diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/mturk/connection.py @ 2:6af9afd405e9 draft

"planemo upload commit 0a63dd5f4d38a1f6944587f52a8cd79874177fc1"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 14:56:58 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/mturk/connection.py	Thu May 14 14:56:58 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
+# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
+# lowing conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import xml.sax
+import datetime
+import itertools
+from boto import handler
+from boto import config
+from boto.mturk.price import Price
+import boto.mturk.notification
+from boto.connection import AWSQueryConnection
+from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
+from boto.resultset import ResultSet
+from boto.mturk.question import QuestionForm, ExternalQuestion, HTMLQuestion
+class MTurkRequestError(EC2ResponseError):
+    "Error for MTurk Requests"
+    # todo: subclass from an abstract parent of EC2ResponseError
+class MTurkConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
+    APIVersion = '2014-08-15'
+    def __init__(self, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None,
+                 is_secure=True, port=None, proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
+                 proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None,
+                 host=None, debug=0,
+                 https_connection_factory=None, security_token=None,
+                 profile_name=None):
+        if not host:
+            if config.has_option('MTurk', 'sandbox') and config.get('MTurk', 'sandbox') == 'True':
+                host = 'mechanicalturk.sandbox.amazonaws.com'
+            else:
+                host = 'mechanicalturk.amazonaws.com'
+        self.debug = debug
+        super(MTurkConnection, self).__init__(aws_access_key_id,
+                                    aws_secret_access_key,
+                                    is_secure, port, proxy, proxy_port,
+                                    proxy_user, proxy_pass, host, debug,
+                                    https_connection_factory,
+                                    security_token=security_token,
+                                    profile_name=profile_name)
+    def _required_auth_capability(self):
+        return ['mturk']
+    def get_account_balance(self):
+        """
+        """
+        params = {}
+        return self._process_request('GetAccountBalance', params,
+                                     [('AvailableBalance', Price),
+                                      ('OnHoldBalance', Price)])
+    def register_hit_type(self, title, description, reward, duration,
+                          keywords=None, approval_delay=None, qual_req=None):
+        """
+        Register a new HIT Type
+        title, description are strings
+        reward is a Price object
+        duration can be a timedelta, or an object castable to an int
+        """
+        params = dict(
+            Title=title,
+            Description=description,
+            AssignmentDurationInSeconds=self.duration_as_seconds(duration),
+            )
+        params.update(MTurkConnection.get_price_as_price(reward).get_as_params('Reward'))
+        if keywords:
+            params['Keywords'] = self.get_keywords_as_string(keywords)
+        if approval_delay is not None:
+            d = self.duration_as_seconds(approval_delay)
+            params['AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds'] = d
+        if qual_req is not None:
+            params.update(qual_req.get_as_params())
+        return self._process_request('RegisterHITType', params,
+                                     [('HITTypeId', HITTypeId)])
+    def set_email_notification(self, hit_type, email, event_types=None):
+        """
+        Performs a SetHITTypeNotification operation to set email
+        notification for a specified HIT type
+        """
+        return self._set_notification(hit_type, 'Email', email,
+                                      'SetHITTypeNotification', event_types)
+    def set_rest_notification(self, hit_type, url, event_types=None):
+        """
+        Performs a SetHITTypeNotification operation to set REST notification
+        for a specified HIT type
+        """
+        return self._set_notification(hit_type, 'REST', url,
+                                      'SetHITTypeNotification', event_types)
+    def set_sqs_notification(self, hit_type, queue_url, event_types=None):
+        """
+        Performs a SetHITTypeNotification operation so set SQS notification
+        for a specified HIT type. Queue URL is of form:
+        https://queue.amazonaws.com/<CUSTOMER_ID>/<QUEUE_NAME> and can be
+        found when looking at the details for a Queue in the AWS Console
+        """
+        return self._set_notification(hit_type, "SQS", queue_url,
+                                      'SetHITTypeNotification', event_types)
+    def send_test_event_notification(self, hit_type, url,
+                                     event_types=None,
+                                     test_event_type='Ping'):
+        """
+        Performs a SendTestEventNotification operation with REST notification
+        for a specified HIT type
+        """
+        return self._set_notification(hit_type, 'REST', url,
+                                      'SendTestEventNotification',
+                                      event_types, test_event_type)
+    def _set_notification(self, hit_type, transport,
+                          destination, request_type,
+                          event_types=None, test_event_type=None):
+        """
+        Common operation to set notification or send a test event
+        notification for a specified HIT type
+        """
+        params = {'HITTypeId': hit_type}
+        # from the Developer Guide:
+        # The 'Active' parameter is optional. If omitted, the active status of
+        # the HIT type's notification specification is unchanged. All HIT types
+        # begin with their notification specifications in the "inactive" status.
