diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boltons/pathutils.py @ 2:6af9afd405e9 draft

"planemo upload commit 0a63dd5f4d38a1f6944587f52a8cd79874177fc1"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 14:56:58 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boltons/pathutils.py	Thu May 14 14:56:58 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+Functions for working with filesystem paths.
+The :func:`expandpath` function expands the tilde to $HOME and environment
+variables to their values.
+The :func:`augpath` function creates variants of an existing path without
+having to spend multiple lines of code splitting it up and stitching it back
+The :func:`shrinkuser` function replaces your home directory with a tilde.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from os.path import (expanduser, expandvars, join, normpath, split, splitext)
+import os
+__all__ = [
+    'augpath', 'shrinkuser', 'expandpath',
+def augpath(path, suffix='', prefix='', ext=None, base=None, dpath=None,
+            multidot=False):
+    """
+    Augment a path by modifying its components.
+    Creates a new path with a different extension, basename, directory, prefix,
+    and/or suffix.
+    A prefix is inserted before the basename. A suffix is inserted
+    between the basename and the extension. The basename and extension can be
+    replaced with a new one. Essentially a path is broken down into components
+    (dpath, base, ext), and then recombined as (dpath, prefix, base, suffix,
+    ext) after replacing any specified component.
+    Args:
+        path (str | PathLike): a path to augment
+        suffix (str, default=''): placed between the basename and extension
+        prefix (str, default=''): placed in front of the basename
+        ext (str, default=None): if specified, replaces the extension
+        base (str, default=None): if specified, replaces the basename without
+            extension
+        dpath (str | PathLike, default=None): if specified, replaces the
+            directory
+        multidot (bool, default=False): Allows extensions to contain multiple
+            dots. Specifically, if False, everything after the last dot in the
+            basename is the extension. If True, everything after the first dot
+            in the basename is the extension.
+    Returns:
+        str: augmented path
+    Example:
+        >>> path = 'foo.bar'
+        >>> suffix = '_suff'
+        >>> prefix = 'pref_'
+        >>> ext = '.baz'
+        >>> newpath = augpath(path, suffix, prefix, ext=ext, base='bar')
+        >>> print('newpath = %s' % (newpath,))
+        newpath = pref_bar_suff.baz
+    Example:
+        >>> augpath('foo.bar')
+        'foo.bar'
+        >>> augpath('foo.bar', ext='.BAZ')
+        'foo.BAZ'
+        >>> augpath('foo.bar', suffix='_')
+        'foo_.bar'
+        >>> augpath('foo.bar', prefix='_')
+        '_foo.bar'
+        >>> augpath('foo.bar', base='baz')
+        'baz.bar'
+        >>> augpath('foo.tar.gz', ext='.zip', multidot=True)
+        'foo.zip'
+        >>> augpath('foo.tar.gz', ext='.zip', multidot=False)
+        'foo.tar.zip'
+        >>> augpath('foo.tar.gz', suffix='_new', multidot=True)
+        'foo_new.tar.gz'
+    """
+    # Breakup path
+    orig_dpath, fname = split(path)
+    if multidot:
+        # The first dot defines the extension
+        parts = fname.split('.', 1)
+        orig_base = parts[0]
+        orig_ext = '' if len(parts) == 1 else '.' + parts[1]
+    else:
+        # The last dot defines the extension
+        orig_base, orig_ext = splitext(fname)
+    # Replace parts with specified augmentations
+    if dpath is None:
+        dpath = orig_dpath
+    if ext is None:
+        ext = orig_ext
+    if base is None:
+        base = orig_base
+    # Recombine into new path
+    new_fname = ''.join((prefix, base, suffix, ext))
+    newpath = join(dpath, new_fname)
+    return newpath
+def shrinkuser(path, home='~'):
+    """
+    Inverse of :func:`os.path.expanduser`.
+    Args:
+        path (str | PathLike): path in system file structure
+        home (str, default='~'): symbol used to replace the home path.
+            Defaults to '~', but you might want to use '$HOME' or
+            '%USERPROFILE%' instead.
+    Returns:
+        str: path: shortened path replacing the home directory with a tilde
+    Example:
+        >>> path = expanduser('~')
+        >>> assert path != '~'
+        >>> assert shrinkuser(path) == '~'
+        >>> assert shrinkuser(path + '1') == path + '1'
+        >>> assert shrinkuser(path + '/1') == join('~', '1')
+        >>> assert shrinkuser(path + '/1', '$HOME') == join('$HOME', '1')
+    """
+    path = normpath(path)
+    userhome_dpath = expanduser('~')
+    if path.startswith(userhome_dpath):
+        if len(path) == len(userhome_dpath):
+            path = home
+        elif path[len(userhome_dpath)] == os.path.sep:
+            path = home + path[len(userhome_dpath):]
+    return path
+def expandpath(path):
+    """
+    Shell-like expansion of environment variables and tilde home directory.
+    Args:
+        path (str | PathLike): the path to expand
+    Returns:
+        str : expanded path
+    Example:
+        >>> import os
+        >>> os.environ['SPAM'] = 'eggs'
+        >>> assert expandpath('~/$SPAM') == expanduser('~/eggs')
+        >>> assert expandpath('foo') == 'foo'
+    """
+    path = expanduser(path)
+    path = expandvars(path)
+    return path