.parse.quote(six.text_type(key).encode(encoding)),
+                                urllib.parse.quote(six.text_type(val).encode(encoding))))
+                    url += '&'.join(query_args)
+        if not static:
+            route_args = []
+            if route:
+                if self.mapper.hardcode_names:
+                    route_args.append(route)
+                newargs = route.defaults.copy()
+                newargs.update(kargs)
+                # If this route has a filter, apply it
+                if route.filter:
+                    newargs = route.filter(newargs)
+                if not route.static or (route.static and not route.external):
+                    # Handle sub-domains, retain sub_domain if there is one
+                    sub = newargs.get('sub_domain', None)
+                    newargs = _subdomain_check(newargs, self.mapper,
+                                               self.environ)
+                    # If the route requires a sub-domain, and we have it, restore
+                    # it
+                    if 'sub_domain' in route.defaults:
+                        newargs['sub_domain'] = sub
+            elif use_current:
+                newargs = _screenargs(kargs, self.mapper, self.environ, force_explicit=True)
+            elif 'sub_domain' in kargs:
+                newargs = _subdomain_check(kargs, self.mapper, self.environ)
+            else:
+                newargs = kargs
+            anchor = anchor or newargs.pop('_anchor', None)
+            host = host or newargs.pop('_host', None)
+            if protocol is None:
+                protocol = newargs.pop('_protocol', None)
+            newargs['_environ'] = self.environ
+            url = self.mapper.generate(*route_args, **newargs)
+        if anchor is not None:
+            url += '#' + _url_quote(anchor, encoding)
+        if host or (protocol is not None) or qualified:
+            if 'routes.cached_hostinfo' not in self.environ:
+                cache_hostinfo(self.environ)
+            hostinfo = self.environ['routes.cached_hostinfo']
+            if not host and not qualified:
+                # Ensure we don't use a specific port, as changing the protocol
+                # means that we most likely need a new port
+                host = hostinfo['host'].split(':')[0]
+            elif not host:
+                host = hostinfo['host']
+            if protocol is None:
+                protocol = hostinfo['protocol']
+            if protocol != '':
+                protocol += ':'
+            if url is not None:
+                if host[-1] != '/':
+                    host += '/'
+                url = protocol + '//' + host + url.lstrip('/')
+        if not ascii_characters(url) and url is not None:
+            raise GenerationException("Can only return a string, got "
+                            "unicode instead: %s" % url)
+        if url is None:
+            raise GenerationException(
+                "Could not generate URL. Called with args: %s %s" % \
+                (args, kargs))
+        return url
+    def current(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Generate a route that includes params used on the current
+        request
+        The arguments for this method are identical to ``__call__``
+        except that arguments set to None will remove existing route
+        matches of the same name from the set of arguments used to
+        construct a URL.
+        """
+        return self(_use_current=True, *args, **kwargs)
+def redirect_to(*args, **kargs):
+    """Issues a redirect based on the arguments.
+    Redirect's *should* occur as a "302 Moved" header, however the web
+    framework may utilize a different method.
+    All arguments are passed to url_for to retrieve the appropriate URL, then
+    the resulting URL it sent to the redirect function as the URL.
+    """
+    target = url_for(*args, **kargs)
+    config = request_config()
+    return config.redirect(target)
+def cache_hostinfo(environ):
+    """Processes the host information and stores a copy
+    This work was previously done but wasn't stored in environ, nor is
+    it guaranteed to be setup in the future (Routes 2 and beyond).
+    cache_hostinfo processes environ keys that may be present to
+    determine the proper host, protocol, and port information to use
+    when generating routes.
+    """
+    hostinfo = {}
+    if environ.get('HTTPS') or environ.get('wsgi.url_scheme') == 'https' \
+       or 'https' in environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', "").split(', '):
+        hostinfo['protocol'] = 'https'
+    else:
+        hostinfo['protocol'] = 'http'
+    if environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'):
+        hostinfo['host'] = environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'].split(', ', 1)[0]
+    elif environ.get('HTTP_HOST'):
+        hostinfo['host'] = environ['HTTP_HOST']
+    else:
+        hostinfo['host'] = environ['SERVER_NAME']
+        if environ.get('wsgi.url_scheme') == 'https':
+            if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443':
+                hostinfo['host'] += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']
+        else:
+            if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80':
+                hostinfo['host'] += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']
+    environ['routes.cached_hostinfo'] = hostinfo
+    return hostinfo
+def controller_scan(directory=None):
+    """Scan a directory for python files and use them as controllers"""
+    if directory is None:
+        return []
+    def find_controllers(dirname, prefix=''):
+        """Locate controllers in a directory"""
+        controllers = []
+        for fname in os.listdir(dirname):
+            filename = os.path.join(dirname, fname)
+            if os.path.isfile(filename) and \
+                    re.match('^[^_]{1,1}.*\.py$', fname):
+                controllers.append(prefix + fname[:-3])
+            elif os.path.isdir(filename):
+                controllers.extend(find_controllers(filename,
+                                                    prefix=prefix+fname+'/'))
+        return controllers
+    controllers = find_controllers(directory)
+    # Sort by string length, shortest goes first
+    controllers.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
+    return controllers
+def as_unicode(value, encoding, errors='strict'):
+    if value is not None and isinstance(value, bytes):
+        return value.decode(encoding, errors)
+    return value
+def ascii_characters(string):
+    if string is None:
+        return True
+    return all(ord(c) < 128 for c in string)