+        notification_params = {'Destination': destination,
+                               'Transport': transport,
+                               'Version': boto.mturk.notification.NotificationMessage.NOTIFICATION_VERSION,
+                               'Active': True,
+                               }
+        # add specific event types if required
+        if event_types:
+            self.build_list_params(notification_params, event_types,
+                                   'EventType')
+        # Set up dict of 'Notification.1.Transport' etc. values
+        notification_rest_params = {}
+        num = 1
+        for key in notification_params:
+            notification_rest_params['Notification.%d.%s' % (num, key)] = notification_params[key]
+        # Update main params dict
+        params.update(notification_rest_params)
+        # If test notification, specify the notification type to be tested
+        if test_event_type:
+            params.update({'TestEventType': test_event_type})
+        # Execute operation
+        return self._process_request(request_type, params)
+    def create_hit(self, hit_type=None, question=None, hit_layout=None,
+                   lifetime=datetime.timedelta(days=7),
+                   max_assignments=1,
+                   title=None, description=None, keywords=None,
+                   reward=None, duration=datetime.timedelta(days=7),
+                   approval_delay=None, annotation=None,
+                   questions=None, qualifications=None,
+                   layout_params=None, response_groups=None):
+        """
+        Creates a new HIT.
+        Returns a ResultSet
+        See: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSMechTurk/2012-03-25/AWSMturkAPI/ApiReference_CreateHITOperation.html
+        """
+        # Handle basic required arguments and set up params dict
+        params = {'LifetimeInSeconds':
+                      self.duration_as_seconds(lifetime),
+                  'MaxAssignments': max_assignments,
+                 }
+        # handle single or multiple questions or layouts
+        neither = question is None and questions is None
+        if hit_layout is None:
+            both = question is not None and questions is not None
+            if neither or both:
+                raise ValueError("Must specify question (single Question instance) or questions (list or QuestionForm instance), but not both")
+            if question:
+                questions = [question]
+            question_param = QuestionForm(questions)
+            if isinstance(question, QuestionForm):
+                question_param = question
+            elif isinstance(question, ExternalQuestion):
+                question_param = question
+            elif isinstance(question, HTMLQuestion):
+                question_param = question
+            params['Question'] = question_param.get_as_xml()
+        else:
+            if not neither:
+                raise ValueError("Must not specify question (single Question instance) or questions (list or QuestionForm instance) when specifying hit_layout")
+            params['HITLayoutId'] = hit_layout
+            if layout_params:
+                params.update(layout_params.get_as_params())
+        # if hit type specified then add it
+        # else add the additional required parameters
+        if hit_type:
+            params['HITTypeId'] = hit_type
+        else:
+            # Handle keywords
+            final_keywords = MTurkConnection.get_keywords_as_string(keywords)
+            # Handle price argument
+            final_price = MTurkConnection.get_price_as_price(reward)
+            final_duration = self.duration_as_seconds(duration)
+            additional_params = dict(
+                Title=title,
+                Description=description,
+                Keywords=final_keywords,
+                AssignmentDurationInSeconds=final_duration,
+                )
+            additional_params.update(final_price.get_as_params('Reward'))
+            if approval_delay is not None:
+                d = self.duration_as_seconds(approval_delay)
+                additional_params['AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds'] = d
+            # add these params to the others
+            params.update(additional_params)
+        # add the annotation if specified
+        if annotation is not None:
+            params['RequesterAnnotation'] = annotation
+        # Add the Qualifications if specified
+        if qualifications is not None:
+            params.update(qualifications.get_as_params())
+        # Handle optional response groups argument
+        if response_groups:
+            self.build_list_params(params, response_groups, 'ResponseGroup')
+        # Submit
+        return self._process_request('CreateHIT', params, [('HIT', HIT)])
+    def change_hit_type_of_hit(self, hit_id, hit_type):
+        """
+        Change the HIT type of an existing HIT. Note that the reward associated
+        with the new HIT type must match the reward of the current HIT type in
+        order for the operation to be valid.
