diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cwltool/expression.py @ 2:6af9afd405e9 draft

"planemo upload commit 0a63dd5f4d38a1f6944587f52a8cd79874177fc1"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 14:56:58 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cwltool/expression.py	Thu May 14 14:56:58 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+"""Parse CWL expressions."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import copy
+import re
+from typing import (Any, Dict, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional,
+                    Union)
+import six
+from six import string_types, u
+from future.utils import raise_from
+from typing_extensions import Text  # pylint: disable=unused-import
+# move to a regular typing import when Python 3.3-3.6 is no longer supported
+from .sandboxjs import default_timeout, execjs, JavascriptException
+from .errors import WorkflowException
+from .utils import bytes2str_in_dicts, docker_windows_path_adjust, json_dumps
+def jshead(engine_config, rootvars):
+    # type: (List[Text], Dict[Text, Any]) -> Text
+    # make sure all the byte strings are converted
+    # to str in `rootvars` dict.
+    return u"\n".join(
+        engine_config + [u"var {} = {};".format(k, json_dumps(v, indent=4))
+                         for k, v in rootvars.items()])
+# decode all raw strings to unicode
+seg_symbol = r"""\w+"""
+seg_single = r"""\['([^']|\\')+'\]"""
+seg_double = r"""\["([^"]|\\")+"\]"""
+seg_index = r"""\[[0-9]+\]"""
+segments = r"(\.%s|%s|%s|%s)" % (seg_symbol, seg_single, seg_double, seg_index)
+segment_re = re.compile(u(segments), flags=re.UNICODE)
+param_str = r"\((%s)%s*\)$" % (seg_symbol, segments)
+param_re = re.compile(u(param_str), flags=re.UNICODE)
+JSON = Union[Dict[Any, Any], List[Any], Text, int, float, bool, None]
+class SubstitutionError(Exception):
+    pass
+def scanner(scan):  # type: (Text) -> List[int]
+    DEFAULT = 0
+    DOLLAR = 1
+    PAREN = 2
+    BRACE = 3
+    BACKSLASH = 6
+    i = 0
+    stack = [DEFAULT]
+    start = 0
+    while i < len(scan):
+        state = stack[-1]
+        c = scan[i]
+        if state == DEFAULT:
+            if c == '$':
+                stack.append(DOLLAR)
+            elif c == '\\':
+                stack.append(BACKSLASH)
+        elif state == BACKSLASH:
+            stack.pop()
+            if stack[-1] == DEFAULT:
+                return [i - 1, i + 1]
+        elif state == DOLLAR:
+            if c == '(':
+                start = i - 1
+                stack.append(PAREN)
+            elif c == '{':
+                start = i - 1
+                stack.append(BRACE)
+            else:
+                stack.pop()
+        elif state == PAREN:
+            if c == '(':
+                stack.append(PAREN)
+            elif c == ')':
+                stack.pop()
+                if stack[-1] == DOLLAR:
+                    return [start, i + 1]
+            elif c == "'":
+                stack.append(SINGLE_QUOTE)
+            elif c == '"':
+                stack.append(DOUBLE_QUOTE)
+        elif state == BRACE:
+            if c == '{':
+                stack.append(BRACE)
+            elif c == '}':
+                stack.pop()
+                if stack[-1] == DOLLAR:
+                    return [start, i + 1]
+            elif c == "'":
+                stack.append(SINGLE_QUOTE)
+            elif c == '"':
+                stack.append(DOUBLE_QUOTE)
+        elif state == SINGLE_QUOTE:
+            if c == "'":
+                stack.pop()
+            elif c == '\\':
+                stack.append(BACKSLASH)
+        elif state == DOUBLE_QUOTE:
+            if c == '"':
+                stack.pop()
+            elif c == '\\':
+                stack.append(BACKSLASH)
+        i += 1
+    if len(stack) > 1:
+        raise SubstitutionError(
+            "Substitution error, unfinished block starting at position {}: {}".format(start, scan[start:]))
+    else:
+        return []
+def next_seg(parsed_string, remaining_string, current_value):  # type: (Text, Text, JSON) -> JSON
+    if remaining_string:
+        m = segment_re.match(remaining_string)
+        if not m:
+            return current_value
+        next_segment_str = m.group(0)
+        key = None  # type: Optional[Union[Text, int]]
+        if next_segment_str[0] == '.':
+            key = next_segment_str[1:]
+        elif next_segment_str[1] in ("'", '"'):
+            key = next_segment_str[2:-2].replace("\\'", "'").replace('\\"', '"')
+        if key is not None:
+            if isinstance(current_value, MutableSequence) and key == "length" and not remaining_string[m.end(0):]:
+                return len(current_value)
+            if not isinstance(current_value, MutableMapping):
+                raise WorkflowException("%s is a %s, cannot index on string '%s'" % (parsed_string, type(current_value).__name__, key))
+            if key not in current_value:
+                raise WorkflowException("%s does not contain key '%s'" % (parsed_string, key))
+        else:
+            try:
+                key = int(next_segment_str[1:-1])
+            except ValueError as v:
+                raise_from(WorkflowException(u(str(v))), v)
+            if not isinstance(current_value, MutableSequence):
+                raise WorkflowException("%s is a %s, cannot index on int '%s'" % (parsed_string, type(current_value).__name__, key))
+            if key >= len(current_value):
+                raise WorkflowException("%s list index %i out of range" % (parsed_string, key))
+        if isinstance(current_value, Mapping):
+            try:
+                return next_seg(parsed_string + remaining_string, remaining_string[m.end(0):], current_value[key])
+            except KeyError:
+                raise WorkflowException("%s doesn't have property %s" % (parsed_string, key))
+        elif isinstance(current_value, list) and isinstance(key, int):
+            try:
+                return next_seg(parsed_string + remaining_string, remaining_string[m.end(0):], current_value[key])
