diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/cloudsearch/layer1.py @ 2:6af9afd405e9 draft

"planemo upload commit 0a63dd5f4d38a1f6944587f52a8cd79874177fc1"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 14:56:58 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/cloudsearch/layer1.py	Thu May 14 14:56:58 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
+# All Rights Reserved
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
+# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
+# lowing conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import boto
+import boto.jsonresponse
+from boto.connection import AWSQueryConnection
+from boto.regioninfo import RegionInfo
+def do_bool(val):
+    return 'true' if val in [True, 1, '1', 'true'] else 'false'
+class Layer1(AWSQueryConnection):
+    APIVersion = '2011-02-01'
+    DefaultRegionName = boto.config.get('Boto', 'cs_region_name', 'us-east-1')
+    DefaultRegionEndpoint = boto.config.get('Boto', 'cs_region_endpoint',
+                                            'cloudsearch.us-east-1.amazonaws.com')
+    def __init__(self, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None,
+                 is_secure=True, host=None, port=None,
+                 proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
+                 proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None, debug=0,
+                 https_connection_factory=None, region=None, path='/',
+                 api_version=None, security_token=None,
+                 validate_certs=True, profile_name=None):
+        if not region:
+            region = RegionInfo(self, self.DefaultRegionName,
+                                self.DefaultRegionEndpoint)
+        self.region = region
+        AWSQueryConnection.__init__(
+            self,
+            host=self.region.endpoint,
+            aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id,
+            aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key,
+            is_secure=is_secure,
+            port=port,
+            proxy=proxy,
+            proxy_port=proxy_port,
+            proxy_user=proxy_user,
+            proxy_pass=proxy_pass,
+            debug=debug,
+            https_connection_factory=https_connection_factory,
+            path=path,
+            security_token=security_token,
+            validate_certs=validate_certs,
+            profile_name=profile_name)
+    def _required_auth_capability(self):
+        return ['hmac-v4']
+    def get_response(self, doc_path, action, params, path='/',
+                     parent=None, verb='GET', list_marker=None):
+        if not parent:
+            parent = self
+        response = self.make_request(action, params, path, verb)
+        body = response.read()
+        boto.log.debug(body)
+        if response.status == 200:
+            e = boto.jsonresponse.Element(
+                list_marker=list_marker if list_marker else 'Set',
+                pythonize_name=True)
+            h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, parent)
+            h.parse(body)
+            inner = e
+            for p in doc_path:
+                inner = inner.get(p)
+            if not inner:
+                return None if list_marker is None else []
+            if isinstance(inner, list):
+                return inner
+            else:
+                return dict(**inner)
+        else:
+            raise self.ResponseError(response.status, response.reason, body)
+    def create_domain(self, domain_name):
+        """
+        Create a new search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, LimitExceededException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('create_domain_response',
+                    'create_domain_result',
+                    'domain_status')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'CreateDomain',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def define_index_field(self, domain_name, field_name, field_type,
+                           default='', facet=False, result=False,
+                           searchable=False, source_attributes=None):
+        """
+        Defines an ``IndexField``, either replacing an existing
+        definition or creating a new one.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type field_name: string
+        :param field_name: The name of a field in the search index.
+        :type field_type: string
+        :param field_type: The type of field.  Valid values are
+            uint | literal | text
+        :type default: string or int
+        :param default: The default value for the field.  If the
+            field is of type ``uint`` this should be an integer value.
+            Otherwise, it's a string.
+        :type facet: bool
+        :param facet: A boolean to indicate whether facets
+            are enabled for this field or not.  Does not apply to
+            fields of type ``uint``.
+        :type results: bool
+        :param results: A boolean to indicate whether values
+            of this field can be returned in search results or
+            used in ranking.  Does not apply to fields of type ``uint``.
+        :type searchable: bool
+        :param searchable: A boolean to indicate whether search
+            is enabled for this field or not.  Applies only to fields
+            of type ``literal``.
+        :type source_attributes: list of dicts
+        :param source_attributes: An optional list of dicts that
+            provide information about attributes for this index field.
+            A maximum of 20 source attributes can be configured for
+            each index field.