+        :type hit_id: str
+        :type hit_type: str
+        """
+        params = {'HITId': hit_id,
+                  'HITTypeId': hit_type}
+        return self._process_request('ChangeHITTypeOfHIT', params)
+    def get_reviewable_hits(self, hit_type=None, status='Reviewable',
+                            sort_by='Expiration', sort_direction='Ascending',
+                            page_size=10, page_number=1):
+        """
+        Retrieve the HITs that have a status of Reviewable, or HITs that
+        have a status of Reviewing, and that belong to the Requester
+        calling the operation.
+        """
+        params = {'Status': status,
+                  'SortProperty': sort_by,
+                  'SortDirection': sort_direction,
+                  'PageSize': page_size,
+                  'PageNumber': page_number}
+        # Handle optional hit_type argument
+        if hit_type is not None:
+            params.update({'HITTypeId': hit_type})
+        return self._process_request('GetReviewableHITs', params,
+                                     [('HIT', HIT)])
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_pages(page_size, total_records):
+        """
+        Given a page size (records per page) and a total number of
+        records, return the page numbers to be retrieved.
+        """
+        pages = total_records / page_size + bool(total_records % page_size)
+        return list(range(1, pages + 1))
+    def get_all_hits(self):
+        """
+        Return all of a Requester's HITs
+        Despite what search_hits says, it does not return all hits, but
+        instead returns a page of hits. This method will pull the hits
+        from the server 100 at a time, but will yield the results
+        iteratively, so subsequent requests are made on demand.
+        """
+        page_size = 100
+        search_rs = self.search_hits(page_size=page_size)
+        total_records = int(search_rs.TotalNumResults)
+        get_page_hits = lambda page: self.search_hits(page_size=page_size, page_number=page)
+        page_nums = self._get_pages(page_size, total_records)
+        hit_sets = itertools.imap(get_page_hits, page_nums)
+        return itertools.chain.from_iterable(hit_sets)
+    def search_hits(self, sort_by='CreationTime', sort_direction='Ascending',
+                    page_size=10, page_number=1, response_groups=None):
+        """
+        Return a page of a Requester's HITs, on behalf of the Requester.
+        The operation returns HITs of any status, except for HITs that
+        have been disposed with the DisposeHIT operation.
+        Note:
+        The SearchHITs operation does not accept any search parameters
+        that filter the results.
+        """
+        params = {'SortProperty': sort_by,
+                  'SortDirection': sort_direction,
+                  'PageSize': page_size,
+                  'PageNumber': page_number}
+        # Handle optional response groups argument
+        if response_groups:
+            self.build_list_params(params, response_groups, 'ResponseGroup')
+        return self._process_request('SearchHITs', params, [('HIT', HIT)])
+    def get_assignment(self, assignment_id, response_groups=None):
+        """
+        Retrieves an assignment using the assignment's ID. Requesters can only
+        retrieve their own assignments, and only assignments whose related HIT
+        has not been disposed.
+        The returned ResultSet will have the following attributes:
+        Request
+                This element is present only if the Request ResponseGroup
+                is specified.
+        Assignment
+                The assignment. The response includes one Assignment object.
+        HIT
+                The HIT associated with this assignment. The response
+                includes one HIT object.
+        """
+        params = {'AssignmentId': assignment_id}
+        # Handle optional response groups argument
+        if response_groups:
+            self.build_list_params(params, response_groups, 'ResponseGroup')
+        return self._process_request('GetAssignment', params,
+                                     [('Assignment', Assignment),
+                                      ('HIT', HIT)])
+    def get_assignments(self, hit_id, status=None,
+                            sort_by='SubmitTime', sort_direction='Ascending',
+                            page_size=10, page_number=1, response_groups=None):
+        """
+        Retrieves completed assignments for a HIT.
+        Use this operation to retrieve the results for a HIT.
+        The returned ResultSet will have the following attributes:
+        NumResults
+                The number of assignments on the page in the filtered results
+                list, equivalent to the number of assignments being returned
+                by this call.
+                A non-negative integer, as a string.
+        PageNumber
+                The number of the page in the filtered results list being
+                returned.
+                A positive integer, as a string.
+        TotalNumResults
+                The total number of HITs in the filtered results list based
+                on this call.
+                A non-negative integer, as a string.
