diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/fps/exception.py @ 2:6af9afd405e9 draft

"planemo upload commit 0a63dd5f4d38a1f6944587f52a8cd79874177fc1"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 14:56:58 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/fps/exception.py	Thu May 14 14:56:58 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+from boto.exception import BotoServerError
+class ResponseErrorFactory(BotoServerError):
+    def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
+        error = BotoServerError(*args, **kw)
+        newclass = globals().get(error.error_code, ResponseError)
+        obj = newclass.__new__(newclass, *args, **kw)
+        obj.__dict__.update(error.__dict__)
+        return obj
+class ResponseError(BotoServerError):
+    """Undefined response error.
+    """
+    retry = False
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '{0}({1}, {2},\n\t{3})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
+                                              self.status, self.reason,
+                                              self.error_message)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return 'FPS Response Error: {0.status} {0.__class__.__name__} {1}\n' \
+               '{2}\n' \
+               '{0.error_message}'.format(self,
+                                          self.retry and '(Retriable)' or '',
+                                          self.__doc__.strip())
+class RetriableResponseError(ResponseError):
+    retry = True
+class AccessFailure(RetriableResponseError):
+    """Account cannot be accessed.
+    """
+class AccountClosed(RetriableResponseError):
+    """Account is not active.
+    """
+class AccountLimitsExceeded(RetriableResponseError):
+    """The spending or receiving limit on the account is exceeded.
+    """
+class AmountOutOfRange(ResponseError):
+    """The transaction amount is more than the allowed range.
+    """
+class AuthFailure(RetriableResponseError):
+    """AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials.
+    """
+class ConcurrentModification(RetriableResponseError):
+    """A retriable error can happen when two processes try to modify the
+       same data at the same time.
+    """
+class DuplicateRequest(ResponseError):
+    """A different request associated with this caller reference already
+       exists.
+    """
+class InactiveInstrument(ResponseError):
+    """Payment instrument is inactive.
+    """
+class IncompatibleTokens(ResponseError):
+    """The transaction could not be completed because the tokens have
+       incompatible payment instructions.
+    """
+class InstrumentAccessDenied(ResponseError):
+    """The external calling application is not the recipient for this
+       postpaid or prepaid instrument.
+    """
+class InstrumentExpired(ResponseError):
+    """The prepaid or the postpaid instrument has expired.
+    """
+class InsufficientBalance(RetriableResponseError):
+    """The sender, caller, or recipient's account balance has
+       insufficient funds to complete the transaction.
+    """
+class InternalError(RetriableResponseError):
+    """A retriable error that happens due to some transient problem in
+       the system.
+    """
+class InvalidAccountState(RetriableResponseError):
+    """The account is either suspended or closed.
+    """
+class InvalidAccountState_Caller(RetriableResponseError):
+    """The developer account cannot participate in the transaction.
+    """
+class InvalidAccountState_Recipient(RetriableResponseError):
+    """Recipient account cannot participate in the transaction.
+    """
+class InvalidAccountState_Sender(RetriableResponseError):
+    """Sender account cannot participate in the transaction.
+    """
+class InvalidCallerReference(ResponseError):
+    """The Caller Reference does not have a token associated with it.
+    """
+class InvalidClientTokenId(ResponseError):
+    """The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
+    """
+class InvalidDateRange(ResponseError):
+    """The end date specified is before the start date or the start date
+       is in the future.
+    """
+class InvalidParams(ResponseError):
+    """One or more parameters in the request is invalid.
+    """
+class InvalidPaymentInstrument(ResponseError):
+    """The payment method used in the transaction is invalid.
+    """
+class InvalidPaymentMethod(ResponseError):
+    """Specify correct payment method.
+    """
+class InvalidRecipientForCCTransaction(ResponseError):
+    """This account cannot receive credit card payments.
+    """
+class InvalidSenderRoleForAccountType(ResponseError):
+    """This token cannot be used for this operation.
+    """
+class InvalidTokenId(ResponseError):
+    """You did not install the token that you are trying to cancel.
