diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gxformat2/converter.py @ 2:6af9afd405e9 draft

"planemo upload commit 0a63dd5f4d38a1f6944587f52a8cd79874177fc1"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 14:56:58 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gxformat2/converter.py	Thu May 14 14:56:58 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+"""Functionality for converting a Format 2 workflow into a standard Galaxy workflow."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import copy
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import uuid
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from ._labels import Labels
+from ._yaml import ordered_load
+# source: step#output and $link: step#output instead of outputSource: step/output and $link: step/output
+    "subworkflow",
+    "data_input",
+    "data_collection_input",
+    "tool",
+    "pause",
+    "parameter_input",
+    'input': 'data_input',
+    'input_collection': 'data_collection_input',
+    'parameter': 'parameter_input',
+    'GalaxyWorkflow': 'run_workflow_to_step',
+    'GalaxyTool': 'run_tool_to_step',
+    'hide': {
+        'action_class': "HideDatasetAction",
+        'default': False,
+        'arguments': lambda x: x,
+    },
+    'rename': {
+        'action_class': 'RenameDatasetAction',
+        'default': {},
+        'arguments': lambda x: {'newname': x},
+    },
+    'delete_intermediate_datasets': {
+        'action_class': 'DeleteIntermediatesAction',
+        'default': False,
+        'arguments': lambda x: x,
+    },
+    'change_datatype': {
+        'action_class': 'ChangeDatatypeAction',
+        'default': {},
+        'arguments': lambda x: {'newtype': x},
+    },
+    'set_columns': {
+        'action_class': 'ColumnSetAction',
+        'default': {},
+        'arguments': lambda x: x,
+    },
+    'add_tags': {
+        'action_class': 'TagDatasetAction',
+        'default': [],
+        'arguments': lambda x: {'tags': ",".join(x)},
+    },
+    'remove_tags': {
+        'action_class': 'RemoveTagDatasetAction',
+        'default': [],
+        'arguments': lambda x: {'tags': ",".join(x)},
+    },
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def rename_arg(argument):
+    return argument
+def clean_connection(value):
+    if value and "#" in value and SUPPORT_LEGACY_CONNECTIONS:
+        # Hope these are just used by Galaxy testing workflows and such, and not in production workflows.
+        log.warn("Legacy workflow syntax for connections [%s] will not be supported in the future" % value)
+        value = value.replace("#", "/", 1)
+    else:
+        return value
+class ImportOptions(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.deduplicate_subworkflows = False
+def yaml_to_workflow(has_yaml, galaxy_interface, workflow_directory, import_options=None):
+    """Convert a Format 2 workflow into standard Galaxy format from supplied stream."""
+    as_python = ordered_load(has_yaml)
+    return python_to_workflow(as_python, galaxy_interface, workflow_directory, import_options=import_options)
+def python_to_workflow(as_python, galaxy_interface, workflow_directory=None, import_options=None):
+    """Convert a Format 2 workflow into standard Galaxy format from supplied dictionary."""
+    if "yaml_content" in as_python:
+        as_python = ordered_load(as_python["yaml_content"])
+    if workflow_directory is None:
+        workflow_directory = os.path.abspath(".")
+    conversion_context = ConversionContext(
+        galaxy_interface,
+        workflow_directory,
+        import_options,
+    )
+    as_python = _preprocess_graphs(as_python, conversion_context)
+    subworkflows = None
+    if conversion_context.import_options.deduplicate_subworkflows:
+        # TODO: import only required workflows...
+        # TODO: dag sort these...
+        subworkflows = OrderedDict()
+        for graph_id, subworkflow_content in conversion_context.graph_ids.items():
+            if graph_id == "main":
+                continue
+            subworkflow_conversion_context = conversion_context.get_subworkflow_conversion_context_graph("#" + graph_id)
+            subworkflows[graph_id] = _python_to_workflow(copy.deepcopy(subworkflow_content), subworkflow_conversion_context)
+    converted = _python_to_workflow(as_python, conversion_context)
+    if subworkflows is not None:
+        converted["subworkflows"] = subworkflows
+    return converted
+# move to a utils file?