+        The ResultSet will contain zero or more Assignment objects
+        """
+        params = {'HITId': hit_id,
+                  'SortProperty': sort_by,
+                  'SortDirection': sort_direction,
+                  'PageSize': page_size,
+                  'PageNumber': page_number}
+        if status is not None:
+            params['AssignmentStatus'] = status
+        # Handle optional response groups argument
+        if response_groups:
+            self.build_list_params(params, response_groups, 'ResponseGroup')
+        return self._process_request('GetAssignmentsForHIT', params,
+                                     [('Assignment', Assignment)])
+    def approve_assignment(self, assignment_id, feedback=None):
+        """
+        """
+        params = {'AssignmentId': assignment_id}
+        if feedback:
+            params['RequesterFeedback'] = feedback
+        return self._process_request('ApproveAssignment', params)
+    def reject_assignment(self, assignment_id, feedback=None):
+        """
+        """
+        params = {'AssignmentId': assignment_id}
+        if feedback:
+            params['RequesterFeedback'] = feedback
+        return self._process_request('RejectAssignment', params)
+    def approve_rejected_assignment(self, assignment_id, feedback=None):
+        """
+        """
+        params = {'AssignmentId': assignment_id}
+        if feedback:
+            params['RequesterFeedback'] = feedback
+        return self._process_request('ApproveRejectedAssignment', params)
+    def get_file_upload_url(self, assignment_id, question_identifier):
+        """
+        Generates and returns a temporary URL to an uploaded file. The
+        temporary URL is used to retrieve the file as an answer to a
+        FileUploadAnswer question, it is valid for 60 seconds.
+        Will have a FileUploadURL attribute as per the API Reference.
+        """
+        params = {'AssignmentId': assignment_id,
+                  'QuestionIdentifier': question_identifier}
+        return self._process_request('GetFileUploadURL', params,
+                                     [('FileUploadURL', FileUploadURL)])
+    def get_hit(self, hit_id, response_groups=None):
+        """
+        """
+        params = {'HITId': hit_id}
+        # Handle optional response groups argument
+        if response_groups:
+            self.build_list_params(params, response_groups, 'ResponseGroup')
+        return self._process_request('GetHIT', params, [('HIT', HIT)])
+    def set_reviewing(self, hit_id, revert=None):
+        """
+        Update a HIT with a status of Reviewable to have a status of Reviewing,
+        or reverts a Reviewing HIT back to the Reviewable status.
+        Only HITs with a status of Reviewable can be updated with a status of
+        Reviewing.  Similarly, only Reviewing HITs can be reverted back to a
+        status of Reviewable.
+        """
+        params = {'HITId': hit_id}
+        if revert:
+            params['Revert'] = revert
+        return self._process_request('SetHITAsReviewing', params)
+    def disable_hit(self, hit_id, response_groups=None):
+        """
+        Remove a HIT from the Mechanical Turk marketplace, approves all
+        submitted assignments that have not already been approved or rejected,
+        and disposes of the HIT and all assignment data.
+        Assignments for the HIT that have already been submitted, but not yet
+        approved or rejected, will be automatically approved. Assignments in
+        progress at the time of the call to DisableHIT will be approved once
+        the assignments are submitted. You will be charged for approval of
+        these assignments.  DisableHIT completely disposes of the HIT and
+        all submitted assignment data. Assignment results data cannot be
+        retrieved for a HIT that has been disposed.
+        It is not possible to re-enable a HIT once it has been disabled.
+        To make the work from a disabled HIT available again, create a new HIT.
+        """
+        params = {'HITId': hit_id}
+        # Handle optional response groups argument
+        if response_groups:
+            self.build_list_params(params, response_groups, 'ResponseGroup')
+        return self._process_request('DisableHIT', params)
+    def dispose_hit(self, hit_id):
+        """
+        Dispose of a HIT that is no longer needed.
+        Only HITs in the "reviewable" state, with all submitted
+        assignments approved or rejected, can be disposed. A Requester
+        can call GetReviewableHITs to determine which HITs are
+        reviewable, then call GetAssignmentsForHIT to retrieve the
+        assignments.  Disposing of a HIT removes the HIT from the
+        results of a call to GetReviewableHITs.  """
+        params = {'HITId': hit_id}
+        return self._process_request('DisposeHIT', params)
+    def expire_hit(self, hit_id):
+        """
+        Expire a HIT that is no longer needed.