+    """
+class InvalidTokenId_Recipient(ResponseError):
+    """The recipient token specified is either invalid or canceled.
+    """
+class InvalidTokenId_Sender(ResponseError):
+    """The sender token specified is either invalid or canceled or the
+       token is not active.
+    """
+class InvalidTokenType(ResponseError):
+    """An invalid operation was performed on the token, for example,
+       getting the token usage information on a single use token.
+    """
+class InvalidTransactionId(ResponseError):
+    """The specified transaction could not be found or the caller did not
+       execute the transaction or this is not a Pay or Reserve call.
+    """
+class InvalidTransactionState(ResponseError):
+    """The transaction is not complete, or it has temporarily failed.
+    """
+class NotMarketplaceApp(RetriableResponseError):
+    """This is not an marketplace application or the caller does not
+       match either the sender or the recipient.
+    """
+class OriginalTransactionFailed(ResponseError):
+    """The original transaction has failed.
+    """
+class OriginalTransactionIncomplete(RetriableResponseError):
+    """The original transaction is still in progress.
+    """
+class PaymentInstrumentNotCC(ResponseError):
+    """The payment method specified in the transaction is not a credit
+       card.  You can only use a credit card for this transaction.
+    """
+class PaymentMethodNotDefined(ResponseError):
+    """Payment method is not defined in the transaction.
+    """
+class PrepaidFundingLimitExceeded(RetriableResponseError):
+    """An attempt has been made to fund the prepaid instrument
+       at a level greater than its recharge limit.
+    """
+class RefundAmountExceeded(ResponseError):
+    """The refund amount is more than the refundable amount.
+    """
+class SameSenderAndRecipient(ResponseError):
+    """The sender and receiver are identical, which is not allowed.
+    """
+class SameTokenIdUsedMultipleTimes(ResponseError):
+    """This token is already used in earlier transactions.
+    """
+class SenderNotOriginalRecipient(ResponseError):
+    """The sender in the refund transaction is not
+       the recipient of the original transaction.
+    """
+class SettleAmountGreaterThanDebt(ResponseError):
+    """The amount being settled or written off is
+       greater than the current debt.
+    """
+class SettleAmountGreaterThanReserveAmount(ResponseError):
+    """The amount being settled is greater than the reserved amount.
+    """
+class SignatureDoesNotMatch(ResponseError):
+    """The request signature calculated by Amazon does not match the
+       signature you provided.
+    """
+class TokenAccessDenied(ResponseError):
+    """Permission to cancel the token is denied.
+    """
+class TokenNotActive(ResponseError):
+    """The token is canceled.
+    """
+class TokenNotActive_Recipient(ResponseError):
+    """The recipient token is canceled.
+    """
+class TokenNotActive_Sender(ResponseError):
+    """The sender token is canceled.
+    """
+class TokenUsageError(ResponseError):
+    """The token usage limit is exceeded.
+    """
+class TransactionDenied(ResponseError):
+    """The transaction is not allowed.
+    """
+class TransactionFullyRefundedAlready(ResponseError):
+    """The transaction has already been completely refunded.
+    """
+class TransactionTypeNotRefundable(ResponseError):
+    """You cannot refund this transaction.
+    """
+class UnverifiedAccount_Recipient(ResponseError):
+    """The recipient's account must have a verified bank account or a
+       credit card before this transaction can be initiated.
+    """
+class UnverifiedAccount_Sender(ResponseError):
+    """The sender's account must have a verified U.S.  credit card or
+       a verified U.S bank account before this transaction can be
+       initiated.
+    """
+class UnverifiedBankAccount(ResponseError):
+    """A verified bank account should be used for this transaction.
+    """
+class UnverifiedEmailAddress_Caller(ResponseError):
+    """The caller account must have a verified email address.
+    """
+class UnverifiedEmailAddress_Recipient(ResponseError):
+    """The recipient account must have a verified
+       email address for receiving payments.
+    """
+class UnverifiedEmailAddress_Sender(ResponseError):
+    """The sender account must have a verified
+       email address for this payment.
+    """