+def steps_as_list(format2_workflow, add_label=True):
+    """Return steps as a list, converting ID map to list representation if needed."""
+    steps = format2_workflow["steps"]
+    steps = _convert_dict_to_id_list_if_needed(steps, add_label=True)
+    return steps
+def ensure_step_position(step, order_index):
+    """Ensure step contains a position definition."""
+    if "position" not in step:
+        step["position"] = {
+            "left": 10 * order_index,
+            "top": 10 * order_index
+        }
+def _python_to_workflow(as_python, conversion_context):
+    if "class" not in as_python:
+        raise Exception("This is not a not a valid Galaxy workflow definition, must define a class.")
+    if as_python["class"] != "GalaxyWorkflow":
+        raise Exception("This is not a not a valid Galaxy workflow definition, 'class' must be 'GalaxyWorkflow'.")
+    # .ga files don't have this, drop it so it isn't interpreted as a format 2 workflow.
+    as_python.pop("class")
+    _ensure_defaults(as_python, {
+        "a_galaxy_workflow": "true",
+        "format-version": "0.1",
+        "name": "Workflow",
+        "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()),
+    })
+    _populate_annotation(as_python)
+    steps = steps_as_list(as_python)
+    convert_inputs_to_steps(as_python, steps)
+    if isinstance(steps, list):
+        steps_as_dict = OrderedDict()
+        for i, step in enumerate(steps):
+            steps_as_dict[str(i)] = step
+            if "id" not in step:
+                step["id"] = i
+            if "label" in step:
+                label = step["label"]
+                conversion_context.labels[label] = i
+            # TODO: this really should be optional in Galaxy API.
+            ensure_step_position(step, i)
+        as_python["steps"] = steps_as_dict
+        steps = steps_as_dict
+    for step in steps.values():
+        step_type = step.get("type", None)
+        if "run" in step:
+            if step_type is not None:
+                raise Exception("Steps specified as run actions cannot specify a type.")
+            run_action = step.get("run")
+            run_action = conversion_context.get_runnable_description(run_action)
+            if isinstance(run_action, dict):
+                run_class = run_action["class"]
+                run_to_step_function = eval(RUN_ACTIONS_TO_STEPS[run_class])
+                run_to_step_function(conversion_context, step, run_action)
+            else:
+                step["content_id"] = run_action
+                step["type"] = "subworkflow"
+            del step["run"]
+    for step in steps.values():
+        step_type = step.get("type", "tool")
+        step_type = STEP_TYPE_ALIASES.get(step_type, step_type)
+        if step_type not in STEP_TYPES:
+            raise Exception("Unknown step type encountered %s" % step_type)
+        step["type"] = step_type
+        eval("transform_%s" % step_type)(conversion_context, step)
+    outputs = as_python.get("outputs", [])
+    outputs = _convert_dict_to_id_list_if_needed(outputs)
+    for output in outputs:
+        assert isinstance(output, dict), "Output definition must be dictionary"
+        assert "source" in output or "outputSource" in output, "Output definition must specify source"
+        if "label" in output and "id" in output:
+            raise Exception("label and id are aliases for outputs, may only define one")
+        if "label" not in output and "id" not in output:
+            label = ""
+        raw_label = output.pop("label", None)
+        raw_id = output.pop("id", None)
+        label = raw_label or raw_id
+        if Labels.is_anonymous_output_label(label):
+            label = None
+        source = clean_connection(output.get("outputSource"))
+        if source is None and SUPPORT_LEGACY_CONNECTIONS:
+            source = output.get("source").replace("#", "/", 1)
+        id, output_name = conversion_context.step_output(source)
+        step = steps[str(id)]
+        workflow_output = {
+            "output_name": output_name,
+            "label": label,
+            "uuid": output.get("uuid", None)
+        }
+        if "workflow_outputs" not in step:
+            step["workflow_outputs"] = []
+        step["workflow_outputs"].append(workflow_output)
+    return as_python
+def _preprocess_graphs(as_python, conversion_context):
+    if not isinstance(as_python, dict):
+        raise Exception("This is not a not a valid Galaxy workflow definition.")
