diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bleach/linkifier.py @ 2:6af9afd405e9 draft

"planemo upload commit 0a63dd5f4d38a1f6944587f52a8cd79874177fc1"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 14:56:58 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bleach/linkifier.py	Thu May 14 14:56:58 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import re
+import six
+from bleach import callbacks as linkify_callbacks
+from bleach import html5lib_shim
+from bleach.utils import alphabetize_attributes, force_unicode
+#: List of default callbacks
+DEFAULT_CALLBACKS = [linkify_callbacks.nofollow]
+TLDS = """ac ad ae aero af ag ai al am an ao aq ar arpa as asia at au aw ax az
+       ba bb bd be bf bg bh bi biz bj bm bn bo br bs bt bv bw by bz ca cat
+       cc cd cf cg ch ci ck cl cm cn co com coop cr cu cv cx cy cz de dj dk
+       dm do dz ec edu ee eg er es et eu fi fj fk fm fo fr ga gb gd ge gf gg
+       gh gi gl gm gn gov gp gq gr gs gt gu gw gy hk hm hn hr ht hu id ie il
+       im in info int io iq ir is it je jm jo jobs jp ke kg kh ki km kn kp
+       kr kw ky kz la lb lc li lk lr ls lt lu lv ly ma mc md me mg mh mil mk
+       ml mm mn mo mobi mp mq mr ms mt mu museum mv mw mx my mz na name nc ne
+       net nf ng ni nl no np nr nu nz om org pa pe pf pg ph pk pl pm pn post
+       pr pro ps pt pw py qa re ro rs ru rw sa sb sc sd se sg sh si sj sk sl
+       sm sn so sr ss st su sv sx sy sz tc td tel tf tg th tj tk tl tm tn to
+       tp tr travel tt tv tw tz ua ug uk us uy uz va vc ve vg vi vn vu wf ws
+       xn xxx ye yt yu za zm zw""".split()
+# Make sure that .com doesn't get matched by .co first
+def build_url_re(tlds=TLDS, protocols=html5lib_shim.allowed_protocols):
+    """Builds the url regex used by linkifier
+   If you want a different set of tlds or allowed protocols, pass those in
+   and stomp on the existing ``url_re``::
+       from bleach import linkifier
+       my_url_re = linkifier.build_url_re(my_tlds_list, my_protocols)
+       linker = LinkifyFilter(url_re=my_url_re)
+    """
+    return re.compile(
+        r"""\(*  # Match any opening parentheses.
+        \b(?<![@.])(?:(?:{0}):/{{0,3}}(?:(?:\w+:)?\w+@)?)?  # http://
+        ([\w-]+\.)+(?:{1})(?:\:[0-9]+)?(?!\.\w)\b   # xx.yy.tld(:##)?
+        (?:[/?][^\s\{{\}}\|\\\^\[\]`<>"]*)?
+            # /path/zz (excluding "unsafe" chars from RFC 1738,
+            # except for # and ~, which happen in practice)
+        """.format('|'.join(sorted(protocols)), '|'.join(sorted(tlds))),
+        re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE)
+URL_RE = build_url_re()
+PROTO_RE = re.compile(r'^[\w-]+:/{0,3}', re.IGNORECASE)
+def build_email_re(tlds=TLDS):
+    """Builds the email regex used by linkifier
+   If you want a different set of tlds, pass those in and stomp on the existing ``email_re``::
+       from bleach import linkifier
+       my_email_re = linkifier.build_email_re(my_tlds_list)
+       linker = LinkifyFilter(email_re=my_url_re)
+    """
+    # open and closing braces doubled below for format string
+    return re.compile(
+        r"""(?<!//)
+        (([-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{{}}|~0-9A-Z]+
+            (\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{{}}|~0-9A-Z]+)*  # dot-atom
+        |^"([\001-\010\013\014\016-\037!#-\[\]-\177]
+            |\\[\001-\011\013\014\016-\177])*"  # quoted-string
+        )@(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{{0,61}}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:{0}))  # domain
+        """.format('|'.join(tlds)),
+EMAIL_RE = build_email_re()
+class Linker(object):
+    """Convert URL-like strings in an HTML fragment to links
+    This function converts strings that look like URLs, domain names and email
+    addresses in text that may be an HTML fragment to links, while preserving:
+    1. links already in the string
+    2. urls found in attributes
+    3. email addresses
+    linkify does a best-effort approach and tries to recover from bad
+    situations due to crazy text.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, callbacks=DEFAULT_CALLBACKS, skip_tags=None, parse_email=False,
+                 url_re=URL_RE, email_re=EMAIL_RE, recognized_tags=html5lib_shim.HTML_TAGS):
+        """Creates a Linker instance
+        :arg list callbacks: list of callbacks to run when adjusting tag attributes;
+            defaults to ``bleach.linkifier.DEFAULT_CALLBACKS``
+        :arg list skip_tags: list of tags that you don't want to linkify the
+            contents of; for example, you could set this to ``['pre']`` to skip
+            linkifying contents of ``pre`` tags
+        :arg bool parse_email: whether or not to linkify email addresses
+        :arg re url_re: url matching regex
+        :arg re email_re: email matching regex
+        :arg list-of-strings recognized_tags: the list of tags that linkify knows about;
+            everything else gets escaped
+        :returns: linkified text as unicode
+        """
+        self.callbacks = callbacks
+        self.skip_tags = skip_tags
+        self.parse_email = parse_email
+        self.url_re = url_re
+        self.email_re = email_re
+        # Create a parser/tokenizer that allows all HTML tags and escapes
+        # anything not in that list.