+        The effect is identical to the HIT expiring on its own. The
+        HIT no longer appears on the Mechanical Turk web site, and no
+        new Workers are allowed to accept the HIT. Workers who have
+        accepted the HIT prior to expiration are allowed to complete
+        it or return it, or allow the assignment duration to elapse
+        (abandon the HIT). Once all remaining assignments have been
+        submitted, the expired HIT becomes"reviewable", and will be
+        returned by a call to GetReviewableHITs.
+        """
+        params = {'HITId': hit_id}
+        return self._process_request('ForceExpireHIT', params)
+    def extend_hit(self, hit_id, assignments_increment=None,
+                   expiration_increment=None):
+        """
+        Increase the maximum number of assignments, or extend the
+        expiration date, of an existing HIT.
+        NOTE: If a HIT has a status of Reviewable and the HIT is
+        extended to make it Available, the HIT will not be returned by
+        GetReviewableHITs, and its submitted assignments will not be
+        returned by GetAssignmentsForHIT, until the HIT is Reviewable
+        again.  Assignment auto-approval will still happen on its
+        original schedule, even if the HIT has been extended. Be sure
+        to retrieve and approve (or reject) submitted assignments
+        before extending the HIT, if so desired.
+        """
+        # must provide assignment *or* expiration increment
+        if (assignments_increment is None and expiration_increment is None) or \
+           (assignments_increment is not None and expiration_increment is not None):
+            raise ValueError("Must specify either assignments_increment or expiration_increment, but not both")
+        params = {'HITId': hit_id}
+        if assignments_increment:
+            params['MaxAssignmentsIncrement'] = assignments_increment
+        if expiration_increment:
+            params['ExpirationIncrementInSeconds'] = expiration_increment
+        return self._process_request('ExtendHIT', params)
+    def get_help(self, about, help_type='Operation'):
+        """
+        Return information about the Mechanical Turk Service
+        operations and response group NOTE - this is basically useless
+        as it just returns the URL of the documentation
+        help_type: either 'Operation' or 'ResponseGroup'
+        """
+        params = {'About': about, 'HelpType': help_type}
+        return self._process_request('Help', params)
+    def grant_bonus(self, worker_id, assignment_id, bonus_price, reason):
+        """
+        Issues a payment of money from your account to a Worker.  To
+        be eligible for a bonus, the Worker must have submitted
+        results for one of your HITs, and have had those results
+        approved or rejected. This payment happens separately from the
+        reward you pay to the Worker when you approve the Worker's
+        assignment.  The Bonus must be passed in as an instance of the
+        Price object.
+        """
+        params = bonus_price.get_as_params('BonusAmount', 1)
+        params['WorkerId'] = worker_id
+        params['AssignmentId'] = assignment_id
+        params['Reason'] = reason
+        return self._process_request('GrantBonus', params)
+    def block_worker(self, worker_id, reason):
+        """
+        Block a worker from working on my tasks.
+        """
+        params = {'WorkerId': worker_id, 'Reason': reason}
+        return self._process_request('BlockWorker', params)
+    def unblock_worker(self, worker_id, reason):
+        """
+        Unblock a worker from working on my tasks.
+        """
+        params = {'WorkerId': worker_id, 'Reason': reason}
+        return self._process_request('UnblockWorker', params)
+    def notify_workers(self, worker_ids, subject, message_text):
+        """
+        Send a text message to workers.
+        """
+        params = {'Subject': subject,
+                  'MessageText': message_text}
+        self.build_list_params(params, worker_ids, 'WorkerId')
+        return self._process_request('NotifyWorkers', params)
+    def create_qualification_type(self,
+                                  name,
+                                  description,
+                                  status,
+                                  keywords=None,
+                                  retry_delay=None,
+                                  test=None,
+                                  answer_key=None,
+                                  answer_key_xml=None,
+                                  test_duration=None,
+                                  auto_granted=False,
+                                  auto_granted_value=1):
+        """
+        Create a new Qualification Type.
+        name: This will be visible to workers and must be unique for a
+           given requester.
+        description: description shown to workers.  Max 2000 characters.
+        status: 'Active' or 'Inactive'
+        keywords: list of keyword strings or comma separated string.
+           Max length of 1000 characters when concatenated with commas.
+        retry_delay: number of seconds after requesting a
+           qualification the worker must wait before they can ask again.
+           If not specified, workers can only request this qualification
+           once.