+            Each item in the list is a dict with the following keys:
+            * data_copy - The value is a dict with the following keys:
+                * default - Optional default value if the source attribute
+                    is not specified in a document.
+                * name - The name of the document source field to add
+                    to this ``IndexField``.
+            * data_function - Identifies the transformation to apply
+                when copying data from a source attribute.
+            * data_map - The value is a dict with the following keys:
+                * cases - A dict that translates source field values
+                    to custom values.
+                * default - An optional default value to use if the
+                    source attribute is not specified in a document.
+                * name - the name of the document source field to add
+                    to this ``IndexField``
+            * data_trim_title - Trims common title words from a source
+                document attribute when populating an ``IndexField``.
+                This can be used to create an ``IndexField`` you can
+                use for sorting.  The value is a dict with the following
+                fields:
+                * default - An optional default value.
+                * language - an IETF RFC 4646 language code.
+                * separator - The separator that follows the text to trim.
+                * name - The name of the document source field to add.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, LimitExceededException,
+            InvalidTypeException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('define_index_field_response',
+                    'define_index_field_result',
+                    'index_field')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name,
+                  'IndexField.IndexFieldName': field_name,
+                  'IndexField.IndexFieldType': field_type}
+        if field_type == 'literal':
+            params['IndexField.LiteralOptions.DefaultValue'] = default
+            params['IndexField.LiteralOptions.FacetEnabled'] = do_bool(facet)
+            params['IndexField.LiteralOptions.ResultEnabled'] = do_bool(result)
+            params['IndexField.LiteralOptions.SearchEnabled'] = do_bool(searchable)
+        elif field_type == 'uint':
+            params['IndexField.UIntOptions.DefaultValue'] = default
+        elif field_type == 'text':
+            params['IndexField.TextOptions.DefaultValue'] = default
+            params['IndexField.TextOptions.FacetEnabled'] = do_bool(facet)
+            params['IndexField.TextOptions.ResultEnabled'] = do_bool(result)
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DefineIndexField',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def define_rank_expression(self, domain_name, rank_name, rank_expression):
+        """
+        Defines a RankExpression, either replacing an existing
+        definition or creating a new one.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type rank_name: string
+        :param rank_name: The name of an expression computed for ranking
+            while processing a search request.
+        :type rank_expression: string
+        :param rank_expression: The expression to evaluate for ranking
+            or thresholding while processing a search request. The
+            RankExpression syntax is based on JavaScript expressions
+            and supports:
+            * Integer, floating point, hex and octal literals
+            * Shortcut evaluation of logical operators such that an
+                expression a || b evaluates to the value a if a is
+                true without evaluting b at all
+            * JavaScript order of precedence for operators
+            * Arithmetic operators: + - * / %
+            * Boolean operators (including the ternary operator)
+            * Bitwise operators
+            * Comparison operators
+            * Common mathematic functions: abs ceil erf exp floor
+                lgamma ln log2 log10 max min sqrt pow
+            * Trigonometric library functions: acosh acos asinh asin
+                atanh atan cosh cos sinh sin tanh tan
+            * Random generation of a number between 0 and 1: rand
+            * Current time in epoch: time
+            * The min max functions that operate on a variable argument list
+            Intermediate results are calculated as double precision
+            floating point values. The final return value of a
+            RankExpression is automatically converted from floating
+            point to a 32-bit unsigned integer by rounding to the
+            nearest integer, with a natural floor of 0 and a ceiling
+            of max(uint32_t), 4294967295. Mathematical errors such as
+            dividing by 0 will fail during evaluation and return a
+            value of 0.
+            The source data for a RankExpression can be the name of an
+            IndexField of type uint, another RankExpression or the
+            reserved name text_relevance. The text_relevance source is
+            defined to return an integer from 0 to 1000 (inclusive) to
+            indicate how relevant a document is to the search request,
+            taking into account repetition of search terms in the
+            document and proximity of search terms to each other in
+            each matching IndexField in the document.