+            except KeyError:
+                raise WorkflowException("%s doesn't have property %s" % (parsed_string, key))
+        else:
+            raise WorkflowException("%s doesn't have property %s" % (parsed_string, key))
+    else:
+        return current_value
+def evaluator(ex,                       # type: Text
+              jslib,                    # type: Text
+              obj,                      # type: Dict[Text, Any]
+              timeout,                  # type: float
+              fullJS=False,             # type: bool
+              force_docker_pull=False,  # type: bool
+              debug=False,              # type: bool
+              js_console=False          # type: bool
+             ):
+    # type: (...) -> JSON
+    match = param_re.match(ex)
+    expression_parse_exception = None
+    expression_parse_succeeded = False
+    if match is not None:
+        first_symbol = match.group(1)
+        first_symbol_end = match.end(1)
+        if first_symbol_end + 1 == len(ex) and first_symbol == "null":
+            return None
+        try:
+            if obj.get(first_symbol) is None:
+                raise WorkflowException("%s is not defined" % first_symbol)
+            return next_seg(first_symbol, ex[first_symbol_end:-1], obj[first_symbol])
+        except WorkflowException as werr:
+            expression_parse_exception = werr
+        else:
+            expression_parse_succeeded = True
+    if fullJS and not expression_parse_succeeded:
+        return execjs(
+            ex, jslib, timeout, force_docker_pull=force_docker_pull,
+            debug=debug, js_console=js_console)
+    else:
+        if expression_parse_exception is not None:
+            raise JavascriptException(
+                "Syntax error in parameter reference '%s': %s. This could be "
+                "due to using Javascript code without specifying "
+                "InlineJavascriptRequirement." % \
+                    (ex[1:-1], expression_parse_exception))
+        else:
+            raise JavascriptException(
+                "Syntax error in parameter reference '%s'. This could be due "
+                "to using Javascript code without specifying "
+                "InlineJavascriptRequirement." % ex)
+def interpolate(scan,                     # type: Text
+                rootvars,                 # type: Dict[Text, Any]
+                timeout=default_timeout,  # type: float
+                fullJS=False,             # type: bool
+                jslib="",                 # type: Text
+                force_docker_pull=False,  # type: bool
+                debug=False,              # type: bool
+                js_console=False,         # type: bool
+                strip_whitespace=True     # type: bool
+               ):  # type: (...) -> JSON
+    if strip_whitespace:
+        scan = scan.strip()
+    parts = []
+    w = scanner(scan)
+    while w:
+        parts.append(scan[0:w[0]])
+        if scan[w[0]] == '$':
+            e = evaluator(scan[w[0] + 1:w[1]], jslib, rootvars, timeout,
+                          fullJS=fullJS, force_docker_pull=force_docker_pull,
+                          debug=debug, js_console=js_console)
+            if w[0] == 0 and w[1] == len(scan) and len(parts) <= 1:
+                return e
+            leaf = json_dumps(e, sort_keys=True)
+            if leaf[0] == '"':
+                leaf = leaf[1:-1]
+            parts.append(leaf)
+        elif scan[w[0]] == '\\':
+            e = scan[w[1] - 1]
+            parts.append(e)
+        scan = scan[w[1]:]
+        w = scanner(scan)
+    parts.append(scan)
+    return ''.join(parts)
+def needs_parsing(snippet):  # type: (Any) -> bool
+    return isinstance(snippet, string_types) \
+        and ("$(" in snippet or "${" in snippet)
+def do_eval(ex,                       # type: Union[Text, Dict[Text, Text]]
+            jobinput,                 # type: Dict[Text, JSON]
+            requirements,             # type: List[Dict[Text, Any]]
+            outdir,                   # type: Optional[Text]
+            tmpdir,                   # type: Optional[Text]
+            resources,                # type: Dict[str, int]
+            context=None,             # type: Any
+            timeout=default_timeout,  # type: float
+            force_docker_pull=False,  # type: bool
+            debug=False,              # type: bool
+            js_console=False,         # type: bool
+            strip_whitespace=True     # type: bool
+           ):  # type: (...) -> Any
+    runtime = copy.deepcopy(resources)  # type: Dict[str, Any]
+    runtime["tmpdir"] = docker_windows_path_adjust(tmpdir) if tmpdir else None
+    runtime["outdir"] = docker_windows_path_adjust(outdir) if outdir else None
+    rootvars = {
+        u"inputs": jobinput,
+        u"self": context,
+        u"runtime": runtime}
+    # TODO: need to make sure the `rootvars dict`
+    # contains no bytes type in the first place.
+    if six.PY3:
+        rootvars = bytes2str_in_dicts(rootvars)  # type: ignore
+    if isinstance(ex, string_types) and needs_parsing(ex):
+        fullJS = False
+        jslib = u""
+        for r in reversed(requirements):
+            if r["class"] == "InlineJavascriptRequirement":
+                fullJS = True
+                jslib = jshead(r.get("expressionLib", []), rootvars)
+                break
+        try:
+            return interpolate(ex,
+                               rootvars,
+                               timeout=timeout,
+                               fullJS=fullJS,
+                               jslib=jslib,
+                               force_docker_pull=force_docker_pull,
+                               debug=debug,
+                               js_console=js_console,
+                               strip_whitespace=strip_whitespace)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise_from(WorkflowException("Expression evaluation error:\n%s" % Text(e)), e)
+    else:
+        return ex