+        test: a QuestionForm
+        answer_key: an XML string of your answer key, for automatically
+           scored qualification tests.
+           (Consider implementing an AnswerKey class for this to support.)
+        test_duration: the number of seconds a worker has to complete the test.
+        auto_granted: if True, requests for the Qualification are granted
+           immediately.  Can't coexist with a test.
+        auto_granted_value: auto_granted qualifications are given this value.
+        """
+        params = {'Name': name,
+                  'Description': description,
+                  'QualificationTypeStatus': status,
+                  }
+        if retry_delay is not None:
+            params['RetryDelayInSeconds'] = retry_delay
+        if test is not None:
+            assert(isinstance(test, QuestionForm))
+            assert(test_duration is not None)
+            params['Test'] = test.get_as_xml()
+        if test_duration is not None:
+            params['TestDurationInSeconds'] = test_duration
+        if answer_key is not None:
+            if isinstance(answer_key, basestring):
+                params['AnswerKey'] = answer_key  # xml
+            else:
+                raise TypeError
+                # Eventually someone will write an AnswerKey class.
+        if auto_granted:
+            assert(test is None)
+            params['AutoGranted'] = True
+            params['AutoGrantedValue'] = auto_granted_value
+        if keywords:
+            params['Keywords'] = self.get_keywords_as_string(keywords)
+        return self._process_request('CreateQualificationType', params,
+                                     [('QualificationType',
+                                       QualificationType)])
+    def get_qualification_type(self, qualification_type_id):
+        params = {'QualificationTypeId': qualification_type_id }
+        return self._process_request('GetQualificationType', params,
+                                     [('QualificationType', QualificationType)])
+    def get_all_qualifications_for_qual_type(self, qualification_type_id):
+        page_size = 100
+        search_qual = self.get_qualifications_for_qualification_type(qualification_type_id)
+        total_records = int(search_qual.TotalNumResults)
+        get_page_quals = lambda page: self.get_qualifications_for_qualification_type(qualification_type_id = qualification_type_id, page_size=page_size, page_number = page)
+        page_nums = self._get_pages(page_size, total_records)
+        qual_sets = itertools.imap(get_page_quals, page_nums)
+        return itertools.chain.from_iterable(qual_sets)
+    def get_qualifications_for_qualification_type(self, qualification_type_id, page_size=100, page_number = 1):
+        params = {'QualificationTypeId': qualification_type_id,
+                  'PageSize': page_size,
+                  'PageNumber': page_number}
+        return self._process_request('GetQualificationsForQualificationType', params,
+                                     [('Qualification', Qualification)])
+    def update_qualification_type(self, qualification_type_id,
+                                  description=None,
+                                  status=None,
+                                  retry_delay=None,
+                                  test=None,
+                                  answer_key=None,
+                                  test_duration=None,
+                                  auto_granted=None,
+                                  auto_granted_value=None):
+        params = {'QualificationTypeId': qualification_type_id}
+        if description is not None:
+            params['Description'] = description
+        if status is not None:
+            params['QualificationTypeStatus'] = status
+        if retry_delay is not None:
+            params['RetryDelayInSeconds'] = retry_delay
+        if test is not None:
+            assert(isinstance(test, QuestionForm))
+            params['Test'] = test.get_as_xml()
+        if test_duration is not None:
+            params['TestDurationInSeconds'] = test_duration
+        if answer_key is not None:
+            if isinstance(answer_key, basestring):
+                params['AnswerKey'] = answer_key  # xml
+            else:
+                raise TypeError
+                # Eventually someone will write an AnswerKey class.
+        if auto_granted is not None:
+            params['AutoGranted'] = auto_granted
+        if auto_granted_value is not None:
+            params['AutoGrantedValue'] = auto_granted_value
+        return self._process_request('UpdateQualificationType', params,
+                                     [('QualificationType', QualificationType)])
+    def dispose_qualification_type(self, qualification_type_id):
+        """TODO: Document."""
+        params = {'QualificationTypeId': qualification_type_id}
+        return self._process_request('DisposeQualificationType', params)
+    def search_qualification_types(self, query=None, sort_by='Name',
+                                   sort_direction='Ascending', page_size=10,
+                                   page_number=1, must_be_requestable=True,
+                                   must_be_owned_by_caller=True):
+        """TODO: Document."""