+        self.parser = html5lib_shim.BleachHTMLParser(
+            tags=recognized_tags,
+            strip=False,
+            consume_entities=True,
+            namespaceHTMLElements=False,
+        )
+        self.walker = html5lib_shim.getTreeWalker('etree')
+        self.serializer = html5lib_shim.BleachHTMLSerializer(
+            quote_attr_values='always',
+            omit_optional_tags=False,
+            # linkify does not sanitize
+            sanitize=False,
+            # linkify alphabetizes
+            alphabetical_attributes=False,
+        )
+    def linkify(self, text):
+        """Linkify specified text
+        :arg str text: the text to add links to
+        :returns: linkified text as unicode
+        :raises TypeError: if ``text`` is not a text type
+        """
+        if not isinstance(text, six.string_types):
+            raise TypeError('argument must be of text type')
+        text = force_unicode(text)
+        if not text:
+            return ''
+        dom = self.parser.parseFragment(text)
+        filtered = LinkifyFilter(
+            source=self.walker(dom),
+            callbacks=self.callbacks,
+            skip_tags=self.skip_tags,
+            parse_email=self.parse_email,
+            url_re=self.url_re,
+            email_re=self.email_re,
+        )
+        return self.serializer.render(filtered)
+class LinkifyFilter(html5lib_shim.Filter):
+    """html5lib filter that linkifies text
+    This will do the following:
+    * convert email addresses into links
+    * convert urls into links
+    * edit existing links by running them through callbacks--the default is to
+      add a ``rel="nofollow"``
+    This filter can be used anywhere html5lib filters can be used.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, source, callbacks=None, skip_tags=None, parse_email=False,
+                 url_re=URL_RE, email_re=EMAIL_RE):
+        """Creates a LinkifyFilter instance
+        :arg TreeWalker source: stream
+        :arg list callbacks: list of callbacks to run when adjusting tag attributes;
+            defaults to ``bleach.linkifier.DEFAULT_CALLBACKS``
+        :arg list skip_tags: list of tags that you don't want to linkify the
+            contents of; for example, you could set this to ``['pre']`` to skip
+            linkifying contents of ``pre`` tags
+        :arg bool parse_email: whether or not to linkify email addresses
+        :arg re url_re: url matching regex
+        :arg re email_re: email matching regex
+        """
+        super(LinkifyFilter, self).__init__(source)
+        self.callbacks = callbacks or []
+        self.skip_tags = skip_tags or []
+        self.parse_email = parse_email
+        self.url_re = url_re
+        self.email_re = email_re
+    def apply_callbacks(self, attrs, is_new):
+        """Given an attrs dict and an is_new bool, runs through callbacks
+        Callbacks can return an adjusted attrs dict or ``None``. In the case of
+        ``None``, we stop going through callbacks and return that and the link
+        gets dropped.
+        :arg dict attrs: map of ``(namespace, name)`` -> ``value``
+        :arg bool is_new: whether or not this link was added by linkify
+        :returns: adjusted attrs dict or ``None``
+        """
+        for cb in self.callbacks:
+            attrs = cb(attrs, is_new)
+            if attrs is None:
+                return None
+        return attrs
+    def extract_character_data(self, token_list):
+        """Extracts and squashes character sequences in a token stream"""
+        # FIXME(willkg): This is a terrible idea. What it does is drop all the
+        # tags from the token list and merge the Characters and SpaceCharacters
+        # tokens into a single text.