+    format_version = as_python.get("format-version", "v2.0")
+    assert format_version == "v2.0"
+    if "class" not in as_python and "$graph" in as_python:
+        for subworkflow in as_python["$graph"]:
+            if not isinstance(subworkflow, dict):
+                raise Exception("Malformed workflow content in $graph")
+            if "id" not in subworkflow:
+                raise Exception("No subworkflow ID found for entry in $graph.")
+            subworkflow_id = subworkflow["id"]
+            if subworkflow_id == "main":
+                as_python = subworkflow
+            conversion_context.register_runnable(subworkflow)
+    return as_python
+def convert_inputs_to_steps(workflow_dict, steps):
+    """Convert workflow inputs to a steps in array - like in native Galaxy."""
+    if "inputs" not in workflow_dict:
+        return
+    inputs = workflow_dict["inputs"]
+    new_steps = []
+    inputs = _convert_dict_to_id_list_if_needed(inputs)
+    for input_def_raw in inputs:
+        input_def = input_def_raw.copy()
+        if "label" in input_def and "id" in input_def:
+            raise Exception("label and id are aliases for inputs, may only define one")
+        if "label" not in input_def and "id" not in input_def:
+            raise Exception("Input must define a label.")
+        raw_label = input_def.pop("label", None)
+        raw_id = input_def.pop("id", None)
+        label = raw_label or raw_id
+        if not label:
+            raise Exception("Input label must not be empty.")
+        input_type = input_def.pop("type", "data")
+        if input_type in ["File", "data", "data_input"]:
+            step_type = "data_input"
+        elif input_type in ["collection", "data_collection", "data_collection_input"]:
+            step_type = "data_collection_input"
+        elif input_type in ["text", "integer", "float", "color", "boolean"]:
+            step_type = "parameter_input"
+            input_def["parameter_type"] = input_type
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Input type must be a data file or collection.")
+        step_def = input_def
+        step_def.update({
+            "type": step_type,
+            "label": label,
+        })
+        new_steps.append(step_def)
+    for i, new_step in enumerate(new_steps):
+        steps.insert(i, new_step)
+def run_workflow_to_step(conversion_context, step, run_action):
+    step["type"] = "subworkflow"
+    if conversion_context.import_options.deduplicate_subworkflows and _is_graph_id_reference(run_action):
+        step["content_id"] = run_action
+    else:
+        subworkflow_conversion_context = conversion_context.get_subworkflow_conversion_context(step)
+        step["subworkflow"] = _python_to_workflow(
+            copy.deepcopy(run_action),
+            subworkflow_conversion_context,
+        )
+def _is_graph_id_reference(run_action):
+    return run_action and not isinstance(run_action, dict)
+def transform_data_input(context, step):
+    transform_input(context, step, default_name="Input dataset")
+def transform_data_collection_input(context, step):
+    transform_input(context, step, default_name="Input dataset collection")
+def transform_parameter_input(context, step):
+    transform_input(context, step, default_name="input_parameter")
+def transform_input(context, step, default_name):
+    default_name = step.get("label", default_name)
+    _populate_annotation(step)
+    _ensure_inputs_connections(step)
+    if "inputs" not in step:
+        step["inputs"] = [{}]
+    step_inputs = step["inputs"][0]
+    if "name" in step_inputs:
+        name = step_inputs["name"]
+    else:
+        name = default_name
+    _ensure_defaults(step_inputs, {
+        "name": name,
+        "description": "",
+    })
+    tool_state = {
+        "name": name
+    }
+    for attrib in ["collection_type", "parameter_type", "optional", "default"]:
+        if attrib in step:
+            tool_state[attrib] = step[attrib]
+    _populate_tool_state(step, tool_state)
+def transform_pause(context, step, default_name="Pause for dataset review"):
+    default_name = step.get("label", default_name)
+    _populate_annotation(step)
+    _ensure_inputs_connections(step)
+    if "inputs" not in step:
+        step["inputs"] = [{}]
+    step_inputs = step["inputs"][0]
+    if "name" in step_inputs:
+        name = step_inputs["name"]
+    else:
+        name = default_name
+    _ensure_defaults(step_inputs, {
+        "name": name,
+    })
+    tool_state = {
+        "name": name
+    }
+    connect = _init_connect_dict(step)
+    _populate_input_connections(context, step, connect)
+    _populate_tool_state(step, tool_state)
+def transform_subworkflow(context, step):
+    _populate_annotation(step)
+    _ensure_inputs_connections(step)
+    tool_state = {
+    }
+    connect = _init_connect_dict(step)
+    _populate_input_connections(context, step, connect)
+    _populate_tool_state(step, tool_state)
+def _runtime_value():
+    return {"__class__": "RuntimeValue"}
+def transform_tool(context, step):
+    if "tool_id" not in step:
+        raise Exception("Tool steps must define a tool_id.")
+    _ensure_defaults(step, {
+        "name": step['tool_id'],
+        "post_job_actions": {},
+        "tool_version": None,
+    })
+    post_job_actions = step["post_job_actions"]
+    _populate_annotation(step)
+    tool_state = {
+        # TODO: Galaxy should not require tool state actually specify a __page__.
+        "__page__": 0,
+    }
+    connect = _init_connect_dict(step)
+    def append_link(key, value):
+        if key not in connect:
+            connect[key] = []
+        assert "$link" in value
+        link_value = value["$link"]
+        connect[key].append(clean_connection(link_value))
+    def replace_links(value, key=""):
+        if _is_link(value):
+            append_link(key, value)
+            # Filled in by the connection, so to force late
+            # validation of the field just mark as RuntimeValue.
+            # It would be better I guess if this were some other
+            # value dedicated to this purpose (e.g. a ficitious
+            # {"__class__": "ConnectedValue"}) that could be further
+            # validated by Galaxy.
+            return _runtime_value()
+        if isinstance(value, dict):
+            new_values = {}
+            for k, v in value.items():
+                new_key = _join_prefix(key, k)
+                new_values[k] = replace_links(v, new_key)
+            return new_values
+        elif isinstance(value, list):
+            new_values = []
+            for i, v in enumerate(value):
+                # If we are a repeat we need to modify the key
+                # but not if values are actually $links.
+                if _is_link(v):
+                    append_link(key, v)
+                    new_values.append(None)
+                else:
+                    new_key = "%s_%d" % (key, i)
+                    new_values.append(replace_links(v, new_key))
+            return new_values
+        else:
+            return value
+    # TODO: handle runtime inputs and state together.
+    runtime_inputs = step.get("runtime_inputs", [])
+    if "state" in step or runtime_inputs:
+        step_state = step.pop("state", {})
+        step_state = replace_links(step_state)
+        for key, value in step_state.items():
+            tool_state[key] = json.dumps(value)
+        for runtime_input in runtime_inputs:
+            tool_state[runtime_input] = json.dumps(_runtime_value())
+    elif "tool_state" in step:
+        tool_state.update(step.get("tool_state"))
+    # Fill in input connections
+    _populate_input_connections(context, step, connect)
+    _populate_tool_state(step, tool_state)
+    # Handle outputs.
+    out = step.pop("out", None)
+    if out is None:
+        # Handle LEGACY 19.XX outputs key.