+        params = {'Query': query,
+                  'SortProperty': sort_by,
+                  'SortDirection': sort_direction,
+                  'PageSize': page_size,
+                  'PageNumber': page_number,
+                  'MustBeRequestable': must_be_requestable,
+                  'MustBeOwnedByCaller': must_be_owned_by_caller}
+        return self._process_request('SearchQualificationTypes', params,
+                    [('QualificationType', QualificationType)])
+    def get_qualification_requests(self, qualification_type_id,
+                                   sort_by='Expiration',
+                                   sort_direction='Ascending', page_size=10,
+                                   page_number=1):
+        """TODO: Document."""
+        params = {'QualificationTypeId': qualification_type_id,
+                  'SortProperty': sort_by,
+                  'SortDirection': sort_direction,
+                  'PageSize': page_size,
+                  'PageNumber': page_number}
+        return self._process_request('GetQualificationRequests', params,
+                    [('QualificationRequest', QualificationRequest)])
+    def grant_qualification(self, qualification_request_id, integer_value=1):
+        """TODO: Document."""
+        params = {'QualificationRequestId': qualification_request_id,
+                  'IntegerValue': integer_value}
+        return self._process_request('GrantQualification', params)
+    def revoke_qualification(self, subject_id, qualification_type_id,
+                             reason=None):
+        """TODO: Document."""
+        params = {'SubjectId': subject_id,
+                  'QualificationTypeId': qualification_type_id,
+                  'Reason': reason}
+        return self._process_request('RevokeQualification', params)
+    def assign_qualification(self, qualification_type_id, worker_id,
+                             value=1, send_notification=True):
+        params = {'QualificationTypeId': qualification_type_id,
+                  'WorkerId' : worker_id,
+                  'IntegerValue' : value,
+                  'SendNotification' : send_notification}
+        return self._process_request('AssignQualification', params)
+    def get_qualification_score(self, qualification_type_id, worker_id):
+        """TODO: Document."""
+        params = {'QualificationTypeId' : qualification_type_id,
+                  'SubjectId' : worker_id}
+        return self._process_request('GetQualificationScore', params,
+                    [('Qualification', Qualification)])
+    def update_qualification_score(self, qualification_type_id, worker_id,
+                                   value):
+        """TODO: Document."""
+        params = {'QualificationTypeId' : qualification_type_id,
+                  'SubjectId' : worker_id,
+                  'IntegerValue' : value}
+        return self._process_request('UpdateQualificationScore', params)
+    def _process_request(self, request_type, params, marker_elems=None):
+        """
+        Helper to process the xml response from AWS
+        """
+        params['Operation'] = request_type
+        response = self.make_request(None, params, verb='POST')
+        return self._process_response(response, marker_elems)
+    def _process_response(self, response, marker_elems=None):
+        """
+        Helper to process the xml response from AWS
+        """
+        body = response.read()
+        if self.debug == 2:
+            print(body)
+        if '<Errors>' not in body.decode('utf-8'):
+            rs = ResultSet(marker_elems)
+            h = handler.XmlHandler(rs, self)
+            xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
+            return rs
+        else:
+            raise MTurkRequestError(response.status, response.reason, body)
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_keywords_as_string(keywords):
+        """
+        Returns a comma+space-separated string of keywords from either
+        a list or a string
+        """
+        if isinstance(keywords, list):
+            keywords = ', '.join(keywords)
+        if isinstance(keywords, str):
+            final_keywords = keywords
+        elif isinstance(keywords, unicode):
+            final_keywords = keywords.encode('utf-8')
+        elif keywords is None:
+            final_keywords = ""
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("keywords argument must be a string or a list of strings; got a %s" % type(keywords))
+        return final_keywords
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_price_as_price(reward):
+        """
+        Returns a Price data structure from either a float or a Price
+        """
+        if isinstance(reward, Price):
+            final_price = reward
+        else:
+            final_price = Price(reward)
+        return final_price
+    @staticmethod
+    def duration_as_seconds(duration):
+        if isinstance(duration, datetime.timedelta):
+            duration = duration.days * 86400 + duration.seconds
+        try:
+            duration = int(duration)
+        except TypeError:
+            raise TypeError("Duration must be a timedelta or int-castable, got %s" % type(duration))
+        return duration
+class BaseAutoResultElement(object):
+    """
+    Base class to automatically add attributes when parsing XML
+    """
+    def __init__(self, connection):
+        pass
+    def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
+        return None
+    def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
+        setattr(self, name, value)
+class HIT(BaseAutoResultElement):
+    """
+    Class to extract a HIT structure from a response (used in ResultSet)
+    Will have attributes named as per the Developer Guide,
+    e.g. HITId, HITTypeId, CreationTime
+    """
+    # property helper to determine if HIT has expired
+    def _has_expired(self):
+        """ Has this HIT expired yet? """
+        expired = False
+        if hasattr(self, 'Expiration'):
+            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+            expiration = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.Expiration, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+            expired = (now >= expiration)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("ERROR: Request for expired property, but no Expiration in HIT!")