+        #
+        # So something like this::
+        #
+        #     "<span>" "<b>" "some text" "</b>" "</span>"
+        #
+        # gets converted to "some text".
+        #
+        # This gets used to figure out the ``_text`` fauxttribute value for
+        # linkify callables.
+        #
+        # I'm not really sure how else to support that ``_text`` fauxttribute and
+        # maintain some modicum of backwards compatibility with previous versions
+        # of Bleach.
+        out = []
+        for token in token_list:
+            token_type = token['type']
+            if token_type in ['Characters', 'SpaceCharacters']:
+                out.append(token['data'])
+        return ''.join(out)
+    def handle_email_addresses(self, src_iter):
+        """Handle email addresses in character tokens"""
+        for token in src_iter:
+            if token['type'] == 'Characters':
+                text = token['data']
+                new_tokens = []
+                end = 0
+                # For each email address we find in the text
+                for match in self.email_re.finditer(text):
+                    if match.start() > end:
+                        new_tokens.append(
+                            {'type': 'Characters', 'data': text[end:match.start()]}
+                        )
+                    # Run attributes through the callbacks to see what we
+                    # should do with this match
+                    attrs = {
+                        (None, 'href'): 'mailto:%s' % match.group(0),
+                        '_text': match.group(0)
+                    }
+                    attrs = self.apply_callbacks(attrs, True)
+                    if attrs is None:
+                        # Just add the text--but not as a link
+                        new_tokens.append(
+                            {'type': 'Characters', 'data': match.group(0)}
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        # Add an "a" tag for the new link
+                        _text = attrs.pop('_text', '')
+                        attrs = alphabetize_attributes(attrs)
+                        new_tokens.extend([
+                            {'type': 'StartTag', 'name': 'a', 'data': attrs},
+                            {'type': 'Characters', 'data': force_unicode(_text)},
+                            {'type': 'EndTag', 'name': 'a'}
+                        ])
+                    end = match.end()
+                if new_tokens:
+                    # Yield the adjusted set of tokens and then continue
+                    # through the loop
+                    if end < len(text):
+                        new_tokens.append({'type': 'Characters', 'data': text[end:]})
+                    for new_token in new_tokens:
+                        yield new_token
+                    continue
+            yield token
+    def strip_non_url_bits(self, fragment):
+        """Strips non-url bits from the url
+        This accounts for over-eager matching by the regex.
+        """
+        prefix = suffix = ''
+        while fragment:
+            # Try removing ( from the beginning and, if it's balanced, from the
+            # end, too
+            if fragment.startswith('('):
+                prefix = prefix + '('
+                fragment = fragment[1:]
+                if fragment.endswith(')'):
+                    suffix = ')' + suffix
+                    fragment = fragment[:-1]
+                continue
+            # Now try extraneous things from the end. For example, sometimes we
+            # pick up ) at the end of a url, but the url is in a parenthesized
+            # phrase like:
+            #
+            #     "i looked at the site (at http://example.com)"
+            if fragment.endswith(')') and '(' not in fragment:
+                fragment = fragment[:-1]
+                suffix = ')' + suffix
+                continue
+            # Handle commas
+            if fragment.endswith(','):
+                fragment = fragment[:-1]
+                suffix = ',' + suffix
+                continue
+            # Handle periods
+            if fragment.endswith('.'):
+                fragment = fragment[:-1]
+                suffix = '.' + suffix
+                continue
+            # Nothing matched, so we're done
+            break
+        return fragment, prefix, suffix
+    def handle_links(self, src_iter):
+        """Handle links in character tokens"""
+        in_a = False  # happens, if parse_email=True and if a mail was found
+        for token in src_iter:
+            if in_a:
+                if token['type'] == 'EndTag' and token['name'] == 'a':
+                    in_a = False
+                yield token
+                continue
+            elif token['type'] == 'StartTag' and token['name'] == 'a':
+                in_a = True
+                yield token
+                continue
+            if token['type'] == 'Characters':
+                text = token['data']
+                new_tokens = []
+                end = 0
+                for match in self.url_re.finditer(text):
+                    if match.start() > end:
+                        new_tokens.append(
+                            {'type': 'Characters', 'data': text[end:match.start()]}
+                        )
+                    url = match.group(0)
+                    prefix = suffix = ''
+                    # Sometimes we pick up too much in the url match, so look for
+                    # bits we should drop and remove them from the match
+                    url, prefix, suffix = self.strip_non_url_bits(url)
+                    # If there's no protocol, add one
+                    if PROTO_RE.search(url):
+                        href = url
+                    else:
+                        href = 'http://%s' % url
+                    attrs = {
+                        (None, 'href'): href,
+                        '_text': url
+                    }
+                    attrs = self.apply_callbacks(attrs, True)
+                    if attrs is None:
+                        # Just add the text
+                        new_tokens.append(
+                            {'type': 'Characters', 'data': prefix + url + suffix}
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        # Add the "a" tag!