+            For more information about using rank expressions to
+            customize ranking, see the Amazon CloudSearch Developer
+            Guide.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, LimitExceededException,
+            InvalidTypeException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('define_rank_expression_response',
+                    'define_rank_expression_result',
+                    'rank_expression')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name,
+                  'RankExpression.RankExpression': rank_expression,
+                  'RankExpression.RankName': rank_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DefineRankExpression',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def delete_domain(self, domain_name):
+        """
+        Delete a search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('delete_domain_response',
+                    'delete_domain_result',
+                    'domain_status')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DeleteDomain',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def delete_index_field(self, domain_name, field_name):
+        """
+        Deletes an existing ``IndexField`` from the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type field_name: string
+        :param field_name: A string that represents the name of
+            an index field. Field names must begin with a letter and
+            can contain the following characters: a-z (lowercase),
+            0-9, and _ (underscore). Uppercase letters and hyphens are
+            not allowed. The names "body", "docid", and
+            "text_relevance" are reserved and cannot be specified as
+            field or rank expression names.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('delete_index_field_response',
+                    'delete_index_field_result',
+                    'index_field')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name,
+                  'IndexFieldName': field_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DeleteIndexField',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def delete_rank_expression(self, domain_name, rank_name):
+        """
+        Deletes an existing ``RankExpression`` from the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type rank_name: string
+        :param rank_name: Name of the ``RankExpression`` to delete.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('delete_rank_expression_response',
+                    'delete_rank_expression_result',
+                    'rank_expression')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name, 'RankName': rank_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DeleteRankExpression',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def describe_default_search_field(self, domain_name):
+        """
+        Describes options defining the default search field used by
+        indexing for the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('describe_default_search_field_response',
+                    'describe_default_search_field_result',
+                    'default_search_field')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DescribeDefaultSearchField',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def describe_domains(self, domain_names=None):
+        """
+        Describes the domains (optionally limited to one or more
+        domains by name) owned by this account.
+        :type domain_names: list
+        :param domain_names: Limits the response to the specified domains.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('describe_domains_response',
+                    'describe_domains_result',
+                    'domain_status_list')
+        params = {}
+        if domain_names:
+            for i, domain_name in enumerate(domain_names, 1):
+                params['DomainNames.member.%d' % i] = domain_name
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DescribeDomains',
+                                 params, verb='POST',
+                                 list_marker='DomainStatusList')
+    def describe_index_fields(self, domain_name, field_names=None):
+        """
+        Describes index fields in the search domain, optionally
+        limited to a single ``IndexField``.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type field_names: list
+        :param field_names: Limits the response to the specified fields.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('describe_index_fields_response',
+                    'describe_index_fields_result',
+                    'index_fields')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        if field_names:
+            for i, field_name in enumerate(field_names, 1):
+                params['FieldNames.member.%d' % i] = field_name
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DescribeIndexFields',
+                                 params, verb='POST',
+                                 list_marker='IndexFields')
+    def describe_rank_expressions(self, domain_name, rank_names=None):
+        """
+        Describes RankExpressions in the search domain, optionally
+        limited to a single expression.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type rank_names: list
+        :param rank_names: Limit response to the specified rank names.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('describe_rank_expressions_response',
+                    'describe_rank_expressions_result',
+                    'rank_expressions')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        if rank_names:
+            for i, rank_name in enumerate(rank_names, 1):
+                params['RankNames.member.%d' % i] = rank_name
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DescribeRankExpressions',
+                                 params, verb='POST',
+                                 list_marker='RankExpressions')
+    def describe_service_access_policies(self, domain_name):
+        """
+        Describes the resource-based policies controlling access to
+        the services in this search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('describe_service_access_policies_response',
+                    'describe_service_access_policies_result',
+                    'access_policies')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DescribeServiceAccessPolicies',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def describe_stemming_options(self, domain_name):
+        """
+        Describes stemming options used by indexing for the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('describe_stemming_options_response',
+                    'describe_stemming_options_result',
+                    'stems')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DescribeStemmingOptions',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def describe_stopword_options(self, domain_name):
+        """
+        Describes stopword options used by indexing for the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('describe_stopword_options_response',