+        out = step.pop("outputs", [])
+    out = _convert_dict_to_id_list_if_needed(out)
+    for output in out:
+        name = output["id"]
+        for action_key, action_dict in POST_JOB_ACTIONS.items():
+            action_argument = output.get(action_key, action_dict['default'])
+            if action_argument:
+                action_class = action_dict['action_class']
+                action_name = action_class + name
+                action = _action(
+                    action_class,
+                    name,
+                    arguments=action_dict['arguments'](action_argument)
+                )
+                post_job_actions[action_name] = action
+def run_tool_to_step(conversion_context, step, run_action):
+    tool_description = conversion_context.galaxy_interface.import_tool(
+        run_action
+    )
+    step["type"] = "tool"
+    step["tool_id"] = tool_description["tool_id"]
+    step["tool_version"] = tool_description["tool_version"]
+    step["tool_hash"] = tool_description.get("tool_hash")
+    step["tool_uuid"] = tool_description.get("uuid")
+class BaseConversionContext(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.labels = {}
+        self.subworkflow_conversion_contexts = {}
+    def step_id(self, label_or_id):
+        if label_or_id in self.labels:
+            id = self.labels[label_or_id]
+        else:
+            id = label_or_id
+        return int(id)
+    def step_output(self, value):
+        value_parts = str(value).split("/")
+        if len(value_parts) == 1:
+            value_parts.append("output")
+        id = self.step_id(value_parts[0])
+        return id, value_parts[1]
+    def get_subworkflow_conversion_context(self, step):
+        # TODO: sometimes this method takes format2 steps and some times converted native ones
+        # (for input connections) - redo this so the type signature is stronger.
+        step_id = step.get("id")
+        run_action = step.get("run")
+        if self.import_options.deduplicate_subworkflows and _is_graph_id_reference(run_action):
+            subworkflow_conversion_context = self.get_subworkflow_conversion_context_graph(run_action)
+            return subworkflow_conversion_context
+        if "content_id" in step:
+            subworkflow_conversion_context = self.get_subworkflow_conversion_context_graph(step["content_id"])
+            return subworkflow_conversion_context
+        if step_id not in self.subworkflow_conversion_contexts:
+            subworkflow_conversion_context = SubworkflowConversionContext(
+                self
+            )
+            self.subworkflow_conversion_contexts[step_id] = subworkflow_conversion_context
+        return self.subworkflow_conversion_contexts[step_id]
+    def get_runnable_description(self, run_action):
+        if "@import" in run_action:
+            if len(run_action) > 1:
+                raise Exception("@import must be only key if present.")
+            run_action_path = run_action["@import"]
+            runnable_path = os.path.join(self.workflow_directory, run_action_path)
+            with open(runnable_path, "r") as f:
+                runnable_description = ordered_load(f)
+                run_action = runnable_description
+        if not self.import_options.deduplicate_subworkflows and _is_graph_id_reference(run_action):
+            run_action = self.graph_ids[run_action[1:]]
+        return run_action
+class ConversionContext(BaseConversionContext):
+    def __init__(self, galaxy_interface, workflow_directory, import_options=None):
+        super(ConversionContext, self).__init__()
+        self.import_options = import_options or ImportOptions()
+        self.graph_ids = OrderedDict()
+        self.graph_id_subworkflow_conversion_contexts = {}
+        self.workflow_directory = workflow_directory
+        self.galaxy_interface = galaxy_interface
+    def register_runnable(self, run_action):
+        assert "id" in run_action
+        self.graph_ids[run_action["id"]] = run_action
+    def get_subworkflow_conversion_context_graph(self, graph_id):
+        if graph_id not in self.graph_id_subworkflow_conversion_contexts:
+            subworkflow_conversion_context = SubworkflowConversionContext(
+                self
+            )
+            self.graph_id_subworkflow_conversion_contexts[graph_id] = subworkflow_conversion_context
+        return self.graph_id_subworkflow_conversion_contexts[graph_id]
+class SubworkflowConversionContext(BaseConversionContext):
+    def __init__(self, parent_context):
+        super(SubworkflowConversionContext, self).__init__()
+        self.parent_context = parent_context
+    @property
+    def graph_ids(self):
+        return self.parent_context.graph_ids
+    @property
+    def workflow_directory(self):
+        return self.parent_context.workflow_directory
+    @property
+    def import_options(self):
+        return self.parent_context.import_options
+    @property
+    def galaxy_interface(self):
+        return self.parent_context.galaxy_interface
+    def get_subworkflow_conversion_context_graph(self, graph_id):
+        return self.parent_context.get_subworkflow_conversion_context_graph(graph_id)
+def _action(type, name, arguments={}):
+    return {
+        "action_arguments": arguments,
+        "action_type": type,
+        "output_name": name,
+    }
+def _is_link(value):
+    return isinstance(value, dict) and "$link" in value
+def _join_prefix(prefix, key):
+    if prefix:
+        new_key = "%s|%s" % (prefix, key)
+    else:
+        new_key = key
+    return new_key
+def _init_connect_dict(step):
+    if "connect" not in step:
+        step["connect"] = {}
+    connect = step["connect"]
+    del step["connect"]
+    # handle CWL-style in dict connections.