+                        if prefix:
+                            new_tokens.append(
+                                {'type': 'Characters', 'data': prefix}
+                            )
+                        _text = attrs.pop('_text', '')
+                        attrs = alphabetize_attributes(attrs)
+                        new_tokens.extend([
+                            {'type': 'StartTag', 'name': 'a', 'data': attrs},
+                            {'type': 'Characters', 'data': force_unicode(_text)},
+                            {'type': 'EndTag', 'name': 'a'},
+                        ])
+                        if suffix:
+                            new_tokens.append(
+                                {'type': 'Characters', 'data': suffix}
+                            )
+                    end = match.end()
+                if new_tokens:
+                    # Yield the adjusted set of tokens and then continue
+                    # through the loop
+                    if end < len(text):
+                        new_tokens.append({'type': 'Characters', 'data': text[end:]})
+                    for new_token in new_tokens:
+                        yield new_token
+                    continue
+            yield token
+    def handle_a_tag(self, token_buffer):
+        """Handle the "a" tag
+        This could adjust the link or drop it altogether depending on what the
+        callbacks return.
+        This yields the new set of tokens.
+        """
+        a_token = token_buffer[0]
+        if a_token['data']:
+            attrs = a_token['data']
+        else:
+            attrs = {}
+        text = self.extract_character_data(token_buffer)
+        attrs['_text'] = text
+        attrs = self.apply_callbacks(attrs, False)
+        if attrs is None:
+            # We're dropping the "a" tag and everything else and replacing
+            # it with character data. So emit that token.
+            yield {'type': 'Characters', 'data': text}
+        else:
+            new_text = attrs.pop('_text', '')
+            a_token['data'] = alphabetize_attributes(attrs)
+            if text == new_text:
+                # The callbacks didn't change the text, so we yield the new "a"
+                # token, then whatever else was there, then the end "a" token
+                yield a_token
+                for mem in token_buffer[1:]:
+                    yield mem
+            else:
+                # If the callbacks changed the text, then we're going to drop
+                # all the tokens between the start and end "a" tags and replace
+                # it with the new text
+                yield a_token
+                yield {'type': 'Characters', 'data': force_unicode(new_text)}
+                yield token_buffer[-1]
+    def __iter__(self):
+        in_a = False
+        in_skip_tag = None
+        token_buffer = []
+        for token in super(LinkifyFilter, self).__iter__():
+            if in_a:
+                # Handle the case where we're in an "a" tag--we want to buffer tokens
+                # until we hit an end "a" tag.
+                if token['type'] == 'EndTag' and token['name'] == 'a':
+                    # Add the end tag to the token buffer and then handle them
+                    # and yield anything returned
+                    token_buffer.append(token)
+                    for new_token in self.handle_a_tag(token_buffer):
+                        yield new_token
+                    # Clear "a" related state and continue since we've yielded all
+                    # the tokens we're going to yield
+                    in_a = False
+                    token_buffer = []
+                else:
+                    token_buffer.append(token)
+                continue
+            if token['type'] in ['StartTag', 'EmptyTag']:
+                if token['name'] in self.skip_tags:
+                    # Skip tags start a "special mode" where we don't linkify
+                    # anything until the end tag.
+                    in_skip_tag = token['name']
+                elif token['name'] == 'a':
+                    # The "a" tag is special--we switch to a slurp mode and
+                    # slurp all the tokens until the end "a" tag and then
+                    # figure out what to do with them there.
+                    in_a = True
+                    token_buffer.append(token)
+                    # We buffer the start tag, so we don't want to yield it,
+                    # yet
+                    continue
+            elif in_skip_tag and self.skip_tags:
+                # NOTE(willkg): We put this clause here since in_a and
+                # switching in and out of in_a takes precedence.
+                if token['type'] == 'EndTag' and token['name'] == in_skip_tag:
+                    in_skip_tag = None
+            elif not in_a and not in_skip_tag and token['type'] == 'Characters':
+                new_stream = iter([token])
+                if self.parse_email:
+                    new_stream = self.handle_email_addresses(new_stream)
+                new_stream = self.handle_links(new_stream)
+                for token in new_stream:
+                    yield token
+                # We've already yielded this token, so continue
+                continue
+            yield token