+        return expired
+    # are we there yet?
+    expired = property(_has_expired)
+class FileUploadURL(BaseAutoResultElement):
+    """
+    Class to extract an FileUploadURL structure from a response
+    """
+    pass
+class HITTypeId(BaseAutoResultElement):
+    """
+    Class to extract an HITTypeId structure from a response
+    """
+    pass
+class Qualification(BaseAutoResultElement):
+    """
+    Class to extract an Qualification structure from a response (used in
+    ResultSet)
+    Will have attributes named as per the Developer Guide such as
+    QualificationTypeId, IntegerValue. Does not seem to contain GrantTime.
+    """
+    pass
+class QualificationType(BaseAutoResultElement):
+    """
+    Class to extract an QualificationType structure from a response (used in
+    ResultSet)
+    Will have attributes named as per the Developer Guide,
+    e.g. QualificationTypeId, CreationTime, Name, etc
+    """
+    pass
+class QualificationRequest(BaseAutoResultElement):
+    """
+    Class to extract an QualificationRequest structure from a response (used in
+    ResultSet)
+    Will have attributes named as per the Developer Guide,
+    e.g. QualificationRequestId, QualificationTypeId, SubjectId, etc
+    """
+    def __init__(self, connection):
+        super(QualificationRequest, self).__init__(connection)
+        self.answers = []
+    def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
+        # the answer consists of embedded XML, so it needs to be parsed independantly
+        if name == 'Answer':
+            answer_rs = ResultSet([('Answer', QuestionFormAnswer)])
+            h = handler.XmlHandler(answer_rs, connection)
+            value = connection.get_utf8_value(value)
+            xml.sax.parseString(value, h)
+            self.answers.append(answer_rs)
+        else:
+            super(QualificationRequest, self).endElement(name, value, connection)
+class Assignment(BaseAutoResultElement):
+    """
+    Class to extract an Assignment structure from a response (used in
+    ResultSet)
+    Will have attributes named as per the Developer Guide,
+    e.g. AssignmentId, WorkerId, HITId, Answer, etc
+    """
+    def __init__(self, connection):
+        super(Assignment, self).__init__(connection)
+        self.answers = []
+    def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
+        # the answer consists of embedded XML, so it needs to be parsed independantly
+        if name == 'Answer':
+            answer_rs = ResultSet([('Answer', QuestionFormAnswer)])
+            h = handler.XmlHandler(answer_rs, connection)
+            value = connection.get_utf8_value(value)
+            xml.sax.parseString(value, h)
+            self.answers.append(answer_rs)
+        else:
+            super(Assignment, self).endElement(name, value, connection)
+class QuestionFormAnswer(BaseAutoResultElement):
+    """
+    Class to extract Answers from inside the embedded XML
+    QuestionFormAnswers element inside the Answer element which is
+    part of the Assignment and QualificationRequest structures
+    A QuestionFormAnswers element contains an Answer element for each
+    question in the HIT or Qualification test for which the Worker
+    provided an answer. Each Answer contains a QuestionIdentifier
+    element whose value corresponds to the QuestionIdentifier of a
+    Question in the QuestionForm. See the QuestionForm data structure
+    for more information about questions and answer specifications.
+    If the question expects a free-text answer, the Answer element
+    contains a FreeText element. This element contains the Worker's
+    answer
+    *NOTE* - currently really only supports free-text and selection answers
+    """
+    def __init__(self, connection):
+        super(QuestionFormAnswer, self).__init__(connection)
+        self.fields = []
+        self.qid = None
+    def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
+        if name == 'QuestionIdentifier':
+            self.qid = value
+        elif name in ['FreeText', 'SelectionIdentifier', 'OtherSelectionText'] and self.qid:
+            self.fields.append(value)