+    if "in" in step:
+        step_in = step["in"]
+        assert isinstance(step_in, dict)
+        connection_keys = set()
+        for key, value in step_in.items():
+            # TODO: this can be a list right?
+            if isinstance(value, dict) and 'source' in value:
+                value = value["source"]
+            elif isinstance(value, dict) and 'default' in value:
+                continue
+            elif isinstance(value, dict):
+                raise KeyError('step input must define either source or default %s' % value)
+            connect[key] = [value]
+            connection_keys.add(key)
+        for key in connection_keys:
+            del step_in[key]
+        if len(step_in) == 0:
+            del step['in']
+    return connect
+def _populate_input_connections(context, step, connect):
+    _ensure_inputs_connections(step)
+    input_connections = step["input_connections"]
+    is_subworkflow_step = step.get("type") == "subworkflow"
+    for key, values in connect.items():
+        input_connection_value = []
+        if not isinstance(values, list):
+            values = [values]
+        for value in values:
+            if not isinstance(value, dict):
+                if key == "$step":
+                    value += "/__NO_INPUT_OUTPUT_NAME__"
+                id, output_name = context.step_output(value)
+                value = {"id": id, "output_name": output_name}
+                if is_subworkflow_step:
+                    subworkflow_conversion_context = context.get_subworkflow_conversion_context(step)
+                    input_subworkflow_step_id = subworkflow_conversion_context.step_id(key)
+                    value["input_subworkflow_step_id"] = input_subworkflow_step_id
+            input_connection_value.append(value)
+        if key == "$step":
+            key = "__NO_INPUT_OUTPUT_NAME__"
+        input_connections[key] = input_connection_value
+def _populate_annotation(step):
+    if "annotation" not in step and "doc" in step:
+        annotation = step.pop("doc")
+        step["annotation"] = annotation
+    elif "annotation" not in step:
+        step["annotation"] = ""
+def _ensure_inputs_connections(step):
+    if "input_connections" not in step:
+        step["input_connections"] = {}
+def _ensure_defaults(in_dict, defaults):
+    for key, value in defaults.items():
+        if key not in in_dict:
+            in_dict[key] = value
+def _populate_tool_state(step, tool_state):
+    step["tool_state"] = json.dumps(tool_state)
+def _convert_dict_to_id_list_if_needed(dict_or_list, add_label=False):
+    rval = dict_or_list
+    if isinstance(dict_or_list, dict):
+        rval = []
+        for key, value in dict_or_list.items():
+            if not isinstance(value, dict):
+                value = {"type": value}
+            if add_label:
+                value["label"] = key
+            else:
+                value["id"] = key
+            rval.append(value)
+    return rval
+def main(argv):
+    print(json.dumps(yaml_to_workflow(argv[0])))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv)
+__all__ = (
+    'yaml_to_workflow',
+    'python_to_workflow',