diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/upload_docs.py @ 0:26e78fe6e8c4 draft

"planemo upload commit c699937486c35866861690329de38ec1a5d9f783"
author shellac
date Sat, 02 May 2020 07:14:21 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/upload_docs.py	Sat May 02 07:14:21 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Implements a Distutils 'upload_docs' subcommand (upload documentation to
+PyPI's pythonhosted.org).
+from base64 import standard_b64encode
+from distutils import log
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError
+import os
+import socket
+import zipfile
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import itertools
+import functools
+from setuptools.extern import six
+from setuptools.extern.six.moves import http_client, urllib
+from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
+from .upload import upload
+def _encode(s):
+    errors = 'surrogateescape' if six.PY3 else 'strict'
+    return s.encode('utf-8', errors)
+class upload_docs(upload):
+    # override the default repository as upload_docs isn't
+    # supported by Warehouse (and won't be).
+    DEFAULT_REPOSITORY = 'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/'
+    description = 'Upload documentation to PyPI'
+    user_options = [
+        ('repository=', 'r',
+         "url of repository [default: %s]" % upload.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY),
+        ('show-response', None,
+         'display full response text from server'),
+        ('upload-dir=', None, 'directory to upload'),
+    ]
+    boolean_options = upload.boolean_options
+    def has_sphinx(self):
+        if self.upload_dir is None:
+            for ep in iter_entry_points('distutils.commands', 'build_sphinx'):
+                return True
+    sub_commands = [('build_sphinx', has_sphinx)]
+    def initialize_options(self):
+        upload.initialize_options(self)
+        self.upload_dir = None
+        self.target_dir = None
+    def finalize_options(self):
+        upload.finalize_options(self)
+        if self.upload_dir is None:
+            if self.has_sphinx():
+                build_sphinx = self.get_finalized_command('build_sphinx')
+                self.target_dir = build_sphinx.builder_target_dir
+            else:
+                build = self.get_finalized_command('build')
+                self.target_dir = os.path.join(build.build_base, 'docs')
+        else:
+            self.ensure_dirname('upload_dir')
+            self.target_dir = self.upload_dir
+        if 'pypi.python.org' in self.repository:
+            log.warn("Upload_docs command is deprecated. Use RTD instead.")
+        self.announce('Using upload directory %s' % self.target_dir)
+    def create_zipfile(self, filename):
+        zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "w")
+        try:
+            self.mkpath(self.target_dir)  # just in case
+            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.target_dir):
+                if root == self.target_dir and not files:
+                    tmpl = "no files found in upload directory '%s'"
+                    raise DistutilsOptionError(tmpl % self.target_dir)
+                for name in files:
+                    full = os.path.join(root, name)
+                    relative = root[len(self.target_dir):].lstrip(os.path.sep)
+                    dest = os.path.join(relative, name)
+                    zip_file.write(full, dest)
+        finally:
+            zip_file.close()
+    def run(self):
+        # Run sub commands
+        for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands():
+            self.run_command(cmd_name)
+        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        name = self.distribution.metadata.get_name()
+        zip_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "%s.zip" % name)
+        try:
+            self.create_zipfile(zip_file)
+            self.upload_file(zip_file)
+        finally:
+            shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _build_part(item, sep_boundary):
+        key, values = item
+        title = '\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key
+        # handle multiple entries for the same name
+        if not isinstance(values, list):
+            values = [values]
+        for value in values:
+            if isinstance(value, tuple):
+                title += '; filename="%s"' % value[0]
+                value = value[1]
+            else:
+                value = _encode(value)
+            yield sep_boundary
+            yield _encode(title)
+            yield b"\n\n"
+            yield value
+            if value and value[-1:] == b'\r':
+                yield b'\n'  # write an extra newline (lurve Macs)
+    @classmethod
+    def _build_multipart(cls, data):
+        """
+        Build up the MIME payload for the POST data
+        """
+        boundary = b'--------------GHSKFJDLGDS7543FJKLFHRE75642756743254'
+        sep_boundary = b'\n--' + boundary
+        end_boundary = sep_boundary + b'--'
+        end_items = end_boundary, b"\n",
+        builder = functools.partial(
+            cls._build_part,
+            sep_boundary=sep_boundary,
+        )
+        part_groups = map(builder, data.items())
+        parts = itertools.chain.from_iterable(part_groups)
+        body_items = itertools.chain(parts, end_items)
+        content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary.decode('ascii')
+        return b''.join(body_items), content_type
+    def upload_file(self, filename):
+        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+            content = f.read()
+        meta = self.distribution.metadata
+        data = {
+            ':action': 'doc_upload',
+            'name': meta.get_name(),
+            'content': (os.path.basename(filename), content),
+        }
+        # set up the authentication
+        credentials = _encode(self.username + ':' + self.password)
+        credentials = standard_b64encode(credentials)
+        if six.PY3:
+            credentials = credentials.decode('ascii')
+        auth = "Basic " + credentials
+        body, ct = self._build_multipart(data)
+        msg = "Submitting documentation to %s" % (self.repository)
+        self.announce(msg, log.INFO)
+        # build the Request
+        # We can't use urllib2 since we need to send the Basic
+        # auth right with the first request
+        schema, netloc, url, params, query, fragments = \
+            urllib.parse.urlparse(self.repository)
+        assert not params and not query and not fragments
+        if schema == 'http':
+            conn = http_client.HTTPConnection(netloc)
+        elif schema == 'https':
+            conn = http_client.HTTPSConnection(netloc)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError("unsupported schema " + schema)
+        data = ''
+        try:
+            conn.connect()
+            conn.putrequest("POST", url)
+            content_type = ct
+            conn.putheader('Content-type', content_type)
+            conn.putheader('Content-length', str(len(body)))
+            conn.putheader('Authorization', auth)
+            conn.endheaders()
+            conn.send(body)
+        except socket.error as e:
+            self.announce(str(e), log.ERROR)
+            return
+        r = conn.getresponse()
+        if r.status == 200:
+            msg = 'Server response (%s): %s' % (r.status, r.reason)
+            self.announce(msg, log.INFO)
+        elif r.status == 301:
+            location = r.getheader('Location')
+            if location is None:
+                location = 'https://pythonhosted.org/%s/' % meta.get_name()
+            msg = 'Upload successful. Visit %s' % location
+            self.announce(msg, log.INFO)
+        else:
+            msg = 'Upload failed (%s): %s' % (r.status, r.reason)
+            self.announce(msg, log.ERROR)
+        if self.show_response:
+            print('-' * 75, r.read(), '-' * 75)