+                    'describe_stopword_options_result',
+                    'stopwords')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DescribeStopwordOptions',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def describe_synonym_options(self, domain_name):
+        """
+        Describes synonym options used by indexing for the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('describe_synonym_options_response',
+                    'describe_synonym_options_result',
+                    'synonyms')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'DescribeSynonymOptions',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def index_documents(self, domain_name):
+        """
+        Tells the search domain to start scanning its documents using
+        the latest text processing options and ``IndexFields``.  This
+        operation must be invoked to make visible in searches any
+        options whose <a>OptionStatus</a> has ``OptionState`` of
+        ``RequiresIndexDocuments``.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('index_documents_response',
+                    'index_documents_result',
+                    'field_names')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'IndexDocuments', params,
+                                 verb='POST', list_marker='FieldNames')
+    def update_default_search_field(self, domain_name, default_search_field):
+        """
+        Updates options defining the default search field used by
+        indexing for the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type default_search_field: string
+        :param default_search_field: The IndexField to use for search
+            requests issued with the q parameter. The default is an
+            empty string, which automatically searches all text
+            fields.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, InvalidTypeException,
+            ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('update_default_search_field_response',
+                    'update_default_search_field_result',
+                    'default_search_field')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name,
+                  'DefaultSearchField': default_search_field}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'UpdateDefaultSearchField',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def update_service_access_policies(self, domain_name, access_policies):
+        """
+        Updates the policies controlling access to the services in
+        this search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type access_policies: string
+        :param access_policies: An IAM access policy as described in
+            The Access Policy Language in Using AWS Identity and
+            Access Management. The maximum size of an access policy
+            document is 100KB.
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, LimitExceededException,
+            ResourceNotFoundException, InvalidTypeException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('update_service_access_policies_response',
+                    'update_service_access_policies_result',
+                    'access_policies')
+        params = {'AccessPolicies': access_policies,
+                  'DomainName': domain_name}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'UpdateServiceAccessPolicies',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def update_stemming_options(self, domain_name, stems):
+        """
+        Updates stemming options used by indexing for the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type stems: string
+        :param stems: Maps terms to their stems.  The JSON object
+            has a single key called "stems" whose value is a
+            dict mapping terms to their stems. The maximum size
+            of a stemming document is 500KB.
+            Example: {"stems":{"people": "person", "walking":"walk"}}
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, InvalidTypeException,
+            LimitExceededException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('update_stemming_options_response',
+                    'update_stemming_options_result',
+                    'stems')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name,
+                  'Stems': stems}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'UpdateStemmingOptions',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def update_stopword_options(self, domain_name, stopwords):
+        """
+        Updates stopword options used by indexing for the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type stopwords: string
+        :param stopwords: Lists stopwords in a JSON object. The object has a
+            single key called "stopwords" whose value is an array of strings.
+            The maximum size of a stopwords document is 10KB. Example:
+            {"stopwords": ["a", "an", "the", "of"]}
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, InvalidTypeException,
+            LimitExceededException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('update_stopword_options_response',
+                    'update_stopword_options_result',
+                    'stopwords')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name,
+                  'Stopwords': stopwords}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'UpdateStopwordOptions',
+                                 params, verb='POST')
+    def update_synonym_options(self, domain_name, synonyms):
+        """
+        Updates synonym options used by indexing for the search domain.
+        :type domain_name: string
+        :param domain_name: A string that represents the name of a
+            domain. Domain names must be unique across the domains
+            owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names
+            must start with a letter or number and can contain the
+            following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and -
+            (hyphen). Uppercase letters and underscores are not
+            allowed.
+        :type synonyms: string
+        :param synonyms: Maps terms to their synonyms.  The JSON object
+            has a single key "synonyms" whose value is a dict mapping terms
+            to their synonyms. Each synonym is a simple string or an
+            array of strings. The maximum size of a stopwords document
+            is 100KB. Example:
+            {"synonyms": {"cat": ["feline", "kitten"], "puppy": "dog"}}
+        :raises: BaseException, InternalException, InvalidTypeException,
+            LimitExceededException, ResourceNotFoundException
+        """
+        doc_path = ('update_synonym_options_response',
+                    'update_synonym_options_result',
+                    'synonyms')
+        params = {'DomainName': domain_name,
+                  'Synonyms': synonyms}
+        return self.get_response(doc_path, 'UpdateSynonymOptions',
+                                 params, verb='POST')